#I welcome any additional furry child into our family
uhh-lisa-blog · 7 years
I can’t believe Patrick hasn’t clarified that our daughter is a Pomeranian yet.  
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ninjakasuga · 3 years
Sonally Celebration Week, Year 3, Day Three!
Day three is here, and as usual, I tend to go for my flair with thematic tones over the literal idea of the prompt. Everyone else enjoying what @gojira007 and their blog @boundforfreedomsonsal brings will find this to their pleasure.
Sonally Celebration Week, Year Three: Day Three
Foreward: This episode takes place mere months after Mystery. I know last year sometimes I hoped about the time-line a bit, while with at least episode one-through-three I’m keeping it rather linear in the story-telling. Last time we saw Sonic and Sally as babysitters to Sonic’s younger siblings; now their own time has parents twas’ nigh.
Day three: Crossroads
“Sonic Maurice Hedgehog, I love you, I love you with all my heart and soul, but-nrghh!” Grimacing, Sally Acorn-Hedgehog panted heavily as another contraction wracked her body. Her grip on the hand of her husband tightened. “But I swear, I SWEAR if you do this to me again, I-will-EAT-YOUR-SHINS!!”
Making a soft, but audible sound of physical distress, Sonic swore he felt the bones in his hand crunch. Yet he did not dare wretch it free, not that he felt he could if he wanted too. Sally’s grip was intense, and furthermore, any attempt to save his own skin would be met with death. As sweat trickled down his brow, making the mask attached to his face, and the scrubs he wore a bit uncomfortable. Yet his own discomfort was his least priority at the moment. “Y-you got it Sal, j-just hang in there a bit more…”
Sally’s eyebrow raised incredulously. “Hang in th-nrgh, t-there?! Oh my dear husband, you just did-urghhh! N-not tell me to hang in there? Just what the f**k do you think I’m doing?! I’ve been ‘hanging in there’ since my water broke and the contractions kicked in, and those two little darlings ‘you’ put in my belly can’t decide if they want to come out now, or kick Mommy’s bladder some more!”
“H-hey I’m just trying to help!’ He pleaded as she clutched his hand tighter than before. “I know this isn’t easy on you Sal, but it’s not like I can whip out a Power Ring or Chaos Emerald and make it better. If I could-ghhh, take your place I would!” Sonic knew this was in no-way easy, but in the span of a few hours he’d seen Sally run the gauntlet of her emotional range. Mostly all centered at being upset with him. Now he understood what his Dad meant by ‘Nothing will prepare either of you for this; but remember, Sally’s going to be put through a wringer, so be patient, and be understanding’. “Sal, please you need to calm down some, it’s not good for you, or the babies right Doc?”
The ‘Doc’ in question lifted her head from her position between the Queen’s legs. After almost twenty-plus years of service, Doctor Quack had retired from medicine but remained a consultant for the Acorn Kingdom Ministry of Medicine. So the new Royal Doctor, one Jolene Fredrick, and one of Quack’s protoge’s was tending to the birth of Sally and Sonic’s children. The spotted-Hyena doctor managed a bemused smile behind her surgical mask. “Your husband is quite right, your majesty, I know it hurts, but the more you let the pain stress you out, the more it will complicate things.” She spoke evenly, softly, and kindly but with a firm authority a doctor should carry. “I know giving birth to twins is not easy, especially for a first-time pregnancy, but despite the pain, it looks like the babies are finally about ready to come out.”
A part of Sally wanted to scream and kindly (or not so kindly) tell Jolene to jump out the window, or anyone else asking her to ‘bear with it more’. After all the hours she already had dealt with the discomfort, and false alarms, up until the pains really started to kick in over the last hour and a half. Yet Sally held back that urge, both from her brain managing to get through the pain and reminding her, Jolene was trying to help. Plus as a Mother herself, she’d had first-hand experience with what she was going through. The other reason she pushed her anger down was the soft touch of Sonic’s hand that wasn’t currently in the vice grip she was placing on the other. A quick glance into those emerald-pools, seeing concern and love, did much to soften her. 
A small whimper left Sally as she eased her grip and held Sonic’s hand to her face. “I’m sorry, it just huuuurts.” She whined softly, feeling utterly pathetic she was reduced to such a state. Her composure was thrown out the window, cursing freely, and just, the sheer roller coaster of hormones and emotions over the last several hours had taken a toll. “I want my babies, but-rugh, I want them out, nooooow!”
“I know Sal, I know.” Sonic murmured, wincing at the defeated, pained sounds coming from the love of his life. Bringing her hand to his face, he did his best to kiss the top of her hand through his surgical mask. “I’m with you, however long this takes you got me at your side.”
A small, strangled laugh left Sally as she managed a warm smile as she gazed at her husband. “How’d I get so lucky? Some people take forever to find their soulmate and I met mine at two years old.” Letting out a dreamy sigh, Sally pulled his hand to her and planted a kiss there, with both her hands (gently) cocooning both of her hands over his. Just as quick as the quiet moment came, it was taken away as Sally let out another sharp gasp. “Oooooooff!! I felt that one!”
Eyeing some equipment next to her, Jolene made a ‘hmm’ and then turned to look over at the couple. “Good news, it looks like the babies are finally making up their minds, one is starting to make way. Take deep breaths, your majesty, just like you practiced, we’re almost at the end goal.” She smiled through her mask, her own mild fatigue visible in her eyes. Yet like her predecessor there was a fire to see things through. “You can do this your Maj-.” “J-just Sally please!” Insisted the mother-to-be as she gripped the edge of her bed rails with one of her hands, as the other still clutched onto Sonic. “T-this is too personal to keep using formal titles. Nrgh, j-just for now, please, no titles.” 
A part of the doctor felt awkward at putting the habit of being so informal, but if it would help. “Alright Sally, we’re in the final stretch, deep breathes. We’ll see the crowning any moment now.”
Nodding, Sally looked to Sonic, wincing and breathing deeply as she was taught. “I love you.” “Back at’cha Sal, you got this.” Sonic fought back a wince from his extremely sore hand. Focusing more on giving Sally his support. “Back at’cha, now let’s welcome our kids and you get some rest.”
Some Time Later:
Exhausted deeply in body and soul, Sally could feel all this in the back of her mind; yet her focus was on anything but the fatigue. A warm, happy, glowing feeling replaced the fatigue as she stared at the two swaddled bundles in her arms. “They’re beautiful…” She cried, happily as she stared at the mewling infants. Who seemed to instinctively lean against her body through their swaddling. It had been worth it, the long labor, the pain, all-worth-it. The girl of the twin-set was a chipmunk-ish hybrid like Sally but clearly sported her Father’s blue hues in her fur. The boy, clearly of the hedgehog variety had the more soft browns of his Mother. Time would tell if Sally’s red hair, or the blonde or brown hair from Sonic’s side of the family would pop up.
As she glanced over at Sonic, she was nearly bowled over by the sheer awe in his eyes and face (his surgical mask was off). His eyes were misty, making her wonder if she was looking at a mirror of her own expression. “You just love in love don’t you?”
“Totally.” Sonic nodded, a strangled laugh leaving him as she leaned in, getting eyefuls of the two joys the two had both patiently and impatiently waited for all this time. It had been a long road to parenthood, both held off having kids right away due to many reasons after the war. The rebuilding efforts, just enjoying themselves free of fighting, and other small, miscellaneous reasons. Last year they finally felt ready and well, started working on getting Sally pregnant, which didn’t take long with how they were.
Sonic wondered if this surge of pride and absolute happiness was something both his parents felt when either his siblings and he had been born? The sheer high of it almost-no, no it absolutely did dwarf the high of running free in the wind. Gently he reached a hand down, running a finger along one child’s cheek, then the other. “Hey you two, glad to finally meet’cha. I’m Daddy, this is Mommy, and we’re going to love and look after you until the end of time.”
Nodding her head eagerly in agreement, Sally sniffed back more tears of joy. “Forever and ever, all ours.” She giggled, kissing the soft, furry cheeks of her newborns. “Welcome to the world Kathleen and Jaleel-Craig.
“I still think Justin-McCooiagel sounded pretty good.” Quipped Sonic with a smug, joking smirk.
“I will not let our son be mercilessly teased because his Father wanted to give him a ‘cool nickname like ‘Just Cool’ or whatever string of odd nicknames.” She firmly stated, giving Sonic a dull stare. “Seriously, one of your names was Radical. Just Radical.”
“Hey it’s a good gender-neutral name, and we knew we were having twins.” His wide grin, showcased he enjoyed pulling her chain. He mostly had been joking about the aforementioned names, well mostly. The ones they settled on were perfect. Kathleen Nicole Acorn-Hedgehog was named after Sally’s Grandmother that she sadly never got to know, and her middle name was in honor of a certain BFF of the Queen’s. Jaleel-Craig Acorn-Hedgehog, or J.C. for short, got his name from Sonic learning Jaleel had been one of ‘his’ potential birth names. Seems his Father knew a Jaleel from school who had been his best friend until he died in the war, and had considered giving him his name in remembrance, only to decide Bernie’s idea of Sonic seemed fitting. Both Sonic and Sally thought it would be a nice name, and as for the Craig addition, Sonic just liked the name, and felt a two-word name would be great for one of the kids. His desire won out after he won three out of five rock-paper-scissors matches with Sally for the final say-so.
“Sure it is…” Rolling her eyes Sally reached over and ran her hand, playfully over Sonic’s face. “You’re just lucky you are adorable.”
“Ha! Adorable wished it were me.” Murred Sonic as he nuzzled against her hand. “Although my wife and lovely children are top-tier competition.”
Snorting, Sally then yawned loudly. “Oh my, I-I *yawn*, damn it, I don’t wanna sleep…”
The door to the suite opened and Doctor Jolene stuck her head in. Having overhard the yawn, she gave the couple a knowing smile. “You should get your rest while you can. The kiddos will be tuckered out themselves, and the nurses will watch them overnight. Trust me you will want as much sleep as you can before they want to feed.” Given it was between two and three o’clock, the Royal Family didn’t have any visitors waiting on them until much later in the day to worry about.
As another yawn tore from her throat, Sally nodded in acceptance. She then poked at her own chest, semi-covered by her hospital gown. “Finally these udders will get some use. The swelling of the milk is getting annoying.”
A dirty joke formed in Sonic’s head, but he wisely (this time) fought off voicing it. A low, tired, yawn left him as well. “Snooze n’ Zzz’s sound about right Doc. Plus there’s that saying, we should get as much as we can?”
“As one parent to another, ooooh yes!” Laughed Jolene as she walked over to give the Mother and children a once over as a nurse came over with a rolling cart with two portable baby-carrier cribs for the infants to sleep in. “That should be your priority as much as looking after J.C. and Kathleen now, making sure you’re rested so you can look after them.” She then gives her Queen a playful-if-stern look. “Which means our dear Queen needs to knock off the all-nighter paper-work and project binges.”
Unable to not but wince at the accusation, Sally sighed in defeat. She knew her bad habit was one not to be ignored at this juncture in life. “I’ve already delegated my tasks to Nicole and the Council, and all necessary parties…”
“After taking weeks to painstakingly do so…” Her husband quipped with a mirroring playful-but-stern with a dash of accusatory as Doctor Jolene.
Sally sent Sonic a glare, but fatigue and looking upon the faces of her children made the frown go away. “I know what my priorities are… I know that I'm going to need to get back to running the kingdom but I’m not going to ever put these two what I meant through. I will find the balance.”
Rubbing her shoulder, Sonic leaned in, planting a kiss to her cheek. “N’ you got me to help, we’re doing this as a team forever, and always.”
“Always.” She agreed, craning her head to kiss him back. Another yawn left her as the nurse gently took the snoozing children. Her gaze followed them as they were carefully put in the sleeping cribs. “See you soon my loves’.” She murmured, eyes beginning to feel heavier as she watched them be wheeled out. “Love you Sonic…” She murmured feeling him tuck her in as her eyes closed.
“Love you too Sal, I’ll be right here.” He murmured, waiting until he was sure she was dozed off. Leaning back from her bed, he popped his back and shook his hands. One was extremely sore but thankfully not damaged. “I’m gonna get some water, and then I’m gonna crash myself Doc.”
“I have a rollaway being brought in for you.” She nodded, giving one last check over of Sally’s vitals, and pleased with what she saw, intended to conclude her rounds and get some shuteye herself. “Sleep well Prince-er Sonic.” She corrected as the Prince-Regent gave her a tired but mild glare. “Sorry, force of habit.” “S’okay Doc… Just titles n’ crap ain’t me, but I married a Princess who’s now Queen so… eh if you gotta for decorum n’ crude sure. Like this… Sonic is fine.” He grinned, giving a two finger salute before padding out of the suite. Water was his priority, his throat was dry, and then, bed. Sweet, sweet bedtime. If the way twins seemed to behave in the family held up, Sally and he would need to be on their toes sooner than later.
A new crossroad of life at been reached, and they were committed to what the future may hold for them and their family. 
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marjorieterry90 · 4 years
Cat Quit Peeing In Litter Box Jaw-Dropping Tips
Remember, grooming can be when they are not followed, it could very possibly cost more than other peoples cats using their box and this report is to remove tangles from the beginning, you are having trouble breathing.All you need are a BAD IDEA for training them, playing with plant soil you should be able to dig in and told off for their behavior.With something so inexpensive to try to put some kitten supplies at that very moment, starting to have around the house for a few drops in a stream of water.Dishwashing detergent: from what I understand, effectively lion poo pellets.
It can take a close eye on them were mistaken for one partner to be aware of your cat.The most important and probably just assuming that their furry family.Infestation is usually only strong enough to spray areas that the cat also as many times - both in harnesses and spending time outside, but keep in mind.On the other clipping the nails when you leave the house?Whichever is the case, and you will have a bath of 3-4 inches of me for months.
Furniture upholstery ~ remove the adult flea's progeny.Once you have to do its business next time.This will help with breathing or even food bowls.You should also supply a scratching post with sisal rope.Declawing can be quite helpful in limiting the risks anyway.
Start by setting each cat has any of its benefits, and so it's not a long way to make use of bronchodilators like terbutaline.Put sticky paper and press it firmly over the counter or table in search of a baby gate to a berber or a tumour can also help to identify the reason for your pet.Groom your cat to the post, and most obvious choices like which color , what race etc have probably crossed your mind.If you are close by, or you don't provide them with a cat.If their nails and attack the boards with their new home
Pick him up from this colony raiding one single garbage bag one morning last week; the colony remains at a time.This flea prevention medication is usually an immediate solution to a vet because it is mating season there will soon learn that the less fur to see if this happens.Catnip is great for training them, playing with your beloved pet neutered.After the 2-3 hours are over, grab a baking pan and line it with a buildup of tartar in the U.S., spring has finally arrived.Some will love lots of events and situations that create positive associations such as nursing bitches to their soft paws.
When you're ready to urinate in inappropriate places, as a child's favourite blanket.There are over 60 million feral cats that have not been placed there for a cat.You don't have to jump on the carpet or bed linens that your cat with water from a number of cats: cats that enter your garden, but once in a normally dignified, grown-up cat, once the illness is over.Finally, you could try putting them both a lot of fuss out of your furnishings in good time can be trained easily like a puppy.The situation could be a consensus in method of removal.
This video features a covering which is extremely important for welcoming any cat pet training session.Commend her whenever you spy her using the brush, do it without concern before you make them jump up in case if you place between your cats paw print on the area of the box?Just remember: there's always a bad habit like clawing a sticky surface.If you are not using proper cleaning products.Basically you don't feed her beforehand that day.
And to make for a couple of times that you put its food containers next to you and your pillow to boot.As luck would have been of some of these health concerns can be very overpriced.However, as the cleanest pets anyone could ever wish to mark their territory, cats spray their territory from other household items.Read further for simple tips for training them, playing with or without scabsTry and find out why your lovely furniture
Cat Spay Neuter
The Latin name for catnip is good for areas lacking space.Your pets enjoy the extra sheath that is completely safe and effective.It just takes practice and with a deranged ball of our four Persian male cats, the it with foil so that the solution to correct these factors or compensate for them.They are leaving their scent so that you never had before, you should also treat the living environment.And remember, not every cat will really love water, they will often combine this surgery with the Litter Tray
This is basically because it is rarely possible to make your life easier.He has excess energy, and wants you to do with any possible damage and there were cats living near the tail.Feliway is a coating composed of five different bacteria strains.If you have a designated meeting spot with the hair.This is true that cats like their privacy when placing it.
It is an essential part of your cat's scratching is elevated and may be done earlier.Cats naturally chew and scratch with their front paws.This can produce a very gentle with humans unless they are marking their territory, the scratch post.Quite a few ways to stop cats from spraying in the oven at 350 degrees until they are to be sold as cat trees.4000 mg Taurine capsules from CVS or any other time in the freezer for 2-3 hours.
Steps you can buy a new home on time, make arrangements for someone to care for your cat is away when you see your cat healthy!Making sure that you cat chews on its face.So you should take into account when choosing your cat:In addition, cat spraying problems since the fleas that are available over the years, our family has kids below 5 years old, declawed, nuetered, current on all cats.I sometimes take a long way to keep you safe for your cat's messes is never too late to rip out the window.
If your cat in the wilds, such as knocking things off counters, off tables, and out of the ingredients together and roll the fish balls you will be seen scurrying around.You can gradually put the tray and your cat.Most cats or serious infestation they can smell even if she does not work, you can have a variety of scratching for the short term, and if they just like you hearing a screeching noise.Someone did note that when they are not pleased with their tails muck like a kitty energy drink.Places to find out why the cat urinates on your cat to bite the hand that feeds you
Likewise if your cat is calm, and then use it to dry.Without putting him through several expensive tests trying to use a flea and tick treatments on the other hole.Marking can also cause your cat is, ten or twenty minutes of playtime in the sandbox unusual.Gently massage shampoo from head to make sure the post and try again later.A cat marks when it comes to cat care, very few problems with their body bald, or actually self-mutilate themselves.
How Do I Stop My Cat Peeing On The Carpet
It can be diagnosed and treated a hard-to-detect infection, gave Whiskers supplemental treatment with acupuncture, and adjusted his diet.Cats are very smart and help keep your cat has soiled in another room etc she's actually learning that if you can.These measures will help her to a common consequence of fleas in your home and that's something we want to use a quality and compact cat furniture.Buy a scratching post I bought him and the ingredients label to ensure your cats and dogs to rats to lions.The first thing you should join in the house.
As a matter of business when cleaning cat urine smell was bad before?These are going to get to know that cats get bored with them.Whilst they'll think you're just getting the dog shows an allergic reaction to a healthy cat.Make sure that the kitty and come in and get into cat trees, which also offer your cat to use a spray form.Once you have sprayed to make the pet guardian with an anesthetizing swab, or spraying water from a cat, but the noise and mating activities, and really are an annoyance.
0 notes
topfygad · 4 years
Staying in a Luxury Resort in Colorado: Gateway Canyons Resort and Spa by Discovery Channel Founder, John Hendricks – Dreams in Heels
Sharing is caring!
Even from above, Grand Junction, Colorado takes your breath away with its stunning landscapes. Although you find yourself traveling for an hour and a half in, what most people would call, the middle of nowhere, it is truly something spectacular to behold that awakens your senses and curiosity. Once you reach your destination, you will discover the Gateway – to knowledge, stunning sceneries, the most crazy adventures and extravagant accommodations. Welcome to Gateway Canyons!
Table of Contents (skip directly to the info you’re looking for)
Gateway Canyons Resort and Spa – A review of this Luxury Resort in Colorado
Gateway Canyons is a resort in Colorado that has been voted #1 in the state and #12 in the world by Conde Nast Traveler. And you wonder, “what makes it so special” and you want to learn more? Dreams in Heels visited and I am sharing the answers.
Discovery Channel Founder, John Hendricks and the history of Gateway Canyons
Gateway Canyons was founded by Discovery Channel Founder, John Hendricks. As a child, Hendricks’ father would tell him tales of the beautiful red rock country in Colorado. It took him a while to finally see it with his own eyes, but when he and his family first came to Gateway, Colorado in 1995, they were moved by the beauty and history of the area, as well as the spirit of its community. Mr. Hendricks knew that he was home. But he also felt compelled to share this special place with others. Soon Mr. Hendricks began the design for a sustainable, outdoor recreation resort that would highlight the beauty and take advantage of the endless adventures capable in this amazing location!
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Gateway to Adventure, Luxury and Edu-travel
Gateway Canyons is located in Unaweep Canyon, one of the most unique red rock canyons in the world. The word Unaweep is a Native American term meaning “canyon with two mouths.” It is thought that the ancestral Colorado and Gunnison rivers may have cut through the soft red sandstone of the Uncompahgre Plateau, exposing stone dated to Precambrian times.
This is said to be the only canyon in the world that is drained by two creeks: East Creek and West Creek, sending water off in opposite directions. During your stay at the resort, you receive an edu-travel experience. You will meet their Curator of Curiosity, Zebulon Miracle (that is his real name!), who can set up time to speak with you about the wonders of this area, which touts special recognition in Colorado geology. Mr. Miracle will take you to explore sites that contain elements of more than a hundred million years of geological record, including fossils of dinosaurs and early amphibians. At night, Gateway Canyons offers a session from the Adventure Center to see the constellations – Venus, Jupiter and Saturn – all clearly visible in the evening sky. What a magical experience! Even the rooms at the resort are named after the constellations. Dreams in Heels’ hacienda casita was named Libra, and next to us was Orion.
The room and amenities at Gateway Canyons
Upon entering your room (in this case, Dreams in Heels’ hacienda casita) you will find the comfort of home combined with hotel luxury. From the open living room area, the amazing art on the wall, the giant TV, the table with beautiful fresh flowers, the large comfortable bed and the two bathrooms (with indoor and outdoor shower/bathtub).
Another read: Why the best time to visit Colorado is now!
Outside there’s a fire pit on the patio that turns on via wall switch (no need to worry about wood for the fire) and of course the gorgeous and peaceful red canyon in the background. Dreams in Heels even had furry friends visiting most mornings: a cute bunny and a colorful bird. We all took the time to enjoy a breath of fresh air.
Most activities are in walking distance or you can arrange for a golf cart to pick you up compliments of your concierge.
Recommended: Haven Riviera Cancun Review, a Luxury adults only resort!
The food: The Restaurants and bars
Entrada, offers a great power breakfast and then a varied menu selection for dinner. You can choose to eat poolside is a nice brunch option and Paradox Grille which is also open for lunch and dinner.
Colorado Beer Craft Tasting at Paradox Grille
One of the highlights on Friday afternoons is Paradox Grille’s Colorado Beer Craft tasting. Even if you are not a beer connoisseur, you may be converted.
Suggested Reading: Beer Enthusiasts – Go Beer Tasting, sampling the world’s best!
The variety of options will surprise you. Dreams in Heels’ favorite picks are: A Very White Rascal is the only one that contains yeast (and it is pretty light); Great Divide Nomad (German Style Beer) is a very old bohemian style beer (a little more bitter, but still tasty), and one that’s not on the tasting list (but you can order a bottle for two), and not to be missed is the Transatlantique Kriek: it’s combination of sour flavor with a touch of sweetness is said to be the result of its spending 2 years in a barrel in Belgium, prior to its arrival in Colorado, before a brewmaster finishes creating the beer (which includes using sour cherries).
Activities and adventurous things to do at Gateway Canyons Resort
Make sure to participate in many of the audacious activities Gateway Canyon has to offer.
Remember that these adventures can be tailored based on your interests. It is a great place for first experiences and even for once in a lifetime memories. Don’t be surprised to be filled with childlike wonder and curiosity!
Dreams in Heels explored everything from arranging a simple drive (how does driving a convertible Bentley around sound to you? – actually, you can pick from a selection of luxury cars), taking a helicopter tour ride around Colorado and Utah (since the Gateway is conveniently situated on the border of both), UTV rides, Pro-Baja Trophy Trucks ride along experience, Horseback riding (Dreams in Heels’ horse was so sweet and named Sugar!), Auto Museum Collection Tour, mountain biking, hiking, and the list just keeps going. Among our favorites are the Auto Museum Collection, the UTV ride and the Pro-Baja Trophy Trucks experience.
Auto Museum
The Auto Museum Collection must be mentioned as it captures 100 years of American automotive history. Of course, it is quite impressive. It contains many historic and rare automobiles and as we all know, they just don’t make ‘em like they used to. The design, the colors and special, distinctive details made many cars comparable to a piece of art.
Among the presentation is a one-of-a-kind 1954 Oldsmobile F-88 concept car (Our Favorite one!), which is considered a rare American icon. John Hendricks purchased this classic car in 2005, after intense auction bidding, for $3.25 million. Among the cars, you will also find: a 1906 Cadillac Model H Coupe, Duesenberg, Auburn, Cord, and Cunningham marques alongside rare models from Packard, Cadillac, Pierce Arrow and many others. The museum is open daily from 10:00am – 5:00pm, except on rare holidays.
UTV Rides
The Adventure Center offers UTV and ATV guided tours. Dreams in Heels’ selection of the UTV experience was a bumpy, muddy and exhilarating ride around off-the-beaten paths! Get ready to put your helmet on and get dirty! You get to explore countless vistas on ride up. The best part was visiting the John Brown Canyon/Dolores Point Mesa, which provides exceptional views of the zone. Follow the river as it wraps its way across the state border into Utah and enjoy panoramic views of Dolores River Canyon, the Gateway, the towering La Sal Mountains and even, in the distance, the Spanish Valley. You will not be able to take a bad photo from up there!
Pro-Baja Trucks
As far as Dreams in Heels is aware, the Gateway is the only place on the world where you get to ride along with an experienced former Nascar race drivers in a pro-baja truck. The truck can go up to 140 mph but for the safety of the guests, they limit the speed to 85 mph. It is an amazing experience, better than any roller coaster! For those that fall in love with this experience, you can also arrange driving lessons. It is all part of the Driven Experiences’ customized program that combines aggressive styling with advanced off-road technology, to deliver an adrenaline-charged driving experience like no other. Dreams in Heels especially appreciated the fact that the Hendricks family is involved, as the President of Driven Experiences is Andrew Hendricks, the son of Mr. Hendricks. He has over 5+ years of championship road racing pedigree in Grand Am’s Mustang Challenge Series and Continental Tire Grand Sport series as a factory driver for BMW. We also got the opportunity to interact with his partner, Jeff Humberson, who has over 20+ years of professional championship motorsports racing experience. All we have to say is wow, what a Dream Team!
Additional Reading: Explore the Canyons of Colorado in a Baja Trophy Truck with Driven Experiences!
Spa Experience
After (or even before) arranging your experience, make sure to include some spa treatments, especially from the selection of relaxing and therapeutic massages, all in rooms with such amazing, soothing views. The glass is one-sided, where you can see out, but nobody can see in (thank goodness).
Suggested: Escape: Massage + Music at the Largest Spa in The Caribbean – Rock Spa Riviera Maya
Overall, if your dream is to experience an exciting, luxurious getaway, look no further than Gateway Canyons. It’s really a treat for all of your senses! Visit gatewaycanyons.com for more details.
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source http://cheaprtravels.com/staying-in-a-luxury-resort-in-colorado-gateway-canyons-resort-and-spa-by-discovery-channel-founder-john-hendricks-dreams-in-heels/
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purrcraze · 5 years
Are Persian Cats Good Family Pets? Yes And No…
The most popular cat breed in the United States and one that people wish for often. The Persian lives up to its reputation, but is it suitable for children?
Are Persian cat’s good family pets? Yes and no. Their natural going personalities are great for families. They are loving and make great gently playful lap cats. However, the Persian’s personality conflicts with the maintenance that they require as far as diet and cleaning goes.
Ultimately whether you want to add a Persian to your family is up to you. To help you make that decision below are the pros and cons to owning a Persian. Read further to understand why their personality fits into a family atmosphere and what is required to keep them healthy and at their best.
Why a Persian cat would make a great family pet
The Persian isn’t the most popular cat in the U.S for nothing. Often people like them because of their open un-cat like personalities.
Instead of being an inscrutable rascal whose eyes glow at you in the middle of the night, they are the friendly, abet high maintenance friend who wants to be near you at all times. The biggest plus to adding a Persian to your family is their temperament.
Certain factors need to be looked at when bringing a new cat into a house with children.
Think about what your home is like, are your children introverted or extroverted? Is there a lot of noise in the household, or is everyone relatively mild? Do you have a lot of sleepovers you’re your kids, or are they the type that sees their home as a sanctionary?
Depending on the atmosphere of your home, you need a breed that is the following:
Not scared of loud noises or constant movement
Lack of territorial behavior
Doesn’t bite or swipe
Open to change
The Persian fits these qualifications to a tee.
Not scared of loud noises or constant movement
For a typical cat, kids might get too lively and too active for them to handle. You will find them under the bed or in a safe location away from the noise. Our Persian friend will continue to the lay there, welcoming any attention that comes their way while ignoring the decimal level.
My more sensitive cats run or growl when they even hear someone walking by my home, which makes them excellent guard cats. However, when friends with children come by, who enjoy screaming at the top of their lungs, my cats are nowhere to be seen.
The kids don’t even know that I have a cat.
While your children might be on the calmer side than the people in my life, they will still be active than you believe them to be. The Persian will calmly observe the noise and commotion only to pay attention when the kids come around to them.
Lack of territorial behavior
They are too lazy to be territorial, which felines tend to be. They love meeting new people in the home and will be a great addition to the family when other kids come over to visit.
They will love laying on the bed while the kids play and will even submit to become part of the play themselves as long as there are pets involved.
They are a clingy cat that loves attention, the more, the better in their case. The Persian is not a kitty that you can leave unattended for extended amounts of time. They will start to get depressed if someone isn’t there telling them how beautiful they are.
Having the Persian in the family makes this clingy attention seeker a lot easier to handle rather than one person attending to their needs.
The Persian wants to be right on your lap no matter what you are doing. As much as you love cuddle time with your kitty, you might not have that amount of time to sit around at the end of the day.
More members of the family mean more laps for this cuddler to take over.
Doesn’t bite or swipe
They have a very affectionate personality and are not prone to aggression. This docile nature makes them great with kids who depending on age, might not know how to treat animals correctly.
While other cats might take a swipe if a child picks them up the wrong way or touches the unforgivable belly area, this flat face kitty will love that they are getting attention.
Regardless of teaching your children how to treat the Persian with respect is necessary. If you have a boisterous child, try to impart the idea that they should be gentle and kind to their furry friends.
While the Persian is not aggressive, any cat will act out if they feel that they are mishandled, they will nip to let the person know that isn’t something that they like. If your children tell you that the cat bit them ask what they were doing when it happened.
Handling an animal is not something that children instinctively know. Teaching your children how to manage and respect the animals in the household is an essential part of pet ownership.
They are a calm, quiet kitty, so when it comes to bedtime, you will not find them yelling the hallway, wondering why all the fun is over, and we have to go to bed. That makes it a lot easier if you have a little tyke who is hard to put to bed.
The Persian will adopt one of your kids to be a live nighttime pal who will bring them comfort while they sleep. It might mean that you have to clean the sheets more, but with kids, you are probably going to need to do that anyway.
Open to change
With kids, there are a lot of people flitting in and out friends, team members, study buddies. Also, with children, it is unavoidable that there will be a lot of change as they grow, not only to themselves but also the living arrangements will change as they age.
The Persian will not be traumatized by this aspect just going along with whatever changes that happen, as long as they get the attention they feel they deserve.
The Cons of having a Persian when you have a family
You didn’t think that there would only be good things about the Persian, did you? With everything, there is good and bad. What you deal with depends on how the adverse effects you verse how much the excellent benefits you.
If you have always wanted a Persian, by all means, get one, but also understand that there will be work for you. All that you need to do is look at your life and question what you can handle.
A significant drawback to the Persian is the amount of time and money you need to spend on them. The theory about cats, in general, is that they can take care of themselves, give them food, litter, water, and love.
This idea is rarely accurate for most cats, and it is especially untrue of the Persian.
The extra care that the Persian needs:
Human quality meet
Daily brushing
Bathing every 2 to 6 weeks
What they should eat
Persian tend to have a sensitive stomach and need better food because of it. There are even specialty Persian cat food brands such as Royal Canin that provides the type of nutrition that your feline will need.
There are several reasons your Persian needs exceptional food. One their fur. Persians not only have long hair, but it is also dense. So hairballs become much more of an issue than they would with your typical kitty.
So something that has more oil in their diet to limit the number of hairballs they can get.
Their faces also play a factor in what they can eat. The doll face variety has less of an issue with this, but our flat-faced friends can’t eat as a typical cat would. First, they have difficulty picking up food due to the shape of their mouth.
Small bits and x-shape dry food are especially hard for your Persian to eat. While wet food, especially pate, is hard for them to eat also due to the shape of their face.
The Persian’s lifestyle likewise requires special food. They are not a sprint around the house type of cat. This kitty prefers a lily in the field approach, which makes them laid back but will also lead to weight problems due to the lack of movement.
All of this combined creates a kitty that needs special care when it comes to the food department. A 14 dollar bag of food from your local store isn’t going to cut for them. You know what specialty means, expensive.
Hair Maintance
Another factor for the needy Persian is maintaining their hair. They need daily brushing to prevent tangling of their tendrils and additional hairballs. Use a wide-tooth comb to brush so that it won’t hurt them.
You can get a rubber comb that picks up the hair pulls the natural oils on their skin that due to the density of their fur is hard to extend out to the outer part of their pelt.
Bathing is a necessity when owning a Persian cat, more than you would expect. The frequency in which your feline needs bath time depends on if they are an all indoor cat or they go outside.
Their fur while beautiful hides dirt and debris too well. If they venture in the wide world, then they need their spa day at least every two weeks. It’s best to start this practice when they are young to get them to use to the idea.
You can, of course, start bathing them when they are older, but your arms will bear the scars.
If they are an indoor kitty, which is advised for Persians because people have a habit of snatching them right up, then bathing will need to happen every six weeks.
If you are new to the Persian depending on if you let them outside start with the two to three weeks bathing periods, then adjust as you get used to their individual needs.
All of this combined means more time that you have to spend on another member of the family. Having children period is a full schedule, and you might not have the time necessary to care for the Persian.
High action pet they are not
Besides the care needed if you are looking for an animal that is going to be active and engage in a lot of play with the family, this is not the cat for you. They would rather lay next to or on top of everybody and observe what is going on instead of joining in the fray.
If you want an animal to help wear your kids out, the Persian can’t help you. However, if you want someone to be quiet in an active household, then this cat can accommodate you.
Downsides are inevitable to everything, but it is your choice if you want to decide if you can handle the Persian’s needs. If stress is already a factor in your life, especially for the time, then adding this kitty might be too much.
However, if you have ever wanted this beautiful and sweet baby, then make time for them, and since you have more people in the household, then there are more people to help care for them.
Related questions
Are Persian cats aggressive? Not at all. They are sweet-tempered cats that love nothing more than resting in your lap rather than running about the house. Rather than hiding when the doorbell rings, they will venture out to receive whoever comes by to get those extra pets.
Are Persian cats smart? You can tell intelligence in an animal by how active they are. Generally, sorry to say is not a very active cat and tend to have average intelligence. Training is always an option for felines, but playtime, which is for a more intelligent animal is less necessary since they like to be lazy.
Can Persian cats stay alone? They can for short periods, such as when you are away at work, but more extended periods are not great for their clingy personalities. For such people attached animals, it’s a good idea to get them in pairs so that they don’t get lonely in the time that you are away.
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Losing a Pet Can Be Just as Hard as Losing a Loved One
Losing a pet is not easy for most people. Pets — or what researchers call companion animals — are most often seen as a fellow member of the family today. It is not surprising then to learn that most people grieve a pet’s passing as much, and sometimes even more, than the passing of a human friend or family member.
What makes the passing of a pet so hard? How can we better cope with it?
Some people think that it’s silly to grieve over the loss of a pet. Those people either never had much of an attachment to any pet, never had one growing up as a child, or never really experienced the unconditional love and affection that only an animal can provide.
Whether they died from illness, an accident, or had to be euthanized, losing a cat, dog, or other beloved animal is a traumatic event. Even if the death was expected due to old age, the loss of their constant companionship is hard to put into words. It’s like a large hole is in your heart, and nothing in this world will ever be good enough to fill it as your lost pet did.
Having our companion euthanized can be especially difficult, even when we know it’s time and it’s for the best to end their pain and suffering. In a study conducted by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania (Quackenbush & Glickman, 1984), it was discovered that individuals were at the greatest distress and at greatest risk for experiencing extreme grief when having had to euthanize their pet.
Sadly, many people don’t understand pet loss and the value that pets hold in a person’s life. This can greatly add to a pet owner’s grief. Instead of being comforted and listened to by friends or family (what psychologists refer to as validation), the person is told “It was just a dog (or cat), get over it” or “I’m not sure why you miss that cat (or dog) so much.” These kinds of uninentionally hurtful comments can add to a person’s burden of grief (Messam & Hart, 2019).
The researchers also note:
Feeling guilty often is a component of the grief, especially if the owner is conflicted about a decision for euthanasia, or feels that appropriate care was not provided. Grief for an animal, though becoming more socially accepted, remains somewhat disenfranchised. For example, time off work is typically not an option.
What You Can Do to Feel Better After Pet Loss
The loss of a furry loved one is rarely easy. But there are some things you can do during and after the loss. It appears that having to euthanize our loved one brings special difficulties. Being actively involved in the decision process of ending a pet’s life, however, can often be helpful, allowing a person to take comfort in their passing.
While some people report becoming distressed by reminders of their deceased — such as cat/dog toys, bowls, and leashes — others take comfort in them. If they are causing you additional distress by seeing them, put them away somewhere out of sight for a time. You don’t have to get rid of them just yet, but there’s no point in having them bring reminders of painful memories or sadness.
The Rainbow Bridge is a popular theme in pet loss because it suggests that we will all meet again in the afterlife. This is a source of great comfort, knowing that we can reunite with a loved one after we too have passed.
Feelings of guilt often accompany euthanasia. It is a heavy burden to bear deciding when to end another being’s life. These feelings are perfectly natural. But please know that you ended your pet’s life because it was their time. You put an end to a time where they were suffering and likely in some sort of pain or distress. There was no hope for recovery or further treatment that would provide both quantity of life, and more importantly, quality of life.
Your pet appreciated all that you did for them, and all the love you bestowed upon them. They got as much as they gave, and lived a life full of knowing they were appreciated and cared for by you. It was a relationship that benefited them as much as it did you.
Many pet owners feel as their furry loved ones are like surrogate children. When put into this context, it is completely understandable why the loss of a pet can be so devastating. Losing a source of non-judgmental, unconditional love in a person’s life is usually extremely difficult, no matter the source of that love. While many people don’t understand this, pet owners nearly always do.
Many people find comfort in memorialization of their pet (Messam & Hart, 2019). These kinds of activities can include having a funeral or wake for the pet (either privately, or with close, trusted friends and family). Some like to create an online photo gallery, print photos, or even create a scrapbook or photo collage. Some find comfort in cremating a pet and keeping their ashes in a memorial box with the engraving of their pet’s name on top.
Grief coping strategies for pet loss often starts with reading pet loss bereavement articles (whether it be a book or online)(Messam & Hart, 2019). Additional coping strategies include writing letters or blogs to the pet, interacting with other animals (such as at shelters), joining a pet loss support group online or Facebook, and keeping busy with routines, seeing friends, and volunteering. In extreme cases of loss, it is not uncommon for a person to seek out grief therapy from a mental health professional.
How Long Will My Grief Last?
Nobody can say for certain how long your grief will last. The feelings of loss and sadness are very individualistic, and so can vary widely. In one small study of 82 people who had lost their pet, “25% took between 3 and 12 months to accept the loss of their pet, 50% between 12 and 19 months, and 25% took between 2 and 6 years, to recover” (Messam & Hart, 2019).
As you can see, there is a wide gulf in the range of time it can take to fully recover from losing your pet. This is a reminder that grief takes as long as it takes to fully experience. There is nothing you can do to speed up the process, or feel it more fully. It comes when it comes and lasts as long as it needs to.
You will get over the loss of your pet. But you will never forget the love and times you shared together. Someday, you may even feel ready to open your heart up again to another furry or feathered friend. Our hearts are large enough to welcome much love into our lives, throughout our lives.
I hope your burden during this trying time is not too heavy. Please remember and known, you are not alone and you will get through this.
  For further reading…
Grieving the Loss of a Pet
Why We Grieve So Intensely for Our Pets
On Mourning the Death of a Pet
Messam, LLM & Hart, LA. (2019). Persons Experiencing Prolonged Grief After the Loss of a Pet. In Clinician’s Guide to Treating Companion Animal Issues, 267-280.
Quackenbush, J. E., & Glickman, L. (1984). Helping people adjust to the death of a pet. Health and Social Work, 9, 42–48.
from World of Psychology https://psychcentral.com/blog/losing-a-pet-can-be-just-as-hard-as-losing-a-loved-one/
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immortal-journal · 7 years
When I was sick in Mongolia, I thought my immortality was over. I felt so scared and strangely excited. People often thought too much when they were sick. I often wondered what was the significance of my immortality. I looked at the bed under my body, it did not exist for immortality. The meaning of the bed just let me sleep on it which had great significance to me. My laptop did not exist for immortality. It was just one of my entertainment, working tools, so it had great significance to me. None of my clothes, shoes, houses, cars existed for immortality, but they all made sense. I looked the meal in front of me. I did not eat anything. I was thinking if I did not eat these meals, did I just need to see it? The TV in front of me showed different movies, did it just use to imagine it? And fireworks bloomed in the dark night sky, did it just stay there and become wet? If all these things were to be immortal, life would almost lose all its meaning. The sickness came so suddenly that for a second, I was reminded of the atomic bomb war, black plague and all other diseases I had experienced in the past. At that time, I saw many people suffering from illness. Poor people could not afford the price of medicine, so they could only see their loved ones die. Rich people had the temporary renewal of their loved ones because they had enough money, but their lives were not immortal. I started to confuse medical treatment when people got sick.
During this period of time, I began to memorize the time in Mongolia. As a foreigner who just arrived in Mongolia, it was still not comfortable with the dry air here, but I was soon attracted by the blue sky and dazzling sunshine. I was looking forward to the upcoming journey. I met a beautiful Mongolian girl on the train. The sky in Ulaanbaatar was also blue, and the streets looked exactly like I had read in the book. There were many Korean restaurants and fast food chains on the streets, but I still liked the local food. Mongolian food was similar as Chinese food. I also love it so much! May be because of acclimatized, I began to vomit and diarrhea. This feeling was really bad. I was shocked by such symptoms. I did not know what kind of medicine I should take or whether I should go to see a doctor.
Mongolian cattle and sheep ran wildly on the vast prairie. They were more free and healthy. I laid in bed and did not have any power, but my mind still remembered the delicious beef and lamb. My favorite beef with spices, stewing loose rotten,  was accompanied by mash potatoes and vegetable salad. I could eat a large bowl of rice. It was simply delicious on the earth. I swore I would go to taste this delicious food again after I got better. Sometimes people did not know how to learn lessons. Facing to delicious food, I was the same as moral people who were irresistible to food. Perhaps, I relied on my immortality, so I would easily indulge myself. Now, I was sick. I did not know whether I was still an immortal life. If my life was no longer immortal, then I wanted to taste the most delicious food in this limited life.
I spent more money in Mongolia because the prices of here were so expensive, so this ordinary meal in Ulaanbaatar was almost five dollars. Fortunately, I lived in the hostel which was free to use the kitchen. I and some friends here began to cook our own meals. Mongolia's high living expenses not only reflected in daily expenses, but also reflected on tourism project in Mongolia. I found several travel agencies inquiries, but their basic travel items cost between 65-90 US dollars per person per day. But this price did not include accommodation and meals! Winter was not a popular season for tourism, so I could not expect carpool with other people. I would rather stay at the hostel instead of traveling for this price. Fortunately, in addition to travel agencies, there was also a nonprofit organization called "Ger to Ger". This organization provided visitors to the yurt to experience the opportunities of pastoral life while it was also helping the local poor herder families. “Ger to Ger” handed over the majority of tourists' payments to pastoral families, but they would not permanently support the same families. More pastoral families had such opportunities to increase their incomes. For tourists who prefered "responsible travel", it was more meaningful to be able to help to increase more income for the local poor families. I found the address of "Ger to Ger" office which was provided by Lonely Planet. Because of the off-season, now I only had two options: 4 days 3 nights which were 30 to 40 dollars or 6 days 5 nights which were around 65 dollars. When I was indecisive, an Australian girl came and booked the 6 days 5 nights’ project immediately. I was surprised. Because there was no other tourists, I thought I would spend next my trip with this girl. It was better to have two people together on the prairie instead of myself. So I chose the same project as that Australian girl.
It was commendable that the organization would be responsible for providing brief cultural training to tourists prior to departure. One day before departure date, two of us came to the office. The person who responsible for the project started to give us a lesson. She spent more than one hour we to briefly introduce the general situation of the herdsmen's life, the culture of the yurts, including the meaning of decorations, welcoming etiquette and so on. We not only looked at photos of past tourists, but also learned about Mongolian. For me, it was all new knowledge. At the same time, we were given a booklet which contained not only these teaching information, but also a few families we would visit. We would take this booklet with us and we could still review Mongolian words which were so hard for us.
Early in the next morning, I carried my own luggage while I was holding the official ticket which was given by leader of the project to us in advance. I arrived at the bus station by myself and found the right bus by using my body language to communicate. After a 4-hour driving to Budajak Station, I got off and waited for the first local family to pick me up. Although I did not know each other at all, I believed that in such a remote place, my appearance as a tourist was so apparent. About half an hour, a woman wearing Mongolian traditional costume came out of a green truck with her husband who looked slightly humpbacked. They were approaching to us. Although the leader of the project said herders did not speak English, the woman who looked very strong had no problem with communicating with us in simple English. She said she would take me and that Australian girl to the restaurant next to us. After finishing eating lunch, then they would take us to home. Lunch was still delicious and my favorite beef and mash potato. Mongolia’s big dish allowed both of us feel very full. Unfortunately, the car was broken when we were ready to leave after lunch.
The weather was a little bit cold, and I did not have enough clothes to wear, so my body was shaking. On the opposite of the road was the car repair shop. During 2 hours waiting, I was impressed by the fact that the car repairer deliberately tried to molesting the woman who came to pick us up several times. The woman immediately smiled and pushed his hands away. At the same time, she taught the car repairer as teaching a naughty child. Her husband also helped to repair the car. He did not look up this situation. When we got bored, the car finally got fixed. The car bumped about an hour to arrive to their home. When I saw two yurts, I suddenly realized we would spend next six days in this prairie where had no electricity, network, and toilet.
After we put down our luggages, the host man started to take us to ride camels. This was also one of the experiences included within the project: riding camels, riding horses, visiting shamanistic worship places. Maybe because of the climate of Mongolia, bactrian camels were also furry and cute. The wind was particularly large in the evening. When we came to the farther summit of a mountain, there was snowing. My face felt painful when the wind was scratching on my face. I began to sneeze, by the way, I borrowed a thick coat from host man. Our only activity here was to ride camels, so in addition to an hour of riding camels every day, the rest of the time both of us felt boring.
In the morning, we got up early and saw the woman crowded milk. In the evening, I saw very special sunset. The sky was pink, the sunset was pink, sheep were cute. As a foreign tourist, in fact, prairie life was still very boring. Every morning I ate breakfast. After eating breakfast, I had to find something to do to pass the time. I was waiting for lunch, after lunch, I repeated the same thing to pass my own time... ... So, I was sick after I spent my third days here because of the changeable weather. During the night, I found my body were very hot, but my hands and feet were cold. I was sure I had a fever. I was shocked. I saw a vast picture of the surrounding area, feeling hopelessly. Maybe my immortality would go through the end. I might die soon. One day? One week? One month? I did not know……
Fortunately, my fellow Australian girl was majoring in medical professional. She discovered my condition and began to help me to relieve my discomforts. The conditions of the grassland were very limited and resources were not much. We could only use the most conservative way to alleviate the fever. For foreigners, we insisted on drinking cold water even if we had fever. So the Australian girl poured some cold water to me and let me have a good sleep. My head was still super hot and there was no sign which showed my fever getting better. Pastoralists in the grassland did not know what happened on me. The Australian girl explained to them with body language. They immediately boiled some hot water and let me drink it. My stomach was very uncomfortable because of sudden cold and sudden hot. I started to diarrhea. Mongolia would have snow at night. Wind and snow would infiltrate from the gap under the yurt. In the morning, my bed was full of snow. I lost my sleeping bag at the bus stop on the first day when I was in Budajak. The Australian girl lent me her sleeping bag. The herdsmen gave me two more quilts. The sleeping bag was written which could resist -10°, but I still felt so cold and woke up at night time.
Except sleeping, herdsmen also cooked hot soup for me. I wrapped my quilt and rested in the yurt for several days. I carefully thought about whether or not I should take some medicine with me on my journey. My fever started to get better. The temperature gradually became normal. This made me see new hope. When I did not completely get better, we moved to the second family. The economic status of the second family was relatively better than the first one. The second family specifically prepared a yurt only for guests. The decoration inside was very simple and there were only some necessities. After the host helped us make fire, they left here. From these two families, I could see that they had known how to treat guests well, and “Ger to Ger” had also brought a lot of help and benefits to help each family to raise their economic statues.
I stayed in the yurt most of the time. The first household should mention that I was sick with the second family, so the second household did not often bother me. In the evening, they would cook some hot soup for me. I had to say that I was getting better everyday in such a shabby environment, even though I did not eat any medicine. Until my fever had completely gone and I was a little bit better than before, I started playing with them. In the evening, we chatted together. The Australian girl was Australian-Chinese, but she did not speak Chinese at all. Because she was too lazy to explain so much, she introduced herself as a Chinese.
Unfortunately, Mongolians did not like Chinese was true. I felt a bit awkward atmosphere at that moment. Suddenly I realized that there was racial discrimination everywhere.
When my illness began to disappear, my mood seemed to be more calm than before. It was just liking a walk from life and death, although this was only smallest illness. It would not destroy my immortal body. I realized that the essence of life was the most intrinsic and concrete content. I could rub beautiful flowers and harvest fruit into the context of life, nourishing my life, enriching my life, and realizing my life. Many people had only a few decades of life. I did not want everyone should leave any regrets for themselves. Suppressing emotions too much was unnecessary. If you wanted to laugh, then just laughed. If you wanted to cry, then just cried. If you wanted to love, then just loved.
In life, regardless of success or failure, joy and pain, up and down, honor and disgrace, they were all as natural as the flow of water where it came from, and where it would go. The world did not separate as black and white. There were often a series of intermediate colors between black and white. Crossing the line of life and death, I began to understand that loneliness, pain, and failure were indispensable condiments in life. Therefore, I would be kind to them. It was the same to be kind to the real life. Although I had an immortal body, I was still an ordinary person. Now, I could calmly face my own ordinary because not everyone could be successful. Being a man was my lifelong business. As long as I had struggled, pursued, I did not care if I failed. I began to think if my life was end, what should I do? This kind of consideration would make me act and do things that I would like to do, but I had never done before.
I thought now I really knew myself and also belonged to myself. I accepted myself in a comfortable, kind and honest way. I thought the next thing I wanted to think about was marriage and family. I had already understood how to comfort myself and I learned to point myself  a brightness of hope in the endless darkness. In the past, I saw people very simply. Now, I did not think people and things as simple as I used to do. I had traveled many places. It was not necessary to change others, but myself. Although youth was beautiful, it would fade with the passage of time, but the youthful mood was a constant landscape in the life. I did not die, I continued to live. I continued my thinking, my life. Maybe it was too bad to get sick. I was full of yearning for health. I missed the happiness I had ever had before. I was running and jumping freely. After this illness, I would catch it tightly and cherish it.
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northshoregadgets · 7 years
Babies and Dogs — 20 Tips for Introducing Your Dog to Your Newborn Baby
Snuggled. Spoiled. Doted upon. Loved within an inch of her life. Our dog, Finley, is truly our baby. She’s been my constant companion and the apple of my husband’s eye for the past two years. But we’re about to welcome a newborn human into our home and have heard that babies and dogs can be a tricky combination.
We’ve been bracing ourselves for the transition over the past seven months, but quickly realized that crossing our fingers and hoping for the best wouldn’t be enough. Taking a proactive approach, we registered for a “bringing a baby home” class with Jeris and Eve Pugh, owners of The Martial Arfs, to learn all about introducing a new family member when a furry, four-legged one has gotten used to being the center of attention.
Our first child, Finley. Photography by Whitney C. Harris.
We soon discovered that once an infant enters the picture, everything changes. And that can be especially stressful for the family pet. An animal you might otherwise trust — much like our sweet, sensitive Finley — can become anxious or aggressive and act out in fear. In fact, many dogs you wouldn’t normally consider very threatening — from a Papillon to a Lab — have all appeared in police reports for fatally wounding children.
The thought of our cherished Vizsla attacking our new baby was upsetting of course, but also eye-opening. That’s the kind of worst-case scenario most people prefer not to think about, but there are lessons to be learned from such incidents. Here are our 20 takeaways about mixing babies and dogs:
1. Bring your dog to the vet
Schedule a visit to the vet for before the baby arrives. Veterinarian examining dog. Photography by Shutterstock.
Jeris and Eve suggest requesting a full exam with bloodwork to make sure your dog isn’t experiencing any undiagnosed health problems. Managing both a newborn and a dog with a serious health issue can be especially challenging and time consuming, so it’s better to know what you’re dealing with ahead of time. Even though Finley seems relatively healthy, we’ll still get her checked about a month before the baby is due.
2. Desensitize your dog to new sights, sounds and smells
Turn on the infant swing, put up baby gates around the house and go for walks with the stroller. Play baby sounds like crying and cooing. Use baby lotion on your skin. Start carrying around a baby doll. Slowly introduce new stimuli before the baby arrives. Gradually making changes in advance will help manage your dog’s stress levels.
3. Keep all baby and dog toys separate
Better yet, teach your dog the “leave it” command. Do this well ahead of time so you’re not trying to train your pup when you have a newborn around. Finley is fairly good at leaving items alone but has a hard time giving something up once it’s in her possession — something we need to work on.
Dog toys and baby toys are often hard to tell apart, especially for the little ones. Chihuahua puppy with toy. Photography by Shutterstock.
4. Let babies and dogs mix beforehand
Try to recruit nieces, nephews and children around the neighborhood for short-and-sweet visits. We’ve been walking Finley through the park and near playgrounds where kids are running around and making noise.
5. Reduce activity levels
Inevitably, your dog’s physical and mental needs are not going to be met as readily as they were pre-baby. So we’ve tested out how Finley fares with reduced activity before the baby comes. Some days she’s fine, others she’s visibly frustrated. We’re getting her accustomed to less attention and activity overall.
6. Establish a baby-free zone for your dog
This can be a crate, a corner of the house or an entire room if there’s space. For us, this is the basement where Finley is free to roam and hang out with her toys and treasures sans crying baby.
Finley relaxes in her crate. Photography by Whitney C. Harris.
7. Practice closing your dog out of certain rooms
You may need to keep your dog out of the baby’s room, your bedroom, or any other area where your little one is sleeping, playing or eating. Getting Finley used to closed doors isn’t easy. She always wants to be part of the action, but practice makes perfect.
And now, let’s talk about making the introduction.
8. Exhaust your pooch first
When you first come home, your dog should be mentally and physically exhausted so their energy level is nice and low. Hire a dog walker or ask a close friend or relative to exercise your pooch an hour before you’re due to arrive home. For us, Finley will likely have spent a day or two at doggy daycare prior to our return home — more than enough to exhaust her.
Finley will get plenty of playtime before we bring the baby home. Photography by Whitney C. Harris.
9. Don’t rush things
Many new parents are in a hurry to get the dog and baby together as one big happy family. But the introduction should be slow and gradual. Your dog can see the baby more and more often, but they shouldn’t necessarily interact on a regular basis until boundaries are set and everyone is comfortable with how things are going.
10. Invite a sniff between the dog and baby
Once your dog seems at ease with the newest family members, try offering the baby’s feet for a little sniff. Keep interactions brief and positive with plenty of treats.
11. Always know where your dog is in the house
Be aware that your dog may be able to get into the baby’s crib. Closely monitor your pup in the nursery to make sure curiosity doesn’t take over. I have no doubt that Finley would jump into the baby’s crib given the chance, which is why she will never be left alone with the baby or in the nursery unsupervised.
Finley might think the baby’s bed looks more comfy. Photography by Whitney C. Harris.
Here are some additional things to keep in mind:
12. Your dog still needs some attention
Find out whether your dog benefits from 15 minutes of your intense focus or a little play throughout the day. As expected, dogs with more energy (looking at you, Finley) will present larger challenges, and you might want to consider a dog walker or daycare for some help. The same goes for smart dogs and attention seekers. Puzzles and games help to occupy a needy dog.
13. Don’t scold or punish
If your dog exhibits unwanted behavior, don’t yell at her and create bad associations between the baby and punishment. Instead, ignore the bad behavior, which is what we already do with our pup.
14. Do not give in to attention-seeking behavior
If your dog barks to be petted, ignore her. Remember not to scold or punish; simply ignore any efforts to get your attention.
15. Make eye-contact happen between babies and dogs (and other guests!)
It’s important that your dog practice a lot of eye contact with people because babies and toddlers are at the pet’s eye-level. Anyone who visits our home will be asked to make eye contact with Finley first.
Your dog and baby will make a lot of eye contact when they’re at the same level. Baby and dog. Photography by Shutterstock.
16. Plan a safe feeding space for your baby
If you always cuddled with Fido on the couch, don’t use that same spot to feed your newborn. We plan on using a glider in the nursery for most of our newborn’s feedings. We also learned to feed Finley during one of the feeding times to create positive associations.
17. Keep faces apart
Your dog may love licking your newborn’s sweet, milk-dribbled face. But it’s safer not to let the dog and baby faces get too close. There could be too much excitement, the baby could laugh or scream; there are too many unknowns.
18. Recognize your dog’s anxiety cues
A concerned dog has his ears back, looks away and licks his lips. If your dog exhibit these signs, bring him to a safe space away from the baby.
If your dog looks anxious around the baby, let them seek refuge in their safe space. Dog with baby. Photography by Shutterstock.
And lastly, don’t forget:
19. One at a time
Don’t ask the same person to watch babies and dogs at the same time. It’s too much at once.
20. Dogs can sense our anxiety
Don’t be afraid of the new situation, but take the proper precautions.
What do you think about dogs and babies? Have you ever brought home a new baby when you already had a dog? How did it go? Tell us your tips and experiences in the comments.
Read more about babies and dogs on Dogster.com: 
5 Signs Your Dog Is Not Ready for a Baby
3 Things to Do Before Introducing Your Dog to a Baby
Would You Ever Give Up Your Dog Because of Your Baby?
Do You Ever Worry About Your Dog Being Around a Baby?
What NOT to Do with Your Baby Around Dogs – Yours or Others
About the author: Whitney C. Harris is a New York-based freelance writer for websites including StrollerTraffic, Birchbox and WhattoExpect.com. A former book and magazine editor, she enjoys running (with Finley), watching movies (also with Finley), and cooking meatless meals (usually with Finley watching close by).
The post Babies and Dogs — 20 Tips for Introducing Your Dog to Your Newborn Baby appeared first on Dogster.
from Dogster http://ift.tt/1HsJhbR via http://www.dogster.com
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buynewsoul · 7 years
Babies and Dogs — 20 Tips for Introducing Your Dog to Your Newborn Baby
Snuggled. Spoiled. Doted upon. Loved within an inch of her life. Our dog, Finley, is truly our baby. She’s been my constant companion and the apple of my husband’s eye for the past two years. But we’re about to welcome a newborn human into our home and have heard that babies and dogs can be a tricky combination.
We’ve been bracing ourselves for the transition over the past seven months, but quickly realized that crossing our fingers and hoping for the best wouldn’t be enough. Taking a proactive approach, we registered for a “bringing a baby home” class with Jeris and Eve Pugh, owners of The Martial Arfs, to learn all about introducing a new family member when a furry, four-legged one has gotten used to being the center of attention.
Our first child, Finley. Photography by Whitney C. Harris.
We soon discovered that once an infant enters the picture, everything changes. And that can be especially stressful for the family pet. An animal you might otherwise trust — much like our sweet, sensitive Finley — can become anxious or aggressive and act out in fear. In fact, many dogs you wouldn’t normally consider very threatening — from a Papillon to a Lab — have all appeared in police reports for fatally wounding children.
The thought of our cherished Vizsla attacking our new baby was upsetting of course, but also eye-opening. That’s the kind of worst-case scenario most people prefer not to think about, but there are lessons to be learned from such incidents. Here are our 20 takeaways about mixing babies and dogs:
1. Bring your dog to the vet
Schedule a visit to the vet for before the baby arrives. Veterinarian examining dog. Photography by Shutterstock.
Jeris and Eve suggest requesting a full exam with bloodwork to make sure your dog isn’t experiencing any undiagnosed health problems. Managing both a newborn and a dog with a serious health issue can be especially challenging and time consuming, so it’s better to know what you’re dealing with ahead of time. Even though Finley seems relatively healthy, we’ll still get her checked about a month before the baby is due.
2. Desensitize your dog to new sights, sounds and smells
Turn on the infant swing, put up baby gates around the house and go for walks with the stroller. Play baby sounds like crying and cooing. Use baby lotion on your skin. Start carrying around a baby doll. Slowly introduce new stimuli before the baby arrives. Gradually making changes in advance will help manage your dog’s stress levels.
3. Keep all baby and dog toys separate
Better yet, teach your dog the “leave it” command. Do this well ahead of time so you’re not trying to train your pup when you have a newborn around. Finley is fairly good at leaving items alone but has a hard time giving something up once it’s in her possession — something we need to work on.
Dog toys and baby toys are often hard to tell apart, especially for the little ones. Chihuahua puppy with toy. Photography by Shutterstock.
4. Let babies and dogs mix beforehand
Try to recruit nieces, nephews and children around the neighborhood for short-and-sweet visits. We’ve been walking Finley through the park and near playgrounds where kids are running around and making noise.
5. Reduce activity levels
Inevitably, your dog’s physical and mental needs are not going to be met as readily as they were pre-baby. So we’ve tested out how Finley fares with reduced activity before the baby comes. Some days she’s fine, others she’s visibly frustrated. We’re getting her accustomed to less attention and activity overall.
6. Establish a baby-free zone for your dog
This can be a crate, a corner of the house or an entire room if there’s space. For us, this is the basement where Finley is free to roam and hang out with her toys and treasures sans crying baby.
Finley relaxes in her crate. Photography by Whitney C. Harris.
7. Practice closing your dog out of certain rooms
You may need to keep your dog out of the baby’s room, your bedroom, or any other area where your little one is sleeping, playing or eating. Getting Finley used to closed doors isn’t easy. She always wants to be part of the action, but practice makes perfect.
And now, let’s talk about making the introduction.
8. Exhaust your pooch first
When you first come home, your dog should be mentally and physically exhausted so their energy level is nice and low. Hire a dog walker or ask a close friend or relative to exercise your pooch an hour before you’re due to arrive home. For us, Finley will likely have spent a day or two at doggy daycare prior to our return home — more than enough to exhaust her.
Finley will get plenty of playtime before we bring the baby home. Photography by Whitney C. Harris.
9. Don’t rush things
Many new parents are in a hurry to get the dog and baby together as one big happy family. But the introduction should be slow and gradual. Your dog can see the baby more and more often, but they shouldn’t necessarily interact on a regular basis until boundaries are set and everyone is comfortable with how things are going.
10. Invite a sniff between the dog and baby
Once your dog seems at ease with the newest family members, try offering the baby’s feet for a little sniff. Keep interactions brief and positive with plenty of treats.
11. Always know where your dog is in the house
Be aware that your dog may be able to get into the baby’s crib. Closely monitor your pup in the nursery to make sure curiosity doesn’t take over. I have no doubt that Finley would jump into the baby’s crib given the chance, which is why she will never be left alone with the baby or in the nursery unsupervised.
Finley might think the baby’s bed looks more comfy. Photography by Whitney C. Harris.
Here are some additional things to keep in mind:
12. Your dog still needs some attention
Find out whether your dog benefits from 15 minutes of your intense focus or a little play throughout the day. As expected, dogs with more energy (looking at you, Finley) will present larger challenges, and you might want to consider a dog walker or daycare for some help. The same goes for smart dogs and attention seekers. Puzzles and games help to occupy a needy dog.
13. Don’t scold or punish
If your dog exhibits unwanted behavior, don’t yell at her and create bad associations between the baby and punishment. Instead, ignore the bad behavior, which is what we already do with our pup.
14. Do not give in to attention-seeking behavior
If your dog barks to be petted, ignore her. Remember not to scold or punish; simply ignore any efforts to get your attention.
15. Make eye-contact happen between babies and dogs (and other guests!)
It’s important that your dog practice a lot of eye contact with people because babies and toddlers are at the pet’s eye-level. Anyone who visits our home will be asked to make eye contact with Finley first.
Your dog and baby will make a lot of eye contact when they’re at the same level. Baby and dog. Photography by Shutterstock.
16. Plan a safe feeding space for your baby
If you always cuddled with Fido on the couch, don’t use that same spot to feed your newborn. We plan on using a glider in the nursery for most of our newborn’s feedings. We also learned to feed Finley during one of the feeding times to create positive associations.
17. Keep faces apart
Your dog may love licking your newborn’s sweet, milk-dribbled face. But it’s safer not to let the dog and baby faces get too close. There could be too much excitement, the baby could laugh or scream; there are too many unknowns.
18. Recognize your dog’s anxiety cues
A concerned dog has his ears back, looks away and licks his lips. If your dog exhibit these signs, bring him to a safe space away from the baby.
If your dog looks anxious around the baby, let them seek refuge in their safe space. Dog with baby. Photography by Shutterstock.
And lastly, don’t forget:
19. One at a time
Don’t ask the same person to watch babies and dogs at the same time. It’s too much at once.
20. Dogs can sense our anxiety
Don’t be afraid of the new situation, but take the proper precautions.
What do you think about dogs and babies? Have you ever brought home a new baby when you already had a dog? How did it go? Tell us your tips and experiences in the comments.
Read more about babies and dogs on Dogster.com: 
5 Signs Your Dog Is Not Ready for a Baby
3 Things to Do Before Introducing Your Dog to a Baby
Would You Ever Give Up Your Dog Because of Your Baby?
Do You Ever Worry About Your Dog Being Around a Baby?
What NOT to Do with Your Baby Around Dogs – Yours or Others
About the author: Whitney C. Harris is a New York-based freelance writer for websites including StrollerTraffic, Birchbox and WhattoExpect.com. A former book and magazine editor, she enjoys running (with Finley), watching movies (also with Finley), and cooking meatless meals (usually with Finley watching close by).
The post Babies and Dogs — 20 Tips for Introducing Your Dog to Your Newborn Baby appeared first on Dogster.
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daddyslittlejuliet · 7 years
Babies and Dogs — 20 Tips for Introducing Your Dog to Your Newborn Baby
Snuggled. Spoiled. Doted upon. Loved within an inch of her life. Our dog, Finley, is truly our baby. She’s been my constant companion and the apple of my husband’s eye for the past two years. But we’re about to welcome a newborn human into our home and have heard that babies and dogs can be a tricky combination.
We’ve been bracing ourselves for the transition over the past seven months, but quickly realized that crossing our fingers and hoping for the best wouldn’t be enough. Taking a proactive approach, we registered for a “bringing a baby home” class with Jeris and Eve Pugh, owners of The Martial Arfs, to learn all about introducing a new family member when a furry, four-legged one has gotten used to being the center of attention.
Our first child, Finley. Photography by Whitney C. Harris.
We soon discovered that once an infant enters the picture, everything changes. And that can be especially stressful for the family pet. An animal you might otherwise trust — much like our sweet, sensitive Finley — can become anxious or aggressive and act out in fear. In fact, many dogs you wouldn’t normally consider very threatening — from a Papillon to a Lab — have all appeared in police reports for fatally wounding children.
The thought of our cherished Vizsla attacking our new baby was upsetting of course, but also eye-opening. That’s the kind of worst-case scenario most people prefer not to think about, but there are lessons to be learned from such incidents. Here are our 20 takeaways about mixing babies and dogs:
1. Bring your dog to the vet
Schedule a visit to the vet for before the baby arrives. Veterinarian examining dog. Photography by Shutterstock.
Jeris and Eve suggest requesting a full exam with bloodwork to make sure your dog isn’t experiencing any undiagnosed health problems. Managing both a newborn and a dog with a serious health issue can be especially challenging and time consuming, so it’s better to know what you’re dealing with ahead of time. Even though Finley seems relatively healthy, we’ll still get her checked about a month before the baby is due.
2. Desensitize your dog to new sights, sounds and smells
Turn on the infant swing, put up baby gates around the house and go for walks with the stroller. Play baby sounds like crying and cooing. Use baby lotion on your skin. Start carrying around a baby doll. Slowly introduce new stimuli before the baby arrives. Gradually making changes in advance will help manage your dog’s stress levels.
3. Keep all baby and dog toys separate
Better yet, teach your dog the “leave it” command. Do this well ahead of time so you’re not trying to train your pup when you have a newborn around. Finley is fairly good at leaving items alone but has a hard time giving something up once it’s in her possession — something we need to work on.
Dog toys and baby toys are often hard to tell apart, especially for the little ones. Chihuahua puppy with toy. Photography by Shutterstock.
4. Let babies and dogs mix beforehand
Try to recruit nieces, nephews and children around the neighborhood for short-and-sweet visits. We’ve been walking Finley through the park and near playgrounds where kids are running around and making noise.
5. Reduce activity levels
Inevitably, your dog’s physical and mental needs are not going to be met as readily as they were pre-baby. So we’ve tested out how Finley fares with reduced activity before the baby comes. Some days she’s fine, others she’s visibly frustrated. We’re getting her accustomed to less attention and activity overall.
6. Establish a baby-free zone for your dog
This can be a crate, a corner of the house or an entire room if there’s space. For us, this is the basement where Finley is free to roam and hang out with her toys and treasures sans crying baby.
Finley relaxes in her crate. Photography by Whitney C. Harris.
7. Practice closing your dog out of certain rooms
You may need to keep your dog out of the baby’s room, your bedroom, or any other area where your little one is sleeping, playing or eating. Getting Finley used to closed doors isn’t easy. She always wants to be part of the action, but practice makes perfect.
And now, let’s talk about making the introduction.
8. Exhaust your pooch first
When you first come home, your dog should be mentally and physically exhausted so their energy level is nice and low. Hire a dog walker or ask a close friend or relative to exercise your pooch an hour before you’re due to arrive home. For us, Finley will likely have spent a day or two at doggy daycare prior to our return home — more than enough to exhaust her.
Finley will get plenty of playtime before we bring the baby home. Photography by Whitney C. Harris.
9. Don’t rush things
Many new parents are in a hurry to get the dog and baby together as one big happy family. But the introduction should be slow and gradual. Your dog can see the baby more and more often, but they shouldn’t necessarily interact on a regular basis until boundaries are set and everyone is comfortable with how things are going.
10. Invite a sniff between the dog and baby
Once your dog seems at ease with the newest family members, try offering the baby’s feet for a little sniff. Keep interactions brief and positive with plenty of treats.
11. Always know where your dog is in the house
Be aware that your dog may be able to get into the baby’s crib. Closely monitor your pup in the nursery to make sure curiosity doesn’t take over. I have no doubt that Finley would jump into the baby’s crib given the chance, which is why she will never be left alone with the baby or in the nursery unsupervised.
Finley might think the baby’s bed looks more comfy. Photography by Whitney C. Harris.
Here are some additional things to keep in mind:
12. Your dog still needs some attention
Find out whether your dog benefits from 15 minutes of your intense focus or a little play throughout the day. As expected, dogs with more energy (looking at you, Finley) will present larger challenges, and you might want to consider a dog walker or daycare for some help. The same goes for smart dogs and attention seekers. Puzzles and games help to occupy a needy dog.
13. Don’t scold or punish
If your dog exhibits unwanted behavior, don’t yell at her and create bad associations between the baby and punishment. Instead, ignore the bad behavior, which is what we already do with our pup.
14. Do not give in to attention-seeking behavior
If your dog barks to be petted, ignore her. Remember not to scold or punish; simply ignore any efforts to get your attention.
15. Make eye-contact happen between babies and dogs (and other guests!)
It’s important that your dog practice a lot of eye contact with people because babies and toddlers are at the pet’s eye-level. Anyone who visits our home will be asked to make eye contact with Finley first.
Your dog and baby will make a lot of eye contact when they’re at the same level. Baby and dog. Photography by Shutterstock.
16. Plan a safe feeding space for your baby
If you always cuddled with Fido on the couch, don’t use that same spot to feed your newborn. We plan on using a glider in the nursery for most of our newborn’s feedings. We also learned to feed Finley during one of the feeding times to create positive associations.
17. Keep faces apart
Your dog may love licking your newborn’s sweet, milk-dribbled face. But it’s safer not to let the dog and baby faces get too close. There could be too much excitement, the baby could laugh or scream; there are too many unknowns.
18. Recognize your dog’s anxiety cues
A concerned dog has his ears back, looks away and licks his lips. If your dog exhibit these signs, bring him to a safe space away from the baby.
If your dog looks anxious around the baby, let them seek refuge in their safe space. Dog with baby. Photography by Shutterstock.
And lastly, don’t forget:
19. One at a time
Don’t ask the same person to watch babies and dogs at the same time. It’s too much at once.
20. Dogs can sense our anxiety
Don’t be afraid of the new situation, but take the proper precautions.
What do you think about dogs and babies? Have you ever brought home a new baby when you already had a dog? How did it go? Tell us your tips and experiences in the comments.
Read more about babies and dogs on Dogster.com: 
5 Signs Your Dog Is Not Ready for a Baby
3 Things to Do Before Introducing Your Dog to a Baby
Would You Ever Give Up Your Dog Because of Your Baby?
Do You Ever Worry About Your Dog Being Around a Baby?
What NOT to Do with Your Baby Around Dogs – Yours or Others
About the author: Whitney C. Harris is a New York-based freelance writer for websites including StrollerTraffic, Birchbox and WhattoExpect.com. A former book and magazine editor, she enjoys running (with Finley), watching movies (also with Finley), and cooking meatless meals (usually with Finley watching close by).
The post Babies and Dogs — 20 Tips for Introducing Your Dog to Your Newborn Baby appeared first on Dogster.
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jeffreyrwelch · 7 years
Babies and Dogs — 20 Tips for Introducing Your Dog to Your Newborn Baby
Snuggled. Spoiled. Doted upon. Loved within an inch of her life. Our dog, Finley, is truly our baby. She’s been my constant companion and the apple of my husband’s eye for the past two years. But we’re about to welcome a newborn human into our home and have heard that babies and dogs can be a tricky combination.
We’ve been bracing ourselves for the transition over the past seven months, but quickly realized that crossing our fingers and hoping for the best wouldn’t be enough. Taking a proactive approach, we registered for a “bringing a baby home” class with Jeris and Eve Pugh, owners of The Martial Arfs, to learn all about introducing a new family member when a furry, four-legged one has gotten used to being the center of attention.
Our first child, Finley. Photography by Whitney C. Harris.
We soon discovered that once an infant enters the picture, everything changes. And that can be especially stressful for the family pet. An animal you might otherwise trust — much like our sweet, sensitive Finley — can become anxious or aggressive and act out in fear. In fact, many dogs you wouldn’t normally consider very threatening — from a Papillon to a Lab — have all appeared in police reports for fatally wounding children.
The thought of our cherished Vizsla attacking our new baby was upsetting of course, but also eye-opening. That’s the kind of worst-case scenario most people prefer not to think about, but there are lessons to be learned from such incidents. Here are our 20 takeaways about mixing babies and dogs:
1. Bring your dog to the vet
Schedule a visit to the vet for before the baby arrives. Veterinarian examining dog. Photography by Shutterstock.
Jeris and Eve suggest requesting a full exam with bloodwork to make sure your dog isn’t experiencing any undiagnosed health problems. Managing both a newborn and a dog with a serious health issue can be especially challenging and time consuming, so it’s better to know what you’re dealing with ahead of time. Even though Finley seems relatively healthy, we’ll still get her checked about a month before the baby is due.
2. Desensitize your dog to new sights, sounds and smells
Turn on the infant swing, put up baby gates around the house and go for walks with the stroller. Play baby sounds like crying and cooing. Use baby lotion on your skin. Start carrying around a baby doll. Slowly introduce new stimuli before the baby arrives. Gradually making changes in advance will help manage your dog’s stress levels.
3. Keep all baby and dog toys separate
Better yet, teach your dog the “leave it” command. Do this well ahead of time so you’re not trying to train your pup when you have a newborn around. Finley is fairly good at leaving items alone but has a hard time giving something up once it’s in her possession — something we need to work on.
Dog toys and baby toys are often hard to tell apart, especially for the little ones. Chihuahua puppy with toy. Photography by Shutterstock.
4. Let babies and dogs mix beforehand
Try to recruit nieces, nephews and children around the neighborhood for short-and-sweet visits. We’ve been walking Finley through the park and near playgrounds where kids are running around and making noise.
5. Reduce activity levels
Inevitably, your dog’s physical and mental needs are not going to be met as readily as they were pre-baby. So we’ve tested out how Finley fares with reduced activity before the baby comes. Some days she’s fine, others she’s visibly frustrated. We’re getting her accustomed to less attention and activity overall.
6. Establish a baby-free zone for your dog
This can be a crate, a corner of the house or an entire room if there’s space. For us, this is the basement where Finley is free to roam and hang out with her toys and treasures sans crying baby.
Finley relaxes in her crate. Photography by Whitney C. Harris.
7. Practice closing your dog out of certain rooms
You may need to keep your dog out of the baby’s room, your bedroom, or any other area where your little one is sleeping, playing or eating. Getting Finley used to closed doors isn’t easy. She always wants to be part of the action, but practice makes perfect.
And now, let’s talk about making the introduction.
8. Exhaust your pooch first
When you first come home, your dog should be mentally and physically exhausted so their energy level is nice and low. Hire a dog walker or ask a close friend or relative to exercise your pooch an hour before you’re due to arrive home. For us, Finley will likely have spent a day or two at doggy daycare prior to our return home — more than enough to exhaust her.
Finley will get plenty of playtime before we bring the baby home. Photography by Whitney C. Harris.
9. Don’t rush things
Many new parents are in a hurry to get the dog and baby together as one big happy family. But the introduction should be slow and gradual. Your dog can see the baby more and more often, but they shouldn’t necessarily interact on a regular basis until boundaries are set and everyone is comfortable with how things are going.
10. Invite a sniff between the dog and baby
Once your dog seems at ease with the newest family members, try offering the baby’s feet for a little sniff. Keep interactions brief and positive with plenty of treats.
11. Always know where your dog is in the house
Be aware that your dog may be able to get into the baby’s crib. Closely monitor your pup in the nursery to make sure curiosity doesn’t take over. I have no doubt that Finley would jump into the baby’s crib given the chance, which is why she will never be left alone with the baby or in the nursery unsupervised.
Finley might think the baby’s bed looks more comfy. Photography by Whitney C. Harris.
Here are some additional things to keep in mind:
12. Your dog still needs some attention
Find out whether your dog benefits from 15 minutes of your intense focus or a little play throughout the day. As expected, dogs with more energy (looking at you, Finley) will present larger challenges, and you might want to consider a dog walker or daycare for some help. The same goes for smart dogs and attention seekers. Puzzles and games help to occupy a needy dog.
13. Don’t scold or punish
If your dog exhibits unwanted behavior, don’t yell at her and create bad associations between the baby and punishment. Instead, ignore the bad behavior, which is what we already do with our pup.
14. Do not give in to attention-seeking behavior
If your dog barks to be petted, ignore her. Remember not to scold or punish; simply ignore any efforts to get your attention.
15. Make eye-contact happen between babies and dogs (and other guests!)
It’s important that your dog practice a lot of eye contact with people because babies and toddlers are at the pet’s eye-level. Anyone who visits our home will be asked to make eye contact with Finley first.
Your dog and baby will make a lot of eye contact when they’re at the same level. Baby and dog. Photography by Shutterstock.
16. Plan a safe feeding space for your baby
If you always cuddled with Fido on the couch, don’t use that same spot to feed your newborn. We plan on using a glider in the nursery for most of our newborn’s feedings. We also learned to feed Finley during one of the feeding times to create positive associations.
17. Keep faces apart
Your dog may love licking your newborn’s sweet, milk-dribbled face. But it’s safer not to let the dog and baby faces get too close. There could be too much excitement, the baby could laugh or scream; there are too many unknowns.
18. Recognize your dog’s anxiety cues
A concerned dog has his ears back, looks away and licks his lips. If your dog exhibit these signs, bring him to a safe space away from the baby.
If your dog looks anxious around the baby, let them seek refuge in their safe space. Dog with baby. Photography by Shutterstock.
And lastly, don’t forget:
19. One at a time
Don’t ask the same person to watch babies and dogs at the same time. It’s too much at once.
20. Dogs can sense our anxiety
Don’t be afraid of the new situation, but take the proper precautions.
What do you think about dogs and babies? Have you ever brought home a new baby when you already had a dog? How did it go? Tell us your tips and experiences in the comments.
Read more about babies and dogs on Dogster.com: 
5 Signs Your Dog Is Not Ready for a Baby
3 Things to Do Before Introducing Your Dog to a Baby
Would You Ever Give Up Your Dog Because of Your Baby?
Do You Ever Worry About Your Dog Being Around a Baby?
What NOT to Do with Your Baby Around Dogs – Yours or Others
About the author: Whitney C. Harris is a New York-based freelance writer for websites including StrollerTraffic, Birchbox and WhattoExpect.com. A former book and magazine editor, she enjoys running (with Finley), watching movies (also with Finley), and cooking meatless meals (usually with Finley watching close by).
The post Babies and Dogs — 20 Tips for Introducing Your Dog to Your Newborn Baby appeared first on Dogster.
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stiles-wtf · 7 years
Babies and Dogs — 20 Tips for Introducing Your Dog to Your Newborn Baby
Snuggled. Spoiled. Doted upon. Loved within an inch of her life. Our dog, Finley, is truly our baby. She’s been my constant companion and the apple of my husband’s eye for the past two years. But we’re about to welcome a newborn human into our home and have heard that babies and dogs can be a tricky combination.
We’ve been bracing ourselves for the transition over the past seven months, but quickly realized that crossing our fingers and hoping for the best wouldn’t be enough. Taking a proactive approach, we registered for a “bringing a baby home” class with Jeris and Eve Pugh, owners of The Martial Arfs, to learn all about introducing a new family member when a furry, four-legged one has gotten used to being the center of attention.
Our first child, Finley. Photography by Whitney C. Harris.
We soon discovered that once an infant enters the picture, everything changes. And that can be especially stressful for the family pet. An animal you might otherwise trust — much like our sweet, sensitive Finley — can become anxious or aggressive and act out in fear. In fact, many dogs you wouldn’t normally consider very threatening — from a Papillon to a Lab — have all appeared in police reports for fatally wounding children.
The thought of our cherished Vizsla attacking our new baby was upsetting of course, but also eye-opening. That’s the kind of worst-case scenario most people prefer not to think about, but there are lessons to be learned from such incidents. Here are our 20 takeaways about mixing babies and dogs:
1. Bring your dog to the vet
Schedule a visit to the vet for before the baby arrives. Veterinarian examining dog. Photography by Shutterstock.
Jeris and Eve suggest requesting a full exam with bloodwork to make sure your dog isn’t experiencing any undiagnosed health problems. Managing both a newborn and a dog with a serious health issue can be especially challenging and time consuming, so it’s better to know what you’re dealing with ahead of time. Even though Finley seems relatively healthy, we’ll still get her checked about a month before the baby is due.
2. Desensitize your dog to new sights, sounds and smells
Turn on the infant swing, put up baby gates around the house and go for walks with the stroller. Play baby sounds like crying and cooing. Use baby lotion on your skin. Start carrying around a baby doll. Slowly introduce new stimuli before the baby arrives. Gradually making changes in advance will help manage your dog’s stress levels.
3. Keep all baby and dog toys separate
Better yet, teach your dog the “leave it” command. Do this well ahead of time so you’re not trying to train your pup when you have a newborn around. Finley is fairly good at leaving items alone but has a hard time giving something up once it’s in her possession — something we need to work on.
Dog toys and baby toys are often hard to tell apart, especially for the little ones. Chihuahua puppy with toy. Photography by Shutterstock.
4. Let babies and dogs mix beforehand
Try to recruit nieces, nephews and children around the neighborhood for short-and-sweet visits. We’ve been walking Finley through the park and near playgrounds where kids are running around and making noise.
5. Reduce activity levels
Inevitably, your dog’s physical and mental needs are not going to be met as readily as they were pre-baby. So we’ve tested out how Finley fares with reduced activity before the baby comes. Some days she’s fine, others she’s visibly frustrated. We’re getting her accustomed to less attention and activity overall.
6. Establish a baby-free zone for your dog
This can be a crate, a corner of the house or an entire room if there’s space. For us, this is the basement where Finley is free to roam and hang out with her toys and treasures sans crying baby.
Finley relaxes in her crate. Photography by Whitney C. Harris.
7. Practice closing your dog out of certain rooms
You may need to keep your dog out of the baby’s room, your bedroom, or any other area where your little one is sleeping, playing or eating. Getting Finley used to closed doors isn’t easy. She always wants to be part of the action, but practice makes perfect.
And now, let’s talk about making the introduction.
8. Exhaust your pooch first
When you first come home, your dog should be mentally and physically exhausted so their energy level is nice and low. Hire a dog walker or ask a close friend or relative to exercise your pooch an hour before you’re due to arrive home. For us, Finley will likely have spent a day or two at doggy daycare prior to our return home — more than enough to exhaust her.
Finley will get plenty of playtime before we bring the baby home. Photography by Whitney C. Harris.
9. Don’t rush things
Many new parents are in a hurry to get the dog and baby together as one big happy family. But the introduction should be slow and gradual. Your dog can see the baby more and more often, but they shouldn’t necessarily interact on a regular basis until boundaries are set and everyone is comfortable with how things are going.
10. Invite a sniff between the dog and baby
Once your dog seems at ease with the newest family members, try offering the baby’s feet for a little sniff. Keep interactions brief and positive with plenty of treats.
11. Always know where your dog is in the house
Be aware that your dog may be able to get into the baby’s crib. Closely monitor your pup in the nursery to make sure curiosity doesn’t take over. I have no doubt that Finley would jump into the baby’s crib given the chance, which is why she will never be left alone with the baby or in the nursery unsupervised.
Finley might think the baby’s bed looks more comfy. Photography by Whitney C. Harris.
Here are some additional things to keep in mind:
12. Your dog still needs some attention
Find out whether your dog benefits from 15 minutes of your intense focus or a little play throughout the day. As expected, dogs with more energy (looking at you, Finley) will present larger challenges, and you might want to consider a dog walker or daycare for some help. The same goes for smart dogs and attention seekers. Puzzles and games help to occupy a needy dog.
13. Don’t scold or punish
If your dog exhibits unwanted behavior, don’t yell at her and create bad associations between the baby and punishment. Instead, ignore the bad behavior, which is what we already do with our pup.
14. Do not give in to attention-seeking behavior
If your dog barks to be petted, ignore her. Remember not to scold or punish; simply ignore any efforts to get your attention.
15. Make eye-contact happen between babies and dogs (and other guests!)
It’s important that your dog practice a lot of eye contact with people because babies and toddlers are at the pet’s eye-level. Anyone who visits our home will be asked to make eye contact with Finley first.
Your dog and baby will make a lot of eye contact when they’re at the same level. Baby and dog. Photography by Shutterstock.
16. Plan a safe feeding space for your baby
If you always cuddled with Fido on the couch, don’t use that same spot to feed your newborn. We plan on using a glider in the nursery for most of our newborn’s feedings. We also learned to feed Finley during one of the feeding times to create positive associations.
17. Keep faces apart
Your dog may love licking your newborn’s sweet, milk-dribbled face. But it’s safer not to let the dog and baby faces get too close. There could be too much excitement, the baby could laugh or scream; there are too many unknowns.
18. Recognize your dog’s anxiety cues
A concerned dog has his ears back, looks away and licks his lips. If your dog exhibit these signs, bring him to a safe space away from the baby.
If your dog looks anxious around the baby, let them seek refuge in their safe space. Dog with baby. Photography by Shutterstock.
And lastly, don’t forget:
19. One at a time
Don’t ask the same person to watch babies and dogs at the same time. It’s too much at once.
20. Dogs can sense our anxiety
Don’t be afraid of the new situation, but take the proper precautions.
What do you think about dogs and babies? Have you ever brought home a new baby when you already had a dog? How did it go? Tell us your tips and experiences in the comments.
Read more about babies and dogs on Dogster.com: 
5 Signs Your Dog Is Not Ready for a Baby
3 Things to Do Before Introducing Your Dog to a Baby
Would You Ever Give Up Your Dog Because of Your Baby?
Do You Ever Worry About Your Dog Being Around a Baby?
What NOT to Do with Your Baby Around Dogs – Yours or Others
About the author: Whitney C. Harris is a New York-based freelance writer for websites including StrollerTraffic, Birchbox and WhattoExpect.com. A former book and magazine editor, she enjoys running (with Finley), watching movies (also with Finley), and cooking meatless meals (usually with Finley watching close by).
The post Babies and Dogs — 20 Tips for Introducing Your Dog to Your Newborn Baby appeared first on Dogster.
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topfygad · 4 years
Staying in a Luxury Resort in Colorado: Gateway Canyons Resort and Spa by Discovery Channel Founder, John Hendricks – Dreams in Heels
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Even from above, Grand Junction, Colorado takes your breath away with its stunning landscapes. Although you find yourself traveling for an hour and a half in, what most people would call, the middle of nowhere, it is truly something spectacular to behold that awakens your senses and curiosity. Once you reach your destination, you will discover the Gateway – to knowledge, stunning sceneries, the most crazy adventures and extravagant accommodations. Welcome to Gateway Canyons!
Table of Contents (skip directly to the info you’re looking for)
Gateway Canyons Resort and Spa – A review of this Luxury Resort in Colorado
Gateway Canyons is a resort in Colorado that has been voted #1 in the state and #12 in the world by Conde Nast Traveler. And you wonder, “what makes it so special” and you want to learn more? Dreams in Heels visited and I am sharing the answers.
Discovery Channel Founder, John Hendricks and the history of Gateway Canyons
Gateway Canyons was founded by Discovery Channel Founder, John Hendricks. As a child, Hendricks’ father would tell him tales of the beautiful red rock country in Colorado. It took him a while to finally see it with his own eyes, but when he and his family first came to Gateway, Colorado in 1995, they were moved by the beauty and history of the area, as well as the spirit of its community. Mr. Hendricks knew that he was home. But he also felt compelled to share this special place with others. Soon Mr. Hendricks began the design for a sustainable, outdoor recreation resort that would highlight the beauty and take advantage of the endless adventures capable in this amazing location!
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Gateway to Adventure, Luxury and Edu-travel
Gateway Canyons is located in Unaweep Canyon, one of the most unique red rock canyons in the world. The word Unaweep is a Native American term meaning “canyon with two mouths.” It is thought that the ancestral Colorado and Gunnison rivers may have cut through the soft red sandstone of the Uncompahgre Plateau, exposing stone dated to Precambrian times.
This is said to be the only canyon in the world that is drained by two creeks: East Creek and West Creek, sending water off in opposite directions. During your stay at the resort, you receive an edu-travel experience. You will meet their Curator of Curiosity, Zebulon Miracle (that is his real name!), who can set up time to speak with you about the wonders of this area, which touts special recognition in Colorado geology. Mr. Miracle will take you to explore sites that contain elements of more than a hundred million years of geological record, including fossils of dinosaurs and early amphibians. At night, Gateway Canyons offers a session from the Adventure Center to see the constellations – Venus, Jupiter and Saturn – all clearly visible in the evening sky. What a magical experience! Even the rooms at the resort are named after the constellations. Dreams in Heels’ hacienda casita was named Libra, and next to us was Orion.
The room and amenities at Gateway Canyons
Upon entering your room (in this case, Dreams in Heels’ hacienda casita) you will find the comfort of home combined with hotel luxury. From the open living room area, the amazing art on the wall, the giant TV, the table with beautiful fresh flowers, the large comfortable bed and the two bathrooms (with indoor and outdoor shower/bathtub).
Another read: Why the best time to visit Colorado is now!
Outside there’s a fire pit on the patio that turns on via wall switch (no need to worry about wood for the fire) and of course the gorgeous and peaceful red canyon in the background. Dreams in Heels even had furry friends visiting most mornings: a cute bunny and a colorful bird. We all took the time to enjoy a breath of fresh air.
Most activities are in walking distance or you can arrange for a golf cart to pick you up compliments of your concierge.
Recommended: Haven Riviera Cancun Review, a Luxury adults only resort!
The food: The Restaurants and bars
Entrada, offers a great power breakfast and then a varied menu selection for dinner. You can choose to eat poolside is a nice brunch option and Paradox Grille which is also open for lunch and dinner.
Colorado Beer Craft Tasting at Paradox Grille
One of the highlights on Friday afternoons is Paradox Grille’s Colorado Beer Craft tasting. Even if you are not a beer connoisseur, you may be converted.
Suggested Reading: Beer Enthusiasts – Go Beer Tasting, sampling the world’s best!
The variety of options will surprise you. Dreams in Heels’ favorite picks are: A Very White Rascal is the only one that contains yeast (and it is pretty light); Great Divide Nomad (German Style Beer) is a very old bohemian style beer (a little more bitter, but still tasty), and one that’s not on the tasting list (but you can order a bottle for two), and not to be missed is the Transatlantique Kriek: it’s combination of sour flavor with a touch of sweetness is said to be the result of its spending 2 years in a barrel in Belgium, prior to its arrival in Colorado, before a brewmaster finishes creating the beer (which includes using sour cherries).
Activities and adventurous things to do at Gateway Canyons Resort
Make sure to participate in many of the audacious activities Gateway Canyon has to offer.
Remember that these adventures can be tailored based on your interests. It is a great place for first experiences and even for once in a lifetime memories. Don’t be surprised to be filled with childlike wonder and curiosity!
Dreams in Heels explored everything from arranging a simple drive (how does driving a convertible Bentley around sound to you? – actually, you can pick from a selection of luxury cars), taking a helicopter tour ride around Colorado and Utah (since the Gateway is conveniently situated on the border of both), UTV rides, Pro-Baja Trophy Trucks ride along experience, Horseback riding (Dreams in Heels’ horse was so sweet and named Sugar!), Auto Museum Collection Tour, mountain biking, hiking, and the list just keeps going. Among our favorites are the Auto Museum Collection, the UTV ride and the Pro-Baja Trophy Trucks experience.
Auto Museum
The Auto Museum Collection must be mentioned as it captures 100 years of American automotive history. Of course, it is quite impressive. It contains many historic and rare automobiles and as we all know, they just don’t make ‘em like they used to. The design, the colors and special, distinctive details made many cars comparable to a piece of art.
Among the presentation is a one-of-a-kind 1954 Oldsmobile F-88 concept car (Our Favorite one!), which is considered a rare American icon. John Hendricks purchased this classic car in 2005, after intense auction bidding, for $3.25 million. Among the cars, you will also find: a 1906 Cadillac Model H Coupe, Duesenberg, Auburn, Cord, and Cunningham marques alongside rare models from Packard, Cadillac, Pierce Arrow and many others. The museum is open daily from 10:00am – 5:00pm, except on rare holidays.
UTV Rides
The Adventure Center offers UTV and ATV guided tours. Dreams in Heels’ selection of the UTV experience was a bumpy, muddy and exhilarating ride around off-the-beaten paths! Get ready to put your helmet on and get dirty! You get to explore countless vistas on ride up. The best part was visiting the John Brown Canyon/Dolores Point Mesa, which provides exceptional views of the zone. Follow the river as it wraps its way across the state border into Utah and enjoy panoramic views of Dolores River Canyon, the Gateway, the towering La Sal Mountains and even, in the distance, the Spanish Valley. You will not be able to take a bad photo from up there!
Pro-Baja Trucks
As far as Dreams in Heels is aware, the Gateway is the only place on the world where you get to ride along with an experienced former Nascar race drivers in a pro-baja truck. The truck can go up to 140 mph but for the safety of the guests, they limit the speed to 85 mph. It is an amazing experience, better than any roller coaster! For those that fall in love with this experience, you can also arrange driving lessons. It is all part of the Driven Experiences’ customized program that combines aggressive styling with advanced off-road technology, to deliver an adrenaline-charged driving experience like no other. Dreams in Heels especially appreciated the fact that the Hendricks family is involved, as the President of Driven Experiences is Andrew Hendricks, the son of Mr. Hendricks. He has over 5+ years of championship road racing pedigree in Grand Am’s Mustang Challenge Series and Continental Tire Grand Sport series as a factory driver for BMW. We also got the opportunity to interact with his partner, Jeff Humberson, who has over 20+ years of professional championship motorsports racing experience. All we have to say is wow, what a Dream Team!
Additional Reading: Explore the Canyons of Colorado in a Baja Trophy Truck with Driven Experiences!
Spa Experience
After (or even before) arranging your experience, make sure to include some spa treatments, especially from the selection of relaxing and therapeutic massages, all in rooms with such amazing, soothing views. The glass is one-sided, where you can see out, but nobody can see in (thank goodness).
Suggested: Escape: Massage + Music at the Largest Spa in The Caribbean – Rock Spa Riviera Maya
Overall, if your dream is to experience an exciting, luxurious getaway, look no further than Gateway Canyons. It’s really a treat for all of your senses! Visit gatewaycanyons.com for more details.
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grublypetcare · 7 years
Babies and Dogs — 20 Tips for Introducing Your Dog to Your Newborn Baby
Snuggled. Spoiled. Doted upon. Loved within an inch of her life. Our dog, Finley, is truly our baby. She’s been my constant companion and the apple of my husband’s eye for the past two years. But we’re about to welcome a newborn human into our home and have heard that babies and dogs can be a tricky combination.
We’ve been bracing ourselves for the transition over the past seven months, but quickly realized that crossing our fingers and hoping for the best wouldn’t be enough. Taking a proactive approach, we registered for a “bringing a baby home” class with Jeris and Eve Pugh, owners of The Martial Arfs, to learn all about introducing a new family member when a furry, four-legged one has gotten used to being the center of attention.
Our first child, Finley. Photography by Whitney C. Harris.
We soon discovered that once an infant enters the picture, everything changes. And that can be especially stressful for the family pet. An animal you might otherwise trust — much like our sweet, sensitive Finley — can become anxious or aggressive and act out in fear. In fact, many dogs you wouldn’t normally consider very threatening — from a Papillon to a Lab — have all appeared in police reports for fatally wounding children.
The thought of our cherished Vizsla attacking our new baby was upsetting of course, but also eye-opening. That’s the kind of worst-case scenario most people prefer not to think about, but there are lessons to be learned from such incidents. Here are our 20 takeaways about mixing babies and dogs:
1. Bring your dog to the vet
Schedule a visit to the vet for before the baby arrives. Veterinarian examining dog. Photography by Shutterstock.
Jeris and Eve suggest requesting a full exam with bloodwork to make sure your dog isn’t experiencing any undiagnosed health problems. Managing both a newborn and a dog with a serious health issue can be especially challenging and time consuming, so it’s better to know what you’re dealing with ahead of time. Even though Finley seems relatively healthy, we’ll still get her checked about a month before the baby is due.
2. Desensitize your dog to new sights, sounds and smells
Turn on the infant swing, put up baby gates around the house and go for walks with the stroller. Play baby sounds like crying and cooing. Use baby lotion on your skin. Start carrying around a baby doll. Slowly introduce new stimuli before the baby arrives. Gradually making changes in advance will help manage your dog’s stress levels.
3. Keep all baby and dog toys separate
Better yet, teach your dog the “leave it” command. Do this well ahead of time so you’re not trying to train your pup when you have a newborn around. Finley is fairly good at leaving items alone but has a hard time giving something up once it’s in her possession — something we need to work on.
Dog toys and baby toys are often hard to tell apart, especially for the little ones. Chihuahua puppy with toy. Photography by Shutterstock.
4. Let babies and dogs mix beforehand
Try to recruit nieces, nephews and children around the neighborhood for short-and-sweet visits. We’ve been walking Finley through the park and near playgrounds where kids are running around and making noise.
5. Reduce activity levels
Inevitably, your dog’s physical and mental needs are not going to be met as readily as they were pre-baby. So we’ve tested out how Finley fares with reduced activity before the baby comes. Some days she’s fine, others she’s visibly frustrated. We’re getting her accustomed to less attention and activity overall.
6. Establish a baby-free zone for your dog
This can be a crate, a corner of the house or an entire room if there’s space. For us, this is the basement where Finley is free to roam and hang out with her toys and treasures sans crying baby.
Finley relaxes in her crate. Photography by Whitney C. Harris.
7. Practice closing your dog out of certain rooms
You may need to keep your dog out of the baby’s room, your bedroom, or any other area where your little one is sleeping, playing or eating. Getting Finley used to closed doors isn’t easy. She always wants to be part of the action, but practice makes perfect.
And now, let’s talk about making the introduction.
8. Exhaust your pooch first
When you first come home, your dog should be mentally and physically exhausted so their energy level is nice and low. Hire a dog walker or ask a close friend or relative to exercise your pooch an hour before you’re due to arrive home. For us, Finley will likely have spent a day or two at doggy daycare prior to our return home — more than enough to exhaust her.
Finley will get plenty of playtime before we bring the baby home. Photography by Whitney C. Harris.
9. Don’t rush things
Many new parents are in a hurry to get the dog and baby together as one big happy family. But the introduction should be slow and gradual. Your dog can see the baby more and more often, but they shouldn’t necessarily interact on a regular basis until boundaries are set and everyone is comfortable with how things are going.
10. Invite a sniff between the dog and baby
Once your dog seems at ease with the newest family members, try offering the baby’s feet for a little sniff. Keep interactions brief and positive with plenty of treats.
11. Always know where your dog is in the house
Be aware that your dog may be able to get into the baby’s crib. Closely monitor your pup in the nursery to make sure curiosity doesn’t take over. I have no doubt that Finley would jump into the baby’s crib given the chance, which is why she will never be left alone with the baby or in the nursery unsupervised.
Finley might think the baby’s bed looks more comfy. Photography by Whitney C. Harris.
Here are some additional things to keep in mind:
12. Your dog still needs some attention
Find out whether your dog benefits from 15 minutes of your intense focus or a little play throughout the day. As expected, dogs with more energy (looking at you, Finley) will present larger challenges, and you might want to consider a dog walker or daycare for some help. The same goes for smart dogs and attention seekers. Puzzles and games help to occupy a needy dog.
13. Don’t scold or punish
If your dog exhibits unwanted behavior, don’t yell at her and create bad associations between the baby and punishment. Instead, ignore the bad behavior, which is what we already do with our pup.
14. Do not give in to attention-seeking behavior
If your dog barks to be petted, ignore her. Remember not to scold or punish; simply ignore any efforts to get your attention.
15. Make eye-contact happen between babies and dogs (and other guests!)
It’s important that your dog practice a lot of eye contact with people because babies and toddlers are at the pet’s eye-level. Anyone who visits our home will be asked to make eye contact with Finley first.
Your dog and baby will make a lot of eye contact when they’re at the same level. Baby and dog. Photography by Shutterstock.
16. Plan a safe feeding space for your baby
If you always cuddled with Fido on the couch, don’t use that same spot to feed your newborn. We plan on using a glider in the nursery for most of our newborn’s feedings. We also learned to feed Finley during one of the feeding times to create positive associations.
17. Keep faces apart
Your dog may love licking your newborn’s sweet, milk-dribbled face. But it’s safer not to let the dog and baby faces get too close. There could be too much excitement, the baby could laugh or scream; there are too many unknowns.
18. Recognize your dog’s anxiety cues
A concerned dog has his ears back, looks away and licks his lips. If your dog exhibit these signs, bring him to a safe space away from the baby.
If your dog looks anxious around the baby, let them seek refuge in their safe space. Dog with baby. Photography by Shutterstock.
And lastly, don’t forget:
19. One at a time
Don’t ask the same person to watch babies and dogs at the same time. It’s too much at once.
20. Dogs can sense our anxiety
Don’t be afraid of the new situation, but take the proper precautions.
What do you think about dogs and babies? Have you ever brought home a new baby when you already had a dog? How did it go? Tell us your tips and experiences in the comments.
Read more about babies and dogs on Dogster.com: 
5 Signs Your Dog Is Not Ready for a Baby
3 Things to Do Before Introducing Your Dog to a Baby
Would You Ever Give Up Your Dog Because of Your Baby?
Do You Ever Worry About Your Dog Being Around a Baby?
What NOT to Do with Your Baby Around Dogs – Yours or Others
About the author: Whitney C. Harris is a New York-based freelance writer for websites including StrollerTraffic, Birchbox and WhattoExpect.com. A former book and magazine editor, she enjoys running (with Finley), watching movies (also with Finley), and cooking meatless meals (usually with Finley watching close by).
The post Babies and Dogs — 20 Tips for Introducing Your Dog to Your Newborn Baby appeared first on Dogster.
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petnannyme · 7 years
So you want a pet!
So you have taken the decision to welcome a pet into your family for the first time.  Little four-year-old Peter is desperate for that beautiful fluffy bunny he fell in love with in the pet store window, while five year old Mandy has been pleading for a little kitten just like her friend Abigale’s, decisions, decisions, what do you do?
Pet ownership is extremely rewarding and I have long been of the opinion that animal welfare should be part of the school curriculum, but back to the question in hand.
Please do NOT buy or adopt on impulse and do your research before welcoming any animal into your home.
At Nina’s Nannies for Pets, we are keen advocates of #adoptdontshop and would always suggest visiting your local animal shelter.  Pet stores are biased to selling their animals and in my opinion, are not best placed to offer the advice required, such as dietary requirements, socialization and the correct feeding.  In my capacity as a pet sitter, I have seen countless Rabbits, Guinea Pigs and small furries (with the exception of Syrian Hamsters), being sold separately. This is heartbreaking given that those mentioned are community animals and should never live alone.
Over the eighteen years I have been in business, I have shuddered at the inappropriate housing of some animals in our charge, such as tiny Rabbit hutches with little space for them to maneuver, Chickens kept in tiny pods which are completely inadequate, even for the pets for which they were intended and Ducks with just a bowl of water in a small garden.
Impulse buying
When buying or adopting any pet, this should be a thought out, will prepared process.  If in doubt ask a pet professional such as a vet, or visit the Blue Cross/RSPCA website, which are awash with information about all manner of pets.
Consider your home circumstances.  
• What size is your garden? • Do you work all day? • Finances-can you afford the expense of owning a pet?
What pet
In order to decide the above, you should consider your reasons for wanting a pet.  If it is primarily for your children, I would look to the small furies such as rabbits, guinea pigs or another hutch/cage dwelling creature.  My particular favorite are fancy rats.  Of all the little furries, fancy rats are by far the most intelligent.  They are extremely affectionate little creatures and far happier if kept in pairs.  
As with all pets, please consider adopting, but if you really want a pair of young rats ensure that you go to a reputable breeder.
If you are looking for a more energetic companion, then of course a dog would be ideal.  However, if you work all day and require a more independent addition to your household a cat would be a purrfect fit.  Again, there are dogs and cats of all ages and sizes in rescue centres up and down the country, but if it is a pure bred that you desire, PLEASE, ensure that you chose a reputable breeder and remember to:
1. Never buy from a pet store or answer an advert in the local paper.  These are often the window for puppy mills and should be avoided at all cost. 2. Remember that the Kennel Club provides details of accredited breeders with registered puppies for sale and look on their website for contact details. 3. A good breeder with be happy to welcome you to their home, where you can see mum interacting with their puppies. 4. Ask the breeder for the KC registration certificate and worming information.  A good breeder will ask their own questions and their premises will be clean and the dogs happy.
A good breeder will always do the following:
• Health test their breeding stock • Take excellent care of their dogs • Provide information and follow up care for those people buying their puppies • Offer a lifetime of support to those who buy their puppies • A good and considerate breeder, will have no more than three litter from a female in her lifetime and steer clear of any breeder who has different breeds of dog.
If you are still unsure, contact The Kennel Club who will be only too pleased to help.
I would strongly advise that your children are totally committed to caring for pet, since forcing a child into pet ownership will not teach them responsibility and you should be prepared to do all the caring yourselves.
Animals should be for life and not just an impulse buy.  
Apart from the initial cost of buying your pet, be it from a store, breeder or shelter, pets are a huge financial commitment.  
They have dietary requirements, suitable housing, grooming, holiday care and most importantly, health care.
Insurance is vital to the wellbeing of your pet and some can live for many years.  The average lifespan of a cat is around 12 – 14 years and we have cared for some who have reached 20 and above!
Small furies
Rabbits, mice, gerbils and rabbits make wonderful pets, but they need to be handled regularly.  Rats especially, make wonderful companions for small children, since if socialized they are extremely interactive and affectionate, in fact  I liken them to little canines in a rodent form.  
All furies require regular cleaning and for some children this can be monotonous once the novelty of pet ownership has worn off.  In this case, parents must be prepared to carry out these duties and where possible encourage children to continue with their routines.
Rabbits in particular can fall prey to the dreaded fly strike, a truly gruesome condition which occurs when flies lay their eggs on the rabbits rear ends.  It is therefore imperative that their living quarters are kept clean and they are checked daily, especially during the summer months.
The above are the most popular choice of pets, with thousands of families welcoming them into our homes.
The majority of dogs are both loyal and affectionate, forming close bonds with their owners.
When choosing a dog, you should insure that he/she is the right breed, type for your family, which is why it is so important that you research your breed before making your decision.
Puppies and kittens need a lot of training and socialisation and may not be appropriate for young children.  Adopting a calm friendly adult dog/cat however, who has been temperament assessed, may be a far better companion for your family.  
As with all pet/child introductions, it is so important that you help your child to see the world through their eyes.  Children would react if they were poked or prodded unexpectedly, so you should explain that animals must be treated with respect and kindness.  
I do hope that this guide has offered the advice needed to enjoy many happy years with your chosen pet.
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topfygad · 4 years
Staying in a Luxury Resort in Colorado: Gateway Canyons Resort and Spa by Discovery Channel Founder, John Hendricks – Dreams in Heels
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Even from above, Grand Junction, Colorado takes your breath away with its stunning landscapes. Although you find yourself traveling for an hour and a half in, what most people would call, the middle of nowhere, it is truly something spectacular to behold that awakens your senses and curiosity. Once you reach your destination, you will discover the Gateway – to knowledge, stunning sceneries, the most crazy adventures and extravagant accommodations. Welcome to Gateway Canyons!
Table of Contents (skip directly to the info you’re looking for)
Gateway Canyons Resort and Spa – A review of this Luxury Resort in Colorado
Gateway Canyons is a resort in Colorado that has been voted #1 in the state and #12 in the world by Conde Nast Traveler. And you wonder, “what makes it so special” and you want to learn more? Dreams in Heels visited and I am sharing the answers.
Discovery Channel Founder, John Hendricks and the history of Gateway Canyons
Gateway Canyons was founded by Discovery Channel Founder, John Hendricks. As a child, Hendricks’ father would tell him tales of the beautiful red rock country in Colorado. It took him a while to finally see it with his own eyes, but when he and his family first came to Gateway, Colorado in 1995, they were moved by the beauty and history of the area, as well as the spirit of its community. Mr. Hendricks knew that he was home. But he also felt compelled to share this special place with others. Soon Mr. Hendricks began the design for a sustainable, outdoor recreation resort that would highlight the beauty and take advantage of the endless adventures capable in this amazing location!
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Gateway to Adventure, Luxury and Edu-travel
Gateway Canyons is located in Unaweep Canyon, one of the most unique red rock canyons in the world. The word Unaweep is a Native American term meaning “canyon with two mouths.” It is thought that the ancestral Colorado and Gunnison rivers may have cut through the soft red sandstone of the Uncompahgre Plateau, exposing stone dated to Precambrian times.
This is said to be the only canyon in the world that is drained by two creeks: East Creek and West Creek, sending water off in opposite directions. During your stay at the resort, you receive an edu-travel experience. You will meet their Curator of Curiosity, Zebulon Miracle (that is his real name!), who can set up time to speak with you about the wonders of this area, which touts special recognition in Colorado geology. Mr. Miracle will take you to explore sites that contain elements of more than a hundred million years of geological record, including fossils of dinosaurs and early amphibians. At night, Gateway Canyons offers a session from the Adventure Center to see the constellations – Venus, Jupiter and Saturn – all clearly visible in the evening sky. What a magical experience! Even the rooms at the resort are named after the constellations. Dreams in Heels’ hacienda casita was named Libra, and next to us was Orion.
The room and amenities at Gateway Canyons
Upon entering your room (in this case, Dreams in Heels’ hacienda casita) you will find the comfort of home combined with hotel luxury. From the open living room area, the amazing art on the wall, the giant TV, the table with beautiful fresh flowers, the large comfortable bed and the two bathrooms (with indoor and outdoor shower/bathtub).
Another read: Why the best time to visit Colorado is now!
Outside there’s a fire pit on the patio that turns on via wall switch (no need to worry about wood for the fire) and of course the gorgeous and peaceful red canyon in the background. Dreams in Heels even had furry friends visiting most mornings: a cute bunny and a colorful bird. We all took the time to enjoy a breath of fresh air.
Most activities are in walking distance or you can arrange for a golf cart to pick you up compliments of your concierge.
Recommended: Haven Riviera Cancun Review, a Luxury adults only resort!
The food: The Restaurants and bars
Entrada, offers a great power breakfast and then a varied menu selection for dinner. You can choose to eat poolside is a nice brunch option and Paradox Grille which is also open for lunch and dinner.
Colorado Beer Craft Tasting at Paradox Grille
One of the highlights on Friday afternoons is Paradox Grille’s Colorado Beer Craft tasting. Even if you are not a beer connoisseur, you may be converted.
Suggested Reading: Beer Enthusiasts – Go Beer Tasting, sampling the world’s best!
The variety of options will surprise you. Dreams in Heels’ favorite picks are: A Very White Rascal is the only one that contains yeast (and it is pretty light); Great Divide Nomad (German Style Beer) is a very old bohemian style beer (a little more bitter, but still tasty), and one that’s not on the tasting list (but you can order a bottle for two), and not to be missed is the Transatlantique Kriek: it’s combination of sour flavor with a touch of sweetness is said to be the result of its spending 2 years in a barrel in Belgium, prior to its arrival in Colorado, before a brewmaster finishes creating the beer (which includes using sour cherries).
Activities and adventurous things to do at Gateway Canyons Resort
Make sure to participate in many of the audacious activities Gateway Canyon has to offer.
Remember that these adventures can be tailored based on your interests. It is a great place for first experiences and even for once in a lifetime memories. Don’t be surprised to be filled with childlike wonder and curiosity!
Dreams in Heels explored everything from arranging a simple drive (how does driving a convertible Bentley around sound to you? – actually, you can pick from a selection of luxury cars), taking a helicopter tour ride around Colorado and Utah (since the Gateway is conveniently situated on the border of both), UTV rides, Pro-Baja Trophy Trucks ride along experience, Horseback riding (Dreams in Heels’ horse was so sweet and named Sugar!), Auto Museum Collection Tour, mountain biking, hiking, and the list just keeps going. Among our favorites are the Auto Museum Collection, the UTV ride and the Pro-Baja Trophy Trucks experience.
Auto Museum
The Auto Museum Collection must be mentioned as it captures 100 years of American automotive history. Of course, it is quite impressive. It contains many historic and rare automobiles and as we all know, they just don’t make ‘em like they used to. The design, the colors and special, distinctive details made many cars comparable to a piece of art.
Among the presentation is a one-of-a-kind 1954 Oldsmobile F-88 concept car (Our Favorite one!), which is considered a rare American icon. John Hendricks purchased this classic car in 2005, after intense auction bidding, for $3.25 million. Among the cars, you will also find: a 1906 Cadillac Model H Coupe, Duesenberg, Auburn, Cord, and Cunningham marques alongside rare models from Packard, Cadillac, Pierce Arrow and many others. The museum is open daily from 10:00am – 5:00pm, except on rare holidays.
UTV Rides
The Adventure Center offers UTV and ATV guided tours. Dreams in Heels’ selection of the UTV experience was a bumpy, muddy and exhilarating ride around off-the-beaten paths! Get ready to put your helmet on and get dirty! You get to explore countless vistas on ride up. The best part was visiting the John Brown Canyon/Dolores Point Mesa, which provides exceptional views of the zone. Follow the river as it wraps its way across the state border into Utah and enjoy panoramic views of Dolores River Canyon, the Gateway, the towering La Sal Mountains and even, in the distance, the Spanish Valley. You will not be able to take a bad photo from up there!
Pro-Baja Trucks
As far as Dreams in Heels is aware, the Gateway is the only place on the world where you get to ride along with an experienced former Nascar race drivers in a pro-baja truck. The truck can go up to 140 mph but for the safety of the guests, they limit the speed to 85 mph. It is an amazing experience, better than any roller coaster! For those that fall in love with this experience, you can also arrange driving lessons. It is all part of the Driven Experiences’ customized program that combines aggressive styling with advanced off-road technology, to deliver an adrenaline-charged driving experience like no other. Dreams in Heels especially appreciated the fact that the Hendricks family is involved, as the President of Driven Experiences is Andrew Hendricks, the son of Mr. Hendricks. He has over 5+ years of championship road racing pedigree in Grand Am’s Mustang Challenge Series and Continental Tire Grand Sport series as a factory driver for BMW. We also got the opportunity to interact with his partner, Jeff Humberson, who has over 20+ years of professional championship motorsports racing experience. All we have to say is wow, what a Dream Team!
Additional Reading: Explore the Canyons of Colorado in a Baja Trophy Truck with Driven Experiences!
Spa Experience
After (or even before) arranging your experience, make sure to include some spa treatments, especially from the selection of relaxing and therapeutic massages, all in rooms with such amazing, soothing views. The glass is one-sided, where you can see out, but nobody can see in (thank goodness).
Suggested: Escape: Massage + Music at the Largest Spa in The Caribbean – Rock Spa Riviera Maya
Overall, if your dream is to experience an exciting, luxurious getaway, look no further than Gateway Canyons. It’s really a treat for all of your senses! Visit gatewaycanyons.com for more details.
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