#I think the weird obsession with having the most cut and defined muscles is pretty fucking stupid
kringelorde · 2 years
wholeheartedly endorsing doing steroids for strength gains I don’t even give a shit man trans or cis
if I wasn’t on the Man Juice for gender reasons and I was even remotely aware of how much faster the results come, I’d be crawling in through windows to get my hands on this shit, swear to god
#this is a joke post ofc but to be fair I also just... don't really get the issue with steroids lmfao#I get the issue of doing them and not saying so explicitly during competitions where now you're comparing apples and oranges so to speak#but man like... if you're not competing and you just wanna fiddle with your hormones for shits and giggles... knock yourself out brother#only one you can harm is yourself and strength is strength at the end of the day#I think the weird obsession with having the most cut and defined muscles is pretty fucking stupid#but I'll never beef (ha...) with strength for strength's sake#it's why I generally think about workouts in terms of what's practical? the dream is pull ups#ofc but they are FAR FAR FAR OFF bc that's one case where any weight from anything but muscle makes them#exponentially more difficult and nobody has ever accused me of being lean LMFAO#but even that is just bc it's a very practical and useful motion to be able to do comfortably#I mostly do shit like deadlifts and rows and farmers carries and shit#I do shrugs bc that's mimicking the I Need Some Big Strong Boys To Carry The Groceries motion#and I unironically DO need to carry all the groceries in for my mom for example bc she doesn't have the health to do it herself#why not make it easier on myself by more or less practicing LMFAO#so hey if grangran needs help moving a desk upstairs and you wanna get stronger fast to help? fuck it bro Juice That Shit!#spext#wow this was a random tangent I think it's just bc I feel the delayed muscle soreness everywhere today hrm
0 notes
deanky · 5 years
Here are some little like ‘reviews’ of all the Oingo Boingo albums... Under cut LOL... I just like to talk about Oingo Boingo I am so obsessed right now they have become tied for Mr. Bungle as favorite band... But anyways... Hope you enjoy ^_^
Only a Lad: Very fun sound as a whole. I enjoy how like poppy and synthy it is and stuff and that one weird electronic voice Mr. Elf man does in like every song. I remember like actually not liking most of the songs first time I heard it and I’m not sure why because I enjoy 9/10 out of them a lot now... But then again I like almost never really like an album the first time I hear it LOL I have a mean soul. A lot of the songs have pretty evil words in them but I have like slight respect for how much hatred Danny Elfman seems to have had for everyone on the entire planet at the time of writing. And for the majority of songs I cannot really complain about because I think it fits theme of like very happy sounding song but nasty words in it duality of man and such. Only one I really do not like is Capitalism because it has the whiniest lyrics of all and also it just does not sound good like as a song I think I am sorry. I must say it. Forgive me. I was so thrilled hearing Nasty Habits for the first time because I really like songs that sound like a homosexual cartoon villain would sing them to you. Well that’s all. Only a Lad itself was one of the first songs of theirs I heard except sped up and it had a picture of anime Bart Simpson on it. I like it. Good song. Recently I cannot stop getting it and Little Girls stuck in my head. That’s all
Nothing to Fear: Everything about this album is sooooo sooo good it is like so incredibly catered specifically to my tastes. One of the few albums I have loved immediately as soon as I heard I finished listening for the first time and was immediately like oh this is going in my favorites. I add some points also for absolutely incredible beautiful cover art it’s got weird colors weird animals logo made of worm things it’s so beautiful it makes me want to cry.  I think it gets SLIGHTLY weaker in its second half but that is hard not to do with albums. That said though a lot of songs that I felt were slightly worse at first have risen to being my favorites of the album like Why’d We Come and Reptiles and Samurai. Didn’t know what to think about Running on a Treadmill at first but I think it works very well in its simplicity and it is very catchy I can imagine people like singing it on actual treadmill and like jumping around abd being in zero gravity for some reason it is like that music video where they are in the plane but it is treadmills. Well, hi. The only ones that feel like slightly slightly worse to me are Whole Day Off and Islands but I think I am growing to like both of those a lot more too. My favorites though are Grey Matter and Insects and Wild Sex and also Nothing to Fear the titular song and Why’d We Come and Reptiles and Samurai which is over half of the songs so I think that’s good.  I remember listening to Private Life like 5 times before listening to the rest of the album but I always forgot how it went immediately after not sure why because I’d say it is a reasonably catchy song. Anyways INCREDIBLE album. Rude lyrics? Still a thing but tend to be much more agreeable like it is obvious who is being made fun of in like Grey Matter and Nothing to Fear and I say the fun making is well deserved! Even though I may be the target of Grey Matter I understand and I am sorry. The general sound is also amazing I LOVE all the weird noises and metal stuff and clanks and clonks and all the xylophone. Dude the xylophone is so good. Synth and xylophone and guitar they are all best friends and they sound so cool together and I think xylophones should be more widely used in like “pop” music as a whole whatever that defines. I keep wanting to start a band and just play xylophone. Like what’s anybody gonna do to stop me? I love xylophone. That’s all
Good for Your Soul: I wasn’t so impressed by this one the first time I heard it but it quickly wormed its way up to a very close #2 and possibly even tied with Nothing to Fear as my favorite album of theirs. The album art on this one is also really good I will say! I felt like slightly let down at first by it just because it’s so hard to live up to how beautiful of a cover Nothing to Fear has in my mind. But its art is so cool too. Muscle man in wobbly world. What’s more to love (Side note I enjoy the song Wobbly World it is not an Oingo Boingo song it is by Devo I should listen to more Devo.) The first time I listened the only songs that REALLY jumped out at me super hard were No Spill Blood and Fill the Void, and I think those 2 are still tied as my favorites. I LOVE the whole like rhythm No Spill Blood has going on and the weird animal noises and also the lyrics they are not about Animal Farm they are about The Island of Dr. Moreau he did those surgeries don’t you know he made the animals have to be men and they were like are we not men but they didn’t say they were Devo sorry I keep talking about Devo in this Oingo Boingo album review. And BTW Fill the Void also is really great and has possibly my favorite set of lyrics in any song ever to exist which is the part like “Every little thing is a piece of a larger thing / Every little fish is a tyrant of the sea / Every little atom is a master of his family / Every single piece calls my name / What do they want from me?” It is so good it makes me go so insane I love it. Another song that works really well in just being a simple thing.  It is so nice and cool it feels like being in space and you are in one of the levels of one of those Kirby spinoff games where he’s like a ball and you’re rolling him around NOT Canvas Curse the other ones like Dream Course I think. Anyways though while I wasn’t super big on all the other songs they ended up like slowly coming back into my head one by one until I was obsessed with all of them. First it was Pictures of You. Then it was Nothing Bad Ever Happens to Me (would put that in my top 3 as well) and then Dead or Alive and then Little Guns and then Cry of the Vatos and then Wake Up It’s 1984 and then Sweat and then the titular song AND Who Do You Want to Be it was like. Wow. What a world.  WDYWTB + Good for Your Soul + Sweat were the 3 that didn’t really do it for me as much for a while but now I’ve been really enjoying them too so I think I can say I love every single song on this album. It is becoming my best friend. It’s sooo good. It feels like living in one of those fake Utopian cities and there’s actually something sinister going on behind the scenes. Like I will start seeing colors and freaking about it any time soon. Random memory that unlocked in me is that I used to be incredibly obsessed with The Book Thief and its concept of death when I was in like 6th or 7th grade like uncannily so but I never talked about the book ever I just hid it away in my mind. My sad story. Sorry everyone. That’s all
So-Lo: This one is technically just Danny Elfman but you know it is an Oingo Boingo album man they got the whole band there they were just having licensing issues because new label and stuff is my understanding. And they were like. Well let’s take advantage of this and do some less standard Oingo Boingo songs. That is how I grasp this situation I don’t know how correct I am her I actually don’t know that much about O.B. outside of the songs at this point I still cannot name any non-Danny Elfman member and I am really sorry for this and must learn to atone for my ways. This is a good album though. Once again has really good cover art I will say.  It’s like well hello there Mr. Elf man you’ve got some eyes sliding off your face and some funny colors and are controlling some little puppet things maybe it’s like you do you man LOL am I right or am I right! I like this album. This was yet another one where I listened the first time and was like. Man I’m not really feeling it with any of these songs. However I do enjoy that they all sound kind of like they were recorded on a Sega Genesis. I mean it does have very Genesis-y noises I know this was the 80s and it would be more accurate to say the Sega Genesis soudns like this album but you know what I mean. Anyways nothing grabbed me at first but upon my second listen I became extremely obsessed with the song “Go Away” and then listened to it on repeat for 2 hours straight and it still hasn’t got old for me I still like it very good song. Definitely my favorite. Tied with Everybody Needs which is also a very fun song I became similarly enamored with like a day later but didn’t listen to quite as much LOL. But anyways I went through that oh-so-familiar process which I must warn you is also the process I go through for every single album after this! - Where all the other songs started worming their way into my head and I was like oh brother I am beginnign to like them all now! Good for Your Soul, I think, marked like more obvious change from songs tending to be like “This is what Danny Elfman thinks of the world phrased in a humorous way” to more like actual stories and stuff, although the former wasn’t rid of entirely and the latter hadn’t just popped up or anything. But I think this album continued that in a really nice way and while it can be vague, listening to it I always feel that there is like one solid story all the song narratives go throughout. Someone pointed out in like Youtube Comments that Go Away feels like the sadder side of Cool City and to me it feels like the whole album is kind of in that vein. Seems to me like all the songs are in the Cool City itself and you’re seeing like the various different horrible things that go on in that town and horrible people that live in it. Yknow? Like Tough as Nails and Everybody Needs make me think of like various awful weird a$$ holbs living there and then stuff like Sucker for Mystery and Lightning and It Only Makes Me Laugh. Well they are clearly from the perspectives of some guy. The same guy? Maybe maybe not I don’t feel like they are the same guy. But it feels like they are like experiencing weird horrible sh*t in this horrible town that is filled with racists but also gay people. I like this album I enjoy it
Dead Man’s Party: OK I am sorry to say. This is a good album but it hasn’t COMPLETELY grown on me yet. But I DO like it a lot. I enjoy it it’s good. I really really love Just Another Day and the titular song and Heard Somebody Cry and Nobody Lives Forever and Weird Science which is over half of them so not bad all things considered. And I do not DISLIKE any songs. But the other ones haven’t quite grown on me yet. This album does kind of shift into like the more commercial stuff it’s not like generic pop or nothing. But it is like slightly strange to get used to. That said. The songs I like I REALLY like thye are so good. No One Lives Forever is an incredible incredible song just like Nasty Habits it fulfills my love of songs that sound like they are being sung by evil guys in cartoons but are not they’re actually being sung by Danny Elfman who is an evil guy in real life. Sorry I didn’t mean it he probably is not that evil I’m sure he’s perfectly nice Mr. Elf man if you are reading this I apologize. Anyways though. I like the general sound of this album I will say! I think though it has thing going on where like, in my mind, some of the songs feel like way too happy and overly peppy almost like mocking. I have a weird mind and a weird way of processing things and I am also incredibly afraid of everything on this planet so keep that in mind BTW I am sorry. But like Stay and Fool’s Paradise and Help Me and Same Man I was Before all have that kind of feeling to me, it’s like these are so cheerful and cheesy sounding to me it kind of scares me a little bit. However... I am starting to feel this less with Help me and Stay, and also I felt this a little bit with Heard Somebody Cry at first as well and I no longer do. So maybe I’m still going through the motions of song-liking as I do.  As I said though the favorites on here are incredible. Weird Science may have been written for strange movie deal and they may be really saddened by its memory or maybe just the music video’s memory but it’s a very fun song nevertheless. Dead Man’s Party itself it really fun true classic. Very orange song to me. It’s orange and purple like I hear it and I am like ah yes I am experiencing orange and purple. Very nice shades of orange and purple though, and they are mixing together in pleasing ways and throwing a big party and everyone’s invited you might even say it’s a dead man’s party heh heh heh (grins devilishly). I think this like takes the kind of narratives in Good for Your Soul and So-Lo and like takes it to best form! In that it has a very clear yet not super specific narrative going on throughout the whole album, I really like whenever an album has songs set up so pleasingly and nice like that it makes me sad when they’re just like in random order. But of course this album is all about death and accepting it and stuff and like all the different feelings of sadness and happiness and stuff that all go into it! And I like its message a lot, like obviously you shouldn’t want to die but don’t fear it. It has a very nice depiction of the afterlife. I like all the stuff in Beetlejuice and Corpse Bride with their similar interpretations too although Beetlejuice isn’t quite as positive about it LOL. I want to watch Corpse Bride again. I want to see another singing Danny Elfman skeleton. I want to see the Peter Lorre worm. My one complaint with the album narrative is that Weird Science goes at the end it kinda ruins the whole story a little bit but I can’t fault them because like where COULD they put it?  I think it might work kind of well as the first song because like trying to make frankenstein guy before all the accepting death stuff makes sense. But also. It would be a weird opener. Also the album art is so incredible I love it I want to join their party it’s beautiful. I did not mean for this review to get as long as it did. They just keep getting longer each album I’m sorry the length does not show my opinion but I just keep getting more excited each album
Boi-Ngo: Will admit this one is my least favorite. And once again my bias shows because it has cover art I don’t like very much. It’s just real guys looking at you. Where’s the funny Oingo Boingo touch where’s the charm people!??!? it makes me sad. And also, as a whole, while I DO like most of the songs I feel like I don’t like them as much as I like any of the ones on other albums, and it also has my least favorite song I’ve heard other than Capitalism which is We Close Our Eyes sorry I’ve seen a lot of people who really like that one but it just scares me. It feels so insincere to me it makes me feel that thing once more where it’s like this song is waaayyy to happy and peppy to not feel like it’s kind of sinister deep down. I apologize. It is a fun album however! I think it kind of goes back more to “Danny Elfman’s humorous observations about life”, which is not always a bad thing, but it seems to revert a little bit too much back to like him just being kind of whiny and not making much of a point in like, say, New Generation. Although it is a nice song I think! It scares me when he goes like now he’s got you by the balls. I understand the point of that lyric. But it frightens me.  I think my favorites are Home Again, Elevator Man, Not My Slave (although lyrics feel like slightly concerning), Outrageous, and Pain. Which once again is more than half the album so shows what I know complaining about it this whole time. 
Dark at the End of the Tunnel: I feel bad for this album because before listening to it I always forgot it existed, like I listened to Boi-Ngo and was like aw man I only have one album left! Oh wait nevermind I have 2. And now I keep fearing there’s another one I forgot not including like the live albums and singles stuff. Maybe there is.... haunting me But anyways... I already did like incomprehensible post talking about this one earlier LOL which inspired me to do more equally incomprehensible things on all the other albums hence this post. So I’ve already said a lot of what I have to say about this and hope not to repeat it too much... but... LOL I was so afraid wondering if I would actually like this one or not... I wanted to just because of how awesome the cover art is. And I was afraid because I wasn’t really a big fan of most of the songs at first. But I think with this album and the whole Boingo era they were moving towards like more orchestral stuff and changing their sound and all... So it was a bit strange to get used to at first but the more I listened the more I enjoyed everything I guess like taking in all the instruments and textures and what not. A lot of the songs in this one also feel like kind of creepily cheery but I think it works best for this album specifically, because as I’ve said before it feels very intentional - there is like whole dual thing of more dark mysterious sections and light-hearted happy sections in most of the songs. Although my top 3 are all songs that mostly just have the former going on... Right to Know, Long Breakdown, and Run Away.  I also really enjoy When the Lights Go Out, Skin, Out of Control (though it still feels like vaguely scary to me LOL), and Glory Be... But I keep finding myself getting all the others stuck in my head as well. So still growing on me LOL! I am beginning to appreciate all the other songs more for those cheerier parts as well yknow... I think this whole album has a very fantastical vibe to it LOL but definitely like, a very old fantasy. Like they discovered this album in a giant wizard’s tower like ten thousand years ago and now it’s been unearthed again. But it was created by a child wizard who was like 5 years old. But still had a wizard beard. That’s the guy on the cover I’ve decided. Little wizard from long ago.  However... It does feel like it’s kind of setting up something. Like all the songs do... whole album is good but feels like it’s kind of a preparation for the next one. Which doesn’t make it bad! Just like I feel like it’s kind of part of a set... Incomplete on its own yknow? I would probably rank it in my lower 4 of all the albums but I’ll still say I enjoyed it quite a bit, that is no insult. And I like wizards
Boingo: This album is SO good dude. I’m glad this is what they left off on. Really great finishing album... I have a weird timeline involving this one because it was actually the first album I listened to, my dad showed it to me, but I only ever listened up to Lost Like This before very recently and by recently I mean today and I am still listening to Changes for the first time as I write this which is probably a bad idea but I am doing it anyways. Anyways though... The first O.B. songs my dad showed to me ever were Insanity from this album and Dead Man’s Party the song, and despite how different their two sources are they both have extremely similar structure I think. And so I kind of painted this picture of like all Oingo Boingo songs being similarly structured around 6-7 minutes and mostly repeating the same different sections in slightly different ways. And I am pleased that this album kind of fulfills that - a lot of the songs are like 2-3x longer than they really need to be but I enjoy that because I love long songs.  As I mentioned earlier, DatEotT feels like it’s just the beginning of something, and this provides a very satisfying ‘second half’. I think it works well by itself too, though! Boingo marks such a big change musically from everything else before even DatEoT but it somehow stays very true to their old spirit anyways.. But everything feels so much grander and I really like it. Almost every song has a pretty wistful melancholy feel but at the same time ALSO almost every song but like a different set of almost every song is very big and bombastic. So it definitely has that “well this is our last album goodbye” feel to it. But it’s OK. It’s like a big grand finale. If there was a like an Oingo Boingo musical that had every single song for some reason and lasted like 10 hours I feel like the other albums could be switched around the whole thing regardless of their actual releases, but this one would HAVE to be last. Adding to that, I feel like it really like takes a lot of the earlier concepts I’ve liked a lot in previous albums and had them return. Like So-Lo, many of the songs have pretty different narratives, but all feel like they can be one loose intertwined thing. Pedestrian Wolves and Lost Like This definitely feel connected for one... and like Insanity and Changes provide like nice bookends where the first is like analyzing the world around us and then the second is analyzing the self. Side note. Danny Elfman is always referring to himself as stupid in Oingo Boingo songs. And sometimes it’s just like PoV character or something. But it ticks me off a little bit because he is like clearly not stupid he is like a crazy evil genius.  But ALSO I’m not really sure what exactly the whole story of Boingo is, but it just feels connected in some sort of mysterious way yknow? Maybe it will appear to me later... If Dark at the End of the Tunnel was created by a little five year old wizard ten thousand years ago, this was created by the same wizard when he was reaching the end of his life and was in the wizard’s nursing home in like the 1920s. It still feels like mildly aged, there is SOMETHING about it that feels like it’s meant to be played on like an extremely old awful record player, but it has a much more modern feeling. It almost feels like another interpretation of the afterlife... Maybe that more Beetlejuice kind where it’s just like real life at first but if you peek around the corner you’ll find all the weird sandworms and colorful ghosts and stuff. Anyways though. This album is so good. Not my favorite right now, but definitely in top 3, like at the moment of writing this I would say. #1 is Nothing to Fear. #2 is Good for Your Soul. #3 is Boingo. But I am loving it soooo much on my first actual full listen even though I’ve had time to like absorb half the songs already admittedly. So it might end up being my favorite after all! I think my 3 favorite tracks also on this are Insanity, Lost Like This, and Hey!. Random completely unrelated parallel to my other favorite band. I like that they have a song called Hey! and Mr. Bungle has a song called Hi! It all fits together. And they both have the exclamation point. But anyways ALSO since I’ve only finished listening for the first time Changes finished while I was writing this BTW. I am still figuring out my opinions on the rest of the songs. Don’t think the I am the Walrus cover QUITE does it for me, I like Spider and War Again but not sure if they’re favorites. I hated Can’t See/Useless the first time I listened but now I like it how about that! ONE MORE thing I like about this. Is its songs feel like continuations of stuff in other albums. Although that may just be because of similar themes! Like, War Again feels like a continuation of both Nothing to Fear and Little Guns but it’s about similar subjects to both. And Tender Lumplings, Little Girls, no real explanation needed there. Insanity and Nasty Habits match up pretty well, with both just being like about hating the world although Nasty Habits is more specific than that LOL. Mary is a girl who is unfairly ostracized, Johnny of Only a Lad is a boy who is unfairly praised, you know.  And also one more thing ONE more I know this one ALSO kinda has the classic Danny Elfman yells about things stuff going on but I feel like this is the album where it works best. But maybe I am just a hypocrite. OK that’s all. Hi
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5 Health Benefits of Quail Eggs
Many people do not realize it, but quail deviled eggs offer significant health benefits.  In fact, there are 5 main ones to be exact.  It might sound pretty weird to eat one of these eggs, but once you learn what types of health benefits they offer, you might not feel quite so skeptical. As you are reading this, you are probably wondering, "Where in the world would I find a quail egg and who thought to eat something like this in the first place?"   Well, chicken eggs have always been consumed for healthy breakfast , and in recent decades, scientists have discovered how nutritious these are.  It was only a matter of time before people started to become curious about other eggs as well.   Many people that are eating quail eggs are actually growing their own in their backyard.  It is not hard to do, and you can find plenty of DIY tutorials on the web that will teach you how to build your own quail pen.  Many quail keepers state that once you have built the pen, it takes only 10 - 30 minutes a day to maintain it and gather the eggs you are going to eat for that day. What are the 5 Main Benefits of Quail Eggs?1. They Have Measurable Nutritional Value These little eggs are jam-packed with vitamins and minerals.  Quail eggs provide significant all around health benefits by supplementing your calcium.  They are also chock full of HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol) instead of LDL (the bad kind.).   They are made up of approximately 13% protein, about 2% more than chicken eggs.  They also contain significant amounts of Vitamin A and B2.  In fact, it is recommended that you do not consume excess vitamin A if you consume more than 10 quail eggs each day because you can overdose on vitamin A. 2. Consuming Quail Eggs Can Affect a Variety of Body Systems in a Positive Way! There are many things that quail eggs can do for your body.  Some of these things include, providing your body with easily assimilated calcium, boosting your immunity and your calcium, and increasing your hemoglobin levels.   Patients that suffer from asthma and tuberculosis have also found relief from quail eggs.  They naturally contain ovomucoid protein which is the kind of protein that you find in antiallery medications.  They also contain more calcium and phosphorous than regular eggs as well. In addition, they help to stimulate sexual prowess by feeding the prostate gland with the substances it needs like proteins, phosphorus, and vitamins.  They can help to restore the sexual potency of your youth.  Many people are taking questionable drugs and strange herbs from other countries that they know nothing about  in order to achieve this, with quail eggs, you can grow your own nutritious medication, and know exactly where ingredients are coming from. 3. They Cleanse and Restore Your Body Quail eggs are good at removing heavy metals from your body,  and taking toxins out of your blood. They also rid your body of liver stones, bladder stones and kidney stones. 4. Quail Eggs Will Not Cause Allergic Reactions In addition to being basically hypoallergenic, these eggs also do not cause diatheses.  In fact, most people use them to fight allergy symptoms.  The ovomucoid protein is what does this.  Ovomucoid protein is the main ingredient that you will find in many anti-allergy drugs, so you can get it straight from nature with quail eggs.  Consistent quail egg consumption can help you to have a strong immune system, make your skin look much better and you will have better overall health.  Because your body is cleansed from the inside, you will look radiant on the outside. 5. They Help Your Body to Heal After Trauma Experts believe that quail eggs can help to speed up recuperation after you have suffered a blood stroke and they can also help to keep your heart muscles strong. Some patients experienced the healing of ulcers and gastritis after taking quail eggs and some experts believe that the eggs can help to prevent cancer growth and treat diabetes.   The interesting thing about these eggs is that you can eat them raw.  There is no risk of salmonella because the quail's body temperature is much higher than that of a chicken.  In addition, they cannot become contaminated and infected because they contain a substance called lysozyme.  Lysozyme kills bacteria.  Many experts recommend that you consume the eggs raw, or boil them briefly for less than 30 seconds so that the yolk remains raw.  Sometimes heat from cooking can destroy valuable nutrition.   Since they are so little, you will eat many more of these than regular eggs.  You should not eat more than 20 a day, however.  Also, if you are eating over 5 quail eggs per day, then you need to cut back on other vitamin A rich hard boiled eggs like carrots and fish oil.  Most people eat 3-5 eggs with breakfast daily.
Fitness Made Easy With These Easy Tips
Have you ever thought about starting a fitness program? Don't avoid getting started today. Fortunately, getting fit need not involve throwing your whole life into a state of chaos. You can begin your Tesol Certification  fitness routine by learning a few simple routines from the article below.
Grow a garden. It can be surprising to most people how much work is actually involved in gardening. There is a lot of weeding, digging, and squatting in the dirt. Gardening is only one thing that can be done at home to stay in shape.
Depending on what goals you put in front of you will determine how much you have to put into strength training. If you desire to bulk up, you should not do a large volume of sessions. If you want to become more tone and defined, then you should have strength training on a daily basis.
When lifting weights over your head, with each rep you should flex your glutes. You give your body an excellent workout by doing this, and you also help your muscles build properly as well. You'll be able to keep your spine straighter and more stable when you do this.
morning workout period. Start out slowly by waking up just a quarter of an hour before your normal time, and then use that time to do something easy like walking or jump rope. This will not only wake you up, but get you into a routine that you can refine over time.
Motivation is needed by most people in order to stay on track with weight loss program, so they need to see results if they are going to continue. Instead of obsessively weighing yourself, use your clothes to gauge your progress. Trying the clothes on allows you to actually see and feel the progress you are making.
There are more benefits to fitness than physical strength. One added advantage to a fitness routine is the improvement of your emotional health. The endorphins released during a workout can lead to a feeling of well being. Furthermore, exercising helps you feel better about yourself and gain a heightened sense of confidence. You are technically a few workouts shy of happiness.
If you are looking to increase your sprint speed, you should focus on increasing your stride speed. Be sure your foot lands beneath your body, not in front. The rear leg should be used for thrusting yourself forward using your toes. With a little practice and patience, your running speed will begin to increase.
Stretch the targeted muscles in between sets. When stretching, do so for twenty to thirty seconds. Studies have shown that frequent stretching can optimize muscle growth by up to 20%. Doing stretches can also protect you from injury.
Try lifting weights while running. Weight training is not the first thing runners think of, but it is a great strategy. Research shows that runners can run faster and longer without feeling tired by creating a regular schedule of lifting weights.
Volunteer work is a great weight to increase your activity level as well as help out those around you. There are many volunteer jobs that are physical. This will keep you in motion and help you help others.
Working out in the garden can be great exercise.   Tesol Certification Yard work is great for exercise, chances are you need to do it anyhow. This makes for a perfect workout opportunity. At least once each week, get busy working in your yard to help you get the exercise you need. It'll go by quickly, and soon your yard and body will look great!
When you are doing workout routines such as lat pulldowns or pullups, do not wrap your thumb. Instead, put your thumb to the side of your index finger. This takes the emphasis off your arms and shifts it to your back. This might not feel normal at first, but it will help you focus on the muscles you want to work out.
Before you begin a fitness routine, make an appointment with your doctor for a physical exam. Doing this will minimize the risk of injury and maximize the potential benefits of the program. If you have any previous health problems, or you smoke, it is extremely important that you do this.
Weight belts are a great accessory to train with, but only if you are lifting very heavy weights. You may find that a weight belt that is worn constantly has its drawbacks. You can make abdominal muscles as well as lower back muscles more weak and susceptible to injury if they're supported at all times by a belt.
Get the entire family involved in getting fit. Every time you're going to do a fitness activity, take turns letting a family member choose it. Keep a family fitness journal to record the progress of each family member. Figure out what each person in the family enjoys doing and what they feel good doing.
Enjoy water often. Muscle movement during workouts causes fiber friction that generates heat which results in dehydration. When this happens, your body sweats as a way of reducing the heat. This can cause slight dehydration.
The information in this article is your first step on a long journey to a happier, healthier you. Even if you're already doing things in regards to your fitness, you can still use these tips to get better results. They Tesol Certification  can also be used to add more fun to an old routine. Remember fitness is a journey and not a goal; therefore, it is always possible to learn new things.
Chapped Lips, Dry Skin- How The Environment Zaps Moisture From Your Face
Everybody sees beauty in different people, but there are many ways to impress and look good for a wider variety of individuals. There are many products you can use to improve your beauty. Beauty is a term that involves many aspects, even your own attitude. This article will help you!
Cracked heels and dry, flaking feet are very unattractive, especially in sandals. To combat this problem, right before you go to bed, soak your feet in a warm water bath for ten minutes, coat them with petroleum jelly and then cover them with a thick pair of socks to lock in the moisture. In no time, you'll have soft feet.
Use a face mask at least once a week. Tribal Tattoos  Depending on which one you choose, this will help remove impurities from your face. A mud or clay mask is best for removing impurities. You will see results immediately. Once you find a mask you like, you should stick with it.
If your face is a bit on the long side, you can make the effect seem less severe, simply by using some well-placed cream blush. Opt for a dark rose or brick shade, then use your fingertips to apply the color only on the apples of your cheeks; do not extend the color past this point, as it can actually make your face appear, even more narrow.
Since unwanted facial hair can be embarrassing, remove it. You can easily do this yourself by using wax or tweezers. Or, you can have it done at a salon by a professional. Either way is an easy solution to help you feel better about your appearance.
You do not need to spend a lot of money on a fancy deep conditioning mask. There are many recipes you can make at home that include foods filled with nutrients that are great for your hair. A great one includes mashed strawberries and enough mayonnaise to make a spreadable paste. Leave it in your wet hair for 10 minutes and rinse.
Commit to drinking enough water every day. You need to drink eight to ten glasses a day for maximum beauty benefit. Being hydrated will help you look younger, and will also help you keep in better overall fitness. Do not neglect yourself and you will have great results from any beauty program.
Do you want clear, clean, healthy skin? Exfoliation is essential! Exfoliate your skin regularly to remove all the junk, chemicals, and dirt you expose yourself to every day. The internet has lots of great recipes for exfoliaters that clean your skin naturally and without costing you an arm and a leg, check it out!
Remember that drinking plenty of pure water is one of the best ways to stay beautiful. It cleanses your system and helps keep your skin moisturized, your eyes bright, and your joints well padded and flexible. Pure water can be considered a "fountain of youth". Enjoying plenty of it will keep you beautiful throughout your life.
Go on a detox diet once a month to maximize your beauty routine. You may not realize how many toxins are building up in your body on a daily basis. If you do not remove them regularly, they just sit in your body, and may later negatively affect your health.
Here is a beauty tip! Give your lashes plump volume with a lengthening mascara. There are many types of mascara that claim they will give more volume to your lashes. These mascaras can be very heavy. They end up weighing down your lashes. Only use a formula that is lengthening and waterproof. This can add more upward curls and volume to your lashes.
When you are putting on eyeshadow, look downward. Do your best to keep from putting pressure or pulling on your eyelids. You can apply your eye shadow with accuracy the first time if you cast your eyes downward when looking in the mirror. You will be able to see your eyelids better and won't have to touch them.
Before you start working on your outer beauty you should first understand exactly what your reasons for this are. If you want to be beautiful just in order to impress others you will have a difficult journey. However, if you are doing it for yourself you will find it to be even easier than you anticipated.
To get a smoother look when applying your eyeshadow, apply primer first. Primer will give the eyeshadow an even surface and will create a smooth effect. It will also make your eyeshadow color look brighter and more vibrant. Be sure to choose a primer specifically designed for use on the eyes.
Lotion will help to prevent ingrown hairs when used daily. Once you have finished shaving the skin, apply the lotion. Ingrown hairs can be caused by having excessively dry skin, so keeping skin moisturized is a must. The ingrown hairs that your have will come out, and it will prevent ingrown hairs in the future.
If your skin looks like it could use a wake-up, try this idea. Use a hot, damp washcloth (with a few drops of your favorite essential oil on it, or plain is fine too) and press it gently against your face for a minute. Finish with a splash of very cold water. The heat will improve your facial circulation and open your pores, while the cold water will tighten your skin and wake you up generally.
If you find that your feet are dry and scaly looking and feeling, try using a petroleum jelly product to treat them. Apply a generous amount on your feet and cover them with thick socks at night before you go to bed. Your feet will absorb the moisture out of the petroleum jelly and will quickly look and feel much better.
Clearly, there are lots of little tips and tricks you can use to enhance your appearance. Try using these simple tips to enhance your beauty and get others to notice you. With a few simple steps, it is possible to feel beautiful inside and out.
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Always on my Mind
            “It’s a different day,” I tell myself, yet the feeling never goes away. It’s always there, lingering over me, waiting to pounce. Sometimes, there will be a “trigger”. I use the word trigger sparingly because it seems people just throw it around nowadays. “Oh, I’m so triggered by this thing being out of place!” I don’t mind it – I think it’s funny sometimes. But they just don’t understand, which is why I don’t tell them. However, most of the time, they’re just there. Always on the edge of my mind. They’re just “things” that I have. For those who actually know what OCD is, I’m not one of those people who washes my hands till they bleed or are immobilized by anxiety when I see something out of place. Those are few and far in between. I’m one of those many people diagnosed with OCD that live our everyday lives almost normally. Almost. I’m in the group that nobody talks about because we’re high functioning, I guess. And now, college. College is quite possibly the worst place to have OCD. There are so many things around that can trigger OCD. And frankly, I just must be harder on myself in terms of what I let affect my OCD. College just forces you to deal with it, and I do every single day.
           I like to compare it to a crying baby, as odd as that seems. You know those annoying things you always see at the mall? Yeah, those guys. So, imagine you’re walking peacefully through the mall. And unfortunately, you’re the one stuck with the baby. Suddenly, your baby is screaming its head off and won’t shut up. You feel embarrassed. Everybody is looking at you. You just want your baby to be quiet. So, you have two options – you can give it candy and make it shut up, or you can ignore it and muscle through the loud obnoxious noise until it goes away. Problem is, if you give the baby the candy, it will never learn its lesson and will just do the same thing the next day and the next – every single day. Even better, if you choose to ignore it and stick through the noise, the baby will learn that you won’t coddle it and cry and cry and cry. It’s pretty much a lose-lose situation. It sucks. Welcome to my everyday life.
Let me take you through one of my days. Let’s say it’s Friday, who doesn’t love Fridays. Different day, same thing. I wake up and go through my routine. At any time, my OCD may kick in.
My hands feel a little dirty, I should wash then. After all, I haven’t washed them since last now. And so it begins.
            So, I wash them – twice just to make sure they’re nice and clean. I take a look at my phone – it’s 9:15, still plenty of time to head to class. I see a smudge on my phone. That’s definitely dirty, I tell myself, I should clean that. I use the conveniently placed antibacterial next to my sink to wipe down my phone, but now my hands are probably dirty again. I wash them. But what if my phone’s still nasty, did I get anything on it? I wipe that down. 9:25. Another wash, and another wipe. I look at my straightener. I definitely didn’t use it this morning, but is it turned off? I take a look; it’s off. A feeling of relief rushes over me. I start leaving for class finally at 9:45. Late again.
           Wait, did I turn off my straightener? My chest pounds and my brain gets fuzzy. I hurry back to my dorm and check. And then double check. I leave again, locking the door and rushing to the bathroom to wash my hands again.
           It’s these obsessions that define my OCD. I’ll obsess over how clean my hands are, about my straightener, and I can’t get them out of my mind until I fix it. Whatever I do to get rid of the feeling is a compulsion. I have this thing about being clean, and it’s a very common obsession among OCD sufferers. And no, it’s not about the germs. It’s weird. I hate “outsideness”, if that makes sense. Just things that I’m not familiar with. It sounds ridiculous and I agre. This one time, my friend gave me a stuffed animal for my birthday and before I put it on my bed I kept it on my nightstand for about a month because I needed it to get rid of the "outsideness" and absorb it into my room. It's totally irrational and makes no sense, but it's how my mind works.
So, fast forward through my day. Occasionally, random thoughts will pop up in my head. As I’m walking around, I’ll just randomly think, “okay, if you don’t make it to that light in 20 seconds, so and so is going to die tomorrow.” Let that sink in. Pretty morbid and freaky right? Yeah, just another thought. Of course, no one’s going to die, but I still make it in 20 seconds without fail. Whenever I accomplish one of these tasks, I can relax. No more worries for a little time before they inevitably pop up again. What keeps me doing it is that they don’t seem like difficult tasks. But, they never stop coming.
           After a long day of classes and more handwashing and more phone cleansing, I come back to my dorm to take a nap. My dorm, specifically my bed, is my haven, my home. And my OCD kicks up a notch when it comes to this area.
           I always shower before I get into bed, and I mean always. I don’t care if it’s for a 20-minute nap or when I’m coming back at 3:30 in the morning after a long night and I can barely stand or keep my eyes open. I will shower. If I can’t somehow do it, I’ll sleep on the ground. If someone else’s bed is there, I can sleep in that one dirty fine. But not my bed, not my safe space. If I don’t shower – it’s hard to explain – but imagine someone is screaming in your ear constantly, a baby perhaps, until I get up and shower and get it to shut up. Extreme discomfort, anxiety, whatever you call it, keeps me awake and I won’t be able to sleep since I just want to get out of my bed and shower. I finish showering and right before I get into my bed, I see the corner flipped up.
           It kicks in again. I must make my bed. Some of these compulsions are part of my routine. I make my bed each and every morning without my parents telling me because I need to keep my space clean and organized. They’re just things I do daily and they really don’t impact my life much. However, like in this case, my bed is not made and it needs to be made. It doesn’t matter that I’m going to get into my bed in two minutes – I’m making my bed.
           Night rolls by, and it’s a Friday. I wish my OCD would just realize I had just come back after a party and it’s almost 2 AM and my roommate is asleep and I’m about to pass out. But it doesn’t. I crash on my bed, and an overwhelming sense of anxiety fills me. Something is crushing my chest. There are no thoughts that come to my brain. Something is yelling at me. I have to get out of this bed. I’m sure you all have felt anxiety at one point of your lives. Like before a big test or maybe after, when you think you’ve failed the test and you’re playing the consequences over and over in your head. You can’t think. But it’s the only thing you think of. Except, you’re thinking about a test. I’m thinking about getting out of my bed and showering. I lay there, paralyzed. Sometimes, I can wait out my compulsions – I don’t always have to wash my hands or check my hairdryer. But this, I can’t do. I lay there, my body is exhausted, but my mind is alive. I try to sleep but I can’t. I jump out of bed. Shower. Wash my hands. Sanitize my phone. Make my bed. And pass out.
           Welcome to my daily life. As a person who can live their normal life, I’ve gotten used to saying OCD doesn’t affect my life. But there’s no doubt it would be different without it. We all have our things, quirks, whatever you want to call them. But for the most part, people can avoid them. Maybe after some strong words from your parents, you can cut your bad habits. I can’t. They’ve become part of my routine – things I just do. I can’t avoid them. I wouldn’t say they’re constantly on my mind, but they do shape the way I act. They’re always there, waiting. You could say they’ve become a part of me, a core aspect of my identity, but some of even my closest friends may never find out. They can be easy to hide, but hard to avoid. However, I’m just one of almost four and a half million people in the United States who have OCD, living and breathing right along with you. Welcome to our world.
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