#I went searching for two panels and couldn't find the specific ones I was looking for
sisaloofafump · 9 months
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rixxy8173571m3w1p3 · 4 years
The Truths Found On Petram Viridios IV (1/?)
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What started out as an idea for a short one shot grew into a multichap that I'm almost done editing. I think 🤔 it'll be either 4 or 5 chapters long depending on how long each chapter will be after I'm done editing. Anyway, I hope you guys will enjoy.
In this fic you learn how easily things can change, but how it effects you isn't always a bad thing.
Chapter 1: The Phenomenon
There was little difference to what was happening around you at the moment. There were no little green men, or yellow submarines, neither were there tangelos, or bags of golden rings, but there was a blue-haired man with plenty of dreams. Still, life was swell; summer was around the corner, and you were reading in the garage just to be near Zeta-7; he was working on his latest piece of tech, and you were distracted by his charming quirks and ticks. If you hadn't known any better, you'd say it was business as usual. Yet, it was because you had been acquainted with Rick that the previous blindspots of your world were made known to you; conscious of the rare events which were going to take place in another quadrant of space.
A phenomenon was going to occur; one which would not happen again for another 1000 years; the blooming of the Milleannos flower. Legends say that those who touch its pollen might live forever, and those who smell its perfume might be cured of all that ails them, but those claims were supposedly unsubstantiated. There was to be a gala to celebrate the occasion; all in attendance were respectable, distinguished guests and because of Rick, you were also invited, but there were rules; strict guidelines which were to be obeyed unless you wished to throw away your life. And although you weren't happy about them, you were willing to abide by them for Rick's sake. However, there were a few things you didn't understand. "Rick, why won't we be allowed to dance together?"
His hands paused their activity, and his body sagged a little; dreading the reminder not because he's informed you already, but because it pained him to remind himself that he couldn't spend a once in a lifetime occasion with you. "B-because according to the laws of Petram Viridios IV, you are assigned a um - a party companion which is determined according to the alignment of your spine, carbon dioxide levels, as well as daily water intake. And due to the variety of guests, everyone must stand at least six feet apart to avoid air poisoning. However, if given an a-air helmet in order to assist with breathing, then I believe that the last rule isn't as severe. It's - there is a-a lot to remember."
Currently, he was piecing together the circuits and connecting the wires which would power his reflective shield. It was going to be worn under his dress shirt and would be undetectable under their scanners; as a precaution of course. "Ricky, you know I barely drink water." You weren't a fan of water, but you enjoyed flavored beverages and if you did drink water, it was always carbonated first. "I mean, I can get past the distance thing, but what am I supposed to do if I'm assigned to someone I don't like, and have to spend hours being bored and jealous that you're next to gorgeous, realistic fembots from Westworld?"
Unlike you, Zeta-7 drank so much water, you wondered how he wasn't rushing to the bathroom every five minutes. The only other people who drank that much water were beauty gurus who wanted to keep their skin in tip-top shape; you could really try harder if you wanted to. Good naturedly, he answered. "Gosh, y-you don't have to worry about that. I know a fembot when I-I see one."
You raised a brow at this, but seeing as he meant it literally, you listened on. "No s-siree, I won't be assigned a party companion because I'm going t-t-to be assisting the king in protecting their sacred relic."
How Rick became designated to assist with such a task was beyond you, but there seemed to be a glimmer of slight pride in the fact that he'd be so lucky and privileged as to be near the legendary flower, as well as to the beings who revered it. He was determined to find out the truth behind its properties, and if his hypothesis proved true, then he had a plan. You enjoyed when he was diverted with schemes; not the kind which was evil in nature, but the ones which could end happily or inconclusively. Anyway, you two were discussing how to go about it all.
The discussion had gaps of pause where he'd need to concentrate on bits of wiring that needed to be soldered or bent. Without distraction, you were more aware that it was humid, especially with the garage door being fully open for proper ventilation; bits of your hair stuck to your face and to the back of your neck despite how you'd try to tie it. As annoying as it was, it did have its draw; every so often, you'd catch Rick staring and you'd feel a thrill for it could be a year or ten years, but his shy tendencies would never stop being endearing; why he felt the need to reign himself when you were cool with him checking you out was something you hoped he'd someday become more comfortable with, but for now you'd simply giggle and wink at him to let him know you knew. He did his best to focus on the task at hand, but it wasn't going as well as he had hoped for it happened more than once that you'd have to hand him a tool he was blindly reaching out for. "You wouldn't happen to know who my party companion is," you inquired, as you were tying your hair up for the umpteenth time. "do you? And if you do, can't you change them?"
Giving you that look which always preceded his speeches of why he couldn't do that random illegal thing, he explained with kindly patience. "I could change th-the records, and assign you to someone I know, but that wouldn't be legal."
"I know."
"However," he brightened as he paused his work to face you fully. "I do have a copy of the guest list. Give me a-a moment to pull it up on my computer. Hmm," he wondered more to himself then out loud. "that's odd."
"What is it?"
Drumming his fingertips on his workbench, he double-checked his calculations, then went over and wrote it all out on a chalkboard to be sure. Tapping the freshly used chalk tip to his chin in thought, leaving a little powder on his face, he nodded when it seemed satisfactory. "According to um - to my calculations, it's possible that it's either the Salamandrian chemist, V'gha Khadaka or the Chordatan Knight, Noathamas."
"Is there a correlation between the two?"
"Other than their similar water intake levels, they both enjoy their privacy. However, I'm a-a little stumped as to how it might be possible to be assigned to them both. None of your occupations are similar, neither is there a species similarity, but I'm sure I'll figure it out before the event."
Great, just great. That sort of information wasn't all that helpful, but you pressed a kiss to his cheek to ease the worry which he had been hiding. You wondered if it was too late to back out, but for the most part you were determined to be there for him, even if it meant odd company. "Alright. Um… is there something I should keep in mind before I go dress shopping?"
A quick glance at your current outfit made him smile. You were wearing an old band tee and jeans with so many patches, that they were more patch then jean. "I-I don't think so. Almost anything is fine. Though, y-you might want to avoid plant-based materials in favor of synthetics just in case."
"Okay, I think I can do that, but don't be surprised if I look like I just walked out of a 1980s prom. I'll have you know that being slightly flammable is a dream of mine."
He chuckled at that and patted your shoulder. "Hohoho, I'm sure it'll be fine. You - you always look pretty in whatever you wear."
"If you mean that I'll be so fine, that I'll light up the room with my razzle-dazzle, then you better watch out. You never know who'll be charmed without my knowing."
Now, there had been little to no weight to your phrasing just now, but he felt differently. Giving your shoulders a squeeze, there was a distant, far off look in his eyes that you could only recall from specific occasions. It was a mix of longing, sadness, and regret, but you couldn't pin it on what exactly. It was as though he were trying to convey by sight that there was something he ought to do, that he ought to say, but as quickly as it had appeared, it left and was replaced by acceptance. He pulled away and returned to his previous task while you used a spare computer to begin the search for the perfect dress. He said it'll be fine, and you certainly hoped so.
Adjustments in gravity made you feel as though you could jump in and out of craters as though you were wearing moon shoes; that is until you stepped onto a ship or station, then you felt as though you had fifty pounds tied to each foot. You were grateful for the terrain stabilizers that Rick placed in your flats a few adventures ago, otherwise, you would've already been worn out.
You two arrived a few minutes apart by way of the designated ship which held a variety of guests. To explain, the ship itself was a marvel and a work of beauty as far as intergalactic travel was concerned; its mechanical parts were held together by a compound whose main ingredient was a type of scarlet amber. Piece by piece, it had been crafted by a mixture of living matter and tech so advanced, that it'd have taken 300 years of Earth-based studies to understand a fraction of how one of its panels could work; probably sooner for someone like Rick.
Your eyes trailed the conduits as you were led through hallways that seemed to spiral and spill into larger hallways with varying temperatures and design and you wondered how it was those conduits crossed over and branched off like veins, but you had no time to find out and didn't feel privileged enough to ask as you were led into a cabin. Multiple voices hushed, but resumed to their usual loudness once you had settled into what appeared to be a loveseat with the coloring and texture of a pumpkin; it was your assigned seating, but it was not as soft as you would have liked.
It wouldn't be till later that you'd find out that Rick had traveled in a cabin on level 4 while you had been on level 2. In your cabin was a being composed of pure energy, with a name not spelled in letters but in frequencies, who was one of the musicians. A few feet away, was V'gha Khaḍaka; he was tall, sure-looking, had smooth, striped skin which glistened, and a tail strong enough to break someone's spine in a blink; the good thing was that he hadn't been trained in combat, but was simply a scientist who enjoyed the pursuit of knowledge. And a few feet away from the Salamandrian chemist was the knight Noathamas; he stood at half your height, but his chest was puffed out in such a way that made him appear larger, while his round amber eyes and curly whiskers gave him a soft, cuddly appearance; you had been warned by Rick that his appearance did not reveal much about his character and to watch out for him.
It was uncommon but not unheard of to be assigned multiple party companies as you had been; you were matched up to both V'gha and Noathamas due to your odd chemical makeup. Who would've thought that drinking a La Croix before leaving home would confuse their scanners? Goodness, you were grateful that it was a quick trip, and when it was time to depart the ship, you were escorted by two guards before you were given a helmet; it was nearly invisible except for its indicator light which was shaped like a flower, and it blended in with your dress; a colorful sequin cocktail dress you found on eBay. Not far from you were both your companions, who gave off the impression that they were your entourage rather than dates for the night. You saw Rick from a distance, and you knew he was trying to play it cool, but his eyes were sparkling with affection, although he knew he was supposed to suppress it due to the strict traditions imposed by the royal family; he looked away as he was escorted by six guards, but part of you wished that he hadn't.
You took a deep breath to calm your giddiness; this wasn't the time to allow your emotions to carry you away and affect the mission which was to get through the evening. V'gha could pick up on your subtle changes in body language, and thanks to a universal translator in your helmet, you could understand him. "From what I understand," he commented with a surprisingly smooth, velvety voice. "he's the smartest man in the universe. Is that true?"
"Maybe," you replied nonchalantly, "but he's more than just a brain. I heard he's a great lover. Not really my type," you lied because Zeta-7 suggested that you keep the details of your relationship with him a secret; again for safety, but you thought boasting up his reputation wouldn't hurt. "though, to each his own."
"Do you know him personally?"
When questions like this were thrown at you, it made you wonder about the curious people who meant it to sound nice, but in actuality wanted to test the waters as to how much can they ask so soon. Glancing at your nails, you feigned disinterest. "I'm not sure if I'm allowed to give out that type of information."
"You two are the only humans here." he stated matter of factly. There were humanoid beings but he was right. "It doesn't take rocket science to figure that much out."
"How would you know," you retorted with an air of certainty. "you're not a rocket scientist."
"You're right, I'm not. However, I do dabble into it from time to time. I'm sure he does too. I can smell the exhaust from here."
Hmm, perhaps this event was going to be more interesting than you thought. You shared a look of understanding with the chemist, and thought that perhaps you wouldn't need to be so wary of him; his charisma gave him a charm you hadn't yet decided if it was welcomed or should be ignored; whether his earlier comment was out of egotism or curiosity. And before you could make a comeback, Noathamas commented. "Shall we find our assigned seating and continue from there?"
"Sounds fine. Why don't you two walk ahead," you suggested with a coolness you didn't know you had. "I'll be sure to follow."
When you were sure that they were far enough, you took out your miniature glass terrarium necklace, which held a shrunken sunflower that had an iridescent shimmer on its petals; the one Rick had given you after a memorable date; it was made to remind you of how he saw you and you were very glad it had gone undetected under the scanners you passed through. And in your mind's eye you could still see the glimmer and shine of his electric blue eyes as he had taken in your appearance this afternoon before you two departed Earth; oh how he had wanted to kiss you and hug you but had refrained from doing so in order to double-check if he had all his supplies. His compliments had been many as he drove into the inky blackness of space, but when he parked at the station which was at the midway point, and you two lined up to board the ship which took you to this strange world, his face became neutral; his job made him good at that. You kissed your lovely necklace, replaced it so that it laid underneath your dress collar, and your heart called out to him in the void which was Petram Viridios IV; hoping you wouldn't have to go the through the evening without seeing your beloved again before you made yourself appear neutral and made sure to stay at least six feet apart from everyone in your midst.
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shawtygonemad · 4 years
What Is This Feeling: Chapter 12
Fem!9th Doctor x Male!Rose Tyler
WITF Masterlist
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The Doctor walked back into the alleyway after being laughed at by a crowd of drunks. She simply asked them if they had seen something fall from the sky recently. Then an air raid alarm went off. She had better find her human.
"Ross," she called out into the empty alleyway. Realizing she was alone, the Time Lord let out a huff. "You know, one day, just one day, maybe, I'm going to meet someone who gets the whole don't wander off thing. Nine hundred years of phone box travel, it's the only thing left to surprise me."
Suddenly a ringing filled the air near the TARDIS. The Doctor furrowed her eyebrows.
'That's not supposed to be ringing,' the Doctor thought as she approached the phone booth phone.
As she went to pick up the phone a voice from behind startled her causing her to also drop the sonic.
"Don't answer it! It's not for you."
The Doctor turned to see a young girl dressed in ragged clothes. Fear was seen in her brown eyes.
"And how do you know that?" The Time Lord questioned.
"Cos, I do. And I'm telling you, don't answer it," the girl warned.
"Well if you know so much, tell me this: How can it be ringing?" The Doctor picked up the receiver. "It's not even a real phone. It's not connected. It's not-" the Doctor paused when she turned back to the girl who was now gone. Her brows furrowed once more as she spoke into the phone.
"Hello? Hello? This is the Doctor speaking. How can I help you," she asked sarcastically to who she thought was no one?
"Mummy? Mummy," a child's voice answered.
"Who is this? Who's speaking," she asked even more confused. This was impossible!
"Are you my mummy," the child asked.
"Who is this," the Doctor asked more firmly.
"How did you ring here? This isn't a real phone. It's not wired up to anything."
Before the Doctor can respond once again the dial tone sounded. That was weird, and not the good kind. The Doctor knocked on the door of the time machine in hopes that is where Ross went.
"Ross? Ross, are you in here," she asked into the depths of the dark TARDIS. There was no response. That's when she heard a loud noise at the end of the alley. Instincts kicked in and she bolted towards the sound.
The Doctor followed to sound down the street. She noticed a family exiting the back of them home into the cellar to take shelter from the air raid. As they were leaving, she also noticed Nancy and a group of rugged looking children enter from the front. They must be scavenging for a meal. Perhaps she should join them.
As they started to get settled and still distracted the Time Lord slinked in and found an empty seat at the table. When Nancy finished carving the food slices of meat were being passed around. The kids each thanking Nancy politely for getting them this dinner.
"Thank you, Miss," One boy said.
"Thank you, Miss," Another said.
"Thank you, Miss."
"Thank you, Miss," the Doctor joined in with a grin.
The children gasped while panicking. Nancy tried to calm them.
"It's alright. Everyone stay where you are!" She instructed them.
"Good here, innit?" She smiled as she continued to fix herself a plate. "Who's got the salt?"
"Back in your seats, " Nancy informed them. "She shouldn't be here either."
"So," the Doctor started, "You lot, what's the story?"
"What do you mean," one of the boys asked, confused.
"You're homeless, right? Living Rough?" She asked nonchalant.
"Why do you want to know? Are you a copper?" Another boy questioned.
"Of course I'm not a copper! What's a copper going to do with you lot anyways? Arrest you for starving? I make it to 1941. You lot shouldn't even be in London! You should've been evacuated to the country by now."
"It's better on the streets! Nancy always finds us the best food," the children agreed.
"So that's what you do, Nancy," the Doctor said to the young woman.
"What is," she asked confused.
"As soon as the siren goes, you find a big fat family meal still warm on the table with everyone down in the air raid shelter and Bingo!" The Doc exclaimed. "Feeding frenzy for the homeless kids of London town. Puddings for all, as long as the bombs don't get you."
"Something wrong with that," Nancy bit back, ready for a fight.
"Wrong with it? It's brilliant," She laughed. "I'm not sure if it's Marxism in action or a West End Musical."
"Why'd you follow me," Nancy asked exasperated.
"I want to know what that phone rang when it wasn't hooked up," the Doctor jumped to the point.
"I did you a favor," she stated.
"Great, thanks," the alien said sarcastically. "And I want to find a blonde in a union jack. I mean a specific one. I didn't just wake up this morning with a craving." 'Liar,' her inner voice said. "Anyone see a man like that?"
Nancy grabbed the Doctor's place much to her protest.
"You took 2 slices. No blondes, no flags. Anything else before you leave," She bite off quickly.
"Actually yes." The Doc said as she got up from the table. "Anything fall from the sky? Probably about a month ago, but not a bomb! Wouldn't have exploded, and just buried itself into the ground. It would look something like this," The doctor pulled out a picture of what the ship looks like.
Suddenly a child voice sounded out. "Mummy?"
Chaos began, as scared kids quickly got up from the table and found an exit to escape to. The Doctor was trying to speak to the child, but Nancy stopped her. She claimed that if you're touched you become just like him. Nancy quickly made her exit as the Doctor opened the front door to find nothing.
After a short period of searching the Doctor found the kids at Nancy's hideout. She needed more information from Nancy if she was going to figure out what was going on. Thankfully, Nancy agreed to lead her to someone who could help. The Doctor. She internally groaned at the idea of having to meet another version of herself again. Reluctantly she venture on alone since Nancy refuse to enter. She told the Doctor that she lost her little brother during an air raid, and just couldn't handle what was waiting inside.
As she entered the ward she started to look around. She was shocked to find every bed occupied with a very still patient. After a quick scan of her sonic she realized that these things were human, but how was the gas mask fused to their face? It looked like her answer would come soon after discovering Doctor Constantine who was very sick and claimed to be dying. Much like the patients he seemed to somehow have head trauma, a collapsed chest, and a scar on the back of his hand. It was a domino affected. Only one victim was injured at first, then suddenly everyone he touched fell to the same injuries. The final phase is growing a gas mask which fuses to the face.
"You must find Nancy, again," Doctor Constantine choked. "It was her brother. She knows more than she's saying. She won't tell me, but she mi..migh…might…mummy? Are you my m-m-mummyyy," he cried as a gas mask grew from his mouth and fused to his face.
"Hello?" a voice came from the corridor.
The Doctor quickly stumbled into the corridor. She needed to warn these people to get out. Quickly turning around she bumped into a tall, handsome man. However, next to him was her beautiful human. She was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief knowing he was okay.
"Good evening," the unknown man said. "Hope we're not interrupting. Jack Harkness," he extended his hand while sending the alien a charming, flirtatious grin. Hesitantly the Doctor shook his hand. "I've been hearing all about you on the way over."
"He knows," Ross said to her. "I had to tell him about us being Time Agents."
"And it's a real pleasure to meet you, Miss Spock," Jack spoke again.
"Miss Spock," she asked amused as she looked at Ross.
"What was I supposed to say? You don't have a name! Don't you ever get tired of Doctor? Doctor Who?" Ross rambled on.
"9 centuries in, I'm coping," she said sarcastically. "Where have you been? We're in the middle of a London Blitz! It's not a good time for a stroll!"
"Who's strolling? I went by Barrage Balloon! Only way to see an air raid," he said smugly.
"What!?" She exclaimed.
Ross brushed her off, "So what's a Chula Warship?"
"Chula?" The Doctor was so confused. What the hell is going on? "What kind of Chula ship landed here?"
"What," Jack questioned, distracted.
"He said it was a warship," Ross injected. "He stole it, parked it somewhere out there, somewhere a bomb's going to fall on it unless we make him an offer."
The Doctor crossed her arms and stared hard at the new man. She did not get a good feeling from him or this situation. What kind of game was he playing at?
"What kind of warship," she questioned.
"What does it matter? It's got nothing to do with this," he said wildly as he gestured to the gas masked patients.
"This," the doctor pointed at the patients," started at the bomb site. It's got everything to do with it! What kind of warship?"
"An ambulance," Jack exclaimed. "Look!"
The man proceeded to project a holograph image from his wristband of the machine they had previously been following.
"It's what chased you through the time vortex. It's space junk! I wanted to kid you it was valuable. It's empty. I made sure of it! Nothing but a shell. I threw it at you. I saw your time travel vehicle, love the retro look, by the way, nice panels." The Doctor couldn't help but slightly smile proudly at that compliment. "I threw it to you as bait."
"Bait," Ross asked.
"I wanted to sell it to you, and then destroy it before you found out it was junk," Jack explained.
"You said it was a warship," Ross accused.
"They have ambulances in the war," Jack defended. "It was a con. I was conning you! That's what I am, a con man. I thought you two were Time Agents. You're not, are you?"
"Just a couple more freelancers," Ross told him smugly.
"Oh. I should have known," Jack shook his head in disbelief. "The way you guys were blending in with the local colour. I mean, Flag Boy was bad enough, but you, Biker Bitch?" He laughed. "Anyway, whatever's happening here has got nothing to do with that ship."
The Doctor started to pace while thinking. What could be happening here? How is it possible for this sickness to simply pass through touch and not be air born? How do the other victims also receive the same injuries as the first victim?
"Human DNA is being rewritten," She said offhandedly.
"What do you mean," Ross questioned.
"I don't know," the Doctor stopped pacing to look at him. "Some kind of virus converting human beings into these things. But why? What's the point?"
Suddenly all of the patients sat up in their beds and turned to look at them.
"What's going on," Ross asked creeped out.
"I don't know," the Doctor said slowly as she started to steer Ross behind her.
"Mummy," they said.
"Don't let them touch you!" The Doctor instructed as she led the men back.
"Mummy. Mummy. Mummy. Mummy."
This isn't good.
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dsmadmin · 4 years
Written by and posting order: @ForgotAboutAdam @DeanWinchester_ @SamWImpala83 @TridentHunting
Adam has been out of the cage for the last few days, he was still trying to get his head around the freedom. he knew he had many issues going on but he wanted to try and be normal as he could < possibly be. okay, he might have Michael in his head but he quietly sleeping for him. Adam had headed up to put some flowers down on the local lake as he knew they weren't an actual burial place when Dean and sam burn her remains of his mom. he wasn't ready to deal with the hatred he had for his family especially his older brother Sam. if it wasn't for him he wouldn't have ever been in the cage. noway, I was going to let him have the satisfaction of him knowing I was out just yet. they say revenge is best served cold. adam was angry and hurt at his family but he knew one day will come and he will face them all. he just wished he could forget them as they forgot him for many years.
Colt - Colt was oblivious to Adam and Michael's escape from the pit. He sat at the office finishing up some paperwork which he'd rather avoided and sent it off with the secretary. He stood looking out at the window at downtown Austin. There was a lot on his mind and he didn't know how to deal with it all. Jo was gone, he and Ethan were fighting regularly. Plus he hadn't seen his father in a few days and that always made him worry. He knew the ole man could take care of his own but he worried still.-
Adam had made his way home on this home he once shared with his mom. He knocks on the door go find a young family that had moved into the home that he shared some happy memories with his mom and dad, the family had settled into their home now. Adam couldn't call it anymore. With his prison sentence, he had in the cage. He was locked up and everyone in this world just moved on with their lives. No one ever had a second thought of me. When he stood talking to the couple who owns the house. He explains that he was born and grew up in this house He shared some stories of the house go them. When they let him in just to have one last look at the old place. Since his dog was buried out the back under the big oak tree. Adam had a coffee with the family after taking a tour of the old place. When they came out with a box of items that they have found in the attic. Adam had smiled and taken the box of memories with him when he left the house. He made his way into the truck putting the box on the passenger seat. When driving off to the motel that he had checked into. When he reached the motel he picked up the small box putting it under his arm. Making his way out of his truck locking it up and going inside to his motel room. He threw the box on the table sitting next to the window. Before taking a seat to look throw the box of pictures and letters that his father John had written to him over the letters. When he came across A photo of his dad with Dean and Sam. The photo made him see red he crumble the photo in his hand. You are all going to pay especially Sam.
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Colt - -Things hadn't gone as planned, Sammy had been cremated and he hadn't bothered telling a bunch of people he couldn't handle it. He'd been buried out on the property under an Oak tree. John was off on a hunt down in Colombia and couldn't make it back. And his Dad had bailed without a word leaving Colt to deal with it. So the remaining Winchesters were pretty far from being close and he, in particular, knew that he'd have to get his shit together for his kids if nothing else. Asher was a big help and he was happy but somethings you a gotta break on your own. His /issues/ could get pretty severe so he'd chosen to start seeking professional help. It was a step in the right direction, he couldn't expect anyone else to save him from himself. Ethan wasn't gonna come sweeping in to save the day either so he'd need to take things seriously. He was devasted but he pushed that down and refused to wallow in it anymore. Going on back to the office he made his rounds to see what was going on in the world according to their analysts. -
Sam - Through a wild turn of events, Sam had managed to not only escape his dying world but land in the same one as his brother. Luckily, they’d found each other as well as Dean’s doppelgänger and his family. Colt and the rest of the family had been very welcoming, even allowing
Sam to move into the family house back on the ranch. Sam had found it easy to get along with everybody and was glad to see his brother was happy. But . . . Sam couldn’t be just yet. According to Colt, multiple worlds were collapsing for some unforeseen reason. Sam was sure it had something to do with Chuck, but when he joined the firm’s analysis team, they seemed to have a handful of possible causes. Sam tried to follow his brother’s advice to relax and let it go. Their world was dead, so it wasn’t their responsibility anymore. But deep down, he knew Dean was just pushing down his true feeling. But Sam couldn’t do that. He needed to figure out what was happening and why everyone he ever loved and cared about, besides his brother, was dead.
John - John had decided to send a text to the boys to have a get together at the headquarters building so that Sam and he could meet one another. They'd lost one Sam and gained another in a short amount of time. John couldn't fathom what the big guy upstairs was doing but they had to make a plan get everyone on the same page. So as he sat with a hot cup of coffee waiting for the boys to show up he read through the mornings briefing. Specifically about the rifts showing up here and there, depositing at this point Winchesters but he had his suspensions more was going on that they didn't understand.-
Adam - Adam had been quiet for a few days. he hadn't had any control over his body for the last few days, to be honest. Michael has put him in his trance. as the last few days were kind of a blur. as he never knew what going on with his so-called family. he logged onto his laptop to track on his family to see where in this miserable world where exactly they would be. living their perfect lives. he could see his elder brother has gone up in the world living in texas Austin. when he google him to see what's going on with the three Winchester his father didn't even care about him. it was always about him and dean and sam from the minute I meet him as a child. adam knew if he could track his elder brother sam and his father wouldn't be too far behind him. so he made a plan to head to Austin texas the following day. he was booked into this crappy motel for one more night.
Colt - He'd gotten a message from his father about meeting up with him and Sammy. Looking at his watch, he had somethings to do but he text'd back he'd be there but late. A local haunting had caught his attention when the guys mentioned it. Normally he didn't roll on things like this anymore, honestly didn't get the adrenaline pumping and he lived off of that. Since booze and sex had been quelled adrenaline was pretty much all he had to get through the days. Of course now with Asher in his life and again was a good thing for him and the kids. He worried about them, he knew he wasn't grade A father material but he made efforts to become more of what they'd need. Adapt and survive that was what he did.
Lost in thought till Justin reached over and slapped the back of his hand against his arm. "We're here Colt." Looking up at the old abandoned mental institution with a laugh. "Hope you did your homework Justin, hell, place like this could have multiple spirits haunting it. What did the construction workers say exactly about this place?" Listening to Justin describes a young teenage girl bloody and bruised up dragging a bloody axe down the corridor. And that the lead formen clutched his chest and dropped right there in the floor. they described the young woman like he flickered like an old movied projection glitching something out of horror movie. One of the guys had grabbed the guy by the wrist and trying to get him into the elevator but the girl snarled at them punching her small hand into the foreman's chest, like he was squeezing his heart literally. They guys ran for it and managed to get out of there, but they said when they looked up at the window she was standing there dead and pale staring at them. Fire, EMS and cops rolled and they searched the place best they could but couldn't find no trace of the young woman. EMS starting CPR right away but the foreman was DOD (dead on arrival) at the hospital.
Rumors had gotten out and apparently, no one wanted to take a stab at the renovations. So the recent owner called in a Catholic Priest, Father Gentry. He went in and never came out. Fire and cops searched what they could again but they didn't find him. Colt grabbed his duffle and shotgun. There was a chance the priest could still be alive so he slung the bag over his shoulder and went in, Justin guiding with top of the line GPS and map configuration of the building plans but as soon as they crossed the threshold the equipment began to falter. Colt didn't need EMF to tell him they had a very real problem here but one of the guys held one holding it up. It's was going off like crazy. "Okay stick together, this place has been searched twice but we're looking for anything out of the ordinary. Be suspicious of everything. These places used to do underground work trying to find ways to fix people and who knows what kind of evil went down here. Gotta be a place big enough to hold a grown man but if he's already dead it may be smaller. Check for hidden rooms, panels in the floors or ceilings etc. Break into teams of two. Work back to back if anything goes down and make damn sure to use your training. Everyone's going home tonight and hopefully the priest as well."
Sam After settling into the ranch, Sam had tried to spread out, get to know a few people here and there and actually go out on cases with the crew. It was still jarring working, talking and hanging out with people he recognized from his past, but didn't have the same history with him. He'd found that out a lot of the people still had the personality, some for the best and some . . . not so much. Either way, he was glad to at least have found his brother.
Sam was sitting in the kitchen at the main ranch after just having another hacking lesson with Ali when he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He pulled it out and saw there was a message from one of the John's floating around this universe, requesting he and some of the others meet him at the main headquarters downtown. He quickly wrote back, letting John know he could be there in about an hour before tucking his phone away. Sam headed upstairs to change, grabbing an apple as a snack, before saying bye to Ali and heading towards the meeting.
John - -John checked his phone and laughed, might be different worlds but typical responses from both. He laid the phone down and went down the hall and into the Operations Command Room. Monitors up all over the places and people monitoring each hunt from their station. He talking to Gilbert to get an update of what was going on. John sipped his coffee as they rattled off several vampire cases, hauntings and a possible ghoul problem. They talked a little and he was about to walk out when one status came back "We've lost coms with Team 8." John walked over and watched them try to figure out any possible problems. "What's the case they are working and where are they?" The analyst looked up. "It's a haunting sir, one confirmed dead and one missing. John looked at the computer screen to see if he recognized any of the operators on the case. He recognized /Justin Hartgrove/ and then the next name /Colt Winchester/. He frowned and shook his head no wonder the kid said he was going to be late.- "How long have coms been down?" The analyst answered "Twenty minutes sir." John took a breath. "Keep me posted on the situation and send me the case file to my office." With that he turned around and walked out. Colt was a top tier operator but that didn't matter, everytime these guys went out in the field he worried. Not just for his son but all of them.-
Adam - The next morning Adam couldn't wait to check out of this motel. He liked to have his morning coffee outside watching the world go by. This might be normal to others around the enclosed motel with the busy parking lot. He stood watching the people coming and going in their lives. When they were doing the hustle and bustle. He had been locked up the cage of hundred of years with Lucifer and Michael. When somehow Lucifer managed to escape with some ease. Whereas Michael and himself took a lot longer. Now they were finally Free he had Michael for the company on his body and mind. This one thing that was on Adam mind was a showdown with his family. Since they never ever looked for him. They simply just forgot about him. It's so true out of mind out of sight. Both Michael and himself had issues that needed to be settled. Michael was helpful since he would often help Adam to track his so-called family with a location. He knew that the Winchester had moved on from Kansas now they have a headquarters n Austin Texas. This Is where he was going to be heading too. Michael had the offered to get him there in seconds but Adam wanted the surprise on his side. When he had chose to make the three days drive down to texas. But he may change his mind in due course. Adam finished his coffee-making his way back inside his room. Putting his coffee cup on the sink. When he turns to pick up his bag. Leaving this motel room, to head towards the reception area to check out. He stepped in placing the key card in the drop off box. saying ”Cheers” to the receptionist. Making his way outside. Walking to his truck. Unlocking the trunk throwing his bag in. Making his way into the driver seat. To begin the drive down to Texas.
Colt - -The top floors had been searched first and they'd found nothing now the team descended the stairs to what they believed to be the basement containing the bowler room etc. Dank and dark the basement was pretty damn big with rooms in itself. This was making Colt wished he'd called for a backup team but them again more men, meant higher possibilities of casualties. Signaling they split up, weapon at the ready he went point and led his guys down the east hallway looking for anything that stood out. Lights flickered overhead which could be a sign but could also show the date and faulty wiring of the place. Moving on coming up on a thick door to his right, Justin moved to the left and Colt turned the knob pushing it open. Quick scope of the room then pulling back, having not seen anything he moves around the frame and disappears into the darkness, Justing reaching for where normally a lightswitch might be flipping it on. Fluroscent lights overhead flickered and Colt moved further into the room checking it. Papers where strewn across the floor. He thought he saw what could be fresh blood on the floor and disappeared behind an old bookcase. Cast in darkness he thought he saw something in the distance. On the other side of the basement, the rest of the team was mirroring his actions with nothing in sight yet.-
Sam - Sam climbed up into the truck he had procured from Blackwater's operations for his personal and business use. Colt had really done a lot to make him feel at home and it was nice not to worry about the
little things sometimes.
He drove to the main office downtown and after clearing through security he was directed up to John's office. The fact that two John Winchesters were floating around here had him on edge. After all, his own father had been dead for over a decade and now to be thrown back into this situation with not one, but two of his twins, it was a lot for Sam to handle.
Sam was directed into John's office only to find him sifting through a pile of files and papers. Knocking on the door, he cleared his throat, "Um, John? It's Sam. I'm . . . I'm here."
John - John: -John looked up from over the frame of his glasses at the young man coming through the door. The circumstances could not have been weirder but the love he felt for his boys had his heartwarming at the sight of Sam, even if he wasn't technically his son. Standing he pulled his glasses off and laid them on the desk and walked around to meet Sam, offering his hand.- Welcome to family Sam. I'm hoping we can put your mind to ease and help you any way we can. Would you like something to drink?
Adam - Adam was taking his time his drive down to texas to go and see his family. Driving along the interstate. Sometimes the roads were busy and quiet. The road that was black in the day time just melted into the darkness of the night. When a car passed its headlights were reflected in the water that lay over the surface. There were street-lamps but they looked like they all had been sabotaged for their solar triggers. They rig things up with dirt over the sensor and then after some rain whatever they have rigged up explodes. roads are dark and the days are anxious, who knows what days would bring and what would strike would be next. The quietness of the traffic goes on his travel to Texas. He was getting tired from all the miles he was putting down. When he stopped off to a local gas station. When he needed to fill his truck up with some gas to make the rest of the journey. Stepping out of his truck. Cracking his neck side to side. ” wow that's felt good” asking the attending to fill her right with up. Throwing his keys to the attend. Making his way inside the station to pay for the gas. Taking a Break from the drive when he orders a coffee and bagel. He sits at the window. Nursing his coffee when he mind wondered to his recurring flashback that saved him from the torture of when he was in the pit. His dream as of the day when him Dean Sam and Father would have a day out with no stress. They dreamed of the day when all the guys. They were all on a fishing boat on the lake doing some fishing. Even when he had never gone fishing before, trying to catch some fish from a bbq when we're intending to have that day when the sun when down. Having a a real family day together with no worries and having some beers. Telling jokes and have some beers. He laughed when he could see the day ended end too well with himself falling in the lake trying to catch the bloody fish. But this was only a dream and he doubts this day would ever happen. With his family, all moved on with their lives in their own ways. Adam shaking his head to come back to this reality knowing he needed to get back on the road to get down to Austin. Where his father and Sam was. Taking his coffee and bagel with him. Leaving the gas station to walk over to his truck. Stepping in and buckling up his belt to set himself on his way. He wondered where his brother was. Michael sensed he wasn't with his father and Sam.
Colt -Moving forward he knew if this was a spirit they already knew they were here and where but if the priest was down here somewhere he wouldn't so Colt spoke loudly.- “Father?! You down here! If you can help me somehow let me know where you are it would help! We're gonna get you out of here!! -As he moved further into the darkened area books began fly at his head from around the room, concentration on avoidance of being knocked out he didn't see the teenage ghost until she'd rammed her hand into his chest squeezing his heart. Gun had dropped from his fingers as he gasped, face straining of the lack of blood flow. Seconds later Justin fired a salt round causing the ghost to disappear, Colt grabbed his own chest trying to recover, his other team mate handed him back his shotgun. “You okay boss? Looking peakish.” Colt laughed despite how bad his chest hurt and took the gun. “Spread out, look around. He's gotta be here somewhere.” They looked for a lightswitch, finding one but it didn't work. Cracking glow sticks they tossed out several. Looking things over Justin spotted some echoplasma near what looked like another bookcase. Colt came closer and listened looking the book case over running fingers under the shelves when he felt a cold rush of air go past him and behind the bookcase. “I think there's a passage back here.” Check the books as they did Justin pulled one and the lock clicked, the bookcase swung open. “Good job man, let's see if we can't find a priest and send casper home.” Colt tossed several glow sticks out into the darkness ahead and the three hunters worked their way down a narrow hallway.-
Sam - *Sam looked around the empty office and wondered how different his life might’ve been if this was his own world. He was still getting used to his surroundings and the people. Shaking John’s hand, he nodded.* Sure. Whatever you’re having to drink is fine by me.
John - -Pours them both a glass of whiskey and takes a seat.- So how are you doing with the displacement? I know all this has to be a shock to the system.
Adam - Adam stopped when he saw a woman hitchhiking at the side of the road. Letting down the window when he popped his head out the window with his shades on. Where Are you off too? When she wanting to get a break and get to Oklahoma. Deep down Adam was a good guy but never giving a break with his family. When he told the young woman to give in as they were in his direction he was going. The woman was grateful for the lift. When she was talking about her broken-down relationship with her boyfriend. When she needed to get moving. Adam just listened and kept his eyes on the road. In a few hours, he had reached the state of Oklahoma. When he stopped to let the woman #Toni to buy him a coffee. When she thanked him and asked him what's in texas for you. He relies simply upon saying payback on the decisions of his life. He wished #Toni a goodbye and wondered what to do next. Alex was in two minds to whether chase after his dipshit of a brother Colt or keep driving down to Austin go have it out with its so-called family members of His beloved father and Brother Sam Not. Michael was monitoring where Colt was. He had run off to be the goodie to shoe guy away running off trying to save someone else other than his brother. In that instant Adam was pissed. Loud and clear Colt he muttered to himself. You want to play two of us can play. When he turned up the radio when highway to youtu.be/ikFFVfObwss to hell was playing. Typical just my life in a nutshell. When he started up his engine. putting his foot down and speeding down to Austin.
Colt - Colt and the other hunters worked their way down the hall, he spotted a figure slumped over in the dark and went to him. It was the priest, checking for to see if he had a pulse he sighed a breath of relief. Turning things over to Justin he picked the priest up over his shoulder and carried him out. About that time backup from the firm had shown up and after the priest was checked out and cleared to go to the hospital he spoke with the backup team. Overwatch had done their jobs and they thought they knew who the spirit was and where to look a young girl had went missing and had never been found. One doctor had been suspected in her disappearance but they couldn't prove it. Blackwater had sent someone out to go talk to him and being in his nineties he'd caved to killing her and burying her in the back of the asylum. Colt joined the part of the team to dig and pulled the rest out for safety. She was going to be mad as hell when they salted and burnt her bones.-
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mybodyliberation · 5 years
Wed2B Edinburgh Bridal Review
It would be foolish for me to say that every little girl dreams of trying on wedding dresses because that's simply not true; and to be honest it wasnt until I was about 17 that I would lose myself in hour long day dreams about my future husband and my dream dress.
But those day dreams started when that iconic tv show Say Yes The Dress aired and I found myself fascinated and captivated by satin, tulle, ball gowns and boho sheaths.
So needless to say after years of having not so secret pinterest boards I was prepared and exited to embark on the adventure of finding my dream dress.
Now a few pieces of information about me to get the ball rolling and for reference for the rest of the post and future wedding dress posts.
• Leading up to visiting Wed2B Edinburgh, I had never tried on a wedding dress before.
• My everyday clothing size sits between 18/20
• None of this is an AD, gifted or sponsored in anyway.
• All of these views are my own opinion
• I will also have a short vlog series in the next few weeks documenting my my wedding dress shopping experience for both dress and accessories.
Now that we've got that out of the way let's get down to business, obviously not to defeat the huns but in fact to discuss wedding dresses, any Disney nerds with me?
Now I did all of this in my most recent week off from tour and I did that because if it so happened I needed to order a dress from scratch waiting even an extra 6 weeks until I finish tour meant less time for ordering and alternation etc and keep in mind that with a wedding date of 4th April 2020 only 8 months away that doesn't leave as much time as you think.
Depending on the store and the designer you could need an entire year to order to a dress in advance and so really the earlier you look the better.
This isnt to say you could find something with limited time but it also does mean your limited in your options.
If you are planning to leave things a bit later then actually Wed2B could be an option for you. The reasons behind this are to follow.
We visited the Wed2B Edinburgh store on Wednesday 10th July 2019. As I said it was a perfect time to go because it was my week off and it meant we could go during the day.
I honestly can't recommend this enough because truthfully with a set up like Wed2B going later in the evening or at the weekend is guaranteed to be extremely overwhelming.
This is because this is a no appointment system. You turn up, wait to be seen my a stylist and the process begins there. I can imagine that during busy periods it could take hours to be seen, but we arrived at 2pm.
We were greeted by the lovely Esther, who explained a little bit about the store and what would be happening.
I imagine each stores layout will be different but in Edinburgh each rail represented a size and they start from a size 6 to 30. We were told that depending on the style and cut of the dress it could mean you would need to size up so unfortunately if you're a size 30 and up, I dont know how accessible the dresses will be but it's always worth turning up and trying the dresses on to see.
The rail that I needed was one that had the size 18s onwards. It was one singular rail and there actually wasnt that much of choice. I had named to Esther the dresses I specifically wanted to try on because I had seen them online but they were sold out.
That's another thing there is definitely a demand for their collections which has a lot to do with the fact that the quality is actually great and the prices are low and they do cater to a large amount of sizes. This means that brides will be doing their research, finding the store that has the dress they want, tracking it down, trying it on and purchasing it on the day because theres no guarantee that the dress you try on will be there the next day.
They have deliveries every week but it doesn't mean it will be the specific dress you're looking for or your size. Also their limited collections tend to sell out within weeks especially if the design of the dress happens to be what is popular at the moment. For example they have a design that looks very similar to Meghan Markle's wedding dress that was in the shop window, this was sold out and within two weeks and that's that.
When we got to my rail it seemed there wasnt that much in terms and options, and considering three out of four of the dresses I had seen online and wanted to try on weren't available, I wasn't too hopeful but I used this as an opportunity to try on a dress in each style.
You have a four dress try on maximum which seems like it wouldn't be enough but for an first bridal appointment turned out to be perfect. Anything above four dresses for your first time in hindsight would have been way too overwhelming if I'm honest with myself.
So knowing I could pick four dresses I decided to try something in each style. Ballgown with sleeves (my preferred style of choice), A Line, fitted (mermaid), and another ballgown but with off the shoulder straps. I didn't try on any sheaths because there were none in my size but also it felt too far from what I wanted.
Once we picked the dress it was explained that the way it worked we would come back in an hour. You see because it's no appointment, it means that the stylists work with brides on a sort of rolling system. While one bride gets welcomed and makes selections, another bride is trying dresses on with another stylist. It's not a perfect system but we weren't too upset.
Esther took my number and myself and my mum and sisters went to go and have some tea while we waited and there was only one bride in front of me anyway so it didnt seem like the end of the world to wait.
When we came back we were greeted by Esther again and introduced to MC Ruth who ended up being the stylist actually putting dresses on me.
She was such a sweetheart and out the gate asked me how I was and if I had any major concerns which as a bride I think is important but as a plus size bride is even more important because there might be a lot of insecurities and fears at play.
I was blessed to not have any in that particular moment, I was just excited to get trying some on.
As I said they suggested sizing up from your everyday clothes size. So we decided to start with the dress that I liked but they only had in my regular size of 18 (this was star) I wanted to see the off the shoulder style but was also curious to see how small a size 18 in bridal would actually run.
Now we were actually able to get in with not much trouble and I think that honestly had a lot to do with the corest back which gives a lot more room than something with buttons or a zip might have. Though keep in mind if you end up in this situation and loving the dress, you might have to get the panel extended in the back.
I loved the sparkle and the tulle and though the off the shoulder was cute it just wasnt what I envisioned myself walking down the aisle in.
I'm glad I tried it on but it wasnt what I was looking for.
The next two dresses I tried on were the ones completely out of the style I wanted. One satin A Line with with lace embroidery across the waist and then a fitted mermaid dress with rauching across the bodice. Both....were just not what I wanted.
The first A Line dress instantly aged me because of the high neckline and the boxy cut over all. I got in trouble with Pastor J for joking and saying it was like I was a divorcee wanting to get a no fuss dress for a registry. This was probably my super un-PC way of saying it aged me. I felt like someone else entirely in that dress and I honestly couldn't wait to get it off me.
The latter dress was a surprise because in my head I was adamant I wouldn't like a fitted dress for a wedding (though I love them in any other circumstance because I'm here for a bit of body-ody-ody) but I thought I looked great. I just didnt look bridal. In fact it reminded me a lot of one of my costumes from my time in Aladdin and I didn't want to say yes to a dress that reminded me of playing a part.
The last thing you want to feel on you and future bae's special day, is like you're playing a version of yourself you dont feel comfortable with.
NOW the last dress, Kate. That was a contender. It had so many qualities that I had considered. Beautiful lace sleeves, a tulle skirt and the waist line fell in just the place I wanted it to.
When I put it on we all gasped because it was so beautiful. I felt beautiful and bridal and got a bit teary...but I also felt really overwhelmed because as much as I loved it....it just wasn't the one.
I truly felt beautiful and I loved how much my mum and my sisters loved it but in that moment I felt so strongly that it wasnt it. I thought I cant find THE dress is one shopping experience but in hindsight it wasnt what was holding me back, I just didnt feel like myself yet.
It was so so close, close enough for me to put a deposit down, close enough for me to know that if I had to end up tracking it down in my size in a different Wed2B I would....but I felt strong in my gut and my spirit that my search wasn't yet done.
I knew that if I left feeling settled and not second my guess that it wasnt right and that rang true as I got home and looked at the pictures again....the search was still on.
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