#I wanna be a butch dad but why I’m like. 24. why is this happening to me. I’ve never cared before
starredforlife · 9 days
why am i being plagued by the heart-gripping schmaltzy fantasy to be a dad all of the sudden where did this come from
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bunnyblooms · 4 years
1. Identity and pronouns.
I'm agenderfluid and they/them pronouns. My sexuality is aroflux and asexual.
2. How did you discover your sexuality?
Pretty much at 14 was like "idk i don't relate to everyone else i don't find celebrities hot or sex remotely something i want. If i could reproduce without sex i would. Oh. I'll just call myself asexual, like a sponge!" (Which asexual is incidentally what the creators of Spongebob were going for, fun facts. Spongebob is ace rights.)
3. Have you experienced being misgendered? How do you overcome it?
Mmmm I am constantly misgendered bc I'm nonbinary and live in a binary society and the way I compartmentalize it is basically just dressing how I want and not making an attempt to pass as anything tbh. The only time I feel misgendered is when someone knows my pronouns and doesn't use them anymore tbh. So basically. Letting go of how I want to be perceived helped. I will say tho, I refuse to come out to my dad bc he won't respect it and it'll be more painful hearing him misgender me knowing how I identify, but. That's certainly a privilege I have since I'm not transitioning. (ATM at least.)
4. Who was the first person you told? How did they react?
I technically didn't come out as ace. My ex-best friend knew bc I talked about it, but neither of us knew it was an identity. So the transition upon finding the label was virtually nonexistent and all of my friends were LGBTQ as well so it wasn't stressful or shocking. It helps that around the time I discovered the label I'd met two friends who were ace and felt the same way I did. My experience with my asexuality is definitely the model that should be the norm with the community and what we as a society should aim for.
As for my gender I'd made comments in the past that I wished I could just be genderless and it really kind of sat with me when my ex-best friend came out as trans bc I was like "Oh? You don't have to be the gender you are at birth?" Belial from Angel Sanctuary was a character that resonated with me at the time, and this was right around the time I made my ace friends. It wasn't until a year later that I discovered the nb community and one friend who was genderfluid that I decided to start trying different pronouns. And basically I came out as questioning and transitioned to nb without a formal declaration, which I also feel should be the goal for society.
I was at a con with my best friend at the time who was trans and he'd come out with my now ex-best friend while they were dating. And I was really anxious bc I felt like ppl would assume I was a transtrender and shit, and my friend said something about gender and I kind of awkwadly implied I might not identify as female and he was really great about it! He was like "If you wanna talk about it or try different pronouns you can." :D
5. Describe what it was like coming out.
I pretty much did this im question 4 hehehe.
6. If you're out, how did ppl react?
I'm not out to family, that I know of. They found my facebook which has my identity listed in my about, so I'm in limbo with them where none of us talk about it so idk if they register it as an LGBTQ thing or not.
My friends were all supportive! It helps that I have like no cishet friends lmao.
I also came out to my class on TDOV two years ago for a project where we step outside our comfort zone. I'm luckily in the social work program which has social justive built into the tenants of the profession so it was pretty positive! People still misgendered me after and were more concerned with "but i'm scared of ppl getting angry at me what should i do to talk about this with them" which. 9__9 Not surprising. But there was a mom whose kid and her kid's partner are both genderfluid and bigender so it was a good experience and I had an ally which made me comfortable in sharing it in the first place.
7. What is one question you hate ppl asking about your sexuality?
Inevitably when I say I'm ace, non-aces assume I have no interest in dating which. Way to conflate being aroace with ace and ignore that there are aros and aces who want relationships. That's my biggest pet peeve.
8. Describe the style of clothing you often wear.
I wear flannels and ripped jeans or shorts mainly. I basically dress like a butch lesbian. I'll wear dresses and stuff but I do not like dressing femme and prefer to offset softer things with hard things. Like. When I wear dresses I have to wear clunky combat boots with them or have short hair or something.
9. Who are your favorite LGBTQ+ ships?
Hmmm. Depends if you mean canon or not. Canon, it's probably FigAyda from D20 and Catradora from She-ra. Shion/Nezumi from No.6 is also one of my faves. There's also Chie and Ai from Virgin's Empire. Blupjeans from The Adventure Zone and JonMartin from The Magnus Archives.
As for Not Confirmed ships, I like Flick/CJ from Animal Crossing, Tsuna/Enma from Katekyo Hitman Reborn, uhhh. Reigisa from Free!, Kanji/Naoto from Persona and Chihiro/whatever the fuck his name is Mondo? Or the other guy I forget, from Danganronpa. Also RenLaw, RenStrade, and VinceLaw+VinceFarz from BTD.
(I am including straight relationships involving trans ppl obv.)
10. What does makeup mean to you? Do you wear any?
I hate how I look with make up it makes me dysphoric. But to me makeup is a good expressive outlet and bomb as hell, so when I do wanna wear makeup, I prefer wearing eyeliner and lipstick (esp in black or blue or green or purple) and glitter.
11. Do you experience dysphoria? How does it affect you?
I experience what I refer to as Silhouette Dysphoria a lot. I experience chest dysphoria but a lot of times it's less about me having them at all and me not liking how I look with them. The same goes for my hips and overall shape. Hence silhouette. I also experience genital dysphoria to a lesser degree, and when I do it's less hating my genitals bc they should be different but more just having any at all. Luckily I was born with internal genitalia so I don't have to think about it as much. Social dysphoria I also experience, but I've talked about that already.
How I deal with it is binding and stuff.
12. What is the stupidest thing you've heard said about the LGBTQ+ community?
Hmm. The ppl who genuinely argue that accepting the community means you'll be forced to accept pedophilia or beastiality. Like. Lmao no?
13. Favorite thing about the community?
I just love how great it feels to be in it tbh. It can be so positive and loving and just genuinely make you feel good about yourself.
14. Least favorite thing about the community?
15. Have you ever been to your city's pride event?
No, but I went to Pride in Des Moines!!! IT WAS GREAT!
16. Favorite LGBTQ+ celebrity?
I don't really follow celebrities, but probably Ian McEllen and Tim Gunn.
17. Have you been in a relationship and how did you meet?
I was in a relationship for a while with a friend of mine and it was wonderful tbh. We met in a server and started talkng more, and started out as qpps then became partners and like we broke up, but I still enjoyed the experience and wouldn't go back in time and stop it from happening. My other qpp tho. That's something I would do lmao.
I also have a bf but that's a secret~
18. Favorite LGBTQ+ book.
I haven't read a lot of books, so I guess I have to say The Raven Cycle bc that's the only one I remember reading.
19. Have you ever faced discrimination?
Mmmm the only time I have experienced direct discrimination I was giving a friend valentines chocolate in high school and some kid called me a d*ke when i walked past him.
The other stuff is like. My therapist telling me to check for a hormone imbalance when I said I was asexual.
20. Favorite LGBTQ+ movie/show?
She-ra, "To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything", The Runaways (the movie not the show), No. 6.
21. Favorite LGBTQ+ bloggers?
I don't have any lmao.
22. Which slur do you want to reclaim?
Queer, bc it's already been reclaimed and it fits me.
23. Have you ever gone to a gay bar or drag show? How was it?
Nope. Never, but it'd be fun!!
24. How do you idrntify your gender?
Already answered this lol.
25. Interested in having kids?
Nope. I'd be too scared of screwing them up.
26. What identity service would you give your younger self?
I wish I'd known there was an ace community before I was older tbh. So that, probably.
27. What do you think of gender roles in relationships?
I personally like playing a feminine role, but I also think gender roles are unecessary, so like. As long as I'm an equal I don't care what role I play lmao. If you wanna treat me like the handmaiden, as long as you're not doing it bc you see me as a woman I don't care.
28. Anything else you wanna share about your gender?
Nah. Just. I don't bother trying to pin it down anymore bc the more I analyze it the less I understand it.
29. Something you wish ppl knew about being LGBTQ+?
Hmmmm not really. It's fun outside of the systemic oppression?
30. Why are you proud to be LGBTQ+?
For me it's less about pride in being LGBTQ+ and more being proud to express myself authentically. 🤷
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red-flare-art · 5 years
Fallout OC Interview!
Tagged by @boarix, thank you! :D
1) Choose an OC
2) Answer questions as that OC
3) Tag 5 people to do the same
I feel like everyone I know has already been tagged, so whoever wants to do this with their OC, consider yourself tagged. :P
(I'm gonna do my lone wanderer Ruby, before finding her dad & before becoming romantic with Charon)
1) What is your name? My name’s Ruby! Ruby Flynn
2) How old are you? 19, but I’ll be turning 20 real soon
3) What do you look like? I’m about 5′5″, pale, scrawny, green eyes, I wear glasses, & I’ve got red hair with the right side of my head shaved.
4) Where are you from? Where do you live now? I was raised in vault 101 by my dad, but I currently live in Megaton in my very own house with a robot butler & everything! It’s pretty sweet.
5) What was your childhood like? I didn’t have a lot of friends growing up. Hell, I pretty much only had one, & that was Amata. Her dad was the overseer & he didn’t really like me or my dad. I was always seen as the weird kid & got picked on regularly by Butch & his “gang.” I never made it easy for them though; I always fought back. But of course I would get into trouble because I did.
6) What groups are you friendly with? Are you allied with any factions? People in Megaton like me a lot, since I disarmed the bomb in the center of town & I fixed the water pipes. I’m pretty good friends with the kids over in Little Lamplight & the older kids over in Big Town as well. & all the ghouls in Underworld seem to like me too, since I’m there all the time & I’ve helped them out a bunch. The BOS seem okay with me, but I don’t think they like the fact that I travel with a ghoul, & they generally don’t like outsiders.
7) Tell me about your best friend. My best friend in the vault was Amata, but after I killed her dad before escaping the vault, we’re...not really friends anymore. But now I’ve got Charon, who’s the best friend I’ve ever had! He tends to come off as a big, mean, grumpy guy, but he’s got a soft & sweet side (don’t tell him I said that though, cuz he’ll deny it).
8) Do you have a family? Tell me about them! My only family is my dad, since my mom died giving birth to me. My dad is a doctor & a scientist, & he’s really smart. He’s really passionate about his work, which most would say is an admirable trait, but he spent more time on his work than he did with me, so...I had a lot of alone time as a kid.
9) What about a partner or partners? Partner? Hmm. I guess you could say Charon is my partner, since we watch each other’s back & take care of each other. Is that what you mean? 
10) Who are your enemies, and why? Well, I guess the Talon company would count, since they all seem to be after my head. Also the slavers at Paradise Falls, because they’re scum & I hate them. Also any raiders out there can fuck off. & the Enclave. & everyone back in Vault 101. & Moriarty. & Roy Phillips. (Man, I have a lot more enemies than I thought...)
11) Have you ever heard of The Brotherhood of Steel? What do you think about them? Some of them are okay. The ones that seem to actually wanna help people, anyway. But most of them seem to hate “outsiders,” & they definitely don’t like ghouls, which is stupid.
12) What about The Enclave? The enclave are crazy. The whole idea of rebuilding America with that weird “president” of theirs is nuts. They stomp around like they own the place & take things by force, with no regard for the people just trying to get by in the wasteland, so fuck ‘em. 
13) How do you feel about Super Mutants? They’re really annoying. They seem to be everywhere & have a ton of armor & weapons, so they’re a real pain to take down. Especially when you’re just trying to get from one place to another & you have to pass through their territory. They don’t let up!
14) What’s the craziest fight you’ve ever been in? I’ve been in situations where Raiders, mutants, & radscorpions are coming from all sides, but they also fight each other, so it gets pretty crazy. Luckily you can just shoot at any of them and you’re bound to hit something.
15) Have you ever fought a Deathclaw? Oof, yeah. I’ve fought quite a few in Old Oney & even the Deathclaw Sanctuary. Those things are fast & deadly, which is a dangerous combination.
16) Do you like fighting? Eh...I mean, there’s a certain thrill to it that I like, but that usually happens after the fight is over & you get that “holy shit, that was crazy!” kind of feeling. Especially when me & Charon are working together & fighting off bad guys. But obviously, I’d rather not have to fight every asshole or creature I come across. 
17) What’s your weapon of choice? I’m fond of fire-based weapons, like the flamer or the Shishkebab. They’re just so effective & intimidating & badass! Helps keep the enemy at a distance too, y’know?
18) How do you survive? Your wits, your charm, your skills, brute force, some combination? (a.k.a. what’s your S.P.E.C.I.A.L?) I’m not very strong, or tough, but I’m smart & fast, & I’m pretty good at talking my way out of a sticky situation. I leave all the muscle to Charon. I’m the brains & he’s the brawn. 
19) Have you ever been in a vault? What do you think about them? Well, yeah. I was raised in one. & I’ve been to several around the capitol wasteland too. I can’t say I’m very fond of them. A lot of bad memories associated with my own vault, & seeing all the horrible experiments that Vault-tec performed with the other vaults makes me sick.
20) How do you beat all the radiation around here? Has it affected you? I make sure to take a lot of Rad-x & Radaway, & so far I seem to be ok. I’ve gotten pretty sick & nauseous a few times, but I always bounce back.  
21) What’s your favorite wasteland critter? I think the molerats are kinda cute. I also like dogs, but not the rabid ones. The furry ones like Dogmeat. Brahmin are ok, but they’re not very cute.
22) What’s your least favorite wasteland critter? Radscorpions. Those bastards are everywhere & they’re huge & gross a pain in the ass to kill. 
23) How do you feel about robots? Robots are pretty cool I guess. Can’t say I love ‘em or hate ‘em either way.
24) How many caps do you have on you right now? I’ve lost count, lol. But I’ve got a ton. I’m really good at bartering & saving. Now I don’t even know what to spend them on.
25) Nuka Cola or Sunset Sarsaparilla? What the hell is Sunset Sarsaparilla?
26) Do you do chems? Only in emergencies or for medical reasons. 
27) Do you ever think about the Pre-War world? Yeah, but the only reference I have for what it was like is from old books we had in the vault, & even a few videos & holotapes. So it’s hard for me to imagine what it was really like. Hell, It was hard for me to imagine what anything looked like outside of the vault growing up, so it was a big shock when I finally got out.
28) What’s your deepest regret? What would you do differently? Part of me wishes I hadn’t killed Amata’s dad...maybe then she wouldn’t be mad at me. But in the end I guess it doesn’t really matter, because I’m never going back, so it’s not like I was ever going to see her again anyway...Besides, her dad was an asshole & he deserved it.
29) What’s your biggest achievement? Or what do you hope to achieve? Hmm...I dunno. Maybe disarming the bomb in Megaton? or killing a super mutant behemoth? There’s still a lot of wasteland to explore, so I’m sure there will be other things I can accomplish. But I do hope I find my dad soon...or at least find out what happened to him.
30) What do you want for the future? For yourself? Your friends? The world? I just wanna make the capitol wasteland a safer place for everyone, if I can. But for myself...maybe, I dunno...not necessarily “settle down” with someone, but just find someone who’ll stick with me, no matter where I decide to go or what I decide to do. Like a...life partner. OH WAIT, THAT’S WHAT YOU MEANT EARLIER!
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wintersqueenmab · 5 years
Silly, do all the questions you definitely deleted. All of them.
Well, since you asked so nicely, sure. Under the readmore to save dashboard space.
1. how tall are you?
I’m 5 foot, 9 inches tall, or 175 centimeters for those of you using metric units.
2. what is your body type?
Softer than I’d like, but otherwise pretty standard.
3. what is your favorite part about your body?
I do like the color of my eyes, and I think my hands are pretty nice.
4. is your current hair color your natural hair color?
Partially, yes. However, the top of my head is currently a cotton candy riot, so not that part.
5. are you more outgoing or more shy?
I like to pull off the shy -> outgoing combo for maximum damage.
6. are you more femme or butch?
Being AMAB, I’m pretty sure I’m automatically on the butch side. Not where I’d like to keep it, though.
7. are you tol or smol?
I don’t think 5′9″ is very tall, or very small. The middle it is, then.
8. wine mom or vodka aunt?
Definitely vodka aunt.
9. weird habit?
Does eating popcorn seeds count?
10. favorite meme?
I’m a sucker for bass boosting in the middle of otherwise normal videos.
11. do you sing in the shower?
Ironically, that’s one of the only places I don’t sing.
12. ever used a bow and arrow?
A couple times, but never in any seriousness.
13. are/were you a theatre kid?
Not currently, but I definitely was in high school. Would love to go back.
14. have you ever seen a broadway musical?
Nah, son. Shit’s expensive.
15. do you think musicals are cheesy?
Yes, but in a good way.
16. have you ever been a part of a protest or a march?
Sadly not.
17. favorite Cards Against Humanity Card?
“Pac-Man uncontrollably guzzling cum.”
18. last movie you watched?
Spider-Man: Far from Home.
19. behind the camera or in front of it?
In front, definitely. Doing theater has shown me that I love being in the spotlight.
20. favorite tv show?
Toss up between Steven Universe and A:tLA.
21. meaning behind your url
Comes from an old username I had a long time ago. I still use Rydyr for most things online.
22. reason you joined tumblr
Kingdom Hearts fandom, then almost immediately comboed into Homestuck.
23. who’s your closest tumblr friend?
Probably samysticeti.
24. what’s something most people love that you hate?
Lord of the Rings.
25. have you ever taken narcotics?
26. have you had sex?
Sure have.
27. have you ever gotten caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?
Yes, several times.
28. worst/funniest lie you’ve ever told?
I once told my dad that my brother had destroyed my writing journal to get out of writing in it for the day. It worked!
29. describe your passion without mentioning it.
Getting to know systems and the best way to exploit them is pretty dang neat.
30. describe your best friend.
Always there for me, even when I don’t want them there. But they know better.
31. give us one thing about you that no one knows.
Now, what makes you think you’ve earned that?
32. how do you feel right now?
Slightly irritated at the amount of formatting work I had to do for this (a lot), but otherwise good. Go listen to Starlight Brigade if you haven’t heard it, it’s fantastic.
33. what is your biggest fear?
Not becoming who I want to be.
34. what’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
Glory, by Bastille.
35. what is the best decision you’ve made in your life so far?
Being more outgoing has, in general, done a ton for me.
36. have you ever tried your hardest and then been disappointed in the end?
Yeah. That’s life, though.
37. something you fantasize about.
Financial stability, a harem of cuties, being in a harem of cuties. Lots of unattainable goals.
38. last time you cried and why
A while ago, probably over past relationships.
39. what was the last thing that made you laugh?
A dumb play my friend made in a League of Legends match.
40. do you really, truly miss someone right now?
41. who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
Honestly, nobody. Without sounding like an edgelord, there’s a lot I don’t want people to know because they’d just worry.
42. the last time you felt broken?
Last night.
43. are you starting to realize anything
Many, many things.
44. are you more dominant or more submissive
Depends on the context, obviously. I try to be assertive in everyday life, but I think I’m more submissive in the bedroom.
45. i’ll only date you if _____. (fill in the blank)
I’ll only date you if you treat me with respect.
46. do you prefer to date people the same age as you, younger, or older?
I don’t have any real preference, but I think I’d feel weird if I dated someone significantly younger than myself.
47. describe the person you’re in love with/have a crush on in great detail.
That’s not fair; I have too many crushes to single anyone out. One of the pros/cons of being poly.
48. do you have any kinks?
Look, there’s a whole ass list here. Gotta get more specific.
49. first thing you notice in a person?
Probably their voice if I’m actually interacting with them. If I’m seeing them from afar, it’s their hair.
50. how can someone win your heart?
By being sweet to me.
51. been rejected by a crush?
Of course.
52. have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?
Tons of times.
53. would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
If they were down, yeah.
54. is trust a big issue for you?
Like, do I have trust issues? Not really. Is it a big thing for me in a relationship? Once we hit a certain point, yeah.
55. did you hang out with the person you like recently?
A couple of them, yeah. Not nearly enough, though.
56. is confidence cute?
It’s fucking sexy.
57. what would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
Good for them! They’re living their best life. Fuck jealousy.
58. would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
Probably not. I love being with funny people.
59. does the person you have feelings for right now know you do?
At least one of them does. I try not to make it a big deal.
60. ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
I’ve embarrassed myself in front of my partners more times than I care to count.
61. do you want to get married
Not unless the government gets really cool about a lot of things really quickly.
62. worst thing you’ve ever done?
Lied to people that trusted me.
63. three things that turn you on.
Confidence, a nice pair of legs, and the ability to take charge.
64. who do you hate?
65. favorite term of endearment?
66. who was your celebrity/fictional gay awakening?
Probably some fucking Homestuck characters, I dunno.
67. intimidating girls or kind girls?
Both. Both? Both are great.
68. what do you look for in a possible partner?
We gotta like the same stuff. Also want to get freaky in the bedroom the same way.
69. do you tend to like more masculine, feminine, or androgynous girls?
Sixty-nine, eyyyyy. Uh, all of them.
70. are you good at flirting?
Only when I’m unaware I’m doing it.
71. who was the first person you came out to?
My friends in high school.
72. do you have any friends who are wlw?
Yes! Several.
73. is your crush wlw?
Some of them are, yeah.
74. last person to make you reconsider your sexuality?
Pretty much literally any attractive person. I think about it a lot.
75. write a short love poem to your crush/self?
I wish you’d know me
As I’ve gotten to know you
See me as I am
76. do you fall in love easily?
Love, no. Infatuation? Almost pathetically so, yeah.
77. is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?
Boy fucking howdy, yeah.
78. are you good at hiding your feelings?
79. are you a forgiving person?
Extremely. I just wanna be friends with everyone.
80. what is your “type?”
Kind people that can slam me against a wall and make me thank them for the privilege.
81. fall asleep in her arms or rub her back until she falls asleep in yours?
82. tall girls or short girls?
I’d love to be with a girl that just fucking dwarfs me in height.
83. hugs or kisses?
I fucking love hugs. And I’ve had strangers tell me I give great hugs, so I wanna share that with others.
84. twirl her around or get twirled?
Fuck, dude, I’d sure love to get twirled.
85. tummy kisses or thigh kisses?
A tummy kiss that transitions into a big fucking tummy raspberry.
86. hairline kisses or neck kisses?
Neck kisses, hell fucking yeah.
87. play with her hair or stroke her tummy?
Hair, absolutely. Too many people are ticklish.
88. making out or soft kisses?
I don’t understand why I need to choose here. They’re both great in different situations.
89. hugs around the neck or hugs around the waist?
Waist! Easier to pick people up that way.
90. how confident are you in your sexuality?
I’m pretty confident in my ability to be attracted to nearly anyone that’s nice to me.
91. when you like someone do you blush or get butterflies in your stomach?
Butterflies, with blushing only when I get embarrassed around them.
92. have you ever liked a friend as more than a friend? did you tell them?
Yes and yes.
93. how old were you when you realized you were into girls?
Well, being AMAB, this was pretty early. It took me a lot longer to accept being into guys.
94. most embarrassing thing you’ve done in front of a cute girl?
There was this one time I just nerded out about MtG for like ten minutes, and she was just sitting nearby. When I saw her, I almost died.
95. do you have a favorite lesbian ship? is it canon?
Rosemary from Homestuck. It’s so good.
96. what is the most aggravating thing someone has said to you about your sexuality?
“Are you sure you can’t just pick one person and stick to them?”
97. when was the last time a girl made your heart flutter?
Like six hours ago.
98. what is love to you?
Love is caring about another person more than yourself. It’s wanting the best for them at all times. It’s being happy when they’re happy and being sad when they’re sad. It’s seeing the universe in their smile, and glimpsing eternity in how they make you feel.
99. ask me anything.
Well, this sure is awkward. If you read all this, congrats! You know more about me now than my own parents probably do. Have a great night, everyone.
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Rio & Buster
Rio: Quick, gimme a place I could be going
Buster: Where do scumbag lads from the 24 holiday?
Rio: 😑
Rio: Safe to say nowhere that looks like the French Riviera
Rio: going somewhere without phone signal guys, no there won't be pics to show you when I'm back either, bye
Buster: For real though, you could say you've got a job somewhere
Buster: No tourist shots 'cause you're working so hard, like
Buster: Under lock and key serving those drinks
Rio: Hmm
Rio: might work
Rio: can just say it was shit when I come back after no time at all
Buster: When you're getting picking grapes at a vineyard but don't get picked by the man of your dreams 💔
Buster: You just can't get the daddies these days, babe
Rio: 😂 Shut up
Rio: clearly past it but you don't need to rub it in
Buster: You shut up
Buster: You're with me, you've never looked better
Rio: Firstly, that's the point, no I ain't
Rio: Stick to the story boy!
Buster: 😂
Buster: Didn't realise you were screenshotting this convo, like
Rio: Obviously
Rio: Everyone so highkey
Rio: Like no one's questioning Nance what she's really doing or who she's going with 🙄
Buster: If you wanna go gay so nobody questions why you're coming with me you probably should've put some groundwork in before now
Buster: Better go kiss some hot girls quick, like
Rio: Very subtle, babe
Rio: Been there, done that
Rio: still don't think it's gonna be bought
Buster: 😏
Buster: Have you actually?
Rio: 🙄
Buster: I am
Buster: On that
Rio: Thought you didn't like sharing?
Rio: Double standard, like
Buster: It was before me so I'm not
Rio: Hmm
Rio: Not dying to know all the hot lads I've kissed though are you 😂
Buster: We can compare numbers if you want, babe
Buster: No shame here
Rio: Knew it 😏
Rio: Posh boys
Buster: It's not my fault if half the boys at school are in love with me
Buster: Irresistible, aren't I
Rio: So charitable
Buster: Well, I was gonna take you shopping before we go but if you don't wanna then fine
Rio: I was being nice
Rio: 😇
Buster: I reckon you can be nicer
Rio: Fine
Rio: I'll tell you all about the hot girls
Buster: Yeah?
Rio: but first 💳 me
Buster: Fine
Buster: I was being purely selfish anyway, there's so much shit I need before we can go
Rio: Jokes, babe
Rio: Same though
Rio: Last year's bikini ain't gonna cut it
Buster: Honestly, you can't be showing me up even if you are safe from the socials
Buster: So tell me what you need
Rio: I ain't walking 50 paces behind you
Rio: even if you've got lanky ass legs
Buster: Please, I could get you to do anything
Buster: But there's no fun in that, you gotta walk in front if anything
Rio: Keep it up and I'm walking away fr
Rio: Birthday boy or nah
Buster: 😂
Buster: Try it, I'm faster than you, and I'll easily just pick you up and carry you away, babe
Rio: 😠 Try it
Rio: 👊
Buster: I will if I have to
Rio: I wouldn't if I were you, I couldn't find you anything special so I'm like half your present still
Rio: Keep me on side, trust
Buster: You're protesting too much. You know you'd love it
Rio: Shh
Rio: You're being very unhelpful when I'm sat here tryna swear blind I ain't going away with a lad
Buster: You should just admit you are
Buster: That way we don't have to keep the bruising to a discrete minimum
Rio: Effort though
Rio: creating a fake mans, easiest way to get caught out
Buster: I'm real
Buster: Just don't use my name or family tree, obviously
Rio: Work on my mates
Rio: Not sure if the fam is that dim
Rio: hmm, sounds vaguely familiar 😂
Buster: How many details do they need?
Buster: Fucking hell
Buster: None of your business fam 😂
Rio: You have no idea 🙄
Rio: Perks of avoiding 'em truly
Buster: All your exes drop in with a CV and blood sample or what, like?
Rio: Don't
Rio: You know my 'rents out here making 'em part of the fam when we're like 2 weeks in
Rio: irony not escaping me 😬
Buster: We're literally never telling 'em
Buster: I'd have to dump you
Buster: Christ
Rio: What have I been saying?
Buster: How the fuck have our parents got such different vibes?
Rio: I know, how did my Ma happen tbh? 😂
Buster: She fits in to this fam's whole touchy feeling mood
Buster: It's my 'rents who are keeping that professional distance
Rio: You reckon?
Rio: It's a pretty even split tbh
Rio: how often are we seeing Joe, like
Buster: True
Buster: But like, I told my dad the birthday plan, cool place, hot girl, and he hit with an eyebrow and moved on
Buster: Nan and Granddad spinning in the graves they ain't yet in
Rio: Don't jinx 'em like
Rio: but nah
Rio: I reckon they just reckon that's how you prefer it
Rio: Little enthusiasm wouldn't hurt, though
Buster: Maybe they used it all on Nance's ideas
Buster: Gotta make sure she doesn't dramatically throw herself into the sea or some shit
Rio: I'm telling ya
Rio: Gon' be sipping cocktails with a babe in some naff resort
Rio: Got you all so fooled with this artsy shit
Buster: 😂
Buster: Benidorm with a butch
Rio: I'm glad you went for that joke 'cos it's too soon for Costa Del Sol with a cougar, like
Buster: Don't start me on the whole MILF thing
Buster: 🙄
Rio: Poor Nance
Buster: You've gotta draw the line when she's got actual existing kids
Buster: I'm not trying to be that kind of daddy
Rio: Don't think she planned on bringing the kids along, like
Rio: So not part of the fantasy
Buster: Don't
Buster: Never say fantasy in relation to Nance again, yeah?
Rio: Got it
Rio: That's a line I'm fine not crossing, don't worry
Buster: Better be
Buster: If you tell me she's one of the hot girls you've kissed we're over
Rio: Don't be twisted
Buster: I'm just saying
Buster: No need to take the sibling rivalry there
Rio: Gross
Rio: safe to assume I ain't her type either, like
Buster: Unlucky babe
Rio: 💔
Rio: Guess you'll do
Buster: Fuck off
Buster: You love me
Rio: Yeah
Rio: you know
Buster: Say it though
Rio: I love you
Rio: Idiot
Buster: You better
Buster: I'm sharing my birthday with you
Buster: Haven't done that since I was a kid, cheers
Rio: Hey, I'm fine with a party bag, babe
Rio: All about you
Buster: I'm not gonna hit you with a slice of cake and send you on your way
Buster: Don't worry
Rio: Good to know
Rio: Bit of a trek for some Colin the catterpillar tbh
Rio: love you and everything but
Buster: 😂
Buster: You think my mum ever gave us that? Come on
Rio: And you tryna say they're so zoned out
Buster: Always ready to brag, every single one of us
Rio: You know I had the best though
Rio: 👸
Buster: 'Course
Rio: When ur first daddy just spoils you too hard, like
Rio: 💁
Buster: Explains a lot
Rio: wys boy
Buster: 😏
Rio: Rude
Rio: 😣 Imma stay here if you're not being nice
Buster: It ain't. You know I like it
Buster: Start shopping, babe, you'll see how nice I'm ready to be
Rio: Ain't even got your bday money yet baby
Buster: We're spending that when we're there
Rio: Exactly, so I got me
Buster: It's my birthday you have to do what I want
Rio: But
Buster: But nothing
Buster: I've got you
Rio: Okay
Rio: I won't argue
Rio: bday rules and all
Buster: Good
Rio: How many out out outfits do I need?
Buster: like 4
Rio: Right
Rio: I can make this work
Buster: No doubt
Buster: Not to sound like my sister but I swear I'm over my entire wardrobe right now
Rio: 😂
Rio: Any excuse
Buster: Babe you can laugh but what the fuck is some of this? Like seriously
Rio: 😏 I mean
Rio: sure I tried to tell you at the time
Buster: I find that hard to believe
Buster: You always manage to make yourself heard somehow
Rio: I know
Rio: Impressive, isn't it?
Buster: One word for it
Rio: Come on, ain't trying keep you quiet
Rio: say what you mean, babe
Buster: Don't distract me, I'm very busy 😏
Rio: Having a wardrobe crisis, sure
Rio: Promise, don't care what you're wearing
Buster: Alright, catch me in the finest the 24 has to offer
Rio: Hoping to catch you out of 'em like but alright
Buster: You don't need hope
Buster: Just determination
Buster: Have you thought of your lie yet?
Rio: Planning to be hard to get all of a sudden?
Rio: I'm just gonna not lie
Rio: but be vague, obviously
Rio: social media ban should keep from suspicion, been to enough places I can describe a generic hol, like
Buster: Well, you're always saying I'm vague and you'll know where I am if you need a hand
Buster: Have you been too enough places with shit WIFI to make that believable though?
Rio: 😩 idk
Rio: its stressing me
Rio: maybe you're camera shy
Rio: or ugly as hell
Buster: Baby calm down it's alright
Buster: This is meant to be a good thing, yeah?
Buster: Me and you together celebrating
Rio: I know
Rio: I'm sorry
Rio: Everyone can just respectfully fuck off for a bit
Rio: It'll be good, I will, promise
Buster: I love you
Buster: And we're gonna figure this out
Rio: I love you too
Rio: pisses me off 'cos it feels needless
Rio: I know we have to and it ain't but, shouldn't have to be this much of a drama
Buster: Yeah, I know
Buster: I know what I said about keeping your fam in the dark forever and tempting as it is, I swear it won't always be like this
Rio: Don't chuck me
Buster: Don't be an idiot
Rio: It's what you said
Buster: Come on
Rio: I know
Rio: this is why we ain't telling
Rio: talk about an awkward breakup
Rio: imagine if your 'rents had
Rio: did they ever think of that like, could hardly avoid each other
Buster: Maybe they did but they couldn't handle the awkwardness
Buster: Fuck staying together for the kids, they had to do it for the whole fam's sake, like
Rio: Oh my God
Rio: what I'm saying, really trapped themselves
Rio: 😬
Buster: If you get sick of me give me warning so I can move to another country, yeah?
Rio: 'Course
Rio: least I could do
Buster: Cheers
Rio: Promise I won't get all psycho Chlo about it either
Buster: Don't
Buster: I see her at school so often it's got me so jumpy every time I walk past a mirror I cross myself in case she appears
Rio: Yeah, that is shit
Rio: at least I don't HAVE to be anywhere Ryan is
Rio: can hardly walk out or tell her to leave
Buster: Yeah
Buster: Speaking of that cunt though, how's he been behaving?
Rio: Been pretty quiet
Rio: knock on wood, like
Rio: saw him in town once and he was his usual charming self but that was just chance so
Buster: Glad I don't have to waste a wish on that then
Rio: Definitely not
Rio: Lucky that, really don't fancy adding him to the list of people I gotta give the dl on where I'm going 😂
Buster: Lucky 'cause I don't fancy you getting mad at me when I knock him out, more like
Rio: Oh, babe
Rio: forget about him, I am
Buster: Sorry
Rio: Don't be
Rio: You're cute, and I wouldn't be mad on principle
Buster: I hate that I can't protect you from all his shit, that's all
Rio: I know
Rio: but it ain't that bad
Buster: I get that you can handle it, I'm not saying that, I just don't want you to have to
Buster: If I could be the protective boyfriend and warn him off everything would be fine but
Rio: Maybe but
Rio: maybe not
Rio: he's just a prick
Buster: Yeah
Buster: Fuck him, we don't need to talk about him anymore
Rio: Agreed
Rio: Maybe I can get a job out there
Rio: in the casinos, hmm
Buster: We're meant to be playing hard not working hard, babe
Rio: You know I gotta hustle
Rio: I'm over the angel fr
Buster: Get a London job when we get back, then I'll never have to miss you
Rio: That'd be nice
Rio: But we both know I can't
Buster: Lie to me
Buster: I want you here all the time
Rio: I wanna be with you all the time too
Rio: Again, one day
Rio: I think Drew would at least cover Indie's rent but she shouldn't be alone, she's still a kid
Buster: Yeah, I know
Buster: You wouldn't be you if you didn't look out for her
Buster: And I quite like you so
Rio: 😏 Steady
Rio: Don't get all mushy
Buster: 'Course not
Buster: Who do you think I am?
Rio: Was gonna say
Rio: slow down and wait for me if you've already started your celebrations, like
Buster: I wish
Rio: We'll be making up for lost time so soon baby
Buster: You gonna jump out of a cake for me?
Rio: Couldn't get Dad to bake me in
Rio: Spoilsport much
Buster: 😂
Buster: To be a fly on the wall for that convo, though
Rio: He knows I'm extra but
Buster: Unfair 'cause I'm always insisting you keep my secrets but you're such an open book, babe
Rio: I dunno
Rio: I kinda like it just being me who knows
Rio: How selfish
Buster: I'm well proud
Buster: You really are learning
Rio: Bound to happen eventually
Rio: So persistent, babe 😉
Buster: What can I say? You're worth putting the work in
Rio: 😚
Rio: Baby
Buster: I'm not going soft, don't worry
Buster: I'll be rude to you later, I'm sure
Rio: Be the rudest if you did go soft on me
Rio: Ultimate insult
Buster: Fuck that
Buster: I could never
Rio: Happens to the best of us, don't worry 😂
Buster: Shut up
Rio: Really, nothing to be embarrassed about babe
Buster: Are you trying to jinx me or what?
Buster: Good luck
Rio: Just giving you something to prove
Rio: you're so adorable when you're mad
Buster: You trying to say I've still gotta prove myself to you?
Rio: No
Rio: I'm saying I like it when you do
Buster: Yeah?
Rio: Yeah
Rio: been too long
Buster: I miss you too, babe
Rio: It's so stupid
Rio: not even gone yet and already thinking about how much I'll miss you when we're back
Buster: It's shit
Buster: But it'll be Christmas hols before we know it and nobody can bat an eyelid about us being together then
Rio: Hooray for forced family time, yeah?
Rio: Don't let anyone hear YOU saying that though, so suspect
Buster: You know I don't waste my time talking to any of that lot
Rio: Hmm
Rio: So bad 😏
Buster: I wonder if Nance will be in a better mood with me by then
Buster: Don't really wanna have to do a whole secret santa vibe
Rio: Season of goodwill
Rio: Can put hope
Rio: add it to your wishlist now, like
Buster: I'll start thinking about her gift soon
Buster: Go big or go home, literally maybe
Rio: Work on that Winter wardrobe
Buster: Maybe I can send her on another trip, get her out of my way and do a nice thing all at once
Rio: Maybe
Rio: Sure you don't wanna spend time with her though?
Buster: You're funny
Rio: I'm not joking, like
Buster: Well, it's still hilarious
Buster: I'm trying to get her on side not further off
Rio: Maybe it is running before you can walk
Rio: still, gotta start somewhere, babe
Buster: You do, you mean
Buster: You're well determined to sort this, aren't you?
Rio: Your relationship with your family?
Rio: Duh
Buster: You're cute
Buster: Annoying but cute
Rio: What, like you want it like this
Rio: Come on now
Buster: Like it matters how I want it
Buster: I don't get to fuck up and still call the shots
Rio: It does matter
Rio: and she's not renounced you
Rio: it ain't that deep
Rio: not quite
Buster: Whatever
Buster: I can't make her talk to me
Buster: She's not you
Rio: I'll lock you in a room like
Rio: she can be mad at me then instead
Buster: Don't you dare
Rio: 😂
Rio: Don't be a baby
Buster: Don't start
Buster: You were behaving
Rio: Only lasts for so long
Rio: Do something about it if you're mad
Buster: Nice try
Buster: I'm not gonna make it that easy for you to get what you want
Rio: 😒
Rio: I'm so offended
Buster: Don't be a baby
Rio: 😲
Rio: Touche
Buster: 😏
Rio: 😣
Buster: Are you giving up just like that, babe?
Rio: I'm very busy don't distract me
Buster: Touche
Buster: But you didn't listen when I said it, so don't expect me too
Rio: I'll leave you to it then
Rio: So sorry
Buster: Don't
Rio: Sure?
Buster: Stay
Rio: 'Course
Rio: You don't want a kitten, do you?
Buster: You've got so many jokes today
Rio: We're giving Nancy one
Rio: Ma found a pregnant cat
Rio: they're so cute
Buster: 'Course she did
Buster: Sounds like you want me to have one so you can, babe
Rio: Shh
Rio: stop foiling my plans
Rio: [pics]
Buster: I'm not raising a baby with you
Rio: Cats are so low maintenance
Rio: it will keep you company
Buster: Good for them 'cause I ain't
Buster: Also not lonely, like
Rio: Boo
Buster: Take one for Indie, I'm sure she'd be buzzing
Buster: So would the cat if they can get high, like, but
Rio: I'm definitely not giving you one now
Rio: don't get a cat stoned, you monster 😂
Rio: and Indie wants a dog
Buster: Dogs can definitely get high, right?
Buster: Sure I've seen that online before
Buster: Indie'll have to clean up her act
Rio: We'll see if that's strong enough incentive
Rio: I doubt it but
Buster: Yeah
Buster: She'd have to get pregnant to make that stick I reckon and nobody's ready for that
Rio: Don't even play
Rio: Jesus
Buster: Just saying
Buster: Unlikely you'll be taking care of a puppy or kitten any time soon
Rio: We can have a dog
Rio: not like she's gonna be blowing smoke in the poor things face
Rio: so dramatic
Buster: You don't reckon you've got enough responsibility with her and the flat?
Buster: More fool you
Rio: Only got to walk and feed it
Rio: waaayyy easier than Indie
Buster: True
Buster: What isn't though?
Rio: Bless her
Buster: Maybe I can throw a kitten Chlo's way
Buster: Properly distract her
Buster: She'd probably call it a love token though, yeah?
Rio: Um yeah
Rio: may as well wife her now, like
Rio: no no
Rio: and she ain't having one of mine 😒
Buster: What so you're gonna keep them all?
Rio: Have you been to my gaff?
Rio: Probably 😂
Rio: if Ma knows people who might want 'em then they'll go
Buster: I can't believe you're giving my sister one
Rio: She's so buzzing
Rio: Easy bday present forreal, unlike some
Buster: I thought you were my present
Buster: So unless you're gonna be difficult
Rio: I had to get you something
Rio: Don't get too excited though
Rio: well, can about me
Rio: standard 😉
Buster: I was gonna say
Buster: Don't do yourself down, babe
Rio: Please
Buster: I mean, do put the work in still
Buster: As much as I miss you, you've still gotta bring it
Rio: When have I ever done anything less?
Buster: I can't lie, you ain't yet but you know
Buster: You might get bored of all this
Rio: You gonna stop bringing it too?
Rio: 'Cos that's the only way that's happening
Buster: Please
Buster: That shit's impossible
Rio: Glad to hear it, babe
Buster: I love you
Rio: Love you
Buster: I wish we could go now
Buster: With or without your fam's need for details being satisfied
Rio: Me too
Rio: I don't care no more
Rio: think I'm drug trafficking if you like
Rio: save the intervention 'til I'm back, though
Buster: 😂
Buster: Seriously, it's bad enough that I can't brag that I'm with you day to day, on my birthday when you're the gift that keeps giving, I should be able to
Rio: Babe
Rio: You're so cute
Buster: Shhh
Buster: You know I'm speaking the truth
Buster: So over not being able to pose with you ever
Rio: I know
Rio: Me too
Rio: but it's still worth it
Buster: 'Course
Buster: Don't ever think I'm saying it ain't, yeah?
Buster: Unless I actually do, but that's not happening
Rio: Got it
Rio: When do you reckon we can tell people
Rio: or if we should
Buster: I'll tell them now if you want
Buster: Just say the word
Rio: You don't wanna do that
Rio: time for celebration yeah
Buster: I want you
Buster: It's too late for them to take their gifts back if they ain't still in the mood to celebrate
Rio: Priorities
Buster: When do you wanna do it? Sat around the Christmas tree, like?
Buster: There's never gonna be a good time
Rio: Exactly
Rio: I'm scared
Buster: I know
Buster: But whatever happens, you're safe with me
Buster: I'm not going anywhere, not without you
Rio: Yeah
Rio: I feel it, I really do
Rio: We'll think about it, but we've got fun to have first, like
Buster: Just think, they can't all hate us, there's so many of them, that's basic probability, yeah? Someone's gotta be alright with it
Buster: It's not like any of the fam actually have room to judge anyway
Rio: It's a number's game, yeah? 😂
Rio: Already thinking like you in that casino
Rio: I don't want any of them to hate us, is the issue but you know
Rio: gotta be real
Rio: it's too hard to live like this and think it's forever, nah
Buster: You know it, babe 🎲 I'm so ready
Buster: Yeah, but I don't reckon anyone will
Buster: Not with all the shit this fam has been through already
Buster: And like you said, even if there's drama, it's gotta be done
Rio: Same 💃
Rio: I don't wanna think about it anymore, distract me
Buster: Okay baby
Buster: [Sends pics]
Buster: Think about me
Rio: How could I think about anything else now? 😻
Rio: Why you so good
Buster: Spending too much time with you, obviously
Rio: I mean #myinfluence
Rio: Your nude game has no doubt gone ⬆
Buster: Doing yourself a favor is the ultimate selfishness
Buster: Well done
Buster: So proud
Rio: See? I knew what I was doing all along 😚
Rio: Basic rules of karma, send good nudes and you shall receive
Buster: I'll ignore the implication that my angles were for shit before, yeah?
Buster: 'Cause when you asked for a distraction I don't reckon you wanted a fight
Rio: Come on 😏 Gimme that
Rio: you can say you've my fair lady'd me if you want
Buster: I'll let you have it 'cause I know I wasn't trying for the girls in this postcode
Buster: If you promise not to get too fancy on me
Rio: I'm not gonna be the one to call myself a bit of rough but we all thinking it
Buster: I was gonna say real
Buster: But alright
Rio: I prefer that
Buster: Whatever we're calling it, it's working for me
Buster: I like you
Rio: Works for me
Rio: You're not so bad yourself too so
Buster: Yeah, I know
Buster: 😏
Rio: Letting you have it
Buster: What else are you gonna let me have before it's officially my birthday?
Rio: Not your presents, if that's what you're thinking
Buster: Come on
Buster: I'll act proper surprised on the day
Rio: 😏
Rio: Was about to doubt your acting ability but we've pulled this off so far so maybe you can be trusted
Buster: No need to ever doubt me, babe
Buster: I'm that good
Rio: Okay, just one, like
Rio: Mum enough for you? 😂
Buster: 😂
Buster: OG MILF
Buster: Nance missed a trick there
Rio: It's frankly insulting
Rio: she's seen me in peak ma action and still not feeling it
Buster: Poor baby
Buster: I got all the good taste, that's all
Rio: 😻
Rio: Gonna let you have that too, not just to save my ego
Buster: You know it's true too
Buster: You've always been my type, babe
Rio: Yeah?
Buster: Yeah
Buster: Don't let the torture like kiss fool you
Buster: I reckoned it was gonna be my finest moment, at the time
Rio: It was perfect
Buster: Babe
Buster: Don't lie
Rio: I mean
Rio: obviously it wasn't the most technically perfect but
Rio: I'm glad it was you
Buster: Me too
Buster: My mum and dad talk a lot of shit but there's something to be said for having firsts with someone
Buster: Someone you actually want
Rio: Yeah
Rio: never good to look back on someone you've been with and really think, what the fuck
Buster: I've got enough of them without adding you to the list
Rio: Same frankly
Rio: Gotta try and keep the number down
Buster: Exactly
Buster: Why I don't do repeats
Rio: Well, the idea is repeat when you like 'em
Rio: not guaranteed you won't regret but you know, better odds in that category
Buster: 'Course
Rio: Have you ever slept with the same person more than once though?
Rio: Surely
Buster: Yeah. You
Buster: I mean, when I was a kid I did all my firsts with the same girl but once we fucked she chucked me so
Buster: Lesson learned
Rio: Awh
Rio: How mean
Buster: She regretted it
Buster: Not my bad, like I was obviously incredible but
Rio: Naturally
Rio: Nah, most people do
Rio: well, from what I can gather, the girls do and the boys were just scared then underwhelmed by it all
Rio: oh god, do not take me back, like
Buster: Same
Buster: Granted there's a lot of shit I could and would do better or not bother doing in the first place but like
Buster: Nah
Rio: Yeah, can't waste your time on that
Rio: who knows who or where you'd be now if you did it different, like
Buster: Cunt then, cunt now
Buster: It doesn't matter
Rio: Shut up
Rio: You are not
Rio: and you weren't that bad, anyway, we're all entitled to that phase
Buster: You're so biased
Buster: Just always loved me
Buster: Can't get enough of it
Rio: 😏
Rio: Why do you want me to think you're a cunt so bad, honestly
Buster: 'Cause I am
Buster: And you're too smart to buy into my bullshit, yeah?
Rio: I am
Rio: but you might not be if you're actually convinced you're a bad person, like
Buster: I'm not saying I'm 😈 just that I ain't a good person, let's be honest
Buster: Chlo reckons you can't buy class but what you can't buy is a decent set of morals
Rio: You are
Rio: You've just done some shit things and who hasn't
Buster: Like I said, you're shamelessly influenced by your 😍
Buster: I'm not mad about it though
Rio: 😑
Rio: No
Buster: Don't get mad about it yourself
Rio: I'm not mad just
Rio: You should know you aren't a bad person
Buster: Give me another year of being stuck here being a cunt first
Buster: 'Cause I know there ain't much I can do about that
Rio: That don't count, they don't deserve nice things or you
Buster: Stay with me though, yeah? Even though you do
Rio: I will because you are
Rio: You're good where it counts
Rio: and you're gonna make things up with Nancy you know
Buster: I'm gonna try
Buster: Patience is one thing I am good at, like
Buster: Get it done in the end
Rio: Exactly, you wouldn't give a shit if you were an actual cunt
Buster: I'm sure not every cunt is an only child, babe
Buster: She's still my sister
Rio: Stop fighting it
Rio: Accept your 😇
Buster: Alright
Buster: But only 'cause I'm hoping it means you get to be 😈
Rio: Might make an exception for you, babe
Rio: 'cos you know, I'm practically perfect in every way, like
Buster: Yeah
Buster: Perfect for me, which means you know when to be good and when not to
Buster: So please
Rio: Okay
Rio: I'm convinced 😈
Buster: Glad to hear it
Buster: Call me until I'm convinced too
Rio: 🤤 Sir yes sir
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