#I wanna get it so baaaaad because it looks so cool when it’s done right
p-perkeys · 6 months
1. I did a double star drop for the first time tonight
2.) I felt like I fell off the moon
3.) all of downtown heard me yell damn it when my hand caught the fucking silk
4.) the first time I tried I fell right onto the crash mat and my foot hit the pavement
5.) the second time I tried this the silk was over my face
6.) this was the third time and it was not the charm but it was better
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The Glass Scientists Sunday Predictions - Ch. 8 Pg. 34
In this last Sunday Predictions of the year I’m going to predict what might happen after Hyde finally gets his way. Spoilers: I think it’s going to go bad for him, because he earned a ton of bad karma points this chapter.  Enjoy your win now you old brat. 
You’ve seen “Look What You Made Me Do” Jekyll, now get ready for Red-Eyed Hyde (song accompaniment TBD) - What would Red-Eyed Hyde be like?  In the way “Look What You Made Me Do” Jekyll aired out all his anger about Frankenstein, Red-Eyed Hyde (song TBD) might air out what he really wants beyond just havin’ a good time.
Bonus if what kicks Red-Eyed Hyde into gear is Jasper seeing Hyde, because when Jekyll was hanging around Jasper he was able to keep the nightmares at bay.  Red-Eyed Hyde probably does not want Jasper to meet him, like, ever (because unlike Original Hyde, Red-Eyed Hyde might feel this thing called “shame”) so Red-Eyed Hyde would want to move their vehicle as far away from him as possible, even at the expense of delaying Hyde’s good time.
I don’t want Red-Eyed Hyde to appear while he’s meeting Lanyon for the first time though, because I first wanna see Hyde the Original meet Lanyon soooooo baaaaad.  If there’s anything I’m hyped for its this meeting.  
On the other hand, Hyde might not even get to the mall ball, because he makes the same mistake as the last time he was out: he just can’t help himself and goes to town.  Then by the time he’s ready to go, something prevents him from going.  Hyde only ever has himself to blame for what’s coming for him.
He could go to the mall ball, only to find out that nobody really takes him seriously because unlike him, the people there are actually cool and scary.  Also there’s probably some folks there who’d sell him out to the police for a pretty penny because oh right he set a street on fire didn’t he.
The murder happens: he gets caught, panics, and he ends up causing a murder.  I’m sure he’s tooootally fine with that.  After all, he is the wicked spirit of London at night, and totally wouldn’t be absolutely mortified of what he’s done or scared of the consequences that’ll follow.  Anyway now Jekyll’s probably going to ground him for more than a couple of weeks after that.
After whatever escapade Hyde goes through he’s going to have to think of even worse measure to gain control, especially if Jekyll decides he’s just going to hangout with a Nightmare Proofed Werewolf all the time for no particular reason.  Can’t use the same trick twice.
Rachel finds him because Lanyon kicked off a “Search for Hyde” club meeting after discovering a possible place Hyde might be.  Its...not going to go great.  If Hyde does a Real Bad, Rachel might have to choose between admitting Hyde’s not her pure cinnamon scone and deciding “You know being an accessory to murder isn’t THAT bad.”  
Sidenote if Rachel takes Jasper with her because a very illegal mall ball is an exciting date spot I’m going to be very upset.  Sure, covering up a murder would be bad, BUT-
Hyde finally meets his idol Lucy, only to realize she is waaaay out of his league.  Not that he’d ever admit out loud that he’s out of anyone’s league.
That’s it for this week.  See you next decade!
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