#(And I wanted to push her design into seeming even more ethereal.. Hmm..)
novatheastropirate · 1 year
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Your honor, I plead pretty clouds before the jury of my peers tonight! 🌅✨ It would be a crime if I didn’t try to redesign Angel for Tekken 8 at least once!!
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elvendara · 4 years
MM Fluff Week 2020 day 4
Day 4: Accomplishments  ♡  Mysme Friendships
For @mmfluffweek
This one seemed a bit clunky, but IDK, hope you like it anyway!
Yoosung straightened his yellow bowtie yet again and ran fingers through his hair. He went back and forth on whether he should wear his hair clips. In the end, he put them on, after all, Saeran liked them and that’s all that mattered. They were silver with small diamond stars on them. A gift from the twins on his last birthday. Saeran had designed them and helped Saeyoung craft them. If he was honest, they were probably his most prized possession. Taking a deep breath and one final look at himself he nodded and walked out.
This was his only suit, but it had held up well. The sleeves might be a bit small now, he must have grown some, but otherwise fit properly. It was a deep blue that Saeran liked on him, which was a big plus. He was excited and a bit nervous, but he supposed tonight was probably not much different than an RFA party where there would be some wealthy and famous guests. Of course, Yoosung never actually had to mingle with those guests. His duties were more the backstage variety.
He stepped out of his apartment building to a waiting limo. The chauffeur nodded to him as he opened the door.
“Thank you.” Yoosung said.
“My pleasure sir.” The man closed the door as Yoosung settled onto the seat. He’d been in limos before, while accompanying Jumin, but never had one all to himself. It felt silly and wasteful, but Saeran had insisted. It took about fifteen minutes to get to their next destination. The chauffeur once more opened the door, this time to let Saeran in. The man looked stunning, taking Yoosung’s breath away. His red hair was slicked back, his mint colored eyes noticeably not hiding behind the fringe. The black eyeliner was expertly applied, as always, and his studded choker was around his neck. He wore a red Tshirt under a black coat, black jeans and his biker boots. How long since he’d dressed that way? Yoosung had to resist an urge to reach over and ruffle his hair.
Yoosung scooted over to make room for the man next to him, which he took. He turned to him and grinned, green eyes gleaming, but a little terrified as well.
“You look amazing.” He said.
“So do you, I’m glad you decided for this look.” Yoosung admired his boyfriend.
“Uh, yeah…not sure how it will go over though.” Saeran swallowed. Yoosung reached for his hand, it was sweaty.
“Shit yeah!” Saeran answered honestly. Yoosung laughed and lay his head on the other man’s shoulder.
“Don’t be, it’s going to be incredible, you’ll see.”
“I…I’m just afraid I’ll let everyone down.”
“You won’t.”
“I wish I could be as confident as you.”
“You don’t have to be, all of us are cheering you on, and even if nobody else likes it, we all love it!” Yoosung turned Searan’s face towards him and kissed him lightly. This was Saeran’s night and he was going to do everything in his power to make it a great one.
Saeran smiled, the tension in his body eased and he reached for the hair clips in Yoosung’s blonde hair. “You wore them.”
“Of course! They’re my lucky charm!” he giggled.
“I’m glad. And grateful for you, being here with me. I can’t imagine having done this by myself without you by my side.”
“You just needed a little push is all.”
“I don’t know. The man I used to be…well…”
“But that wasn’t the real you, it just took you a while to realize who you really are, without all that…uh…”
“It’s OK. I know you’re right. And I know that it will probably be a lifelong journey for me. But I hope you stay by my side.”
“Always.” They exchanged several more kisses before the limo stopped once more. When the door opened, Saeran stepped out into a few lightbulb flashes. He held out his hand for Yoosung, who took it eagerly. There was some media and some onlookers who looked more confused than anything, wondering if they were celebrities of some sort. His amethyst eyes blinked at the crowd, but Saeran only had eyes for him, placing his arm around his waist and leading them inside the art gallery.
The rest of the RFA was already inside, Jaehee and MC in stunning gowns fit for the Oscars. Jumin and Zen both handsome in their tails, Jumin in black, Zen in white, making an ethereal pair. Saeyoung on the other hand, wore a white buttoned long sleeved dress shirt with his regular black and orange hoodie, his hair in it’s usual disarray. Yoosung simply shook his head.
“Little bro! Making the fashionable entrance huh?” Saeyoung hugged him, and the others followed after. Saeran looked a bit awkward and uncomfortable but he handled it well.
“Mr. Choi. I’m so pleased you have arrived, there are several people who have been asking for you. May I take you from your friends?” The woman wore a black cocktail dress, her dark hair in a high tight ponytail, her grey eyes alert and determined.
“Uh…” Saeran stuttered.
“It’s OK, I think we’ll manage.” Yoosung shooed him away. Saeran nodded and let the woman lead him away like a trapped animal.
“He seems to barely be holding on.” Zen laughed sipping from his champagne goblet.
“Give him time, he’ll grow into it. V never much cared for the personal attention either.” Jumin said.
“But V used his charm effectively, I’m not sure Saeran has that same ability.” Jaehee said.
“No, but I think this really has helped him come out of his shell a bit more with other people. Although, I think he enjoys taking photographs because it allows him hide behind the camera.” Yoosung answered.
“Yep, but now he can’t!” Saeyoung laughed. “Can you believe my little brother has his own gallery showing? Not to mention all that social media blowing up over his photos! He’s going to be bigger than V ever was!”
“And I wonder who made that happen.” MC arched her eyebrow at her husband.
“Is it wrong of me to promote my little bro?” Saeyoung asked offended.
“No, but it might be to do it by hacking.” Zen laughed.
“Is that so? Hmm, remind me again, who reblogged onto all his own social media sites?” Saeyoung said.
Zen looked away without answering.
“It was something I never thought I would see, Zen posting something that wasn’t his face or body.” Jumin smirked. Zen slapped his arm but Jumin only laughed and pulled the man close, giving him a peck on the cheek.
“He did take some photos of me as well! I was only trying to help him.” Zen pouted.
“Absolutely my love.” Jumin nodded and went silent.
Yoosung was barely paying any attention as his eyes were on Saeran. In the last few years he’d come leaps and bounds from the man he used to be. There was still that hard shell, but once inside, there was a soft gooey center that was still so very fragile and vulnerable. He cherished the man, the good and the bad, and he was overwhelmingly happy that things were looking up for him. The photos he took were stunning. You couldn’t help but feel something when you saw them. Saeyoung was right, V was incredible, but there was a different perspective to the way Saeran saw the world. The truth of it. That while there was great beauty, there was also great sorrow.
After an hour Saeran finally made his way back to Yoosung.
“Can we go now?” he whispered in desperation.
“No, you promised you’d stay at least until ten.” Yoosung answered.
“What time is it now?”
“Just after nine.”
“Come on, why don’t you take me on a tour?”
“You’ve already seen them all.”
“Yes, but, I’d love to hear your perspective on them, you know, explain it to me as if I’ve never seen it before. Besides, it will give you an excuse to stay with me and ignore all these people.” Yoosung grinned.
“True!” Saeran’s eyes lit up. “OK, let’s start over there.” He took Yoosung’s hand and headed towards the center of the gallery. Yoosung didn’t move. “What?”
“I’m so proud of you Saeran.” Yoosung said, eyes glittering with happiness.
Saeran blushed and looked away, but there was a small smile playing around his lips. “You don’t have to say that.” He mumbled.
“I know I don’t have to. I want to. And I am, so very proud. And happy to be here with you. What you’ve done in incredible Saeran. You should be proud of yourself too.”
Saeran sighed and pulled the man closer. Yoosung was sure now, he had definitely grown, he was almost eye to eye with Saeran, if he hadn’t been wearing those biker boots, he might even be taller than the red head now. They embraced and kissed. Flashes exploded around them, but they were oblivious.
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iwritethat · 5 years
Tim Drake: Sister, Sister
Tim Drake x Sister!reader
A/N: This beautiful idea was all down to @comicsgirlimagines who is truly wonderful and an incredible writer also (check them out), credit goes to them for their support and talks when writing this.
Thank you @comicsgirlimagines ♥️
It was ironic, everything around was designed to perfection, to be exactly what you wanted and needed to maintain a positive existence as a reward for your past choices on Earth.
Yes, Heaven may've been perfect and brought you endless happiness but you were conscious enough to find the faults, for a start your brother was absent - which of course was a blessing, you didn't want him to join you for as long as possible, he had his whole life to live after all. It was entrancing, tuning in to the life events of Tim Drake on occasion, your little brother had certainly taken an interesting path - currently he fought with his new brothers, the League of Assassins were after Damian again and it automatically became a family emergency.
They hopped from rooftop to rooftop, battling various members with each vigilante fighting their own battles yet managing to lend assistance when able. However as you watched on, Red Robin seemed to be doubled down - more assassins were upcoming and he was the first standing in their way. You began to panic, was there even a way to get down there?! You'd looked into such things before as soon as you learned of his hobby, sure you were dead but people constantly connected with the spirit world - such a phenomena should work both ways. Or at least it was a theory under construction at the moment.
Another down, then another, and another. It became routine, but with repetitive strain came exhaustion and before Tim could react he'd made what was soon to be a fatal mistake, he should’ve ducked the blade gunning for his throat but instead was a millisecond too late to react. His body falling short of available counters and it was then he realised, this was it - after everything, this was finally how he’d go out. Maybe it wasn’t so bad, he’d aided more people than he ever thought possible but surely there were things he’d miss out on like having the opportunity to become a father, get married or even see Gotham make progress as a city. Regardless, he had made his peace with that and he’d closed his eyes in acceptance ready for whatever awaited him in the afterlife.
It was a split second - he never thought the white light actually existed but it flashed behind his eyelids rather sporadically and suddenly the breath was knocked out of lungs and it felt as though his head collided with concrete.
"Jeez I'll be back soon, don't worry." His sister gave an exasperated sigh, hands on her hips as her little brother tugged at her backpack.
"But (Y/n)! Please let me come with you!" Tim pleaded, successfully halting her in her tracks.
"No way kiddo, you'll probably fall off of the mountain. But hey, no matter how far apart we are, I'll always look out for you. Okay?" She smiled, tousling his hair as he accepted her justification.
"You promise?"
"I pinky promise."
"Hmm, see you when you get back loser." Tim mischievously commented, his sister rolled her eyes with a sarcastic "Oh haha." before heading off on her rock climbing trip.
That was the last time he'd laid eyes on her, unbeknownst to him at the time. And yet, this light, this warm familiar presence brought back such memories - of that day, of the news, of the funeral...
So then, how is it that he could hear her voice so clearly?
"Get up Tim! C'mon loser, I don't know how long I've got!" It was dangerously loud, demanding almost and it made him consider how things hadn’t changed much.
Tim was coming to, clenching his eyes shut in order to adjust to the bright glow that shrouded the area as he sat up with a squint.
"Argh, (Y/n) what the-?"
The figure kneeling down beside him was easily recognisable, having not aged in the years that had passed without her but the concerned expression she wore was contagious.
"No time to explain, magic spiritual existence or whatever but please get up. Here's your staff." You pulled him to his feet, albeit Tim remained dazed with these developments and stumbled against your figure with a groan. His staff was pushed into his chest and it was only now - dream or not - he spoke his true feelings.
"I missed you, so much..."
“I know...” The sincerity in his voice only made you feel guilty, the accident wasn’t your fault but you still left him and that was a weight you’d carried since you’d died.
Tim was slowly adjusting, finding what seemed to be a brief flash of wings behind you but that must’ve been from hitting his head so hard considering he now stood on the opposing rooftop to previously. Recalling the last moments his hand shot to his throat, more than shocked when his fingers remained absent of blood and his breathing was perfectly normal ignoring the quickness of it, next he looked back to where he was standing beforehand only to find bodies of assassins littering the roof and battles continuing over the street.
“Am I dead?”
“What? No. I’m dead, you’re alive.” You quickly corrected with furrowed brows and a sigh, flicking his forehead as he pushed your hand away in retaliation.
Although he paused, the familiarity of sibling like antics hitting him with an unwanted wave of nostalgia and he looked at you again - really looked. Saw past the golden glow, saw past the perfect skin and any evidence of scathes or aging. It was you but ethereal, you weren’t alive, you weren’t staying and you definitely weren’t coming back to life. That was what made him embrace you, arms wrapping around your torso so tightly that if alive then breathing would be a problem but you didn’t care, his face buried in your hair whilst you held back emotional whimpers. For however long you had been gifted, you’d say goodbye properly this time.
“I’m sorry for breaking my promise, so sorry, please please forgive me Tim -“
“Yo-you didn’t break it idiot.” It was such a soft whisper, an attempt to comfort you even if he didn’t understand your reasoning for profuse apologies.
“I didn’t come home, I left you alone and that’s the worst thing I could’ve done as your sister!” You defended, justifying your beliefs and pulling away from Tim who offered a soft smile amidst his watery eyes.
“You promised that no matter how far apart we are, you’d always look out for me and you have. (Y/n) you saved my life just now - how many people have the willpower to come back from the grave to do that? But you did that for me, you kept your promise.” Tim assured, wiping your tears away before hugging you once more.
“I’m proud of you y’know, kicking names and taking ass.” You weakly laughed, parting to punch his shoulder once regaining your composure.
“So you keep up with the times in the afterlife huh?”
“It gets boring up there okay? Speaking of, you should get back to fighting beside your family - who I love by the way.” You happily informed, gesturing over time the members of the Batfamily fighting various battles with a sad knowing smile.
Tim noticed the sorrow in your irises, the way you turned back to him like it was the last time you’d be with each other and it probably was but he simply sighed and placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
“You’re still my favourite sibling and as such I guess I should take your advice.” Tim softly commented and with an understanding nod a bright light engulfed his form once more.
This time he’d landed in the most heated area of the fight, landing executed perfectly with an immense rupture of light knocking out every enemy on impact. Tim stood, his family turning to him awestruck at the amount of unfathomable controlled power that originated from his form and how exactly he’d seemingly beamed over out of thin air.
“Later Timbers, and by the way I think you should stop crushing on Steph and ask her out already.” Your voice remained, albeit fleeting, as was your figure standing beside him overlooking your handiwork.
“Wha- you can’t know all of my business zombie!” He went to knock your upper arm, fingers phasing straight through your body and you both mirrored sympathetic expressions, a knowing and meaningful exchange enough to say what words couldn’t.
“I’m so happy for you Tim, stay alive okay?” And with that your figure faded into blissful golden stardust that spiralled into wind up toward the matte sky until they’d disappeared from Tim’s line of sight.
“Goodbye (Y/n)...”
“What was that out there Tim? A new gadget?” Bruce questioned his former partner once they returned to the Batcave whilst Tim got out his phone with an absentminded smile.
“My sister.”
“You have a sister, why didn’t you ever mention it?” Dick now inquired, walking in step beside him.
“Because you’d want to meet her and that’s, that’s impossible but her name was (Y/n). Here, this was us a few years ago.” Tim answered honestly, the implications easily read by his family who remained respectfully quiet until Tim handed Dick his phone which displayed a picture of the two of you. The others gathering around out of curiosity.
“Damn she’s hot.” Jason casually commented, reviving a facepalm from Cass and chiding from an irritated Damian.
“Todd, that’s completely irrelevent!”
“She has standards Jay sorry, but, she really likes you guys.” Tim smugly replied, his last words laced with underlying gratitude whilst Jason received over dramatic ‘ooohs’ from the rest of the family after that smart burn. Although Tim saw the contentment on each of them, that despite not knowing you, they had your blessing as his new family which was a very sacred thing in their opinion.
Once he’d regained his own space, he began typing a message he never thought he’d write until after your encounter.
Tim: [Hey Steph, I’ve been told I need to act on things so I was wondering if you wanted to go out this weekend? Not in costume, just as you and I.]
Stephanie: [About time Tim, who do I have to thank for your sudden confidence haha?]
Tim gave a relieved smile at the positive reply, looking up to the sky before asking with a proud yet considerate tone.
“You happy now?”
He would’ve said the sun broke through the cloudy sky of Gotham for a few seconds, golden rays bathing the Manor grounds and his skin - but that was probably unrelated coincidence...
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emorysinclair-blog · 8 years
Without a Paddle || Nevada, Kaleb & Emory
Tagging → @nevada–saunders, @ulrichtech Mentions of → Nevada Saunders, Kaleb Ulrich, Thorn White, Katherine White, alcohol, alcohol abuse, mental issues, and sex. Time Frame → During Ski Trip Location →  Aspen Villas & Nearby Bar Notes → Emory, Nevada, and Kaleb decide to go out for drinks. This is the prelude to them getting drunk/drinking, and eventually going back to the villas to have a threesome.
Nevada had just stepped out of the shower when his phone vibrated against the marble counter. The boy read the text while towel drying his hair, it was from Emory asking him out to drinks. Quickly typing a reply back he agreed to going out with the man. It didn't take Nev long to finish drying off and pulling on a pair of briefs and jeans. There was a few quick knocks upon his door -- though, Nev didn't expect Emory to be so soon. Stepping out of the bathroom, the blonde answered the door half dressed with a towel in hand. "Oh, hey Emory -- Kaleb." Nevada smiled upon seeing the two there.
Kaleb had been hanging out with a good amount of people. He had tried snowboarding and of course failed at it. Going to the Opera House and the Brewing Company. There was a lot to do and yet he wanted to spend some more time with Nevada and spend some with Emory as well. So when the idea arose that they should all go out for drinks, Kaleb was excited to hear and met Emory to walk to Nevada's room. Upon seeing Nevada opening the door, Kaleb's eyes landed on the male's body and then met his eyes. "Hey," he greeted happily.
Emory hadn't done very much so far on this trip. He'd aimed to just relax, but idle hands didn't seem to suit him well. Which lead him to texting a few of his friends to hang out. The man strolled with Kaleb over towards Nevada's, he enjoyed both men's company immensely and was certain they'd have a good time. When Nevada opened the door, Emory smirked. "Hey," he shamelessly looked Nevada up and down. "Shame we didn't get here sooner," he taunted.
Nevada just cocked a grin while stepping back and inviting the two in. "Just give me five minutes," the male mumbled as he sauntered off back towards the bathroom. Only to appear again with a toothbrush dangling from his mouth, while brushing his teeth the boy shoved his boots on. "Are we goin' local bar here in da area?" Nev asked with a mouthful of toothpaste.
Kaleb while the door was opened for them, Kaleb stepped in only to have his gaze move to follow Nevada to the bathroom but then to distract himself. Kaleb was lucky to have friends like Nevada and Emory around him. They just had to be in his presence and he would be a happier man. "Uh yea I believe so, right Em?" He smiled back to Emory.
Emory followed Kaleb into the building. He leaned against the wall not bothering to get too comfortable. "That's the game plan, unless either of you had something else in mind?" His gaze went back and forth between the two males.
Nevada eyes perked up when hearing Emory's question. "Huh?" He questioned the toothbrush still hanging from his mouth. The male returned to the bathroom to finish brushing his teeth, and stepping out in the midst of sliding a shirt over his head. "I'm fine with drinks, I could use a few but I'm at a limit so if you two need a designated walker I can be it."
Kaleb let his mind wonder for a moment before hearing Emory ask if they had anything else in mind. "What no. Nothing else in mind. I mean you know me I'm always up for drinks." Kaleb said with a small chuckle as he went back to Nevada. "Hmm, designated walker. Does that count for after the trip too? I could always use one so I don't wonder the halls at the apartments."
Emory stood up straight when both men said they were all for going out. "Why are we limiting our alcohol intake?" he asked Nevada curiously. Emory had nothing against the idea. In fact, he hadn't had a drink this whole trip so far. He chuckled at Kaleb's comment, "Yes, I'm well aware."
Nevada nodded as he grabbed his wallet off of the night stand, "You don't have too, I just watch my limit -- I'm not too pretty when I'm drunk." The male pressed his lips together remembering the time were battled his alcohol abuse. Nev slowed things down after discovering his father was an alcoholic, and died of congestive liver failure. It wasn't the thought of dying, the blonde didn't want to waste his life away just like his dad. Nev chuckled softly as he pushed the memory into the back of his mind. "If you need an escort just for walking the halls, I'll be happy too -- Are we ready?" He asked moving towards the door.
Kaleb knew he had a problem with alcohol. It was the one thing that helped his happiness or to block out the questioning thoughts he always had. But he wasn't doing anything to stop it. It was just a way of life for Kaleb to have a drink every night or get drunk when a problem arose to him. But maybe tonight he could watch the intake. Who knows what could happen. All that mattered was that he was around two friends that he liked and enjoyed their company, even without the booze. "I'd very much like that." Kaleb grinned softly as he pocketed his hands. "Let's get going" Following Nevada's lead
Emory nodded his understanding at Nevada. "Well, as you know I'm a happy drunk." The man turned and opened the door for the other two since he was the closest, having not bothered to go far into the room. "After ya'll," he drawled. Then proceeded to follow the two out of the building. Emory stuffed his hand into his pockets.
Nevada chuckled, "Oh, how can I forget that." He teased the other while leading down the hall and out of the villa. "I'm glad the weather has passed, it was really bumming my mood. "Em, Kaleb told me you two went snowboarding? We'll all have to go before the trip ends."
Kaleb hadn't really seen Nevada drunk, but he knew that Emory liked having a good time and as the three men walked from outside the room and out of the building, Kaleb kept in with the conversation. "Same, it was really messing with my sleep. And for the record I didn't fall as much as I thought I would while snowboarding. By the end of the trip I might be a pro" Kaleb joked about the snowboarding. "I want to race you both in a challenge."
Emory cocked his head to the side. "Didn't I call you an angel?" he thought back to the memory. He listened to them both talk about the weather. The male couldn't relate to ether's sentiment. The only thing that had phased him at all about the weather had been to make sure the people he cared about her safe, after that he had read a book until the power went out. Which had forced him to try and sleep, the male fearing more what his own mind would do to him than the weather. "We did," he replied snapping out of his inner musings. "You weren't half bad, once you started moving your hips. Still gotta work on not digging your toes in though." Emory laughed at Kaleb's request to race. "Unless you wanna eat my powder, I think you best hold off on that. I have no problem turning the nose of my board parallel to the mountain and just gunning it."
Nevada tried to recall back to the moment exactly, "I'm more than sure you did." The male chuckled, and was glad he had Emory here when he first moved to Denver. He sucked in his breath, "Phew, Emory sounds pretty certain. Wait until I get on those slopes I'll show you both up." Nev teased, as he stuffed his hands into the pocket of his coat.
Kaleb furrowed a brow at the banter between the two but it sounded cute. Only to relax his face and add in the comment on the topic at hand. "I can't help it. But at least I got to move my hips and be one like the wind. And no, I won't hold off. Even though I'll fall, I'll get back up and beat you in the end." Turning to Nevada when he spoke up. "Bet! Though let's bet something that doesn't involve me possibly running around in the snow naked. I have a feeling a might lose a snowball fight"
Emory smiled at Kaleb's description of snowboarding. He glanced down at the man's hips at the mention of them, watching them from behind. "Oh? looks like we got ourselves a challenge then." The brunette returned his glance back up ahead of them making sure they were headed in the right direction. "I wouldn't do that. My brother once locked me out on our balcony in the snow in my underwear. I was out there long enough I legit started contemplating jumping. And I was on the third floor with a downward incline as my landing."
Nevada nodded, "You could get frost bite and then Em and I would have to warm you up." The male winked towards Kaleb. "Em is right, it's no fun. I was camping on top on of the summits back in Cali -- the weather was fine before I went to sleep by the middle of the night a snowstorm ended up blowing in and I didn't have my tent completely staked to the ground. So, I was out in just boxers and a t-shirt trying to pound the stakes in."
Kaleb "I mean it's only one lap around the Villas all together, but I could use some warming up," Kaleb mentioned to both of them as the settle hint. "Oh my god, first of all your brother is a douche. Though I can see my brother doing that. And you go camping Nevada? I never been camping before. New York boy," he stated to the two men.
Emory smiled. "I'd be more than happy to warm you up." The male laughed at Kaleb calling his brother a douche. "I'd like to see you say that to either of my brother's faces. It would be gold. Besides I've done some shit to them too. Hell one time we put Thor out on the middle of a lake while he was sleeping. Either of you know Thor?" The man could easily picture Nevada in the situation. Having already seen him in a similar state. "You've never been camping?" he asked Kaleb. "You should come with Nev and I. Our last trip was fun."
Nevada smiled towards them both, "I'm sure with the two of us, you'd be warmed up in no time." The male listened to the conversation as he looked around them being out here made him feel at home. "Thor.. like the Norse God? No, I don't" The male joked. "It's more like, when do I not go camping?" His gaze flickered towards Emory, "Oh, it sure was."
Kaleb couldn't help but smile as the two agreed to warm him up after the bet was sealed. "I'll put you word on it then." He told the two guys. "And I would tell them, unless they are big and would possibly hurt me than maybe not so much. Thor? I only know a Thor White who lives in the building." Kaleb spoke up as he shook his head. There was a lot that Kaleb hasn't done as a kid or even after New York. "I'd love to, I'm up for trying new things."
Emory laughed at Nev's joke, "No." When Kaleb said Thor White, "Yes. That Thor. I may still have the video of it somewhere." He could tell they were nearing the bar. "They are about the same size as me, Uriel was in the army with me and Caden works at my dad's architecture firm. I don't think either are intimidating, and I'm the youngest." He pointed toward the street, "We need to make a right here."
Nevada turned his attention back to the men, "Caden is working at your dad's firm? Shit, I never imagined that. It has been ages since I've seen your brothers but that's alright. I did always like you the most." The male smiled turning to the right as they reached the street.
Kaleb had only met Thor once and that was a while back when there was a party at Zachary's apartment. "Okay good, if they aren't intimidating and don't hit me, I'll call them out." Kaleb joked lightly. "I know Thor's sister, Kat and I'll have to see this video." As they were making the direction they hooked a right and onto the street for the bar.
Emory nodded his head and smiled. "Yeah. He's all top dog now. College and his girlfriend straightened him all out." Emory chuckled at Nev saying her liked him best, "That's only because i'm the only on who'll sleep with you," he joked. "You know Kat? Kat hates my ass. Its funny. Remind me and I'll show it to you once we sit down."
Nevada chuckled shaking his head, "That's probably most of the truth." The boy hadn't me either of these two who Kaleb and Emory were talking about, Nev figured they lived at Queens as well.
Kaleb questioned Emory from when he said Kat hated him. "Why does she hate you?" Then again, Kaleb only had spent time with Katherine and hardly any of the White siblings. Seeing the bar up ahead, Kaleb kept his pace with the other men to keep close. "How long have you two known each other?" Asking about Nevada and Emory's history.
Emory shrugged his shoulders, reaching for the door and opening it so the other two could enter, "Your guess is as good as mine. I will admit I do like to get under her skin." He followed behind the two, letting the door close behind him. Emory looked to Nevada. He scratched the back of his head trying to recall when it was they met. "Shit, too long."
Nevada stepped instead the bar the instant smell of cigarette smoke burning his nostrils. It made him want to light one up there, but the boy had left his pack at him. Though, perhaps it was for the best. "I think I was either twelve, or going on thirteen when we met. So you would have been... eight?"
Kaleb couldn't help but wonder and maybe he'll ask the next time he hangs out with Kat. "Well maybe I'll ask her when I play pokemon go with her next." Letting out a small laugh. "Wow, long time. So both of you are country boys?" Kaleb teased as the question slipped out.
Emory scanned the room for somewhere the three of them could sit while he still listened to the two speak, "Yeah, eight sounds about right to me. Or nine." He directed his attention to Kaleb. "Is there a pokemon stop?" he joked, seeing a busy boy cleaning off a table that just cleared. Emory began making his way to it. He glanced back at Kaleb again as he spoke. "Nah. Don't let Nev's nature loving self fool you. He's a city slicker." Emory chuckled. "We actually met camping."
Nevada followed Emory to the table before pulling out a chair and taking a seat. Leaning back into the chair the male waved down the bartender. The boy chuckled, "He's right, I grew up in the city. Emory's the really country boy here." Nevada smiled, "We did, I happened to be camping alone and his family ran into my campsite. Noticed I was all alone and invited me to camp with them."
Kaleb took his seat at the table that Emory had pointed out. His posture to lean on the table with elbows on the edge as he looked around the bar but stayed focused to their conversation. "No there's no pokemon stop, but I'm sure there's a hot spot here if I pull up the app now." Kaleb joked as he learned more of Emory and Nevada's history. "So you met camping and why were you camping alone? Sounds dangerous. I mean talk about pitching a tent." Kaleb snickered as he let the pun slip
Emory shook his head. "Kaleb, you might as well be speaking a foreign language to me," he commented about the game. Emory wasn't super into tech or social media. He was pretty much a noob. The male sat down in one of the chairs, catching the eye of a waitress, and stick two fingers up in her direction to signal they needed assistance.
Nevada nodded agreeing with Emory, "Same for me, or any kind of social platform. I only have instagram but I made an account only last year, so I could post all my traveling pictures." Nev watched as the waitress made her way over, smiling up at her as he gave his order. "I'll take a whiskey sour whatever these two will have," he spoke while handing the girl a twenty. "I didn't have anyone to take me. So, I would take the bus until the very last stop on the edge of town and then rode my bike the rest of the way."
Kaleb opened his mouth to speak. "cha' je 'IHqu'" Only to smile and his face heating up a nice red. Surely none of them knew how to speak Klingon. But giving the compliment of them being cute was all he said. "I'll just have a Jim Beam, neat" He smiled to the waitress. "I literally grew up just watching movies and playing games with my siblings. I also live in the reddit, just reading anything." Kaleb chuckled. "Well that's one way to get out there and camp. I never learned to ride a bike" Biting his bottom lip
Emory gave the girl when her attention finally landed back on him a charming smile. "Could you be a peach and bring us a bottle of Dalmore?" he laid his accent on thick. Handing her his credit card, "Don't forget to take a shot for yourself." He winked at her before she walked away. Emory gave Kaleb a perplexed look. "I speak a few languages, but whatever you just said is from one I definitely don't know."
Nevada gawked at Emory, "Jeesh Em, buy the most expensive bottle here." He chuckled just shaking his head. "Klingon," Nevada corrected the male, "It's Klingon, right?" He looked towards Kaleb.
Kaleb eyes grew wide when Emory ordered the Dalmore. "Damn Em. And that was for the bottle not the fact you don't know Klingon." He smiled as he turned his head to the direction of Nevada. "Yes it is! I also know Na'vi from Avatar too. Talk about foreign languages. I know a little German though." Kaleb smiled to the two. "But I'm not going to translate what I said. You two will just have to guess"
Emory chuckled at their reaction. "Nah, they got a bottle of Glenfiddich that's worth more," he pointed to the top shelf of the bar where the bottle sat. "Besides, we came here to have a good time, didn't we? And you said you're not drinking much. So why not drink the good stuff?" he shrugged his shoulders. "You know some German?" he quirked a brow at Kaleb. Emory knew a little German himself. Mostly just enough to get around town.
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