#I want a nessla and a barnshe but I don't know where the latter is and the former eludes me
drkineildwicks · 3 years
Temtem – 9/25/2021 – Rollin’ on the River
AKA I’m also writing about this game for work so good job me giving myself justification for playing this game some more! :D
Which honestly is very interesting to think about because I do love this game, I think about it routinely, I want to play it more, I legitimately like it better than Pokémon
Yesterday I went for a car ride with my parents and I brought my copy of Moon and…I hated it?
I stopped playing Moon because I hit the scene with the green-haired guy and was legit disappointed you couldn’t go all Freakazoid’s unscripted rant at him (because remember kiddies, going where some creepy guy tells you is a-okay! NOT) but on top of that I legit despise the rotom dex?  I’m sure this was supposed to be a fun feature but if I could reach into the game and squeeze the life out of that annoying little thing so I never had to have it cover the map again with a reminder that I should be getting back on the story I can’t stand I would in a heartbeat with zero remorse
And like the feedback loops gens III and IV had with berries and poffin/pokeblocks and contests and trainer’s eyes where you had reasons to keep coming back…that is totally absent from current Pokémon games and it’s a disappointment
But that brings me back to Temtem and wondering why, for it being a game I love so much, I only have 25 hours on it
Is it because I have too much going on?  Is it because I make an event out of it and constantly report on my gaming?  Is it because of that pesky adult mindset where I have to justify playing a video game beyond this pleases and relaxes me?
I think that’s it I hate Adult Mode I’d like to uninstall it now
Because my playing of video games anymore is like, nil because I’m constantly thinking of the other things I need to be doing and then when I’m not playing video games…I don’t do them executive disfunction is a pain in the patoot especially when I finally get into the zone on something and then get dragged out of it because I’m needed somewhere else in the house
I know it looks like I’m just fooling around on video games but dangit that is my job that is what I studied in college I am getting paid to do this
Or maybe it’s just the last two years have taken their toll on everybody they have all around just sucked I want a refund on the new ‘20s
Also been listening to this YouTube channel run by Josh Strife Hayes and what interests me is the video discussing “The quit moment” in games
Yes that that is exactly what it is it’s not that I don’t love the stuff it’s just that real life happens and is very uncaring about the fact that dangit I wanna play video games let me play video games dangit
But moving on!
Okay so today since I’m playing this right before dinner I think I’ll just goof off and then tomorrow leave the island for the next one
I understand because accidental spoilers that Max will be there which I have concerns about because I still don’t quite understand how type matchups work in this game and no overleveling doesn’t help
Which I actually like
Moon I mentioned earlier, I just ploughed through a ‘mon with my…evo’ed Rowlet I forgot the final evo name
But he had all the type disadvantages and still one-shotted the ‘mon
So this pleases me
Okay reorienting myself and checking the quest log I LOVE that we have a quest log now :D
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Hmm, this is new
Mm, do I like it or no?
Sticking with tank controls I think
Oh and you can change which quests you track very nice
So we’re gonna track down a pendant
And that’s the first time in a long time I’ve run into a loading screen once the game started hmm
And mmm, think I will stick with my current team for now
Right now with the exception of a few they’re all pretty close in level
Someone named Garden of Eden nice
Kamikaze I wish you didn’t have so many draining moves my gosh girl
So this one quest is called “Gone with the Sillaro” and since the river on this island is called the Sillaro I’m guessing it’s a localized quest
Now to find a pendant
They’ve still not fished the dudes who crashed their boat out of the water
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I still have opinions about this
Like this is definitely a bit of worldbuilding in wait there is a HOUSE with CHILDREN to my right how do they keep said kids from yeeting themselves off into oblivion?
Okay I don’t know what that was but it looked cool
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Yes Kamikaze leveled up!
Now if only she’d get more stamina….
Should I try getting a Nessla again?....
Also I love how, thanks to being my only electric tem, Lowkey is getting overleveled despite all the grinding
Legit if I don’t have him in the lead the water battles DRAG
Also I love the stamina system over the PP system because otherwise I’d be running Lowkey back to a healing station all the time for the express purpose of filling his electric attacks back up
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So close….
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Also I know next to nothing about stitching but dang I want to learn so I can make myself some Temtem plushies
I wonder if there’s any local classes…or I guess online ones, all things considered :\
Someone with greater stitching power than me please make these I have money D:
Okay I’ve just been up and down the length of this river….
Does near Windward Fort and in Turquesa count?
So I had to go into the tall grass near a town to get to the town and OH
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I feel bad for these guys
But at the same time this proves my point see my guys aren’t one-shotting them despite being so much higher-leveled than them
Okay I never noticed this but now I wanna check it out
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That patch of grass is in the shape of a tem card XD
But first—head to Turquesa first and then when I come back I swap in some of my low-leveled guys so it’s not so painful for the locals
Okay so that’s interesting stamina gets drained when a move fails too
Okay swapping Finley in because Kamikaze’s gained like two or three levels since we started
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It used Chain Lightning and took itself and Finley out
I’m never getting a Nessla I swear
I mean I probably didn’t want it anyway because it didn’t have that ability that converts electric attacks to HP BUT STILL
So Water is weak to Toxic in this game, that’s Toxic and Electric Water is weak to
But it’s resistant to Ground(?) moves so
Okay swapped out some dudes, heading north
So I get very few chances to use it but I do love Held Anger
And Scavenger as an ability it’s so nice
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We are all totally here hunting for Nessla
We’ll stay here until Lowkey levels up, I think
And then break for dinner it smells close
Scrapit’s doing nicely tho
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So close….
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There we go! :D
One more to get Scrapit up and….
And Scrapit learned a new move!
Now if only it wasn’t such a drain on stamina….
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Also this is interesting
Poison doesn’t constantly hurt a Temtem outside of battle but there’s still one turn left that’ll activate during the next battle if I don’t heal them
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Also I love that we can do this now
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The temcard patch
But now I must quit—dinner time :D
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