#I wanted the sunrise colors in her outfit and the background to symbolize a new dawn for the story as a whole! ☺️
novatheastropirate · 1 year
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Your honor, I plead pretty clouds before the jury of my peers tonight! 🌅✨ It would be a crime if I didn’t try to redesign Angel for Tekken 8 at least once!!
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coloredinsanity · 6 years
I kinda want kristie to rewrite this just to see what she’d do differently >>
As her eyes opened to the swirling stars and dark blue and violet sky above her she felt and odd sense of familiarity as she looked around, sitting up slowly. Her head hurt, honestly, everything hurt.  
She recalled what this place was. The in between... It wasn't heaven nor was it hell but it was still above the normal plane.  She'd been here many many times within her deaths... Her feet lightly hit the ground as she began to stand up, shaking. This was abnormal as she felt like her legs weren't her own... And her mind hurt so strongly as she hit the ground and clutched her head, whimpering.  Memories flooding in all at once from so many lifetimes. So much information and thoughts that interlaced and merged together.
The footsteps she heard were also abnormal...She usually was here alone. A soft touch to her forehead and the pain subsided although her mind still raced with thoughts as her eyes weakly focused onto the figure above her. The tall man resembled her love, Paimon. Almost exactly... Though the longer blonde hair and white clothing were extremely out of place as well as the fully gold eyes that looked down at her.
"It's alright, Child.  This face is merely how you wish to see me..." He spoke softly as he helped her stand and rest on the bed. "Although I hardly understand why..Perhaps, trauma?  I'm aware you're remembering a lot right now but what do you recall of your death, Christabella Lancaster?"
Her breath caught in her throat a little upon hearing the last name he chose - It was usually ill-relevant as of course she'd been born under various names but Lancaster was the oldest one she recalled... She was fairly sure it was the first name she'd been gifted with.  Paimon would know... He always said something about how in some things like witchcraft that knowing someone's first given name could be dangerous so he usually obliterated things that had it on it to help protect her further.
"There was a lot of pain... More then I ever felt within a death. It wasn't because they hurt me before hand. It wasn't...It wasn't like being stabbed. It was like I was - "
"Burning. Your soul was, that's why it hurt the way you speak of... The demon king, Paimon, He must've used the knife upon you."
Her face twisted as she looked at him with a mixture of bewilderment and anger. "Absolutely not. He would never hurt me intentionally." Her tone suggested this was a fact as she crossed her arms across her stomach.
"Are you certain? The knife cannot be used by just anyone to destroy a soul. It requires a strong power of a Demon King, Elite Angel or a god.  Otherwise it would've just damaged your body."
"Paimon would never hurt me! It wasn't... I can't..recall what happened but I know he wouldn't." She raised her voice a little but faltered as the pain in her body made her shiver all over.   Her blue eyes focusing upon the figure's golden ones as she processed things further. "My soul...If my soul was destroyed then how am I here? It doesn't work that way..."
"Because I put you back together, Essentially. I must understand what caused your death before I can send your soul back... Also, You will no longer be exactly who you were.  Normally, I don't tell people these things but you're a different case - I think the last soul that was rebuilt was .... Well, Well before even Paimon was created. It's only possible if someone has lived a long life - For lack of a better term." He cleared his throat as he held his freehand out and manipulated the surroundings using her own thoughts, recreating a room from her memories for the sake of a mirror where Bella finally could see herself or rather - What she currently was.  It was ever changing as the golden flakes swirled into new shapes every few minutes from her hair to her toes. "You had enough remains of your soul to actually reconstruct it. Although since you're made of old and new parts of yourself you haven't quite figured out what you are yet...That'll be up to you."
"Huh... So - Why do you need to know what happened before you send me back..?"  She asked softly as she stared at her form in the mirror. It reminded her of when she was a ghost - The gold flakes swirled into different clothing and hairstyles and other things...  Her eyes darted back to the man as he tilted his head a little bit. "Well... I cannot allow your soul back after all this work if Paimon's just going to destroy it again."
Her face faltered a little as she let out a small sigh of anger. " I told you, He did not intentionally kill me - It's impossible... I know what he is makes people think he's bad but he's honestly deep down a good person...That's why I love him. How can I prove that?"  She had most of her memory straight and she recalled a lot of things about what had happened but after her head hit the desk it was all a blur that she just couldn't quite understand.
"Perhaps we can speak to another who may recall your death and can speak to his character... I'll allow you to pick the candidate. It's been almost 65 years since you've died and I cannot tell you things that have happened in that time as it'd effect your return."  
Christabella sighed a little as she thought carefully... He didn't sound interested in giving her multiple chances.   Rikku was the first thought but - Rikku was sharp tongued and she didn't believe this person - whomever they were would understand her sarcasm or harsh words.  She hardly believe Rikku wouldn't just attempt to stab them...   The children? Sure. Most of them would be able to tell about the death but most of them all had different feelings about Paimon... Not that it was a bad thing to have there own opinions, in fact, she was glad they didn't just act like sheep.  And then it hit her as she raised her head. "Lily. Lily Martin-Inferno, Paimon's adopted daughter."  
He nodded a little bit as he waved his hand and a small golden portal appeared... "I'll return shortly." He stated as he stepped through it and leaving Bella in the in between.  Her eyes focusing on the mirror intently as she watched the swirls for a moment... The things she desired lingering in her mind as she closed her eyes.
Her eyes opened slowly as she yawned a little bit and slowly sat upright, stretching as she let out another longer yawn...A smile lingering on her lips as she glanced out the window at the sunrise. It was hard hiding her memories from her new parents who were both quite lovely but also were somewhat pushovers... They did find it odd how much there daughter knew from a young age. She knew books that were older than herself and every word from songs that were equally as old but they hardly pushed or lingered on it. They just accepted things often and she usually could talk her way out of anything and they'd believe her even if it was far fetched.
She'd chosen to stay quite private from her friends and family in Port Lyndon as well as anyone who just knew her... She knew some of them would be upset for hiding herself but she felt like it was the best thing to do for the sake of her new birth parents and her own sanity. She needed time to get used to herself again... And all the memories. For all the great things she remembered there was bad things to. Things she'd learned that she'd forgotten... Things he'd lied to her about in future lives. It wasn't enough to diminish the feelings she still held for him but it did hurt.
Some doubt lingered that Paimon would still like her and her changes but it was what she wanted to be, inside and out. She was stronger and had a much better athletic background. She'd learned to fight and was much more competent with weapons, she'd be better equipped to protect herself and those she cared about. She looked older even at this younger age. Her features weren't as childish - She was still short, still petite. But her shape was more defined...  
There was some odd things she didn't know why she ended up with.. Her hair was a very white blonde like when she'd been a half ghost and the bottom layer was tinted a soft blue color. It was natural and that's what made it a little strange, she liked it... But it didn't make much sense.
She also had odd birthmarks on her inner wrists that matched almost perfectly, The symbol was Paimon's as she obviously knew it quite well but she didn't understand why it'd be on her body like that...
She shrugged her shoulders as she got up to get dressed... There wasn't any reason to wait any longer as she was and adult now. That was practically all she was waiting for to pass before she caught up to him now. She knew where he'd be according to Axel who was one of the only people who knew of her soul being repaired as not only his powers told him but so did she about a week ago. She'd agreed with him that he may tell Intella if he promised to keep it from going any further til she got her chance to 'surprise' Paimon.  
Despite the childishness of it she'd even picked a perfect outfit in her mind... It was a little more 'mature' than what Paimon usually saw her in but she couldn't help it. The blue long sleeved crop top stopped a few inches below her bust and the pleather leggings and black high heeled boots were just to...tease.   Her brown messenger bag slung over her shoulder as she made her way out the door and to her destination - From what she heard due to the destruction of there home that Paimon had moved into one of the apartments owned by the Constantines... She theorized that December probably helped him as it seemed the most probable.
Paimon seemed normal enough on the outside but internally he wasn't in a good mood as his eyes coldly stared ahead of himself as he stuffed his hands in his pockets...He went to go investigate something that turned out to be nothing - Waste of time. It put him in a more sour mood then he'd started his day in.
Bella's breath caught in her throat as she glimpsed him across the street, her finger tips gripping the strap of her bag firmly... Her plan went out the window as she felt her nerves rise...She wondered if he felt like this in the past.  Her heels clicking as she moved across the street quickly and began to catch up to him... Paimon's instincts kicked in long before she could say anything as he turned, Grabbing her and pushing her up against the wall simply because of how close she was getting to him. His eyebrow raising ever so slightly as he stared down - The combination of blonde and blue was enough to make his grip weaken but the changes had him hesitate - She looked like his Bella...
Her left arm slipped from his grip and wrapped around him as she pulled herself into his arms, leaning up onto her tippy toes and pressing her lips to his.  The kiss lingered for a long moment... Paimon's eyes stung with tears as he pulled back and looked at her again and she felt his fingers shaking ever so slightly as they slid through her hair. It felt so right but he couldn't ever be sure. His head resting against the wall - He didn't expect her to be able to prove it and he wasn't entirely sure if he wasn't finally losing his god damn mind.
Her eyes darting up at his as he refused to look at her again... Convinced it was impossible only moving as he felt her arms tighten around him and her short body push herself up again on her tippy toes and her breath on his neck. Words whispered into his ear so softly that no one else would hear them - a secret between the two of them that no one else knew...
Within a second his somber mood changed as his arms clutched her like she might disappear, lifting her up off her feet as he spun her around slightly and kissed her again. His lips practically locking to her's as he held her close only stopping long enough to let her breathe and a loud laugh leaving his lips of delight - No one would believe that Paimon Inferno was laughing in the middle of the street and they'd never be able to prove that it happened.
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Dumpster files: Paibella, The reckoning, AKA Isao is one year old now jeeze.
As her eyes opened to the swirling stars and dark blue and violet sky above her she felt and odd sense of familiarity as she looked around, sitting up slowly. Her head hurt, honestly, everything hurt.  
She recalled what this place was. The in between... It wasn't heaven nor was it hell but it was still above the normal plane.  She'd been here many many times within her deaths... Her feet lightly hit the ground as she began to stand up, shaking. This was abnormal as she felt like her legs weren't her own... And her mind hurt so strongly as she hit the ground and clutched her head, whimpering.  Memories flooding in all at once from so many lifetimes. So much information and thoughts that interlaced and merged together.
The footsteps she heard were also abnormal...She usually was here alone. A soft touch to her forehead and the pain subsided although her mind still raced with thoughts as her eyes weakly focused onto the figure above her. The tall man resembled her love, Paimon. Almost exactly... Though the longer blonde hair and white clothing were extremely out of place as well as the fully gold eyes that looked down at her.
"It's alright, Child.  This face is merely how you wish to see me..." He spoke softly as he helped her stand and rest on the bed. "Although I hardly understand why..Perhaps, trauma?  I'm aware you're remembering a lot right now but what do you recall of your death, Christabella Lancaster?"
Her breath caught in her throat a little upon hearing the last name he chose - It was usually ill-relevant as of course she'd been born under various names but Lancaster was the oldest one she recalled... She was fairly sure it was the first name she'd been gifted with.  Paimon would know... He always said something about how in some things like witchcraft that knowing someone's first given name could be dangerous so he usually obliterated things that had it on it to help protect her further.
"There was a lot of pain... More then I ever felt within a death. It wasn't because they hurt me before hand. It wasn't...It wasn't like being stabbed. It was like I was - "
"Burning. Your soul was, that's why it hurt the way you speak of... The demon king, Paimon, He must've used the knife upon you."
Her face twisted as she looked at him with a mixture of bewilderment and anger. "Absolutely not. He would never hurt me intentionally." Her tone suggested this was a fact as she crossed her arms across her stomach.
"Are you certain? The knife cannot be used by just anyone to destroy a soul. It requires a strong power of a Demon King, Elite Angel or a god.  Otherwise it would've just damaged your body."
"Paimon would never hurt me! It wasn't... I can't..recall what happened but I know he wouldn't." She raised her voice a little but faltered as the pain in her body made her shiver all over.   Her blue eyes focusing upon the figure's golden ones as she processed things further. "My soul...If my soul was destroyed then how am I here? It doesn't work that way..."
"Because I put you back together, Essentially. I must understand what caused your death before I can send your soul back... Also, You will no longer be exactly who you were.  Normally, I don't tell people these things but you're a different case - I think the last soul that was rebuilt was .... Well, Well before even Paimon was created. It's only possible if someone has lived a long life - For lack of a better term." He cleared his throat as he held his freehand out and manipulated the surroundings using her own thoughts, recreating a room from her memories for the sake of a mirror where Bella finally could see herself or rather - What she currently was.  It was ever changing as the golden flakes swirled into new shapes every few minutes from her hair to her toes. "You had enough remains of your soul to actually reconstruct it. Although since you're made of old and new parts of yourself you haven't quite figured out what you are yet...That'll be up to you."
"Huh... So - Why do you need to know what happened before you send me back..?"  She asked softly as she stared at her form in the mirror. It reminded her of when she was a ghost - The gold flakes swirled into different clothing and hairstyles and other things...  Her eyes darted back to the man as he tilted his head a little bit. "Well... I cannot allow your soul back after all this work if Paimon's just going to destroy it again."
Her face faltered a little as she let out a small sigh of anger. " I told you, He did not intentionally kill me - It's impossible... I know what he is making people think he's bad but he's honestly deep down a good person...That's why I love him. How can I prove that?"  She had most of her memory straight and she recalled a lot of things about what had happened but after her head hit the desk it was all a blur that she just couldn't quite understand.
"Perhaps we can speak to another who may recall your death and can speak to his character... I'll allow you to pick the candidate. It's been almost 65 years since you've died and I cannot tell you things that have happened in that time as it'd affect your return."  
Christabella sighed a little as she thought carefully... He didn't sound interested in giving her multiple chances.   Rikku was the first thought but - Rikku was sharp-tongued and she didn't believe this person - whomever they were would understand her sarcasm or harsh words.  She hardly believe Rikku wouldn't just attempt to stab them...   The children? Sure. Most of them would be able to tell about the death but most of them all had different feelings about Paimon... Not that it was a bad thing to have there own opinions, in fact, she was glad they didn't just act like sheep.  And then it hit her as she raised her head. "Lily. Lily Martin-Inferno, Paimon's adopted daughter."  
He nodded a little bit as he waved his hand and a small golden portal appeared... "I'll return shortly." He stated as he stepped through it and leaving Bella in the in-between.  Her eyes focusing on the mirror intently as she watched the swirls for a moment... The things she desired lingering in her mind as she closed her eyes.
Her eyes opened slowly as she yawned a little bit and slowly sat upright, stretching as she let out another longer yawn...A smile lingering on her lips as she glanced out the window at the sunrise. It was hard hiding her memories from her new parents who were both quite lovely but also were somewhat pushovers... They did find it odd how much their daughter knew from a young age. She knew books that were older than herself and every word from songs that were equally as old but they hardly pushed or lingered on it. They just accepted things often and she usually could talk her way out of anything and they'd believe her even if it was far fetched.
She'd chosen to stay quite private from her friends and family in Port Lyndon as well as anyone who just knew her... She knew some of them would be upset for hiding herself but she felt like it was the best thing to do for the sake of her new birth parents and her own sanity. She needed time to get used to herself again... And all the memories. For all the great things she remembered there were bad things too. Things she'd learned that she'd forgotten... Things he'd lied to her about in future lives. It wasn't enough to diminish the feelings she still held for him but it did hurt.
Some doubt lingered that Paimon would still like her and her changes but it was what she wanted to be, inside and out. She was stronger and had a much better athletic background. She'd learned to fight and was much more competent with weapons, she'd be better equipped to protect herself and those she cared about. She looked older even at this younger age. Her features weren't as childish - She was still short, still petite. But her shape was more defined...  
There were some odd things she didn't know why she ended up with. Her hair was a very white blonde like when she'd been a half-ghost and the bottom layer was tinted a soft blue color. It was natural and that's what made it a little strange, she liked it... But it didn't make much sense.
She also had odd birthmarks on her inner wrists that matched almost perfectly, The symbol was Paimon's as she obviously knew it quite well but she didn't understand why it'd be on her body like that...
She shrugged her shoulders as she got up to get dressed... There wasn't any reason to wait any longer as she was an adult now. That was practically all she was waiting for to pass before she caught up to him now. She knew where he'd be according to Axel who was one of the only people who knew of her soul being repaired as not only his powers told him but so did she about a week ago. She'd agreed with him that he may tell Intella if he promised to keep it from going any further until she got her chance to 'surprise' Paimon.  
Despite the childishness of it, she'd even picked a perfect outfit in her mind... It was a little more 'mature' than what Paimon usually saw her in but she couldn't help it. The blue long-sleeved crop top stopped a few inches below her bust and the pleather leggings and black high heeled boots were just to...tease.   Her brown messenger bag slung over her shoulder as she made her way out the door and to her destination - From what she heard due to the destruction of there home that Paimon had moved into one of the apartments owned by the Constantines... She theorized that December probably helped him as it seemed the most probable.
Paimon seemed normal enough on the outside but internally he wasn't in a good mood as his eyes coldly stared ahead of himself as he stuffed his hands in his pockets...He went to go investigate something that turned out to be nothing - Waste of time. It put him in a more sour mood then he'd started his day in.
Bella's breath caught in her throat as she glimpsed him across the street, her fingertips gripping the strap of her bag firmly... Her plan went out the window as she felt her nerves rise...She wondered if he felt like this in the past.  Her heels clicking as she moved across the street quickly and began to catch up to him... Paimon's instincts kicked in long before she could say anything as he turned, Grabbing her and pushing her up against the wall simply because of how close she was getting to him. His eyebrow-raising ever so slightly as he stared down - the combination of blonde and blue was enough to make his grip weaken but the changes had him hesitate - She looked like his Bella...
Her left arm slipped from his grip and wrapped around him as she pulled herself into his arms, leaning up onto her tippy toes and pressing her lips to his.  The kiss lingered for a long moment... Paimon's eyes stung with tears as he pulled back and looked at her again and she felt his fingers shaking ever so slightly as they slid through her hair. It felt so right but he couldn't ever be sure. His head resting against the wall - He didn't expect her to be able to prove it and he wasn't entirely sure if he wasn't finally losing his god damn mind.
Her eyes darting up at his as he refused to look at her again... Convinced it was impossible only moving as he felt her arms tighten around him and her short body push herself up again on her tippy toes and her breath on his neck. Words whispered into his ear so softly that no one else would hear them - a secret between the two of them that no one else knew...
Within a second his somber mood changed as his arms clutched her like she might disappear, lifting her up off her feet as he spun her around slightly and kissed her again. His lips practically locking to her's as he held her close only stopping long enough to let her breathe and a loud laugh leaving his lips of delight - No one would believe that Paimon Inferno was laughing in the middle of the street and they'd never be able to prove that it happened.
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