#I vascillate between two and 4
facewithoutheart · 5 months
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hopeymchope · 8 months
"Monarch: Legacy of Monsters" might've had a lot less kaiju action than the previous attempt to translate Godzilla into a TV series, but it more than made up for that in quality storytelling!
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My sundry observations, gripes, praises and questions:
They really went out of their way to honor the Japanese roots of the source material, didn't they? We're in Japan for a ton of the show, dealing with Japanese and/or Japanese-descended characters for the majority of it, and have a surprising amount of Japanese dialogue throughout — it's nice.
I know Wyatt Russell is a Nepo Baby, but he's honestly still very good at what he does. I don't think the series has any bad acting... but the two Russells (because Kurt Russell is, ofc, amazing), Mari Yamamota (Keiko Miura) and Joe Tippett (Tim) are still the absolute highlights for most of the run, IMO. The Russells and Yamamota do the emotional heavy lifting with aplomb, whereas Tippett is so naturalistic and likable that it's hard not to find him engaging.
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Cate starts off the series being such an asshole who doesn't show any empathy for people going through the EXACT SAME SHIT that she is, but I think the later reveal of her trauma on "G-Day" somewhat explains her attitude problem. She then manages to pivot to being much more likable JUUUUST in time for the episode where we get the flashbacks revealing she was a shitty person even BEFORE G-Day. LOL.
May ALSO swings between being likable and being a total ass, and while that sounds like a complaint, I actually sort of appreciate it. We're seeing the main female characters get the kind of nuance and depth to them that they aren't often afforde in mass-market media, and that's cool.
On the flip side, there's Kentaro. The fact that both Cate and May get to act both likable and dickishreally me expect the same thing for Kentaro. They're the trio of young people who make up the titular "Legacy," right? (Well, I guess that's mostly meant to refer to Cate/Kentaro.) So... I was shocked when Kentaro's chance to be a total prick never came around. He's pretty likable and understandable throughout! Even when he's being SUPER harsh on Hiroshi, I still understand it in light of what Hiroshi's done to their families. I feel like maybe Kentaro got something of a short shrift on this front. He gets adequate backstory, mind you, but he also never gets either A) as much focus time as May and Cate, nor B) a chance to come off like kind of a dick like May and Cate sometimes do? It's a little tempting to say that making him the more "pure" of the trio comes off as sexist, but... the way that he gradually is shoved into the background of the story's focus and doesn't even get to go on the big final adventure makes it pretty clear that this ISN'T because the producers favor Kentaro. More like the opposite....
In fact, take particular note of how nobody really gives him credit for how he was the ENTIRE REASON THEY SURVIVED Episode 4. They diss him and don't believe him, and when he's ultimately proven right in a way that saves all their asses? May gives the credit for her survival to Cate for some inexplicable reason. (Except for ONE later moment when neither Kentaro or Cate can know or hear her admit Kentaro saved them.) WTF. I found that frustrating.
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That episode was the start of Cate and May becoming incredibly tight-knight with one another, and I'm still not clear on how/why that happened. Is it just because they both vascillate between being chlidish assholes and likable adults?? By the halfway point of the show, I was really getting strong shippy vibes off them. Which would be super cute and sweet if it wasn't also, y'know... kinda shitty. Because May used to be with her brother? Who clearly still had feelings for her when the series starts, just a few days prior? MMM.... not cool, May. To be fair, however, not always caring about their own hurtful/sketchy behavior is actually pretty in-character for them both, so maybe it works. And I suppose you gotta take that happiness where you can get it in this crazy, now-kaiju-laden world.
The character who shows up at the end of Episode 9 completely shocked me. They got me there. And in light of that twist — that character who disappears near the end of the finale? Perhaps this goes without saying, but there's no way we've seen the last of them. ZERO chance... unless the person portraying them doesn't renew their contract for season 2 or something. :P
This is, of course, a "Monsterverse" series. But the logic of how the Hollow Earth works in this show doesn't seem to REMOTELY align with how it was portrayed in Godzilla vs Kong, does it? Not even KIND OF. I wonder if Godzilla x Kong will get that disconnect to retroactively make sense.
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At least one returning actor from the Monsterverse films shows up to provide a link... for one scene.
And speaking of the Monsterverse, that's hardly the only Continuity Sketchiness going on here! Serizawa only gets name-dropped ONCE in this series despite the fact that he's still presumably the HEAD DUDE IN CHARGE over there. They keep calling Verdugo the Deputy Director because Serizawa is the director, right?? Though Verdugo sure does make unilateral decisions about the whole-ass organizations multiple times in this show.
All of my prior point is especially goofy when the idea of HELPING Godzilla is treated as this shocking, bizarre concept ..... despite the fact that it's Serizawa's entire fucking philosophy since BEFORE this takes place???
Okay, let's shift back to positives: Takehiro Hira doesn't get as much screen time as many cast members, but his performances over the last two episodes are friggin' emotionally devastating. Fantastic.
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The lack of more Toho monsters in the Monsterverse has been something of a downer for me personally, but they still do pull out some really cool original designs. That Frost Vark is pretty badass.
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5 days to go! Can you match four of Melanie's loved ones (plus one not so loved one!) to the stage of grief we will find them in at the beginning of Season 3?
1. Alex 2. Ben 3. Javi 4. Ruth 5. Wilford
1. Denial 2. Anger 3. Bargaining 4. Depression 5. Acceptance
Okay, I have been thinking about this all day because one it breaks my heart to think about 💔 and two it really is such a big question...how are they going to deal with Melanie's loss and how will they find closure when there is just so much going on that could potentially keep them from finding the time and space to grieve?
So anyway, this is just what I envision. And I'm sure others have equally fascinating takes on it! Prepare to brace:
1. Alex - Bargaining
*I imagine when we catch up with Alex, she will be caught, once again, right in the middle. Vascillating between a 'sentimental' yearning for closure, and a scientific need for proof. (I could write a whole essay on this, someone please hug her. Look at her, she's got anxiety!) Her faith in her mother was strong enough that she was willing to sacrifice her place at Wilford's side to go back for her, and despite not finding a body, Alex has Melanie's logbooks. Which for some might serve as proof enough. But I can't help but feel Alex might be caught in this stage of searching and yearning just like she was before (the first time she'd been left behind). A constant back and forth, where she can't help making deals with herself about how much she can hope (if one more scan doesn't turn up any static, it must be that I'm looking for the wrong thing. Maybe there's something else, some other clue) and how much she can take (If she really is gone then I'll just do what she would've done.) Latching onto new hopes then talking herself out of it over and over again. She's been left behind before but it wasn't the end. Surely she can catch up to Melanie again?
2. Ben - Depression
*The best way I think to explain why I matched Ben to the depressive state of grief is to first explain why I didn't match him with the others. I didn't match Ben with denial because he knew Melanie best, and so his stalwart belief in her was tempered with his knowledge of how vulnerable she could be. In season 1, Ben was known to compliment Mel on her abilities as an engineer and as the secret leader of the train, and he encourages Alex in season 2 not to give up hope on her because she's a survivor, as if he is willing to build Melanie up as this superpowered woman who can do anything ("you are kind of amazing"). But we also see him looking out for Melanie's physical needs as well, encouraging her to ask for help and go to sleep at a decent hour, etc. He was there for her when she was struggling over the tribunal quandry, and he was there again when Melanie voiced her misgivings about going away for a month. All of this to say that while I don't doubt that Ben would struggle to comprehend the news of Mel's death, by the time we catch up to him I doubt we will see him in complete denial, as he knew (intimately) how human and fragile Melanie could be. Which of course leads me to anger--I did not match Ben with anger because time and time again he has been shown to be pragmatic, even in high stress situations. When Miles was revealed to be a traitor, Ben was angry for all of five minutes before letting him in on the problem-solving side of their situation. His anger with Javi was likewise put aside and the two of them got right back to work in the Engine at the end of season 1. This is not to say that where Melanie is concerned he would not get emotional or angry on her behalf or with himself for not being able to help her (as he has always tried to do), only that his penchant for pragmatism might help him to be able to rise above it when the anger does crowd out everything else (since these stages are not exactly a linear progression but more of a framework for understanding and identifying waves or modes of grief). I also did not match Ben with bargaining because Ben seemed to me an uncompromising kind of guy who always deferred to Melanie's judgement. So, of the train pirates he seems the one most likely to take her logbook entries at face value, even if it causes him great pain. And I chose not to match him with acceptance because I feel as long as Melanie's mission remains uncompleted, Ben will continue to feel her absence too acutely to move into that stage. He has always followed her lead and taken pride in what they have accomplished together, so continuing her work will be one way to keep her with him in a way. Her memory would be too near and present to be consigned to death and absence. That's why I think it would make most sense to find Ben in the depression stage of his grief. Especially because the most defining characteristic of this stage is wrestling with one's own guilt. Which I'm sure Ben will have had time to build up in his own mind. (If he had helped her run from Wilford when he first heard the music maybe...?) (If he had volunteered to go to the station instead then...?) (If he'd killed Wilford when he had the chance and stopped the train for her...?) (And on and on. And on.) I think these are things Ben will be grappling with, not regret at having loved Melanie, but perhaps a bit of bitterness that it wasn't enough (or at least doesn't seem to have been) while also torturing himself with thoughts of how lonely and cold she must have been in her final days. It's enough to make anyone depressed. :(
3. Javi - Acceptance
*Javi was actually the most difficult for me to place, partly because his interactions with Melanie were usually so rife with conflict and I don't usually count him among Melanie's loved ones but categorize him more as a colleague and uneasy ally (He's there. But usually several degrees of separation further away than say, Jinju or even Boki). We didn't see his final goodbye or any moments between the two of them at Melanie's parting to suggest how deeply he was invested emotionally in her mission--just his initial excitement that the Earth was warming and later the way he offered comfort to Ben. Which is to say--I don't think he would be completely unaffected, he made it clear where his loyalties lay when Wilford tried to see if he could hook him (so I'm sure he would feel the loss of a friend), and I didn't match him to this stage because I think he'd move through the other stages any quicker than the others per say--but I do think he is uniquely situated to have had a very traumatic event make him hyper aware of the stakes. He almost lost his own life trying to stop the train for Melanie, and would have spent weeks if not months working directly with Wilford (because the man's short on engineers) after Pirate train split. So his depth of grief may be great, but accepting that it's happened and there's nothing he can do about it may be to Javi's own self interest and free up his time and energy to keeping himself alive on Wilford's train.
4. Ruth - Denial
*Because Ruth was left behind on Wilford's section of the train, I have a feeling Ruth might take the news of Melanie's death the...least gracefully. Especially if she spends the subsequent months she's waiting for train pirate to return boosting the passengers' morale with assurances that 'Melanie will be back soon. She'll set things right'. Ruth will most likely have taken it as a given that Layton would come back with Melanie. They'd just fought so hard and lost too much for it to all come to nothing. Add to this the fact that Ruth was not there to inspect the station herself, I imagine she will struggle to take the others' at their word. Especially since Melanie is a bona fide 'filthy liar' and capable of hoodwinking the entire train for seven years. Ruth would want to hold onto those little pieces of Melanie trivia and refuse to accept anything else.
5. Wilford - Anger
*I have matched Wilford with Anger because I imagine he would've liked to have the final say in how Melanie...exited, especially so he could control the narrative. Minimize her impact. And turn her mission into a cautionary tale of blind idealism. The last thing he wants is for Melanie's sacrifice to 'inspire' people to imagine a future without his order and leadership. He would much rather her death drive the passengers even more forcefully into his arms. And, being robbed of that, my bet is that Wilford had been hoping for an epic final battle between himself and his protege. Once he finally got around to accepting the fact that Layton had beaten him and stolen the pirate train. (But who knows how long that probably took, lol)
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emmaekay · 6 years
Galaktikon II - Post Lyric Release Analysis
Hello friends! If you follow this blog for Dragon Ball content, avert your eyes from what is about to be a full critique, breakdown, and analysis of my favorite metal album of the last 5 years. 
Released on August 26, 2017, Galaktikon II is the 2nd studio album of Galaktikon, combo metal outlet of Brendon Small, Gene Hoglan, and Bryan Beller. I say “combo metal” because what the fuck even is this, other than holy?
 At times, melodic death, at times speed metal, at times operatic metal - it’s everything good about all those subgenres and none of the trite or campy elements. This weekend, to celebrate the year’s anniversary of the release, the official lyrics were released to the album - that’s a big deal for a lot of reasons.
See, Galaktikon II is special in another way, too. It’s the unofficial end to the Metalocalypse story. Criminally cancelled before the story could draw to its planned close, fans everywhere have protested, petitioned, spammed, come just this side of rioting... and a certain exec at Adult Swim just can’t be arsed. Small has said in this-side-of-legal ways that Galaktikton II is the true end to Metalocalypse. 
But when I listen to it, I hear something else, too. I hear the story of someone who spent 10 years building a world, only to have it burned down by someone else. I hear a love letter to the fans, but also a plea to let the end be the end. To accept that that world is over. From The Ocean Galaktik to Rebuilding a Planet, this is Small’s story, of trying to find the right combination of factors that would force that network to allow him to finish his tale, to his own acceptance of the fact that that will never happen. He has been clear about that in interviews - it’s over, and he’s ready to move on to the next project - the next world - he’s ready to rebuild. In this album, I hear an ask - will you, my friends and fans, come with me to the next? 
So, here it is - everything I heard and everything I think about each track on Galaktikon II. SIDENOTE - this review is in the VINYL track order, which is also the “story” listening order. The CD/digital track order will not be followed here, and I really recommend listening to it in the vinyl order only.
1. Some Days Are For Dying
This track picks up right after the end of The Doomstar Requiem. The “Doomstar” is not the same thing as the Dethlights, which is the power that the band gains control of when they get Toki back. There is a huge asteroid or meteor heading for the earth. It’s freaking people out, destroying satellites, causing chaos. It’s being predicted that it will hit the Earth and destroy the planet.
Triton is nearby, but doesn’t appear to want to get involved. 
Fuck this, never was my occupation. 
He sings, correctly, since he’s not a planet savior but a bounty hunter. 
On the Earth, various forces are mobilizing, militarizing, magnetizing. Nathan is still drawn back to the Whale goddess in the sea: The voice in my heart still speaks to me / It beckons me back to the deep. Nathan seems to want her help, for the first time - he doesn’t want the planet to be destroyed and actively wants to seek out that “Right Song” that has been eluded to since season 4. Any gift in this haze that the gods bestow / remove the blindfold, enlighten my soul / Would aide in the poetry I’m to sing.
The Church of the Black Klok is predicting the end of the world. We forsee blackness. We forsee doom. 
Both the soldiers in the Falconback project AND the Gears are assembling for a serious battle. Fall in - Fall in - Fall in. (This cadence is echoed in Could This Be the End when Nathan asks the band “Alright?”) Prepare your captains. Prepare your flag. Prepare the battlements. Prepare the bloodied ram.
The song ends with a threat. 
I will make you twist and burn. (Nathan)
I have waited, clock must turn. (Halfman)
Who is threatening who? I take it as both the Halfman and Nathan threatening each other, noted above, but it’s the Halfman who gets his say in the next song.
2. Nightmare
Full disclosure, this is my favorite track on the album. Man, this manages to be powerful and sinister even as it touches on a poignant key of sadness. 
This song is a soliloquy by the Halfman. He was cursed with this demonic affliction, but says he isn’t the devil - Mephistopheles isn’t me - he sings, though people have made him into the devil. He explains how he died, then came back from the grave... half alive. Half of what he used to be. Based on later tracks, one can infer that Vater Orlaag is who brought him back to life and imbued him with the powers and overall creepiness he displays.
He doesn’t want to let go of the half life he has, but the impending star will change that life into something entirely different. Even while expressing feelings that he was misunderstood and even of fear, he still stands out as a villain. He seems to vascillate in the context of the song between fearsome and fearful. He has, after all, lived this way - waiting to see what would happen - for a very long time. 
This cold heart keeps on beating
I’m the darkness you’re feeling. 
The delivery of that lyric, at the same time powerful and ominous even as it hints at uncertainty. The song ends with the Halfman’s trademark “we’ll see” sort of sentiment. 
I still wait
Time will tell
Falcon flies
3. The Ocean Galaktik
This song, I think, is where Small really gets the most personal on the album. This is the story of both Nathan’s return to the deep to find the music - the right song - and of Brendon’s own quest to release the end of this story, to come to terms with the falling out on the network, and to find the right way to release this music, these songs, and to end this story. 
Some hearts will grow cold (The network)
Some of them outshine them all (the fans and the band)
Show love through it all (Small himself)
Breathe through my soul (Release the story the only way he can - through the music.) Leave this all behind, and look within (stop trying to get the 5th season)
Though we must all die, we don’t all live (Everything has an end, not everyone gets to do 4 seasons + a rock opera on tv, so he’s grateful for what he DID do)
and of course, the obvious: “Could this be what I need to set me free?” Small is asking himself, could this denial from the network, and also this album, be what sets him free from doing the same thing over and over - allowing him to invent and explore?
“I’m ready to serve my planet now.” I also hear the word “storm” laid over “serve” in this lyric. Officially, it’s serve, but Small is a tricksy little minx, so I’m not ruling out storm. In fact, the dual lyric makes the most sense - Brendon is ready to storm the planet with his next project. The “storm” thing comes into play later in the album, too. But also, Nathan, storywise, is ready to serve the planet because after meeting with the Beast Queen (who I think is Abigail but might just be that cool ass whale, who I’ve taken to referring to as the Whale Goddess) he has THE Song. 
4. The Agenda
This is, simply, Vater Orlaag and the Halfman programming a poisoned Murderface to do some fucked up shit. 
Oh - be anything I want to be?
Oh - is this just a dream?
Oh - give away so willfully
Oh - please carry me away. 
These lines are Murderface himself, seeing the immortality and adoration offered by the two villains. Already poisoned, Murderface falls for it. 
“Just lock the door, and trap accused. Just flip the switch & light the fuse.”
5. My Name is Murder
Well, yeah, it is. This song describes Murderface luring the rest of the band into a trap where they nearly die. The idea is that when the rest of the band dies, the Dethlights will all flow into him, which I can only assume Orlaag and the Halfman intend to take from him at that point. Murderface runs away after lighting Mordhaus on fire, the Gears chase his ass down though. He thinks about taking his own life. He chooses not to - I interpret this as Murderface himself breaking the possession/poison a bit. The Gears appear to catch him. 
6. Exitus
Oh man, if this song doesn’t give you chills, check your fucking pulse. 
The rest of the band tries to think of how to cure Murderface. The reason that “there’s gotta be a relationship between the water and” the Halfman based on the fact that water has been protective and healing for the band in the past, and appears to have driven the Halfman out of “the man in green” which I think is General Krozier. 
The Gears & the Band take Murderface to the cove from the end of Season 4 and literally fucking drown him. Brutal. 
I have always thought this next verse was from the perspective of Ofdensen:
Come back to me.
Blink if you hear me. 
You gotta fight to breathe.
Hold my hand - look in my eyes. The klok within your chest gives back your life. 
Too soft for Nathan. Anyway, Murderface is cured and comes back to life. Holy shit this bit kills. 
You live, you live in your body
You live, you live in your soul
You live, you live in your heart
And we live, we live with you. 
And now we stand here believers - a pentagram of black faith. 
So Murderface is back with the boys and the Dethlights are powering up again. Next stop? FUCKIN SPAAAAAAACE BOYYYYY
7. Icarus Six Sixty Six
The boys literally go to space? Based on the video for Nightmare, where the whale goddess meets up with Triton, I’m guessing that Triton shows up and is the “UFO” referred to in the lyrics. He helps the boys rig a fucking planet wide sound system like the one in the Dethkones Israel/Palestine episode but EVEN BIGGER. (This is also the current cover photo on the Metalocalypse Facebook as an additional clue.)
Louder than the world believes
Defying physics all perceive! Shit goes tits up and they end up having to eject from a crash landing on their way back to Earth. 
Not now! Eject? Not now! Eject? Not now! Eject? BUT NOWWWWW. 
Thanks for helping the boys save the planet, Triton. 
8. Become the Storm
Nathan literally uses a planet wide PA system to notify the whole population that the Earth is about to get fucked up royally by the Doomstar - a possessed star with a demon inside it that’s going to take up residence in the Halfman’s body and really, really wreck up the Earth 
Nathan inspires people all over the world, civilians and fans and Gears, to unite and “become the storm” that will wipe this evil out. 
From the land to the sea
There’s no them - only we! 
That might be the warmest thing said on this entire album, not leastwise because I’m starving for some kind of unity in humanity lately. No division here - it’s the people of the planet vs. Orlaag & the Halfman. 
Also there are robots on Orlaag & the Halfman’s side. That’s the Falconback project. Robots that will serve them and the demon - literally soulless people who have been mechanically augmented. Bwomp. And also there appears to be some kind of big machine at work - also hinted at in Some Days Are For Dying and later in the album in Could This Be The End?
“We march forth to his throne
We will die for our home.”  The Army of humanity heads for the Halfman. Look out, motherfucker!
9. To Kill a God
Well, the title says it. They’re heading out to kill a god - or really, prevent the birth of a new one. Orlaag and the Halfman are holed up in a snow covered mountain range. The band sends the main wave of soldiers to “dismantle their magnetized machines.”  The sky will part to let the demon soul descend. 
Yep. The star is a demon. And it’s coming to chill inside the Halfman’s body. The rest of the song is a battle between the robotic Falconback soldiers and the Storm. Nathan urges them to fight on - “Don’t leave the gods alive.”
10. Could This Be The End?
This song is a fucking rollercoaster. Okay:
The Storm is fighting outside and the band is waiting in place. They turn the Falconback magnetized weapon against the star, trying to destroy it or override the machinery. It, of course, goes tits up. The band decides to use the Dethlights against the Doomstar, even though it will probably kill them.  They form a “pentagram of power” and basically go toe to toe with this fucking demon asshole. They’re willing to die. The machinery is overloading. The star gets nearer and nearer to anchoring in the Halfman.  Oh oh, leave their souls. We were always meant to go. 
Let it be one last strike with our sword
Save them
Call the lights
We must die
But we lived our lives
They choose to save the Storm soldiers and all of the planet, opening themselves up completely to the destructive power of the Dethlights. 
The Falconback machine explodes.
The demon tries it. 
Doesn’t win. Dethlights fuck it up totally. 
Because of their bond, their commitment, their pure brutality - the Dethlights are strong enough to repel the demon WITHOUT killing them. 
Nathan compels everyone to hold on - “We know that we must die,” he says, “But for now we live! ”
Alright, we live!
He asks each of them and by context gets an affirmative answer. 
The song closes with the question - Could this be the end? 
11. Rebuilding a Planet
This is totally instrumental, so you know, imagine whatever scenario you want. Do they return to playing music? Do they rule the world? Do Nate and Abigail have the most metal wedding ever? Do Toki and Skwisgaar still pretend to hate each other? Whatever you want “rebuilding” to mean, it can and it does. This, maybe even moreso than The Ocean Galaktik, is truly a love letter to the listener. A gift. An absolute salve on the burn we’d all felt for so many years of unresolved plot line. A promise, that Small isn’t done and Galaktikon will be rebuilt with new stories and new potential. Overall the tone is hopeful, peaceful, soothing - a satisfying goodbye to five goofballs Small loved, and that we all loved, too. 
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theseadagiodays · 4 years
June 8, 2020
Art in Isolation
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Artists listed clockwise from top right: Miriam Tingle, Shaheer Zazai, Ariel Shea, Veronica Pausova
I think, for me, there has been no group of people for whom I’ve had more empathy during this pandemic than those inside care homes.    I recognize that many of these facilities provide stellar support for their residents, as they struggle with ill health.  And I can think of nothing more honorable than a profession that allows people to face end of life as gracefully as possible.  However, I still think that there is a good reason why so many of us carry fear about such places.  Particularly given the restrictions imposed on these facilities during Covid, residents are now faced with what, perhaps, most chronically terrifies humans: the possibility of dying alone.  The Japanese even have a word for this - kodokushi or lonely death.
Thankfully, nursing homes and hospices have made extensive efforts to ameliorate these fears.  They are arranging regular digital communication for patients, with their loved ones.   And artists are also addressing this problem in very meaningful ways.  
Vancouver pianist, Matthew Li has been playing virtual performances for isolated patients all over Canada. https://www.cbc.ca/radio/thecurrent/the-current-for-may-4-2020-1.5554395/this-classical-pianist-is-offering-hospital-patients-virtual-private-music-recitals-1.5554784   And there are many other performers doing the same.
Also, this Toronto artist/curator team has organized an art donation program that has succeed in collecting over 200 original works, from the artists themselves (see photo above), to deliver (with fully compliant sanitary measures) to nursing homes in their area. https://cdnartinisolation.format.com/works-test
What’s important to acknowledge is the fact that end-of-life caregiving is a two-way street.  Sometimes, those in palliative care are less afraid to die alone than their loved ones are to be denied the opportunity to serve, comfort and seek closure.  So, it is beautiful that these gestures of music, and art, and video calls can soothe the souls of everyone involved.  
June 9, 2020
Making Lemonade
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I don’t know about you, but lately, I feel like I’m drinking an awful lot of lemonade (and yes, sometimes spiked!).   Don’t get me wrong.  I usually love lemonade.  In fact, there are summer days when the craving hits me so hard, I can focus on nothing until it’s quenched.  I guess there’s something about the bittersweetness and resiliency of a drink that turns lemons into lemonade which usually attracts a “path-of-most-resistence” girl like me.  However, if I’m to be completely honest, I’m beginning to run out of Plan B’s.  Sure, there have been plenty of really tasty ones so far.  Like the socially distant private cocktail class for 6 that we gifted two of our friends (with us & their partners), when their big 40th & 50th birthday plans went caput with Covid.  One had hoped for a trip abroad with his family.  The other had booked a large venue and invited 100 friends and family for his now cancelled-‘til-‘21 bash.  So, mixing maitais and shaking whiskey sours as a back-up plan certainly wasn’t half-bad.  Then, there is the fact that my treasured local pool (a rare ,137-meter swimming facilty right on the ocean, available to the public for only $4 per visit) hasn’t opened this season, and probably won’t all year.  So, what did I do?  I rushed out to buy a 1 mm spring wetsuit, intent on “ocean hiking’ instead.  My inaugural swim, last Sunday night, down wind and down current, surrounded by mountains and the cityscape, which ended just below an eagle perched only 20-feet overhead, was an admittedly euphoric moment.  
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So, believe me, I know I have no right to complain.  I’m just recognizing that, currently, I feel like I’ve pretty much tapped my creative juices to the max, which means that I’m looking for things to fuel my imagination for the months to come.  In my quest, I stumbled upon this particularly sophisticated back-up plan, which I imagine will be inspiration for many.
The Kanneh-Mason family is likely the most famous musical family you’ve never heard of.  All seven, that’s right, seven of these siblings are top-shelf classical musicians, conveniently covering nearly the full string family with 2 violinists, 3 pianists, and 2 cellists.  And, remarkably, their parents, who moved from Sierra Leone to England, where the children were raised, had only minimal exposure to musical instruments as kids.  Sheku, the third eldest, may be the most reknowned, having had his debut Carnegie Hall cello recital at just 20.  However, right by his side was his older sister Isata (23) on piano.  And it’s the lemonade that she recently squeezed out of a bum lemon which inspires me right now.  She’d been excitedly waiting for her upcoming Royal Albert Hall debut, a performance of Beethoven’s Third Piano Concerto with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, originally scheduled for April 18th.  So, once it was cancelled, as all family phenoms do, the five oldest kids, shoeless and in sweats, performed a string trio and double piano arrangement of the piece from their living room, in a livestream performance on the exact concert date.  Even more notable than the oodles of talent and sensitivity that pour out of this one family, is what seems to be their genuine humility and gratitude, amidst the disappointment of a postponed dream, just for the opportunity to share their passion, even in far from hoped-for circumstances. #glasshalffull
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June 10, 2020
Poet as Witness
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Interestingly, this has become a very poetic moment in our lives.  This time, rife with fear and heightened emotions, has been witnessed, as poets do so well, with acuity and depth of vision.  Somehow, the poet as witness is able to observe something too large for most of us to contain, and then distill it for us into digestable doses that cut right to the bone.   I’ve heard many people speak of inboxes replete with verses sent from friends meant to comfort or console.  And it has felt appropriate and almost necessary for me to leave people at the end of each of my weekly guided meditations with a relevant poem that they can sit with.  The publishing world has recognized this need for poetry, too.  Consequently, Random House has, with lightning speed, put out a compilation of poetic work created during this period.  Together in a Sudden Strangeness was released today.  And in one entry from this stunning collection, Joshua Bennett’s raw words speak to the helplessness that he felt when he was not allowed to accompany his pregnant wife to her ultrasound during Covid.
Dad Poem by Joshua Bennett
No visitors allowed is what the masked woman behind the desk says only seconds after me and your mother arrive for the ultrasound. But I’m the father, I explain, like it means something defensible. She looks at me as if I’ve just confessed to being a minotaur in human disguise. Repeats the line. Caught in the space between astonishment & rage, we hold hands a minute or so more, imagining you a final time before our rushed goodbye, your mother vanishing down the corridor to call forth a veiled vision of you through glowing white machines. One she will bring to me later on, printed and slightly wrinkled at its edges, this secondhand sight of you almost unbearable both for its beauty and necessary deferral. What can I be to you now, smallest one, across the expanse of category & world catastrophe, what love persists in a time without touch.
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Other poets have found a more literal way to turn some of this current hopelessness on its head.  And their reflexive approach is not new.  The violin duet, Der Spiegel (score above), often wrongly attributed to Mozart but written by another 18th century unnamed composer, is meant to be performed with Player One reading from top to bottom, and Player Two from bottom to top.  Cleverly, the two parts have unique yet complementary melodies that make a cohesive whole when performed together.   Similarly, Britt MacKinnon’s poem, Covid 19 Outlooks manages to paint a realistic picture of the simultaneously bleak and hopeful perspectives that many of us vascilate between, right now.  You just have to make sure to read it in reverse after you’ve read it from top to bottom.
I have no hope or control. Nobody can convince me that I still have a future. I recognize that I am safe and loved But I am overwhelmed by fear This situation dictates my daily well-being. I refuse to believe that There is a bright future ahead. Our world is disrupted. No longer do I feel that We have support and help from our leaders. During self-isolation. I am reminiscing and dreaming. Now I cherish the good old days. My way of life Changing Because of COVID-19
June 11, 2020
Dance On!
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The fluctuating moods expressed in MacKinnon’s poem can be found in an abundance of art created during this time.  Mark Morris is known for his music-driven choreography and unorthodox elegance.  One of my former in-laws, Rita Donahue also danced with his company for many years, which adds an even more personal interest to my fandom.    His wide range of styles and moods is well-illustrated in the three pieces that comprise his latest virtual offering, Dance On!  From the uncomfortability of his discordant Lonely Waltz (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hfkn4FI2CI) to the raw, visceral desperation of Anger Dance (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mdAmS81E0Q) to the comic simplicity and object puppetry used in Sunshine (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKAt2vBlMRw), the emotional evolution that I had as an audience member was much like the shift I experienced reading the poem above, upside down.   Geoff and I have always loved handstand therapy as an effective mood booster.  So, I’m taking this as a reminder to bring more inverted poses into my life.
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June 12, 2020 
Rap & Gown
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I have a confession.  As a rapper-wanna-be, flutist, with long curly hair and a name that begins with L, I secretly believe that Lizzo is my alter ego.     With her chutzpah, self-love and straight-talk, I think she is a prime role model for people of all ages and races.  And strong voices like hers are exactly what we need at this time.  Obviously, others agree, because she was invited to inspire stay-at-home graduates with her silver sounds on this collaborative performance of Elgar’s Pomp & Circumstance with the New York Philharmonic.  Now, that’s a grad ceremony that should have been worth coming out of quarantine for!
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tori10rambles · 8 years
I have finally stopped screaming about finishing Seven's route in my head, and Lunar New Year celebrations are over for today. Therefore, I wrote this.
I saved my favorite the best character’s route for last. And wow. This one was a roller coaster too. But more for my heart than my sense of fear. It did not disappoint.
As usual, I vascillate a lot between first and third person POV, referring to MC as myself (I/me) or as her own character (MC/she), though she shares parts of my personality since she's supposed to be me.
Unlike the last couple of posts, this ones really freaking long, because I decided to write the commentary as the chatrooms popped up, and not at the end of the day. Still not a lot of commentary on Day 1, though.
Also, there is now a section for MC. Because I have some issues with the "choices" she gets to make.
I will probably post an After Ends reaction post today and take some time to process Seven’s route before going onto the Secret Ends. :)
Obviously, ridiculously spoiler heavy, so everything’s under the cut.
  Seven Saeyoung Choi
(Day 1) the fact that Seven doesn't see himself as the knight in shining armor type is kind of sad. But I'm glad that he wants to protect MC.
Your laugh is so cute!
(Day 2) Seven needs to take a goddamn break. Just because he cares about finding out what's going on doesn't mean he has to lose sleep over it. I mean, he's probably awake anyway doing his actual work. But still...
Seven's reaction to the "110-000-110 & 111-000-111" response is GREAT. I don't think people go along with him all that much though, if that's his reaction.
I feel like Seven needs more pep talks and encouragement than he gets. Which, you know, I'm so down for giving.
The fact that he doesn't want his work to bother MC. Like, you're her friend? of course it's going to bother her? And of course she wants to know how you're doing?
Okay, but legit, has anyone ever told Seven to take it easy? if that's his response?
playing along with Seven is so much fun!
Its kind of sweet that he says MC isn't weird even though she's in a weird situation.
...Why does it sound like you don't get complimented often?
Hell yes MC want's more pictures of you. You're the one she's seen the least of. And you're actually more attractive to her than Zen.
What kind of bs do you put your poor maid through for her to ask for double her pay if you get a cat?
Those cars are awesome, and I want to ride them.
I wonder what kind of stuff you're going through now to make you more secretive than usual...
lmao, buying cars does not seem like a good way of saving or investing money. But yeah, I can totally believe he'd sell the cars if they were worth more than he bought it for.
You're a tinkerer!!! Ooh. That's so cool.
Also, you make an awesome female. Like, better than me. wtf?
his maid has to be badass if his job is risky.
...why does he sound surprised that MC's worrying about him? like, he's been really cool so far, and really, seeing people hurt or in danger is not her jam.
Also, it's not your job to protect someone's feelings. I mean, feel free to try, but a person's emotions are not solely affected by you? And you shouldn't feel horrible when feelings get hurt despite what you do? because people react to things their own way? idk if i'm making sense
...You need a friend you can be completely honest with. I mean, probably not gonna be me/MC, but find one? Please? it'll make you feel better, and me/MC worry less.
helping you mess with people is kind of fun
(Day 3) Get some rest God Seven!!!
Of course I trust you! You're very nice. Also, I'm pretty sure people I couldn't trust wouldn't be so sorry about the whole other hacker business. And the keeping people away to keep them safe.
...I feel like you're getting my hopes up. You mentioned the other day that you want to protect people, which includes you keeping them away. but you keep saying things that make me wanna fall for you.
It's kind of adorable that he thinks that despite all his hacking, he still wants to get to know MC in person/over chat.
At least you know how hypocritical your advice on eating is lololol. But wait, if "I reccommend snacks to people like me and Yoosung, who are stupid or lost or have no reason to live" is a correct statement, then I qualify. And which one are you? And Yoosung?
"You can dream about me. Special guest 707 as the main lead." Don't say things like that! You'll give MC me people ideas.
...what is it about you and Jumin that makes the two of you LIKE it when I scold y'all?
I can get behind The Law of Salty and Sweet
I feel like more of this HBC story is real and serious than you'd like us to believe
Man, you are talking to a girl so curious (and reckless) she followed a stranger's directions. Of course I wanna know more about you!
(Day 4) I wonder how religious you are exactly.
lololol his reaction to MC saying "I want to lick it"
...why is Seven trying to set me up with Jumin? Nope! I like Seven!
I love Seven's hair! It's cute! Just like him!
Harry Potter reference! You nerd~!
Your relationship with V is interesting.
...my heart? You can live in my heart if you want. :3
but i refuse to believe that you're too dangerous for people to know
also, messing with Hackers Chasing Hackers on your behalf is so much fun!!!
(Day 5) i actually hc you with ADHD? Like, it seems really obvious to me? But Vanderwood's being rude about it? but then i also hc you're a little shit to Vanderwood, so it's payback of a sorts
are you... are you actually apologizing for being hacked into? I mean, you couldn't help it? it's not your fault?
not surprised you graduated early from college
lololol, not a code. Me blowing kisses into the air
bodyguard robot FUCK YES i'd prefer you, but i'll take what i can get
I'd take the robot anyway! And it's the thought that counts!
lololol, fourth-wall breaking Seven is great, especially when HE'S the one flustered
I wonder if there actually are CCTV cameras in the apt. I wouldn't be surprised. or, you know, if he'd hack into a webcam in the apt b/c he's being paranoid.
Also, observing me? What did you do, hack my webcam or something?
Honestly, i don’t mind you being upset/confused? It's kind of cute. And makes you seem more human/relatable
Welp. There goes my heart. This guy is a tsundere omg.
You're not okay. please don't pretend otherwise. it just makes me worry more. :(
How can I get hurt by getting to know you?
I always have complicated thoughts.
DO NOT JUST MAKE JOKES BECAUSE YOU'RE EXPECTED TO. JUST BE YOU, whoever that is. I wanna get to know them.
I feel like Seven has many masks. So many, that he has no idea who he is behind all of them.
Ah, running from your issues. I can relate. i'd join you on the moon in a heartbeat.
Expressing yourself does not make you weird! Admitting to emotions that you usually hide away is not weird! I want more of it!
...can't stop thinking about me?/// See, it's comments like this and "romantic relationships are not for me" that confuse the hell out of me. which one is true? which one do you believe is the truth?
(Day 6) Everyone's worried about you, bae. Please know we're here for you. Also, your inner thoughts are WRONG. Cheering me up should be considered a good deed for today.
Also, you're implying that because Pluto has been kicked out of its friend group, it can be your friend, as if you are also too distant from your friend group to be officially considered a part of them. Which is WRONG.
THIS CALL (after 10:22). SO CUTE. Until you mention (again) what a danger i'd be put in because of you. i trust you to protect the RFA ^^
A normal guy is BORING though!
You're not saying anything weird? I think it's cute!
Flustering you is literally like, the most fun a girl can have right now. Although, I'm p sure both of us talk a bigger game than we can deliver
listening to seven talk about how he reacts to things. My heart.
Is that... are you trying to push MC away?
You are not pathetic! I'm glad I can help you relax.
lololol i talk to myself a lot too. It's cute~.
You look GR9 in skirts and dresses and anything you choose to wear. 100000000000/10 would enjoy seeing you dress up
the best disguise... is being normal you?
I feel like you're setting the both of us up for disappointment though. because you say things like you'll take me on a ride, then say i shouldn't get close to you because you're dangerous
Me? the sun? Nah, you are!
I'm so glad you're telling me things about you? I mean yeah, it's scary, but I trust you and believe in you.
bae, you're trying your best
"You and me... did we ever have any kind of relationship?" You are breaking my heart!!!! I thought we were friends at least!!!
(Day 7) The RFA has your back! Please don't hide from us
...How did seven sense unknown was laughing?
Who is Saeran? A twin? Which... yeah. This makes a lot of the previous conversations make a lot more sense. And b/c of dramatic storytelling, explains why you heard someone laughing.
Also, (LMFAO) I think there's a glitch, b/c Unknown's still behind Seven in the VN. 
Seven... I just want him to be comfortable! This is where my heart starts breaking, huh?
My clothes? is that REALLY a concern right now?
It really isn't that uncomfortable that you're here. But if it helps, I guess I could not stare.
Wait, so you want me to pretend you don't exist, but not leave your sight? How does that work? You're distracting! (also, the brightest thing in the damn room)
You need to eat too!
(Day 8) Yeah, this man is a tsundere if I've ever seen one.
So your real name is Saeyoung?
Your mom is a bitch.
I mean, what’s the use in getting mad? I’m upset, sure, but honestly, I’m mostly overwhelmed and panicking.
Y'all are fucking adorable as kids
Thank you for killing the goddamn cockroaches. I can do spiders and flies, but cockroaches and anything with more than 8 legs creeps me out.
I don't need to care about you, but i WANT to.
...I'd agree to a GPS tracker IF I knew where they were
So in 7 minutes, you made a bunch of sandwiches with 3 different fillings, and got three different juices. And it was all for yourself. Uh huh...
Yay! You've stopped blaming yourself! (not that I believe that 100%, but at least you're trying)
I'm not saying you're blameless either. Just that you chose the best possible option out of a set of bad ones
Thank you for apologize for taking out your anxiety on me. Although I'm glad you weren't bottling it up instead.
Your lines sound like a cheesy break up convo.
I repeat, you are talking to someone who legitimately followed a stranger, then trusted other strangers and joined a mysterious organization. My curiosity has always gotten me in trouble
I am allowed to feel whatever I want, and I'm saying I forgive you!
I cannot believe V's first concern was the goddamn DRAWER and not, oh, I don't know, OUR LIVES. I don't blame you for reacting that way.
I don't blame you for distrusting V. It sounds like he promised you something and broke it. (And honestly, I'm starting to see where your guilt complex came from, if he was your mentor figure)
Meowy is so cute! (I can't believe Meowy HAS to obey me omg its voice is so cute)
(Day 9) Seven, i'ts not that i don't care that you're pushing me away. It's that even though you are, you’re not changing my feelings for you.
...So my personal hc is that MC isn't asleep when you start monologuing in the middle of the night.
Honestly, 707, Saeyoung, Luciel... they're all the same person. Different facets that make up a whole. And while I understand that you believe you're dangerous, so far, it doesn't seem like anything you've done has put me in danger. I mean yes, there's a bomb you installed, but you didn't want to in the first place, and that MEANS something. Not trusting anyone is no way to live, and forgetting about you would be impossible. You deserve SO MUCH MORE than just being able to protect me.
Hallelujah, you've finally admitted your problems to me! Take all the time you need to think about it though. And of course, we need to get through this first.
...So either Rika and V didn't keep their promise, or some serious shit went down for Saeran to be as he is now?
If God allows it, I'll be with you always
The RFA is your second family, of course you were going to try and protect them from your agency
lololol yes. flustered, cute Seven is back!
I'm so glad you made up with Yoosung too!  ❤︎
I'm so glad you're including me in things now~!
Thanks for saying I'm cute~! You're cuter~! ❤︎
so long as i can help it, you're never gonna be alone
We're gonna bring your brother home and make sure you get that family you always wanted.
(Day 10) OMG you actually said it~ ❤︎ . ilu2. It is slightly ridiculous how much I love you.
Also, I can believe you are fit. I want to bite those collarbones. To say the least.
“You are my whole universe. Your breaths become the radiant milky way.” THIS THOUGHT. OMF... It’s so sweet! If Seven starts talking like that all time time, he’s totally getting some.
Now and forever gonna hc that the opening song is actually in Seven’s point of view
The fact that you talk to yourself when you work is REALLY FUCKING CUTE.
...That selfie looks WAY too good for how early we left and how little sleep we probably got.
"If Rika knew the real you... I now get why she messed up your eyes like that." Holy shit that was savage!
That phone call (After 20:11+VN) MY FEELS!!! That... I cried tears of joy. So good. ilusm but if you ever die for me i'll never forgive you. I want you to LIVE for me. And I'll always remember you.  ❤︎
I wish you wouldn't be so quick to sacrifice yourself for us, but that's one of the things that makes me like you.
I'm touched that you'd say even that much about how I've changed your life on the messenger. And thank you for apologizing. 
lololol, you said the word already on the phone, why are you hesitating on the messenger?
(Day 11) THESE PHONECALLS. A++. ❤︎
you are SUPER hot when you're threatening your former agency, okay?
(Day 2) Yoosung's really cute. Like a puppy. his enthusiasm for the parties are cute too.
lololol, Yoosung got played. I mean, we're talking about a guy who says almost everything about his is classified. When would he have the time/motivation to get a gf? So gullible~.
Yoosung, chill the fuck down. I realize you're happy the party's a thing, but seriously. Chill.
LMFAO Yoosung. You just mentioned being done with LOLOL. You game addict.
For $3, that's actually not a bad lunch. But yeah, college food is bland and not as healthy as they make it seem.
with how much you play LOLOL, are you okay? As someone whose internet obsession is used as a crutch because real life is stupid and aggravating, I'm seeing some parallels.
Wow, Yoosung, that's some imagination. Although, with how secretive Seven is, I wouldn't be surprised if he's working for rich, powerful people.
You and your ideal relationship is so innocent and cute lololol
be careful about your stereotypes Yoosung.
(Day 3) It's not that I want you to stop playing LOLOL, so much as I'd like you to talk about why you play the game so much (again, I see parallels). But if it makes you happy, I'm not gonna force you to stop.
Motherfucker, you're 5'6" (171cm), and the shortest male here, but still taller than me. Stop complaining about your height.
lololol, Yoosung's definition of exercise sounds very familiar my brothers and I 
Directionless Yoosung, you are like, the epitome of male college gamers everywhere. And also my brother, who is in college, and has no idea what to do in life. Huh... I wanna adopt you now. You've got to be better than my brother. Your birthdays are close enough that I'm p sure no one would notice...
you are also very easy to tease.
And you obvs have issues with V. Which probably aren't being taken seriously b/c V is like, everyone's friend/savior in that group.
(Day 4) That was not a typo, Yoosung
lololol, i can't believe you took me seriously. "Sophisticated Choi" lolololol
i'm with you on the no religion thing though. mostly because my parents thought i should decide for myself (personally, i'm pretty sure i'm deist. i believe there is SOME kind of higher power(s), but I don't believe in organized religion as such)
fucking... the M call. I'm never getting over it.
(Day 5) Nice to know that Yoosung and Zen are shippers on deck
Yoosung's relationship with his parents sounds like mine, only my parents are blue collar workers.
(Day 6) I CANNOT BELIEVE JUMIN CALLED YOUR MOM ON YOU!!! I empathize. Letting my parents into my college apartment sucked
(Day 8) I'm glad you want to change for the better. The fact that your mom didn't want to worry you when you've been goofing off is such a punch to the gut, I should know.
(Day 9) I'm sure Seven didn't mean it.
See! :D
(Day 10) Drunk you is surprisingly funny. And candid.
(Day 11) Your poor hangover lolololol.
I'm glad you're still optimistic at the party... despite everything,
Jumin Han
I think I might be holding a grudge about how badly Jumin's route messed with my head, because I'm not feeling remotely bad about getting Jumin's Heart Breaks throughout this route.
(Day 2) Wow Jumin, you goddamn ice block. It's nice that you care about your cat though. Though, you know, you could lay off on Jaehee.
Why would you bring your cat when you know one of your friends is allergic? I'm p sure you would make concessions for a food allergy or pollen allergy. Why's an animal allergy any different?
How far removed from the general public are you to not know what a metal lunch tray is?
...We can't be friends if you don't enjoy scifi.
Jumin's kind of like an old person trying adapting to technology. :P It's kinda funny.
omf, the contract is the bare minimum of what needs to be abided by.  NO.
You need a therapist. Or a psychologist. Or just... someone to teach you about emotions and how they affect decisions and how people can't turn emotions off. But no, has anyone actually diagnosed him yet? I mean, I already hc Seven with ADHD and anxiety and depression, Yoosung with depression, and basically everyone in the RFA (V included) with self-worth issues, so Jumin with Asperger's would make sense to me... And of course, given the East Asian stigma against mental illness, obviously no one's getting diagnosed or treated for said issues.
Does Jumin han is gay?
(Day 3) Nice, using your cat businesses to avoid your dad.
lololol your photos are actually kind of endearing, if blurry as all hell 
also, you make it kind of easy to mess with you
(Day 5) You are a savage asshole and it's hilarious
no. no cat army.
i have a bad feeling about your potential good deed
(Day 6) Thank you for trying, Jumin. More shippers on deck, yesssss. Also, if this isn't proof that everyone in the RFA cares about Seven and wants him to be happy, idk what is
legit, when the rest of the group starts to drag you, you know you fucked up
(Day 9) Jumin, that really wasn't very objective
(Day 10) It’s nice to see you care, Jumin.
I can't believe you might have actually brought Elizabeth 3rd! Now I know you care about us. :3
I feel bad that you feel betrayed. And that you're drowing your sorrows in alcohol
(Day 11) A+ Speech. I love it so much.
(Day 2) I can't tell if you're just using acting terms or if you're leaning on the fourth wall when you call MC the main lead.
Sorry Zen, but MC loves cats, though she doesn't own one yet.
You're too pretty to let the allergies screw with your face.
At least you have some self confidence if you can claim god made you overly handsome, and that the allergies are a way of making you not perfect.
...How DARE you claim Seven hacked MC's phone! That's so fucking rude. Also, Seven probably has better things to do with his time then hack someone's phone when they've already been hacked, just to fuck with you. like, priorities man.
As someone who is allergic to certain foods, I agree that research into allergies is important
Nice Tarzan yell.
Zen. Zen, Zen, Zenny, Zen. MC LITERALLY SAID THAT WAS SEVEN. although it's nice to know you find Seven attractive as well ^^
nice to know you find seven's personality attractive on a female. ^^
You are very pretty. I just wish you'd tone down the selfies sometimes. 
...You're telling me you were a delinquent in high school? One who liked to sing and act?
i can't believe you answered your phone in the shower.
(Day 3) hypocrite. your meals don't sound any better than Yoosung's. why do I feel like MC is gonna be the Mom Friend to basically everyone here? Or at least the Responsible and Reasonable One?
I repeat, at least you love yourself Zen.
nagging Yoosung to exercise isn't going to make him want to work out more. Just avoid the conversation. which probably explains why Yoosung plays LOLOL so much. Everyone keeps nagging, and he plays to ignore/spite you all.
gimme back the cat meme!!!
quit flirting
you have no appreciation for Seven's storytelling skills
I love how we spent an entire chat talking about Seven and how his life will probably follow movie tropes
(Day 5) FUCKING RUDE. Seven is awesome! And he's allowed to make mistakes.
lolololol Zen's gonna be FUCKING DISAPPOINTED by Vanderwood. SO MUCH. it'll be hilarious
Nice to know that Yoosung and Zen are shippers on deck
(Day 6) Zen, you sound like an older sister. Or a cliche.
(Day 7) Zen, is that REALLY where your brain went first? You don't think Seven would be more concerned with, oh, i don't know, THE HACKER AFTER US than the fact that we're alone in the apartment THAT'S ALREADY BEEN BROKEN INTO!?
Thank you for being worried about me, but my feelings for Seven have nothing to do with this.
Also, I am NOT calm. But it wouldn't help anyone if I panic so...
(Day 8) omg the cutie pie song! That's so cute~!
(Day 9) Why the sudden interest in Seven's sex life? And hell yes, I think he's more attractive than the rest of you.
(Day 10) So... That was an interesting call (23:49). And, well... sorry Zen, but I'm not sorry for choosing Saeyoung. Ever.
Jaehee Kang
(Day 2) Wow Jaehee, tell us what you really feel about jumin's cat businesses. Not that we blame you though. You just want to keep your hob, and jumin's cat businesses sound like they don't help with that very much.
Trash your boss. Please.
Furballs are a product of grooming, jaehee. Elizabeth 3rd sounds like a handful though, so I understand why you don't like cats.
I agree with jaehee; though I want to meet the cat, I wouldn't want it to be at the expense of someone else.
I wanna be your friend jaehee~
Jaehee, it sounds like you don't have the time to make a lunch at home. or cook at all, if you go to convenience stores that often.
At least you're not doubting MC, but the situation. There's only so much before worry becomes paranoia.
Jaehee sounds like a glorified babysitter. She deserves so much props for putting up with these people. Especially Jumin, who both pays her and overworks her like crazy.
Who blames Jaehee for "NOPE"-ing out of the cahtroom? Not MC.
Your fangirling is hilarious. Especially when people call you out on it.
Yes, jaehee is clearly the one who deserves pity when Jumin has lunch with his dad, because she'll be swamped with work, as usual. I dearly hope she gets paid overtime.
(Day 3) I hope you someday find the time to be able to date! You deserve it!
(Day 4) yes, Jaehee, I know exactly what I'm saying.
The fact that you can scare Seven into compliance is actually kind of amusing.
Seven and I apologize, Jaehee. Seriously.
(day 9) You're so cute, I just want be your new BFF.
Thanks for saying I'm cute~!
(day 10) Jaehee... we’ll definitely come back safe. :)
thank you for praying for us
(Day 3) "I'm not especially attaced to Luciel or anything ^^" WOW. RUDE.
At least he knows Seven looks up to him.
(Day 4) V is just like my brother: only cares about religion because someone else does. Which, really, someone else should not dictate your belief system.
it's not so much that I trust you so much as i trust seven who trusts you
(Day 7) How the hell did you agree to a bomb! That could kill INNOCENT PEOPLE!? I mean, Seven only agreed because you and Rika did, and god knows about Rika, but I thought you were the KIND ONE!?
...Now I want to open that drawer
(Day 10) OMFG V!!! THIS IS A TIME TO BE TRUTHFUL!!! NOT KEEPING MORE SECRETS. And you wonder why Saeyoung doesn't trust you?
Wait, so you blame yourself because you loved her? As in Rika? WHAT DOES SHE HAVE TO DO WITH THIS!?
Rika (and her goddamn apartment)
(Day 2) ...What the HELL is in this apartment that's so important that you want to BLOW IT UP?
(Day 8) WHY A BOMB. JUST... WHY?
OMF... You're one of those greater Good people! I HATE THOSE PEOPLE!
Your brain is TWISTED woman.
(Day 2) You know, the fact that you seem to be speaking to the player in the VN does not get any creepier the second time around.
(Day 7) I cannot believe unknown freaking plans to rappel himself through the window to break in
You are surprisingly nicee about keeping my from stepping on the glass
(Day 8) What happened to you, Saeran? You're so... meek and sweet in the VN.
Y’all are fucking adorable as kids.
The fact that you withstood the normal dosage b/c you believed in Saeyoung makes my heart hurt in a good way
Also, the irony inherent in the fact that you probably bleached your hair and changed your eye color in order to NOT be mistaken for Saeyoung, only for Vanderwood to mistake you for Saeyoung anyway...
Mint Eye
(Day 5) so, my hc is that you don't give a fuck about gender and pronouns, and Seven took that last point and RAN with it until you hate him when he refers to you as his maid/with female pronouns
so I feel like despite the face that you threaten to taser Seven, and the fact that he's kind of a little shit to you, you actually kind of like him.
...YOU'RE part of the reason why he's a dick to MC!!! And yet your advice is STILL better than Jumin's kill your emotions
I love basically all your choices before Day 7.
I realize you are trying to stay calm for the RFA, but PLEASE TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF TOO.
Finally, some choices I like again.
I’m actually kind of glad I saved Seven’s route for last. Definitely my favorite route. My only issue is, like Jumin, the amount of time between Seven’s issues coming to the forefront and the resolution of said issues, because seven year’s worth of being told he’s basically only worth what he can do for other people is not conveniently solved in like... 4 days.
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flauntpage · 7 years
Making Sense of the Sweet 16
Loyola-Chicago is in.
Virginia is out.
Just like we all drew it up, right? No lack of excitement on the first weekend of March Madness.
We witnessed history when UMBC became the first 16-seed to dispatch a one seed. We had a pair of 11/3 upsets and the defending champions were clobbered by 21 points. The only true letdown was that Grayson Allen and Duke found a way to advance.
If your alma mater didn’t get thumped, then you probably enjoyed the hell out of this weekend. Great games, great storylines, and some interesting talking points heading into the second week.
1. Parity and conference strength
Here’s how the conferences are represented in the Sweet 16:
Big 12 – 4 teams
ACC – 4 teams
Big Ten – 2 teams
SEC – 2 teams
Missouri Valley, Mountain West, West Coast, Big East – 1 each
Those numbers don’t mean much in a one-and-done tournament format, but you add a little bit of context by looking at the percentage of schools delivered to the second weekend:
Conference breakdown of the Sweet 16: ACC and Big 12 have 4 teams each; SEC, Big Ten have 2 each; Big East, Missouri Valley, West Coast, Mountain West all with 1. https://t.co/1jhFbL1o6U pic.twitter.com/SwQFi5PhNC
— Oskar Garcia (@oskargarcia) March 19, 2018
The smaller conferences don’t have enough of a representation to put too much stock into any of their numbers, but you see the Pac-12 bottom out there with the 0-3 mark. Arizona’s loss to Buffalo was a killer while UCLA and ASU went out in the play-in games. That’s not totally surprising, since the Pac had a lackluster out of conference winning percentage in the regular season, going 104-44 and ranking last among the “power conferences.”
Take a look at the OOC numbers each conference posted this year:
Run those rankings against the first weekend numbers.
The Big 12 held court, putting four of seven teams into the Sweet 16. The Virginia and North Carolina upsets hurt the ACC, which got a needed boost from Clemson and Syracuse instead.
You’d have to say the Big East was probably the biggest disappointment of the first weekend, sending only Villanova to the next round. The conference was excellent in the OOC schedule this year, finishing 101-23 with an 81.4 winning percentage, the second best in the entire country. Xavier’s loss was a big black eye, while the lower-seeded Big East squads drew some tough matchups in Kansas, Texas A&M, and Purdue. I thought Creighton underwhelmed.
Does any of this mean that college basketball features “parity?”
I don’t know. The question always comes up during March Madness, simply because the tournament gives us a huge raw sample of high stakes non-conference matchups. I tend to lean on the second chart above, because there’s just more data to parse, even if a chunk of those games are played early in the season when teams might not be clicking yet. For example, how much stock do you put in a late-November game at the Maui Invitational versus a Big 12/SEC challenge game played in January? How much weight does a neutral floor game in Germany carry versus an 8/9 tournament matchup between Alabama and Seton Hall in Boise? There are a ton of factors to consider.
OOC parity is tough because the biggest data sample comes from the early portion of the schedule, while the tournament gives us neutral court, playoff-type of situations in a smaller size. If UMBC plays Virginia 10 times, how many do the Retrievers win? One? Two? How about Xavier vs. Florida State with 4 games in Cincinnati, 4 in Tallahassee, and 2 on an aircraft carrier docked on Penn’s Landing?
In recent years, the upsets sort of fade out when we get to week two. If you look at the seeds that have entered the Final Four going back about 6-7 years, this is who advanced to the last weekend:
2017: 1, 1, 3, 7
2016: 2, 1, 2, 10
2015: 1, 1, 7, 1
2014: 7, 8, 1, 2
2013: 1, 4, 4, 9
2012: 1, 2, 2, 4
2011: 3, 8, 4, 11
So that’s only two double digit seeds qualifying for the final four going back to 2011.
The number 10 seed in 2016 was Syracuse, a traditional power, and the 11 seed in 2011 was VCU, probably the last true “Cinderella” to make the final weekend of the tournament. And the lower-seeded single digit teams are Butler, Wichita State, Michigan State, and Kentucky, two traditional powers and two teams that I hesitate to call “mid-majors” because of their consistent success year-in and year-out (which led to jumping into better conferences).
But the story is more or less the same; in recent seasons, the cream rises to the top.
I tend to agree with this guy:
"There's a lot of parity in college basketball" 13/16 schools remaining are from power conferences… so let's at least try and come up with some valid insight for next year…
— Garrett Vascil (@GarrettVascil) March 19, 2018
2. Villanova
The path to the Final Four looks good.
West Virginia plays tough defense and a full court press, but Nova has experienced guards who can handle the ball and create transition offense. All it takes is a corner three off a press-break to unsettle a Bob Huggins team, and God knows we’re not going to shoot like we did against Marshall.
If you’re a neutral, tune in for the Jalen Brunson vs. Jevon Carter matchup. These are two of the country’s better, more experienced guards going at it on Friday night. I think it’ll be close for a bit but Nova has too much back court savvy to lose to a gimmicky team like us. I say Nova 72, WV 63.
From there, the Cats get the Texas Tech/Purdue winner. WVU beat Tech twice, so if Nova handles us, they shouldn’t have any issues with the Raiders. Purdue is playing without center Isaac Haas, who fractured his elbow in the first tournament game, so there’s another boon for Nova.
Then it’s Kansas or Duke. Kansas is the better draw. They’re a small ball, guard-oriented team that shoots the three extremely well but doesn’t have a ton inside. Again, I like Villanova’s experienced back court going up against Devonte’ Graham in that game. Duke is more balanced and more dangerous than Kansas. This is one of Bill Self’s less-talented teams of the last 10 years, but he’s done a nice job with the group. Coach K’s squad is probably the toughest test for Villanova on that side of the bracket.
3. Syracuse
Ah yes, the ‘ole disrespect card.
“I told you we deserved to be here! We were right! You were wrong!”
Syracuse fans are too educated to go down this road, the road of trying to justify your inclusion in the tournament based on what happens AFTER the selection. It doesn’t work that way.
The Orange were the last team in, according to the committee. They were 20-13, finished 10th in the ACC, and carried highly questionable tournament credentials.
They won an 11 vs. 11 play-in game, then beat six-seed TCU before upsetting Michigan State on Sunday afternoon in one of the weekend’s ugliest games:
I’ll be honest, I used to love college basketball before I started writing about the Sixers. But now that I see the NBA on a regular basis, I have a new understanding of how raw and unpolished college basketball really is, especially on the offensive side.
Watch how NBA teams move the ball and space the floor, and then watch a college team try to do those same things. That, I think, is where the biggest difference lies.
But, don’t get me wrong, I give a ton of credit to Jim Boeheim and Syracuse for getting here. If the opponent is gonna sit back in a 2-3 zone, then you have to hit some outside shots. Michigan State shot 25.8% and lost by two. If they make 18 or 19 field goals in this game, instead of going 17-66 (barf), they win. Sparty has nobody to blame but themselves.
That said, going back to what I mentioned above, I don’t understand why people keep playing the revisionist history card. Syracuse fans are super smart, they know basketball, and they should understand that anything can happen when you get in. I mean, they made the Final Four as a 10 seed just two years ago.
But the problem is that past history and the overall success of the program are irrelevant to the single season resume you build to qualify for the tournament.
I made a simple diagram to explain:
In basic terms:
A) Did Syracuse have questionable tournament credentials?
B) Are they going on a really nice run right now?
C) does B change anything regarding A?
D) does it matter?
Not really, no.
That’s about it. I just become somewhat agitated when I see Syracuse fans trolling college basketball writers who said that they didn’t deserve to be in the tournament based on their regular season body of work. That 20-13 record is what it is. Those opinions were all justified at the time and backed up by a 4-7 mark against the RPI top 50, an 8-10 conference record, and a pair of bad losses to Georgia Tech (13-19) and Wake Forest (11-20).
I certainly feel like Syracuse benefited from name recognition and past tournament performances (no shit), two things that don’t have anything to do with the body of work this squad put together in 2017/2018.
THAT SAID, I give them major props for ripping off three wins in six days to advance to the Sweet 16, where I will be pulling for them to bury Duke like the cockroaches they are.
  Making Sense of the Sweet 16 published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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theblogfortheimages · 7 years
Proj. 4
I will be exploring the isolating effect of paranoia and anxiety. In order to do this, I take inspiration from the vamp of Erykah Badu’s song “Penitentiary Philosophy” from her sophomore studio album Mama’s Gun released in 2000. In the vamp, she explores the anxieties of daily life obligations in a way that is inviting and calming--like a whisper. I want the audio in my video to also do this. In addition, I also would like to implement some of the ‘water sounds’ that Maxwell uses on his album Embrya. Ideally, I would present this installation in a noisy, high-traffic environment using two small five inch portable battery-powered emergency televisions. I would have black curtain in front of them blocking view of whoever might be coming there way. Not sure yet how to index the mundanity of my experiences of anxiety and paranoia yet. I do want the video to be uplifting to a degree, so I am considering showing some solutions ways to cope with these sorts of experiences either simultaneously or separately in the other channel. I want to index sonically by using sound glitches as well as visually the way in which some of my thoughts are actually illogical and of my own making as opposed to coming from the ‘actual’, ‘real world’. Finally, I intend to merge the two-channels visually to culminate the film or maybe have several parts throughout the film where this happens. I am going to record my thoughts on paper. This notepad will be included in one channel. I am still bewitched by the idea of showing myself on the screen, so I’m still deciding whether I want to be seen or not. I want to use sounds that are symbolised in the visual or which symbolise an emotion of the experience that is being depicted on-screen.
Overlapping sound; left ear, right ear
The work of Isaac Julien is inspiring this project. Particularly, his use of sound in Ten Thousand Waves and The Long Road to Mazatlan. I want to invoke his use of multiple channels that at vascillate between diverge and converging. When it comes to sound, I would like to use sound in the way that he uses language to disorient and disidentify--specifically in his work Vagabondia which is narrated in Creole.
4/18 - begin shooting; taking notes of the situations that cause me anxiety
4/20 - 4/29 -- continue shooting
5/1 - Record and Edit audio
5/4 - 5/7 -- Edit visuals
5/8 - Prepare for criticism and presentation
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