meraxesruin · 23 days
do you ever reread your own fics and gag at how horrible they are
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meraxesruin · 2 months
The Price of Pride (1/?)
[ canon • Aemond x Royce • female ]
[ warnings: the angst, kidnapping and imprisonment, abuse of power, violence, panic attack ]
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[ description: Prince Aemond finds a solution to the disproportion in the number of dragons between Dragonstone and King's Landing: he decides to find dragon blood and, like his half-sister, train dragon riders. He takes as his target the daughter of Daemon Targaryen and Rhea Royce, whom he abducts and imprisons in the Red Keep. Slow burn, darkish, insolent, arrogant Aemond. I have combined several requests here: (dragon blood female & prisoner female). ]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
It took him a long time to bring her to the Red Keep. Too long, to his frustration – while Aegon on his throne preferred to loudly announce to his subjects things he could not provide for them, he acted in silence, trying to ensure that he was always one step ahead of their sister-whore.
When Larys Strong's spies reported to them that Rhaenyra was seeking dragon seed among the bastards in King's Landing his brother laughed, but he, their mother and all the lords were horrified.
This meant that the slight advantage Vhagar had given them was going to be in vain, as she stood no chance in a confrontation with so many dragons.
Helaena was riding Dreamfyre, but at his words to move into battle with him she covered her ears and turned her head away, saying she would never burn anyone. Daeron's dragon was still too small, so that left him and Aegon, who was the King and could not die, on the battlefield.
That was not enough.
And then it dawned on him.
Rhea Royce must have been devastated after learning that her hated husband's seed had taken root in her womb. The whole kingdom knew that she and his uncle loathed each other sincerely, and while he stayed in King's Landing, she remained in Runestone.
He thought she certainly felt satisfaction when she gave him a daughter, although the Rough Prince wanted a son.
According to rumour, she was born accompanied by her mother's loud groans a few months apart after his own birth, and was supposed to be the reason Daemon waited with murdering her mother: he did not want the burden of caring for a newborn child to fall on him.
Though he would never admit it out loud, of the many lords or bastards born of dragon seed, his choice was guided not only by her close kinship to their family, but also by the fact that having her by his side could be a humiliation to his uncle, a show of his strength, prudence and sheer malice.
Of how dangerous he was not only because of Vhagar.
He had prepared an ambush for her with reverence, through Strong's spy network weaving servants close to her into his plan.
He had no idea what kind of woman she was, whether or not she resisted, whether or not she could wield a sword like her mother, but he received a letter weeks later that they had succeeded, and Daemon's daughter was heading for King's Landing against her will.
He felt a pleasant tingling in his fingertips at the thought of what he would be able to do with her: if he found her pretty and humble enough, if indeed she succeeded in taming a dragon, he could try to invalidate his betrothal to the Baratheon whore and allow her to receive the honour of bearing his heirs instead.
His own dragon inheritance.
When she finally arrived, she was, much to his mother's displeasure, placed in a dungeon – he wanted her to understand that her situation was serious and that any answer from her that did not satisfy him would end in one way.
Her death.
He went down to the underground with the guards and dismissed them when he stopped under her cell with the torch in his hand, its light exposed her face to him.
She was sitting on the ground with her knees tucked under her chin, her head raised towards him, the look of her eyes frustrated and grim, her dark brows arched in displeasure.
She was not afraid.
For now.
He looked at her figure from top to bottom, finding that he had imagined her differently: he had hoped to see any Targaryen features in her. However, her long hair was dark, her eyelashes long and black, like a fan surrounding her brown eyes, which were as big as those of a doe.
Clearly it was her mother's blood that prevailed, he thought with disappointment, however his face remained stony.
"Do you know who I am, woman?" He asked coldly, the corner of her mouth twitching, her gaze softening as if his words amused her, making him feel uneasy.
"It's hard not to guess." She replied without any pleasantries.
He licked his lower lip in a gesture of frustration, recognising that he would not allow himself to be verbally dominated by her.
He had to knock her off her guard.
"Do you understand why you're here?"
She sighed heavily, looking down at her fingers, suddenly tired and small, like a child who wanted to go to sleep already.
"Because of my father, I guess. You are wasting your time. I don't represent any value to him. He will not pact with you for my sake." She said, and he snorted, grinning broadly – she looked at him in surprise, as if she hadn't expected such a reaction from him.
"You are mistaken. We need your blood."
She shook her head, shocked by his words, raising her shoulders in a gesture as if trying to defend herself against what she just heard.
He liked the look of terror on her face, no doubt at the thought that they were about to cut her wrists open and drain her of blood like an animal.
"We will find one of the wild dragons hidden in the mountain caves and you will try to claim it. You will die, or you will succeed and join the war on our side." He said coldly, and she burst out laughing, as if she hadn't heard a greater foolishness in a long time, causing his jaw to clench in fury.
Stupid cunt.
"I know nothing about dragons or their riders and have no desire to learn about them. This, I think, is something that is destined for those endowed by the gods with white hair. I have no intention of sacrificing myself for your family. Behead me or burn me, but spare me this farce." She sneered, looking away, as if she thought she could get away with such impudent words.
She picked herself up and took a few steps back as he unlocked her cell and a moment later he was beside her, dropping the torch to the stone floor, grabbing her by the neck, her body and head hitting the wall hard.
He stared at her for a moment, listening to her heavy breath as if she was choking, panic in her big, brown eyes.
Fear suited her.
"Do you think I'm asking you for your opinion? You will serve me, and you will serve me well, or I will burn not you, but all of the fucking Vale. Only dust and ashes will be left of the people you knew. Is that what you want, my Lady?" He scoffed, and she shook her head quickly, her lower lip quivering all over, her small, soft hands clenched on his wrist.
He leaned over her, digging his fingers deeper into her delicate skin as if he wanted to break her neck.
"So we have an agreement, as I understand it?" He whispered, as if asking her a secret, something only he should hear.
Her eyebrows arched in pain, her plump lips parted in a deep, shuddering breath as she nodded, her warm gaze filled with pain and regret at the same time.
Was she now begging in her mind for her father to save her?
For him to come to her rescue?
The thought made him want to laugh.
"Mmm." He hummed, looking at her red eyes and full lips, feeling a strange kind of intimacy now that he could feel her veins, her blood, dragon's blood, pulsing under her bare skin.
Their shared heritage.
His seed was stronger than Daemon's, he thought with a confidence bordering on vanity.
Their children would have his white hair.
He felt arousal at that thought, his length pulsed softly in his breeches.
He let go of her, and she took a deep breath, sliding to the ground, clutching at her neck where he'd driven his fingers.
"You will be moved to one of the chambers. You will not lack anything. Serve me well and no more harm will befall you." He said in an offhand manner and simply left, satisfied with how childishly simple it was.
The women and their soft hearts, their despair at the thought that someone else might lose their life because of them, their eternal pondering and tenderness that made them so weak.
"I have heard of your success, brother. I was told we had a visitor in the Keep." Said Aegon, glancing at him, seated at the other end of the table, while his hand played with the marble green orb lying before him.
"Yes. She will obey us. I will personally prepare her." He said, resting his elbows on the table top.
The King laughed.
"You, brother? What does your beloved betrothed in Storm's End would say about it?" He sneered, glancing at the lords around them as if asking if his joke was in fact funny.
He grinned, trying to contain his anger and that familiar, unpleasant feeling of humiliation rippling through his chest.
"Who else would do this? You, with your superior knowledge of the language of Old Valyria will teach her commands and behaviour towards a wild dragon?" He asked, looking him straight in the eye.
His brother grew pale and swallowed hard, tense, feeling that he had lost this battle.
"Bring her in." He ordered.
Soon the door to the room opened, and she walked in, accompanied by the guards: she was wearing one of his mother's old brown gowns, its red sleeves reaching to the ground. Her hair was loose but not in disarray, falling gently down her back, as if she had not let any servant touch it and combed it herself.
"Come closer, cousin." Said Aegon with a smile, raising his hand and nodding, clearly wanting to encourage her.
She reluctantly took a few steps closer, looking around the assembled people anxiously, finally meeting his gaze – she stopped for a moment at his face, as if she was thinking hard about something, and then turned her head away, suddenly tired and resigned.
Good, he thought.
There was no need for her to stand up to him.
"We are overjoyed by your presence, even though you were brought here under not very pleasant circumstances. I hope you will quickly forget about these… discomforts and support us in our cause. My brother is extremely eager to prepare you for this." Aegon said, her lips twitching in a grimace that he didn't like when he mentioned him, but no words left her mouth.
"Are you not glad to face your father? Did he not forget you and abandon you for so many years?" Continued Aegon, their mother looked at him and shook her head, wanting him to stop.
She lifted her gaze to his brother-king and looked at him for a moment, her expression gentle and calm.
"I have nothing to say to you, cousin. Do with me what you wish."
A heavy, uncomfortable silence fell around them – he feared what Aegon would do with this insult – the fact that she had humiliated him by simply calling him her cousin, speaking to him without proper etiquette or manners.
Aegon pressed his lips together and leaned forward, as if thinking hard about something.
"Our family has forgotten you. Left you the fuck knows where, motherless and fatherless. And I am deeply sorry for it."
He looked at him shocked, not believing that he had said such a thing, apologised to her even though it was she who had offended him, and then looked at her face – her eyes turned red, her lips parted slightly, as if he had stuck a needle straight into her heart.
What was he doing?
Aegon spread himself comfortably in his chair with a loud creak of wood, smiling with satisfaction.
"You may leave."
He did not know why he had been furious all evening, why, bent over the maps of Westeros, planning his fucking war, he had been unable to focus or calm himself.
He knew why his brother had done it: he wanted to bond with her, to show him that he was the one she would obey, that he was in control of the situation, that he was the King.
"Bring our prisoner." He ordered loudly so that the servant who was just taking the tray from his table heard it.
"As you wish, Your Highness."
When she walked into his chamber she stopped immediately behind the door, which closed behind her with a loud clatter. He glanced up at her dispassionately and looked again at the books he had taken from his shelves, which he had often browsed through as a child.
This was his legacy, not hers.
But he had to do it.
"Come here. Sit down." He said dryly and after a moment he heard the rustling of her gown.
As she sat in the chair beside him he smelled her, some kind of oil that scented of field flowers, chamomile or daisies, and he thought that she had taken a bath.
Something in that thought, in the idea of her bare, soft body sunk in the warm water, made his manhood throb pleasantly, tingling heat spreading through his lower abdomen.
He moved one of the books towards her, open to the page on which was written what he wanted to discuss with her.
"Can you read?" He asked coldly, and she threw him a look from which he felt like grabbing her cheeks and shaking that little head of hers.
She didn't answer, which frustrated him even more, clutching the volume in her hands and leaning over it, following the text with her eyes.
So she could read, he thought mockingly.
"The dragons understand the language of Old Valyria, and this is how the dragon riders communicate with them. You have to learn to speak the commands properly." He sighed, running his hand over his face, feeling tired and discouraged.
"Rȳbās means listen. It is the most important word, right next to Lykirī, which commands a dragon to remain calm." He said, tilting his head back, closing his eyes. "Repeat."
He pressed his lips together, opening his eyes, thinking he was about to kill her with his own hands.
He looked at her, wanting to hiss to her that he was going to slam her head against the table until she dutifully recited each of the words he was ordering her to repeat but his voice stuck in his throat when he saw the look on her face.
He had the impression that although she froze in stillness, her whole body was quivering, as if she was cold.
Her eyes were open wide in fear, and even though her lips were pressed into a thin line she was breathing heavily, as if she were suffocating, her fingers clenched on the back of the book.
Was it possible that she had heard these words before, had read a book similar to this?
Did Daemon try to teach her the language of Old Valyria when she was a child?
He didn't know what he should do, feeling that if he touched her she would just fall apart, so he merely looked at her, wondering how such a person was supposed to tame a dragon.
He rose from his seat as if burned, snapped out of his reverie when her eyes rolled back and she simply fainted, her body, numb and heavy slid to the floor beneath their feet.
He circled the table and knelt beside her, slapping his palm against her cheek in an attempt to revive her, but she did not wake up.
"Bring the Maester, quickly!" He called out and cursed loudly, restraining himself from screaming with rage.
"What have you done to her?" His mother hissed quietly, so that only he could hear it while the Maester examined her.
He turned his face away and shook his head, wondering if everyone in this damned fortress was against him.
After all, he was doing this for them.
For their family.
"Nothing. She was only supposed to read a few words. I didn't even touch her." He growled, his hands intertwined behind his back clenched into a fist.
Why didn't she trust him?
Why was she looking at him like this, as if she didn't recognise him?
Hadn't he always been faithful to her?
"What words? What did you say to her?"
"Words in Old Valyrian, nothing more. She must learn it if she is not to burn in the dragon fire, and our efforts are not to be in vain." He scoffed impatiently.
"We do not know what Daemon did to her. Whether she saw her mother die."
"I don't care what he did to her or what she saw." He said, throwing her a look from which she froze. "We have an agreement and she knows what will happen if she doesn't fulfill it."
"What will happen? You'll burn the Vale?" Alicent asked with a sneer, and he pressed his lips together, feeling a terrible, piercing shame.
"She will stay in my care tonight. Don't go near her until she recovers." She told him and stepped around him.
He felt as if she had slapped him in the face so he left, not wanting anyone to see the burning tears of disappointment that had gathered under his eyelids.
He didn't let them flow.
He was not weak.
He was not like her.
He was not like Aegon.
He was not like his father.
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meraxesruin · 3 months
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elon musk are you ready to die
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meraxesruin · 3 months
Please, don't objectify or sexualize Ewan Mitchell – we can even kill his characters without any remorse, because they don't exist, but he is a human being, not some sex-toy. He deserves nothing but respect, and speaking about him and his body is part of it. 😞😞😞
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meraxesruin · 3 months
hotd spoilers
this will be brief but omg??
daemon blaming everyone for aegon usurping the throne what a guy
we saw aemond🤗🤗🤗🤗🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣
about blood and cheese i was actually glad it wasn't onscreen because the sounds were already horrifying enough—phia portraying helaena's dissociation was so good!! I LOVE HER
BUTTTT the final shot should've been her cradling jaehaerys's body, like in that animation. probably would've cried if they made her choose between him and jaehaera bc im assuming maelor isn't born yet?
praying for daeron mention next episode🥹
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meraxesruin · 3 months
the highlight of episode one
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"Her Grace", speaks with two tongues."
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meraxesruin · 4 months
exams are so close to being over, TRUSTTTTTTTTT ME when i say more fics are coming soon
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meraxesruin · 4 months
i should've deleted twitter when i had the chance bc from what i can gather, i think ive seen two leaks for hotd and i just want to cry
LIKE I DONT THINK THEY'RE BAD ESPECIALLY ONE OF THEM, i just didn't want to be spoiled you know😔
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meraxesruin · 4 months
So... I'm not an artist or very good with things that require creativity (and I'm definitely not good at taking photos, so pls just ignore that part), but I personally thought this turned out pretty good, so I wanted to share it with you guys !!
[🐉] It's the book's version of Aegon the Conqueror's crown. :)
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meraxesruin · 4 months
Helaemond is gonna be canon I can feel it
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meraxesruin · 5 months
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#〔 ❦ 〕 ─── 𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐗𝐄𝐒𝐑𝐔𝐈𝐍
i put this under basically anything i post, nothing special.
anything i've written that has been my idea completely!
#〔 ও 〕 ─── 𝐋𝐔𝐍𝐀'𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐒
anything i've written that has been requested by my followers!
#〔 დ 〕 ─── 𝐋𝐔𝐍𝐀 𝐀𝐍𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐒
me answering an ask.
#〔 ✎ 〕 ─── 𝐋𝐔𝐍𝐀'𝐒 𝐅𝐈𝐂 𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐒
me reblogging a fic/imagine i really like!
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meraxesruin · 6 months
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meraxesruin · 6 months
Addressing the toxic team black accusations against Tom Glynn-Carney.
First and foremost, he is not a rapist; his character, Aegon, the second Targaryen, is. Second of all, I hate how some of you pretend Viserys and Daemon weren't groomers. Nine times out of ten, you don't see sane people from Team Green making rape accusations against Paddy and Matt. Just please fucking stop it; it's like some of you really want to ruin this man's career. And you can say what you want, so please do comment in defense of the toxic actions being taken because I want all the smoke.  I was also told by my aunt that he was a rapist, but I was quick to shut that shit down from the door. It goes to show how quickly false information is spread and how much it could really impact somebody's life. It's disgusting and makes me sick that some of you team black fans have so much hatred for his character that some of you are willing to corrupt this man's life. I find it hilarious that some of you have the sheer audacity to be that fucking bold behind a computer screen or a screen of whatever mobile device is in your possession, but would some of you ever make a statement like that in front of his face? No, most of you wouldn't even dare to do so because he is able to sue for defamation in court by law. So, please don't ditch what you can take because you will get verbally bodied by me morally, and that's not a will; that's a promise. 
Please Reblog.
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meraxesruin · 7 months
Reblog to tell zionists to fuck off your blog. If you say you aren't a zionist but still get offended then uhhh sorry hun but this is exactly for you <3
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meraxesruin · 7 months
guys bare with me my laptop finally started working again
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meraxesruin · 7 months
It scares me how emotionally some people approach this fandom, what they think is boring, what is overrated and what is not. I don't understand how someone can complain that they don't like some ideas, tropes, way of using characters, when they have complete freedom in choosing what they can read and watch on their board.
Everyone can choose their favorite writer, their favorite creator, follow them, support them and enjoy what they publish. Why discourage someone who might happen to enjoy what we don't necessarily like? I would never do it, because I believe that I have no right to set any standards for anyone here, except for myself in my work. Sometimes it seems to me that people here have too much free time.
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meraxesruin · 7 months
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oh we’re eating good today ladies and gents 🙏🏻
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