#I typed up like 3 posts last night O_O wow
queeniecook · 1 year
May 15
Jillian feels awful that she had to leave her getaway with Dakota but she had to. It isn’t like her Dad not to come home. He goes away on business trips due to his career from time time but doesn’t just take off. That is not Garrett Ambrose. Thankfully her boyfriend is a very understanding man, especially when it comes to family. She’ll have to find a way to make it up to him.
After taking a bus, renting a car and getting lost a few times, Jillian finally arrives at her families’ latest residence in San Sequoia. They have moved from Tartosa last month, due to a change in her Dad’s job. She is tired, she’s been up for hours but still fixes her appearance in the rearview mirror of her rental car before going to the front door.
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“I’m so sorry I called you honey but I was so worried about your father! He finally showed up late last night, went to bed and got up this morning to go to work.” Denise explains. Jillian can tell her Mom does feel bad about worrying her but obviously, something is going on.
“It’s okay, Mom. Really.” Jillian assures her Mom, not wanting to tell her that she was moments away from finally making love with Dakota. That would be awkward. “Has this been happening a lot?”
“Not like this last time. Garrett has always shown up before bed time if he goes out after work.” Denise shares, she rarely calls her husband Garrett to their kids. That alone worries Jillian because it’s obvious her Mom is concerned. “He smelled like a bar. He’s been smelling like a bar a lot, Now I’m not one to be a prude but…”
“I’ll talk to him.” 
A few hours later, both Garrett and Andrew walk in the front door. It has began to pour down rain outside.
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“Hey Jilly Bean!” Her Dad greets her, as always. He plops down beside her as her baby brother stalks into the room, cranky from high school.
“So Dad, where were you the other night?” She questions.
“Eh, I was just playing pool with a few guys from work.” Her Dad responds before being cut off by her brother. “He came in drunk. I didn’t tell Mom because I didn’t want to worry her. I made him drink some water before he went to their bedroom.” 
“I wasn’t drunk.” Garrett objects.
“You walked into my room and tried to climb into bed with me! You called me Denny!” Andrew exclaims. Garrett shakes his head as his teenage son marches off to his room, holding his homework in a deathgrip at his side.
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Garrett stands up from the couch and Jillian follows him. “You thought he was Mom?”
“It was dark. I’m not used to the layout of this house yet. I wasn’t drunk.” Her Dad insists. Jillian doesn’t believe him. It’s becoming to clear to her that her Dad has developed a problem that he’s not ready to admit to.  “I’m going to go shower while your Mom makes dinner. Maybe go check on your brother?”
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After helping Andrew with his history lesson, she challenges him to pillow fight in his barely decorated room. She’s a bit worried about not only her parents but her brother too. This has to be a lot for him to handle.
“DINNER!!” Denise hollars from the kitchen. It briefly made Jillian feel like she was sixteen again, living in Glimmerbrook and worrying about if she was going to get her hands on a copy of the latest Henry Puffer book. Then reality came slamming back down on her. 
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Still, it was nice to set down with her parents and brother to eat a family dinner. She isn’t sure what to do about the current situation.
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roninhunt0987 · 5 years
Krystal, Melody, Kotone and Misty's Sleepover party
Krystal, Melody, Kotone and Misty's Sleepover party
By: Roninhunt0987
X3 another cute story thats focused with Krystal, Melody, Kotone and Misty at the house on their own while their family is going on their one last and final ski lodge trip before they close for the entire summer... =3 this takes place in my cannon of m.e.g.a chronicles 3 which takes place a month later after the agons came home finally and such and meeting their new siblings who is at the ski lodge with them... X3 however the idiots will be unavailable at this time as this is a cute story and such.. X3 special for Krystaliaproductions on tumblr which will go there of course... X3 enjoy folks
Characters(C)belongs to their rightful owners
-at the house after everyone left the house leaving krystal, melody, kotone and misty for their furrified fun-
Melody, Kotone and Misty: -furrified and also waiting for krystal to come out-
Krystal: -comes on out furrified and also without worry of anyone seeing her furrified in the house and such- hehe
Melody, Kotone and misty: X3 hehehe -glomps krystal and and nuzzles on her- Krystal: -giggles- alright what should we do today??? Melody, Kotone and Misty: X3 Cartoons first
Krystal: X3 alright then next we'll get our swimsuits on and head for the beach for some fun and then come home for lunch and be furrified again and play some video games and then movies, k?? all 3: X3 alright hehe
-in the living room-
krystal: -watching tv-
Melody, kotone and Misty: -cuddled close to krystal watching tv furrified-
Krystal: -laughs at the part of inuyasha had the sit commanded on upon him-
Melody, Kotone and Misty: X3 hehehehehehehhehe
Krystal: XD ahhh always a classic -hears the phone ring and answers hello- X3 oh hey dad whats up?? X3 you were fine alright were planning to go to the beach soon as we finish our cartoons, k?? X3 alright hehe bye -hangs up-
melody: =3 what dad want?? Krystal: X3 he's just checking in on us like always
Melody: X3 k??
-a lil later- Krystal: -in her swimwear in her car driving and smiles to all 3 in the backseat in their swimwear-
Melody, Kotone and Misty: X3 hehehehe
Krystal: -smiles-
Melody: X3 hey I heard Aunt Misha is a lifeguard at the beach were going to maybe we'll see her there along with aunt kit
Kotone and Misty: X3 yea
Krystal: X3 well dad did tell me both got the lifeguard job for the summer and such so yea
-as they arrive-
Kotone, Misty and Melody: -at the beach ready for some fun- Krystal: -sets the umbrella and etc and feels 3 skye blue tails around her eyes and such- XD Aunt Misha really ya know I am an adult now right
Misha: -giggles- ya I know hehehe whatcha doin here
Krystal: X3 melody, kotone, misty and I are gonna be at the beach and we go back home and furrify again
Misha: X3 ohh can I join I get off my shift with kit after lunch
Krystal: =3 alright hehe
Kit Prower: -smiles talking with Melody, Kotone and Misty and comes on over- X3 hey whatcha girls talkin about??? Misha: =3 Krystal, Melody, Kotone and Misty are at the house furrified earlier this morning... =3 you and I are gonna be there too
Kit Prower: X3 oh wow I never knew ya were the type to be furrifed krystal
Krystal: ^^; I know I sometimes do it but i'mma doing it for my sisters though hehe.. =3 but only one days when I have the house to myself with my sisters so yea
Kit Prower: X3 awesome hehe
-as they are under the umbrella- Melody, Kotone and Misty: -getting their suntan on-
Krystal: -same thing as she relaxes at the beach while all 3 plays-
all 3: -goes to play- Misha and Kit: -at their lifeguard post using their binoculars to see for any incoming threat-
melody: -sees a shark and not amused as she uppercuts the shark in the air- WHANG!!!
Shark: YEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!! -goes into space-
Krystal: O_O;;;; WHAT THE-
Misha and Kit Prower: O_o F**K!!!!
Melody: -comes on over with Kotone and Misty and sees Krystal with the look of wtf- :? what??
Krystal: O.o melody.. how did ya learn how to do that???
Melody: -blinks twice- Uncle Yomoto taught me
Misty and Kotone: X3 hehe
Krystal: O.o ohh??
Misha: -walks on over as she is now off her shift finally as its lunch time- O.o uncle Yomoto punched a shark in space for trying to bite him plus it looked at him weirdly like it wants to eat him melody learned quickly by watching
Krystal: O.o dang
Melody: X3 yup
Kit Prower: -comes on over- XD MELODY THAT WAS TOTALLY WICKED!!!!
Melody: X3 hee
Krystal: O.o if I were to guess you practiced that move on the 9 idiots right??
Melody: :3 yup
Krystal: so uh... what happened to the shark when it came back to the planet
Shark: -dead and on the sand now cooked- X_x
beachgoers: XD FOOD!!! -jumps at the cooked shark as they got eat it-
melody: .w. that happens
Krystal: O_o;;;;;;; ooookay lets go home girls... X3 remember what we planned and seems like we have our aunts joining us
-as they are now at home- Misha and Kit Prower: -both furrified-
Melody, Kotone and Misty: -waits for krystal to come out-
Krystal: -comes out furrfiied-
Misha and Kit: X3 awwwwww
Krystal: -blushes shyly and smiles shyly- promise me you won't tell anyone of this
Misha: X3 we promise
Kit Prower: X3 yea hehe
Krystal: =3 thanks
-as they are playing video games-
krystal: -watching Kotone, Misty and Melody play halo 3 on capture the flag mode with all 3 against Misha and Kit Prower-
Kit Prower and Misha: X3 hehe -playing-
Krystal: -smiles while watching as she is playing on her 3DS playing pokemon sun as she is in a middle of a pokemon battle on there and such and giggles as she won-
doorbell: -ding dong-
Misha: X3 ahh pizza's here -goes to pay for it-
Espio: -sees misha open the door-
Misha: O.o Espio what are doing here??
Espio: -groans- yea... chaotix agency needs to pay some bills and uhh yea vector got me into a pizza job so yea...
Misha: O.o oookay then.... ^^; tell vector we said hi okay...
Espio: right -gets the cash from misha and gives her the pizza and heads on out like he always does-
Misha: -closes door and comes in with the pizza- O.o huhn
Krystal: whats up??
Misha: O.o that was espio he got the pizza job and it appears that Vector's chaotix agency has to pay bills so uh yea
Krystal: owch poor espio
Misha: well considering he's merrick's best friend so no big surprise
Kit Prower: gets me wondering why he still hangs out with Charmy and Vector
Krystal: O.o simple they're teammates
Melody, Kotone and Misty: X3 yea hehe
-a lil way later on that night-
Misha and Kit: -in their bedroom asleep as they're next shift is tomorrow-
Melody, Kotone and Misty: -watching a movie with Krystal-
Krystal: -same-
-at the end of the movie-
Krystal, Melody, Kotone and Misty: -all 4 fell asleep on the couch while the bowl that had the popcorn is on the floor and etc- zzzz
Kit Prower: -smiles and chuckles-
-next day as the entire family is home-
Merrick: -walks on in with everyone-
everyone: -goes to their rooms to unpack-
Merrick: -walks on into Krystal's room and sees that all 4 girls is asleep furrified as he tucks all 4 in and smiles and leaves them for their nap and such because they had some fun in the morning before he and the family returned home for this afternoon which is now as he closes the door quietly-
Krystal, Melody, Kotone and Misty: -all 4 in krystal's bed asleep furrified taking a nap after some morning of fun and such- zzz
Ceiling fan: -on high quietly-
floor fan: -heard quietly-
Picture frame: -camera pans to a picture of Krystal, Melody, Kotone and Misty when they were younger-
Scene: -fades to black slowly-
-RH0987 Productions 2019-
(  @krystalia-productions  X3 enjoy as this featured Misha Ishiyama Kato and Kit Prower and also Espio cameos for this one of course delivering the pizza hehe)
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authorracheljoy · 5 years
Just WOW
I was just looking at my old personal posts and how I’d complain and bitch and wallow in sadness and pity and GOD I’m so glad I’ve moved past dumping all of my negative emotions onto social media for everyone to see- D: Even though 2019 didn’t go how I planned at all, I’d like to think I wasn’t nearly depressed as I was in 2018 O_O I’ve technically gotten better at keeping things in order as well as cooking. My art’s improved (I guess?) even if my writing has remained -stagnant- for most of the year :/ I’m not as emotionally attached/invested in temporary friendships and I try not to let old bonds hold me down from being happy about life in general~ Sure, I still don’t have a job (hell, I don’t have life insurance at the moment- BAD RACHEL!!) and, like, what writing career?!? But at least I’m not miserable every single day. I’m not putting myself down whenever something goes wrong. I mean, I’ll be honest- those moments DO still happen, but it’s usually at night, and crying DOES help me get over those moments... anyway, that’s not the point! I still get stressed, but I guess I just don’t let it get to me as much anymore-- I still have anxiety and I do have moments where it’s a lot, but at least I don’t swing to Tumblr and vague about how SAD I am and how I hate myself or my life! I can vent in other ways now!! 
Anyway, this was a weird thing to type up, but I’m glad I said something. I’m glad I’ve matured in SOME way since last year >_> If you’ve made it through my bullshit rambles this far, seriously thank you for reading <3 
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hersheyskisses81 · 7 years
Been Too LOOOOONG!!.... and my fan account of B.A.P Party Boom LA! *it’s LOOOOOONG*
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Hello everyone!!! Hope you’re all doing well. Sorry, it’s been so crazy, that I haven’t really been able to do much if anything at all on Tumblr. Things are starting to slow down & I missed ya’ll.... If you still remember me :) I had to catch ya’ll up on what happened. I’ve changed jobs & moved all for the better, much, much happier with all of that, but it’s had me busy!!!!
Ok, so I HAVE to give my fan account of Party Boom LA, most in the chatrooms for @mjupnet already know. So my bestie Hana & I are checking into our hotel Sat around 3pm, I see a black mercedes sprinter van pull up & I tapped her shoulder thinking, could this be B.A.P? But I noticed that on the side it said tours, so I turned back around & told her never mind, as she was checking in. Less than what felt like a min later, I turned back around for kicks & I noticed the 1st person off the sprinter because of his bucket hat, it was BANG YONGGUK!!!!!! So my heart skips & I try to get my friends attention (without looking crazy) she keeps telling me hold on.  she FINALLY turns around & just nods her head & bugs her eyes a bit, but we’re trying SO hard to stay composed! By this point, now Zelo & Himchan have come in, while Yongguk & Jongup stood outside talking, then their manager & about 3 staff come in and stand right behind us for the check in counter. At this time, we haven’t seen Youngjae or Daehyun, but we’re DYING inside B.A.P IS IN OUR HOTEL!!!!! We’re trying to stay calm & not freak out (until we got to our room) The clerk couldn’t take ANY longer than he did, asking us about all of these upgrades!
Himchan, Zelo & 2 of their staff were headed towards the elevator, at the same point that we had to go up as well, but I was tooooo chicken to take the same elevator, sadly (what a fail) Hana still picks on me for this! I’m pretty sure if it was Yongguk & Jongup, I would’ve no hesitation, but they were still outside talking. We go to our room & SCREAM freaking out that we’re in the same hotel. There was a pool party & we raced to change & go chill, hoping that B.A.P would also be there. In the elevator, some of who we later learner where their staff were in their too & asked where we were going, we spoke of the pool party & they said they wished they could join, we told them they should, but they had to take care of some things for a special event the next day (we knew what it was ^_^) so we REALLY thought B.A.P would be there now. We lounged, the DJ was awesome, tons of ppl were there, but NO B.A.P, but we made an agreement, that since we fly to LA, this isn’t just for B.A.P, but also for us to have a vacation! SO we still enjoyed ourselves, had a yummy cocktail & then decided to go eat after about 2.5hrs. We head out to valet to get our rental car & as we’re sitting there, Youngjae walks right past us, I tapped Hana and then we see a few staff, there all headed to their van parked on the side. Then my eyes were blessed, Jongup walks past, a few times actually! it was pretty funny, he seemed so lost, yet adorable! I think after the 3rd time, I giggled, so he looked over, then smiled & waved. LOL! Hana had to go in & ask how late the pool & office would stay open, when she turned around, Himchan was just sitting in the lobby. So she greeted him in Korean, told him that we’d be at their concert the next night & hope they enjoyed their time & get to relax. He thanked her & was so kind, even when he walked out the door he greeted me & said thank you. Out walked Jongup again yelling HYUNG!! and Himchan happily waited for Jongup to catch up.
We were hoping our car would take longer, as Yongguk & Daehyun hadn’t come out. But NOPE, our car came & we didn’t want to just sit there, as we had to get food, etc... So as we drove off we waved & they waved back. We finished up what we were doing, came back changed again to go out at night, the lobby turns into a cool lounge w/ an awesome dj! So we chilled there, but my friend loves AOMG, and was like Bound LA is lit, we need to try that out & we can always come back. As we finished up our drink we were walking out, I see this guy sitting on the lounge chair & I said to Hana, wow, now HE’S beautiful, he looks up & smiles & it’s JUNG DAEHYUN, I wanted to die, but just smiled, but my heald down & walk faster to Bound LA (popular Korean club) But was annoyed, thinking he was going to chill in the lounge & possibly w/ other members... ie Yongguk & Jongup. But Hana was like I REALLY want to go & we can always come back. Well, thanks to coachella, what usually is LIT was not at all, there were probably 10ppl ttl inside. But we were like, more dance floor for us, met some cool ppl, had a drink & then decided after more dancing we’d leave & head back. We decided on another drink, as the bartender was really good & were just chilling there enjoying the music, Hana was facing the door & my back was towards it, but I saw her face & I knew..... we weren’t alone. Himchan, Jongup, Daehyun & Yongguk walk in & immediately go to a booth, they were probably as shocked as we were w/ how empty it was! But we knew then, WE WERE NOT LEAVING!!!!!! So we went back on the dance floor, now with about 5 other ppl & just had fun, not caring who was watching, (it’s was so empty, it was hard not to notice, but we ust had fun) But soon we once again got hungry, haha & after a few hours left & headed to BCD tofu house. We changed into comfy clothes, were chilling there & in walks Daehyun & their manager. A few min later Jongup and another staff member, no Yongguk or Himchan. And they were seated 1 table away, behind us on the right. because of a couple guys near us getting a little annoying, their Manager positioned himself to see & watch us (so nice) and made eyes w/ Hana (she was facing them) to make sure we were ok. They also alerted the waiters as well that were helping us all. The night calmed down & soon they left and us about 30 min later. 
By this point, if you’ve even read to this point, you’re wondering why we haven’t approached them more. Well, there were girls that stayed at our hotel ALL DAY for a glimpse of them. We didn’t want to be clumped into that group as those type of fans, in fact if we got stopped by some to ask if we saw them, we’d give opposite directions! Some of the staff (we didn’t know at the time) we’re in the elevator & some young girls asked if we’ve seen B.A.P... We told them, no (even thought we had JUST saw Himchan walk in) Soon we heard thank you, turned around & it was their staff, appreciative of how we handled it, we explained while we’re fans, we want them to enjoy & relax, they seemed shocked! 
Ok, so on to Sunday, still reading? almost done.... We assumed the boys were doing soundcheck in the am, blah blah blah & decided to just do our thing per usual, I was craving neng myun & we went to our fav place, as we waited for the car Himchan & one of the photographers walked up from getting juice (nope, not coffee) At this pt, we’ve bumped into him the most, Jongup 2nd, Daehyun 3rd Yongguk 4th, And only 1 time saw Youngjae and Zelo when we 1st checked in. Zelo had posted the brunch at our hotel & we assumed after that they left. We came back to the hotel after eating, changed & decided to chill by the pool. Hana wanted to in the sun & I wanted to chill in the shade, so I laid on the chairs. The music was really chill, had a nice summer vibe going (pineapple vodka in my hand) I was grooving & then an old school song came on & ppl starting reacting. In particular, me & a guy next to me, so we looked at each other & smiled, I kept my cool, but that guy was ZELO!!! I smiled back and laid back down, then texted my friend saying Zelo was 2 chairs away from me, so she made her way over! LOL but we still left him alone, he had 1 staff member with him, it was their translator for the US leg of the tour. We just wanted him to enjoy, so we left him alone.Even at one pt, his staff left & Zelo was just by himself about 1/2 hr, we almost felt protective of him, HE IS A PRECIOUS GUMDROP and sooo adorable, tall 7 very pale, ppl they are NOT whitewashing him.... the others, YES!!!. We did get to meet Yongguk, Himchan & Jongup last year, we even got to talk a bit more to them then honestly.    While we didn’t get a photo w/them, this meant the world to both of us, we saw them & saw them A LOT, but as THEMSELVES, not B.A.P! Let me tell you, They’re beyond beautiful w/out makeup & beyond nice, they also were very appreciative with how we let them be & even shielded them from some fans. But I think they thought we really weren’t fans, since we didn’t “act” like normal ones..... so when High touch came & we were in the last 10ppl to do high touch, the look on their faces... O_O...  & their reactions PRICELESS... We knew, they knew then we were fans & it all clicked! They wen’t to another spot for dinner after the concert & left in the afternoon the next day (Mon, we left Tues)they actually did late check out, due to the amount of fans waiting in the lobby :(.. and just probably tired. 
This was a trip we’ll NEVER forget & I hope they’ll remember it as fondly was we do & that we get to see them again next year!!!
IF you read this, you deserve a medal!!!! <3
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