#make Pokemon cry by playing the competitors
drkineildwicks · 3 years
Temtem – 9/25/2021 – Rollin’ on the River
AKA I’m also writing about this game for work so good job me giving myself justification for playing this game some more! :D
Which honestly is very interesting to think about because I do love this game, I think about it routinely, I want to play it more, I legitimately like it better than Pokémon
Yesterday I went for a car ride with my parents and I brought my copy of Moon and…I hated it?
I stopped playing Moon because I hit the scene with the green-haired guy and was legit disappointed you couldn’t go all Freakazoid’s unscripted rant at him (because remember kiddies, going where some creepy guy tells you is a-okay! NOT) but on top of that I legit despise the rotom dex?  I’m sure this was supposed to be a fun feature but if I could reach into the game and squeeze the life out of that annoying little thing so I never had to have it cover the map again with a reminder that I should be getting back on the story I can’t stand I would in a heartbeat with zero remorse
And like the feedback loops gens III and IV had with berries and poffin/pokeblocks and contests and trainer’s eyes where you had reasons to keep coming back…that is totally absent from current Pokémon games and it’s a disappointment
But that brings me back to Temtem and wondering why, for it being a game I love so much, I only have 25 hours on it
Is it because I have too much going on?  Is it because I make an event out of it and constantly report on my gaming?  Is it because of that pesky adult mindset where I have to justify playing a video game beyond this pleases and relaxes me?
I think that’s it I hate Adult Mode I’d like to uninstall it now
Because my playing of video games anymore is like, nil because I’m constantly thinking of the other things I need to be doing and then when I’m not playing video games…I don’t do them executive disfunction is a pain in the patoot especially when I finally get into the zone on something and then get dragged out of it because I’m needed somewhere else in the house
I know it looks like I’m just fooling around on video games but dangit that is my job that is what I studied in college I am getting paid to do this
Or maybe it’s just the last two years have taken their toll on everybody they have all around just sucked I want a refund on the new ‘20s
Also been listening to this YouTube channel run by Josh Strife Hayes and what interests me is the video discussing “The quit moment” in games
Yes that that is exactly what it is it’s not that I don’t love the stuff it’s just that real life happens and is very uncaring about the fact that dangit I wanna play video games let me play video games dangit
But moving on!
Okay so today since I’m playing this right before dinner I think I’ll just goof off and then tomorrow leave the island for the next one
I understand because accidental spoilers that Max will be there which I have concerns about because I still don’t quite understand how type matchups work in this game and no overleveling doesn’t help
Which I actually like
Moon I mentioned earlier, I just ploughed through a ‘mon with my…evo’ed Rowlet I forgot the final evo name
But he had all the type disadvantages and still one-shotted the ‘mon
So this pleases me
Okay reorienting myself and checking the quest log I LOVE that we have a quest log now :D
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Hmm, this is new
Mm, do I like it or no?
Sticking with tank controls I think
Oh and you can change which quests you track very nice
So we’re gonna track down a pendant
And that’s the first time in a long time I’ve run into a loading screen once the game started hmm
And mmm, think I will stick with my current team for now
Right now with the exception of a few they’re all pretty close in level
Someone named Garden of Eden nice
Kamikaze I wish you didn’t have so many draining moves my gosh girl
So this one quest is called “Gone with the Sillaro” and since the river on this island is called the Sillaro I’m guessing it’s a localized quest
Now to find a pendant
They’ve still not fished the dudes who crashed their boat out of the water
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I still have opinions about this
Like this is definitely a bit of worldbuilding in wait there is a HOUSE with CHILDREN to my right how do they keep said kids from yeeting themselves off into oblivion?
Okay I don’t know what that was but it looked cool
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Yes Kamikaze leveled up!
Now if only she’d get more stamina….
Should I try getting a Nessla again?....
Also I love how, thanks to being my only electric tem, Lowkey is getting overleveled despite all the grinding
Legit if I don’t have him in the lead the water battles DRAG
Also I love the stamina system over the PP system because otherwise I’d be running Lowkey back to a healing station all the time for the express purpose of filling his electric attacks back up
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So close….
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Also I know next to nothing about stitching but dang I want to learn so I can make myself some Temtem plushies
I wonder if there’s any local classes…or I guess online ones, all things considered :\
Someone with greater stitching power than me please make these I have money D:
Okay I’ve just been up and down the length of this river….
Does near Windward Fort and in Turquesa count?
So I had to go into the tall grass near a town to get to the town and OH
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I feel bad for these guys
But at the same time this proves my point see my guys aren’t one-shotting them despite being so much higher-leveled than them
Okay I never noticed this but now I wanna check it out
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That patch of grass is in the shape of a tem card XD
But first—head to Turquesa first and then when I come back I swap in some of my low-leveled guys so it’s not so painful for the locals
Okay so that’s interesting stamina gets drained when a move fails too
Okay swapping Finley in because Kamikaze’s gained like two or three levels since we started
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It used Chain Lightning and took itself and Finley out
I’m never getting a Nessla I swear
I mean I probably didn’t want it anyway because it didn’t have that ability that converts electric attacks to HP BUT STILL
So Water is weak to Toxic in this game, that’s Toxic and Electric Water is weak to
But it’s resistant to Ground(?) moves so
Okay swapped out some dudes, heading north
So I get very few chances to use it but I do love Held Anger
And Scavenger as an ability it’s so nice
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We are all totally here hunting for Nessla
We’ll stay here until Lowkey levels up, I think
And then break for dinner it smells close
Scrapit’s doing nicely tho
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So close….
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There we go! :D
One more to get Scrapit up and….
And Scrapit learned a new move!
Now if only it wasn’t such a drain on stamina….
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Also this is interesting
Poison doesn’t constantly hurt a Temtem outside of battle but there’s still one turn left that’ll activate during the next battle if I don’t heal them
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Also I love that we can do this now
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The temcard patch
But now I must quit—dinner time :D
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imaginedsoldier · 5 years
Hi!! I was wondering what kind of video games do you like? 🎮
Hey there :)
My number one is traditional RPGs, specifically JRPGs like Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. Action RPGs and combat-focused games are a ton of fun, but I have a soft spot for turn-based combat. SMT comes to mind.
I feel like MMOs could be cool but they're so time consuming and I just do not have the time- my life is strictly scheduled so video games are a rare treat right now. Guild Wars 2 and FFXIV are standouts for different reasons- GW2 character customization and PVP I think remain unrivaled in the MMO sphere and FFXIV was just a fun solo experience with great music.
The Devil May Cry series is a favorite, not just because the combat is fun and engaging, but because with me aesthetics go a long, long way. A tolerable game is elevated if it has inspired aesthetics. Asura's Wrath is like a C at best but the aesthetics were hyphy.
I played a ton of Pokemon when I was younger and still love the series even though I haven't played through a game since Black and White. Heart Gold and Soul Silver are the GOAT.
The Castlevania series, especially SotN... effervescent.
Fighting games. Love Tekken 3 and 6, Soul Calibur 2, even Bloody Roar. I prefer fighters with 8-way movement, since I'm a former combat sports competitor I really enjoy being able to sidestep. Not a huge fan of Street Fighter. Big fan of Smash.
Couch co-op needs to make a comeback, I'm tired of online only titles. I want split screen or multiplayer platformers. I like competitive games when the stakes are really low and stuff like Mario Party, Jackbox, old Banjo Tooie multiplayer all scratch that itch where you dont have to be hyperfocused to have a fun competitive experience.
I'm kind of leaving story out at the moment to just focus on gameplay, but in terms of story and gameplay meeting for me its gotta be FFVII or FFIX.
Hope that answers your question :>
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steve0discusses · 5 years
Yugioh S3 Ep 19: Seto and Mokuba are Turned Into Inanimate Objects...Again
Last we left off on the world’s most awkward family reunion, Moki was being used to take advantage of Seto again, which happens at least 2 times a season.
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What’s kind of wild about this, is that everyone jumps to the conclusion that Seto is absolutely going to murder his little brother. Seto. The guy who 2 seasons ago was willing to absolutely jump off a ledge for his little brother.
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And then suddenly, Duke makes his feelings known about just life in general at this point.
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Duke in the background just spiraling deeper and deeper into his IDGAF apathy. And to be honest, Duke might not be fully aware of who Mokuba even is. It’s not like they’ve ever had a conversation, other than maybe “ah, you work for Pegasus, he locked me in a tower for weeks and then killed me by turning me into a little paper card and then tried to seize control of my company. Nice. Nice that he isn’t in jail.”
In fact, since Duke does work with Pegasus who probably is still doing his best to compete with/work with the Kaiba business...Duke actually has a lot to gain, business wise, by killing Mokuba. Like, I’m pretty sure Duke isn’t a mole but he could be. He has...a lot of motive, actually.
If bro hadn’t straight up told me that Duke isn’t a mole like I suspected, than I’d still be waiting for that other shoe to drop. But it won’t. A shame.
Anyways this shows up:
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All I’m saying is that a black hole is an astronomical region in space and a dark hole is very often a butthole, but youknow...maybe that’s just a very particular English language thing that no one will ever teach you from a textbook and it just didn’t quite get translated over correctly. But yeah, in my eye, Noah's just up there holding up a sphincter. It’s very fitting, he is an asshole. Congrats, Noah Kaiba, you’ve found your card.
Meanwhile, Yugi is doing his very best to try and backseat, even if Kaiba instinctively slaps it out of his hands at every opportunity.
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So I figured that he’d mention that both of these boys carry these card lockets around their necks with a little picture of the other brother inside--a little thing they carry for no other reason than to remember eachother. Which makes sense, because Kaiba forgets things SO OFTEN. The necklace around their necks is almost like those bracelets you wear to let police and medics know if you’re prone to narcolepsy--it even has a nice picture inside to indicate “please return this boy to this pictured person in case you find him wandering about completely lost.”
I kinda figured that necklace would be used at some point but nah, we’re gonna talk about cards. Which is fine, because we get to see this good drawing Mokuba made once.
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Which, PS, it was sort of hard to pick up on the first time Kaiba talked about this period of his life, but this time when he talked about this incident it like...left quite a bit highly implied there by what Seto meant when he said Mokuba “saved me.” It’s some pretty heavy stuff that kind of gets blown over by the massive magic dragon that shows up in the next scene and then just flies Mokuba, who is wearing very cute fuzzy socks, up into the sky and into the moon like ET.
Nowadays they do this by hanging off of Helicopters, but flying on dangerous things to escape their horrible childhood has been their Fantasy for a very long time. These kids and their obsession with heights and dangerous ledges.
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And apparently it was this moment in his youth that Seto decided he wanted to be “worthy enough to hold a Blue Eyes.” And like...I remember S1 Seto. That was the worthy Seto?
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I guess “worthy enough” doesn’t really imply any sort of moral code, just if you have enough money and can like play cards pretty OK.
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Anyways, it was a lot of new stuff applied to this card that I just only recently accepted as a GF and so it was like “All right show, I see what you’re doing, I guess we’re going to walk slowly out of the paper romance realm and into...some sort of card-honor brother realm.”
So, using the Blue Eyes, Kaiba destroys a bunch of Gradius ships, which Noah was like “These Gradius ships represent our Father’s company!” in case you’re a child and didn’t see the symbolism. And, along the way, he destroys what he thinks is Noah’s Game Master card but like...it’s this show, so apparently inside the Boat was another dude and the game is going to keep on going, fml.
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Ah buckle up this...this is going to be a long one. This is going to be a lot more cards, huh?
Anyway, when I saw this card that is clearly based on a couple of Gods I was like “so um...isn’t that a...God card?” so I looked it up, also because it was BS and I was frustrated that it was even here after the boat thing ended, and this card is a...get this...a Fairy card.
Cuz it has wings? Like a Seraphim? Everything about this looks like a conglomeration of different Gods but--I guess since God Cards can only have the 4 God Cards, this is a...Fairy card. Interesting. That is a huge ass Fairy. Yugioh biology really eludes me.
Anyway, First thing Noah does as a fairy is destroy his younger brother who is also older than him, don’tthinkaboutit. He’s again sporting the poorly photoshopped glowing romper that the dub gave us in order to spare us.
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So when Noah’s wearing the game Master outfit, he’s ass naked underneath--but the Big 5 weren’t? Like wouldn’t the Big 5 have had the same issue of Noah here where they have no body, so whatever they’re wearing is just whatever they’re in?
Meaning that when they were all shoved in Tristan’s body wouldn’t they have just been 5 naked fat old guys hanging out like a European sauna? 
Or is this just Noah’s preference? To be ass naked when no one’s looking? Because he’s been here all alone for 6 years, so why the hell not? Like, no one cares. No one’s looking. You can’t get splinters or whatever. Just let it all hang loose, man, it’s not even a real body. 
Like, if you look closely, Noah only has ... one outfit he’s had here for 6 years. I’ve noticed this maybe more than most because...it’s not a great outfit. He had that same suit and shorts combo right after he woke up and got out of his jammies from the accident all those years ago. He also wore a space suit once, but that was a Birthday present from Dad and I haven't seen the suit since.
Did Noah recognize that People Are Coming and was like “oh dammit, dammit, I have to cover the goods” and just throw on literally the only thing in his closet? The office shorts combo from 6 years ago? Is that why? Is that the big secret of the baby boy suit shorts? That he, in reality, never really wears them?
Questions about nudity aside, out of freakin no where Noah just turns the Kaibas into this:
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Noah spent like 20 episodes saying no one is ever allowed to cheat and then just flippin does this and is like “What? It’s almost legal enough.”
I mean, it’s not like there’s any official rules for Duel Monsters anyway but apparently you can just turn each other into statuary and it’s like...fine. That’s fine.
Also, fun fact, about Yugioh statues, they come with eyeliner built in.
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So much dedication to the guyliner in this show, mad respect.
And yes, I have sort of thought that Moki’s been sporting a teeny tiny Adam Lambert line this whole time. Like most our cast, honestly. But not Joey. I feel like Joey would never have the patience to learn how to waterline.
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I mean the Kaiba’s are essentially brain dead, yes? Their brain functions have been removed and uploaded to the cloud to never be downloaded back into their vegetable bodies? That counts enough for me.
Seto Kaiba just 2 corpses away from 169ing the Hell out of that death scene. A shame.
Bro was like “well at least this crying statue stuff is more like something that normally happens in a kid’s show.” and I was like “THIS? So this ever happened in Pokemon?” and bro was like “It did actually, Ash Ketchum was turned into stone and then cried as a rock statue, and then Pikachu hugged him to make him all better” And as you may be aware my bro is full of spicy headcanons so I’m not sure if that’s actually true but it was like
“Bro, was Ash Ketchum ever turned to stone because his abusive Father’s secret son, who has been turned into an evil computer, wants to kill his brother and then take over his body to run the Patriots from Metal Gear? That happened on Pokemon?” And Bro admitted “Ok, maybe not so much.”
Anyway, Pharaoh awakens to put a stop to this nonsense by bringing up the long list of things that Noah did just now that is absolutely cheating.
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Anyway, this is Noah now.
He’s just this...huge 100 story tall person with very bored judgy eyes just floating in the sky with vaguely religious iconography going on and bunch of wings like that one character design that we all have in our portfolio. Yeah, you know the one. It’s this guy. We’ve all drawn this guy. Anyway, it’s going to be very hard to take him seriously when this guy has Noah’s voice.
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Again, he is not, he is ass naked in there, though the dub did try and cover it up.
Anyway, next episode we get to basically start this entire duel over.
That’s nice. That’s nice of them to do to me. At least these kids finally got a chance to do some duel prep for the actual tourney they’re supposed to be doing later this season. Yeah. Remember that apocalypse? That’s still going on somehow. Maybe by the time they’ll get to it, most of the competitors will be dead?
Here’s a link to read the recaps in order from S1 Ep1
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gems-of-lirema · 6 years
Sweet Love Soiree Freestyle: Steven Stone
Team & Moves Used
Metagross: Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Bullet Punch, Reflect
Archeops: Acrobatics, Crunch, Quick Attack, Head Smash
Cradily: Ancient Power, Sludge Bomb, Ingrain
Aggron: Metal Claw, Solar Beam, Avalanche
Held Items
Steven: Key Stone
Metagross: Metagrossite
Music: Merry Go Round of Life (Howl’s Moving Castle Theme)
Props: Piano (custom made/designed), violin, stage lights, projector screen
After getting dead last among the competitors who moved onto the next round for using a futuristic robot theme and playing the violin off key, you’d think the former Hoenn Champion would learn from his mistakes. Well, he did. Sort of. His Metagross and Cradily were in position onstage instead of coming in last minute, and his Aggron would be in the background instead of tripping over and ripping valentines. Losing was the least of his worries. It was all the risk that made his body tense up. If he was going down again, he might as well do it with a bang. Or a fifty feet drop to his death, in this case. Just the thought of it made his stomach churn, and he’s the freaking Champion for crying out loud. Or, he was. Adding the weight of that title to his last-place streak, it was impossible for him not to tense up. Not to mention the people in the crowd...Especially that exquisite blond Gym Leader from Johto. He hoped his infatuation with him wouldn’t interfere with the performance. Little did he know that the Gym Leader’s Pokemon had something else in mind...
Backstage, his Archeops patted him on the shoulder with a jagged smile and a tiny chirp. Then the Pokemon nuzzled his shoulder in an attempt to remove all the sweat running down his neck. He flinched a bit, desperately reaching for the wire on his back. With a sigh of relief, he rubbed the ancient bird’s head briefly and gestured with his finger to keep quiet.
“Save it for the show,” he whispered, then tapped the shoulder of his Aggron beside him.
His Pokemon nodded at the signal and left backstage through the curtains. As the stage lights slowly faded to black, one spotlight beamed onto Aggron, revealing a large black tailcoat and a red bowtie draped on him. Whether the audience claps or not is of no concern to the Steel Pokemon. He simply stomped toward a piano standing stage right, and bowed with a small wave of his paws, gleaming with the use of METAL CLAW. As the Aggron shuffled his large feet to stand comfortably in front of the piano (for the Aggron was too big to use a chair), it tapped a note to test the piano’s sound quality, and began to play. While using Metal Claw seemed to do nothing, it was actually being used for the piano itself. The keys had hidden magnets in them that lead the Aggron to the right note at the right time. No memorization, no stress. All thanks to Metagross’ ingenious design.
The moment Aggron played, the moment Steven walked onstage in the dark while guiding his Archeops safely by the hand with one hand and wielding his violin in the other. Only seconds during the prelude would a second spotlight spot the duo, when Steven played along and his Archeops watched in amusement. A Key Stone glimmered in his bow as he turned to his Archeops with a smile. Clearly, more money was spent on his outfit (resembling an Armaldo) than the Archeops’ outfit, a shiny silk dress that almost looked as though the dress was ripped in half. As the interlude played, some text on the projector screen above them read:
Ancient as the stars, primal as the universe
A tale of love and betrayal befalls an unlikely duo...
After the prelude, the lights flashed back on. Metagross arised from lying on the floor, like a rock coming to life. His outfit was much more crude than Aggron’s, if you can even consider cufflinks and a giant top hat as an outfit. Although, the Metagrossite on its hat did add a nice touch to its outfit. The Cradily’s outfit was arguably more bland, what with just a silk skirt hanging on its neck. With a nod of their Trainer, his Pokemon all joined him in a circle and danced together with the chorus (except for Aggron, of course). Each and every Pokemon promenade through the circle in sync with their master. When the motif of the chorus repeated, they broke off into groups of two: Steven with Archeops and Metagross with Cradily. Each pranced with their partner to the beat as they circled around the stage counterclockwise.
After the chorus, Archeops and Steven galloped stage left while Cradily seemed to wander throughout the stage. Meanwhile, Metagross stood just a few feet behind the duo in anticipation. The spotlight gleamed on Steven and Archeops again while Aggron closed his eyes, as if he was contemplating on the music he was playing. Or in this case, he was taking in some stagelight. Metagross stomped in tune with METEOR MASH and Cradily dented the floor with ANCIENT POWER. As Steven whistled for Archeops to do various tricks and flips in the air with ACROBATICS, Metagross’ Meteor Mash added some sparkle into the spotlight. Combining the Meteor Mash’s sparkle with Archeops’ Acrobatics added a gleam to its crude outfit which accented the Rock Pokemon’s lofty stunts. In the meantime, Cradily’s Ancient power left some rubble floating high above the stage in the darkness, along with some dents in the floor that matched Steven’s foot size. When Archeops descended from his last spin, he chirped with glee around Steven and rested his head on his neck. Steven kissed Archeops on the head and Archeops chirped with glee, an endearing moment for the audience to either appreciate their cuteness or chuckle at the attempt of it.
Before Steven and his Pokemon gather around again for the chorus, Aggron unleashed SOLAR BEAM to the rubble in the air, bursting them into sparks of dust and returning light to the stage. While it may seem counterintuitive, the Solar Beam was used to temporarily blind Steven, and the dents on the floor were used to guide his steps. However, walking blindly is no obstacle for the former Hoenn Champion. This, to him, was absolutely essential to create the illusion that Steven left the circle in wanderlust and lost his dancing partner, Archeops, to Metagross. As Metagross and Archeops danced and twirled with each other, Cradily circled around them and spewed SLUDGE BOMB into the air, signifying the theme of betrayal to the audience.
Once the chorus ended, the lights dropped. At last, the perfect opportunity for a certain Gym Leader’s Gengar to sneak into the performance. In the darkness, the Gengar rushed into Steven’s shadow, bringing a freezing chill to his spine. Once the lights returned, Aggron played the second intro, and Archeops hid under Metagross’ hat. Normally, Steven would regain his vision by now, but thanks to Morty’s Gengar, the cold weakened his senses. Luckily, his aimless search for Archeops was a part of the act, but he’s not sure how long he can keep this up. He couldn’t even feel his fingers fiddling on his violin. As he trudged about the stage, Metagross grunted for Archeops to come out of his hat. It’s not sure what’s wrong with its master, but the show must go on. The Archeops popped out of its hat, giving a hug to its head and pecking his beak on its head with a kiss before faking a snooze. A brief awkward silence consumed the stage. Looks like this time, their master would miss his own cue. As such, Archeops screeched for its master to come over and tap him on the head, signaling Aggron to start the call and response.
Archeops used CRUNCH at his Trainer’s upper body in sync with each chord of the piano, symbolizing a fight. However, thanks to the Gengar in his shadow, Steven failed to dodge the last attack in time, leaving a nasty bite mark on his shoulder. His Archeops was too focused on the music that he didn’t notice his wound and continued to attack. Although, it appeared Steven was able to resist the pain in his shoulder as he circled around Archeops and whistled with the music. Looks like Gengar had to resort to another victim. As Archeops cooed with his master’s whistling and laid on his back playfully, the lights dimmed a bit for their spotlight once again. This allowed Gengar to sneak into Archeops’ shadow, making the prehistoric bird feel chilly. Not even Steven noticed the Archeops quivering as he knelt down and kissed his head again. Archeops attempted to soar up to Steven’s shoulders for the two to spin around rapidly in the spotlight with QUICK ATTACK. However, thanks to the Gengar in his shadow, his Archeops lost balance and fell to the floor with a comical squawk. Meanwhile, Metagross used Meteor Mash to sparkle the spotlight again. In an instant, Archeops flew away from Steven’s head and onto Metagross’ head seconds before the big crescendo. A close call for Gengar, since the height of Archeops’ ascent greatly diminished his shadow mid flight, almost forcing him to pop out of the shadow. That Archeops was a clever one.
To ensure Steven doesn’t interrupt Archeops and Metagross’ dance, Cradily consumed the stage with INGRAIN, presenting various vines for Steven to weave under or jump over them. Now Gengar had a clear pathway towards anyone onstage in the shadows of the vines as they stretched across the entire stage. He’d hide in the piano for now until he could decide what to do next. As the vines grew, they formed an elevated platform for Metagross to stand on. As Steven struggled to reach the new duo, Metagross and Archeops locked their heads together with ZEN HEADBUTT and HEAD SMASH. Astonishingly, the impact created a great flash of pink light around them as Archeops spun Metagross around with its head, picking up the Steel Pokemon’s velocity just enough for it to spin on one leg. As Metagross’ spin died down, it winded its arm behind Archeops for a sweet embrace. This gave Steven enough time to leap onto Metagross’ platform and taunt him by pointing his bow like a sword. The Key Stone in his bow gradually radiated with light. Finally, the moment of truth had arrived.
Steven puffed out his chest. He and Aggron struck the first three chords to the key change. Aggron used AVALANCHE to reflect the climactic drums and escalate the danger for Steven’s flight. To top it all off, the Metagrossite in Metagross’s hat radiated as Metagross was consumed in a great ball of light. Immediately after the Avalanche, the light was unleashed in rainbow colors, and the Mega Evolved Metagross used BULLET PUNCH to the platform. All within a few seconds, Steven skyrocketed fifty feet into the air. However, thanks to Gengar rolling around inside the piano, the wrong notes and chords were played, ruining the grandiosity of the music. As Steven briskly weaved past every falling icy rubble in the air, Metagross used REFLECT to create a protective umbrella for the rest of Steven’s Pokemon. At last, Meta Metagross and Archeops’ waltz took to the sky. While Archeops’ wingspan was much too small for Meta Metagross, they held hands (or claws/talons) with each grand spin, as if they were in a real ballroom dance. Cradily’s vines swayed like the tide as it spun around and shot more Sludge Bombs in sync with the melody. Through their synchronized combination of Zen Headbutt and Acrobatics on the bombs, each bomb purified and bursted into a petite yet elegant rainbow. Steven would descend close to Archeops in the middle of the musical climax, only to be inevitably hurled again by another Bullet Punch from Mega Metagross.
As Mega Metagross and Archeops waltzed and popped more bubbles with the melody, Cradily’s vines gradually formed into a giant alter that was ten feet tall. He sprouted a grand pillar beneath Aggron and the piano as well for the audience to see him. For the grand finale, Cradily inflated one more massive Sludge Bomb inside the grand altar. Once Steven’s feet touched the floor for the final time, Meta Metagross and Archeops bursted through the massive bubble and held hands in the shower of a colossal rainbow. In that split second, Gengar hid under Steven’s shadow one last time. At the last chord of the music, Steven looks up at the altar alone, only for Gengar to break his sad eyes with a lick to his face. All the perspiration showering Steven’s face was enough to tell…There was no way he could win this now.
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starry-kfics · 6 years
yolk jokes [w.js]
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word count: 1351
warnings: taking the Lord's name in vain, small mention of the birds and the bees
author: krys
extra info: pokemon au!!! i wrote this when i was playing through omega ruby a long time ago :>
"Out of all of the other ways we could've done this, we decided to be extra." you said regretfully, your Mudkip the only one listening. The Water-type Pokémon chirped happily as you both walked out of the backyard and into the daycare center. You readjusted your grip on the egg in your arms as two Rattata pranced around your feet before bolting off deeper into the yard. Around you, different Pokemon played with each other in the grass, slept on the warm rocks, or splashed around in the large waterhole.
You worked at your region's local Pokemon Daycare, owned by your family. It is a good business, since many Pokemon trainers came from all around just to leave their Pokemon in your care, either to temporarily clear space in their bag or to hopefully come back to an egg. You enjoyed every second of your job, since you loved to work with Pokemon and you enjoyed meeting the other trainers of the area.
Except, different could be said a number of months ago.
Nearly a year ago, you were walking around in the nearby forest when you accidentally ran into another Pokemon trainer. You were only looking for berries for the Pokemon of the daycare, but the other trainer, who proclaimed his name was Jackson, insisted that you had to battle him. It was amusing to see him so passionate about the childish, spontaneous battle, despite being quite older than your average amature Pokemon trainer.
Nonetheless, you battled him to satisfy his pleas, and surprisingly won against his Totodile with your Lapras. In a fit of his ego being torn, Jackson began to follow you around that whole day, annoying you to no end. After that, you two became "sworn enemies," according to Jackson. You didn't care about being enemies, but you ended up rolling with the term when his bugging antics never ceased every time you entered the forest.
After about a month, your mother came to you with a new handful of Water-types to personally look after. You had a reputation for your specialized Water Pokemon care, since you adored them and they tended to obediently follow you. Everyone constantly complimented on your bonds with the Water pokemon, but you always responded with a case of humility and pride. However, that pride has taken over much of the humility since the "Water-Type God Jackson" came strolling along, causing you to look at everything associated with him as an act of competition.
However, in this batch of Pokémon, there was a Totodile you were familiar with. Somehow, your sworn enemy was unaware that his top competitor worked at the local daycare.
It only took a handful of extra Oran berries after supper to get the Totodile to love you. Now, best friends with your enemy's partner Pokemon, you came to realize that your rivalry with Jackson was quite childish, and on the week when Jackson came back and saw his beloved Totodile not wanting to let go of your leg, he surprisingly agreed as well. A friendship between your "sworn enemy" grew after that, and eventually, Jackson became your "sworn soulmate."
Now, here you were, with your starter Mudkip, and an egg you found next to Jackson's recently evolved Feraligatr and your Lapras. You were absolutely floored when you found out about the origin of the egg, being extremely happy that your Lapras has laid an egg, but greatly amused from the irony of the situation.
You rubbed the egg to sooth and warm it before pulling it under your shirt to hold it against your stomach. As you began to think about it more, this idea was really dumb, but so was Jackson, so you suspected that he would at least give some kind of reaction you wanted.
Jackson was a very playful boyfriend, and he always wanted to make life interesting. You loved how he tended to find a way to put a smile on your face, no matter how simple and boring the situation could be. His personality was like a recharging battery that charged the parts of you that made you whole.
He also seemed to influence you to be a very mischievous person, however. Lately, Jackson has been throwing prank after prank onto you, and you think it has to do with all of the kids he trains with in the forest. Last week, it was trading out your entire team for a full team of Magikarp. The week before that, it was washing all of your clothes in a strong, honey scent, so that if you wanted to go out to the wilderness, Pokemon would instantly flock to you.
This week, it was your turn to change the tide.
You waited off to the side until you saw the back door of the daycare building open, revealing the love of your life. Jackson probably came back from training his fifteenth Squirtle, which was normal of him. He didn’t notice you right away until you sped-walked to his side.
“Hey (Name), how’s th-”
“Babe guess what I’m pregnant.”
That line certainly stopped Jackson from any sentence he was going to say before. His eyes instantly fell to the abnormal roundness of your stomach, and the way that you were holding yourself and how your Mudkip was perfectly acting along you think you got him hooked on.
At this point you weren’t expecting Jackson to tear up, and in panic you began to drop your facade to keep your boyfriend from crying.
“Babe wait-”
Jackson choked up a gasp and put his hands to his face, the rambling already starting.
“What I- I can’t be a father I think- ohmygod is this even possible we haven’t even done anything like this toge- Can it even happen like this? I don’t know I’m scared what’s going on jagiya-”
You pulled the egg from under your shirt and placed it on the ground next to you hastily so that you can embrace the poor, disheveled Jackson. You, your Mudkip, and Jackson’s Squirtle were cracking up hard, and you tried your best to study your giggles so that you can take Jackson’s face in your hands.
“JAckson- oh my- JACKSON it’s okay, it was just a prank babe everything is okay, I’m not actually pregnant it was just an egg.” Jackson held onto your forearms like handles, his face morphing into confusion, then a pout.
“You are so cute, do you know that? I can’t believe that you were convinced that I was pregnant like did you even notice the shape of the egg? Why would a stomach be that oval-” Jackson groaned, now embarrassed.
“I was so convinced! It was in a flash and I only had a glance and I just immediately thought that we were going to be parents and I felt my whole world falling around me because I was not prepared for any of this.” He pressed his forehead against yours temporarily, made a high-pitched groan of stress, and placed a long kiss on the middle of your forehead. He didn’t pull away, opting to stare into your eyes for a few heartbeats before pouting more.
“You nearly gave me a heart attack from that. I was seriously caught so off guard, I didn’t know what to do next.” You scrunched your face up into a grin and wrapped your arms around Jackson’s torso, not saying anymore.
The two actual parents of the egg were partied by the large waterhole, so you dragged Jackson to return their egg.
“These are the actual parents of this egg,” you explained as you placed the egg near the Feraligatr, since your Lapras was in the water. You looked back up to another surprised face of Jackson.
“Wait- so they- our Pokemon they-” You nodded repeatedly, answering Jackson’s mushed up questions.
Jackson motioned towards the egg, the Pokemon couple, and back between you and him. “That technically makes us parents as well! Technically we are having a child!”
You exhaled through your nose in amusement and took Jackson’s hand.
“After today, let’s leave the parenting to them.”
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The Loading Screen Best Of E3 2017:
Best Sports Game:
Madden 18 - The inclusion and use of the Frostbite brings the tight, realistic player movements that Madden players have been looking for. Added to the game modes, is a new career mode much like FIFA’s Journey mode from last year. Having played it on the new Xbox One X, the graphical improvements are very clear and present. This year’s Madden is shaping up to be a classic!
Runner Up:
Best Racing Game:
Forza 7 – What can I say, this game looks beautiful! Utilizing the Xbox One X’s new tech, it boasts a stunning 4K/60FPS on console. The cars, as with any Forza game, look extremely detailed and handle as they should. The sound and world design is nothing short of exceptional.
Runner up:
Gran Turismo Sport
Best Multiplayer Game:
Destiny 2 – Bungie is back again with a new inclusion into the Destiny franchise. Yes, your Guardian is taken back to square one due to the acts of a new enemy, but it feels refreshing to this time around. The story elements will be far more numerous than the lacking Destiny 1. The multiplayer changes in the crucible feel right. Also, the introduction of Destiny 2 on PC makes this game look and perform even better than before!
Runner up:
Sea of Thieves
Best Shooter:
Call of Duty: WWII – Call of Duty has gone back to their roots. Boots are back on the ground! Oh, does it feel so right! The game looks amazing! The new multiplayer additions change up the monotony that had seemed to fall on Call of Duty players. The cinematics are theatrical level. Multiplayer action is fast paced. We can’t wait to hear that M1 Garand reload clink this Fall!
Runner up:
Destiny 2
Best RPG:
South Park: The Fractured But Whole – Looks like they have won 2 years in a row! This game is just plain fun! The new theme of superheroes allows for some very funny shots at popular super hero franchises. Equipped with the South Park humor and artwork that is a clone of the show, this is a great follow-up to its predecessor.
Runner up:
Ni No Kuni II
Best Action Game:
Marvel’s Spider-man – Ok, to say we are excited about this game is an understatement. I want to be slingin webs from building to building right now! The game demo shown off just adds to that hype. This game looks excellent! From the combat to the visuals, Insomniac has gone all out with Spider-Man. Additionally, with rumors of character cameos, this game surely caters to fans! 
Runner up:
Shadow of War
Best Open World game:
Far Cry 5 – Far Cry 5 looks impressive! With an interesting storyline and the ability to choose from 3 diverse characters, it seems like this one game you don’t want to miss. The gun play as always is on point. The special little perks each character has, like the K-9 companion of one, add new ways to approach situations.
Runner up:
Crackdown 3
Best Platformer game:
Super Lucky’s Tale – This game came out of left field! When Microsoft showed it off during their E3 Conference, I was interested but not overly impressed. It wasn’t until I was able to go Hands-on with it on the E3 showroom floor did it blow me away! First, this game has many aspects of a Banjo game and that alone makes it worth it. The gameplay, however, is extremely fun and we can’t wait to play more of it when it releases!
Runner up:
Best Adventure game:
Sea of Thieves – After seeing this game a few times over the last 2 years and it being a runner up for many of our categories this year and last, we can finally give it an award! Sea of Thieves deserves Best Adventure game because that’s exactly what it is, a great adventure! Playing together with your friends sailing the high seas has never been more fun than it is with this game!
Runner up:
Assassin’s Creed: Origins
Most Hyped Game:
Anthem – Anthem was a huge surprise for gamers this E3. Bioware throwing their hat in the ring with Destiny and the Division? Count us in! With an excellent writing team behind this game, expect more of a story than its competitors. The graphics and gameplay look amazing! It’s safe to say, we are HYPED!
Runner up:
Metroid Prime 4
Best Indie Game:
The Artful Escape- This game looks like a lot of fun! Music based platformer? What more could you want? The art style is excellent and I’m sure the soundtrack will be mind-blowing. This game just looks like pure fun!
Runner up:
Best Trailer:
Beyond Good and Evil 2
Runner up:
Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus
Biggest Surprise:
This year’s biggest surprise were the announcements of a new Metroid and Pokemon game coming next year. Also, Beyond Good and Evil is making a comeback! Shadow of the Colossus HD Remake and Age of Empires HD Remake round out the list! Additionally, NBA Live was a personal surprise for me. EA’s NBA game this year feels and looks real nice! 2K better watch out.
Games we need/want to see more of:
Metroid Prime 4 (Obviously)
Best of Show:
This year’s Best of Show was rather simple. There weren’t too many games on the floor this year and not a lot that shouted, “Must See!”, but that doesn’t mean this year’s Best of E3 is a small feat by any means. I can say that even if there had been more stunning games on the floor, this one would still stand out amongst them all. One game stood up in the middle of the 65,000 people and said, “IT’S A ME!” That’s right, The Loading Screen’s Best of Show for E3 2017 goes to Super Mario Odyssey! The game threw its hat at us and made us jump around like fools! This is going to be one of the best Mario games yet! The fact that it’s on the Switch makes it even better. Controlling enemies with your hat, jumping from place to place, and traveling across a multitude of locations all while on the go is very appealing! If you don’t have a Switch yet, I promise you this one will make you go out and buy one! Super Mario Odyssey has won our hearts this year and has earned our Best of Show!
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lauraramargosian · 5 years
Fortnite is modern day card collecting, and we love it!
Fortnite is “modern-day card collecting”, and we love it!
It’s true, Fortnite is modern-day card collecting and we absolutely love it.
Yep, Fortnite Chapter 2 has drawn new gamers in, all because of thousands of people staring a black hole for 2-days.
The hype is there and we don’t see that changing anytime soon.
While Pokemon cards and Yugioh cards are mostly a thing of the past for most people, Fortnite is dominating the gaming industry.
In fact, it’s almost like collecting your favorite past card games or even pogs.
Isn’t it true that we spent between 6.50-100 bucks for certain collections and decks?
Unfortunately, there are people out there who say the game is addicting in a negative way.
Although, it’s not much different from collecting basketball cards, baseball cards, Pokemon cards or dare I say POPS?
Fortnite Chapter 2
Fortnite Chapter 2 is absolutely amazing and it’s been a huge turn for Epic.
I mean… people watched a black hole for days and couldn’t wait to “drop into a new world,” as epic showed on their website, getting players pumped to check out the new island for Fortnite Chapter 2.
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The Fortnite Chapter 2 map has some interesting locations and a lot of exploring, which you earn XP for simply by discovery. The XP earned through playing allows you to earn new Fortnite skins, emotes, and gear to show off in the game.
Since Fortnite’s birth, you have been able to buy what’s called a battle pass, allowing you to earn additional XP leading to even more rewards.
As mentioned above, it’s comparable to collecting cards before the millennials switched things up, and it’s crazy to see how much has changed, don’t you agree?
Fortnite creates new friendships
Whether you choose to play Fortnite or Save The World, you’re still going to be gaming with others (if you choose to fill your squads up with stranger friends). Further allowing you to talk with, laugh, dance and share emotes in a build while spray painting together before your final attack in order to be the last to survive.
Fortnite has always been a game that brings people together. The game has even brought families together, playing in the same room, rather than just staring at Snapchat they get to attempt survival on the island, laugh, scream and maybe cry a little when defeated (at least I do).
Fortnite World Cup 2019: Building better and faster!
Indeed, Positive Celebrity has made a few friends while visiting Twitch and playing Fortnite’s Save The World. We’ll just call him M-Dawg but he’s one of the good guys in the game and we’re thankful for his friendship!
What is the prize for winning the Cup?
Being that you can win a huge prize of up to 10 million-dollars, teens, and adults play in the contender league which now includes, solo or squads (a team of up to four).
In fact, the game is now considered an e-sport! According to TechCrunch, there have been some major wins in contender leagues, in Fortnite Season X.
“The big winner in today’s solo challenge was 16-year-old Kyle “Bugha” Giersdorf, who won $3 million for beating out the competition in the solo tournament. And, as sports writer Darren Rovell noted on Twitter, Giersdorf’s prize pool is only $850,000 smaller than the pot for the winner of the U.S. Open, which is set to begin in a few weeks at the same stadium.
Indeed, the esports prize pool is one of the biggest awards for a popular competitive event. Wimbledon winners took home less than $3 million and Tiger Woods won $2 million for besting the field of competitors at the Masters.”
Fortnite Save The World
Fortnite Save The World lets gamers go through different missions all while battling some intense zombies.
You get different rewards that help you progress in the game but it takes a lot of time and grind to achieve and complete the game as a whole. But it’s also a lot of fun because you can team up with a squad in Fortnite Save The World as well.
If you purchase Fornite Save The World before it’s release then you do get a couple of perks and couple skins with a pickaxe. I personally thought it was worth it.
Fortnite Save The World has been growing over the last few months with more and more players.
With that in mind, there’s an interesting phenomenon happening in that game, where players will attempt to scam new players into dropping their loot, mats, and guns, so never just join in and go into what’s called a “trade box,” you are likely about to get scammed.
Fornite Save The World scams are popular enough that I will say there are some YouTube heroes out there protecting the squad.
These YouTubers will go into Fortnite Save The World and essentially “scam the scammer,” my nephew was the first to show me the videos and they are hilarious, check some of them out below.
You will laugh, the scammers who get scammed for their crime end up watching their weapons get destroyed, leading to screaming and crying, and even attempts at saying their “cousin works at epic,” absolutely hilarious.
Fortnite Rare Skins and more
The Fortnite “rare skins,” are exactly like collecting holographic Charizard Pokemon cards. For example, the Fornite skins today have dropped and they include the one, the only Skull Trooper.
Skull Trooper is just one of the most popular skins to have and we have no doubt that almost everyone who can afford has bought it.
They even have the Skull Trooper dressed as a female, catching the eye of those looking for Fortnite girl skins.
Skull Trooper officially has a girlfriend and her name is Skull Ranger.
Positive Celebrity Exclusive: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle’s Peter Renaday talks TMNT, charity and more!
Fornite skins in Chapter 2 have included a bunch of fun Halloween editions as well, so be sure to log in and check them out every 24-hours a new set of skins, gliders, emotes and axes arrive into the Fortnite item shop.
Be the first of your squad to collect the skin, and be sure to let us know which ones you’ve loved the most in Fortnite Chapter 2.
What is Fortnite Chapter 2 and the new world?
Basically, there are many theories right now trending on Google about Fortnite Chapter 2 and it’s a new world.
As a matter of fact, the whole map seems to be some kind of base, which also includes a bunker and the very house of “the visitor,” which will likely make more sense as we progress through the season.
Not to mention, The Visitor in Fortnite X is the one who caused all the chaos and led us into Fortnite Chapter 2. As a matter of fact, we did not think we’d be able to visit his actual home on the new map.
Further, the house is filled with memorabilia from Fortnite Season X, as he’s brought many souvenirs with him, including the clock from titled towers, a statue from Sunny Steps, and according to Forbes there’s even a hidden basement.
“In terms of his general living space, he has his control center in a secret basement you have to break through either the floor or a cabinet to access.”
Besides, it’s a pretty interesting storyline and as it’s as though we are part of “the movie,” and being able to watch the LIVE events make the game feel even more interactive for Fortnite gamers.
Celebrities who are playing Fortnite Chapter 2!
Richard Tyler BelvinsBen Simmons Lil Yachty Deadmau5 Karl-Anthony Towns Travis Scott Finn Wolfhard David Price Gordon Hayward Chance The Rapper Richard Sherman Gordon Hayward Drake Joe Jonas Norm Macdonald Derek Carr
Be sure to add us! We love to give free skins away on Twitch!
To end, we’re pretty excited to see what else Epic has in store for us regarding Fortnite.
Finally, feel free to let us know what you think about the Fortnite Chapter 2 in the comments below.
Blessed be.
The post Fortnite is modern day card collecting, and we love it! appeared first on Positive Celebrity News and Gossip.
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verziehenone · 7 years
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Video games ... what a past time.  So much time is spent on them, I can’t even imagine how many hours I have enjoyed building and breaking worlds, meeting and killing people, and just having the time of my life (lives) in virtual worlds.
Probably the first game I ever played was Tetris on the Gameboy.  The original Gameboy.  That bulky off-white thing that took 4 AA’s that seemed like nothing could keep it down.  Could probably have built a house outta those things.  And the battery life was pretty solid too! 
But soon I graduated to Mario, which was not awful on Gameboy.  Then came the big one: Pokemon.  Around then I upgraded to a Gameboy Pocket  The foldy one.  It went from a monochrome brown and green thing to a nice gray with black and white shades.  Terrific clarity! 
Then the Gameboy Color happened.  But before we get there ...
My first console was an Atari.  Good times on that thing.  Pitfall, some space game, and a few others that were equally blocky and terrifically entertaining in a way that many games just don’t capture now. 
Then was my Nintendo.  I think it was because I traded/sold my Atari at a garage sale or something, and boom, I was the proud owner of a Nintendo.  Eventually got me one of those sweet Duck Hunt guns (let’s be honest, that was basically the only game anyone used it on), and a few great games.  Zelda, a few Marios (Mario 3 will forever be amazing, but Mario 2 had it’s charm.) 
I did some swaparoos (involving a mountain bike and another Atari) but came back to the Nintendo.  That said, this was all around the time that friends of mine had the Sega Genesis or the Super Nintendo, and I was stuck with the lame-o OG Nintendo.  I even remember one time convincing my parents to spring for renting a Sega Genesis from Family Video (or whatever it was called) and using that Sega Channel (or whatever) to stream Mortal Kombat and another fighting game or two.  Don’t tell my parents, lots-o-blood.
Back to the portables.  Gameboy Color was a revolution.  Sure, Pokemon in color was amazing.  Any game (Final Fantasy Tactics, Super Mario, etc) but really, it was Pokemon.  And the reason they were amazing-er on the Gameboy Color?  It was backlit.  And that made ALL the difference at night.  No more huddling around a little nightlight or gripping a flashlight in my mouth to try to catch one more ‘mon, or just one more fight, one more ...
I had a Gamegear for a bit, which was the Sega competitor to the Gameboy.  Glorious color gaming, 8 AA batteries, big ole screen, but the games (other than Sonic I think) just weren’t there.  So I got rid of it, and eventually the glory of the Gameboy Advance happened.  The one with the big ole screen, that Super Mario was friggin’ amazing on.  And naturally, Pokemon again was amazing.  I eventually got me the next Gameboy (SP) the next foldy one, which was the last one before the 3DS (I think), which I never got (though I’d love one).
Console-wise, for the remainder of my pre-college life I was always a generation behind.  Everyone had the GameCube when I finally got an N64 (but don’t cry too hard, GoldenEye was worth the wait).  I finally got a PS1 in time for everyone to tell me how amazing the PS2 was.  This isn’t a sob story, just the result of growing up in a family where if I wanted a console, I had to buy it with my money.  So I did, and I was just more patient.  Though I was friends with people who had the latest and greatest.  At one point I had the 3 main consoles, (a generation late): the PS2, the GameCube, and the Dreamcast.  I felt like the toast of the land.  Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Crazy Taxi, Super Mario Sunshine, I had it all.  Good times.
Until!  The summer before college.  I had a few bucks put aside and wanted me a real gaming PC.  The one I had prior to that was a hand-me-down from my Youth Pastor that played StarCraft on it ... barely.  So this one, a big $600 beast, and I found myself loving the major boost in power that my Athlon something something gave me over the Pentium 2 I had prior.  Unreal Tournament was brilliant and I enjoyed so many great gaming experiences on that machine.  And Civilization 3 stole far far too many nights and days ... I spent hours and hours playing that.
Then college came!  And a credit card!  And I built a new computer!  And it was fast and had a pair of 17″ CRT monitors (I upgraded to 17″ widescreen LCDs) and it was glorious.  (GeForce 8800 GTS baby).  I did so much more gaming.  Eventually even got around to World of Warcraft, though I did enjoy plenty of non-PC gaming with pals on a variety of systems.
I played World of Warcraft heavily throughout college, spending 4-5 hours a night usually (still had a solid GPA and 2 part time jobs and a girlfriend, so I wasn’t a total loser) and it was wonderful.  I remember at one point I even played another MMO in my off time, and it was stupid and glorious and ridiculous.  I spent my non-PC gaming time playing a lot of the PS2 games I hadn’t beaten or just enjoyed like Final Fantasy 10 and Star Ocean and so on.  Big into RPGs.  I even got a PSP during that time for the Star Ocean 1 and 2 remakes and I still wish I had kept it, to be honest.
After college I was living with a roomie (from college) who I played World of Warcraft with, but also enjoyed the Nintendo Wii and PS3 he had.  We did a lot of great gaming on those systems, though I did a lot more PS3 than Wii stuff.  Rock Band became a past time for us (and I got quite good at Expert guitar, could play huge chunks of some songs with my eyes closed) and he was great a bass.  Stoke 3 live on!  And did I mention Fallout 3?  Ohhh man.  It never changes.
So I decided to buy an Xbox 360.  I never had an Xbox (though I did a little Halo in my time) I just decided that I wanted a console and should get one he didn’t have.  I also very much missed Fight Night (a boxing game) and wanted to play that again.  But the eventually I moved out and was on my lonesome and didn’t have a Blu-Ray player.  And have always been a Playstation guy.  So I sold the Xbox 360 and bought a Playstation 3. 
Until I got my bigscreen TV I didn’t do a ton of Playstation gaming, instead mostly doing PC (mostly World of Warcraft) gaming.  I did do a game here and there of other things but nothing memorable.
But, one day I powered down my computer, went to work, and came home only to find ... no power.  No response at all.  The reason this matters is I had just decided to come back to playing World of Warcraft (after a break that my then-girlfriend convinced me would save our relationship, because video games were our only problem -- nope), and was bummed I couldn’t.  I didn’t have the money to fix it so I returned to console gaming and enjoyed a lot of then-newer hits like Dragon Age: Origins, Darksiders 1, Dante’s Inferno, the Assassin’s Creed games, and a host of others that escape me.  I tend to not do a lot of shooters on console, preferring them on PC.  GameFly helped me fly through games pretty quickly so I was able to save quite a bit of money by not buying all of them.
A few months later I was living with a new friend and decided to research how to fix my computer, and found it was much cheaper than expected.  So I got a new motherboard and some new ram and was up and running in time to enjoy Star Wars: The Old Republic, a new MMO.  It was amazing and super super fun leveling and the story was great ... until you hit max level like you ran into a wall.  So then I got into Skyrim and a few other games, working my way through the different PC games I had missed out on (like Mass Effect 1-3, Dragon Age 2, and some others). 
Living with some new friends I was introduced to other games I’d never heard of or played, like Guild Wars 2, Dark Souls, and
Time moves on again and I decided to swap out some newer parts and make my machine more future-proof, since I had a baby on the way and would never have money again until a bit later.  I also used some of my birthday money and Christmas money on a PS4.  So I was set.  Like a rockstar.  A rockstar who enjoyed Madden and Grand Theft Auto V and so on.  And Far Cry and Crysis and Wolfenstein and not World of Warcraft.  I had been done for a long time.  Partly due to time and partly due to money and partly due to a lack of interest.
Skipping around a bit to the present, I’m still and always will be a gamer.  I still don’t have a 3DS, as much as I’d love to have one for Pokemon, but I have a PS4 and my wife has a Switch, and my PC is still gettin’ love when it gets a bit outta date.  Never going to have a bleeding edge waste-of-money PC but I will always strive to be caught up to play the latest games.
I am back into World of Warcraft again, playing with a prior roommate and some other really great guys, and it’s being managed much more carefully than before.  Outside of that, I’ve been playing Uncharted 4, Overwatch, Diablo 3, Civilization 6 (Oh my gosh I love Civ) and a smattering of others.  I still have my Gameboy SP with Pokemon Red and Yellow and Gold (I think).  I also had a Playstation Vita briefly but decided it just wasn’t for me.
I have a long list of games I want to play so I won’t list them all.  (Yes I will, because this is my blog).  In no particular order:
Stardew Valley (In progress)
Mad Max (In progress)
Bloodborne (In progress)
Dark Souls 3
Torment: Tides of Numenara
Wasteland 2
Pillars of Eternity
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Dying Light
Watch Dogs 2
Dishonored 2
Final Fantasy 15
Persona 5
Horizon Zero Dawn
Mass Effect: Andromeda
Red Dead Redemption 2
Injustice 2
I’m a gamer at my core and a good gaming experience is something so hard to communicate to those who haven’t found a game that tickles their fancy.  But when a person finds that game that challenges them in the right way, entertains them or entrances them, and they just can’t put it down ... that’s just the best.  (And in this post I’m not talking board games or mobile phone games, those are entirely different posts).
This really just scratches the surface of my gaming time, thoughts, and philosophy about games.  I have so many thoughts and ideas, so many memories and experiences, and so many terrific games that I loved and can’t wait to try ... it’s just a matter of the same thing it always was: Making sure that it is always secondary to real life, real people, and the stuff that really matters.  Otherwise... game on.
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Reddish Crucible Firestorm
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In some cases, the applications detailed 0 procedures, in various other cases the apps mentioned the listing had not been readily available in iOS 9. Right here is actually an infographic that shows Social media site by numbers with an enjoyable take on the world's population. Based on the discussion over, I do not feel that most Macintosh consumers construct a comparison chart and examine the boxes" when this involves picking a web browser. We are only just beginning to find just how the Net from Everything may progress social excellent. Along with such command, Cuba does not need to have advanced World wide web monitoring tools, yet that performs possess software program like Avila Link, which gathers exclusive info from public computers as well as displays World wide web task. Considering that More Info find running bodies as simply relevant to a computer system, this is various than the dictionary meaning. If there are specific solutions-- for instance, TRUST3, the provider that approves Website-privacy strategies, or Omniture, a solution used through web sites like to track web site utilization and post audience-- you desire to permit, you could uncheck the box beside each in the settings display. The primary factor that the 6.6 per-cent clock rate boost was actually a draw extra CUs was actually because that lifted all interior component of the pipe such as vertex rate, triangle price, draw concern fee, etc Talla formerly operated NVIDIA's mobile service device and also has a POSTGRADUATE DEGREE in pc design off the University from Texas. The huge gossip presently swirling around the almost everywhere is actually that both the upcoming Sony as well as Microsoft gaming consoles will definitely possess some type of measure in place to reject the owner the right to play used activities, and also in some style, call for a web connection to even play them. These half-done video games are butting heads along with triple-An open world games like View Canine 2, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Scandal sheet, as well as Far Cry: Primal. Grab a screen where that does not result in jaggies as well as splits, as well as you been around!
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extraquarterblog · 7 years
Pokemon Go, Nintendo Best Idea in Years, Still has a lot to Evolve
Right now there's two types of people, people who play Pokemon Go and those who don't have a clue about it. Pokemon has always been one of Nintendo strongest IPs that has without question one of the largest die hard fanbase any studio could wish for. Create by Gamefreak studios, Pokemon is a franchise that continues to win the hearts of every generation and keeps luring back long time fans. 
Pokemon Go in many ways, is a unicorn. A myth that would never see the light of day. For years people have been crying for Nintendo to step out of their closed eco-system and embrace smartphone gaming. While Nintendo has done well with consoles in the past, it's their handhelds, such as the Gameboy and DS that have sold like hot cakes. Many of us grew up with a Gameboy glued to our hands, always near us, be it in our backpacks, glove box or by the sofa next to the remotes. Nintendo has captured its fans by taking the opportunity to be mobile. Where ever you may be, on a plane, at a friends house, or in the middle of the woods camping, Gameboy was there for you. 
Now obviously the mobile game has changed. Long are the days I kept a case of AA batteries to toss in my Gameboy. I now keep a USB-C cable handy for my OnePlus phone, as with most people across the world now. There's no escaping it, smartphones dominate the mobile market. 
With Smartphones being the number one choice of device to carry, fans have been waiting with baited breath that Nintendo would embrace the new mobile world and start to release their titles on Android and Apple markets. Sadly such a dream was easily the worst bet you could put money on. Nintendo, abandoning their closed environment to release anything major on a platform outside theirs? You had a better chance throwing a rock and hitting the Moon, and yet here we are. 1 out of Billion, Nintendo decided to embrace its fans. Testing the waters, giving us Pokemon Go. 
Developed by Niantic Labs, took a great approach to the world of Pokemon and the smartphone gaming world. Giving fans a wet dream come true. To go about the world, capturing Pokemon, and using augmented reality to throw Poke'balls at em, made the icing on the cake. Free to download & Play, supported on both Apple and Android, has really opened the doors for Nintendo and Pokemon.
This is no spin off, no random worthless Pokemon shuffle game, or forgotten Pokemon Apps. No, this was a Pokemon game for those who grew up playing Pokemon on a giant Gameboy that devoured 4 AA at a time and also embraced those new to the addicting world of random monsters for your to capture. Pokemon Go very existence is a major surprise as studio Gamefreak is infamous for NOT listening to their fans. Ever since Pokemon Stadium released on the N64, fans have cried for Gamefreak to make a full fledged game on a console, to step aside the handheld gaming scene just once and see what magic they could make. 
It never happened.
You could say Gamefreak is easily one of Nintendo more stubborn studios. Never rocking the boat, the studio has continued to release unsurprising, expected Pokemon games on Nintendo handheld devices (DS, 3DS etc). Now, not to say there's anything inherently wrong with that, it's that for many, felt it was holding back what Pokemon could become. Though it would seem that Nintendo had decided to test the waters with Pokemon Go and let Niantic Labs give it ago. 
Pokemon Go is now a top of the charts across the board. With-in days Pokemon Go has captured the entire smartphone market, dwarfing its competitors by a long shot. 
Easily becoming one of the best ideas Nintendo has debuted in a long time. 
Pokemon Go itself is simple, clean, clever and fun. It has everything you come to expect with a few twist. You jump into your world, creating a character, capturing your first Pokemon, as you set off across your neighborhood in hopes of capturing additional Pokemon to grow your collection. 
There's also teams you can join up, Red, Blue, and Yellow, giving a call back to the old Gameboy days of the first original Pokemon games (sorry Green, apparently you don't count) and each mascot being one of the legendary birds, Zapdos, Articuno, and Moltres. As you begin to roam, you'll notice various PokeStops for you to visit, that act like a Pokemon center where you can replenish Poke balls, Potions, and possibly Pokemon Eggs, and generally, have other Pokemon lurking around it. 
Off in the distance you'll notice various Poke Gyms for you to challenge other people, having to be level 5 first, you can then enter to challenge opposing teams. Being one of the few places to actually battle. Gone are the days of the traditional turn based, you find yourself tapping the screen, going for a more live action battle than awaiting each other turns. 
Right off though you'll notice several changes from the traditional days of Pokemon. Gyms are the only places right now where you can battle, and the method for leveling your Pokemon is through Stardust and Candies. Which is a bit disappointing to see, that leveling Pokemon has become just a click away. Also, I was quite shocked to see just how limiting the game is. 
The best way I can describe Pokemon Go, is as if you jumped into a new MMO that has no endgame, there are no raids nor is there any epic loot. You kind of just roam around, with little to do, besides the rinse and repeat. Pokemon Go, despite literally using the earth as its playground, it's quite empty, deprived of much activity. 
There's so much missing from the game, you could argue there's not much of a game at all. I can literally be standing next to a fellow Pokemon Go player and there's jack shit we can do to interact with each other through the game. Can I trade? No. Can we battle? No. Can we form a team/guild? No. It's mind numbing that a game built on people going outdoors and exploring would completely forget the possibility of what if fellow gamers would run into each other.
What's also surprising has how limited the options currently are. When designing the looks of my character, I was shocked and at there was damn near nothing to select from. Hell, I would have pulled out my credit card to purchased a better look, but instead, I look almost like all the other millions of players out there today. 
Out of all the things with Pokemon Go, the only thing that put a cold chill down my spine was how there was basically nothing online with it. There was no auction house, no battleground, no center to trade or join up to chat with other players. It gave me a bit of trauma as Nintendo is sadly famous for how lacking its online platform is when compared to Sony and Microsoft. I pray, with all my heart, that Nintendo and studio Niantic do not neglect the online side of every mobile device. Yes, this a game meant for you to get out n bout, but the reality is, mother nature isn't bright n beautiful every day, nor do we have the opportunity every day to run around. Having a few online options to connect with friends would be the cherry on top.
Moving past my few cynical criticisms, Pokemon Go is the best step forward for Nintendo and the Pokemon franchise. Previously, Pokemon was nothing more than a meme picture posted occasionally on my Facebook page, the next day its sounds can be heard in every Mall, Park and Public center. 
The good news is that Niantic labs are working on releasing several new updates that could include trading (fingers crossed) I would imagine this is just the start for the studio and that Pokemon Go will have a long roadmap of updates for it. 
Now I just hope they release an update that would allow me to join Team Rocket.
Prepare for Trouble, Make it Double. 
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drkineildwicks · 4 years
Temtem – 1/30/2021 – Oh Help Me I’m Back on My Temtem
Oh gosh I haven’t played this game since May what’s wrong with me
Ooh new loading screen!
No seriously what have I been doing idk why it took me so long to get back to it
Taking a bit to load
To all the Tems on the loading screen: I want you I want you I want you oh you’re cute—
Boo it conked out on me
Time to try again….
Oh yes we’re back in
I hear background Tems….
So for a frame of reference the last time I was on here the starters still didn’t have final evos X’D
Oh my little carrot boi
Gotta remember what the hot buttons are X’D
Oh cool we can rechallenge dojo leaders! :D
I should do that….
Later I wanted to check out the water areas
Ah and it uses competitive rules
Bigtime Cube nice name :D
And a map ooh this is good stuff
Oh wow this is actually a LOT of ground we covered so far
Maybe swap out a few guys while I’m at it
Oh this is cool they have a little exclamation mark on the new dudes!
Finbeat: “Hurts your pride more than anything else” XD
Okay swapped out a bunch of guys—let’s go check out the water stuff!
So Squishie is named appropriately
This is new
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Meditating right on the trail
Skail Jail is still full of Skail XD
What did you do to Baconator!?
Oh right ground is strong against Turtlinni
Glad I’m not doing a nuzlocke that would only end in tears with this game
There’s a squish team after me
Okay so no water moves against Fomu
Ooh that gave Turtlinni a speed boost!
So already I’m not doing too hot XD
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Oh Finoculars follows me on water!
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Took two cards but yes!
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Oh you’re going to be a pain
What to name….
Oh squid!
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But look at this XP tho
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In retrospect I shouldn’t have swapped Low-key out and then went water Tem hunting
Okay checking out this little bit of land and the Fomu are mean
Yay Squishie leveled up!
These calamari are kamikazes
Aw, another Pewki
Wait I said I’d catch a second one and name it Minion
Got it!
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Something about its ATK stat is good, apparently
Now I’ve got Yugi following me
And it knocked Yugi out in its kamikaze run
Gonna name it Kamikaze because THAT’S WHAT THESE THINGS ARE
Seriously why do they keep using the high-stamina moves when that knocks themselves out???
Okay let’s head back and swap out Lowkey because we need him
Hotpotato like your name :D
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The description for Bubbles immediately made me think of that yellow fish from Finding Nemo XD
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And then this move description X’D
Okay we got Lowkey time to zap things :D
Oh yeah MUCH better XD
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There’s things on my map interesting…
I know I haven’t yet been to where that temcard is…unless that’s the heal spot on the higher elevation?
Uh-oh, team grunt swimmers
So I just have this mental image of ‘her ladyship’ throwing them over the bridge because she was mad
Okay I don’t know what that Last Rush ability is, but it gave me a concernin’
Ah, so they’re looking for something
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Also I love that their names are “disgruntled grunt” XD
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And fought an archaeologist that got pressganged into this
But now it’s time for dinner so quittin’ time for now XD
Did level up the team some tho
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moonshroooms · 7 years
1: Do you try to stay away from walkthroughs?
On a playthrough stand point, absolutely (unless I’ve been so stuck that I’m ready to throw my controller, which doesn’t happen that often. I always feel dumber afterwards though >_<). But I like to watch let’s plays and I got like, through the entirety of all the Bioshock games and halfway through Ni no Kuni before I was like ‘u know what I’m getting a ps3 and playing them  myself’
2: Company you're always loyal to?
Midna, all of my Pikmin. Uhh. Saadia. I haven’t played a lot of games where you gotta choose one side or the other XD
3: Best game you've ever played?
Zelda series, Pikmin series, Okami, Journey. 
I have a lot of favorites bite me.
4: Worst game you've ever played?
I had the one of the Spyro trilogies on my ds and oooohmygooood it is absolutely horrid. The controls and graphics are bad enough. I had absolutely no idea what was going on. The other one was called like Slime or something and you played a prince with like, fairy/monster characters who could spray ice and water, and slime and vomit, to work your way through the levels. Yeah. Vomit. Yum. Controls were disgusting it literally made me cry as a child.
5: A popular series/game you just can't get into no matter how much you try?
Probably any MMORPG (if that counts). They’re fun with friends, but if my friends aren’t there it’s like. No thanks. And most modern shooter where it’s like, an army setting and all you do is shoot people and nothing else. bishockdoesn’tcountonlycauseitsnotrealisticandalsonotinanarmysetingsotakethat alsoigetbirdpowers alsoletsbehonestthatstoryiscraycray #excuses
6: A game that's changed you the most?
The ending of Okami hit me pretty hard about helping God (or the gods), out every once in a while. Made me cry pretty hard when I was younger.
And Journey just. Journey just makes you feel things man. When I first played through it I had no internet and was completely alone, and I was just so heartbroken when it was over. I wasn’t ready for it to be gone. The second time I played I had an internet connection and I actually found someone to stick with me through most of the game and honestly, the end of the game was different in that moment. I wasn’t sad or lonely. When we walked into the light there was a sense of excitement for the next time, and while this journey was over and we’d miss it, I was so excited for the next time around with someone new.
7: A game you'll never forget?
Undertale. I didn’t think a game that took such a short time to finish could chokehold my heart like that. Sure the gameplay wasn’t much to sneeze at (though it could get difficult at times), but gosh dang. I don’t understand people when they say something is over-rated sometimes. Yes, Undertale fans went absolutely rabid (and I only played the game after like half a year when they hype had died down a smidge), but there’s a reason for that sometimes, you know? It left an impact. It made us feel things or made us think. And if a story can stir absolutely fanatic emotions in just one person, let alone enough people to be absolutely annoying, then there must be something that made it good, right? Maybe not everything in it is amazing, or will appeal to everyone, but there’s something there. There was something of substance, something we latched onto and couldn’t let go, even if it’s a dumb reason. So yeah. Undertale’s certainly I would never forget, and recommend anyone to at least try. Cast aside at the annoyance of the fandom, they’re just the dust surrounding the impact, and see if there’s something in there that you might find interesting - you never know.
8: Best soundtrack?
Zelda, Journey, Okami, Mario Galaxy. I’m sensing a pattern here.
9: A game you turn your volume off every time you play it?
I do dislike the title music from Age of Empires 3. It’s honestly horrid.
10: A game you've completely given up on?
That slime game from when I was younger. And Amnesia, a dating sim my friend told me to get since there was a sale on steam that made that made it cheaper than a candy bar. I just. My god do all dating sims give you one choice every hour after 10 years of dialogue?? And then make half the decisions for you? The girl in amnesia was so infuriating and dumb as a brick. And everyone was basically just ranting to a wall and didn’t find it odd that she says like 2 words every couple hours. She doesn’t even say anything half the time it’s soooo boringggggg. If you’re gonna give me someone to pretend to be at least give them more options even Link has more personality AND speech options than that.
11: Hardest game you've played?
Uh, uh. Civilization? Mario Galaxy? I’ve never played civilization on a very high setting honestly (I don’t even think I’ve played the default difficulty). I just get too annoyed when Barbarians are there constantly sending invaders. Why isn’t there a setting to have just the wildlife barbarians and then I’ll deal with my computer competitors afterwards? And Mario Galaxy isn’t hard, I’m just lazy and haven’t gotten all the stars.
12: Shortest time you've beaten a game in?
Journey in just a few short hours.
13: A game you were the most excited for when it wasn't released yet?
Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I haven’t been that excited for a game since I was a little kid. Honestly, I don’t know what made the hype about this game so different. I was so giddy and euphoric when I finally got it. 
14: A game you think would be cool if it had voice acting?
I don’t really think I care to have voice acting in any of my games that don’t. Pokemon Sun and Moon, I guess? Not really a deal-breaker.
15: Which two games do you think would make an awesome crossover?
Zelda, Okami. Let’s be honest they’re pretty similarly structured games. I want Wolf Link and Ammy to be on an unstoppable team!
16: Character you've hated most? From what game?
Oh god. I hate Wario from Smash Bros. He’s just. So ugly. I hate his design. And I know that’s the point, but that doesn’t mean he’s still not ugly. And HE JUST HAS FART JOKES FOR NO REASON. TOILET HUMOR, like any other humor, IS FUNNY IF YOU HAVE A JOKE AND NOT IN AND OF ITSELF.
And Louie from Pikmin just grinds my gears. He’s so shady man I want to just leave him on an abandoned, Pikmin-less planet to die.
And Lubba from Mario Galaxy 2. I just hate the fact that he exists. Him AND his stupid hub-world.
17: What game do you never tell people you play?
18: A game you wish your friends knew about?
MMM, Journey. I finally got my one friend to play it and he liked it A+, but my other friend hasn’t even considered it and I desperately want her to.
19: Which game do you think deserves a revival?
The Spyro Trilogy. I’m probably one out of a bunch o’ people that really like the Spyro trilogy (she says, as she’s only actually played Dawn of the Dragon). But I really liked the story and the feel of the game. I have played the actual first Spyro game when I was little, in like hotels and stuff, and it was alright. I’m not much of a collect-a-thon type of gamer. 
20: What was the first video game you ever played?
When I was little I played this alien shooting game with my dad. I can’t for the life of me remember what it’s called though. I think it might’ve been on X-box or something. It was pixally and 3D in the Doom sense of 3D. The camera was always fixed to whatever it felt like at the time. So like, the first level was propped up like a side-scroller (though there was still 3d space), but down the line it might go sort of top down or directly behind the character. It was actually a co-op, with the only second character being a girl who I always played (props for such an old game having a female protagonist). There were different guns, and some power-ups and such. It was probably a liiittle violent to consider it okay for a 5-year-old, but I really liked it, and I’m not a psychopath that craves the taste of bullets.
21: How old were you when you first played a video game?
22: If you could immerse yourself in any game for one day, which game would it be? What would you do?
Zelda, Okami, Journey. Screw around with my new superpowers, save the world.
23: Biggest disappointment you've had in gaming?
Super Mario Galaxy 2′s hubworld. It’s so flipping boring and compact and also ugly. And you just get a linear track-path for getting to new galaxies. I miss the sprawling space station and Rosalina’s lovely face.
Spore’s space and civilization stage. Keeping in mind I went into Spore with no expectations. I didn’t know who created it or anything like that. I like the first 3 stages of Spore a whole bunch, but the civilization stage was boring and the space stage was big and boring. It’s just the same thing over and over again in slightly different colors. And the Grox are annoying as all get-out.
Breath of the Wild’s story, lack of a companion, and dungeons. And like one or two tiny things.
24: Casual, Hardcore, or in the middle?
The lovechild between hardcore and in the middle.
25: Be honest; have you ever used cheats (like ActionReplay or Gameshark)?
Like cheats where you can get into the inner-workings of the game? Heck naw dawg. I’ve certainly used cheats that were already in the game, like with Sims or Skyrim, but I try to refrain from that since it tends to ruin the game. I have a really bad habit of cheating in Civilization though and I just can’t break it! >^<
26: Handheld or console?
Switch ;D
But, like, not the actual Switch
27: Has there ever been a moment that has made you cry?
Yes because I’m a big doofus. End of Okami, end of Journey, end of Kingdom Hearts, end of Spyro Dawn of the Dragon, end of LIKE ALMOST EVERY ZELDA GAME, end of Undertale, end of Bioshock 1 & 3, end of Life is Strange, end of Ni no Kuni, and probably a billion moments in between.
28: Which character's clothes do you wish you owned the most?
Every single Gerudo. Also the Journey robes!
29: Which is more important, gameplay or story?
Story, but it’s not that I don’t think gameplay isn’t important. I guess it depends on the kind of game you’re going for, but I tend to lean towards story. 
I play Smash Bros, which is almost exclusively gameplay and it’s one of my favorite games. But without friends there’s nothing for me to go back to.
I also like Life is Strange, but after seeing every option and knowing all the shocking twists and turns, there’s not much for me to go back to either since it’s exclusively story and there’s nothing else really fun to do.
That’s why I tend to drift towards games like Zelda and Okami or Skyrim and Pikmin. 
With a game like Zelda or Okami I feel like it’s 60% story and 40% gameplay. Pikmin is more 70% gameplay and 30% story. Skyrim is pretty 50/50, since it depends on the player how story-oriented the game will be.
Either way, I tend to like games that lean just a bit more towards story. Story is something keeps me thinking about the game even after I turned it off and lets me connect with the poor sap I’m piloting. Gameplay keeps me entertained even as I revisit old stories, and sometimes it’s specifically what I go back for.
30: A game that hasn't been localized in your country that you think should be localized?
Mother 3 - but not because I want to play Mother 3 or have even played or watched any of the Mother/Earthbound games - but because I don’t have a game I want localized and I want people to have their Mother 3 so they can stop being sad about it.
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myupdatestudio-blog · 8 years
New Post has been published on Myupdatestudio
New Post has been published on https://myupdatestudio.com/dont-seek-demonic-powers-on-line/
Don’t Seek Demonic Powers On-line
Lots of you oldsters come right here to Geek.Com to discover ways to summon demons. Don’t lie; we are able to see the numbers and search terms. “Am I able to surely summon Lucifer?” “The way to summon a demon on someone else.” “How to make deals with demons.” “Unhappy Devil.” There’s no shame in this. We’re grateful y’all are so interested in identifying How to carry Buné the 3-Headed or Forneus the Demon of Language to this mortal aircraft. You’re even emailing editors for extra perception. Knock yourselves out!
                                           Demonic Powers 
Demonic Language
But, as moral journalists, it’s also our duty to provide both sides of the demon summoning predicament. If I might also paraphrase the author of the authentic story, Aubrey Sitterson, if you’re asking others for help on A way to summon a demon, you’re now not yet strong enough to summon a demon. But instead of scolding you I figured I’d share my very own cautionary tale of On-line darkish electricity-seeking long past incorrect.
It was the early 2000s. I used to be a smart toddler However still a toddler, so I was pretty naive approximately some things. I used to be also a large fan of the X-Guys films and the concept of gaining superpowers thru mutation. The fact that you can trade a flower’s color with the aid of letting it soak up food dye in water blew my thoughts. I had an entire scheme for planting watermelon seeds in Italian ice to develop fields of mutant natural slush fruits for convenience shops, like Tomacco from The Simpsons. However whilst I used to be completely cool experimenting on helpless vegetation underneath a microscope, mutating myself regarded like a non-option, and something herbal powers I might also have had weren’t developing fast enough.
So I made the harmless, hilarious mistake of turning to the net to discover ways to move matters with my mind, the identical net I’d soon later fill with lies of my very own. And allow me to tell you, matters got genuinely Satanic virtually short. None of those telekinesis recommendations, as a minimum as far as I keep in mind, called for nice enlightening spirituality like meditating or connecting with the rest of the universe.
No, rather each weird GeoCities site I went to, with its traveler counter and horrific fire GIFs, promised that if I pledged my soul to this or that ghoul, I ought to absolutely circulate a paper clip some inches with my mind while no one else become looking. Basically be a 1/2-charge Ghost Rider. Every other seasoned tip? Don’t eat cardboard. It messes up your intellectual mojo. I’m surprised that hasn’t been a plot factor on Legion but.
Obviously, I didn’t discover ways to be a psychic child just like the spoon-bending kids from The (quickly to be pointlessly rebooted) Matrix. The government might have kidnapped me by means of now. However, I did learn something else. net Satan worshipers are first-rate silly. These kinds of labored-up Christian proper-wingers, terrified people who agree with Pokemon evolution is corrupting the kids, having nothing to worry from those passionate dopes. Let them hail Satan in peace. They’re simply giving us all an excellent short. Plus, the enjoy did steer me more toward legitimate spiritual practices like Buddhism, even though that still might have been stimulated by using a Simpsons episode.
Power Season 3
I hadn’t taken into consideration this until now, However, my quick brush with Online Satanism may be my first encounter with the amazingly dumb and first rate subcommunities the internet can create with the aid of connecting like-minded loners who in all likelihood shouldn’t be related. It became my first ride into the early net Gutter. Trying to educate yourself telekinesis Online is silly, But is it any stupider than believing the Earth is flat or that Soylent is worthwhile?
Nowadays’s children have it manner less difficult. They can learn any competencies, irrespective of how fake, by reading WikiHow or from watching racist YouTubers. They’ll by no means realize what it’s want to really stumble into a wild and untamed world of dial-up demon summoning. Their loss. Within the period in-between, all of you, young and old, have to keep reading Geek.Com for even more Satanic antics. We’ve heard you, and we’re giving you what you need.
Construct an Effective Online Presence – five suggestions You can Use proper Away
Each person who enters the online global faces a large trouble – The way to stand out in an international that receives hundreds of thousands of new competitors each single day?
Tough query, However, do not cry but. Although it’s getting more crowded by means of the day, it’s easy to face out and achieve success in case you follow certain pointers.
I have Build aa success weblog in five months – complete with a faithful fan base and intense community interplay. allow me to show my non-public suggestions on building a Powerful Online presence:
Have a strong tale. irrespective of what you do Online, you need a “why” – your story! it’s your personal statement about your digital reason.What do you need to perform? How are you going to help humans? Locate that out and transform that into a concise and catchy project announcement that people like to percentage. Mine is “assisting first-rate people Construct a Powerful Online presence”. What’s yours? Flavor your presence. Deep interior, you are specific. You’ve got secret obsessions and foibles. Why no longer use them to your advantage? Most blogs and websites are uninteresting as heck, due to the fact lack personality. humans need to play it secure and water down their emblem. do not allow this spoil you. every message and post you write should have your personal logos. The more excessive, the better! Fear approximately design. Too many people nonetheless agree with They are able to escape with a common layout, and I experience sorry for them. When humans first visit your web page, the design might be the first thing they see. Make it easy, But precise. Use your c Be, consistent just like the massive boys. large manufacturers are amazing-regular. They always use the same shades and logo in order to be without problems recognizable. You ought to do the identical! every platform you invade with your emblem needs to deliver the identical layout and message. That guarantees maximum recollect cost. Spread your affect efficaciously. Numerous people try and community anywhere, and that’s why they screw up. Except you are Superman, you should use your strength greater wisely. Select your selected social media channel (Fb? Twitter? LinkedIn?) and without a doubt dominate it. Cognizance best on that platform, and make yourself recognized.
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This listing isn’t whole. However, it ought to come up with all of the fundamental strength you want for net domination. constructing a Powerful On-line presence in your commercial enterprise can take some time, But when you have enough ardor to melt the sun, you will get there. Consciousness on those strategies, and produce your entire character into the sport.
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