#I try to keep the timeframe for these changes versatile though!
llort · 1 year
Experiment 0040 Adversarial Chewing Gum Generation
Systematic, procedural, reproducible (with slight memetic mutations/variations mental reconstruction can be utilized to generate via autopoiesis based cognitive processes novel concepts, qualia, mental visualizations, alternate experiences, and content creation via mimicking adversarial neural network generation software. Typically, this can be used to emulate reality at a higher level of resolution and detail than is possible to observe in external subjective physical reality/approaching models of reality closer to external extant abstract or objective reality. This process happens naturally during dreaming in sleep where some mental limitations of what is probably or possible as well as any sort of time or perceptual conscious awareness (even though you are unconscious, are uncoupled from the generic one second per second that goes by (as far as we know) from your PoV as a human being resembling a single reference point in the universe.
Not everyone has the same innate ability to picture or construct cognitive sets/schema/models/maps in their minds eye.
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What number are you? Are you able to literally taste an apple you imagine or do you just see the void when you try to picture anything. That doesn’t matter anymore  Because, The Mind Map 
Just learning the mechanics of how to utilize the mindmap gives you basic geometric understanding of how to move a point of awareness around your brain/mind and how to employ the inputs of the mindmap and the act of “selecting an output” decoupled from the actual output, then you already have a very versatile and functional tool kit for being able to “view” simple to complex geometric configurations mentally. As indicated by the second link, the six Euclidean dimensions are literally just the start of what you can work with. You can encode colors, sounds, sub vocalization, shapes, frequencies, maybe even smells? In order to move closer to the left of that picture, you can literally build up the fundamental tool kit to create mental models of whatever you desire. 
Of course, there are a few key points to remember. There is not a 1:1 correlation between where your point of focus is consciously on and the actual physiology or anatomy of your brain. There is a certain type of cognitive physics which only really make sense if you understand emergent properties of how neurons communication and anatomy results in mental phenomena. One thing to keep in mind is that the brain typically updates its frame of reference every 200ms and is mostly unable to notice significant changes to its qualia over periods over forty five minutes. Cortisol has a half life of ~20 min so forty minutes of not reinforcing a stressor or removing self from a stressor may have a massive impact on your perceived mental wellbeing.
Just to clarify, I am going to reiterate a previous post
Internal/External Objective|Subjective|Abstract reality => IEOSA
Totality of perceivable or mentally reconstructed reality|possible worlds
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00 Standard SI units and Conversion to Neural Wireframe Substrate
01 S (Second) -> (CT0))
02 M (Meter) -> (One Relative MR Length)
03 KG (Kilogram) -> (Vividness of MR Qualia/Intensity of Focus/Attention)
04 A (AMPERE) - > (Spontaneous Fluidity of Emergent Properties/Associations))
05 K (Kelvin) -> (Stability and Half Life of MR Entity)
06 m (Mol) -> ( n=(Amount of Nodes, Edges, Planes, Modules, and Axioms) present in a n)
07 cd (Candela) -> (Prominence of Focus of Pure MR over External Subjective Reality Sensory Input)
CT0 -> minimal resolution of a timeframe of active conscious perception
MR -> Mental Reconstruction; Directed Mental Visualization
Due to how the brain is neurologically wired, subjective experience is relative to itself or another phenomena so the key to deriving M is to just to visualize two points in your mind and their existence in themselves defines one M, it doesn't have to be a static distance.
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CFV characters at the beach except it’s not a beach episode and it’s everyone LOL (because I want to)
Aichi: he is going to be sunburnt. Emi slapped sun screen all over him but. It can only do so much. He hardly goes out in the sun no matter what so. Rest In Peace. Also his hair is gonna leak sand for the next month with no stop.
Kai: He’s got himself a hole in the sand by the water and his sunglasses on. He hasn’t moved in approximately 3 hours and the kids around there have been wondering if he’s dead and/or if they should bury him in sand. (He’s just asleep but he’s gonna be in trouble when the tide comes in)
Misaki: She’s happy to have a normal time at the beach instead of whatever training camp they used to fool around with. She’s got a cooler and a sun hat and she drew the year in the sand for a Cool Picture ™️ Lol. Also she drew a bocci course for everybody and she’s being left alone as she should (or she’s hanging out with kourin 🤭)
Kamui: He brought Chrono, Tokoha, and Shion. He is making them do stupid training. He hasn’t changed at all istg. Other than that though he’s having a great time himself in the sun and with all the sports!! He (carefully) picks up crabs from tide pools and bothers people with them.
Miwa: GUYS he found a JELLYFISH!!!!!! nooo don’t touch it you stupid bitch. He touched it and is now crying that his finger was stung!!! You idiot!!!! He helps the kids bury Kai but when the tide starts coming in they PANIC OH GOD GUYS HES STILL IN THERE DHBSBXBS
Ren: He’s having more fun looking at beach shops at stuff lol. His attention span isn’t very wide. He builds a sand castle with Asaka! He brought far too many beach things (intertubes, beach balls, pool noodles, sand buckets, everything man)
Asaka: She wanted to get a tan but currently she’s just fine following Ren around lmao we know Asaka. She did bring a boom box though it’s blasting Marina and the Diamonds lmao
Tetsu: He’s taking a long romantic walk on the beach. by himself. after having to figure out hotel situations and everything. Why is he the designated responsible person lmao. He’s having a great time actually
Kyou: He yells out SHARK SHARK but there’s no shark. He also litters on the beach. Somebody go kick his ass please
Morikawa: He is also a culprit in burying Kai, but then he too wants to be buried!!! He asks to get out IMMEDIATELY. He wears a shark fin to scare everyone!!!! It’s not funny
Izaki: Simply vibing. He brought popsicles!!!!! Buries Morikawa lmao. OH he brought a book too! Plans to relax but probably doesn’t get to with the company he keeps
Kourin: is hanging out with Misaki 🤭 also Shes just glad to be on the beach but like not for ULTRARARE media. It’s sunbathing time babey. Also she plays beach ball w the cardfighf club lol
Naoki: He just built a sand fortress. Nobody is allowed in!!!!! It’s truly something to behold but. Guys he’s getting hungy in here .... Shingo sneaks him snacks through the window
Shingo: He brought a camera and he’s taking lots of pictures !!! Misaki posing, Aichi being very scared of Kamuis crab, and Kai with the worst raccoon eyes around after digging him out. Also he is telling everybody about deep sea fish and phytoplankton! Nobody wants to get in the water anymore
Ibuki: he doesnt like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere /ref. Why is he wearing his normal outfit he looks so stupid lmao
Suiko: suns Out guns out. Stylin and whilin whatever that means. Shes taking selfie’s and also she throws Kyou across the beach for littering!!!!
Rekka: she’s in disguise but she is very fly anyway. She brought a stack of magazines and a beach chair and is absolutely vibinggggg I wanna be her then
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Ultimate Set of the 7 Best Bug Out Bags [Backpacks of 2020]™
The Rush72 is a 55-liter backpack that offers a lot of storage space, numerous organizational pouches, well-padded band, and a wrap-around MOLLE system for adding accessories. The pack is constructed of durable, water-resistant 1000D nylon, rendering it well-equipped to endure in difficult conditions. Additionally it is hydration-ready and includes self-healing zippers (so you won't have to struggle with any mismatched zipper teeth) that produce accessing the various pockets a quick and easy affair. The back pack was specifically made to carry everything you need to complete a 72-hour timeframe, rendering it the perfect option for recreational use and catastrophe preparedness as well. We also specifically narrowed down packages that provide a variety of compartments and organizational systems.
This enables you to generate plenty of potable water both on the go even though ceased for the night. The machine is with the capacity of removing 99.9999% of bacteria and 99.9% protozoa in the water, while also filtering particulates as well. That’s enough to earn it the Path Base authorization from the U.S. On top of that, it means that you’ll have access to a continuous supply of safe normal water at fine times. You can’t have a insect out handbag if you don’t have the right bag, and 5.11 Tactical makes some of the best for use in military, wilderness, and survival situations.
Just like the man discussing ammo, when the SHTF you will see ammo on the floor, along with weapons. So pack your bags, prepare, but learn to survive without all these items which will go out if extended amount of time in the bush is required. Again KNOWLEDGE. But I agree basic survival items are good to have packed. Choosing clothing for your insect out handbag is an extremely customized selection as we all have different body types, tolerances and levels of fitness.
I am also a wheelchair user which can be somewhat of an edge because I won’t be carrying the bag the way most people have to. I used to be actually quite impressed with the marketing video. The survival was put by The developer priorities in the right order. Way too many times companies play off dread and say that food is priority.
It is simply the coolest little display light you can purchase. Staying dry, hydrated and warm are certain to get you though 5-7 times. You need to be planing a trip to a source stash you have previously positioned.
If food were ever a huge problem, I would try placing a live snare ( for legal reasons) and either take my crossbow or the air pistol and dispatch any cat the trap caught. I’m in the kill and suburbs traps are unlawful because they worry about people getting injured.
Also, the list it was included with included Evasion and Escape items. They are the only company I have seen which includes that category. See expert’s checklist of survival medical kit items, which map right to the same three-level model for your bug out handbag. The weights used in this guide derive from that list, including common containers used for each size. Packing a bug out bag can seem overwhelming as the task of remembering something important can be challenging.
That’s why every bug out bag needs a good filtering and MSR’s Trail Base Water Filtration system Package is one of the very most versatile around. Not only will the kit include the company’s lightweight and effective TrailShot microfilter, but it also includes a larger gravity filter for use at the campsite too.
I really do leave food for the kitty colony sometimes so hopefully they might trust me somewhat which would make it simpler to use this insurance coverage. The crossbow came with steel arrows so definitely enough to stop anyone who's aiming to make off with my drinking water supply unless they have firearms of course. One benefit to utilizing a wheelchair is that I think most people would assume that they might not meet level of resistance and therefore feel less of a need to bring hands to attempt to raid my stuff.
There are several checklists out there that will tell you the fundamental items you should keep in your bug out bag. You can buy an loaded Bug away Bag already, such as this one here- Urban Survival Bug Out Handbag, which contains necessities items like food, water, and a first aid kit. You can also check out our Bug Out Handbag Checklist and personalize your bag yourself. A bug out handbag isn’t just something used by crazy survivalists.
This is bug out bag and most people can’t bring 90 Pounds of shit on their back.You will be told by me if you put everything listed on this site I could not carry it. Being prepared, you could write all day in what to have and pack. Knowledge and the methods to apply it are the most crucial thing you will need. We didn’t go with tons of equipment, we discovered to live using what we're able to find.
Joining up with many people you can trust and hang with also needs to be previously planned out. As i select items for my BOB I am accumulated weight. I’m choosing somewhat high quality stuff as to not have factors break within the first calendar year of use also if I can, getting Military services Surplus gear. Anyways, this gets heavy…with of course food, water, clothing, and shelter being the majority of the weight.
Hard to know where to begin It’s, but if you cover all the fundamentals in a survival situation you will still be far better off than 99% of the individuals. the bag I got came with an enormous list and video lessons and 12 Molle modular packages. Do most bug out bags include video lessons about packaging and bugging out? That was part of how I could convince my children to obtain it for me.
A bug out bag is a handbag designed for everyone, and even the United States Federal government advises you to have at least three days-worth of water and food on hand at all times. Pak-Lite nine volt flash light is last and small a long time.
MREs are tricky because although they include all you need (including an internal ‘cooker’ rather than external boiling water), they aren't space and weight efficient for the nourishment you get. It’s telling that many military vets don’t bring MREs as their major food choice in a insect out bag. Finding clean normal water can be considered a serious challenge whilst travelling in the backcountry or immediately following a major disaster.
The items listed here are to be strategically layered to keep up a healthy body temp at all times. For someone not used to being truly a Survivalist, building your first Insect Out Handbag can appear like a large task. Everybody you find out about has been tweaking theirs for months or even years and has a pile of gear built up.
I mean I’m not half way down the list and I m already packaging more equipment than the Marines bring. I love all the POSITIVE help and ideas for my BOB. Please retain in mind folks that the basics like water, proteins, instant shelter , first aid and protection will be needed if we are pressured to get away from our homes always.
Although they were like the type of lessons could need to pack a bag anyone? I don’t have a crossbow and the list recommends a certain type of air pistol for silently hunting small game. I currently know in which a colony of crazy cats live near my home.
A survivalist will see ways to make it possible to have, carry, today find those items even if we use a tool thats used diferently inside our lives. Eventually all the things we devote our BOBs will run out and have to be changed so retain in mind our set up on these bags is to keep us alive long enough for us to figure out how to live from the land, as they say. What events would cause us to become instant survivalists? My plan is for us to bug out together and stay together which means we are carrying different things to keep each handbag weight down for long distance more info travel. Pamela there are numerous great sites out there that will answer each one of these relevant questions for you.
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sanchezvrfmp · 5 years
FMP – VR Extravaganza Final Evaluation:
Did I achieve the outcome I wanted?
Based on the project proposal that was written at the start of the project I have not achieved my outcome, as that idea has been moulded and developed into something else. The original idea (and the current idea) was based around the idea of routine and taking an extract of my life, and developing it into something that you could ‘live in’ yourself through the use of Virtual Reality. These two ideas formed the foundation of my project and where what I carried throughout the entire project, from the first idea – which was all about the construction of a set that was based in my home – too the final idea which is of a life sized set based on a ‘dining room’. This final outcome contains a lot
 Did I plan well?
As my idea changed and developed throughout my project, I had to accompany that with different timetables, which sometimes gave me more or less time, in most cases my timeframe decreased as I had to fit a whole new idea into a smaller amount of time, although having a shorted time frame there was still plenty of time to complete the project to the standard that I aim to with all of my projects. There were some points where I feel behind with my work, but learning from my other FMP, I planned extra/catch-up sections into my timetable to allow for any ‘overrunning’ on the making/construction of the animation. To make the different task of my project less daunting, I split them up into weeks, then in those weeks I split them further into days. Splitting up these different tasks was extremely useful as it assisted me in the construction of all my props as I knew which one had to be started and finished when. As not everything goes to plan, I sometimes changed what I would construct on one day to another day based on whether or not I had more or less time, as I may be able to use my time more efficiently if I start the construction of a prop that may take longer on a day that I have more time on, rather than trying to cram constructing that prop into a day with less time, and instead switching it out with something that takes less time.
 What other approaches did I consider?
At the very start of this project I decided to create a mind map of all the possible ideas that I could use for this project, and which ones would influence my decisions, one of my very first thoughts was an artist that I use in most of my projects, as most of my ideas are influenced from him, the artist being ‘Chris Gilmour’, but as I developed my ideas through this mind map, I knew I wanted to use different references as my main influences, veering off from my usual path in projects. One of my main project ideas for presenting my work was to do an animation, as I had done one of these in the previous FMP, but it had not reached its potential as I did not develop the idea a far as I would have liked. My idea for a project quickly changed as I realised it was not realistic in the time frame as well as not challenging my ideas and potential. I decided to keep some aspects as I hadn’t explored these yet, and carry them over to my next idea. Choosing which materials to work with was not as complicated as expected, as I chose a material I was familiar with (cardboard), but did briefly considering another material, clay/ceramics, as this is one material I hadn’t worked in yet, but not having used it before I dismissed the idea as learning what equipment to use and the proper techniques and would subtract from construction time. Since I had used cardboard before, choosing and using the correct equipment became second nature.
The references that I first started to research were two that I was quite familiar with as they lay down the base for the material that I am working with, these being ‘Chris Gilmour’ and ‘Tom Sachs’, Sachs’ ideas were used more in this project, as I wanted the whole project to have a ‘naff’ and ‘rough around the edges’ look about it. Throughout this project I had encountered many new references, the first one being included in both ideas as it was relevant to my material choice, this reference being ‘The Science of sleep’, the main idea taken from this was the construction of a ‘fictional’ world, this idea stuck with me as there was a lot more freedom with the construction, which is what I was looking for in this project. When realising I should change my project idea, I was directed towards Andy Warhol, as one of his pieces was about routine, mainly eating, the piece called ‘Cheeseburger’, after finding this reference it became the foundation for my final idea as my ‘set’ was constructed around both this and ‘The science of sleep’, as it was a fictional world and about the routine of food, taking the minimalist look from Warhol’s video also as one of my main design choices, as it emphasised the work instead of the background.
 Has my final outcome been successful?
My final outcome, being an animation, has achieved everything I wanted it to as all the way through my project it has been supported by contextual references and therefore changed my project proposal and main idea, as well as following my theme (routine) throughout as well. Even though my idea has changed, my material choice has stayed the same all the way through as it is something which is so versatile and flexible, that wherever my idea my take me, my material can always support it and achieve that idea, allowing me to have the freedom of choosing any ideas that pop into my head and executing them efficiently and effectively.
 What have I learnt for the Future?
Knowing what I know now about this project and everything I have encountered, there are a couple of aspects that I would keep the same, and some which would change, the ones aspect that I would both change and keep the same it my material choice, as I feel comfortable using cardboard, but if I were to do this project again I would try to be more adventurous with my material choice and try something new, which would allow my ideas to change and develop more as there would be more problems that I would encounter, but also paths that are easier. One aspect that I would keep the same would be the way in which I present my work, which is the animation, the animation allows me to display my construction techniques as well as my creative ideas through the use of the idea of the animation and the techniques used to support that animation. One aspect that I think did work so well was when choosing what my project theme and idea should be based around, I think it’s best to do not research and collect more references to allow me to pick and choose certain aspects, instead of thinking of one idea and sticking with it, as the idea did develop into something worked effectively, but that could have been achieved earlier on in the project with more references. Compiling all of my work and displaying it in an exhibition format was very different as I had not touched this aspect in great detail, which hindered my planning for my exhibition as I had different ideas, but didn’t have the space or resources to a achieve what I would have liked, one these being multiple monitors displaying all the different camera angels of my animation, I didn’t have enough space for all four monitors, as well as the resources to display them how I envisioned, but I planned for unexpected delays and worked around this, by using one monitor and using a split screen format to have all of the camera angles on one monitor.
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