#I want to make an actual ref sheet for her when I can make digital art again
angered-box · 1 year
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been shaking wanting to show this oc for the past few days. yes she's some form of magical girl yes she has issues
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moinsbienquekaworu · 2 years
A day late but - @petralemaitre, you asked, so here's more stuff about my OCs!
I've talked a whole whole lot about my "main" Star Wars OCs, I won't go into more detail here (especially since I'm starting to run out of stuff haha) but in short: Korcha is a Harch Jedi Master based on an old teacher of mine, she's pretty strict and values traditions but also loves getting to know people and languages. Her first apprentice, Reil, is a crèchemaster who is visually impaired, patient and creative; Devafe came next, she's honest, likes peace and quiet, and wanted to work in the Archives before the war; and little number three, Lineth, is a year older than Ahsoka and in a similar situation with the war happening and all, except she isn't a main character so she's just barely scraping by.
If they sound fun to you, here's all the interesting posts about them I could find, for convenience. Feel free to skim through if you want! I talked about Korcha, Reil and Devafe here, though the post isn't 100% up to date anymore, about their clone commanders Jellyfish and Stellar here, you can find updated timelines here, and there's the original post I made about my Mandalorian Chiss lady Karaad and her Mikkian princess wife Tevlin. If you don't want to read walls of text (fair) but you're interested in drawings, here's the tag where I put all the art of my SW OCs. I also answered my friends' asks about them, so there's the one where I rate them /10 on how swag they are (spoilers: they all are) and here's the one where I just talk about interactions they could have with canon characters.
That said, I can tell you about one OC I haven't actually talked about much here even though she was my first OC! Her name is Cehim Velm and she's a Pau'an mapmaker. She lives in her spaceship, makes maps, has fun with artist friend occasionally when they can meet up, and I love her.
She's not an explorer, she just makes the maps, generally as commissions for people who want to decorate their houses and have the decoration look fancy, but also for other people who enjoy maps for their beauty and not just their practicality. She takes digital commissions and physical ones, and because the GFFA is big I'm saying she makes enough for her to live a nice life. She also collects maps, physical ones and holographic ones, maps with typos, old maps, maps of specific planets, just lots of maps.
She looks like a normal Pau'au, likes wearing wide leg trousers, comfy sweaters and all types of head coverings, and I like making her looks reeaally tall because I think it's funny if she towers over normal-sized humanoids. She does travel the galaxy, for for fun and for her job, she gets cold in space but she still loves being able to look at the whole galaxy just out of her window, is technically domiciled at her parents' place in Pau City even if with holos and whatnot that doesn't matter, and likes learning a few words and sentences in the languages of the planets she visits. As a person, she's friendly but definitely an introvert, she likes spending most of her time alone though she really enjoys the time spent with her friends as well, she has her head in the clouds, and she's the type of artist who listens to podcasts while they work.
She's also part of a group of artists who come from all over the galaxy who have meetups with other members in the area and who are all named after people who've tagged their names in my city, either as their actual name or as an alias, I still haven't decided. That's what the "Solek" thing is on Karaad's little ref sheet, it's her alias in that group! I haven't decided what she does yet though. Anyway, she has fun there, and also just hangs out in bars/cafés when she lands on a planet, plus sometimes she invites her friends to travel with her a little.
She's a bit like Meredith but in space, and she's pretty fun to think about, but her life has less of a clear timeline since she's not too tied to the main events of the movies. I do like to think she could have been on Utapau when the whole thing with Grievous happened but that's about it. She does know Korcha for some contrived reason, because I cannot refrain from having my OCs all know each other, and I think she would get on well with Stellar.
Okay that's about it if you actually read all that holy shit thank you!! In any case thanks for the occasion to talk about my favourite little guys!
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nijikawa-satoki · 3 months
Alrighty, imma just do a thing.
Decided to redo my pinned post. So here we go:
序章 (Introduction)
Hiya! We're the Niji system! We have this blog for general usage and is generally SFW (for the most part). That said we do reblog occasional NSFW stuffs, so maybe check your blacklisted tags (← good to just do this in general anyways).
System introduction
As we stated before, we are a system (TL;DR multiple people in a single body. WE ARE NOT MERE PERSONALITIES, WE ARE PEOPLE JUST LIKE THE REST OF YOU! Sorry, just had to stress that...) And we are a (mostly) happy bunch of 3:
Satoki Nijikawa (that's me! >w< ): 25 y/o, trans girl, she/her, oni furry with a fennec sona. Host of our system.
Wamo: 27 y/o, fem-leaning enby, she/they, half-kitsune half-tanuki. They're an alright one to be around.
Kiyoi: 15 y/o, enby, she/they, tengu. You won't ever see them interacting on here. This is just our way of keeping her safe from the less savoury folks...
↓ Specific info about our askbox and stuffs under the cut! ↓
美術について (Art)
I'm gonna make an art tag for our art from now on, just so it's easier to find our art again and to make it easier for people who want to see our art to find it! That's gonna be the #art:niji tag.
I will try to go back and retroactively put this tag on our previous art, but all of new art will have this tag, so no worries there!
As for what types of art we do.. we do primarily pixel art, but will do digital art as well.
In regards to the pixel art, we tend to impose a limit of 4096 colours (12BPP) but only up to 16 colours can be shown on screen at any given time.
If those limitations sound familiar, that's because the PC-98 uses those limitations!
My other art tags: #ref sheet:niji (for all my ref sheets), #niji:pride moon (for my pride moons)
アスクの箱について (Askbox)
We generally only have a few rules for our askbox (importing these from here)
No soliciting details that would result in me even accidentally doxxing myself. Cannot stress this enough.
No asking me to promote anything, please!! This is to avoid accidentally spreading potential scams.
All art requests must be SFW (And by SFW, that unfortunately means the requested piece has to abide by Twitch TOS)! I do occasionally work on art during streams.
Until I get around to doing so, if you have any questions about my OC's (discussed later), please start your ask with "OCnt" (shortened from Japanese 「オリキャラについて」 Ori kyara ni tsuite, "About Original Characters (OC's)")
All answers I give to asks will be tagged with #ask:niji.
オリキャラについて (My OC's)
A bit of backstory here. Once upon a time, when I was still a dumbass high schooler, I had a project now called "Ten'en" (天園). It was a game project that I was working on in RPG Maker, and I made some OC's for it. Or rather, I made descriptions of said OC's, since I sucked immensely at art back then (still suck at it now tbf).
What does that have to do with this? Well, because I still want to use those old OC's of mine, now that I suck less at art. Dunno, might revive that old project. But yeah, any OC related stuffs, I will tag using #oc:niji. Feel free to ask about them in my askbox (just follow the simple rules for that).
他のタグ (Other tags)
#niji:minecraft builds <-- Anything we build in Minecraft
#niji:terraria idiocy <-- Our Terraria tag
#niji:irl <-- All our irl pics
結論 (Conclusion)
Yeah, decided to redo this. Been meaning to for a long time, but alas, the audhd brain somehow wins >.>
I don't expect everyone to actually read all of this, but you did, thanksies. Anyway, I'm out of here.
---- Satoki
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papermonkeyism · 7 years
Ok I'm not an artist and I don't know anything about digital art so sorry if this is a stupid question but... why do you color your dinos in that crazy purple first?
Colour bases and layer groups!
I’m basically making a mold for the coloring with the magic that is layer grouping. The weird purple color layer is my color base. It’s a layer I have filled in all the character poses, and when I make new layers on top of it to put proper colors on, I don’t have to worry about staying within the lines because I can only color the same area that was colored on the base layer.
(in photoshop this is done by pressing the alt-button while clicking between the layers, in Clip Studio Paint it’s done by ctrl+alt+G. You can chain multiple layers to the group, and all grouped layers will follow the bottom most layer they’re grouped to)
Like here’s Two Feathers’ ref sheets with grouping:
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And here’s the same with all grouping turned off (i.e. everything how it was actually colored):
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Look how her back color fills the entire canvas and belly color spreads out everywhere? And the bottom scene has just random shapes cut out because I didn’t have to care where half my edges were? Like I have no need to bother carefully coloring within the lines, as I’ve already done that once, and can just set the rest of the colors to follow that mold.
I use the weird purple because it needs to be a color I can see pop out from the line art layer. I use paint bucket to help get the coloring in because it makes things faster, but since my lines were hand drawn and the paper texture is still in there, the paint bucket doesn’t work perfectly.
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See all those empty pixels? I need to paint them away if I want the final colors to not have ugly dead pixels in them too, and the weird purple is just bright and noticeable enough that I can see all the holes in the color no matter how tiny, and can go fix them, so it’ll look more like this:
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No holes in the color! Now I can go color it in properly without worry that my characters will have empty spots all over them.
Doesn’t necessarily have to be exactly this particular purple, it was just the first random color that did the job and I stuck with it.
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