#I walk on my toes and also move really fast and am described as ‘prancing’ and ‘scurrying’ and ‘floating/gliding’
deityofhearts · 7 months
the way I walk is great because I can get around without being heard which is very fun and silly but also. I look fucking stupid
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playing--koi · 7 years
Of Tantrums and Tactics
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: SMUT (Ages 18+)
Summary: Bucky’s been ordered to train you, the new recruit, and sparks fly. Deadly ones. Your arguments and harsh attitude are a lot for him to handle, so one day, he snaps.
Word Count: 3.7k
Request for @purplekitten30 
 You charged to the middle of the ring, using little to no tactics, relying on just your strength and pure power as you moved to tackle Steve, but he expertly used your own velocity against you, ducking to the left and grabbing hold of your arm, propelling you backwards. Your back hit the mat with a loud thud, knocking the air right out of your lungs and causing an odd wheezing sound to leave your mouth.
Steve gave you an apologetic look and moved to help you up, not stopping his guidance until you were back on your feet.
“How many times do I have to tell you that an actual method to your fighting is important? You can’t just charge in, guns blazing, and expect everything to turn out fuckin’ dandy!” You could practically hear Bucky’s eye roll from his tone. He was situated outside of the ring, watching you both intently.
“Well maybe if you spent your time teaching me something instead of criticizing me, I would’ve learned a thing or two by now! What kind of fuckin’ mentor are you?” You bit back, tone challenging and sharp. You could see Steve letting out an exasperated exhale from your peripheral vision, hearing a faint, “Good grief, not again” leave his lips.
“A fuckin’ good one. And if you spent half as much time listening to me as you do runnin’ your mouth, you’d be a much better fighter than you are now.” Bucky’s jaw was clenched and his arms were crossed, staring you down. “You’re reckless. Brute force isn’t the way to win a fight. It’s a mind game too, so maybe if you actually used your brain, you wouldn’t be taken down every time!”
“I’m hardly taken down every time, you fuckin’ drama queen! It’s just by you freakish mutants and your dumb serum!”
“Hey, don’t drag me into this!” Steve called out, his brows furrowed in mock offense. “And last time I checked, you may not have the ‘dumb serum’, but you’re still a ‘freakish mutant’ too!” He said, referring to your enhanced strength and ability to fly.
“I know, I know. I’m just trying to prove a point!” You said reverting your vision from Steve back to Bucky. “And I hardly think you should be the one lecturing me about recklessness with the way I’ve seen the famous Winter Soldier approach missions on the news.” You may have been a new recruit, but you were no stranger to the Avengers, always secretly hoping to one day make it onto their team as you practically stalked their every move.
“Maybe so, but at least I know how to correctly take people out after I’ve challenged them, so quit comparin’ apples to oranges, doll.” And there it was, his infamous smirk that showed he was pleased with himself.
You groaned and looked at the clock, noticing you’d been training for over 4 hours. A sheen of sweat covered your body from head to toe, you were exhausted, and although you were in your training phases, Barnes still had you sparring against one of the greatest names in combat, Captain America. “Can I go now? Or are you still not done whining about my fighting?”
He moved his flesh hand to his forehead, dragging it down his face in frustration and gritting his teeth. “Yes, you may go now.” He spoke slowly, his voice deep with irritation.
You practically pranced out of the room, a smug grin adorning your features. “Thanks for the help, Rogers!” You called out over your shoulder, purposefully ignoring Bucky as you opened the door.
“No problem, Y/N!” He waved with a smile, but quickly put his hand down as Bucky gave him a murderous look for responding to your clear taunt aimed towards him.
You couldn’t help but laugh on your way to the elevator.
It was 1am, you couldn’t sleep, and you, once again, found yourself in the training room. However, this time you were blissfully alone and in a fuming spar with the punching bag. Nearly indestructible equipment had been installed ever since Steve took out 6 bags in one session, so you had no problem using your total strength to battle with the fury in your head.
How long would you have to hit this bag before Bucky was impressed? How were you supposed to become an Avenger if you couldn’t win any fights? How could you ever truly prove yourself to one of the greatest hand-to-hand combatants on Earth? Did you even belong here?
Your head was practically spinning with these probing thoughts as you lost yourself in jabs, uppercuts, and kicks until your vision was almost blurred with exertion.
“Y’know, your techniques aren’t your problem. Your punch packs heat, doll.” You were startled by the familiar voice behind you. You grabbed the bag and turned sharply. You nearly missed him rake his eyes over your body, taking in the sports bra and leggings you adorned. It was less than you usually wore to train, but you assumed you’d be alone. “It’s your strategy. Or lack thereof.”
You remained silent for the first time in a while, urging Bucky to keep going. “I’ve seen this before. You run into fights like ya got nothin’ to lose, you let anger consume you on the mat, and you talk back like a motherfucker. You’re the spitting image of Steve in the ‘40s.” He began to walk closer to you. “So let me ask: what are you so desperate to prove?”
You hesitated for a minute before deciding that honesty was your best policy here. “That I have a right to be here. I’m sick of you treating me like a lost cause just ‘cos I’m not the best fighter right off the bat.”
“I don’t treat you like a lost cause, I just make you work hard. And you may have a right to be here, but you won’t be here very long if you keep actin’ up like this. You’ll be killed out in the field instantly.”
“Why do you even care?” You asked dejectedly. It’s not like he was really invested in your journey with the Avengers. You were just his trainee after all.
His eyes met yours and the only word to properly describe his expression would be stunned. “If you’re not gonna take care of yourself, somebody’s gotta.”
And with that, he stormed out, leaving you alone once again with a punching bag and a new batch of thoughts.
“So who am I sparring with today, Barnes, the Hulk? Y’know, since you love to put me up against experts that I clearly have no chance of beating?” You’d already begun provoking him and you’d barely even entered the training room yet.
“Oh, goodie.” You said, sarcasm dripping from your tone like honey. It was no secret that the Winter Soldier had skills that were nearly unparalleled. Not only did he have the super-soldier serum, but he also had a new, state-of-the-art, vibranium arm and, although it weighed far less than his previous metal one, it certainly packed more of a punch. “Are you sure this isn’t just an excuse to kill me?”
“Oh, doll, believe me: if I wanted to kill you, I would’ve done it a long while ago.”
You rolled your eyes and started taping both of your hands in preparation for what was sure to be a long, difficult session. Bucky followed suit with just his right one.
Once you were both situated in the ring, you began to circle each other, both of you keeping your movements swift and almost languid as you remained low. You assessed his positioning, knowing already to steer clear of his left side entirely because, with one wrong move, you’d be overpowered instantly.
You’d decided that his right side was the clear path to take, so before any hesitation kicked in, you made your move, pulling your left arm back in preparation for a jab to his cheek. Just as your fist was about to connect with his face, he artfully ducked and pulled your left arm over his shoulder and rose, causing your body to ascend along with him and he now had you draped over his right shoulder like a goddamn doll.
You were now face-to-face with his (what you hated to admit was a) glorious derriere. Thinking fast, you took advantage of your new position and wrapped your hands around his right calf, pulling it up and backwards toward you and causing him to lose his balance, faceplanting into the mat. You, however, remained unscathed since, when he fell forward, your position over his shoulder caused you to land on your feet.
“How’s that for a tactic?” You mocked smugly as he rolled over onto his back, staring up at you.
“I gotta say, I’m impressed.” He said, giving you a small smile and you felt a rush of pride overwhelm you. You’d actually done it!
Until he retaliated, swiping his leg out and tripping you, so you fell right on your ass with a thud. “Hey, I already won that! You’re fighting dirty.”
“Oh, princess, you haven’t even seen me fight dirty.” And although you knew he was just teasing you, you couldn’t help the short stutter in your breathing and the quickening of your heartrate. Even though you tried to ignore the very fact that the man in front of you was practically a walking, talking, golden statue of a god, you couldn’t deny that he crept his way into your dreams when the day was done and you didn’t have to act like you hated him just to prove you weren’t a weak little newbie who fell to her knees at every schoolgirl crush.
“I highly doubt I’d be impressed.” And it took the words leaving your mouth for you to realize that you were feeding into the teasing instead of veering away from it like you usually did, leaving you feeling hot with embarrassment.
“There’s really only one way to find that out, isn’t there?”
If he kept talking like that, you didn’t know how long you would be able to play coy. “In your dreams, Barnes.”
“Oh, please. You’d be beggin’ me before I even started.”
“Well, unlike the ladies you typically take to bed, I don’t actually feel the need to drop to my knees for your attention.” That was a lie. You wanted his attention more than anything and you’d submit to him in an absolute heartbeat if it meant you got it. Your damn pride got in the way of every chance you had at being seductive toward him thus far. Your aggressive behavior was nothing but a front, hiding your feelings in fear that he would see you as pathetic.
“I don’t hear them complainin’.” He said, eyes gleaming with humor.
“You’re disgusting.” You sneered, getting up from your position on the floor and unwrapping your knuckles, preparing to leave the training room.
“And you’re a pain in my ass.” He said, his playful tone from before dropping to one of far more intensity.
“Yeah, well you’re not exactly a cake walk to deal with either!”
“Me? I’ve done nothing wrong! I’m just trying to help you so you don’t get killed out there! You’re the one too busy throwing tantrums to put any hard work in! Don’t blame me for your own mistakes, sweetheart.” He fumed, rising from the mat and walking closer to you.
“Excuse me for expecting to actually be instructed on something instead of constantly criticized. And they’re not tantrums, you prick.”
“Could’a fooled me.”
“Look, I’m not here to mindlessly listen to every word you say like some stupid cadet. And I definitely don’t have to hear you mock my perfectly reasonable arguments. So you should really cool it with that.” You said, your eyes challenging him. Once he started to open his mouth, you interrupted him. “At ease, soldier.”
And before you could see his reaction, which you were sure was one of pure fury, you turned around and climbed out of the ring. “Catch ya on the flip side, Barnes.” You said smugly.
Instead of your usual routine that involved returning to your room, you decided that today you would shower in the locker room since training was obviously cut short. You stripped out of your workout clothes, which, for the first time in weeks, weren’t completely drenched in sweat.
You set the clothes down on the bench outside of the shower stall you’d chosen and turned the knob, starting the harsh spray. The locker room showers in the Avengers compound were state of the art and incredibly spacious, insisted upon by none other than Tony Stark himself. They were all fully stocked with every shower necessity you could dream of.
Once you stepped under the shower, you closed your eyes and began to rinse off your entire body. However, that was cut short when your eyes snapped open to the sound of the locker room door slamming against the wall and loud footsteps quickly approaching.
You poked your head out from behind the curtain to see a manic James Barnes standing in front of your shower. “What the hell is it now?” You asked, unimpressed by the fit he was throwing.
“You gotta learn a bit of respect, doll. And clearly the easy way hasn’t worked.” He started walking closer to the curtain, taking in the shock on your face as your brain started to put together what he was implying. “And I’m prepared to use any means I can to teach you.”
“What are you saying here?” You asked, terrified that you were getting this all wrong and you’d be horrifically embarrassed if you weren’t both on the same page with this.
“I’m saying that, if you want to learn something, then you better be a good girl and slide that curtain open.” He was now standing inches away from you, the curtain being the only thing separating his hungry eyes from your nude body.
Without any further hesitation, you yanked the curtain open and put yourself on display, inviting him inside. He gave you a onceover, raising his eyebrows in a captivated expression. “Oh, fuck. This is gonna be fun.”
He quickly stripped out of his clothes, throwing them haphazardly to the side and practically diving into the shower behind you, pulling you closer to him with one arm and shutting the curtain with the other. You both wasted no more time, leaning in for an intense kiss, filled with months of pent-up aggression. Teeth and tongues battled, both of you showing the dominance you’ve been aching to prove this entire time.
He pushed your back against the tile wall away from the spray, causing a hiss to leave your lips at the cold surface. He slotted one of his gloriously thick thighs between your legs and began grinding it against your core, guiding your movements with his hands on your ass. His unexpected movements caused several gasps to escape you.
“See what happens when you just let me guide you, kitten?” Your practically purred in response to his new nickname for you. “Ah, ah, use your words.”
You let out a strangled “Yes”, but apparently that wasn’t enough because he brought his flesh hand down on your ass, the loud spank against wet skin reverberating throughout the shower. You let out a whimper at the unexpected contact, pulling him impossibly closer.
“You had no problem calling me names in training, princess. So let’s try that again.”
“Yes, soldier.” You said, immediately rewarded with a deep groan and a feeling of satisfaction.
“Now why don’t we teach that smart mouth of yours a lesson?” He said, turning you both around so his back was now the one against the wall. Catching on quickly, you enthusiastically dropped to your knees, now faced with his impressive length.
“Fuck, I can’t wait for you to fuck me with your cock, soldier. It’s gonna fill me up so good.” You moaned out, imagining how it’d feel thrusting in and out of you.
“God, I love your fuckin’ mouth when it’s not throwing insults at me.” He chuckled a bit then groaned as you looked up at him through your eyelashes.
Without any forewarning, you flattened your tongue against the base of his cock and dragged it up to the tip, causing a hiss to leave his throat. You lightly closed your lips around the sensitive head, alternating between swirling your tongue and sucking.
Wasting no more time, you took as much of his length down your throat as you could, holding it there for as long as you were able before bobbing your head quickly and pressing his cock against the flesh of your inner cheeks, causing the most delicious moans to leave the man above you. You made sure to pump the rest of his length that you were unable to reach with your mouth as you worked the rest of him closer to the edge.
You pulled off of him with a loud pop, saliva mixed with precum smeared across your lips as you gave him the most seductive bedroom eyes you could manage. “God, you look fuckin’ filthy, kitten.”
You smiled sweetly up at him, trying to look as innocent as possible. “Fuck my mouth, soldier.”
He bit his lip as his breath noticeably hitched in response to your request. “Holy shit.”
You opened your mouth and used your hands to grip the back of his thighs as he guided his cock onto your awaiting tongue. “Ready?” He asked and your slight nod was enough confirmation for him because Bucky grabbed onto your hair and inched himself forward. He then snapped his hips, beginning to thrust into your mouth. You did your best to relax your throat to avoid gagging.
Letting out occasional noises so the vibrations would help him reach orgasm quicker, you did as much as you could to add onto his pleasure. “Fuck, baby, just like that. Takin’ my cock like such a good girl.” His continuous, mindless babbling showed you that he was nearing his finish.
He moved to pull out of your mouth, clearly not wanting to come down your throat without your permission, but you dug your nails into the back of his thighs to keep him in place. He whimpered at your actions and dropped his head against the wall behind him.
Expletives left his mouth like a prayer as he came down your throat. You did your best to swallow all of it, but you pulled off with a cough and some was left running down your chin. He looked down at you with his pupils blown, taking in the sight of you looking so lewd on your knees for him.
“Holy hell.” he whispered, his hand guiding you back to a standing position by the back of your neck. He kissed you yet again, no doubt tasting a mixture of himself and your mouth at once. “I’m gonna give you a nice little reward for listening, baby. Lemme show you what happens when you’re a good girl.” His grin mirrored that of the Cheshire cat as you were once again pushed up against the wall. However, this time, it was your front being pressed against the cool tile.
Bucky kneeled down behind you and pulled your hips back, so that your ass was jutted out right in his face. He kneaded your buttocks in his hands, an odd sensation with the clear difference in feeling from his vibranium arm to his flesh one. “Such a pretty little ass, baby. And when you wear those leggings, Jesus, that’s the stuff of dreams.”
Taking two of his flesh fingers, he lightly traced around your entrance, collecting your juices to lubricate and began massaging your clit. Before you even had time to react to that, he was diving in, licking and slurping at your pussy, while keeping up a steady rhythm with his fingers. You were biting your lip as you let out small squeaks in reaction to every movement.
He was an expert at this, finding reactions from your body that it took previous lovers ages to find. He ate you like you were his favorite dessert, a delicacy that he dove into with the utmost care, very different from the way he had fucked your mouth just moments ago.
You rested your forehead against the tile, willing your legs to remain sturdy beneath you. You were close and you knew it. “Shit, Bucky, I’m gonna come soon. God.” The coiling sensation was on the verge of unraveling before he pulled away quickly, leaving a quick peck on your ass.
He stood up and you sharply turned around. “What the fuck are you doing?” You hissed out.
“You may’ve been good this one time, doll, but we have a lotta bad behavior to punish.” He rinsed himself off quickly as you looked at him in disbelief. He pulled the curtain back and shuffled out. Before exiting entirely, he poked his head back in. “Meet me in my room once you get yourself cleaned up.”
And with that, you could hear him grab a towel before his footsteps sounded, signaling he was now leaving. “And don’t even think about finishing yourself off without me.”
Once he’d left the locker room, you let out an audible groan.
“Atta girl!” Bucky praised as you performed quite an impressive combination as the two of you sparred, taking him down. You smiled in response, lending him a hand to help him up off the ground.
Steve looked over to the ring in confusion, his eyes furrowed and his jaw dropped. “What’s happening?” He quietly asked Natasha. “Are they getting along now?”
“I told you, they just needed to fuck it out.” She smirked back at him.
“How do you even know that happened?” He would never cease to be amazed by the true extent of knowledge that the Black Widow had on all of them.
“I know everything.” She whispered. “I’m guessing they’ll try for a secret relationship for about a month then spill the beans.”
“I’ll bet 2 weeks.” He responded after watching both of you interact for a few moments. “20 bucks.”
A/N: This is my first request ever, so I really hope I satisfied! Once again, so sorry if it’s terrible, but I really do hope you enjoyed it! My messages/ask box are always open for a chat and ALL feedback is seriously so appreciated. Thank you so much for reading and I hope the rest of your day is lovely! x
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