#I was gonna talk about his backstory but uh. thsi would be so much longer LMAO
sunnibits · 1 year
Hullo can u elaborate on dimitri
*aggressively whips out my PowerPoint presentation* WHY I’M SO GLAD YOU ASKED NONNY!!!! so crazy that you would ask me that omg it’s not like I specifically begged people to ask me about it or anything-
As you may have noticed, recently I started playing in my very first dnd campaign, and Dimitri Kazriel is my character!! He’s a chaotic neutral tiefling warlock - (except, like, on all levels except physical he is a rogue, because he honestly should be one based on his whole personality and backstory but uhhhh he’s a warlock okay).
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here are some various sketches of him!!! (ignore the fact that his design keeps changing slightly lmao)
Now the fun thing about our campaign is that it’s actually set in the realm of Norse mythology, with pretty much all the kingdoms and lore and stuff completely home-brewed by our incredible DM who is literally descended from Vikings (or so he says, lmao). So, Dimitri’s warlock patron is actually Loki, the god of mischief himself!!
He grew up as a thief on the streets, but he eventually made a deal with Loki and basically just became his little errand-boy-slash-spy-slash-mischief-maker in exchange for magical power and security.
But there’s a bit of a conflict going on in the campaign now when it comes to this arrangement… the thing is, Loki is planning something that I don’t really know about, but Dimitri’s been doing his job as a lil errand boy. Butttt ummmm well. Odin the Allfather himself decided to talk to Dimitri and offer him a different deal to go behind Loki’s back and work for Odin instead, in exchange for essentially taking over Loki’s position and getting a shit ton of power. Butttt of course Loki found out and was not happy… so now there’s tension between Dimitri and Loki, there’s a whole complicated thing with Odin, Dimitri doesn’t know who to chose, he’s scared of Loki’s wrath and meanwhile my poor guy still does not have a clue what the Big Plans far beyond him even are.
Sooooo Dimitri’s whole thing, essentially, is being used as a tiny pawn between these two gods, a minuscule player on a giant fucking chess board that he doesn’t understand :D
And that’s not even getting into his newly created backstory, which is a whole other can of worms… but I’ve already rambled enough so if anyone wants to hear about that…… let me know 👁️👁️
anyways thank u for asking I’m literally obsessed with him he’s my little baby blorbo and he has sooooo much trauma :))))
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