#I wasn't going to do Marc until I saw the smiley face sticky note
midmorninggrey · 5 months
Tagged by @inquisimer to create my OCs in this picrew, and their swords in this picrew. Thank you! I've never done a picrew before - so many choices. Shout out to the artists who put them together!
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Gillian Hawke - If she's going to kill people, Gill figures she might as well use a fancy knife (rubies and gold preferred.)
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Celeste Trevelyan - I think this sword design is something crazy Cece would draw up to show Dagna. She has the tastes of any self-respecting teenage necromancer: bats, purple, and moss. Luckily for an Inquisition that is already struggling with a questionable image, the young Herald decides to stick with her bow and staff.
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Marcus (AKA Cal) - The sword with personal significance! It's supposed to have a carved griffon head on the pommel, but I thought the sunburst was nice. Marcus' silverite arming sword was a gift from Warden-Commander Duncan. Given his status as a mage, Marcus didn't need to learn swordsmanship, but he pursued it with a tenacity that earned him grudging respect from his fellow Wardens. However, his friend Magaleth the Mapmaker wasn't terribly impressed by his skills, so she enchanted a Lightning Rune into the sword.
Tagging onto @samseabxrn (I've been sending a lot your way so no pressure) and whoever else wants to look at all these snazzy character creation choices.
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