#I thought Ivan's hair would be hard to transform but it really wasn't
zoe-oneesama · 2 years
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“I don’t want to hurt anyone...”
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Hazformers: Hatchlings, Family & ShockMay (2023)
[Note: The Two Drawings Aren't Really Mature (even if the word a** is censored, this is Not For Kids.....also, Please Don't Reblog This Without My Permission, plus I plan to use the drawing on the bottom as a Cover for one of the chapters of one of the stories I'm writing, which I might have it be a cover for that Spinelluva Boss AU I'm writing, which is like a Multi-Crossover but it still a TFA and Steven Universe Crossover...Please Make Sure To Click On The Top Drawing, To Read It Better.]
Credit for Hazformers AU goes to Blitzy-Blitzwing
Credit for Helluva Boss & Hazbin Hotel goes to Vivienne “Vivziepop” Medrano
Credit for Transformers goes to Hasbro & TakaraTomy
Credit for Transformers Animated goes to Sam Register & Matt Youngberg
I don't know how to feel about the new update to the whole "Photo" thing, well things seem the same but at the same time it is different.
I had just found out about it, the whole green draft saved keeps popping up for some reason, I guess that is one of it's updates...?
if by chance the top drawing is hard to see, I mean what the characters are saying is hard to read, please make sure to click on it to get a better look at it.
at first I wanted Blitzwing to just be holding a cute animal to be his pet, which he still is because he is holding Buzzsaw, who in this drawing instead of having two eyes like when they were alive, they instead have four eyes and still has the Decepticon Symbol on their forehead.
Blitzwing having Buzzsaw as a pet, even if originally they had belong to Soundwave, just sounds interesting to me, even if it might not happen in the story, I'm okay with just the thought of it.
same with the whole Shockwave x Sallie May, you can't really see Shockwave's face, and yeah it does reference a scene in one of the episodes of Helluva Boss....I love that scene because it is kind of funny, so Sallie saying that Shockwave's butt is hers, is a reference to that episode where Millie says that Moxxie's a** is hers.
also the reason why that drawing says that Crymini is Husk's Adoptive Daughter, has to do with some info I read about Crymini and Husk, that their relationship is like a Father & Daughter one...
so in Fanon, if Blitzwing and Husk got married....that would give Crymini Two Dads. sure it wouldn't be canon, but that is why the Fanon exists.
also the humans that I'm going to call Ivan, Marissa and Marcus aka "Marc" aren't really characters I made up, because they had appeared in the episode where Sari got her Allspark-Key from the Allspark.
I know this might sound far fetched and crazy, but I think those three are her biological human family, because we don't see Isaac at all in those flashes between Sari and the Allspark...
so logically this could mean that Isaac isn't Sari's biological father at all, and well he did only wear gloves and the hatchling protoform self of Sari might of got more DNA from him if he wasn't wearing the gloves....
so the man that is shown during the flashes between the Allspark and Sari, which is like a conversation between them...
I'm gonna view as Isaac's younger brother, and who along with his now ex-wife Marissa Faireborn (I'm going to view that red hair woman from that episode, as the Marissa Faireborn of TFA.) had found Isaac out cold and when they saw the liquid metal body that was to become Sari, and they both weren't wearing gloves and they both ended up touching the hatchling at the same time...
this ends up shocking them and having them go out cold, and when all three of them came to, there was now a human baby girl in the place of the hatchling.
I'm going to view this as a Fan Headcanon, this would also mean that Isaac isn't Sari's biological father, but she is still biologically related to him thanks to the half of her human DNA, it is just that he is her bio
her CNA comes from Megatron, who had went through the mitosis (possibly thanks to the Allspark...) when he was in that stasis coma.
Sari was not the same type of Protoform as the ones that look like Mannequin, Sari's protoform self was a Hatchling and was a Newborn, because her hatchling self was just born in that same lab that Megatron's head was being kept, the flash of light was possibly one of the signs that the hatchling was just born.
seriously, Megatron is WAY overdue for that Hatchling Shower.
in the drawing that has the two types of protoforms, the forged type and the mitosis type....
the baby hatchling is seen in a type of blue sac that is suppose to be like the type from the live-action movie series of Transformers.
it is Egg shaped and is suppose to be filled with Energon, and we know that thanks to the movie it shows it as well as the info that is written about it in one of the Transformers Wikia Sites.
the Energon Filled Sac, which could be like a Egg...
it should never be breached or broken before it is time for the hatchling to come out, otherwise it will end up having the Hatchling lose their life and their spark extinguished.
it is possible if Sari when she was a hatchling, if he hadn't been found on time, she would of had her own spark end up extinguish.
so her becoming half organic, may have saved her life and spark.
also I like the idea of Shattered Glass Sari being called "Shari" and end up living in the same universe as Sari and becoming like the sister of Sari.
those two are technically counterparts but at the same time they are technically half-sisters, and if it does turn out that Isaac Sumdac is only Sari's Adoptive Father and also her Biological Uncle (thanks to the organic half of her DNA...) the same could be said for the Isaac from the TFA Shattered Glass Universe, and there is another reason why Shari had attacked SG-Isaac when she was just a Hatchling/Baby...
it could turn out he had did something terrible to the SG-Versions of Sari's Human Parents, like even if Shari might not remember them, she could of formed a type of bond with SG-Marissa and even the moment SG-Marissa held Shari in her arms, she knew that she was her daughter and her and SG-Ivan Sumdac, were ready to welcome Shari into their family and didn't care that she wasn't originally human.
but the tender moment between them was ruined thanks to SG-Isaac, who ends up harming SG-Ivan and SG-Marissa to the point they ended up pretty close to death's door and barely holding out.
this ends up provoking Shari (back then just Sari) and she attack SG-Isaac for harming SG-Ivan & SG-Marissa.
unlike Sari, Shari might know the truth that both versions of Isaac aren't their biological fathers and are actually their bio-uncles.
Shari might of also figured out that while Megatron is Sari's Bio-Sire, and she got her CNA from him thanks to him going through the mitosis stage...
but Shari wasn't born from SG-Megatron, and was born from SG-Optimus Prime, this means that Sari and Shari aren't 100% counterparts of each other, and are technically half-sisters from two different universes, and if it was possible, Shari could start over and live in the same universe as Sari.
like picture the Good Cinnamon Roll Optimus trying to stop Shari from misbehaving and she accidentally calls him "Dad" which would technically be true....because he is the good counterpart of SG-Optimus, who is Shari's Bio-Sire.
I know that the Man, Woman and Kid that appeared in that episode where Sari gets her Key, don't really have names but it isn't like it would be the first time nameless characters from a show or movie or video game series, were named by Fans...
so I'm calling them Ivan Sumdac, Marissa Faireborn and Marc Sumdac.
Marc Sumdac could turn out to be Sari's Older Brother, and the flashes that are shown between the conversation between the Allspark and Sari, are not just having to do with the DNA that was given to Sari when she was turned half-human, but also memories.
the horse appearing in those flash images, could be memories.
and I know that it isn't possible and this would be like a hypothetical theory, but if the Allspark were to end up in the Hell in Hazformers, and if Blitzwing got too close to it, and if it is during the stage where he would of went through the mitosis...
it could end up causing him to go through the mitosis...
if anyone is gonna touch that hatchling and have it scan a ethereal photon DNA, it's gonna be Husk. XD
plus it could turn out the Allspark, could end up causing Sinners to no longer be sterile and end up being able to have offspring with each other or with Hellborns.
that shouldn't make Lucifer happy, though it would serve him right, seeing as the overpopulation is his fault sense his big macho pride of a ego refuses to have half of the Sinners move to the other rings and let them travel between them.
well he can't be the worse number one Dad, even if he might not get his words might hurt Charlie at times...
but if I had to pick who is worse at Daddying, behind Moxxie and Stolas's Fathers...
I would pick Cain's Bio-Dad & Step-Dad....even if Adam has matured, he could of still tried to do better in parenting both Cain and Abel, to which Cain wouldn't became worse and end up having his emotional and spiritual depression get way worse and to a dangerous level, if he had stop Abel from those so called offerings, I can't be the only one who has finally figured out how messed up and wrong that is.
at least in some form of Modern Ritual, if animals are used, they aren't used in the same sense to which Abel had used them, but instead it is shared between everyone in a type of meal and is cooked properly, plus I guess besides hunting, the meat could be store bought but would still need to be cooked.
Adam should of did a better job with Abel, as well as Cain...
both Cain and Abel are still at fault, and it is possible that Abel's Ego didn't let him see that his brother was in spiritual and emotional pain and it was reaching a very dangerous breaking point.
and well besides Adam not being the best at Daddying...
but I guess he could of still had his moments where he was a Good Dad....but even that doesn't excuse on how Cain and Abel were brought up...
so yeah, if Archangel Samael is Cain's Bio-Dad, he probably ain't very good at it, which even if Charlie's Dad has his moments where he isn't a perfect Dad, he can't be any worse than some Dads....
like some who don't even freaking bother to visit and be a bit more part of your life, and only ends up visiting only once....everyone can have different types of Daddy or Mommy or Renny Issues.
and might be wondering if their other parent loved them as much as they loved the kids they had spend the most time with and got to see more of, but ya know some parents who never get to see their biological children, could have better excuses than most...
like when your older sibling's spouse cheats and got custody of their kid, even though at least Stolas's reasons for cheating even at first it was on accident and because of his feelings for Blitz...
it wasn't like how despite being in a loving marriage, a certain woman had to throw that all away and had to cheat...
and besides THAT woman that I'm thinking of...
I wouldn't be surprised that if in Helluva Boss, Satan's Other Name, which is Samael, is brought up or if it isn't then I guess I and a few others fans can call him that at times and even by the nickname Sammy. (if Asmodeus can be nicknamed Ozzie, then he can be nicknamed Sammy....even if it isn't canon and is mostly fanon where he is being called Sammy.)
his real life counterpart isn't the boss of me though...even if it does turn out that when he was still just Samael he had ended up being Cain's Bio-Dad, which in theory it could have to do with the ethereal photons becoming matter physical and transforming into a type of organic, or some other explaining how it happen....
but yeah even if Cain is my Ancestor (and well so is Seth.) his possible bio-dad, which is Samael, still ain't the boss of me.
*Plays RWBY Song: This Will Be The Day*
Satan is mentioned in the episode that Bee appears in, which once again she seems like a awesome character and it might be possible that it is only the Embodiment Queens that have more sense than the Embodiment Kings.
Satan isn't the boss of this "Twilight Princess", even if I am a Defective Earth Angel...but I wouldn't be me if I wasn't and I guess being not 100% like other Earth Angels is okay, even if it might have it's down side.
and the whole being descendant of a few royal families, and being a Earth Angel, ended up making me figure out the whole "Earth Angel Princess" thing, which not really a official title thing, but still kinda interesting.....don't have the official title Princess either, but it's fine.
I still rather go by "purple blood" instead of "blue blood" and yeah I am still kind of procrastinating in taking that home blood type test thing again, and yeah the last two successes did have two of them show up as O RH D Negative...I just don't feel like trying to do the home blood type test right away, even if I have to use my left hand to take it because we figured out it works better that way.
it is also best that I keep my eyes closed half of the time, so I don't end up feeling that not so great feeling....but maybe I will still end up feeling it, but hopefully I wont very much this time.
I will still get help taking that home blood type test, I am just not in any rush to try it again anytime soon...I will try to make time to get it done eventually.
and anyway, if Blitzwing did get a pet, he could see it as a way of him becoming a "Daddy" and it be interesting if Buzzy imprint on Blitzwing and refuses to go back to Soundwave.
and I guess the update isn't too bad, I guess I just need to get use to it even if it is slightly different from the other one...
I guess I'm not 100% sure how to feel about it but I'm getting use to it and seeing it as not so bad and seems to be okay.
anyway I hope some like these two drawings, as well as the ship of ShockMay, even if it might not really become a thing, but I was deciding between it either being Shockwave or Swindle that is being carried over Sallie's Shoulder, so I had decided to pick Shockwave.
anyway I do have a TFA theory that I'm going to post next....
and it having to do with Sentinel.
so once again, hope some like these two drawings and Blitzwing spending time with Crymini and Buzzy.
as well as calling SG-Sari by the name Shari, and calling the three humans that showed up in the episode where Sari got her Allspark-Key, by the names Ivan, Marissa and Marc and the idea that they might actually be Sari's Family, and Isaac Sumdac could still be her adoptive father, but also her biological uncle thanks to the human half of her DNA.
and I guess one of the good thing about the update (which once again didn't find out until like just now on July 5, 2023...)
is that it has the option where it has "For Everyone" and even shows the Mature Options, well even if this isn't really all that mature...even if the word that Sallie is using is censored...cause I censored it on purpose...I know I had the thought about something like that before, which could be a great help and well the thought of it had a bit more into it, but still had those little switch things on it.
like it would ask about the maturity of it, and well...I guess the new update is pretty close to the thought I had.
I'm surprised that they had done it, and I guess for now this can be in the "For Everyone" (all but kids, as I'm keeping the tag "not for kids" for this because even though I did censor it by placing the "*" in there, I'm still gonna have this be "not for kids" and "mature audience only" even if the rest of the drawing and other drawing isn't mature.) but if I decide to edit this to have it be changed to the Mature, I will.
I may have accidentally erased some stuff in this that I had originally was writing before I posted this, and didn't realize that possibility until it was too late and sometime after I had posted it...cause I'm pretty sure I had wrote some other stuff before giving my thoughts about the new update....well, hope some of you still like the two drawings.
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gaybarbiegirl · 3 years
00s Barbie rewatch - Swan Lake (2003)
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We got to our first God tier movie
I'm so hyped for this one
This storyteller Barbie in particular is so 🥺
Oh, to spend the days mindlessly dancing around at my family's small bakery...
I wish Marie showed up more in this movie, she always seemed so cool
Go Lila, give them hell
How doesn't Odette notice a glowing lady floating behind her?
I love how the Queen's bravest fairies and elves were almost all little girls. I remember that made me feel powerful as a kid
Ivan and Carlita might be the only Barbie movie children I genuinely like
"I'm not brave like you...😔" "Well, that's true!"
Odile's laugh is a weapon of mass destruction
Ok but why is the transformation scene so pretty?
God, I love Lila so much
The square globe, iconic
Have you guys ever actually noticed the drawings on the globe? They look so pretty, with the whales and sea monsters and all. If mattel sold replicas of this globe, I'd buy one
Yesss we're meeting Erasmus
How comes I like every single character in this movie?
I can't believe Lila was the one who said the tagline for this movie, what a legend
Cinematography at its finest
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"I made them myself!" "When?!"
Odette's and Lila's friendship means everything to me
"I'm like, the most out of fashion bird princess in the forest!" I'm crying why does this movie have so many great lines?
I like that by trying to get the prince to kill Odette, Rothbart ends up causing his own defeat, since this is how the two of them meet
Wow, we really are telling our life stories to a stranger who tried to kill us a few minutes ago
Oh, to go on a date in an enchanted forest and have dinner on a mushroom table...
Odette is so brave, selfless, kind, headstrong, and just amazing
I always loved her attitude when she turns down the prince's invitation to stay and protect her friends
You know Lila would say "his royal hotness" instead of "his royal cuteness" if this wasn't a children's movie
"Are we talking meet the parents rare?" I'm dead
I love Lila so much, it's not even funny
Barbie's definition of true love is just ❤
Also, that description fits Liana and Alexa perfectly, but we'll get there when we get there
Why is Odette the only character who doesn't have leftover animal features in her human form?
"Do you know what I see? Kindness, Laughter, Bravery. All worth more than any treasure a king could possess"
The Queen didn't have to come for my heartstrings like this, I really think I'm gonna cry
Odette's dress is my favorite Barbie dress, it's perfection
Does that blonde girl have a little crush on Odette? Like, first she gave her flowers, now she calls her beautiful...
That drummer girl is feeling it
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This movie has the best dance sequences of any Barbie movie
And I like how there are a lot of them spread out through the entire movie, instead of just having a few at the end like The Nutcracker
Don't hurt Erasmus!
That scene with Daniel and his mom in the ballroom is so great and I don't even know why
Odile might be evil but the girl can dance
All that dance practice just for Odette to spend the party unconscious...
Wow, Odile really saved Rothbart's life there
No, Lila, don't be sad
Honestly, how hard would it be for Rothbart to just turn Odile back on the spot? No reason to leave her as a pig
The way they fall on top of each other is so pretty
Not a big fan of Odette's final look, though. The dress is still perfect, but the wings and the hair just make it a little too much
Odette and Lila again ❤🥺
Final thoughts:
Masterpiece. Enough said.
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