#I was in bed ready to read fic n sleep n ignore any bingo asks n reply ot them tmmr n then I saw u n like I had to get up n make this
princemick · 11 months
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anotherkpopvictim · 5 years
Let Me Be Me - TaeKook Littlespace Drabble
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(Source: Top - butaer, Bottom - no source)
A/N: so this was kind of inspired by Jungkook’s Amazingly Lucious Locks (TM) seen at the Lotte Family Concert a little while ago. I think most people are loving his hair but it reminded me of when Taehyung’s mullet made a debut and some people were so mean about it, and my imagination went off and this fic was created.
Enjoy I guess??
Pairing: Little!Jungkook X Caregiver!Taehyung
Rating: M (swearing, smut)
Words: 4070
Hurt/comfort, fluff, smut
WARNINGS: this fic has sex during littlespace, so if you are not comfortable with that, please don’t read
After the Lotte Family concert and a casual after party with a few other groups, The Bangtan Boys returned to their dorm for the night. At that point, most of them were so exhausted they could only grunt their goodnights to each other.
Jungkook, on the other hand, was still running on his post-concert high. He wasn't hyper like he had been at the after party – the dancing had gotten rid of the craziness thrumming through his veins – but he was certainly not anywhere close to being able to sleep.
The maknae had allowed the hyungs to steal the few showers there were back at the concert venue, settling for just wiping himself down at the time. Now, back at home, he brushed his teeth and hopped into the shower, nearly moaning at the feeling of the hot water hitting his pleasantly sore back.
He smiled as he lathered his hair up with shampoo, the long strands feeling good in his hands.
It had taken a lot of encouragement from his band members (his boyfriend Taehyung especially) for him to finally decide to grow his hair out. It was something the youngest had wanted to do for a while, but he was hesitant about whether or not he would be able to pull off such a different look.
Jungkook was infinitely grateful that he had done it because he really liked the way he looked with long hair and he loved the way it felt when he ran his hands through it. Taehyung was particularly fond of it as well, the older loved to grab a big handful of it from the back of his head and tug any chance he got. The maknae certainly wasn't complaining about that, the pleasurable sting it left in his scalp was all too arousing.
Today had been the first day their fans had really seen him with his long hair and Jungkook couldn't help but be curious about what they thought about it.
That's why when he finished his shower and slipped into some sweats and an old t-shirt, settling onto his bed, he opened the Twitter app on his phone. He immediately saw a couple of pictures from their concert earlier, posted by some fans that had been there. He scrolled down and sure enough, there was a beautiful shot of him mid-pose, hair falling in gentle waves around his head. He was slightly sweaty but it only added to the fierce look he was giving the audience.
He thought to himself that he looked really good, and even though people might think he’s overconfident and cocky, he didn’t think he was good looking all that often. This was one of the few times that he looked at a picture of himself and really liked what he saw. That’s not to say that he thought he was ugly, because he didn’t think that, he just thought that he looked okay or fine more often than not.
Jungkook smiled at the happy feeling running through him before he let his eyes stray to the comments on the post.
@angelsbangtan: R U SEEING THIS?!?!
@kookiebaby: omg Jungkook's long hair is everything!
@marijoon: fuck he looks so hot i die
@hopensunshine: he's trying to kill us all with those luscious locks of his
Jungkook giggled at how extra their fans were being, but he couldn't deny that even if it was exaggerated, the compliments eased the worry in his chest. When they'd given a tease of the maknae's new hairstyle back in June at another concert, ARMY had been excited, to say the least, but he still wasn't sure if they'd really like it. It was nice to be reassured.
Without even realizing it, the youngest proceeded to spend about half an hour scrolling through the seemingly endless comments section, taking in each comment on both his hair and how the concert itself went, how well he did.
It was inevitable that he would stumble upon a hate comment. Hell, he'd already scrolled past about a hundred, and usually, he would just ignore it, but something about one specific one caught his eye and then he just couldn’t stop.
@reysrobin: I don't get why BTS fans are freaking out about Jungkook's hair so much, I personally think it looks gross
@kittenyoonyoon98: they just love him and feel bad about telling him how ugly it really is
Jungkook's heart sunk to his stomach and his throat tightened, but he tried not to let the hateful words get to him.
Alas, he found himself stuck more on the negative comments as he continued reading, the ones about his hair sticking out more than the others. It was a sensitive subject, a soft spot in his normally thick walls, and these people were jabbing at it relentlessly.
@taetaeforever99: whats with Jungkooks hair? EW
@kimsoomeow: @BigHit please cut Jungkooks hair! He looks disgusting
@kookiesheart: If Jungkook doesn't change his hairstyle soon, I'm unstanning. I just really don't like him with it.
The last hate comment specifically had hundreds of retweets and favorites, too many for Jungkook to handle really. Did some of their fans really hate his long hair that much?
Unconsciously, one of his hands made its way up to his head, and he startled a little at the feeling of the long damp locks against his palm. This time when he ran his hands through his hair, unlike in the shower, he felt a bit sick to his stomach.
Before he could think any more about it, he shook his head. “Don't be stupid,” he reprimanded himself, “I like my hair and that's all that should matter.”
A week passed and all the members of Bangtan were getting ready to head out in a few days to return to their hometowns for their first extended (and much-needed) vacation.
Throughout the week a few pictures and videos featuring Jungkook were posted to the internet, and each time, he couldn't help but read the comments. Every hate comment was like another stab in the chest, and eventually, he just became too weak to take it anymore.
It was a selfie of himself and Jimin that had been posted earlier that gained a particularly large amount of negative attention. His resolve was snapped in two when he read a specific tweet about it.
@boyzwithfunyea: this is starting to get ridiculous. Jungkook obviously doesn't care about his fans that much if he won't listen to them and just fucking cut his hair already
But Jungkook did love their fans. He loved them almost as much as his family or the boys. Was he letting them down by continuing with something they obviously didn't want? The thought of cutting his hair right now made him really sad, but maybe he was just being selfish about all of this. Maybe he should just cut it again - maybe then everyone would be happy.
A knock on his door startled him.
“Hey, it's me,” came Taehyung's familiar voice from the other side, “Can I come in?”
“Y-Yeah!” the maknae tried to hide the wavering of his voice as he locked his phone and set it aside.
Taehyung burst into the room and unceremoniously plopped himself beside the younger on his bed. The older's eyes fell shut as he snuggled into the comforter, making himself at home. “You excited to go home tomorrow, baby?” he asked.
Jungkook nodded before he remembered his boyfriend couldn't see him with his eyes closed. “Uh, yeah, Junghyun-hyung is even coming home for a few weeks too.”
The older opened both of his eyes and turned to face the maknae with worried eyes. “What's going on?”
“W-What do you mean?”
“You're a terrible liar, Kook,” Taehyung scoffed, “I can tell when something's up with you and you're giving me all the signs right now. So what's going on?”
“N-Nothing,” Jungkook winced as he stuttered again and looked away from his hyung. “I think I...I think I might go see one of the stylist noonas before I leave.”
Taehyung raised an eyebrow, “Oh?”
“I-I think I'm going to cut my hair again.”
The older paused, face hardening. “Jungkook,” he began slowly, already making his way closer so he could wrap his arms around the maknae. “I thought you liked your long hair?”
“I do,” Jungkook replied honestly.
“Then why are you cutting it?”
No response.
“You're not cutting it because of some of the fans' comments, are you?”
Bingo, Jungkook thought. Out loud, he said, “N-No, I j-just think I should change it.”
“Jeon Jungkook.” the firm tone stopped his lying in its tracks.
The younger turned to his hyung, eyes wide.
Taehyung was looking at him with an expression of disappointment, “How many times do I have to tell you not to do something just because someone else wants it? If you really want to cut your hair, then go ahead, but if you aren't doing this for yourself...”
“But I'm letting them down.”
“You aren't letting anyone down, Jungkook,” Taehyung argued, arms tightening around the maknae's waist, “The people who want you to change aren't your real fans, baby. If they really loved you, they would want you to be happy.”
Jungkook bit his lip as he contemplated the older’s words.
Taehyung continued, “Do you remember when I was first growing my hair out last year - there were a lot of people saying hateful things to me too.”
Jungkook whimpered at the reminder, memories of an almost soulless looking Taehyung flashing across his eyes for a moment. He shook himself out of it with a shiver. “I-I...I just...” he couldn’t seem to get the words he wanted to say out, but perhaps he just didn’t know what to say at all.
"You got me out of it, remember?"
And oh, Jungkook remembered alright. He remembered catching Taehyung reading comment after comment of hate about his own hair online. He remembered the light that always shined so brightly in his hyung's eyes dim as the hate became too much. He remembered working tirelessly alongside the hyungs to pull Taehyung out of his depressive state.
Taehyung kept on talking, “The truth is, no matter what we do, there are going to be some people out there that won’t like it. We can’t please everyone. So the best we can do is be ourselves and love ourselves for who we are. That’s what we’re telling our fans with our music, you should take the advice that’s right in front of you.”
It clicked in the maknae’s mind then, that his hyung was right. They preached about how everyone should love themselves, and that included the BTS members too.
If having long hair was what Jungkook - or anyone - wanted, then why shouldn’t he be able to have that? Just as Taehyung said, fake fans and assholes who hid behind their computer screens were forever going to be bitter about something, so he might as well like himself at least.
Tears stung at Jungkook’s eyes and began to trail down his cheeks. “P-People are m-meanies.”
Jungkook’s slip into littlespace was so sudden that Taehyung was momentarily surprised. It wasn’t often that the younger went into littlespace, so he knew he must be really upset.
“I know, little one,” he recovered himself and pressed a kiss to the younger’s forehead, “And I know it’s hard, but you just can’t listen to them.”
“K-Kookie likes his long hair.” the little admitted quietly, “Wanna keep it like this.”
“I know you do, bun,” Taehyung replied, pressing another kiss to the crown of the younger’s head. “Your hair is yours. You can do whatever you want with it.”
“Okay, Daddy,” the maknae nuzzled into his boyfriend's chest, “Just gotta ignore the meanies.”
“Exactly,” Taehyung smiled at the younger’s cute wording, “That’s my good bun.”
“K-Kookie likes...” Jungkook started, biting his bottom lip and blushing prettily. “Kookie really likes it when Daddy pulls his hair too.”
And just like that, the older’s eyes darkened. “Do you now, baby?” he hummed, voice deepening and sending a shiver down the little’s spine.
“Y-Yeah,” Jungkook stuttered, losing his breath quickly from the way his Daddy was looking at him. “Makes Kookie’s tummy feel good.”
Taehyung shifted the two of them so he was hovering above the younger, leaning down to kiss at his neck, ducking the little’s puckered lips.
Jungkook whined, but he wasn’t sure if it was in annoyance that he didn’t get a proper kiss, or in pleasure, because Taehyung loved to leave a soft trail of light hickeys along with his neck kisses and it made it hard for the younger to think properly.
The older’s free hand slid up the maknae’s hip and side, giving him fleeting touches as he made his way up his body. His hand finally settled itself around the back of Jungkook’s neck, the younger’s long chocolate locks sliding between his fingers easily. His hand tightened momentarily, allowing the maknae to feel a teasing sting in his scalp that was gone in a second.
“M-More...” Jungkook whimpered out.
“Is that how you ask properly, baby?”
Taehyung’s dark tone made him quickly correct himself, “Can Daddy give Kookie more please?”
Taehyung hummed, gripping his hair tighter. “Good boy. What do you want, little one? Daddy’s fingers?” the older let go of the maknae’s hair to trail the hand around to the front of his face and tease two fingers over Jungkook’s lips.
The maknae parted his lips automatically and took in the two fingers, sucking on them and coating them in his spit. His own hands grasped at the other’s wrist to hold his hand in place, but Taehyung was still easily able to pull it away a moment later when his fingers were thoroughly slicked up.
“Or do you want my mouth?” the older continued. The hand returned to the back of his head as Taehyung leaned down and brought the younger into a searing kiss.
Jungkook keened into the kiss, letting Taehyung lead the dance of their tongues in their mouths, his hands moving to grip at the older’s t-shirt covered back.
The hot kiss was cut short when Taehyung pulled away again, this time sit up. His hands made their way back down to the maknae’s hips, carefully avoiding the visible hard-on in his sweatpants, and held tightly to his thighs. He guided Jungkook’s legs apart and fit his body in between them like linking two puzzle pieces together.
With their bodies pressed together everywhere, Taehyung leaned over him again and bucked his hips forward once. “Or maybe, you want Daddy’s cock?”
Jungkook gasped at the pleasurable feeling of Taehyung’s hard dick rutting against his ass. It was really hard to remember that he was supposed to answer the older when his brain was this muddled.
“M-Mouth, please,” he finally decided, knowing that with how close he was already, he wouldn’t be able to handle the process of Taehyung stretching him and fucking him without coming.
“Alright, baby,” Taehyung replied gently, pressing a softer kiss to the maknae’s lips this time. “I’m going to show you how beautiful you are to me, little one.” His sinful lips followed his earlier trail of hickeys down Jungkook’s neck as his hands skillfully removed the shirt from the younger’s body.
The sight of the younger beneath him like this always caused his breath to falter, but he hid it by continuing his path of kisses over the maknae’s collarbone and down his chest.
He stopped briefly to suckle at Jungkook’s nipple, just long enough to get the other riled up, but not enough to send him over the edge. Jungkook’s always had ridiculously sensitive nipples - a simple touch to one of his little pink buds gave him the same sensations as the brush of a hand on his cock.
Taehyung bit at each of his lightly sculpted abs until he reached the waistband of Jungkook’s sweatpants. It felt like it took forever for the older to slide the maknae’s sweatpants and boxers off, but it was probably only a minute.
Now completely bare beneath him, Jungkook looked down at his Daddy with dark, glazed-over eyes, panting out slightly.
“Is this okay, baby?” Taehyung asked softly. He needed to make sure Jungkook was still alright with this.
The maknae nodded, verbalizing his answer only after his Daddy gave him a pointed look. “Y-Yes, Daddy. It’s okay.”
Taehyung let out a praising hum and without warning, sunk Jungkook’s entire dick into his mouth. The maknae screamed in surprise at the feeling of the older’s throat constricting around him. Sometimes he was really jealous of the fact that Taehyung didn’t have a gag reflex.
Jungkook’s hands were buried in his hyung’s own dark locks, a constant firm grip on the hair in an attempt to keep himself grounded in the oncoming haze of pleasure.
The older bobbed his head a few times slowly, long, slow movements full of intent. Each bob of his head was finished with him wrapping his lips tightly around the leaking tip, suckling the sensitive area. Jungkook’s precum was salty but not all that unpleasant.
The sound Jungkook let out when Taehyung pulled away completely again was full of frustration, his hands desperately reaching up for his hyung. “Daddy, please! Stop teasing Kookie!” he pleaded, tears of betrayal in his eyes.
The older didn’t stop, however, instead deciding to push the maknae’s limits a little bit more. He sat up and ordered, “Turn over. Hands and knees.”
Despite his desperation, Jungkook obliged, but not without whining his annoyance.
Taehyung chuckled at his impatience as he settled himself behind the younger and prying his legs apart further at the knees, “Relax little one. I’ve got you.”
Jungkook felt two hands gripping his ass cheeks, and he let out a shaky exhale as they were spread apart. His hole was exposed to the cool air and to Taehyung’s burning gaze.
The older was eyeing the maknae’s fluttering hole with something akin to hunger. He licked his lips and inhaled a whiff of the younger’s clean scent as he leaned in.
The first press of the older’s tongue along his rim almost sent Jungkook over the edge but he did his best to contain himself. His cock was hanging between his legs, dark red and aching for release. It bobbed against his stomach when Jungkook’s hips jumped in surprise.
Taehyung ate ass like nobody’s business, his long tongue delving into the maknae’s hole as deep as he could go. He tried his best to keep his face clean, but spit was wiped around his mouth and nose despite his best efforts.
The older moved one of his hands that were still holding Jungkook’s ass cheeks apart, allowing his thumb to rub along the younger’s perineum with gentle pressure.
“A-Ah!” Jungkook gasped, the new sensation causing his arms to shake and eventually give out. He face-planted into a cool pillow and turned his head so he could breathe. His hands clenched desperately at the soft sheets next to his head. “D-Daddy! C-Close!”
Taehyung didn’t stop his movements this time, much to the younger’s relief. Jungkook wasn’t sure what he would have done if the older had stopped again. Wasn’t sure if he would have been able to handle it.
The older hummed approvingly, still tonguing at the maknae’s hole as he did so. The resounding vibrations made Jungkook’s eyes roll to the back of his head.
Taehyung stopped his actions just long enough to whisper a few words before he dove back in, “Let me see you cum, little one.” He slipped his hand up and was just able to grab onto a good handful of the younger’s locks at the nape of his neck. He gave a firm tug and pulled Jungkook’s head back and off of the pillow.
The maknae let out a garbled sound, a mix of a scream and a moan at the show of dominance from the older. His scalp stung perfectly and it was enough to take him over the edge. Around him, the world no longer existed - it was just him and Taehyung.
And Jungkook burst a few thrusts of his hyung’s tongue later, the feeling of ecstasy causing stars to appear behind his eyelids and his body to fall limp.
The younger settled into a place between reality and dreamland, where any thoughts other than the absolute pleasure he was feeling were all but obliterated.
He vaguely felt his Daddy’s hands moving him around on the bed and cleaning him, eventually tucking him under the soft covers. Jungkook was blissed out and had no control over his body at the moment, so he just let him do what he wanted.
At some point, Jungkook fell asleep with the comforting feeling of arms wrapping around him from behind and a soft whisper in his ear, proclaiming their love for him.
They woke up the next day around noon, and Jungkook was still in his headspace.
Taehyung decided that since it was rainy out, they would have a movie marathon while cuddling in bed. The hyungs were in and out of the dorm today, so the two of them could spend some much-needed alone time. With the busy schedules as of late, they hadn’t been able to really do anything together for weeks.
Of course, about five minutes into the first movie (”It has to be Mulan, Daddy. ‘Cause Mulan is the most bravest person ever!”) they began talking idly between each other, the sound of the movie quickly turning into background noise.
Suddenly, an idea popped into Taehyung’s head, “Hey, you know, your hair is long enough, I could probably put some little braids in it.”
Jungkook’s eyes widened to the size of saucers as he turned his body full to face him, “R-Really? Daddy can make pretty braids?”
“Yeah,” Taehyung replied, getting up to grab a comb and some small hair ties he kept lying around. “I have a cousin that I used to babysit sometimes when I was younger, and she forced me to learn to braid her hair.”
The little giggled at the story, imagining a bossy little girl forcing Taehyung to do her hair. It was quite an entertaining image. “Will Daddy braid Kookie’s hair now too?”
Taehyung hummed in affirmation and sat back on the bed with Jungkook. He combed out some of his hair carefully, not wanting to pull too hard on any tangles. Then he sectioned it into three and began crossing the locks over each other in a familiar pattern. Jungkook’s hair wasn’t super long, so the braids weren’t long either, but it was enough to be able to really see the full pattern of the braid and get the effect he was going for.
The older continued to pick out certain sections throughout Jungkook’s hair and braid them until he had made his way to the other side of his head. Taehyung pulled back and smiled at the sight before him.
Most of Jungkook’s hair was still down, falling in the recently favored waves, but six small braids accented the waves adorably.
“You look so beautiful, baby.” Taehyung said honestly, “Do you want to see?”
Jungkook nodded excitedly and lifted his arms up in the air expectantly.
The older chuckled but obliged and picked up the little. He hitched him up as he clung to him like a koala, one hand under his bum securely. He walked them across the hallway to the bathroom, where he flicked the light on.
The little took a look in the giant mirror and gasped, “Kookie looks so pretty! Daddy, Kookie looks so pretty!”
Taehyung half-heartedly shushed the younger, not wanting to wake up any of the other members who were most likely sleeping, “I’ve told you before, baby. You’re the prettiest bun to ever exist.”
Jungkook got shy then, blush creeping up his cheeks cutely. “T-Thank you, Daddy.”
“Aigoo!” Taehyung thought he might die from an overload of cuteness, but that was a familiar feeling he had when he was around the younger. He couldn’t resist giving a kiss to the little’s nose. “Love you so much, little one.”
Love you too, Daddy,” Jungkook replied. Then his eyes lit up and he asked, “Can Daddy put my hair in pigtails too?”
And well, who was Taehyung to say no to him?
A/N: so this went from 0 to 100 in like two seconds I’m sorry lol. Oh, and sorry if I happened to use someone's Twitter handle, I literally just made them off the top of my head so...yeah.
I hope you liked it!
Also, I’m going away until next Friday and I’m not sure how much internet connection I’ll have, so I might not post anything until probably Saturday. I will be taking my laptop and writing while I’m gone, so if anyone had any requests for a BTS littlespace drabble, you can go to my Request Guidelines page.
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praisekinkchenanon · 7 years
Up In Flames.
Wow, I’m late I was supposed to post this <onday and now it’s basally Friday. I can’t thank @the-porcelain-doll-xo and @igot7bangtanbaes enough for helping me with this. Literally the best humans ever.
Now without further ado, this one is for you @kpopfanfictrash , I hope you’ve had the best birthday week. This is a 3 part fic and I hope it brings you as much pain reading it as it did me writing it. If things go as planned tomorrow (Later today) Ch 2 and then Saturday the final Chapter. You are amazing happy birthday love.
Pairing: OC X Baekhyun, OC X Jongin Genre: Angst (NSFW) Word Count: 2400 ish
Ch. 2
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Credit for the Mood Board goes to @baebae-goodnight , another master piece.
The first sign that today is going to be a bad day is the feeling of the sun burning through your eyelids the moment you wake up. If the sun is streaming into your eyes, then you know you aren’t in your own bed. “Please don’t be Baekhyun. Please don’t be…” You open your eyes only for them to land on the all too familiar lamp and bedside table.
“Shit,” you mumble.
“Good morning to you too,” Baekhyun hums as he wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his chest. He starts kissing the back of your shoulder as he continues to speak. “Still tired? Or are you ready for another round?” You can’t help but shiver whenever his lips touch your skin. Every brush of his skin on yours leaves a wake of goosebumps.
“Baekhyun, we have to stop this. I can’t keep waking up here.” You sigh, trying not to get washed up in the whirlpool of his touch. “I’ve heard that before, and yet every time it has been you that seeks me out,” he counters. “I know, but this is the last time.” This time for sure, you think. “It’s wrong of me Baekhyun. I’m your TA.” “Why? It’s not like I’m doing this for the grade. I’m failing anyway, so no one will ever accuse you of sleeping with me in exchange for grades. Besides Miss Y/L/N,” he pauses to lightly bite your shoulder, eliciting a quiet gasp from your lips. “I do it for that sound. It’s my favorite. Any sound you make is beautiful,” he finishes and then goes back to kissing your shoulders and back.
Breaking free from his grasp you pull the sheets and stand, looking down on him still on the bed. “This isn’t some joke Baekhyun. We could get into so much trouble for this. It was my fault it’s gone on this long.” You try and sound authoritative, but it’s all lost by the image of you trying to cover your naked body with the thin sheet. “I don’t regret anything. How this started. Where we’ve ended up. You like to call me a ‘fuck boy’, and I’ll admit to being one most of the time, but not with you.” He stands up and walks towards you, and you back up with each step until your back hits the wall of his apartment. It’s there that he traps you between his arms. “I know at first I took advantage of the situation, but we both agreed. It was a purely physical thing. That was fine with me, another square off of the bingo board. TA, check,” his hands slowly moved from the wall to cup your face. “But then I fell in love with you, and I plan to make you mine. If that means having to wait for you every weekend to come find me in the club, bar or for you to show up here, I'm fine with that. At the end of the day you come to me, and for those fleeting hours you are mine, and I'm all yours." "You don't own me," is the only thing you can think to say.
"You're right," He chuckles. "And I wouldn't want to really. I just want you to call me yours in the sense that I'm the person you share everything with. Your bed, your dreams. Most importantly your heart. I'll do anything to make it happen-even sneaking around. Coming out in the dead of night to warm your bed. I'll drop that class right now if it means I can hold your hand in public. It's not like I need the folklore class. I have enough credits. I just did it to get a new pool of girls for the Bingo Game the boys have going." You can see and feel him closing in, you know he's going in for a kiss, only he stops just shy of touching your lips. "Now that I'm not playing bingo anymore, I've set my sights on a better prize: Winning your heart." Then you feel his lips press onto yours. It's soft and slow, and you can feel how much he wants you with it. When he breaks the kiss, he rests his forehead on yours. "So, what do you think?" "I think I need to leave," you say as you brush past him. The less you stare, the less chance you have to be drawn in by his naked form. You hurry around the room throwing on your discarded clothes that litter the floor.
You can feel him watching as you hurry and stuff yourself back into your skimpy dress, underwear, and shoes. You don't know where your bra ended up, but it would have to be abandoned. You hurry out of his bedroom and just as you are about to head out the front door you hear him call out, "I’ll see you in class tomorrow, Miss Y/L/N, and I'll just be thinking about how pretty you were riding my dick last night. " You felt your body flush red. You hated the control he had over you. What right did he have? You couldn't stand there in the doorway any longer. You rushed out slamming the door behind you and continued down the hall hoping to catch the elevator without being seen. Luck was not on your side. If you ignored the packed elevator and just pretend you weren’t in the middle of a "walk of shame" and could just make it to your apartment, you would be fine.
The one good thing about sleeping with Baekhyun was that he lived fairly close to your apartment. You wouldn’t have long to go to reach your place, then you could wash off the mistakes from last night. "Have fun with Baek last night?" a voice asks, breaking the silence of the elevator. You let it hang there, ignoring it you hope the doors open soon and you can escape. You know exactly who the voice belongs to, but you won't give him the opportunity to embarrass you. Finally, the door dings open, and you rush out. Only the man follows. "Oh come on, Y/N," he says as he easily catches up to you. "Fuck off, Jongin." You say as you wait at the crosswalk, tapping your foot in a futile attempt to make time go faster. "Oh come on, it's not like we all don't know. He's not subtle. He's not even playing Bingo with us, and he was winning. So come on Y/N, what is it about you that's so great that you’ve got Baekhyun wrapped up in between your legs." At this point, you grow tired of waiting for the crosswalk light and run once it’s clear enough. He, unfortunately, follows you across the road and down the street. Constantly calling you to give him an answer. Fed up, you stop and turn to face him.
"I don't know, asshole, and I want it to end. Baekhyun has this weird magnetism about him, and I can’t help but subconsciously look for him when I get drunk. I don't even know what it is, but it's wrong, and it needs to stop. So go, take your friend back and get him to leave me alone." You turn around and stomp away. Praying that he doesn't follow, you think you're fine until he grabs your arm and pulls you around to face him. "If you are done with Baek, care to take me for a test ride?" You couldn't believe your eyes when you see him wink. What kind of scumbag says that and winks. "You're disgusting, Jongin," You rip your arm out of his grasp "I'd rather have a root canal than sleep with you." "Well if you want to play dent-." "Again, disgusting,” you interrupt and yank your arm from his grasp. “And what's worse is you trying to pick up Baekhyun's leftovers. Some friend you are." You try and walk away again, only to find yourself being trapped for a second time that day against a wall. "What part of no don't you get," you say as you try and shove him.
"One last thing then I promise to let you go, for today at least,” he says as he leans in, his lips caressing your ear as he speaks. “Just think about that night you got stood up. Baekhyun wasn't the only one there comforting you. I was there too. I got up from the table to get you something to drink only to come back to an empty booth. You should have gone home with me. I would have treated you right." You don't respond as you duck under his arms and just walk away. You're tired and want this day to end, even if it's only 10:50. "Just think about it Y/N, at least you aren't my TA!" He yells at you. It stings, the truth of it all. If you were going to sleep with an undergrad at least you could try and go for someone who isn’t in the class you TA.
When you finally get home, you tear off your dress. It feels crusty. Is it from sweat, or did you do something you'd much rather not remember in it? You choose not to think too hard about it and instead head to run yourself a bath. Once it's filled enough you drop in a bath bomb, and as it fizzes you watch the colours dance while the scent fills the room. Lavender and sandalwood fill your nostrils as you slide your body into the bathtub. Sink further into the tub you think about the words Jongin said, and your mind wanders back two months to that night.
When you were supposed to meet up with someone your friend had set you up with, and while it was supposed to be a blind date you knew what he looked like. Your friend had shown you his photo, so there was no mistaking him walking into the restaurant, seeing you and then walking out. At first, you couldn't believe it. Maybe he forgot something and was coming back. You were right on time, but being 5 minutes late wouldn’t have been a big deal.
Or that’s what you told yourself until your friend texted you saying he was sick and wouldn’t make it. Obviously, he had seen you and didn’t like what he saw. This led to many drinks and then to you ending up at the club close to the school. Usually, you went to the one the younger students didn’t frequent, but tonight you wanted to just get plastered, and it was closer. That was your first mistake. Somehow throughout the night, you were sandwiched between Baekhyun and Jongin.The rest gets fuzzy. All you know is that you woke up at Baekhyun’s place, not remembering anything. Which he felt insulted by and proceeded to “show you what you missed” for the rest of the morning.
That morning still runs vividly in your memory. It’s part of what has propelled you back every weekend for the last 2 months. A shiver runs down your spine every time you think of how perfect he seems to fill you up. How he never fails to get you to orgasms at least twice in a night. He could have you begging on your knees to suck him off, but this all had to end. You were his TA. Not only could you get in trouble, but so could he.
“But what about the way he almost always makes you laugh when you are sad,” your brain counters. “Or the times he makes you breakfast when you don’t run away in the mornings. Or the day after you were stood up  he took you to paint ball because you were upset.”
You shake your head to rid yourself of these thoughts.
No more, you decided. This was it.
Y/N: I mean it this time, Baekhyun. No more. We’re done. I’m throwing the liquor away, and I’m deleting your number. You should do the same.
Baekhyun: Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to be home this weekend when your resolve fails. ;)
Y/N: I mean it this time and tell Jongin he can stay away too.
Baekhyun: Wait, what did Jongin do?
“Shit,” you mumbled. Now you’ve done it. So, he really didn’t know about Jongin. Well, it’s better he knows that he has such a scummy friend.
Baekhyun: I didn’t think he was serious when he said he would go after you, what did he do?
So maybe he did know. Either way, this wasn’t your problem anymore. You turned your phone to silent and decided you’d deal with this all later.
Finishing your bath, you got up and checked the time: 12:30. You’d spent way too long in the bath. Now you needed to eat and catch up on your work for tomorrow. You spent the rest of your Sunday in this manner: School and TA work, eventually managing to finish everything by 12:48. A perfectly respectable time to sleep. Feeling exhausted, you crawl under your sheets and hope tomorrow will be a better day. Grabbing your phone from off the bedside table, you noticed all the text you’d missed, but there was another number that you didn’t recognize in the mix. Ignoring the texts from Baekhyun, you open the unknown number.
Unknown: Y/N, it’s Jongin. It’s 12:01, a new day. See, I keep my promises. Don’t think that just because you told Baek on me that will deter me. I stole your number from his phone by the way. I’ll see you tomorrow ;)
“Fuck,” you whispered out loud. Why was this happening to you? The only silver lining was that at least one of them wasn’t in the class you were a TA for. With that thought, you drifted off to sleep, praying for a better day.
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