#I was crying and screaming and throwing up during the Olympus scene
rosered12 · 8 months
I-i don't know how Paul Blofis is gonna top that... I'm going to be honest with you the Poseidon moments in the show are some of my favorites, and Paul's gotta lot of competition.
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karouvas · 2 years
Jiper in Blood of Olympus is sooo fucking funny like Jason constantly crying screaming throwing up missing Nico and wanting him to be safe, to the point where Piper senses it and comforts him about this while he is almost dying and thinking about Nico lmao, Piper thinking about Reyna and how beautiful and confident she was but also she hopes she’s okay she’d want to be a person someone like that can lean on while she’s still on the Argo II like she and Reyna have met twice and this is where she’s at in her head… the Pipabeth forehead touch and her getting so wrapped up in Annabeth in her povs after that where she’s present, them running away from each other on the battlefield to flirt with Reyna / Nico, then spending most of their time with them and being the most enthusiastic about those interactions post war, finally having the ‘romantic’ scene where they say I love you but during this conversation they have to mention Leo like 50 times like they can not maintain interest in each other without a third party of some kind it’s sooo funny!
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boneskullravenriver · 8 months
Y'all know I've been critical of the show for a bit. But I just watched the last season episode and like... I'm flabbergasted. Where was THIS energy in all the other episodes?
This is what I wanted.
The fight scene with ares?? Great. Loved it. We finally get a hint of the fact that even the gods look like regular people, they aren't (because up until now, I'm sorry but most of them just looked and acted like some guy™™™).
The flashbacks of Percy and Luke!!!
Percy FINALLY showing that he has some powers, great. Loved it.
Annabeth giving Percy her necklace?? Screaming crying throwing up.
Percy sassing Zeus in Olympus?? Poseidon coming to stop Zeus from turning his son into bbq?? Loved it.
Poseidon's face when Percy asked him if he dreamed of his mother?? Devastating. I was giggling and kicking my feet.
The ominous music and the tension between Percy/Luke during that scene in the forest?? Cinema. Showstopping. Perfect.
Percy jokingly calling Kronos "grandpa" and telling sally he loved her?? Screaming crying throwing up.
Literally the energy I wish the other episodes had. It did not feel like they were just going from place to place and being like "I know XYZ, this is what's happening and I'm going to tell you so this scene can end in the next 3 min!" Like the other episodes. And there was tension in this episode, the possibility that the trio could fail, not that they were breezing through every encounter thrown at them.
I'm absolutely baffled that it took TO THE LAST EPISODE for that medicore vibe to kind of move away a bit?? Like does that make sense??
Because I hated like half of this show. And then the last episode bitch slaps me across the room. What is going onnnnn
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norsaferi · 5 years
a pjo au is always a good idea and an avalance pjo au???? yes i have one coming right up
  ava is the daughter of athena and perhaps the only one of her siblings to not inherit her mothers stormy eyes and she hates herself for that 
sara as the daughter of zeus destined to bring olympus down to it's knee's except this is her second time around being alive and it's not because she was a tree for the better half of her pre-teen years
they're thirteen when everything starts to roll into place
ava got claimed when she was seven, ran away from home a year before
she meets gary and nora about two weeks in, when she's cornered by these things that she knows arent human but she wants to think they're human because she's already gave up her family, was she supposed to give up her normality too?
gary and nora are perhaps the anchors ava needed during that time of confusion with her reality, her mental state going on a huge flux, and just the recent permanent absence of parents
all at the age of 7
ava thinks back at it now and she's grateful for all the things those two did for her 
she meets sara lance about three months after her claiming
sara's unclaimed by then, but even as kids it was obvious to ava who sara's godly parent would be and knowing their history, ava tried her hardest to try and be friends with her 
because athena and zeus had perhaps the least hostile relationship between the gods, and one of trust
but ava and sara acted like their parents were athena and poseidon because for dear gods they couldnt get on for the life of them
even as kids sara acted like a stubborn and infuriating brat
and ava just stopped trying altogether with being friends with sara 
its was the fall of their second year at camp, because sadly enough both her and sara got to camp the same day, that said girl died
they were both 9 at the time and thinking back, ava couldnt help but cry at the fact that none of them deserved what happened to them that day and that they were just kids but of course being kids of the gods didnt really do anything but heighten the possibility of them being in danger
it was supposed to be just a normal day at camp. it was just supposed to be another day of ava and sara going at it with each other during training with nora and gary watching from the hillside, playing myhtomagic and the works, not saving their camp from the brink of destruction by nora’s crazy immortal titan dad that went by the human name Damien Darhk rather than his actual titan name Perses 
ava remembers nora being taken away by him, remembers how his seemingly human hands enlarged into ones that bordered too close between human and titan and seemed to engulfed noras’ small figure
ava remembers nora’s screams far too well (she still wakes up to them haunting her nightmares), remembers gary’s screams of help as he ran towards sara’s body, remembers the army of footsteps stop behind her as she neared in on gary weaping over sara’s dismembered and, far too quickly, decaying body
ava remembers her breath stopping when the faint outline of zeus’ masterbolt appears over sara’s head and she cant help but look at chiron, to see if he saw it too, only for him to continue staring on at the scene with eyes far too dead and far too uncaring for someone who was supposed to be the mentor of all of these kids, of everyone ava has ever known in her whole life, and she cant help but pause in that very moment and just let the situation and feelings she has sink in 
because she realizes, as soon as she sets eyes on chiron, that the empty look she see’s in chiron isn’t one of sadness, or regret, or any sort of emotion ava had ever familiarized herself with
it was one of pure insanity
and ava shivered, turned away as soon as she saw chiron’s head shake and turned towards her, and sobbed
she was scared, not of the gods, not of chiron, not even of damien darhk
she was scared of herself, because if she ever saw zeus again
she wouldn’t know how’d she would react, to face the same man who had let his own daughter die in front of him and just watched and never did anything to help her
she didnt know what’d she’d do if she ever saw zeus, sitting in all his glory on the highest chair in the olympian throne room knowing full well that he had let his daughter die, letting her friend die
(because oddly enough, at one point in the two years the two had known each other somewhere along the way, perhaps it was during one of their many spars, that ava didnt see sara as sara lance, the unclaimed kid but as sara lance, her friend)
she knew that if she ever saw zeus, the fates themselves would have to go down from their goddamn knitting room just to stop her from doing everything in her power to take him down and yell at him why didnt you do anything she was right there she was your daughter she was rIGHT THERE SHE WAS DYING
sara feels herself floating
she doesnt know if its the dry floating through the air, or the wet floating she hated but she knew she was floating one moment
and the next she wasnt
the next she feels herself gasp for air, only to swallow a bucketful of sand into her mouth
she digs herself out of the goddamn deathtrap and spits out the sand from her mouth and lays back to look at her surroundings because who the hell in camp would bury her while she’s out like that
and then she really looks around and realizes too late that camp looks far too different, far too empty
she wonders where the hell the satyrs were, where were the sons of triton swimming around the beach to impress the aphrodite girls there for their summer tans?
she bolts off into the path leading from the beach to the bighouse, hoping to god someone could explain why the beach was too empty for a camp that had too many hormonal teenagers and why the hell did her head feel like it’d been run over by a locomotive
ava see’s sara on the 10th of march running her way towards the bighouse and she cant help but think that all of the times she’s cursed zeus’ very existence have finally caught up to her
because ava sharpe knows that sara lance died three years ago on the very beach that nora darhk had been taken away by her titan dad 
so why the fuck was a dead girl running towards the bighouse of the very camp she died in looking confused as hell and waving towards ava like she hadn’t seen her since yesterday, and not three years ago
so she does the only reasonable thing she can think of because ava doesnt know if this is one of darhks spies
she throws a dagger at sara, completely aiming for her head
but the girl dodges it in a completely way over the top frontflip, followed up by a roll and side sweep that ava gladly ate
the sara look-a-like lands on her feet with a confused look mirroring ava’s and the two stare at each other for a few minutes before suddenly sara’s being held back by gary and mick and theyre all crowding her asking her are you okay ava? and she doesnt respond because all she can focus on is sara lance in front of her, breathing and showing emotion and being alive and she just rushes forward and hugs her friend and sobs at the warmth 
sara hugs her back, reluctantly, and just stays there and ava cant help but chuckle at how awkward yet comforting this hug is
she can hear gary and mick murmuring to each other about how this is probably a trap, hotpants and a let her enjoy it for a little while longer, mick and she snaps out of it because she doesnt know if this is her  sara or another one of darhks look-a-likes that she managed to fall for (again) 
but she doesnt have to question it, because as soon as she lets go of this sara, the girl grabs her back and hugs her tighter and suddenly she's pressed against this sara with her ears to her chest and she can hear this sara's heartbeat and it's real
not the cranking of gears she normally heard in darhks clones, but a real, beating human heart 
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