#I went to check if there's a minimum age for the VHS in Flensburg and the first courses mentioned were for like. Making Gold Rings
kaluawoo · 5 years
GX Headcanons
Very much Not Sorted because what is organizing but oh well. Doubly unsorted bc I decided to start typing up the ones I already had and add on if I found new ones.
Me:”Yeah I only have five HCs or so.” Also me: *Ends up with this long list* “Where do all these come from?”
(Anyway I’m putting them under a cut bc. Length. And I guess it’s because one HC tends to lead me to another ashdjkhlkhjk)
@lecliss You said you wanted to see them? They ended up a bit rambly sorry
Johan’s family is from Northern Germany and Denmark, and sometimes even he and his parents aren’t quite sure which family members come from where
He grew up in Germany, but went to a Danish Kindergarten and a Danish elementary school* but afterwards went to a normal German high school (Gymnasium**, to be exact) until he switched to a duelling school
Johan is really good with languages, and the most fluent in Japanese out of the Exchange Squad. He also started learning it the earliest of them, mainly via Volkshochschule***
Speaking of Japanese proficiency: When they all arrive, Jim is the one who knows the least Japanese, though he quickly improves
Other way round, among Judai’s group, Kenzan is the one who’s the best in English
Judai isn’t that good in English, but that doesn’t stop him from using whatever English he knows to talk to the Exchange Squad. With charades and quickly scribbled pictures if need be. As a former exchange student I say from the bottom of my heart that the world needs more Judais
Sho is actually really good, but he’s too insecure to try talking English with the Exchange Squad, and is relieved that they’re all pretty fluent in Japanese
Jun thinks he’s awesome in English regardless of his actual skill. He fairly often confuses everyone else because “No this is not a word”. (Yet. They all end up adopting quite a few of the words Jun made up/is convinced are real English words, so at some point, they are words. To this group, at least.) Again speaking as a former exchange student, the world also needs more Juns
People are sometimes convinced the Exchange Squad has a secret language but they don’t. Theoretically they speak English to each other, but every now and then they throw in Japanese words because they remembered that one first, Johan sometimes talks to O’Brien in Portuguese, meanwhile O’Brien tries to teach Jim Portuguese, Jim knows like 10 German words he likes saying to Johan, Johan once tried mimicking Karen’s crocodile noises to talk to her, Jim got taught how to count to 5 in Thai by an exchange student who came to his school in Australia and now tries to teach the others how to do it, too... Etc
Meanwhile, Amon has been taught some phrases in many different languages, and uses those occasionally. Sometimes in a language one of the others speaks, sometimes in one he thought nobody knew. And at least once Johan surprised the heck out of him when he answered in the same language. Also, he can tell that everyone is pronouncing the Thai words really wrong, but decides to let them have their fun.
O’Brien is from Brazil I don’t remember if there’s canon info so I’ll add it here lol
The Exchange Squad is Shocked(TM) when Jim tells them he’s never watched Crocodile Dundee. A movie night commences, obviously including Judai’s group.
Jim is kinda neutral about the movie but he does lowkey wanna quote the “That’s not a knife - This is a knife!” scene (He’d be willing to substitute a different noun if the situation arises. Part of him hopes he can even go “That’s not a reptile, this is a reptile!” and show Karen but like, the chance for that is low. Also, mood)
Ra Yellow’s Dorm Teacher is the Home Economics teacher (I’m assuming that since they have PE, physics and alchemy they have more classes than just duelling lmao)
Daichi used to think he was bad at maths when he was a kid because he had a shitty teacher who got mad at him if/when he found other/easier ways of doing stuff :( (Which doubly sucked because Daichi really enjoyed math, especially finding other solutions, just to be told he was wrong)
However he did at some point get a better teacher and absolutely thrived in math class after that
He sometimes forgets that most people, especially his age, really don’t like maths. He at least once invited Judai to do Math together or help Judai with his math homework and was lowkey hurt when Judai declined, before Daichi remembered that, right, he probably just dislikes math.
Of course Judai noticed that Daichi was missing for a long time in the Society of Light arc, he just played it down so he wouldn’t worry Sho and Kenzan. And it’s part of the reason he was so hell-bent on getting Johan back, because he felt as if this was the second time he was at fault for a friend getting hurt!
Idk what gender Martin is but he’s not a cis dude.
Post-canon, Jim does a gap year to volunteer at a wildlife preserve in Australia
Fujiwara uses they/them pronouns
Fubuki had a crush on Fujiwara at some point
O’Brien gets nervous in cars and prefers pretty much any other method of transport (even busses, though if he has a choice, he’ll pick trains etc over busses, too). He does have a driver’s license though.
Judai’s Winged Kuriboh and Yugi’s Kuriboh are brothers (Idk if spirits can actually have family but let’s assume they do)
* Close to the Danish border, there’s schools and kindergartens called “Danish School/Kindergarten”, where the lessons are taught in Danish etc. Different ones have different rules which kids can enroll there, e.g. some only accept kids with at least one Danish parent, others accept everyone, but afaik all or at least most have all the lessons etc in Danish, and after a few years the parent-teacher-conferences are also in Danish, so non-Danish parents are expected to learn Danish if they want their kid there.
** German school system is confusing af; elementary school is until grade 4, then grade 5+ are high school (or secondary school I guess). There’s multiple types of high school, Gymnasium
*** One dictionary says it’s community college in English, but the English wikipedia page calls it Folk High School... Either way, it’s technically aimed at adults, you can take specific classes including languages, and I know at least one teen who took Japanese in one.
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