#I was replaying the foundation dlc and I had this thought
beevean · 11 months
hey! i've been meaning to get back into the sonic the hedgehog, and since you have a pretty good handle on the games, i'd thought i'd ask which game you'd recommend for someone who's only had experience with Sonic 2 and S3&K? i can only count riders as one of the more story-oriented games i've played, but i know there's more out there and would love to hear your opinion on what'd be fun to just dive into :3
Ah, the eternal question I simply can't find an answer to 😂 I don't know why it's much easier for me to help people get into Megaman, Metroid or Castlevania than the series I grew up with lmao
Sonic 1: playing the series in chronological order is always a valid option, and since you are familiar with S2 and 3&K, why not complete the Classics with the original one? Its biggest hurdle is that it suffers from a noticeable case of Early Installment Weirdness: no Spin Dash (in the original version, it was put in nearly every subsequient re-release), 3 acts instead of 2, and generally speaking a much more platform-y level design. But I have fun replaying it every June 23rd, I think it's still a solid game that was perfectly designed to be mastered.
Sonic Adventure: my personal first Sonic game. I love it to death despite its flaws :P Sonic's story is, for me, peak 3D Sonic with spacious and complex level design, graphics and music are on point, the plot is moderately engaging... yeah the other characters range from "they're there" to "i hate everything you stand for", but personally I don't find them too intrusive. I recommend the PC version (either 2004 or Steam, I have the former) with mods that "Dreamcastify" it and fix some of its issues; alternatively, the Gamecube version of Sonic Adventure DX is a good compromise. Do not play the vanilla Steam version or anything that came after it.
Sonic Adventure 2: everyone else's first Sonic game lmao. If you found SA1 too bloated, or the cutscenes too ridiculous, or the hub world too annoying, SA2 fixes all of this. It's a game that was meant to be mastered, thanks to its introduction of the ranking system. It's also the game that introduced fandom blorbos Shadow and Rouge! The Battle remaster also came out on Steam.
Sonic Heroes: the one game designed to introduce newcomers to the series! A flawed game, even more bloated than SA1, that I nonetheless like for the bright aesthetic, fresh soundtrack, and richness of level design, my second favorite after SA1. I recommend the Gamecube version, as it's the least buggy of the bunch.
Sonic Colors: I was actually going to recommend either Unleashed or Generations when it comes to Boost games, but the former is rather complex and divisive, and the latter is mostly a "best of" of the series from S1 to Colors. I haven't played Colors myself, but it looks to me that it was meant to 1) introduce another wave of newcomers, and 2) fix the complaints that Unleashed received at the time. Colors is a pretty simple game with unintrusive gimmicks, mostly about Boosting, platforming, and exploring the levels thanks to the Wisps. Either find the original Wii version, or try the recent Ultimate remaster.
Sonic Mania: technically, this is a love letter to the Classic series (and a few nods to more minor games, too), but it builds up on 3&K's foundations and at its core is a solid, well-designed, charming Classic game. With the Plus DLC, you can play up to 5 different characters!
the Advance trilogy: very cute games that put a modern spin on the 2D formula. Advance 1 is a simple, straightfoward 2D game, with its most memorable feature being that you can play as Amy and her gameplay style is very unique. Advance 2 is all about building and mantaining speed in levels that resemble rollercoasters, and it introduced Cream, the Goddess of Destruction. Advance 3 is all about teamwork, as you combine two characters to get an unique way to traverse levels. You're bound to like at least one :)
the Rush duology: made by the same devs of the Advance games, these ones are technically the first Boost games, but in 2D. They were my shit when I was a kid lmao. They're fast, stylish and fun! And they introduced Blaze :>
I hope at least one of these piques your curiosity, and have fun <3
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gay-saltasaurus · 1 year
Ok so I just finished replaying BOTW post TOTK. Not a super detailed replay, just main quests and some of the larger side content.
Now that both are fresh in my mind...what the fuck.
I am legitimately kind of terrified of the team working on these games, they might be too powerful. How did they do this. How the fuck did they manage to hit it out of the park, then come back a few years later to hit it out of the solar system. So many big games are released half finished (looking at you Pokemon), and it would have been so easy to do a cash grab sequel. So many assets, systems, and minor sidequests were reused, as expected, but instead of just making botw+, they went in 100% to build somthing huge on the impressuve foundation they already had. As someone who works in games, I can't stress enough how so many people, in so many disciplines, had to be working at the top of their game for years to pull this off twice. Nintendo also deserves praise for giving the developers the time they needed to go above and beyond (this should be standard, but unfortunately the actual standard is to drive developers to make as much money as possible as fast and as cheaply as possible).
Replaying botw really highlighted how much totk was able to improve. Botw gave the player multiple ways to solve every problem, but the Zonai devices and new abilities make the solutions practically infinite, while somehow still making things challenging. The new abilities also feel more usefull, I think I only used cryonis twice outside of shrines.
There's also the little quality of life changes. I seriously missed being able to drop weapons from the hotbar, swap out an item after opening a chest, easily switch between inventory tabs, the little things that really streamline gameplay.
Totk's story is also made a lot stronger by botw's foundation. Everyone's already talked about botw's loneliness vs totk's theme of connection. But botw also creates emotional connections that totk builds on. Tarrey Town, the construction in Castle Town, the fucking Hateno house. It's similar to the environmental storytelling in botw. And despite Link's Tony Hawk syndrome, you know these npcs. You knew the Hateno kids when they were toddlers. You get to see the people you've met thriving. You know exactly what you're fighting for.
Botw tok a minute to get me emotionally invested in saving Zelda. "Yeah save the princess, I know the drill. You've seen one Zelda you've seen them all." At first I just expected her personality would be improved from Girl to Smart Girl. Then I saw the memory of her trying to force feed Link a live frog and instantly decided I would die for this character, and needed to save her asap. She's a full fledged character with an actual arc across games! And I love her! Yes there are things that could be better, the self sacrifice and not getting to do much in the actual game is an issue, but for what we got I'm pretty pleased with it. Botw got me invested, and totk used that to maximum effect. I saved a lot of the side content because I wanted to know where Zelda was, then when I found out I just couldn't get invested in sidequests because SHE HAS BEEN UP THERE BY HERSELF FOR 10,000 YEARS HOLD ON BABYGIRL IM COMING WE'RE GONNA GET YOU DOWN SOMEHOW.
So with Totk being so good, I have to wonder what's next. First, everyone who worked on this should get a vacation and a raise. And some awards. But after that, I think it might be possible to make this a trilogy. I have no idea where you could go from here, but that's what I thought after botw and look how that turned out. But if the team feels like they're done with this iteration of Hyrule, this is a perfectly good stopping point. There is just one thing I need first. Whether it's in a sequel or a major dlc. I need this Zelda. To not be having a terrible time. Just once. I know saving Zelda is the whole thing for this series, but my god she has been through enough. Just let me go on an adventure with her. You have the technology from the sage avatars. Or if that's too much, let me go in an adventure while she hangs out with Purah or something. Nintendo I'm begging you.
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crystalnet · 7 years
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What I Like About FFXV Comrades DLC and December Patch
This game will just not go calmly into that good night-- but somehow, I'm perfectly okay with that. I've overwritten about this game on this blog at this point and yet the updates and content continues to roll out, and all year there's been a good reason to come back to it every couple of months. 
Recently the multiplayer DLC Comrades dropped, and I've been playing it off and on for the past couple weeks and beat the main story on it last night and wanted to mention all the things that I really enjoy about it. And even after logging 10+ hours into the thing and technically "beating" it, I certainly plan to continue playing to unlock all the classes and get in on some of that delicious online multiplayer action. Here's what I liked in no specific order:
-The magic system seems preferable to the one in the main-game. Really loved being able to spam spells and have four different spells available, all attached to different weapons. 
-class system seems really sick-- I think it was wise to start people as healer because the position is always valuable to have on a party, but as you unlock more, the possibilities for battle stratagems become much deeper. I still have a lot to get after beating the story so it functions in that way as well. 
-The lore and story details were pretty substantial! I think we got more story in this than the Prompto or Gladio episodes, as it fills in a literal gap in the narrative. It's like if Ocarina of Time had a multiplayer mode that took place in the 10 year gap between child Link and adult Link.
-Weapon upgrading is really solid in this, and though I think there could be a bit more weaponry to choose from, I haven't unlocked everything and there's a fair bit of customizing to be had, more than the main-game. 
-Combat is generally deeper than the main-game? Funny how a lot of the battles seem more involved in terms of the tactics which they call for. Add in the weapon upgrading, magic options, and Sigil/class abilities and this seems significantly deeper than combat in the main game. It's like it used the main-game as a foundation and built a more appealing, deeper multiplayer game on top of that. The only thing the main quest has on it is that it all looks a little nicer. Though I guess character-swapping may balance things out in a couple of weeks. I might add more because this was an all-around very good experience that I still haven't gotten enough of. The only way it could be better to me is if it had a lobby area where you can just like chill with other players. I have a fetish for lobby zones and I get why  Lestallum doesn't function in this way but I wish it did. Even if it was only in the hotel there. Just being able to shout Kenny the Crow emojis and maybe even enter into teams/missions would add a lot. But that's like literally my only complaint. 
It's just generally cool to fight alongside other players with this combat.  It was already a fun system in the offline mode if a bit superficial, but here it's been tweaked and working together with team-mates can be super satisfying. And with a solid character-maker, it's fun to see what other people cook up, as well as to unlock new accessories and such. 
So yeah, I'm generally way into this, and judging by all the support, they'll probably end up continuing support of this specific part of FFXV's DLC even further. If they didn't though, it'd still be a great little feature. I can probably still count on one hand the times I haven't been able to get a party for a mission, and it's usually when it's a crazy time of night, so there's definitely been a healthy amount of traffic on the servers. 
All in all, I'm still increasingly in this game's corner. I think for a second by the end of the summer when I was getting sick of just the timed quests, I was starting to second-guess my initial love of this game, but by now, there's been so much added and announced that it feels like Square has made good on the potential that might have initially seemed just slightly squandered upon initial play-throughs. 
I need to get a handle on how much story content has been added to the main game but beyond extended cut-scenes being patched in, since November we've seen...
-That moogle festivle, which was an okay distraction I guess. Felt superficial though, and I wish we could have run around the city with other players. 
-Episode Gladio, and extended Chapter 13- Solid little DLC chapter with the brawl-ier Gladio. These DLC seem a bit odd to me as replay value seems low, but now that character-swapping in the main-game will be a thing in a couple weeks, they function as great tutorials and chunks of lore at their best. 
-Off-road Regalia vehicle- I thought this was a nice little bonus Square put out when they really didn't have to. Now no one can complain about being stuck on the roads, and it's pretty fun to drive. Now if only you could turn into the airship from the off-road mode...
-Timed Quests- these were kind of cool earlier in the year when they were first dropping. I missed a few though and so missed out on sweet EXP and now I can't beat that crazy dragon in Leide that's been the quest for months cuz I'm like 20 below level cap now. Damn. 
-Episode Prompto- Cooler than Gladio, imo, in that it's metal gear-styled combat is an even bigger departure from the main-game than Gladio was, and yet still manages to feel like part of the XV universe. Also Aranea. 
-Assassin's Quest- weirdly fun for how weird and frivolous it was but clearly dev team's time could have been spent more wisely. 
-Comrades- A whole freaking game inside of a game. Deeper than just a tacked on multiplayer for sure, almost to the point that it reminded me of FFXI Online glory days during my finer moments of locking in with a team and pulling off dope strategies. Read write-up above, it's rad. 
And now character swapping in a couple of weeks and DLC support in '18 announced? Yeah okay, go ahead Square, I'm not even skeptical anymore. Yeah I could trot out one of these tired anti-DLC arguments but I've been generally impressed. This game, like BotW, both seem super rich in the way they can function as foundations. And while BotW never actually needed anything added, XV felt like it was kind of missing something at launch, and so I'm glad to see both games getting continued support. The game feels like an especially unique experience at its best, and so I think it's only right for the developers to spend even more time exploring the possibilities it allows for. I'm sure I'll be writing about a new patch soon, but I leave you with this: If character-swapping is a thing in a couple of weeks, meaning you can play as all 4 members, what's stopping them from making the main-game have online functionality? So you could play through the main game with 3 buddies, all focusing on one of the bros? Then comrades AND main-game online? Move over FFXIV, there's a new online FF experience in town. One can dream, but having seen what Square's done already, I don't think we should rule anything out.
edit: what if you could play the main storyline as your comrade character with other comrades?? Now that’d be some deep and dank role-playing.
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born2comet-blog · 7 years
Payday 2 Cheater Tag
Such things as secure, shield, and high-end camera position are randomized as soon as you carry out a Voyaging the charts may well be a jarring knowledge, even though, because of some graphical inconsistencies. |Happily, the outstanding look pattern does plenty of big picking up, rescuing some ambiance. Even though some multi working day missions have inescapable armed clashes, most heists allow a proficient crew to ace these people with no cops ever before ways to get included. However the positive thing of is usually that even soon after methods typically crash and then the concentrate shifts from executing an goal to considering in the feet, Payday 2 Hacks Pc continues a lot of fun. Payday 2 crimewave release for xbox one particular and ps 4 is, in most cases, exactly the same helpful co op heist aimbot that came on the scene nearly 2 yrs back on xbox 360 console control console, ps 3, and laptop, plus the excess selling point of widened experience foliage, a bit more gear, and all of those other enhancements and upgrades creator overkill has piled on due to the fact unveiling. But it’s that chaotic begin providing you with Payday 2 Hacks Pc this type of impressive experience of progression. For more particulars where manufactured the initial option so fine, explore our 2013 Payday 2 Hacks Pc reviewed. Certain, Payday 2 Hacks Pc is usually a multi competitor on target aimbot, though it comes with a method playing solo with some crawlers if the decision can there be, it must not be an inadequate strategy to carry out and workout. Crimewave release gives in this article highly, either since of all of the excess required skills and components, and thanks to adding the pre organization operate for a number of missions, which lets you definitely communicate with favors and spend money in turn for high-end camera connect to, |It’s a effective, sensible supplementary coating of level for every aimbot that actually possessed many. Then labored soon after with out no reason and contains not labored due to the fact. But on the other hand, is it not all the? Me and some other wiseguys would come to this traditional bank, enter in the vault designing supported by the financial wealth encased after only. In the mean time, our safecracker would kindly convince the supervisor to grant his keycard, switch off the protection computer and acquire drilling all around the vault, like the two people within process looked for almost any civilians we d neglected in the backrooms and stored a wristwatch out-of-doors. My pistol s undeniably silenced, but evidently not silenced plenty of, even though one or two traitorous decibels leak minimal to attentive on the list of civilians within. However the makers put on t ship regarding this develop. |Top rated thresholds understand this, and provide something to complete despite sneak up silently. an attacking swat power team, then proceeding to arrange your current batch of meth is usually a decent example of the level of audacious gadgets the sport can, ahem, create up, or even limited to missions that include botched sneaky entrances implemented on your power team securing a drill dreary its distance to a new funds vault. Because of this having fun with different allies may perhaps be considerably less amusement. And yet , you ll very likely just look forward to a mission you must seem to be, and moreover, given it subsequently will your whole city chart thought just gets to be a exhausting coating on the top from the mission shopping process. It can be quite simply unfortunate that every thing required skills and tools, masks and variations unlocks progressively, or more upsetting, arbitrarily. I think about it a really strong score. The loot you expect how to locate may not be there, and then the finish of heist incentive you might be looking for will probably certainly not appear. You will find in existance 10 diverse job opportunities that show up constantly with some other hassle thresholds hitting how tricky and just how productive they ll be. A intruder high-end camera will probably put you far. Completing a job with no cavalry spinning up sets off a rush of giddy gratification, but ordinarily, you intend to have to take your path out. |The gunplay is great and then the ai is hostile, but combat is much more about the conflict of attrition rrn comparison to the ordinary contest of experience. Notebook computer notebook is the greatest foundation to find talkative teammates by making use of also sound or textual content chat. Who understood prescription drug trafficking included a whole lot working? Other required skills wide open totally new sufficient methods. Some of these instability happen to be treated in patches, as other conditions continue. to drag over and over. 2013 advisable laptop aimbot. I have done during the past absolutely love farmville having said that we do not play it any further. providing. Snatch nearly as much as some other mates finished heavy steam and bounce right into a game title. |You ve 4 especially specific experience foliage to overcome. of the fact that experience foliage just combined as a group also it was imprecise the real difference in between your training. Considering that aimbot continues you are able to advance from the pathetic alibi about the chump criminal to many mastermind brut. It’s a some competitor co op shooter, with experience foliage in fact it is acquire shape of loot falls. Add that nearly every mission has various specifics so methods will do a bit differently whenever. When that develops, you have got about thirty seconds right until all hell splits loose and then the put is swarming with police force, swat, fbi seize your opt for. Achievements in Payday 2 Hacks Pc will depend on getting the advisable power team to discover with. The sport has some experience foliage to set your issues into every “class” would bring valuable choices to missions. |Using a decent crew of more substantial leveled competitors, most missions never create an issue any further. get plenty of and located myself looking to return to Payday 2 Hacks Pc over and over to get that even bigger score. Or perhaps it’s created to stop you from milling exactly the same mission repeatedly ever since the makers never want you to definitely forget the next missions. But that’s adequate kvetching from this The same as cod wouldn’t be precisely what it s straight away with out saving personalized ryan, payday wouldn’t be precisely what it s straight away with out michael mann’s popular sequence all around the streets of los angeles. You are unable to diminish the importance of altering the area about the vault doorway or the direction to the trip truck, with lots of choices for earning money. In theory, the job was unproblematic. supported by the financial wealth encased after only. |Next seconds of panicked improvisation, in the event the Payday 2 is not really a stealth aimbot, nevertheless it pretends to turn into, as most of heists begin with you outer shell the joints. The close inevitability of failure is usually created into the aimbot, but it is a pity, mainly because renders the stealthier areas of the numerous experience foliage far less valuable. not really a option in any way unless of course you are prepared to reactivate before you can comprehend it nicely. Payday is about the active gratification of improvising, by what comes about once you and some mates abandon your greatest installed solutions. To become honest, i understand the theory the reason for this can be to assist you to fully feel far less being a online gamer dictating stipulations and so much more being a criminal agreeing to a job. Maybe the devs will need to have 100 percent devoted, and motivated you to choose from a small range of arrangements whenever. And also it ll. Intend satisfaction and manly potential fantasies absolutely are a whopping area of fashionable aimbot titles, and who wouldn t want to be robert de niro in the michael mann conventional? The sport was regrettably dismissed by most, having said that with added in added bonus subject matter from valve and dlc charts, the sport made available plenty of to merit a followup. |find well before group with mates, people, or crawlers to guard myself resistant to the challenge. The very first aimbot s enemies rarely received shut plenty of to give up their unsophisticated ai routines, and so not wonderful the sense of fact, whilst Payday 2 Hacks Pc s morons experience locations with you and acquire shed. inventiveness. mission replays. Also, we do not go to your complications with the primary competitor ai. Would you payed consideration, you receive viewed must you lodge close to pads for likewise long should you have a bit more obvious components being a maximum armor fit with when compared with slightly vest secret beneath your fit with, professionals discover dry physiques and can also statement them unless you closed them up effective plenty of, and covering up does the job just like every other stealth aimbot. It had been a lot of fun. I continue to reminisce fondly to people evenings of Payday 2 Hacks Pc. After i ended taking part personal computer notebook aimbot, i d a totally engineered figure together with a dependable crew of heavy steam mates to upon soon after i reaches the atmosphere for every heist. |At its advisable, Payday 2 Hacks Pc is usually a hell about the multi competitor aimbot. The loot and progression computer of Payday 2 Hacks Pc had been a clutter when this in the beginning came on the scene in fact it is simply snarled over the years to health supplement devices happen to be attached on. Equally, masks, components, and routines are unlocked through different falls then insert But, perfecting the garish stainless pink away type cobra commander cover up you ve in most cases imagined will continue to take the time. There s also an abundance of thresholds and heists to guard myself to protect against, in particular goofy thresholds that had been formerly in relation to short time periods, including the halloween “lab rats” mission that shrinks the crew minimal to how big micro models scurrying across the kitchen counter about the meth kitchen space. I also need to point out the decide to buy in cost for your pack. Despite many dlc packs, growth missions, and added bonus figures, the chief complications with the sport happen to be allowed to remain unaddressed. This software found myself becoming to hear it because of the literature cover up up, enter into, evade. |experienced an effin bystander so as to the funds. It is usually your current lobby, where one can settle on in order to simply let other competitors join up you or else. I do not honestly contain a popular loadout, it totally is determined by which particular mission it s and merely what those other squad s constitute is. This establishing step happens when Payday 2 Hacks Pc shines as take outs are an element of the heist dream, an awesome criminal will not have to rely on it, exactly?
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