#I was thinking about Arkham and Lyle Bolton after some of question-marked's posts
cxpperhead · 11 months
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Copperhead doesn't hate many people but Lyle Bolton? Yeah, he hates the man's guts, especially when during his malicious campaign against the in-mates of Arkham decided to stick Copperhead next to Mr. Freeze's cell with no heating allowed. Had Copperhead not possessed the ability to go into a state of mini-hibernation, being stuck next to Victor's cell might have been lethal for him.
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Codot!Verse Fanfic
Author’s Note: Hey guys! Oracle here and I have officially become trash for @waiting4codot ! To the point where I have decided to write a frickin fanfic about his universe. This is about my friends @bugboy54 and @adriallejordynn and I getting stuck in the Codot!verse during Lockup’s Lockdown. Also this was started just before “Taking Office” was posted. I will be slow in updates so I apologize ahead of time! 
Well! Onto the story! 
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The day seemed normal, at first. Go to class, watch Supernatural, Glee Club, then have a jam session with Braden and Adrienne. Just go about the motions of the day. Maybe binge Codot with them. He’s been on hiatus for a few months, and the three of us, specifically Braden and I, could barely stand it. We met in Glee Club at college, but we really bonded over our mutual love of musicals and superheros. I made the best and worst mistake of my life introducing Codot to them. We all loved Batman and Codot’s universe absolutely blew us away. His writing was fantastic, his interpretation of the characters was so unique, and good Lord his voice did not help my somewhat unhealthy obsession with Riddler. 
Lockup’s Lockdown was his latest story arc, and we were all so close to losing everyone. Just a mere 27 votes away from everyone either being killed or almost being killed. We voted on the winning and losing side any number of times, but the fact was we almost lost Ed and Jonathan. Braden and I already had a plan to drive to Canada and torture him until he changes it all back, jokingly of course. Honestly, if he did shut down the blogs, I don’t think I would be angry forever. I would still listen to his stuff, but I would be sad that there would be no more blog updates.
So there we were, having a jam session as usual, when all of a sudden all three of our phones went off. We all glanced at our phones then looked at each other. Codot updated, which was strange considering he didn’t say that he was going to update for at least a few months. I put my phone in the middle and got ready to play it when Adrienne spoke, “Isn’t just a little bit strange that he would update just a month and half after he finished Lockup’s Lockdown?”
“I mean, yeah, but maybe he decided to give us a sneak peak to what’s coming up,” Braden replied. He did have a point. Codot did sometimes show us previews of what’s coming up, though sometimes we didn’t know it. Exhibit A: Covering “Toxic Love” as Music Meister to show how he would sound when singing. I spoke up, “Well, are we gonna listen to it or what? I need to know what happened to Ed after he talked to Jervis.”
“I want to know where Jonathan went, I mean he’s vulnerable now and Scarecrow is not gonna be put down that easily,” Braden remarked and Adrienne nodded in agreement. I picked up my phone and pressed play before putting it back down and waiting for it to load. The countdown clock stated that it was only a little under a minute, so we assumed it was probably just a few lines of upcoming dialogue. But instead we heard something else entirely, it didn’t even sound like Codot or Dee.
“Teleport thee now, now is the time for thee,” the voice spoke and we looked at each other confused. That didn’t sound right at all, but the voice continued, “Teleport thee now, so mote it be.”
I was just about to pick up the phone when it started to glow much brighter than it usually did. Adrienne looked at me, “Kara, did you turn your brightness up?”
“No, but I think Tumblr may have glitched. That’s not Codot,” I went to grab the phone but Braden’s hand grabbed my wrist and pointed out that the clock on the recording was still ticking down, “Guys, it's still playing.”
“Wicked ways beneath thine skin, let all who listen now join in,” the recording finished before it cut out abruptly. The glow on my phone became brighter until we could barely see the room anymore. I screamed, “What’s happening?!”
“I don’t know,” Adrienne shouted back. The three of us covered our eyes and I started to feel a sort of pull towards the phone. I was slowly losing my footing and was getting pulled towards the phone fast. I looked at my friends and the same thing was happening to them. What’s happening?! The last thing I saw was a bright white light around me.
I woke up on a cold floor. My eyes slowly opened and all I saw was a tiled floor. I started to push myself up and groaned slowly. It felt like my ribs took at least a few punches. I managed to sit myself up when I noticed my hands. They had gloves on them, specifically purple, fingerless gloves. Even more specifically, from my Riddler cosplay that I made and wore for Halloween and Comic Con. I looked down at my chest and sure enough, my question mark clad jacket, purple tie, and white blouse, were on my body. What happened?! I was not wearing this earlier. My legs had my green pants and my feet were covered by my black combat boots. I quickly looked to the side and saw my friends slowly getting up as well. They were dressed strangely too. What the hell happened and where are we?
My eyesight was quickly clearing and I looked over at Braden, who whispered, “What the hell?”
He was wearing what looked to be a brown suit that was roughed up around the edges. A white blouse was under it. His glasses were still intact, thankfully, but in his hands was a burlap sack. I called out, “Braden?”
He looked over at me and I saw a scar going from above his eyebrow down his cheek. My jaw dropped, “Braden, your face…”
“What? What’s wrong? What happened,” He stood up suddenly then looked down at a puddle on the ground. He saw his reflection and gasped in shock, “What’s going on?”
“I don’t know, but I don’t like it,” I said back and Adrienne started getting up. She was wearing a black and red jacket with  matching pants and a white spotted skirt over it. We walked over to her helping her up, “You okay.”
“A little bruised, but otherwise fine. What about you guys? And what are we wearing,” she exclaimed. We both told her that we were fine, but on the outfits part, we weren’t so sure. I started looking around the room and spotted something on the far wall. I walked over to it and I could hear my friends following me closely. I read it out loud, “Arkham Asylum? What the hell is going-”
I was cut off by the intercom going off. A low, distinctly southern accent came out, “Good evening, Arkham Asylum.”
We immediately got close to each other and went against the wall. Adrienne looked down at me, “Is that-”
“Quiet,” Braden and I told her when we looked up and around for the source of the speaker. I pointed to the small speaker on the ceiling in the corner of the room. The person spoke again, “Scarecrow welcomes you, one and all, to a night you will never forget.”
My eyes widened once I realized what this was. I immediately grabbed both Braden and Adrienne’s hands as my fear became apparent. I knew exactly where we were and what was going on. The three of us were silent as the voice spoke for the last time, “Now, if you’re listening, Lyle Bolton… and I know you are. How ‘bout we play a game? Hide and Seek. First one found meets a most… frightening end. As for the rest of you - you best stay out of the way. Scarecrow never forgets a face.”
The intercom turned off and I let out a sigh of relief, almost collapsing to my knees. But, thankfully my friends kept me standing, knowing my anxiety was acting up and very present, “I know, exactly what is going on.”
They looked at me expectantly and I slowly let go of their hands just as an alarm started to go off, “We are in the Codot!Verse, during Lockup’s Lockdown.”
Their eyes widened once they realized that who they recognized over the PA system was in fact Scarecrow’s exact lines that Codot wrote. We were locked inside Arkham Asylum and Scarecrow was on the loose. It certainly did not help that for some odd reason we were dressed as our favorite characters. Adrienne shook her head in disbelief, her black dreads going slightly in her face, “That’s not possible, we can’t be. We must be dreaming, we have to be. Right?”
Braden looked around with just shock on his face, “Kara’s right. There is literally no other explanation for this.”
He went to say something when we heard distant footsteps. I decided to take charge since I knew this place better than my friends as I had been following Codot longer than they have. I turned to them, “Look, we have no idea why we are here, but we have to hide before someone finds us. It could be Bolton or worse, Scarecrow. Our sentiment for the characters is not going to save us if Crane does find us.”
The footsteps were steadily growing louder, so I decided we had to think fast. I went in front and they stood behind me following quickly. We went in the opposite direction of the footsteps hopefully not making too much noise. I peeked around a corner and pulled back quickly seeing a bunch of guards lying dead on the floor, “I think I’m gonna be sick.”
My friends looked around me and gasped upon seeing the bodies pulling back behind me. We didn’t know what to do and the footsteps were getting louder. I spotted an open door and pointed to it indicating for them to follow me. They nodded in response and I started running towards the door and opened it for them to go in first. Braden went in first and Adrienne followed closely behind. I took a look through the hallway making sure no one saw us before going into the room. It looked to be an office that was abandoned in the chaos of Scarecrow’s takeover.
Adrienne looked like she was going to panic, “Okay, we are stuck in Arkham Asylum and Scarecrow is on the loose. The other Rogues might kill us, not to mention we are dressed as Harley, Riddler, and Scarecrow! We are going to die! I have just decided this! Yep! We are gonna die!”
“Adrienne! We are not gonna die! We just have to hide here long enough for the lockdown to stop and to stay out of the Rogues way,” I snapped at her already stressed about the whole situation. Braden spoke up, being quiet about everything so far, “How are we going to get home?”
Adrienne and I looked down, sadly and I replied quietly, “I don’t know, but we have to stay here and hide. It’s the only way we might be able to stay alive.”
They nodded at me when all of a sudden we heard something like muffled voices. I put my finger to my lips and slowly walked over to the desk pulling open one of the drawers. A walkie talkie was inside the desk and a voice was coming from it. It must have been left behind by one of the guards. I picked it up and brought it out so they could see it. We heard a low British accent speak through the speaker in the small machine, “Harley’s plan sounds the more feasible. Do what you can for Joker.”
My eyes widened as I realized what having this thing meant. There was only one channel on the machine and maybe it meant we could find help. I looked up at my friends, “Should I do it? Should I talk?”
Braden looked at the device then back at me, “It could be the only way we get help. We can’t trust them. They are villains, after all.”
I nodded and looked at Adrienne for approval and she nodded but still looked a little unsure. My fingers shook as I held the walkie talkie and pressed my finger to the button that allowed me to speak. A small noise was heard and I took a deep breathe and spoke shakily, “Hello? Is someone there?”
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