#I too would consider cleansing the galaxy of biological life
erindromeda · 2 years
I'm not saying I'm terrified of the rate of AI advancement, but I'm at least 20% sure my life will be ended in "The 2037 Great Horizon Event" by an AI-Generated Seinfeld episode with a chainsaw and a laughtrack.
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inoshatrynn · 6 years
More Asari Headcanon - Biology, Culture, and Politics
Okay and some headcanons about Liara, Keri, Aria, Vederia, Lexi, and Dilinaga.
Generally, like humans, asari are most comfortable in temperate to tropical climates.
Asari evolved from migratory tropical oceanic life. Thessia has wide tropical and subtropical zones. As such, tropical and subtropical are the most ideal places to be in.
Human space stations and starships are a little dry and cold for them. It is not uncommon for asari to carry moisturizing products with them when on human-controlled installations to help maintain their scales, and tentacle volume.
Like any other creature acclimated to their environment, Asari who have lived for generations off Thessia may be more comfortable in different environments. This is, of course, on a general scale since Peebee mentions she dislikes Voeld even though she grew up on frozen Hyetiana.
They really do not like sand in their neverminds. Also neck fringe and  tentacles is uncomfortable, and a bitch to get the sand out.
Cleaning head tentacles can be a pain in the ass. Asari don’t use human shampoo (canon), or any soaps that humans would be able to use. Biotics are part of hygiene, and there are special cleansing products that are used to help keep tentacles and neck fringe fresh and presentable (canon).
It is rare, but some asari cut their tentacles. Once upon a time, doing so was a form of punishment. Now, some do it as extreme cosmetic surgery. Generally, the risk of death from extreme blood loss, and/or infection make it ill advised.
Some asari suffer from an ailment called Dilinaga’s Syndrome which is a gradual loss of the ability to control one’s biotics. It’s considered rare and and usually occurs late in life, but there is a concerted movement that is shedding light on removing stigma surrounding it as well as treat it and find a cure. Before she was exiled, Keri T’Vessa published a groundbreaking awareness story. Despite her reputation within the asari, the story is a highly regarded resource for non-profits and medical professionals.
Since the emergence of humans, and them being sought after as romantic partners, more and more asari are having children while still technically in the Maiden stage. While not causing short-term effects biologically, it is causing the asari to change reproductive health and family planning practices.
This is a huge topic of discussion for the Andromeda Initiative and Sloane Kelly, neither of whom are equipped to handle a population boom of any kind of people, let alone asari.
Furthermore, there is a boom in demand for asari nannies and housekeepers in both galaxies as more and more humans in interspecies couplings are facing challenges rearing asari children, who develop biotics generally while the human parent is still living.
Since biotics does not manifest itself naturally for humans, even biotically inclined humans find raising asari children challenging; often education for the asari youngling is just as educational for the human parent xD
Then there is the subject of telepathy which humans also do not possess naturally. The Birds and Bees conversation is a little different for asari.
When mating outside the asari, sometimes the asari mother will pick up traits common to their partner’s species during her pregnancy.
During her pregnancies with Korynn Shepard’s children, Liara got random food cravings and nausea.
When Keri T’Vessa was pregnant with her first with Alex Ryder, she got severe migraines.
Asari smell pleasant to their partners, whatever that pleasant is to their partner. This can also change depending on their partner’s mood.
Korynn describes Liara as usually smelling like citrusy lilac, Alex describes Keri as smelling like warm gingerbread (gingerbeard?), Casey describes Lexi as smelling faintly like dandelions mixed with antiseptic (thanks to Lexi’s chosen profession).
Asari cuisine contains higher calories than human cuisine (canon). Even though Asari don’t eat as frequently as humans (canon), too much asari food, even with the eezo content removed, is considered unhealthy. It is also sweet to human palates.
Human food is considered salty, though spicy dishes are thrilling and becoming a fad at fusion restaurants in and around asari space, the Citadel, on the Nexus and Kadara.
Aria and Vederia are fans.
Even though she calls herself a traditionalist, Liara is not as much of a low-key fan as she sells herself to be (I see you waiting excitedly for your food at that cart, Dr. T’Soni)
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