#I want so badly to write a silly little fic where Hidan x Deadpool is a side plot
meowmeowuchiha · 1 year
Yknow it's unfortunate
For a theoretical fic, I already have a basic beginning thought up as well as two different endings
But as for the actual plot? I have absolutely fucking nothing so I can't write it
I want to write this fic so bad. It's such a silly crossover. But alas, I cannot yet. Because beyond the very beginning and the very ending I have no idea how to write it.
Someday, I shall unleash upon the world the crossover that no one asked for. Someday, the world shall be forced to have a Naruto and Deadpool crossover.
But not today.
In other news, the reason you never really see hardly any Deadpool content on here is bc I'm low key scared to see wtf THAT Fandom is like so I have yet to wander into it.
I tried reading other Naruto and Marvel crossovers (whether it be comics or movie based) and lemme tell you.....there was only one I liked. All the others were....so so bad. The others that were written typically featured Naruto as like....the main character, but he was BUTCHERED SO BAD, and it read like it was written by some power scaling obsessed dudebro with so much of the emotionally suppressing variety of toxic masculinity. I partially read like 4 or 5 fics like that.....the rest I scrolled through were nothing but gratuitous smut. I wanted a story, not porn, and there were very few actual stories and of those actual stories only one was any good.
So yeah if all of THAT is any indication of what the Deadpool fandom is like, I'm continuing to stay away from it.
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