#I will be irritated about that triceratops comment until the day I die
elephantbitterhead · 11 months
Long-suffering readers know that we do a lot of work on this house. You may recall Jonathan's mother saying 'I don't know why you even bought that house -- you've changed everything about it.' (Hi Pauline! If you're still snooping here, you should stop -- but you already know that.) We've just received another winning comment in this vein, this time from his father: 'By the time you finish all the DIY, it'll just be time to start it all over again.' To this I say:
A) How would you know? You've never lifted a finger to do any significant home maintenance or repair in your life. I understand that this refusal is a British tradition of some kind, but I actually care about the condition of my home & want it to last.
B) What are you talking about? The DIY we do is not about fashion. It's things like redoing the pointing, replacing floors, and insulating & rebuilding walls, none of which should need redoing in my lifetime. We do this work well & if future owners take good care of it, it should be there for the long haul.
I just . . . why look at a project in which someone has clearly invested time & effort and say 'I don't see why you bother with that -- it's pointless.' ? So incredibly rude & unnecessary. Feel free to make snide remarks to other people, but why would you say them to me? I would never dream of saying anything like this to someone working hard on something, even if it was not something I personally valued or wanted to do myself.
Mind you, these are the same people who told me RIGHT TO MY FACE that my exquisite taxidermy triceratops head was 'weird,' so they obviously don't know what's up & should probably simply be ignored. If only I had the self discipline to do that.
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