#I will gladly provide context to what the fuck this image is about if asked
Love making memes out of the late/end-of-campaign plans I have floating around in my head
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bluemoonpunch · 6 years
I wanted to make this post to clear up some things that some of you very passionate taekook and jikook shippers who were upset because one of the asks I responded to made it seem like I was favoring/bashing jikook/taekook — somehow both sides managed to take it badly.
I wanted to apologize to anyone who thought that I was bashing Jimin or trying to portray Jimin and Jungkook’s relationship in a bad light. That really wasn’t my intention, but I did realize that with the way I answered that post anyone who had not read the Jimin and Jungkook relationship reading, Jimin’s Elemental Alignment reading, or any of the group readings it would be difficult, without that context, to catch my point. That was my fault. Honestly, not that many people come onto the blog or find my posts without having already read other readings which is why I tend to answer them as though people already know what I am talking about.
Just to clear things up, I don’t hate Jimin and I sure as fuck do not align myself with people that hate him purely because they are “supporters” of an opposing ship, or hate him for any reason at all really. As a grown adult, I am well past that stage in my life where I find jollies or even the slightest bit of use in hating people, especially people I don’t know personally. I’m beyond that and I encourage people that peruse my blog to also stay beyond that quite often.
I am not an “anti-jikook” shipper or supporter/opposer or whatever. I like all ships. Literally, since the dawn of time (2007) I’ve always been one of those people that liked all the ships in any fandom I’ve been a part of just because I’ve always liked the variations of connections that people seem to pick up on. I am not, however, one of those people that feels the need to show “support” for potentially closeted romantic couples by starting ship wars, constantly trying to “prove” that they are gay, or harassing other people who don’t have the same beliefs/opinions about those relationships between those people. I’m just not.
I have said since the very beginning of this blog that any information I find that I consider to be extremely personal, such as relationship status, sexual orientation, details on mental health, family matters and so on I will not include them in the reading or answer any asks about it directly where things cannot remain vague or completely anonymous. The only time I share that information is if it is already public knowledge, which most of the time, it isn’t.
For the people who think that I am trying to label Jimin and Jungkook’s relationship as toxic, I definitely am not. They have one of the strongest relationships in the group and I’ve said that many times. Where the “toxic” statement came from was the Jikook relationship reading where halfway through it I give an “intermission” to explain that I made a comment while in the midst of the reading saying that their relationship seemed toxic because of how their ENERGY mixed between them. This is that bit from that reading:
“In terms of dynamic, in the energetic sense, Jungkook does seem more submissive because his energy itself seems very easily manipulated or molded. I don’t know if that’s how he is with everyone, or if it’s just with Jimin, I think it might be, but I can’t be too sure.
“[INTERMISSION] So, right at this point I had some sort of fucking energetic overload from Kook. What had happened was, I was just edging in a little bit deeper into Kook’s side of things because the energy did seem off and I was actually trying to see if there was energy manipulation happening here and I even made the comment in my head that their relationship seemed borderline toxic, and that’s when I got fucking slammed. Literally, everything fucking flipped. It was a huge massive FLIP and I got dizzy, I goosebumps in waves all over, I had that static feeling in my fingers, I couldn’t breathe, and then I got this sharp fucking pain in my ear for a split second (that actually happens a lot when I channel for long periods of time, along with migraines), and then my ears were just ringing for two or three minutes.
I had to have me a fucking moment after that shit. Had to do me some breathing exercises, had to look out the window for a bit because FUCK that.
But yeah, Mr. Jeon don’t like his personal energy being tapped past the line of projection. That was my bad, sincerest apologies. Like, genuinely, I did cross a line there and I totally deserved to have my fucking brain melted. Not a problem. Lesson learned. Tread lightly around Kook.
But just to clarify for anyone concerned, there is nothing abusive between Jimin and Jungkook.  I’m sure none of you thought that, but just in case that was what it seemed like, no need to worry. They just have a very odd balance that doesn’t make a lot of sense. It might make sense to them on one of two levels, but it’s just a messy picture for an outsider such as myself.”
That post is here.
I referenced that bit in the answer to that ask and, like I said, without prior knowledge of this bit in that post it would seem like I was literally saying that they have a toxic relationship. That is not the case at all. They’re a huge support system for each other and it does go both ways, without a doubt. In that reading I talked about their “layered” connection — that’s also something to keep in mind.
One of the other things that was taken a bit out of context was when I said that Taehyung and Kook’s relationship is very different than Jimin and Kook’s relationship. It is, but I didn’t mean that in a way where I’m trying to say that one is #REAL and the other is #FAKE. I, again, was talking about their energetic and soul connections. The vibe of those relationships are very different, but they are equal. I talked about it in an ask somewhere about how those two ships are the most prominent because of how the three of them link up with each other energetically. They are equal but different. The dynamic is different.
I really need people to understand that when I talk about people I am usually reading, I am channeling. I am always talking in terms of conscious, subconscious, unconscious, energetic, spirit, and soul connection. I touch on everything, not just the what we get at face-value. That is the point of these readings, it is why I started this blog. I wanted to open people’s mind to consider a broader view of the people they look up to. I did not start this blog to “validate” or “invalidate” ships — that is not my business and that is not my job. 
Apparently, as people love to point out to me, there are plenty of blogs out there that will gladly tell you all about the personal lives of the guys down to the shade of red that their asshole is, but I gotta say, people who so willingly give out personal information have no moral code and no ethics that could keep them shoving shit down your throat for some likes and follows. Just saying.
I connect with Guides and energy cores and guess what, Guides (especially BTS’s Guides) do not hand out personal information about the souls they guide because it is beneath them to do so. It doesn’t matter therefore it is not shared. I, personally, just don’t like to do shit that could hurt someone. I really do not go into these readings with the intention of exposing people or trying to paint people in a bad light. I just want people to expand their view past what is shown and past the image that they have painted of the person I am reading. Plus, I just enjoy doing celebrity readings in general.
If you are new, I do encourage you to read through the BTS readings I’ve done as well as read through this to see what we’ve done with the BTS Soul Map and Soul Body healing as well.
Again, I am sorry to anyone who did interpret what I said as me hating on Jimin or trying to favor a ship or put a ship down. That was really not my intention, but I do see how it got a bit lost in translation and that’s my fault. I will try to be a bit more careful with how I answer questions and I will try to provide more context (links to posts, excerpts, screen caps) when I answer things from now on.
For those of you that are doing a bit more than sending me asks and PMs with questions or concerns, I ask that you chill the fuck out. This blog has 200 followers and my posts get no more than 20 notes. I’m not a big deal, these readings aren’t a big deal, they are simply something I enjoy doing and I make them for people who enjoy reading them and connect to them. I use this blog to fulfill my purpose and to help people grow and expand on their own through personal readings and group energy/meditation work. I will continue to live and breathe, and I will continue to post readings because it is something that I enjoy doing. Perhaps you should also find something you enjoy doing so that you’re not online so much getting angry over things that don’t affect you in even the slightest way possible. I have plenty of meditation recommendations for you, plus energy cleansing how-to’s which I feel like you might need desperately. >.>
If you don’t like me, my blog, or my work you do not have to be here. You can block me and you can blacklist my blog and then my posts won’t show up for you at all. It’s as simple as that. Again, I don’t think most of the people that read these readings look at them as anything more than entertainment, honestly, so there’s no reason to get all bent out of shape over posts that get 10 - 20 likes from people who don’t really pay any mind to what’s being said. I’m aware that a lot of shippers look to some of these posts in hopes of finding validation for their personal perceptions and views but that’s not what you’re going to get here.
If you have any more questions or concerns about anything that I didn’t touch on please PM me. I would prefer that to sending an ask that way we can have a back and forth conversation in real time and I don’t have to unload a bunch of things into my blog and then we can handle one topic at a time and understand each other better as well.
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