#I usually defend s4 because it’s rather silly.. but PLEASE
graniteknight · 3 months
I need the nexo knights fandom to put their heads together and make the best, most incredible deserved ending for the show.
I am so sorry but what we got as an ending fucking SUCKED. It was quite literally horrendously unfinished. and I know, I know that the show got cancelled, but I just don’t understand why they didn’t finish it with a better ending . (s4 was probably the WORST fucking season btw, It’s just.. rushed?)
I myself could probably note some stuff or something, (this is me casually admitting to making nk fanfics in my notes app lmao) but my god the creativity of this fandom could just, do so much deserved justice.
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aalissy · 3 years
Anddd new chapter doneee!! Lemme know what you guys think <3. It’s another reveal hehehe. My faveeee!! Also lemme know if you saw the new episode. I’d love to hear your thoughts!! It’s my new favorite of s4 and definitely in my top 3 favorite episodes haha!
Marinette pursed her lips as she tapped her foot against her floor impatiently. Chat was supposed to have been there an hour ago and she was getting restless. After checking the Ladyblog for the countless time that night, she determined that there was no akuma attack keeping him. Crossing her arms against her chest, she huffed, wishing that he would get to her house faster. They were supposed to have a video game tournament tonight and he wasn’t usually late.
Chewing on her lip, Marinette glanced at the time again, wondering if he had forgotten or if he was in trouble. Her gaze drifted sullenly over to the macarons and croissants that she had made fresh beforehand which had now cooled considerably. With a quiet sigh, she turned to her kwami. “Do you think something could have happened to him? Why is he so late?”
“I’m sure everything’s fine, Marinette,” Tikki chirped positively, “Maybe he’s just busy.”
She tilted her head in acceptance to Tikki’s words but turned to her balcony trapdoor to stare at it forlornly. In a bout of Ladybug luck, a soft knock sounded from it. Marinette immediately brightened, rushing up her ladder to open it for him. Running a hand through her hair, she spoke rather breathlessly, “Hi.”
Chat gave her a soft smile, raising a hand in a wave. “Hi, purrincess. Sorry I’m late. My work ran late tonight.”
Her eyebrow rose as her lips twitched in amusement. “You work? Are you sure?”  
He chuckled, shaking his head before he jumped down into her bedroom. He tapped her nose playfully as he said, “Yes, I do. I’m a pawsitively irresistible model that people can’t get enough of.”
Chat flexed in front of her and Marinette scoffed, rolling her eyes at him. Giving him an unimpressed look, she slid back down her ladder. “Sure you are kitty. And my designs are as famous as Gabriel Agreste’s.”
He snickered, following after her as his eyes glimmered with a mischievous, knowing look. “Purrhaps they will be in a few years, Marinette. You’re very talented.”
She flushed faintly, glancing at him softly out of the corner of her eye as she sank into her chair. “Aw, thank you, kitty! That’s very sweet of you to say.”
“You’re welcome,” Chat beamed back, sitting down next to her. His face lit up as he rubbed his hands together. “Now, are you ready for our competition? I think I’m pawpared to finally beat you this time.”
“Good luck,” Marinette shot him a smirk as she picked up her controller. “I’ve been practicing with a good friend of mine. I’d wager that he’s better than you too, so I’m pretty sure I’ve got this in the bag.”
With a pair of teasing blue eyes, she leaned in to flick his bell confidently. She had been practicing. Alya had begun dragging her to more game nights after learning how stressed she was so she and Adrien had begun playing together more often. It was a nice, relaxing break from her usual stresses of Ladybug. Plus, Adrien had actually managed to beat her once. He had pulled off a combo move that Marinette had never seen before, leaving her with too little health to finish him off in the end. Though she had pouted about it at the time, she was grateful for the new combo and even began practicing a defense against it.
Lost in her memories as she was, she barely heard Chat chuckle with a low murmur, “We’ll see about that.”
Narrowing her eyes at him playfully, Marinette then picked up a macaron, gesturing at the plate she had made for them. “By the way, I made some treats if you get hungry. Feel free to take some.”
Chat nodded at her happily, eagerly plucking up a croissant and gulping it down like he had been eyeing it since he sat down. Giggling quietly at his content expression, she booted up the game to catch him off guard.
“Hey!” Marinette heard him shout as she landed a punch that he didn’t have enough time to block. “That’s cheating!”
“Hmm,” she tilted her head from side to side. “I think it’s pretty fair considering you made me wait an hour before you got here.”
Sneaking a quick peek over at him, she saw his lower lip jutted out in an adorable pout. He whined quietly as their characters fought on the screen, “I already told you that it wasn’t my fault.”
Distracted by his pout for that brief second, Chat managed to get a good hit on her character. Pursing her lips in concentration, she focused her gaze entirely on the computer screen as her competitive streak kicked in. Marinette’s fingers moved across the buttons with ease, watching as Chat’s health gradually got lower and lower.
Just when she thought she was about to win, he shouted with pride, “Check this move out, purrincess!”
Marinette blinked in surprise as he began to play the exact combo that Adrien had used to win against her before. Fortunately for her the defense she had practiced still worked and she ended up winning. She wasn’t certain how exactly she had managed to win that game, though. She had just been struck with an eerie feeling of deja vu after Chat had shouted those words. Adrien had said something very similar before taking her down at their last game night and now images of the two boys were clashing and colliding in her head.
“Nice job, purrincess,” his voice snapped her out of her thoughts. “I thought that last combo would have taken you down fur sure.”
“It did,” Marinette murmured unthinkingly, her gaze stuck on his messy, blonde hair trying to imagine it neater.
He tilted his head at her in confusion, gesturing to the computer screen. “Huh? No I didn’t... It says you won.”
“No,” she shook her head rapidly, trying to calm her racing thoughts. “I meant that it did before. The friend I told you I was practicing with... he used that combo and beat me.”
Marinette searched his gaze, looking for any sign of recognition or acknowledgment. She got it. Chat glanced away, scratching the back of his neck in a very familiar way. Her heart practically stopped as her breath hitched. She was right.
Lost in her realization, she barely heard him murmur quietly, “You were right, then... he does sound like a better player than me.”
Sucking in a steadying breath of air, Marinette then chewed her lower lip as she hummed, “You know, I don’t think I was right about that. In fact, I’d say that you two are probably at the exact same level. The only reason that move didn’t work on me this time was because I practiced ways to defend against it.”
Chat’s gaze had snapped to hers as he stiffened considerably. He chuckled nervously, his hand leaving the back of his neck to run through his hair. “R-right.”
How had she not noticed it before? It was so obvious. Her lips quirked in amusement as she looked up at him. Nudging his arm, she teased, “Next time, try coming up with a different combo to defeat me, Adrien.”
“I know,” he sighed, seemingly not noticing that she called him by his civilian name. “But you’re so amazing, that it’s so difficult.”
Instead of answering, she continued to stare at him pointedly. Her eyebrows rose after a few more moments of silence and Chat’s mouth eventually dropped open as he realized. He scrambled out of his chair as he held his hands up. “I-I mean, uh, who’s Adrien? W-what are you talking about, purrincess?”
Giggling, Marinette leaned down to stare into his familiar, green eyes. Now that she knew, there were so many signs. She wondered if he’d feel the same when she told him she was Ladybug. Giving him a small smirk, she then said, “That’s you, silly kitty.”
Chat sagged, looking up at her desperately as he pleaded with his eyes. “Please, Marinette. You can’t tell anyone. If Ladybug finds out you know who I am, she’ll probably kill you and me.”
Marinette threw her head back in a loud laugh that she was certain confused him. When she finally caught her breath again, she leaned back down to stare into his bemused gaze, teasing him, “It might be good for you to start running then because Ladybug knows that I know.”
“Wha? How? How could that even be possible?!” He frowned up at her, looking terrified for his life.
“Because, mon Chaton,” she flicked his bell, pointing at herself. “Ladybug’s right here.”
“What?! No! I, y-you can’t be Ladybug. What about Multimouse?” Chat asked desperately.
She shook her head a few times before responding, “Just an illusion. I was using the fox miraculous at the time and--”
Marinette got cut off as Chat tugged her down onto his chest, wrapping her up in a tight embrace. Squeaking with a bright red blush on her face, she hugged him back with all of her strength. This was Adrien. The love of her life. The boy who was currently brushing a kiss against the top of her head, sending shivers up and down her spine.
“I’m so glad it’s you,” he murmured, his warm breath on her head giving her goosebumps.
“Me too, my silly kitty,” Marinette whispered, closing her eyes as she relaxed in his arms. “Me too.”
Right now, everything was perfect. In fact, she’d be content to spend the rest of her life here if he let her. Snuggling closer to Chat, she sighed happily. She needed to remember to thank Alya for those extra game nights. They really were the best.
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