#I think they would have a lot of fun pulling pranks on junpei
ai-kova · 11 months
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peepaw looks like he might have just peeped the horrors but being a fun grandpa takes priority 👍 yaaaay
redraw of a great cursed image. I wish we had more interactions with these three they are so goofy to me!
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whispers-frombeyond · 4 months
Death and the Fooled
"Hey ko-tan, what you got there?" "Oh hi, Junpei!" Kotone looked up from a blue pack of cards she was shuffling. "I got these tarot cards from a friend. He's been teaching me how to do readings, and I thought I could do some fortune-telling for the girls' sleepover this weekend." "Oho! I didn't know you were interested in that kind of stuff!" "Well, there are many things you don't know about me," she winked. "But this mostly came about after getting my Persona and finding out that everything seems to respond to the major arcana. I wanted to do a test reading - wanna watch?" "Yeah, sure, why not." Kotone begins to spread out the cards, two rows with six cards each, the first was death. "So Death isn't literally Death but endings and new beginnings," Kotone explained. The next card was flipped, it was also death. "Uhm, next… Death again, and again, and again," she continued, revealing each to be the same card. "That's… ominous…" "Dude, I think you got pranked," Junpei said. "If I didn't know Theo better, I would agree," Kotone replied. Junpei grabbed the stack. "Are they really all the same? Just the same one??" "Wait, no, there are two different," Kotone said, pulling them out. "The fool and… the world?" "Hm, what is it?" "Well, it looks similar to the world, even down to the number, but there is something off about it," Kotone observed. "Dude, the whole pack is off! So what do they mean?" "Well, the Fool is the first card and means the beginning of a journey, innocence, and a free spirit. The World is the last and represents completion, integration, and accomplishments." Shivering, Junpei said, "You should watch your back, man. That is a lot of bad juju." "I will give it back when I see Theo again. But it does give me a fun idea for a prank. Mind helping a girl out?" "What do you have in mind?" "Okay, so…"
the fic that inspired the tarot reading
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askthedespairkids · 8 years
Future Shorts 2: Despair Boogaloo
//And the second set of short stories is here! FUn!
//Again, kinda shitty, not gonna lie, but it’s what ya’ll wanted the most. Though a lot of you wanted the Valentine thing so I’ll work on that as well in the meantime.
//I also have character playlists to post soon as well, so that’s fun.
-Designer Mind-
 “And now I present to you all…” Anya pulled away the sheet to reveal a rather complicated looking diagram. “The newest layouts of our building!” The rest of the 3rd branch simply stared at the woman who seemed overly excited by it. “Well, what do you think? Kizakura-sensei gave me the job of helping Gozu-san with the new design for the future foundation now that the membership is rising and we need to increase the space.”
 “I mean…” Nakashima seemed to be struggling for words. “I’m just confused about…well, all of it, really. Why does it look a jenga tower after a few moves?”
 “E-eh?! What the heck is that supposed to mean?!” Anya cried out. “The design is fine.”
 “There are so many indentations though, it looks like if it was built like that then floors would collapse instantly.” Naomi commented. “Really, did you put thought into this, Anya-san? You haven’t shown this to Gozu-san already, have you?”
 “N…not yet.” She admitted.
 “Thank god, the building is safe for now.” Nakashima sighed.
 “But do you really think it’s that bad?” Anya questioned as she looked back at her diagram. “It was inspired by abstract art, you know? I thought it look cool.”
 “Coolness doesn’t exactly equal safety.” Naomi reminded her.
 “Though, this could still very easily be fixed.” Daisuke smiled, walking over to the diagram. “If we expand this area to match the rest of the width of the building, move this section down to the second floor, and take away this extra structure…I believe the design would be fine.”
 “Think so…?” Anya cocked her head to the side as she tried to visualise the end result of Daisuke’s idea. “…you might be right. Thanks for the help, Takai-kun! I’ll work on the redesign right away!” The girl grabbed the diagram and ran off. “I’ll call you all when it’s done!”
 “…you really think that she’ll be able to make a proper design by herself?” Nakashima asked.
 “Nope.” Naomi shrugged.
 -Through the eyes of a Fujoshi-
 My name is Maemi Watanabe. I’m the former Ultimate Haram Mangaka and a member of the 79-C class in Hope’s Peak. And one of my worst kept secrets…is my love for BL. Whether it be Shounen-ai, or Yaoi, it matters not. My love for the genre is unbreakable…and whilst people most likely know about this, I’ve never truly admitted to it being true, for if I did…the horrible stigmas of a fujoshi would be attached to me forever.
 Though the problem with keeping it lowkey is…
 “Ah, Okanaya-kun, you’ve got sauce on your face again.” Ryuu frowned grabbing a napkin. “Seriously you’re such a messy eater, come here.” Kobo blinked and leaned down to Ryuu as the lucky student wiped his face gently.
 My class seems to be incredibly plentiful in BL moments…
 Maemi pushed her glasses up and looked away for a moment, trying to not let her mind run at the sight of Kobo’s and Ryuu’s interaction. “This class truly is a curse for someone like me…”
 “Why do you say that?” Karma asked as they sat next to Maemi. “Something wack happen…?” They looked over at Ryuu and Kobo before letting a small grin appear on their face. “Don’t you think Ryuu and Kobo have been getting pretty close recently…? Like…super close…?”
 “A…are you trying to imply something…?” Maemi asked, trying to act innocent, knowing full well what Karma was trying to say. “Nagata-kun and Okanaya-kun are just friends, you know? Also, don’t you usually sit with Yokozawa-kun and Kamisaka-kun?”
 “Orochi had a nightmare about Junpei dying last night, he hasn’t let anyone go near him today. Not even me, so I decided to sit next to you. Besides, I thought you sat with Sadao and Yuuki.”
 “I was but…” Maemi’s voice trailed off as she recalled the scene. Sadao requesting for Yuuki to try some of his food and then proceeding to spoon feed the explorer…it was a little much for the mangaka to handle. “…some complications came up.”
 “Guess you’re fujoshi mind was at it again, huh?” Karma grinned. Maemi let out a ‘hmph’ and continued to eat her food. “Meh, I don’t blame you, homeslice. I’m the same.”
 “I beg you not to call me…wait, repeat that.” Maemi looked at the secret agent with surprise. “You’re…”
 “Fujoshi? Totally! Nothing better than seeing some of the guys in our class getting a little closer than expected…though it’s like Rock and Sly are trying to avoid those situations on purpose. I never see them get close with the others.”
 “With how their personalities are, it’s more like they try not to get too close to anyone. Though Sly-kun is trying, I suppose…” Maemi paused. “…I guess it’s good to have someone I can talk to about it.”
 “If you come to my room later, I can show you my collection of BL anime and manga. I’ve even been working on a BL haram manga, though I need to professional opinion on the genre. Willing to give some help?”
 “You got it! Leave it to Karma!” The secret agent grinned again.
-Great Minds Think Alike-
 “And…boom!” Sadao exclaimed. “Now they’re totally under my control!” He turned to Tamiko and smiled. “That’s the basics of hypnotism anyways…I’m not sure how Kimura-chan is planning on turning into a cure for despair though…must be something important though.”
 “I think it’s a super cool talent to have!” Tamiko smiled widely, her eyes twinkling a little. “I mean, I love getting to do experiments, even if I almost burned my hair off a few times, and destroyed a few kitchens! It’s the best kind of experiments when that happens!”
 “I know exactly what you mean! Takai-chan, you just get it!” The boy grinned. “Alright, then we need to mark this occasion as soon as possible!”
 “Huh…? How so?” Tamiko asked.
 “Let’s see…oh! We could pull a prank on Kimura-chan! Though if we did that to our branch head, we might really get into some serious trouble, you know…? We got to think about this logically…who would people not care about getting potentially hurt from hypnotism and chemical-induced explosions…?”
 Tamiko paused. “Okanaya-kun?”
 “You read my mind!”
-A Surprise Request- 
“Huh…?” Mage tilted her head. “You want to learn how to cook…?”
 “Right.” Toson nodded. “To be honest, I’m not sure how it’ll go, though I think I can do it. See, we use a lot of kinds of foods as props in my movies, and some need to cook to a proper point…hiring someone that can cook the perfect food prop is expensive. I figured that it would be better if I just decided to ask for your help in teaching me.”
 “Is that so…?” Mage folded her arms and thought for a few seconds. “Well…I’m all for helping a friend, I suppose. But understand this!” She pointed a ladle at the horror movie director. “When you’re in my kitchen, you abide by my rules, alright?! I won’t stand for any lazing around, and I won’t take any backtalk!”
 “Alright, alright, got it. You can count on me to try at the very least.” The boy smirked. “I never knew how quickly you could get fired up just because of food. I guess that’s just part of being the Ultimate Baker.”
 “Ah…I guess, yeah.” Mage scratched the back of her neck. “Despite being only a baker you came to me for help…you would probably get better advice from Hanamura-kun. He’s the Ultimate Coo…Ultimate Chef…he has a more versatile list of foods that he can create.”
 “Maybe, but you’re a member of the 79-C class, like me. Hell, we sat right next to each other, remember? It’ll be a cold day in hell before I turn to someone else for cooking advice.”
 “Th-that’s…actually kind of sweet.” Mage seemed surprised once again. “Sorry, it’s just…you don’t really make statements like that a lot. I was a little surprised.”
 “I don’t huh…?” Toson ran a hand through his red and black hair. “Well, I’m a blunt guy, right? I’m not one for sugar-coating things, so at least you know that I meant what I said.”
 “I guess…thanks, Shinko-kun.” Mage smiled brightly, to which Toson looked away, a small tint appearing on his cheeks.
 “Well…we should probably head to the kitchen right about now, right? It’s bad to waste time.” Toson avoiding eye contact and started to head the kitchen ahead of Mage. The baker looked as the boy was walking away.
 “…nah. He’s just one of those people…right?”
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