#I wanted to do this in the Circle but a reunion in skyhold honestly hits harder
viiisenyas · 2 years
How many you want? Because I can send a million 😅 Feel free to pick just one haha
14. hugging with head on shoulder - for Artie and Val 💖
43. raising the other’s hand to their lips to kiss it softly - for Alessa and Alistair 💖
45. comparing hand sizes, then linking fingers together - for Val and Hawke 💖
51. caressing the other’s cheek - for Giselle and Anders 💖
I'm going to put this one in my pocket because I want to do them all for you and I will tag you when I get to them 0u0 but for now I'll do Artie and Val (and omg pls send them all, I love writing cute stuff)
Arthur had arrived in Skyhold the day before his cousin's formal coronation as Inquisitor, and while he was glad to hear of his ascent from Champion of Kirkwall to leading the Inquisition, it didn't compare to how he felt when he learned that Valeriana was within the fortress.
He began to pace on the battlements, waiting for Varric to return with her, and with each minute that passed, his anxiety rose. He wasn't sure what he was going to say to her. After all, it had been over a decade since they'd last seen each other, and during that time, she never returned his letters after he sent his regards to her when he encountered Hawke and Anders in the Deep Roads.
Is she angry that I didn't come to find her? Maker, I hope she understands.
The Warden-Commander unconsciously traced the scar on his cheek before he heard footsteps drawing closer, and the familiar sound of her voice.
"Varric, you know I don't like it when you're secretive." She said.
"Oh, come on, Birdie. You love surprises." Varric chuckled.
"If your friend has a gift basket of sweetrolls, then I'll forgive it."
She sounds just as lovely as she did before.
Arthur's cheeks grew warm, and his heartbeat began to race. He let out a soft sigh before pushing his fingers through his raven hair, and he turned his head. Her large green eyes seemed more radiant in the sunlight and he offered a soft smile that quickly fell when he caught the sight of the brand on her forehead.
The grief he felt when he learned of her becoming Tranquil returned, and the Warden huffed, shaking his head.
Thank the Maker she's cured.
"A-Arthur?" Valeriana squeaked. She shifted her wide gaze towards Varric and Amell watched as her lips fell open.
"I'll let you two catch up." The dwarf smiled before turning on his heel to walk away.
"Maker, I thought I'd never see you again!" She exclaimed as she quickly approached him. She threw her arms around his waist, and he returned the gesture, feeling his heart flutter.
Then, a wave of melancholy overcame him as he realised that the tender moments they could have shared together were stolen by the Templars and the Blight. Amell held her tighter, and began to sway from side to side, afraid that if he let go of her, she would vanish.
"I'm so sorry, Val. I should have been there to protect you." He murmured, bringing his palm to the back of her head. He began to stroke her hair comfortingly as he listened to her sobbing against him. "I should have gone to Kirkwall sooner."
"It's not your fault, Arthur. I don't blame you." She sniffled.
"You... you're not angry at me?" The Warden pulled back a bit to look at her, and he furrowed his brow.
Valeriana shook her head, sniffling once more before she pressed her cheek just below his shoulder. "I was never angry at you, Arthur."
While he was relieved to hear that she held no grudge against him, the sadness that filled his heart increased.
"Then, why haven't you written back?" Arthur asked, tone softening.
"It's a long story," She confessed, letting go of him. She took a few paces back, and clutched her arm before casting her gaze downward. "If you'll accompany me to the garden, I'll tell you, but..." She sighed and he didn't miss the way she was frowning. "You'll want to sit down."
I'm not going to like this, am I?
Arthur paused for a moment, pondering the possibilities of what news she might give him before taking a breath. He offered her his hand, and smiled when she grasped it.
"Lead the way, love."
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