#I want y'all to know that we haven't even reached the middle of the total word count
humblemooncat · 1 year
Who is Ki'to Vashai?
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Now that it's Side B's turn to shine in the WoL Tourney, instead of just pretty pictures, I want to write up a whole post detailing Ki'to's backstory, relationships, thoughts through the main story, and any headcanons I have for him. I didn't want to go too into detail on the form since I didn't know how much we were allowed to write. But now that it's more than clear this is a chance to go feral about our WoLs, y'all gonna get the director's cut. xD
I will inevitably have a bunch of spoilers in here since he's finished up to 6.0 (Listen, I got caught up in island ranks), but everything will be in chronological order with a header, so you can skip anything you haven't completed yet! Unless you don't mind spoilers, in which case, read on!
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Everything under the read more 'cause it's gonna be a long one. I meant what I said about the Director's Cut, man. I hope you brought snacks.
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Ki'to was born to a clan of Keepers who roamed Coerthas' Highlands, just outside of Ishgard's walls. Back then, the land was verdant and able to provide for those who lived off the land.
Ki and Nhev'ra had 5 children in total, Ki'a, Khomi, Ki'to, Ki'li, and Ki'sae. The first two, the eldest, grew up being rather brash, loud individuals. Ki'to, the middle child, was neither confident, nor timid. Simply a curious child with a love for the world around him. The last two, the twins, grew to be gentle and timid in nature. Born mute, they found a gatherer's life suited them, as it allowed them to be in their own company.
The five kits were practically inseparable growing up, so Ki'to's individual story started much later in life.
After reaching his 30th Summer, having found an appreciation for the world around and beyond him through his father's tales, retired traveling bard that he was, he eventually found the resolve to leave his family home with his peoples' blessing, his father's old bow, and a well-loved map he'd soon fill in with travel dates.
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These are headcanons/habits not influenced by the Main Story. Just little things I gave to him to help flesh him out.
He is a cuddly baby. You give him any indication that he can be physically affectionate with you and he will essentially be that one cat that weave-rubs through your legs while you're trying to walk. Physical touch is his love language, so he likes to be physically close to those he cares about.
Even though he's nocturnal, he's probably solar-powered tbh. The man loves loose-fitting clothes that show off skin. Makes him feel most comfortable honestly, certain types of cloth make him feel either itchy or restricted. Sometimes both.
This man had no practical fighting experience before ARR. I actually explained this story here.
He will never not have Menphina's Earring either equipped or glam'd. It was given to him by his mother, who crafted one for each of her children, and it is the one thing he holds dearest to him as far as personal belongings are concerned.
He and his family are rather good friends with House Haillenarte, as Menphina's stone cairns are close by the Steel Vigil, and they would pass by quite often to worship her and leave snacks and other provisions with those stationed there as they went. When news of the Vigil's fall reached the clan, they sent some of their own to offer their condolences.
As such, I imagine Ki'to already knew Francel and Stephanivien before he went to speak with them in HW.
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Upon entering Gridania, Ki'to made for the Archer's Guild, determined to learn how to defend himself on his journey. However, he learned after his trip to Ul'dah much later that the bardic life didn't suit him as much as it did his father. No, he much preferred hand-to-hand combat. And thus he took up the mantle of pugilist, then monk. Yda probably had a small impact on that decision tbh. Watching her punch trees into submission was strangely inspiring. xD
Throughout ARR, Ki'to kept this fighting style, enjoying the thrill and adrenaline he got from his battles as he went.
It wasn't until his time in the Crystal Tower that he took up the bow again, wanting to stay far afield and keep his fellow miqo'te safe in the process.
Leaving G'raha behind in the Crystal Tower, and then the whole business with the bloody banquet left him unsure of his job choice though. 'Why couldn't I protect them? All I want is for those I care about to be safe...'
As a small treat off of Ki'to's playlist, have his inner dialogue w/ Hydaelyn at this point: Innocence And then immediately afterward, this song would be perfect to continue reading with: Beast
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The beginning of Heavensward was a bit of a haze for Ki'to. Being thrown through the wringer back-to-back just before being dropped on the doorstep of Dragonhead, it was all he could do to keep himself upright, nevermind concerned with the goings-on around him.
When they were finally allowed into Ishgard, Ki'to wandered the city once the guided tour was over, and stumbled upon a rumor of a knight who fought the temple knights. Ever the curious soul, he went to investigate. And there in the Brume, he was met with a body clad in armor with a soulstone at his feet.
The stone awakened something within him, and as the body stood and introduced itself, "Fray" led him down a path from which he wouldn't return.
In that moment, Heavensward became a threefold conflict. Man vs. Dragon, Change vs. Tradition, and now a man vs. his own mind.
Before Ki'to met with the waves of conflict within the main story, he first needed to regain control of his mind. He thrashed about with the darkness, newly awakened and given shape, and once he'd felt he'd tamed it, he would meet with Fray to begin anew.
Thrashing, unraveling, feeling; So much resentment, so much grief, how had this darkness not blotted out the light within him? But then again, where was Hydaelyn's voice? He had not heard it in a while. He missed it. Needed it. Please tell me I'm not alone...
So much darkness, enough to take shape. His shape.
What happened in Whitebrim that day still haunts him. Though they eventually respected each others' presence and duty, the wounded around him and the look of murderous intent in his own eyes, looking back at him... he still dreams of it.
Once he had regained himself, Ki'to set upon his path in earnest. Aiding Ishgard in any way he could, though always remembering to take himself into consideration.
Little by little he saw progress. Little by little he found himself feeling lighter and more confident. Little by little he ended up falling in love.
Then The Vault happened...
Though the haze had settled in during part of their time together, it is not wrong to say that Haurchefant was Ki'to's first love. He loved Aymeric as well, and that love has persisted, but to say the events following The Vault devastated him would be an understatement.
As they took to the Sea of Clouds in pursuit, he slipped back into the darkness. Oftentimes, you don't get to choose when to grieve.
Everything up until his fight with Thordan was a blur, blinded more and more by rage as he continued his chase. And then Estinien was consumed by Nidhogg's influence...
'It never ends, does it?'
Something he'd repeat to himself often.
And once Nidhogg was slain, Estinien freed, and man and dragon could finally live in peace, he could finally rest a bit.
It was during this time that he cornered Aymeric and told him he loved him. With how the man was ready to charge headlong into danger, he didn't want to let another confession slip away from him before he could utter it.
Before he could settle in and really enjoy his new relationship, however, they had landed on a lead to finding those he cared for like family. And so he followed the threads to find and return them to their rightful place as Scions.
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... Though not for long.
Ki'to felt Papalymo's sacrifice like a stone in his heart, and he could only imagine how much that was multiplied for Lyse.
Having spent a good chunk of his early adventuring days with the two, he wanted to do everything in his power to honor his lalafellin friend, and reclaim Lyse's home given the chance that fell into their lap.
And in so doing, his travels took him to the Far East, where he met some of his best friends. Hien, a man who sparked a joy and ambition within him he'd thought lost to him forever after losing it for so long. Gosetsu, who was full up with jokes, but also honor like he'd never seen (his past be damned). And even a newer appreciation for Yugiri and her loyalty to those she's sworn to protect.
Though this also led him to meet a man he despised more than anything ever before. He spoke of him as a "friend", but Ki'to saw him only as a leech whom would not leave well enough alone. One he would eventually grant his wish out of spite and desperation to return home. (Sorry, Zenos enjoyers. My boy does not find him the least bit likeable. xD)
And all the while, freeing not one but two lands from Garlean rule, he struggled with unraveling and feeling his own grief. With the help of Sidurgu and Rielle, as well as "Myste", who looked eerily like his deceased friends...
Though, not gonna lie, he did feel a bit of catharsis being able to beat the life out of that shade of Zephirin. (I'll admit to focusing him as soon as he hit the field. That's a grudge that goes deep)
Suffice it to say, he was tired when he finally started to hear The Call.
First Thancred, then Y'shtola and Urianger, Alphinaud, Alisaie; All that work to find them again seemingly undone in an instant and he found himself alone in a warzone.
He wondered what connection his old friend had to their comatose state, until he himself was finally taken to the First.
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Ki'to clung to the Light like his life depended on it before, but to see and experience a world bathed in Light. Plagued by it... it caused a strange stir within him.
'Is... is this what I could have wrought?'
When he had learned more about the Flood of Light and the Lightwardens that now blighted the land, Ki'to reached inward to the darkness he now dubbed Devotion; resentment, grief, and scars caused by the love he bears for the world. And to that darkness he clung as he worked his way through to return night to the First. That they might yet experience his favorite view above all else. The vast night sky, littered with diamonds and a tapestry of darkest silk.
I'll admit, running DRK in ShB is THE experience. I'm glad I did it in my first run through.
Like he once struggled and danced with the darkness he harbored, he was now asked to struggle and choke back the Light. But this struggle was far worse. The darkness came from within, and only needed to be understood. The Light came from without and suffused his very aether, so much so that he was barely recognizable by the last of the Lightwardens. And with each suffusion of Light, it became harder and harder to hold back. Agony, pain, terror... 'what if I'm not enough?'
Defeating Hades was the first real breath of air he could take without laboring for it.
But again, 'It never ends, does it?'
One ascian falls, another rises in his place.
It was during this time that he really contemplated how he felt about the Blessing of Light. To know the Echo was inherent in everyone, to be attacked on all sides by Warriors of Light from other worlds, to remember how agonizing it was to hold all of that light within him. He didn't have much time to sort through his scattered doubts, but doubt he did.
And after Elidibus' defeat, to hear his voice so broken, so sad-
He wondered if they were truly the villains they were made out to be. Perhaps just misguided souls yearning for those they once called family, and a place they once called home.
Could he blame them? Would he not risk all for the promise of all he loved being returned to him? It would be tempting, that much is certain.
And then Hades' words reached his mind once more
"Remember us, remember that we once lived"
Though no unsundered remained, the Traveler will remember.
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After sobbing at the feet of G'raha's crystalline form, to say that Ki'to did anything but sprint to the Crystal Tower once back in the Source would be a vast understatement.
As soon as the crystal's memories resonated with the G'raha of his time, confessions flowed like a river, hurried and practically unintelligible with how happy Ki'to was to see Raha was not lost to him. For he had only really realized as the crystal consumed him that he had fallen in love yet again (something he's discussed with Aymeric, don't worry. xD)
What's with this man and falling for men seemingly doomed by the narrative? If I only knew...
Once the decision was made to go to Sharlayan not long after Raha was brought in as a Scion, Ki'to could not contain his excitement. With most of his friends being from there in some way or another, it was a chance to learn more about them in his eyes.
And learn he did, about his friends, and m a n y other subjects...
This man was not cut out for study. He was glad at least Raha seemed to enjoy it. One of them would know what was going on.
Thus when the opportunity to high-tail it elsewhere presented itself, Aether sickness be damned, he was tagging along with the Lads.
Thus did he get his first taste of Thavnairian air, a place he would come to care a great deal for in the coming days. (As well as Estinien's terrible spending habits. Which he still teases him about even though he's paid really stupid prices on the MB before. But we won't talk about that...)
When their escapades there hit a wall, it was back to Sharlayan to study some more... Thankfully he and his daughter Alisaie think alike. Labyrinthos was much more interesting.
Also, can I just say how baffled this man was when Krile just... channeled god essentially? Wild.
Though the Tower of Zot was a pain, it wasn't until they got to Garlemald that Ki'to finally entered "Work Mode". That is to say, the sense of dread and impending doom returned and things went south real quick...
The further they traveled into the wastes of what was once a proud nation, the more he wanted to go home. The sisters, the collars, the Legatus... Clearly nothing was meant to work out for them. And when things seemed to be on an upswing, his body was taken from him in the midst of chaos...
If he hadn't hated Zenos before, he certainly did then.
Not only worried his likeness would be used to take those he held most dear from him, but to race against the clock in another's body while Fandaniel laughed in the background? He felt vile. Everything in that moment was wrong beyond compare. It took everything he had to power through and hurl something, anything in Zenos' direction before he could cause harm.
It was a while before he felt okay again.
And yet, 'It never ends, does it?'
No. It never seemed to.
Clear the Tower. Go to the Moon. Defeat what is seemingly the root of all evil. Which, by the way, merged with that one cockroach of an ascian...
By the time they reached the Loporrits, there was a fake smile and a pit in his stomach. Not even the fluffiest of bunnies could comfort him at that point. About the only real care and emotion that broke through was what he shared with Urianger. After following his friend and talking with him, he did all he could to comfort him. A hug and the simple truth that "Sometimes there is no right answer"
It took until his trip to the First to come off of autopilot. The familiar scenery, the faces he cared for, softened him somewhat.
And once he got to Elpis, it was like a balm on his heart to see Hythlodaeus again, as well as Emet-Selch's grumpy face. Something he didn't actually think he'd enjoy seeing again, but was welcome all the same.
And, goodness, when he met Meteion his heart melted immediately. She was the most endearing being he'd met in the longest time, and they became fast friends. A friendship that would endure even through grief and despair.
Though I think the biggest impact of Elpis's residents was Venat's. In the short time he knew her, Ki'to ended up loving that woman so much. Likely because he had already known her as Hydaelyn, but her whole vibe and passion resonated with him deeply. Thus, when he left Elpis and made his way through the Ataiascope to the Mothercrystal itself, it was through tear-filled eyes that he said his goodbyes.
And then there's Ultima Thule...
This post sums that up quite well.
Needless to say, the vacation he got soon after EW ended was M U C H N E E D E D
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Thank you for coming to my TED Talk about my boy. I love him vry much and relish this time to yell about him.
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If y'all needed a lore dump with everything in it (or linked), you finally got it.
And, whether you've been a follower or you're new and read all the way through, thank you for taking an interest in my boy. It means the world to me to know I'm not just yelling at a wall about him and that people genuinely want to hear about this character I've come to care about dearly.
Whether or not you vote for him in the @woltourney, I'm just happy to have had this chance to show him off. I hope you enjoy him even a fraction of how much I do. <3
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Sending y'all off with a hearty "Lali ho!" and much love
11 notes · View notes
piracytheorist · 3 years
A Kiss for Good Luck (7/15)
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Summary: So this is the story of one born lucky, and one born unlucky. Fate will keep making them cross paths, but is it to bring them together, or to test them? Captain Swan AU.
Rating: T (make sure you’re okay with the warnings on AO3) Warnings: This chapter contains mentions of character death and descriptions of past child and domestic abuse.
Word count for this chapter: 4.9k (48k in total) AO3
Read from the beginning: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter 7: Emma Swan, October 19th 2011 – October 24th 2015
Emma's senses register very slowly. She first realizes the guy is tasting like rum, and then that he's already pushed her, gently, back.
"I thought it would be a quick kiss," he says and looks slowly up at her. "I have a girlfriend."
"Shit. Sorry."
"'Salright. Go pee."
"Yes. That. Thank you again."
Relieving her bladder and splashing cool water on her face bring her a bit back to Earth. Did she just try to make out with a stranger – one who apparently is taken – because he gave her his turn to the bathroom?
She looks at herself in the mirror. Somehow, though she splashed water on her face while completely forgetting she has make-up on, it has stayed intact, not even a single smudge from running mascara.
She may be drunk off her ass, but she's a good-looking drunk. She smiles at her reflection.
She straightens her back and prepares to unlock the bathroom door when a loud, sharp BANG erupts from outside. The music is still loud inside the club, but Emma can hear people screaming.
Her hand freezes over the key. A shooting?
Some long seconds pass by before a second BANG is heard – and with that, a man screaming. She looks at the window. It's too high to see outside, but it still carries the sounds pretty clear. The people inside are screaming in fear. The man outside is screaming in pain.
Finding some composure, Emma takes her hand away. There's a mop in the corner, and she takes it in her hands. It's not much of a weapon in this situation, but it's better than nothing.
Eventually, the screaming calms down and Emma hears ambulance sirens. By now some people have gotten out, so it's too loud to hear if the probably injured man is still there, or even alive.
A loud bang on the bathroom door and it's Emma's time to scream.
"NYPD! Are you alright in there?"
Emma unlocks the door and opens it. An officer with a bulletproof vest on is looking at her, gun at the holster.
Her alibi provided by locking herself in the bathroom – and the two surprisingly sober people who were waiting outside – is solid, so she's the very first to be allowed to leave. She learns that someone shot a woman in the chest, killing her almost instantly, then shot a man in the hand. She's advised to be careful and not stay alone, but it's not as if she has someone to accompany her.
However, she immediately finds a cab, having a smooth ride to her hostel.
She hears about the shooting on the news the next day, when she gets back to Boston. There are no leads about the killer, though they say he didn't act alone. The injured man is in no danger, but he was a couple with the deceased woman.
The guy she kissed... he mentioned having a girlfriend. And she didn't see him anywhere around after the shots – though she doesn't really have a perfectly clear memory of how he looked like.
Tears fill Emma's eyes. She wants to blame them on the thought that the chance of losing people she loves just like that is another reason why she isn't opening up to anyone, but it just doesn't feel a good enough justification for her crying.
She doesn't want to be cooped up in her apartment for her twenty-eighth birthday, but without any company her main choice is clubbing, and the memories of hearing the shots and the man screaming in pain are too raw, so she contents herself with blowing a candle on a single cupcake with the audacious wish to not be alone.
Tired from a busy workday, she lies in bed, checking her phone one last time. She sees Ingrid has contacted her on Facebook, and she stares at her phone for three minutes straight, having a hard time believing it.
Ingrid says she has been trying to get a visa for years now, but her criminal record especially regarding entering the country had been a big hindrance. A few days ago, her application for a 90-days visa was accepted, and she's asking Emma if it's okay to come see her.
Emma all but bursts out in sobs. She only decided to make a Facebook account a week ago, but Ingrid has been trying to get in contact with her for years, even though she knew there was a chance she may never be allowed in the country again.
She realizes she's too emotional to answer her now, and there's still a part of her that may regret the elated "Yes!" she wants to send back. She turns her phone off and sleeps on that thought.
Her emotions are still reeling from the possibility of seeing Ingrid again, finding out why she'd immigrated illegally in the first place, how she's been doing all this time... how much she's been thinking of Emma. But she still tells her yes, providing Ingrid stays in a hotel and not with Emma. At least not yet.
Ingrid arrives only a week later. Half of Emma wants to meet her at their designated rendezvous the next afternoon; the other half wants to greet her at the airport, perhaps even give her a lift to her hotel. It's the same half that feels guilty she didn't offer her to stay at her place.
The second half wins this round. From the distance, Ingrid looks exhausted and much older than Emma had expected her to look, but when she spots Emma her whole face lights up and she nearly drops her bags.
Fuck it. Who cares anymore. Emma runs to her and hugs her tight, and at once she's eleven and has just learned that that wonderful person is adopting her and giving her a forever, loving home.
"I'm so sorry, Emma. I'm so sorry for everything."
Emma is already crying, and so is Ingrid. Even in the arrivals section that's full of people reuniting, they look out of place. Emma feels a surge of cold when Ingrid pulls back a little, but Ingrid just places her hands on the sides of Emma's face and stares at her.
"Emma, Emma." Her voice is shaking. "You're all grown up. And I wasn't there for it."
"Shut up." Emma hugs her again, knowing that people are starting to stare now, but she doesn't care.
"I should have been more careful... you shouldn't have been left alone like that."
"It was because of my lost passport, wasn't it?" Emma pulls back, but she's not angry, and she's careful to not let Ingrid misunderstand. "When we contacted the embassy in England, to get me new papers so that I could travel back, they looked into your case."
Ingrid nods. "It's not your fault, honey. I should have... I..." She sighs. "I've got so much I want to tell you, and I can't get it out!"
"It's okay. It's okay. How long are you staying?"
Ingrid sniffles, wiping away her tears. "I haven't bought return tickets – yet. I can stay eighty more days, though, as long as my ESTA lasts. That's why I contacted you right as I got it, and why I came so soon. I didn't want to miss any day I could have spent here."
Eighty days. But then she'll have to go back. "Then there's enough time. Come. I'll drive you home."
"Home? Emma-"
"Nope. Forget the hotel. You're staying with me."
The next day, after Ingrid has had her rest and Emma has made them hot cocoa – her mug with cinnamon, Ingrid's neat – Ingrid begins her story.
"At first it was five of us. My parents, me, and my two younger sisters, Helga and Gerda. I might have been the oldest, but my love for my father had blinded me. I thought it was normal to get a beating for every little mistake we made. For every time the food wasn't tasty enough, for every time the house wasn't clean enough. He never did any housework himself, but he demanded it was kept pristine. Otherwise, he would hit us.
"My mother was an only child, her parents died before we were born. Our extended family was all on my father's side, and of course, most of them were just like him. It took me years to even consider that what was happening to me wasn't normal, or okay. Both of my father's brothers were policemen. Both their wives were miserable and distant, in every family gathering I can remember them at. Both of them disappeared at some point. I later learned that the one was dead, probably by her husband's hand. The other one had escaped him and fled the country.
"I got that idea myself before I even learned about her. I thought that, when I would turn eighteen, I'd have enough pull to take my mother and my sisters away, and somehow keep us safe."
Her face turns pensive.
"I didn't get the chance. My mother died one month before I turned eighteen. I panicked, I knew for sure that it was my father, making sure we'd never leave, and I was right, and his plan worked. I blacked out, got depressed. And he got worse. With three women to burst out on instead of four, the beatings got more often, and more serious. I ended up in the hospital three times. Helga and Gerda, once each. And every time, the cop who would ask us if our father ever acted on any 'suspicious' behaviour would be a friend of one of our uncles. We couldn't say anything.
"Until I woke up. That time is... hard." She sighs, the memory clearly upsetting her. "I don't remember much of it. I just remember father beating Gerda badly. She was only sixteen." She shakes her head.
Emma wants to tell her that details aren't necessary, but she knows Ingrid needs to let some of that out.
"I grabbed an old radio and hit him in the head. At the time, I thought I'd killed him. Me and Helga picked up Gerda and ran. We managed to hide for a few days, taking care of Gerda's wounds until she could walk and run, and then we tried to cross to Sweden. They found us... we had been wanted for assault and murder attempt. Murder attempt! We were running, and Helga tripped. Gerda wanted to go back for her, but Helga screamed for us to run. And then they shot."
She covers her face with her hand, and Emma's tears fall.
After a long silence, Ingrid continues. "I knew Gerda was running with me, but I barely felt her presence there. We managed to cross the border, but none of us felt any relief. For three months we were in the streets, pick-pocketing, eating off of garbage, shoplifting a few times..."
Emma looks away. Like mother, like daughter?
"Then we found someone who promised us fake passports. He promised us safe passage to the United States. At the time, it was like a gift from God, Emma. But I made Gerda swear not to follow me if they caught me. But I passed over safely. It was Gerda who was caught."
Emma's jaw drops.
Ingrid smiles. "She was okay. She was deported back to Sweden, and I don't know how she made it, but she did. She got married and had two beautiful girls, her Elsa and Anna. But all those years, until I was deported to Norway, I had no idea..."
"Your father?"
"He died four years after we left. I didn't even care to find out how. I've mostly been in Sweden all this time, reconnecting with Gerda."
"I'm so glad you found her."
Ingrid nods. "When I came here, my contact actually managed to find me a job and someone to teach me English, good enough to pass for a local. I worked hard, stayed in horrible apartments... but you know, it was the '80s. The more time passed, the better it got. I supported fundraisers for domestic abuse victims. I let victims stay in my tiny apartments until they found a safe space. And never... I could never share my full story." Her voice breaks. She sniffles, recovers, and continues. "But I wanted more. I wanted to help someone, and see for myself that they did well. Emma... you were not an experiment, I want you to know. I loved you, and I still do. I wanted you to be happy, I wanted you to have what I didn't have." Her voice breaks again. "And I messed that up. I left you alone, you had nothing, no-one... I failed you."
Emma shakes her head, more tears falling. "You tried. And yes, it sucked. But you changed my life. You have no idea how big it was, how better you made my life because you were there for me. I don't know where I would be if it weren't for you."
They're both crying now, and Emma is the first to hug her.
It takes time. Emma isn't ready to share everything that's happened to her, but she's still glad to have Ingrid back and know she had a very good reason for the things that eventually led to Emma being alone. And, after all, she did search for her. That's huge.
"My aunt, the one who had 'disappeared', found me a little after I was brought back and helped me. We didn't even know each other that well, but we knew each other's pain. A little more than a year after that I located Gerda. With my father and most of the side of his family dead, at least the older ones who shared his stance, it was easier to search around. I couldn't leave the country yet, so Gerda took her family and visited me in Norway." Her eyes tear up again.
What could it have been like, to not have heard from her in nearly twenty years, not knowing if she was dead or alive...
"It was... okay. But I still thought of you. I didn't know what I could do, I was nearly broke for years after I went back. It's only the past four years that I managed to make some money, and all of them were being saved for this exact trip. I will come visit you again, Emma. I don't know how soon I'll be allowed back, but I'll try my hardest. I know you don't need me anymore-"
"I do. I missed you. You have no idea how much."
She smiles sadly. "Perhaps I've got a clue."
She does stay eighty days, which go by way too fast, even with Emma using up her sick and vacation days to spend time with her.
It's the first time since Ingrid was deported that Emma has someone to spend Christmas and New Year's Eve with. It's even bigger for her, considering that Ingrid chose Emma and didn't go back to celebrate with her family.
January goes by too fast, and then Ingrid has to leave.
"I'll visit you in Norway first chance I get. I want to meet your family, too."
"The rest of my family," Ingrid says. "I will wait for you. I'm not perfect with Facebook, but I'll try to keep contact every day."
"Ask Elsa, or maybe even Anna, to teach you next time you meet. They're teenagers, they'll know."
And then she has to say goodbye, and it's too soon, but for the very, very first time, it's a goodbye she gets to say. And it's amazing, how less painful it is, now that it's out there with the promise of a reunion.
The next morning she takes an early walk before work and finds a ten dollar bill on the street.
She looks at it dumbfounded. It's the first time in probably ten years this has happened, and when she walks into her favourite coffee shop, she's still staring at the bill in her hand.
She has a coffee and a big piece of cake, courtesy of the found bill. As she's enjoying her treat, a young woman with bright red streaks in her brown hair sits on the chair across from Emma as if she was just invited to do so.
"Hi," she says all too casually. "Don't freak out, there's just this guy I'm trying to catch and it'll look less suspicious if I pretend to sit with company here." Her tone, facial expressions and hand movements are full in the game.
"What do you mean, 'catch'?"
The woman leans forward. "I'm a bail bond agent. There's a guy I'm trying to catch, and I got word that he comes into this coffee shop quite often. I'm just trying to- speak of the devil." Without changing her expression a bit, she tells Emma, "Don't turn around. He just got in."
"Is he dangerous?" Emma shivers.
"No, no, he was just arrested for some tax fraud." The woman's expression turns serious. "Are you alright?"
Emma's hands are shaking, and the question is out before she can consider it. "Is he gonna be armed?"
"I don't think so. In any case, stay down."
That's it, Emma thinks. The shooting in New York City. Emma lowers her head and leans it a little to the side, managing to get one small glimpse of someone walking towards them.
"Is that him?" Emma says.
"Yes!" the woman says excitedly, exaggerating for cover.
Then the man is right next to her.
"Excuse me," he says, and Emma bites her lip as she looks up at him. "I don't remember seeing you around here. Are you a new customer?"
Emma holds back her surprise. Is he trying to hit on her?
She just shrugs.
The man offers his hand. "My name's Walsh," he says.
"Damn right it is," the other woman says, and with a swift movement of her hand, a handcuff is placed around his wrist.
Walsh looks at them both like an idiot.
"Thanks for making my job so much easier," the woman tells him. "And thank you, too." She winks at Emma, then takes a handcuffed Walsh outside.
Emma sighs, staring at her coffee and half-eaten cake as her heartbeat returns to normal. She knows that this very reaction is different from her panic at first. She turns to see the woman push Walsh into the backseat of a car.
Emma smiles. That was actually exciting.
Her boss is lost in thought all day, so Emma's shift goes pretty smoothly, as boring as retail is. On her way home from work, she walks past a police station and runs into the woman from that morning.
"Oh," the woman says, smiling wide at Emma. "My good luck charm!"
"Your what?"
"You have no idea how long I've been trying to catch that Walsh guy. He may not have any serious felonies under his belt, but he's elusive as hell. And I got a pretty good bonus for him too."
"Oh. Sounds good."
"And it's all thanks to you! Come on, would you like a drink?"
Emma stares at her.
"Oh, no, not in that way," she says and laughs. "Just as a thank you for your help." Her smile is earnest now.
"I didn't do anything."
"You brought me luck. That's worthy enough of at least one beer. And you behaved very bravely at the sight of a potentially dangerous criminal. I think you deserve a relaxing night out."
Normally, Emma can't afford such relaxing nights out. And the woman seems nice. "Okay," she says.
"Great! My name's Ruby, by the way. I know a place around with the best homemade onion rings."
Emma's mouth waters. Ruby has no idea what she just unleashed. She only hopes she can restrain herself in front of her favourite snack.
Ruby is really fun and kind. She doesn't ask any too deep questions that might provoke painful answers, and Emma has one of the best nights out in a while.
She realizes that, not counting her little time with Ingrid the past three months, she hasn't actually had a girls' night out. Not as an adult, at least.
"I'm not kidding, though, when I say you were pretty brave with Walsh. Some people freak out completely. Not that that's bad, but..." she says and looks at Emma, raising her eyebrows.
"You know, there are never enough bail bond agents out there. Especially in a city as big as this."
Emma lies in bed that night, mind too full of thoughts to sleep. Ruby went through all the details of her work, and Emma absorbed it all. But, she has done time – not that she felt ready to confess this to Ruby.
She may have the guts to do that job, but probably not the ideal past for it.
Two weeks later, she's outside that same police station waiting to go with Ruby for drinks. Perhaps it's time to talk to her about whether her past would pose a problem to her becoming a bail bond agent.
She thinks she sees it too late; a car, losing control and going straight for the pregnant woman a few steps away from her.
Emma doesn't think; she runs forward, somehow manages to gently push the pregnant woman aside and then jump onto the running car's hood, rolling over the roof and down onto the street.
People are running to them. A man is shouting someone's name, worried. Then Ruby kneels down next to Emma.
"Emma! Are you alright?"
She is. She didn't even scrape her palms while falling down. She stands up, moving every limb and checking for any pains.
"Is it the adrenaline?" Emma says. "I feel fine!"
"You must be the luckiest chick on Earth," the car's driver says, also checking her for any injuries.
"You... you pushed my wife aside," a man says, coming closer to her, side-hugging the apparently unharmed pregnant woman.
"I- I did that."
The woman steps forward and hugs Emma tight. Then suddenly, people around them are clapping. Clapping at her.
She does go into a bit of a shock; David Nolan, the expectant father, takes her to the hospital to check her out for any internal injuries. Mary Margaret Nolan, the expectant mother, sits next to her on the back seat, holds her hand, and can't stop thanking Emma again and again.
Ruby is in the passenger's seat, talking to David, and it's only then that Emma realizes they're in a police cruiser, siren on and all.
After a full examination Emma turns out to be fine – not a single bruise. Once again, hearing the good news, Mary Margaret pulls her into a squeezing hug.
Encouraged by her unusually good luck, Emma tells Ruby about having done time. Ruby just tells her that David owes her big.
And by a week later, she's a bail bond agent.
Next month, she's staring at her bank balance, unable to comprehend having so much money available to spend however she likes.
At this rate, she'll be able to afford a trip to Norway in less than three months. And she does. She sees Ingrid, meets her sister and nieces, and for the first time since Neal left her she allows herself to just relax and enjoy the moment.
It's still not easy. Gerda's English isn't the best, and more than a few times Emma assumes Gerda doesn't like her, and her heart nearly breaks. It takes a lot of reassurance from Ingrid, but by the time Emma has to get back, she's already friends on Facebook with Elsa – Gerda says that Anna will get an account after turning eighteen as well – and they all promise each other that they will meet like that again.
On her flight back Emma gets a window seat facing north and gets a stunning view of the aurora. She hears the flight attendants say how they've never had sighting of it in the very few hours of dark the north gets in the middle of summer.
Emma can hardly believe it. How did luck decide to be so nice to her?
She can't even imagine something sullying her trip, but as she thinks that, she starts worrying that her bad luck will strike again.
It doesn't. Her job goes well, she gets a better apartment with a much kinder landlady, Ruby becomes her first friend in years and David and Mary Margaret invite her for dinner every Sunday, despite having a very loud and time-consuming infant.
The baby is always sleeping soundly every time Emma visits, and when he does wake up he's  calm, surprisingly so according to his parents.
Emma lies in her new bed, on her brand new anatomical mattress, and thinks how it all started because she found that ten dollar bill on the street – the first of many that came later, if she's honest – and decided to treat herself that morning.
As luck would have it. Perhaps it was all a matter of positive thinking.
She grows closer to Ruby and the Nolans and, combined with Ingrid's surprise visit, her twenty-ninth birthday is the first in twelve years that she doesn't celebrate alone.
She starts crying when they sing her the Happy Birthday song. Against all odds, her wish from last year actually came true, in the most unexpectedly heart-warming way.
From that point on, it's only better and better apartments and all holidays spent with either friends in the States or family in Norway.
During one more return trip, she realizes how she can actually afford all these trips now; a dream she couldn't even imagine before.
Her thirtieth birthday is celebrated in Norway; her thirty-first, back in the States, and for her thirty-second, she decides to gift herself and Ingrid something they'll both love; tickets to the Scorpions' 50th Anniversary Tour in Maidstone, England.
Ingrid tries to stop Emma from paying both their plane tickets, but Emma is not having it.
A small part of her remembers what happened after their first and last trip to England, but it's too small a part to stop her from organizing the whole trip.
If Emma is honest, it's one hundred percent Ingrid's fault that Emma loves the band so much. It's one of the things she passed on to her without even trying.
The concert is amazing; even though they have first row tickets, they have lots of space to dance and jump and enjoy the whole concert.
After the concert is over, Emma is waiting for Ingrid a bit farther away from the portable toilets, when she hears someone humming the melody of No One Like You next to her.
"Catchy tune, huh?" she tells him.
"Oh, which one isn't?" he answers. "What a night."
Emma nods. He's definitely a local. "Did you have fun?"
He makes a grimace. "A lot of people stepped on me, I got groped, pick-pocketed, and I got in a fight with my... friend, but you know what?" He shrugs. "Bloody worth it."
"Oh, sorry that you were mugged."
"Ah, it was like, twenty quid. I've known better than to carry credit cards where hands can easily reach."
Emma realizes she had almost everything on her, including her passport. But everything in her belt bag is intact.
"Do you have a ride back home?"
He looks at her, and his expression turns shocked for a moment. "Bollocks. I overshared, didn't I?"
"I mean, I have a car, and space for two... how many of you are there?"
He seems to recoil a bit, raising his hand to scratch behind his ear before putting it back inside his jacket pocket. "Don't worry. We've got a car. And we going right back to Brighton, anyway."
"Oh." Emma pauses. "I don't even know where that is."
The man smiles. "Figured so. From your accent."
Emma smiles back. "I'm Emma," she says, extending her hand.
"Killian," he says, getting his hand out of the pocket and shaking hers. She barely notices that his other hand stays in the other pocket even after his right hand drops to his side. "So... you know that they're actually having a few concerts in the States for this tour, right? How come you decided to fly all over to here?"
"Well, today... or more like, yesterday," she says, checking her watch, "was my birthday. This was more like a birthday gift to me, and of course I'm going to see them in- What?"
He is staring at her with his jaw dropped. "You're not kidding? Tomorrow- or, today, is my birthday."
"Wow. Happy birthday, then."
"Happy birthday to you too. Seems it was a great one."
Emma sighs happily, looking back at the now empty stage. "I'd say one of the best ones." She then turns to him. "Does your birthday seem promising?"
He looks at her; his eyes and his smile soften. And she actually feels butterflies in her stomach.
Wow. It's not like she's been denying herself much, but this look... she takes a step forward before she realizes it.
And he leans towards her.
"It seems that way, aye," he says, still smiling.
Oh, damn him. They both close the distance between them, and his lips are on hers.
(A/N: It has happened! They have officially met! Rejoice! But prepare for the next chapter; you know what's coming. Emma spent those four years being lucky, so Killian... >:)
Also, Scorpions did have a concert in Maidstone in 2015 as part of their 50th Anniversary Tour. It took place in July, but I took some creative liberties with the date for this story ;)  )
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erensproudsimp · 3 years
Jean kirschtein x reader Oneshot
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⚠ Sexual Content Ahead ⚠
Summary : You didn't want to admit your feelings to Jean in fear of losing him until tables were turned.
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"I wonder how much everyone changed after all this time", you said staring at the moving landscape through the windshield.
"I'm pretty sure there's a lot to catch up with friends you haven't met since one year", Annie replied from the driver's seat.
"I bet Historia and Ymir must be dating by now", you chuckled.
"That wouldn't be much of a shocker to me to be honest", Annie added face straight at the road.
It's been one year since your friend group graduated university and because everyone was preoccupied with their individual lives, y'all didn't have the opportunity to meet up. Until today as Jean had organised a party at his mansion. The thought of his name made your face feel hot. For as long as you can remember you've always felt a certain type of way towards that horse face.
"Thinking about him huh", Annie said noticing the redness on your cheeks.
'Wha- what do you mean? No I'm not thinking of Jean", you responded frantically looking away.
" I didn't say a name though." You could see Annie smirking in the corner of your eyes.
"Don't you think it's high time you tell him about your feelings? Who knows he likes you back too and besides you two would actually make a pretty good couple looking back at how both of you were with each other," Annie suggested.
"I don't know about that, Annie, you know I fear rejection", you said dejectedly while reminiscing at the good old days when all you and Jean did was tease the hell out of each other and pull pranks with Sasha and Connie on teachers and the others.
Soon after you reached a grand gate.
"Open up horse face it's me and y/n," Annie said over the radio.
"Yeah yeah and don't call me horse face!" Jean scoffed on the microphone. Hearing his voice made butterflies errupt in your stomach. It was the first time you were coming over his house and damn the boy was rich rich as you looked at the magnificent well-kept garden enriched by a fountain in the middle face-to-face with stairs leading to the three story illuminated building.
When you reached inside, your eyes fell on Mikasa who was lounging on the couch. Shrieking you threw yourself on her, "Oh my god! Oh my god! Mikasa It's been so long!"
"Ahaha! Welcome y/n! I missed you too now stop crushing me," Mikasa coughed from the impact of your bodies colliding.
"Did someone get hurt? Why was there a scream?" Eren inquired coming from what seems to be the kitchen with Armin.
"Oh its just y/n", Armin said as you ran and jumped on him making both of you fall down laughing, "Armiiin! I missed you so much!"
"What's all this commotion about?" Connie asked revealing himself accompanied by Sasha who was savoring a pizza, a quizzical look on her face.
"Gosh I missed you guys so much! where are the rest?" you asked a tear in your right eye.
"Reiner, Berthold, Marco and Jean are setting up the projector to watch a movie and Ymir and Historia haven't reached ye-", Eren was cut off with the arrival of said people.
"Hola amigos! We have news for you all!" Ymir shouted while hugging Historia, "We're finally going out with each other!"
"Tell me why am I not surprised," Annie said as Historia blushed and Ymir just frowned at her words. Just at that moment Jean entered the room alongside with the boys making everyone invited present in the hall.
All the blood in your body rushed to your face as you saw Jean being a totally different person from last year. He grew a goatee on his face and his hair was longer too which seemed to be a mullet. He was wearing a casual grey hoodie and sweatpants yet this was so hot to you.
Your voice was stuck in your throat when you tried to say a word to him but either ways the monent the came he announced that everything was ready for the movie. He didn't even acknowledge your presence or make eye contact with you. It felt odd as you two were so close and he barely looked in your direction.
Everyone proceeded to go to the cinema hall which was located in the basement. You took your seat between Annie and Mikasa and Jean was right behind you. In a few the movie 'Attack on titan' started. Fifteen minutes in and you had already finished all your popcorn so you got up to fetch more from the kitchen. While going out you noticed that Jean and Marco were not in the hall but you choose to ignore it to go fetch your food. Right before you entered your destination you heard two voices coming from a room. You usually don't eavesdrop but the sudden mention of your name intrigued you to do so.
"It's now or never Jean who knows after how long you would finally see y/n again", you heard Marco said to Jean.
"I don't know Marco this seems like a bad decision to me", Jean continued.
"How would you know about that Jean? You think you know how y/n truly feels but you may be wrong you know ", your heart skipped a beat after hearing this.
Did this mean it was what you were thinking?
"Marco, I think it's for the best I don't tell y/n how I feel about her/them", Jean mumbled. So that's why he's been ignoring you. This confirmed your thoughts and under the shock you lost your footing pushing the door you were leaning against open. Jean saw his life flash in front of his eyes when he realised you heard what he said.
"You know what, I am letting you two alone to talk", Marco said taking his leave giving you a reassured look before closing the door behind him
You looked at Jean with soft eyes while he turned his back on you with his hand on the back of his neck. You noticed that the tips of his ears were red and before you could say anything he spoke up.
"So you heard what I said huh, would you please forget about it? I don't want to lose you because you're aware of my feelings for you", Jean said looking down with his back still facing you.
"Jean look at me", you asked him but he refused to do so which resulted in you walking to face him but he still looked away.
You grabbed his face to make him look at you. Jean was expecting you to reject him but instead you pressed your lips against his. His eyes widen at your action and he kissed you back more roughly when it hit him.
You pushed him to the bed as you sat on his lap continuing to makeout with him. His hands roamed around your body from your waist to finally grab your ass and give it a little squeeze.
You pulled back with a string of saliva connecting your mouths and looked him.
He looked at you thinking if only you knew how beautiful you were in his eyes.
"Does this mean you return my feelings?" Jean hopingly asked.
"Who kisses their best friend without feelings moron?" you smiled at him bopping his nose.
At this instant your mouths collided with each other again. Your hand reached down to peel his hoodie off his body and goddamn he was hot. You ran your petite hands against his hard muscular chest and abbs as Jean was looking at you adoringly.
Suddenly he grabbed your chin and attacked your neck with kisses. He ran this tongue on the skin while he unbuttoned your shirt to reveal your red bra. He went down from your neck to your collarbone leaving hickeys behind. A sharp pain followed by pleasure made you purr. He skilfully opened your bra with his one hand while the other was in your hair pulling it.
As your undergarment fell to the floor his jaw dropped at the sight of your perfect boobs in front of him. It felt like a blessing that he was witnessing you in this state. While he was busy gawking at you, you took his big slender hands and placed it on them. His cheeks took a bright red colour.
You grinded on his thighs feeling him getting harder. He let out a soft grunt feeling this sensation. He was sucking on one nipple and pinching the other one which made you throw your head back in absolute bliss.
Jean then advanced into helping you take off your pants leaving you in your panties. The more this man undresses you the more mesmerised he was by your figure. He slid his fingers up and down your cunt feeling how wet he made you when he barely even touched you.
"Would you sit on my face? please", Jean breathed with eyes filled with lust. You felt your clit pulsating at his request and you knew Jean could feel it too on his thigh. You nodded with your flushed face unable to say anything out of embarrassment.
He laid down on the bed as you took off your panties. Climbing on him his hands grabbed your waist guiding you right above his mouth. He ran his tongue through your folds making you lose your breath. He held you still so that you wouldn't move away while he was eating you out. He flicked your bud then inserted his tongue into and out you. You held onto the bed counter for support, your hair falling on your face.
"Jeannn", you moaned as you began riding his face. Jean was delighted let his tongue flat to let you pleasure yourself on him. Moving up and down you ravished this sweet feeling coursing through you. Soon after your legs began trembling signaling you were reaching your climax.
"Go ahead cum on my face please y/n", Jean pleaded and you did as he told. He felt your juices ran down his neck as he was savoring the taste.
"This is the best dinner of my life," he panted as you got off him. Your heart was beating so hard against your ribs as though it would come out.
You returned to your original place on his lap. You helped him take off his sweatpants watching his hard member spring free.
"Are you okay with this?" Jean asked.
"I've waited years to be able to do it so hell yeah I am," shifting yourself on his lap to make his dick right outside your entrance, you slowly inserted it in you. Feeling the neediness grow bigger Jean couldn't take it and pushed you down completely making his dick disappear in you. You bit his shoulder to help you bear with this immense pleasure.
"Fuck y/n you feel so good", Jean moaned being wrapped with your tight walls.
Pulling back from his shoulder you looked at him in the eyes as you rode him, your foreheads touching each other. Your boobs were bouncing from your up and down movement making you look so erotic to Jean. With time you picked more speed and was moving quicker. Jean was losing his mind at this. Your bodies blended into one. Jean bit his lips and grabbed your thighs so hard it was leaving marks. Your lips connected into a sloppy yet passionate kiss.
"Shit y/n I'm reaching my limit"
"Let's cum together Jean"
Jean was thrusting his hips into you out of instinct. The room was filled with the heavy breathing of both of you and the dirty sound of your ass and his thighs clapping.
Your body freezed as you let everything out of you and felt Jean's hot liquid inside of you. You screamed his name against his chest. Removing his dick from you, you sat on his lap looking into each other's eyes.
Suddenly you heard the door open revealing Eren outside.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" the poor boy appologised closing the door as fast as he could.
Jean and you broke into a laughter being happy that one of two finally confessed.
Thank you for reading. :)
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I just woke up from a VERY vivid dream.
It was about Lover secret sessions. No way it could've been reality lol I live in Asia.
I saw myself at a huge huge house with a bunch of other kids around the pool and busy taking photos. Taylor not being there but her people were. To keep things under control.
I made my way through like a startled 4yr old on her first day of school (we start school early where I live) and asked a bunch of girls in crop tops and jean shorts what was the procedure since I was given very little information about the whole thing. Just a location where I had to reach if I wanted to, and I did, with my brother. (Who in real life doesn't even live here.)
So as I went through the happy crowd, I was steered into this slightly open fence door (yes, the five-holes-in-the-fence fence but brown.) Her people left me there alone and said go ahead, we won't accompany you from now on. Just knock and get in the door over there. As I started to walk away, a woman said, wait up, let me give you this slip first. It had the date and the barcode and a holographic image and the logo of the lover secret sessions and some rules that I was supposed to read and sign. I didn't need to read because I knew it anyway. Leak any shit and Taylor would sue your ass. That's what.
Anyway. I took it and went in, and to my surprise, a few kids were in there as well. The very first thing that I saw upon entering was an open kitchen, and JOE WAS THERE. EXCUSE ME? Taylor still not in sight. So automatically I went over to him and said hi and asked him if he knew what I was supposed to do with the slip (because of the bar code) and he was like, yeah I guess her assistant is not here right now, wait I'll scan it. You've read it though right?
I was like, yeah, yes, phsssh I mean cmon.
So he did the thing and tore apart a piece with the serial number and an important stamp from the slip and handed it over to me.
Then he just whipped out some cleaning detergent and started cleaning the surface of the fridge. (Because helpful boyfriend. I didn't understand this bit myself. Maybe I fell asleep thinking about the cleaning I have to do myself lol) So I offered to do the scrubbing with him because I'm good at it (but it was really a way to get to talk to him about the three movies I've watched of him.) and he let me. He was like, well, you're here, go on, I don't mind. Clean the fridge if you want. And I was internally screaming IT'S NOT A FRIDGE. IT'S TAYLOR SWIFT'S FRIDGE.
I was in the middle of it when Taylor Allison Swift The Fairy Godmother Maker Of Cookies Mother Of Great Music herself came into the kitchen and was like hey what are you doing?? To which, before I could reply, Joe said, well your fans are in the house, if they are helping cleaning up the mess then that's good, right? (Writing this now, I'm realizing that it was a New Year's Day reference for sure.)
I cleaned up my hands and shook her hand and she was like is that all I get? with a pout and she hugged me like hug hugged me. Then she and Joe just stayed there talking to me and in the middle of a conversation about something I did (can't remember what) she asked Joe if he'd offered me any cookies yet. He was like omg I forgot. So she just twirled around, went and came back with a tray of chocolate chip cookies and rice krispie treats. Which I couldn't eat for a reason. The reason I'm not typing but my future self will know what it was.
Taylor was like oh sorry my bad it was a short notice thing but hey I'll pack you some you can take them home and eat after how about that. Of which I was grateful.
As I was wondering why I hadn't heard the album yet, she asked me over to the living room and we got our picture taken and we got back to the kitchen. She asked me to show up at a different location a few blocks away for the album because they did things fragmented to lower the chances of any harsh things. And then all of a sudden, she was like, oh my god. The bar code. Can you show me your slip? I totally forgot. I was like hey calm down Joe took care of that. She said yeah I got worried because you have to show that little piece of the slip for entrance identification at the next location, keep it safe.
And just like that it was time to go to meet again. It was then that I realized that when y'all said that she meets people, she does meet them. With time and love and no rush. I thanked her for the opportunity but she thanked me for showing up and I was like DO YOU NOT KNOW THAT YOU'RE TAYLOR SWIFT? WHEN TAYLOR SWIFT ASKS YOU TO DO SOMETHING YOU DON'T SAY NO. to which she smiled so big oh god for a while there were no problems in the world and the darkness subsided because of her radiant smile.
I came back through the fence and out of the crowded lawn to get out the main entrance and meet my brother in his car. He asked about the plan. I was like.. Um.. I still haven't heard the album and this is the location we have to go to next. He was like whUAt did you just say? Why did it take you so long in there then? I was like hey I never imagined that this would happen in my wildest dreams (ironic how it's still a dream) and it still is so please take me there. After a bit of convincing he agreed and off we went.
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zombiiesque · 3 years
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Nocturne Alchemy Valentine Mini-Reviews
Originally published 3/8/2019
Hey, y'all. I know it's cutting it close to when this collection goes down, so I want to make sure these reviews go up today. They've extended the deadline until Monday, so if something sounds appealing to you, there's still a little time!
I recently did a little swap for Candied Egyptian Musk, and my swap mate kindly sent along a few decants from the current update for me to try out as well. And as an extra, I've got my bottle of Vanilla Wedding Cake that I haven't yet reviewed. I got my swap on Monday, and they definitely needed a little rest, so I wanted to give them enough time to recover to be able to properly review them.
So let's jump right to the full bottle, from the Candied line. I was really interested in these, they honestly all sounded very appealing, but I was most interested in the two musks, Candied Crimson, and Candied Egyptian Musk. And I was having a difficult time narrowing it down, so this little swap took the indecision away for me! Big thanks to Hannah! When I first got them, I am just like everyone else, I cannot resist for the life of me opening them straight away and sniffing. Okay, let me be totally honest, even swiping a bit on for quick testing. I could smell in the bottle that Candied Egyptian Musk was gorgeous, really appealing, but when I went to test it, it was pretty travel shocked. Here's a perfect example of why we shouldn't toss these into the nope pile the day you get them, because on my skin, it turned pretty powdery, and I couldn't get a handle on it - smelled nothing like the bottle. Luckily, I've learned not to give up on these out of hand, because even on day two it was powdery. I set it aside, and tried to be patient. Wednesday night though I put on my sweater that I wear when it's chilly, and caught a whiff of something pretty glorious on the cuff of my sleeve. I realized it was Candied Egyptian Musk, and I was SO glad to get an idea of what it would properly smell like with rest! Eeee! (SO. MANY. EXCLAMATION. POINTS. Sorry, y'all. I'll try to restrain myself.) Ahahaha, moving on. Here's the Candied base notes: Victorian-style Sugar-Candied perfumes infused with Lime Zest, aged Orange slices, Raspberry Essence, Pear Essence, Sugar Accord, Lemon Zest, Vanilla Extract, Pink Sugar, Bourbon Vanille Absolute, Crystalline Absolute and Vanilla Bean. Using Absolute versions from the Studio Limited Originals. Candied Egyptian Musk: Candied Accord with Egyptian Musk Absolute. So in the bottle, I get a big waft of citrus - yum! I love their citrus notes. Very realistic. A little sugary note floats along with it, and at the base, their Egyptian Musk. Wet on my skin, the fruits are accented by a touch of vanilla and sugar, I'm definitely getting sugar rimmed fruit, with a little creaminess. The Egyptian Musk comes out to play a few minutes in. I love the Studio Limited scent, it's a soft, beautiful, clean, tranquil musk that floats fairly close to the skin, but obvious enough that I get a lot of compliments from people when I'm wearing it. Here, it's really beautifully paired with the candied fruit. I am loving where this is heading! Once this is fully settled into my skin, this isn't a strong scent. It lasts a long time for me, I definitely get a full day's wear from it, but it stays about as close to the skin as the SL does - which is soft, for sure, but it leaves a sort of trailing scent, not as personal of a skin scent as for instance Bastet Amber. The fruits are pretty melded with the sugar and vanillas, I don't get a clear reading on what the fruits are now, but they're a lovely, obviously juicy mix of fruit, sweetened with sugar and "cream". I wasn't sure how these would all play together with the accenting notes, but the Candied accord is a lovely accent to Egyptian Musk, neither overwhelms the other. Instead, they give you a really beautiful, different tone to a familiar scent. I can see this being something I reach for quite a bit in the warmer half of the year.
Candied Crimson: Victorian-style Sugar-Candied perfumes infused with Lime Zest, aged Orange slices, Raspberry Essence, Pear Essence, Sugar Accord, Lemon Zest, Vanilla Extract, Pink Sugar, Bourbon Vanille Absolute, Crystalline Absolute and Vanilla Bean. Using Absolute versions from the Studio Limited Originals. Candied Accord with Crimson Egyptian Musk Absolute. I probably love Crimson as much as I love Egyptian Musk. It's somewhat stronger than its sister, but not as forward as Kashmir, their other red musk. Crimson is a red musk, and the oil is tinted a pale, almost watery red. I finally picked up a bottle last January after realizing I absolutely loved it in blends, and I would probably really enjoy having the single accord on hand - and I do. Musks are something NA does very well, and this one is no exception. If you're looking for something a little less sexy and forward, say, than Kashmir, possibly more appropriate for day wear, I would recommend it. Again, this is lovely paired with the Candied accord! I get a burst of citrus when I open the vial, and Crimson following quickly behind. As with Candied Egyptian Musk, Candied Crimson opens on the skin with the fruits - I should mention that you get a real meld of fruits on the skin, not just the citrus. It's almost like a fruit bowl, if that makes sense, with a little sugar and cream. The Crimson pairs really well right away with this. If you've ever tried Green Tea Crismson, it's a little like that, if you added Sugarcube - but obviously more fruity/creamy, with no tea. Crimson adds a bright, smooth, clean, almost softly purring musk with the candied fruit. With long drydown, the two aspects complement each other, neither one overpowering the other. This lasted a good full day on me as well.
These two are both so good, I kind of wish I'd been able to try all of them!
Teak & Sandalwood: Indonesian Teak Absolute, Santalum Absolute, Australian Sandalwood, Spices of Pink Pepper and Nutmeg, Ember Vanilla Cream, Butter accord, Caramel Accord, French Vanilla Bean Absolute, Vanilla Milk accord, Vanilla Orchid, Crystalline Absolute and Vanilla Sugar. Okay, this was the other sample that came along with my swap. I absolutely love the Bastet's Ice Cream accord, but these are a little different from previous incarnations - they're wood, spices, and cream. I was really curious what these would be like. I tried this on my skin, and found it to read pretty masculine. I love pepper, as well as teak and sandalwood, and I can usually pull off scents that run in the middle. I know it's just my skin, but on me, though, I tried it and it read pretty strongly towards the other way, so I decided to try this on my fiance, Jody. And oh, wow - it's absolutely mesmerizing. At first, it's a little sweet on him, which made him nervous. I'm not sure if y'all have read some of my early entries, but Jody is pretty firmly in the "I hate vanilla" camp, which is really, really rare. He does love the more resinous ones, like Ember Vanilla or OP Pakhet, though, so I made him wait a bit before darting to wash his wrists. Hah! It settled very quickly on him, and it's dead on intoxicating. The teak and sandalwood blend so beautifully with the peppers and ice cream accord, the strong wood balances with the sweetness to just envelope the senses. It's really sexy. I mean, I drool now every time he's put it on - we had errands to run both yesterday and today and I could smell him all day long. It kept my attention. The pepper adds a great little kick in the background, too.
Vanilla Wedding Cake: Vanilla White Cake accord, Sweet Almond Elixir, Sugar Cream, Bastet’s Ice Cream Absolute and Crystalline Absolute. I usually don't go for more foodie scents, but Bastet has really started to draw me in, just as she's done with florals. This is no exception! And it pairs well with so, so many scents. I got this last year, so mine's had plenty of time to age. This one is pretty straight forward for me, but oh, is it good. The white cake is just...yummy. Smells just like a rich, moist white cake, not too dense, not too dry. I don't get a lot of the almond on my skin, and there's a lovely, white, slightly buttery frosting. Creamy. The almond is an accent, and it's perfect here. It's actually kind of uncanny how well this is created as a perfume, it's absolutely perfectly balanced, and I can describe it as I would actually eating a slice of wedding cake. I get a long wear time from this - it will go on for a good ten hours. It's not as powerful as my well-beloved resins, but I would give this a medium throw. I wanted to see how a little more almond would smell, so I paired this with Speckle Bunny, and I am here to tell you it was a pretty amazing layering combination. I've also done it with Egyptian Peach Blossom, Coconut Milk, Pteranodon (because I have to try layering that with everything, goodness) and even Camarasaurus, which I have to say is so, so gorgeous. Honestly, I don't think, if you wanted to try it with other scents, there's much it wouldn't go with - I did it with a coffee scent, and with White Tea Vanilla - it's just extremely versatile.
I just remembered I have a partial of Bastet's Ice Cream: Tibetan Crystalline. Santalum Absolute, Crystalline Absolute, Nag Champa Accord (Halmardi Resin, Incense, Sandalwood, Patchouli, Plumeria essence), Vanilla Crystalline Cream, Butter accord, Caramel Accord, French Vanilla Bean Absolute, Vanilla Milk accord, Vanilla Orchid, Japanese Vanille Incense accord, Crystalline Absolute and Vanilla Sugar *different NG accord for this blend than the Studio Limited Original. I don't have enough room on my skin right now to give this a proper testing and evaluation for a full review, but very quickly, this is definitely different than the SL Tibetan Crystalline. It's gorgeous, and really eye-rolling good. The creaminess of the ice cream accord is just so smooth with the nag champa! I haven't done a side by side yet, but I might even love this more than the SL. Intoxicating. I will try to come back to this tomorrow morning, if I have time, to do a more solid side by side and full description.
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