#oh yeah also since I got real tired by the end
claratwelve · 9 months
yeah no okay i just finished s13 and i loved it, that was some good cinema
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hollyoongs · 26 days
I've being real quiet bc one, I need to re-write this bc it got so long and two, I needed to find the write words.
I'm beyond concerned for the boys. It’s heartbreaking to see ENHYPEN being pushed to their limits without a proper break. Jay had to sit out their recent Japan concerts due to the flu (plus the knee pain), and it’s not the first time we’ve seen the members struggling with their health this year. Ni-Ki, too, has been performing despite being visibly unwell. Watching them continue through exhaustion is just… painful. Heeseung, who loves to give his all in the perfomance, it's getting "lazy" allegations when it's him being so tired to the point that can't even jump properly in their choreos. Jake missing, the guys collective flu...
As much as we love the content, it’s time to admit that their schedule is simply too much. Back-to-back comebacks, tours that seem never-ending, and barely any time to breathe. Even they’ve expressed a desire to have a meal or sleep without cameras on them—simple things they’re missing out on because they’re always "on." It’s clear they need rest. Real rest.
If you're using your phone and aleeping in the fucking concert, do a faver and don't spend money one that, you have a home where you can do that. There are people that would kill foe your ticket.
Now, back to the main topic.
This is a list of the thing that I remember them doing since 2023:
Fate World Tour announcement (June 2023)
Comeback with "DARK BLOOD" (May 2023)
Collaborations and special performances (KCON, festivals)
Endorsements and brand collaborations
Japan events
Continuation of Fate World Tour (2024)
Comeback with "MEMORABILIA" (May 2024)
Comeback with "ROMANCE UNTOLD" (July 2024)
Additional tour dates announced for October 2024
This company has been nothing but a pain in my ass since the very beginning, I will never forget how they photoshopped Jay's face in the trash, never. Also, they couldn't defend themselves with the only girl group they have. If you can even manage your first sources of fucking income, then why did you even decide to put a company in the first place? AND WHY IS HYBE ANDD BANG PD ALLOWING THIS!?
Oh yeah, they got money hungry. I forgot.
We don’t need more tour dates. We don’t need more comebacks right now. We need to see the boys healthy, happy, and well-rested. Engenes, I know we love seeing them, but we also have to stand together and demand that Belift Lab prioritizes their well-being. The fact that #LETENHYPENREST is trending speaks volumes. Let’s keep raising our voices for them because their health matters more than any performance. Let’s support them in getting the break they deserve 💔
tagging a few moots for this: @glitterjay @kwiwin @dollyyun @kissofhoon @taeghi @alvojake @intromortal @karinasbaby @heeslomll @yeonzzzn @sunkittie
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house-of-lovin · 1 year
legally binded
Jenna Ortega x F!Reader
masterlist | next part
Summary: After getting caught in some hot waters with the press, you are forced into an unexpected agreement with America's sweetheart, Jenna Ortega to save your career.
Warnings/Tags: famous!reader, mentions of hard substances, intoxication, mature language, real people (do not read if any of these makes you uncomfortable)
Note: Wrote a quick one, I don't usually write about real people so (this is all fiction, don't take it seriously) Can you tell I'm procrastinating on my other WIPs.
Word Count: 2.1k+
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“Blacking out at a strip club in Vegas, are you fucking serious?”
Jake, your manager’s voice thunders around the office. 
You sink lower into the armchair, casting your eyes down – ashamed. From your peripheral, you can see Jake pacing up and down behind his desk and yanking at his tie; roughing up his usually neat-suited appearance. 
“Is it bad?” You gather the courage to ask.
There was a lot of shit that Jake lets you get away with. He’s known since you were a young teen with starry-eyed dreams. Except, your dreams did come true. You were living it, working with respected directors and actors on prestigious sets and projects; it was a shot in the dark that you would ever become a working actor much less a critically-acclaimed one but Jake took a chance on you.
But no one had warned you just how much you had to give up in order to keep succeeding at your dream. Work breeds more work, is that what they say?
Well if that’s the case, it certainly felt like it. Since your first big break, you haven’t stopped working. Seemingly flying to every crevice of the Earth to show face at yet another event they had scheduled on your calendar. 
You could barely name the day of the week.
Being in your teens in the public eye was not easy and it hasn’t gotten any easier as you entered your 20s. So they can sue you for trying to have some fun for once in your life. Granted, you may have gone overboard with it… that much you can own up to.
“Is it bad?” He scoffs, reiterating your question in a mocking tone and if it were anyone else you wouldn’t have been able to stave off your annoyance. “Try the end of times… you got locked up in jail. For possession of coke. You can imagine the headlines.”
You wince, clamping your eyes shut. Yeah, that is bad. “It wasn’t mine! It was–”
“Oh, I know whose it was!” Abruptly stopping, he swipes a finger in your direction shutting you up. “You and your little boy-toy can say goodbye to each other ‘til Liv and I fix this goddamn mess.”
“I didn’t know he had it on him, Jake. And he’s not my boy toy.” Your nose screws up in disgust. 
“It doesn’t matter anymore. The media caught wind of your weekend away in Vegas with that singer. Did you really think no one would recognize you with a famous musician in a strip club? They have pictures of you in cuffs, Y/N – you’re lucky you didn’t get pressed with charges for drug possession.” 
You hear the tired disappointment in Jake’s voice and feel guilt crawl around in your chest. No words seem to be good enough to fix the mess you created so you stay silent. You can add this to the list of headlines he has had to clean up recently. You keep your head down, like a petulant child called into the principal’s office – which in this situation, was an accurate comparison.
“You have got to be fucking kidding me, Y/N.” A higher-pitched voice echoes behind you and theoretically, if it were physically possible to pass through atoms, you’d be 6-feet under the Earth’s crust.
Far, far away from Liv.
“I already gave her the talk, Liv. We haven’t got the time. What’s the plan to fix this?” Jake crosses his arms, one elbow propped to hold his heavy head up. The bags under his eyes were a clear indication that like you, he also hasn’t slept since he bailed you out of Clark County Jail – a mere 10 hours ago.
All you knew is that you were waking up in a cold, dingy cell with a nasty hangover and an officer shouting from behind steel bars that someone had posted bail for you. Next thing you knew, you were being escorted out the side entrance of the building and into a blacked-out Escalade then driven to a private tarmac where a jet was waiting to take you back to Los Angeles.
Liv is also someone you accredit your success to. Jake and Liv are partners and often represent clients together. You liked to call them each other’s work husband/wife. Liv is a tough lady, only in her early 30s and already one of the most sought-after PR agents in Hollywood; has a boss-ass bitch attitude and a resting bitch face to match. Where Jake often played the good cop with you, Liv was guaranteed to be the complete opposite. 
Liv rounds the desk, standing beside Jake. She was dressed in business casual clothes but her hair wasn’t done like it usually was – a sign she had rushed over here upon your arrival. Staring you down with a menacing glare before rolling her eyes. “You’re not gonna like it, but I don’t care because we’re way past doing things your way.”
You sit up, a little scared. Liv is not one to mess around with. If she says it’s something you won’t like, you might as well go dig up your own grave. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I have an idea as to how to get some heat off your shoulders. Just until the press can find something else to fuss over.” She waves with a hand, furiously typing on her phone.
You and Jake shared a look, waiting for her to continue. 
“Well, are you going to tell us or not?” Jake huffs, throwing his hands in the air. Was he the only one in this damn room that felt like the sky was falling?
A knock interrupts before Liv can respond. “Hold that thought… Come in!” She holds a finger up, shoving her phone in her back pocket. 
You turn around, curiosity getting the better of you. Only, it was Jake’s assistant popping her head in. “Sorry for interrupting, sir. I know you said not to disturb you unless it was urgent.”
Jake runs a tired hand on his face. “Just get to the point, Em.” He says, not unkindly.
“Miss Olivia’s guests are here for the meeting. I was wondering if I can let them in?” The young assistant says timidly. Anyone can feel the thick tension in the room. No doubt she also saw the headlines plastered all over the internet of your face. There was an urgency in her mannerism that told you she wanted out of this conversation as soon as possible.
“Yes, let them in! Don’t make them wait.” She waves frantically. The door closes, leaving the three of you alone for a moment.
“Liv, what is this?” Jake asks before you can.
“Y/N, control your anger and be kind to our guests. This is for you, remember that.” She plasters a large smile with her last words as the door opens; multiple voices can be heard behind you. What the hell does that mean?
“Miss Ortega, great to officially meet you and Sarah, thank you for meeting us on such short notice.” Your head snaps to the side as Liv steps out from behind the desk to greet the people behind you.
The sight has you struck dumb. Why is Wednesday Addams in your manager’s office?
Granted, you know who she is. Who doesn’t? You can barely drive down any highway in L.A. without seeing her face plastered on some sort of billboard or building. But why is she here, in this office?
“Y/N I’d like you to meet Miss Ortega…” You were still rooted in your chair, just staring at them like an idiot. An uptick of a brow is raised as Jenna watches you remain unmoving. 
“Get up.” Jake kicks the back of your chair as he rounds the desk to greet Jenna and her manager, gritting under his breath. You spring up at the thud, rubbing your back in annoyance. 
“Nice to meet you, Miss Ortega.” You extend your hand when she finishes greeting Jake. 
She stood a good few inches under you, dressed casually in loose pants and a hoodie. She had a pair of sunglasses pushing her hair back, which was tied in a messy low bun; headphones around her neck.
You two have never crossed paths in all your years in Tinseltown – which was surprising considering you two are around the same age. There might have been an event or two that you had attended at the same time but you have never had the chance for a formal introduction. It wasn't difficult to see why the whole world was buzzing about Jenna Ortega.
“Just Jenna is fine.” She slides her hand in yours, sending a small, shy smile. The sparks you feel when your palms connect has you flinching almost imperceptibly. You see Jenna’s eyes snapping toward your connected hands telling you she may have felt it too. But before you can think too hard on it, you’re pulling away from her grasp. 
“Let’s all sit down, so we can tell you why you’re both here.”
Jenna takes the armchair to your left, and you fight to keep your sight straight ahead. “There’s no easy way to break the news. But here’s the CliffsNotes version. Over 24 hours ago, Y/N was arrested in Vegas. The press is having a field day, they already have the paps planted outside her house and every location she frequents. Our solution… a PR relationship, just until all of this has died down.”
You stare deadpan at Liv. Out of all the years, you have known her, this has to be the most balls-to-the-wall, bonkers shit she’s ever said to you. 
“What?” A sweet voice piques beside you, voicing out the shock you weren’t able to verbalize.
“A fake relationship, sweetie.” Her manager, Sarah says in a much sweeter tone than Liv could ever muster.
You can see her shake her head from your side eye. “We agreed to no PR stunts like this, Sarah.”
“I know, Jen. But with the recent controversy online… we just think this may be a good look. Liv called me last night and we came up with this plan and thought it couldn’t hurt with both of your situations.” At least her manager sounded apologetic. 
Jenna scoffs, feeling irritated and ambushed. “No offence, but I can handle a few nobodies online. And my situation is nowhere near as bad as hers. If anything how would pairing me up with someone who does drugs be good for my image.”
Your head snaps to her, nearly growling, “Watch it. You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
She bites back, turning to glare at you. “Is it not the truth?”
“We got a drug user and a liar, great.” She mutters under her breath.
“Okay stop! You two don’t have a choice,” Sarah speaks up, sending Jenna a look you didn’t care enough to decipher. 
“Get someone else,” You say to Liv, ignoring everyone else around you. “Literally anyone else, please.” 
Jenna puffs out an incredulous scoff. “Screw you, dude.”
“Screw you too!”
“Jenna!” “Y/N!” The adults of the room shout over one another, chastising you both.
“That’s enough!” Jake shouts, getting you to break your intense glaring at the other actress. Jake’s tone slightly scared you, he was never one to raise his voice. And you knew you were balancing on some very thin and fragile ice with him at the moment. 
“This is the plan and that’s final! Jenna, everyone sees you as America’s sweetheart after the success of Wednesday. As much as it sucks, everyone is watching your next move, personally and professionally. And Y/N, you’ve been in the press for literally all the wrong things this year, and yet, the public can’t get enough of you. It’s good publicity on both sides… So you two will learn to get along – for the sake of both of your careers.” He says with a tone that leaned on threatening and you didn’t have the balls the challenge him on that. 
You had worked too hard for the life you have today just for it to be thrown away by a careless mistake. So if you had to buckle down and act in love with one of the most annoying people you had ever met, in world-record time, then so be it.
“How long…” You mumble, dropping your head in defeat.
“Three months at most. Less the quicker people forget about your night at the county jail.” Liv answers.
“Fine…” You conceded.
A few seconds of silence ring out before she answers, “Fine…”
Jake and Liv @ Reader:
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I swear there's a SpongeBob meme for everything.
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igotanidea · 4 months
Test ride: Jason Todd x reader preview
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Guys! I might be back from the dead! With a bleeding heart and tired mind, but with a few ideas up my sleeve :)
One thing about her was sure.
She was unbribeable.
And that was something in Gotham.
And I s'pose a vigilante, even Batman himself, can use a little help from a lawyer sometimes, right?
And clearly, one day, councellor Y/N Y/L/N got so tired of working with her ordinary cases, that she started aimlessly wandering across the Gotham's alleys.
Or maybe it was some sick self-destructive instincts. (pretty similar to someone else's if you ask me...).
The point was, Batman jumped in, saved her ass, yadda, yadda, yadda.
And she got his attention.
A few weeks later, Tim's style, she figured out his real identity. And therefore, joined the team. (subjecting Bruce to merciless teasing from the batkids, mocking him with the all-familiar phrase "do not involve civilians in the bussiness).
Obviously, Y/N was not a front-line fighter, but sidelines worked quite well for her as she focused on lawyering, cracking cases like walnuts and providing intel and insight.
But even with a new purpose, she was still lonely.
And the fate had it, that Jason Todd was bored.
And with his snarking, teasing uptake on things, drive to danger and the pressing urge to keep his shit under control, in which the current state of mind was not helping - he made her a proposition.
"Hey Y/N, you know what?" he called her casually one day after all the batkids, Jason included, miraculously found themselves in the batcave.
"Not a mind reader" she responded mockingly in a singing tone.
"Good for you" Jason immediately matched her tone "you wouldn't last a minute in my head, sunshine."
"Is that an invitation or a challenge Mr Todd?"
"A challenge. But in a different way than you might think."
"Well then, I;m all ears." she turned to face him, purposefully leaning a bit too close, to take this whole thing up a notch.
"We are both screwed..." he started
"Overruled." he rolled his eyes "my deal is, since we are both fucked up, we might as well share the mental disease."
"huh?" Y/N raised an eyebrow, not understanding a single word, but fairly convinced that the Lazarus water finally ate his brain out completely.
"You're alone-"
"well thanks for pointing that out, since I had like five minutes of break from thinking about it-"
" -and I'm bored, so how about we keep each other entertained and take each other for a test drive?"
Y/N almost choked with her own saliva, her eyes popping out as she started caughing looking a freaking frog, even going a little green on the face.
"The hell Jason!?"
"Shit, I swear it sounded better in my head!"
"It should have never left your head!"
"It's not my fault you keep reading into the words too much!"
"I'm a lawyer! The hell were you thinking!?"
"Oh, I;m sorry for believing that under all that all and mighty professional armour you might be a human!"
"You're a freaking hypocrite, you know that?"
Jason sighed in frustration and run hand through his hair.
"Look all I meant was that we fill the gaps we're missing."
"So you'll act like my arm candy and I'll be your personal clown?"
"You don't even have to try much, do you?" he smirked
"I swear one more word out your mouth and the only entertainment you'll get will be a kick in the ass."
"I guess ending in hospital after such attempt would resolve your loneliness problem as well."
"I'm serious Y/N. What do you have to loose?"
"Dignity, self-integrity, sound mind..." she started counting
"ok, okay, fine, I get it!" he raised both hands up, stopping her chant "but - it can also be fun. And if you keep refusing I might think you're chickening out."
"Oh! so it's not a challenge. It's a dare of which one of us will go insane first?"
"Something like that. Scared?"
"huh! you wish! you're the walking dead!"
"So, do we have a deal?"
"Yeah, we have a deal." she smirked and reached her hand towards him.
They shooke them, loooking into each other's eyes, getting mentally prepared for quite a lot of fun, even if neither was willing to say it outloud.
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not-magdi · 1 year
The one bed trope
Summary: Having to share a bed with your best friend because what could possibly go wrong?
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1k
I didn't do any proofreading because it's way too late for my brain to function so apologies for any mistakes I made.
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Between playing for the national team and having to be back in Barcelona, the players got a few days off to recover a bit. And since many barça players also played for Spain, they decided to rent a house and enjoy their little holiday together. 
A few players had their partners with them, wanting to spend the little time they had together.  
Normally, only girlfriends were allowed on these little get-togethers well, there is one exception. 
The one and only Y/N Y/L/N, best friend and obvious secret crush of Pablo Gavi. The two of them met when Pablo threw a ball at Y/N's face and laughed at her as she started crying.  
After his parents forced him to apologize to her, the two of them became friends. She started to attend his football games, and he helped her learn for her tests. 
Y/N was the first he came to when a game didn't go like he wanted it to, the only one who could calm him down after his temper got the best of him. 
Pablo protected Y/N with everything he had. A boy treated her badly? Ohh, believe me, Pablo had his head. She called him crying because school stressed her? That boy came running to her house at lightspeed. 
 Nothing and nobody could separate these two, they always tried to do as much as they could together. So her going on holiday with him was no surprise. 
The Sevillian is currently driving to the airport to pick Y/N up, she is arriving a day later as she could get time off sooner. 
Waiting at the arrival hall, a smile grew on his face as he saw Y/N's bright orange hoodie she stole from him and worn religiously for the past 12 years. The ends were starting to frizz and the color was not nearly what it used to be. 
A slap on the back of his head rips him out of his thoughts, blinking rapidly he sees the orange hoodie standing before him. 
"You back in the real world again?" 
"Y-yeah sorry, I'm still a bit tired" Scratching the back of his neck out of embarrassment he answers. 
Accepting his answer Y/N engulfs Pablo in a tight hug, hiding her face into his neck. Happy to be back together with her Pablito again. 
"I missed you Pablo-Bear" she mumbles into his neck, tightening her arms around him. 
"Mhm, missed you too you big teddy" 
Pablo hoped Y/N couldn't feel how his heart was nearly beating out of his chest, and how his cheeks were the same color as cherries.
After they were done hugging for about five minutes he grabbed her suitcase and basically dragged her to his car. 
"Woah Pablo slow down, nobody is chasing us!" 
"I know but I can't wait for you to see the house, it's so beautiful" 
Laughing Y/N lets herself be dragged to the car, the touch of Pablo's hand against hers hot on her skin. 
They arrived at the house after a short drive, Y/n being completely mesmerized by the beauty of the house, nearly running into a plant pot while staring at one of the big windows. 
After greeting everybody, Y/N decided to unpack her things. Following Pablo up to her room she walks in behind him. Confused Y/N looks around the room, seeing clothes scattered around the room. 
" Pablo ... am I sharing with someone?"
"Y-yeah um funny story actually ... you're kind of sharing with me"
"O-oh um ok, yeah sure no problem ... but are we sharing a bed too?"
"No! ... well yes! Umm o-only if you want w-we don't have to ... I can totally sleep on the couch if you want"
"N-no ... no problem at all, I mean it's not the first time we sleep in the same bed right?"
It would be the same right?
Well, nothing much changed since then, only the way Y/N's heart jumps every time his brown eyes look at her, or how her stomach feels all warm and fuzzy when she sees his beautiful smile, and the way his eyes shine while he does it.
But hey what could possibly go wrong? 
Well after unpacking and meeting everybody at the pool they discussed what they wanted to do for the week. The whole time she could feel Pablo's eyes on her, tracing every move she made.
Now they were all sitting on the outside lounge letting a peaceful day come to an end.
After yawning for the tenth time Y/N decides to call it a day, waking the sound-asleep Pablo who is cuddled up to her she bids the whole group goodbye taking the sleepy boy with her.
Arriving at their room Pablo immediately flops down onto the mattress.
"Pablo come on you need to change you can't sleep in jeans"
"Hmpf nooo let me sleep in peace"
Climbing into the bed next to him she cuddles herself into the blanket. After she feels the bed dip behind her she turns around, only to be met with Pablo already looking at her.
"Goodnight Pablito"
"Night Y/N, sleep well"
Minutes turned into hours and Y/N was still tossing around, not able to fall asleep. Little did she know that on the other side, Pablo had the same problem as her.
Suddenly she feels two arms wrap around her, tightening around her waist.
"I know you're asleep right now and I hope you can't hear me right now but I just wanted to tell you that you have no idea how much you mean to me and that I hope that one day I have the courage to actually tell you how much I love you and not in a friend way. I know you probably don't feel the same but I just have to get that off my chest. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to look you in the eyes anymore."
"Don't worry your secret's safe with me"
"Fuck you're awake ... Y/N I'm so sorry please forget what I said. I don't want to lose you over t-"
Shutting him up with a kiss on his plump lips she leans over wrapping her arms around his neck.
"You have no idea how long I've waited for you to say this"
"S-so you f-feel the same?"
"Yes, I really really like you too"
Kissing her again the two of them fall asleep together, Pablo having Y/N in his arms, the same since they were kids.
Or was it the same?
No, it was way better this time <3
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miyuhpapayuh · 7 months
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Rolling over to grab her ringing phone, she blindly slides her finger across her screen and groggily says hello.
“Good morning, sleepyhead.” Leon chuckles on the other end, making her join in with her own tired laugh.
“Shut up,” she mumbles back. “Always been a morning person.”
“I thought it woulda rubbed off on you by now!”
“Maybe one day, but not today!” She quips.
“Happy Valentine's Day, anyway babe. I was gonna wait until you were already up, but I couldn't wait anymore.” He says, and she can see his smile from where she was laying.
“Aww, you are so cute! Happy Valentine's Day, baby. I can't wait to see you later and give you your gifts.” She gushes.
“Aw, you got me something??”
“Of course I did! One of them you can wear on our date tonight– but the rest are surprises!”
“Oh shit, there's more!” He exclaims, making her laugh. “Well, your first gift is sitting on your kitchen counter, when you do get outta bed.”
“Alright, I'm getting up now.” She says, sliding from underneath the covers to head out of her room, into her kitchen. A big orange bag sits, awaiting her.
“Aw, it's orange!” She frowns, walking over to it and looking inside, gasping at the potted plant— her very own poppy plant! It was also orange.
“A poppy plant?! Wait, I'm gonna cry!”
“Oh, don't cry!”
“No, no it's okay! They're happy tears!” She laughs, wiping her face, as she puts him on speaker, sitting her phone on the counter.
“Okay… you okay?” He asks.
“Yeah,” she whimpers. “Ugh, there's a card! More tears!”
Pulling that and the pot from the bag, she giggles at the bright bubble-lettered Zora that's painted on both sides.
“Aw, did you paint this??”
“Of course I did, baby. You like it?”
“It's the cutest thing I've ever seen, Leon. I love it. Nobody's ever bought me a plant before.”
“Well, I've never bought anybody one before, either. Look at us, being each other's firsts.” He exclaims, making her laugh and wipe away another tear.
“Shut up,”
“Ah— open your card, please dear.”
“Okay,” she grabs it off the counter, pulling it from its envelope, “you have to go soon?”
“Yeah, it's been nonstop since I got here, but the moment my supervisor gave me a break, I came straight back to call you. He’ll be looking for me soon.”
“Okay, I won't hold you up too much longer.” She says, looking at the pretty pink card with the holiday name emblazoned on the front in gold calligraphy, opening it up to read what's inside.
“Happy Valentine's Day to the sweetest woman in the world, I love you and cannot wait to see you later tonight. 
In the meanwhile, I've decided to send you on a scavenger hunt— what?! That's so cool!!” She yells.
“I thought you'd say that!” He yells back.
“Once you get to work, there'll be three things for you to find; something big, something tall and something small— all orange, of course.”
“Linda let you hide presents in her restaurant?? Wow, she must love me for real.” She snorts.
“She loves me too, ya know? Told you, we're besties.”
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
The first gift she found was her “something tall”– a lava lamp. Not just any lava lamp, the specific one she had been eyeing from one of her favorite online shops.
Orange and black. A curvy designed frame that stands at about two feet. She was in love, already having a place to put it in her mind.
Putting it in her car for safe keeping, she begins looking around for the other two.
“Hmm..” She roams around the dining area, until she sees an orange piece of paper sticking out of a napkin dispenser.
Pulling it out, she begins to read it before squealing. She quickly covers her mouth and looks around, thankfully going unnoticed.
“I'm gonna kick his ass,” she laughs to herself, before reading the card once more. “Happy love day, angel face. There is a certificate attached for a one of a kind bouquet from your favorite flower shoppe. I know you jumped for joy cause you love your flowers! I love you and I cannot wait to see the look on your face. I worked so hard on  this. My fingers hurt. I love you, again. Bye.”
She giggles again, loving the neon orange paper clip that's holding the certificate to the card, how the certificate has poppies and cosmos on it, also wishing her a very happy Valentine's day.
“Goodness, there's one more thing! I might just die in here.”
A small group of customers coming in had her stuffing the card into the front of her apron and moving back behind the counter.
Once everyone was settled, she started to move away from the counter, until something told her to look to her left.
A flat black box is tucked by some papers. She pulls it out and stares at it, her brain mulling over what it could be.
“Hm. It's a lil heavy,” she playfully shakes it, before reading the note taped to the right corner, telling her to open it after work.
Which was a great idea, cause once she pulled the top off the box and found the burnt orange scrapbook Leon made her, all types of screams and expletives flew from her lips.
“Is he fucking serious?!” She screams, again, flipping through the pictures he'd candidly taken over the course of their relationship, so far. The food, the flowers, the dates, many moons and sunsets, baby ducks in ponds, the two of them in their element, and so many more special moments.
“He is so cute,” she tearfully laughs, wiping her face as she hears a knock at her door.
Opening it up to reveal her man, she jumps up in his arms as he laughs and walks inside, closing the door behind himself.
“Heyyy, baby!”
“Damn, girl! You missed me?”
Many kisses are exchanged.
“Absolutely! Been waiting to see you all day!” She exclaims, looking up at him with doe eyes as he pecks her nose.
“Why you think I got here so fast?! Did the mad dash for ya.” He says with a wink.
“I'll let it slide, today,” she snickers as he lets her down. “But, this right here! Best gift I've gotten today, so far.”
“Really? I had so much fun putting it together, too!”
“It looks like it, babe. And yes, you had me in here ugly crying! The pictures of the ducks took me outta here!”
“They were good models that day, for sure,” he laughs, running his hand over her hair, pulling her back to him.
“You're so cute,” she frowns.
“I'm about to get cuter, I fear.”
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Soon, they're at her favorite place on earth, getting ready to unveil the bouquet Leon handcrafted for her.
“Okay, close your eyes, sweet girl!” The owner, Inara, says.
“Okay, they're closed!” Zora squeals back.
“Hold out your hands.” Leon says, placing the bouquet in her trembling hands.
“Okay, open!”
Her wide eyes land on the most beautiful bouquet she'd ever seen.
“Wow, you love me a whole lot!” She whispers, watching as her vision gets super blurry with tears. He's right there to wipe them away.
Oranges and pinks and purples. Peonies, cosmos, poppies, a couple white roses in the mix. It was beautiful!
“I love you so much.” He says, wiping her wet eyes, once more.
“He's such a sweetheart,” the owner exclaims. “Made sure he got your favorites and some extras— lord, you taught him well about these flowers!”
Zora giggles, wiping her own eyes, this time.
“He did such an amazing job,” she frowns up at him, those sweet kisses he places on her makes her frown deeper.
“Anything for you, baby.” He cheeses. “Speaking of, I got one more thing for ya.”
She looks up at him in disbelief. “Really??”
He chuckles, an mhm leaving him before they wave to Inara and head towards the exit.
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She gasps. “You got me a kitty???”
“I sure did, baby. Meet Coco.” He says, carefully handing over the tiny orange kitty, smiling at the way she immediately curled up in Zora’s arms.
“Oh, this is what love feels like.” She frowns, rocking herself as she pets her head, snickering at the way her ears flicker.
“Hey sweet baby angel!” She coos.
He smiles, taking a picture with his phone. “Nothing but love, baby.”
“Nah, this is a new level! I don't think we've had too many conversations about cats or dogs, or any of that type of stuff.”
“Cause we're not that kind of couple. I trust my gut when it comes to you. I pay attention to you, and you've never struck me as a dog person.”
“I'm not, no.” She shakes her head, nuzzling her face against Coco's, making Leon laugh at the sight.
“I mean don't get me wrong, dogs are cool! But cats are so independent and I like that. Plus, look at this face!”
She turns her around to face him, those big green eyes looking up at him. He frowns and reaches out to pet her.
“She's adorable! The cutest out of the litter, too. Had to scoop ‘er up.”
“Aw, the cutest of the bunch?! Go you!” She coos, earning tiny squeaks back that make her heart swell.
“How old is she?”
“About a month old? I've got her papers back at the crib.” He says.
“Aw, can we take her home now?!” She asks excitedly.
“Yeah, let's get her signed out and she's all yours, babe.”
With her free hand, she pulls him into a hug, thank you falling from her lips about a thousand times. He kisses her hair, a smile stuck on his face.
“Anything for you, my love.”
Back in her apartment now, she sits Coco down in the fluffy cat bed she'd bought on their way back, loving the way she curls up in it.
“Ugh, she's so cute! I can't believe she's mine.”
“Imagine if I had missed the mark on this,” he snorts, making her laugh too.
“Nah, you nailed it without me even having to say it! I also wanna rename her.”
“To what?”
“Okay, now don't think I'm corny.. but, Valentine.”
“Aw! That's actually really precious.”
“Right?! The sweetest valentine present I've ever gotten from the sweetest valentine I've ever had!”
She squeals as they share a sweet kiss.
“You think she'll respond to it well?”
“Well, let's see..” She looks over at her, her little tail wagging slowly as she looks up at them.
“C'mere Valentine.. c'mere baby girl!” She coos, cupping her hands as she slowly moves away from the fluffy bed.
“Look at her trottin’ over,” he comments, “takin’ her sweet time.”
“It's okay, I'm new!” She whispers, still cooing and calling her by her new name, getting more and more excited as she gets closer to her fingertips.
The minute she hopped into her palms, she had to stop herself from screaming for joy all over again, as the baby kitten peers up at her.
“She's so cute, I cannot take it!” She squeals, watching her roll around and lay on her back, inside her palms. Leon pokes her exposed belly, earning squeaks that resemble laughter.
“Awww!” They coo in unison.
“I've heard that orange cats are sassy,” he notes, and she nods.
“Yeah, one of my aunts used to have one. She was something else. Jumped out the window one day and never came back.” She sighs, looking down at Valentine.
“You are not jumping out of windows okay? No jumping off walls and up onto high surfaces. Mama don't play that, mmkay?” She scoots her into one palm and holds the other up, snickering as her paw connects.
“Like she understands you, for real.”
“Just you wait, we're gonna have our little system up and runnin’ in no time!”
Soon having to get ready for their date, Zora drops Valentine off at auntie Nique’s, who might've been a tinge more excited than Zora once she saw those big green eyes.
“Oh my goodness, look at this sweet baby!” She coos, scooping her up.
“Right?! The most precious kitten I've ever seen!”
“I'm almost shocked she's not gray,” Nique laughs.
“Or black! I love the witchy kitties, too! Maybe she can get a sister later on.”
“Aw, not a slew of em! Lean on me is so in love with you, it's crazy!”
Zora's face scrunches up at the nickname she'd given Leon.
“Lean on me?”
“When you're not strong, yes.” Nique nods, before snickering.
“Anyway, dawg. I'm glad you could watch her for me tonight. God knows I won't be any good after he gets through with me.” She whispers the last part.
“Daaamn, you gettin’ strung up by the ceiling or sumn??”
“Girl, no! I just know ima get put through the mattress once I put this new lingerie on, though!” She whispers again, cackling as they slap hands.
“Just freaky frogs! I love it!”
“So do I! Now, tell Darnell we said hey and he better put his whole foot in whatever he's making you tonight!”
“Either that or my foot's goin’ up his a—” her sentence cuts off as he comes around the corner with a spatula in hand, squinting at her with a sly grin.
“You talkin’ shit, huh? You know I gets down in here for you.”
“I was just playing, babe.”
“Mmmmhm. Hey Zora.” He flashes a smile.
“Hey, boyfriend!” She mocks, making him laugh, before cutting his eyes back at Nique.
Zora snorts, looking between the two of them.
“Should I take Valentine to ma’s?” She jokingly asks.
“Bye, Zora Jean!” Nique laughs, pushing her towards the door.
“Okay, okay! You girls, be good, tonight! Don't give uncle Darnell too much trouble, okay?”
“We gon’ give him hell, girl!” Nique looks at Valentine, before smiling at Zora.
“If you find Nique strung over the balcony, I didn't do it!” He yells from the kitchen, making them laugh.
“And that's my cue!”
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Reservations at the Mimosa Grill were made in advance, which gave the couple ample time to get all dolled up for love day.
Smoothing her hands over her black, floor length dress, Zora gives herself a once over in the mirror. Nude lip. Smokey eye. Minimal jewelry besides the citrine earrings Leon had also gifted her. And nothing goes with a dress like that, but big hair!
Voluminous curls sit pretty on her head as she tousles them, loving each way they fall.
She felt so pretty.
Leon is across the hall in her bathroom, fastening the belt to his pants and cuffing the jacket of his all black ensemble, making sure the world sees the icy chain she'd gifted him. The light reflecting off the diamonds had him periodically letting out a “woo!”, making her giggle.
Low fade Leon had come out tonight, and Zora was more than a happy camper. Those waves were a dangerous tide pulling her under, and she already knew neither her nor her panties would survive the night.
Crossing the threshold, they both let out a whistle of appreciation, sizing each other up.
“Damn girl, this is sexy,” Leon says, running his finger along the curved and plunging neckline of her dress, watching the smirk on Zora’s face grow.
“Anifa does it again, I fear.” She laughs, touching the diamonds of his chain. “You iced out!”
“Thanks to my stylist and stunna girl,” he compliments, twirling her about, unable to resist smacking her on the ass.
“Ooh! You better be glad we've got reservations, sir.” She playfully warns as he dips down to kiss her, making her giggle.
“Don't tempt me, girl, I'll bend you ov—” she presses her finger to his lips, shushing him.
“Before you seriously get me started, we better go.”
“Yeah, you right,” he chuckles, releasing his hold on her to grab his keys and lead the way.
For the occasion of love, the restaurant was decorated to the nines! Strings of pink and red hearts swayed from the ceiling between the open spaces, vanilla candles sat in the center of each table, along with a single rose wrapped away from the silverware.
“Did you pull strings and make sure this rose was orange?” Zora asks, a smirk covering her lips at his sly smile.
“You know I do my best for ya, poppy.” He winks, making her duck her head down and giggle. He laughs, taking a sip of his drink.
“I knew that was the right moment to use that on ya,” he adds.
“You are ridiculous, Leon. And I love it.” She says with a grin, reaching for his hand across the table.
“And, I love you, Jean.” He uses his height to his advantage and leans across the table for a kiss.
Taking a sip of her own drink, she briefly squeezes her eyes shut at the bite from the moonshine.
“What did you order again?”
“The mooshine sangria,” she laughs to herself. “I knew it would be strong but damn.”
“Is it good, though?”
“Yeah, yeah it's delicious! Just strong,” she smiles, skimming over the menu.
He stares at her a second longer, before doing the same.
Soon their waitress returns to put their orders in, and they're alone again, twiddling each other's fingers.
“Happy love day, as you call it,” Leon says, clinking their glasses together for the second time.
“Yes, happy love day! It's been so overwhelming in the best ways possible.” Zora sighs, chin in palm, staring at her man.
“Had to make our first one memorable, ya know?”
“In true Leon fashion, indeed!”
Their sweet conversation turns from the special occasion to Zora wanting to finally get back into her art world, Leon couldn't be more ecstatic. Even more so as their food finally arrived at the table.
“That's great, babe! When does all of this get set into motion?”
“Well, I still have to talk to Linda about quitting, hopefully she understands. I mean, either way, I'm leaving, but ya know what I mean.”
“Yeah, totally. If she tries anything funny, I'll be on standby.” He says with a couple pats to his chest.
“Stand down, please,” she laughs, continuing to sip her drink. “I'm sure it'll all be fine.”
“Yeah, you heard what I said, though.”
“Yes, father. I'll call if I need ya,” she salutes, as they both laugh.
“But, seriously. What's the next step after that?” He asks, chin in palm like she.
“That's actually a surprise,” she sweetly smiles, “but it'll be so worth it, I promise!”
“Aw, no fair!” He playfully whines as she laughs.
“Aw, come on! Be a good sport!”
“Fine, fine.” He playfully sighs. “But, I will let you know that I'm quitting my job soon, too.”
“Really??” She asks. “And doing what??”
“It's a surprise,” he mocks with a smile.
“You better be glad it's a lovely evening, Leon.” She snorts, sipping her drink as he snickers at her expression.
“Not so funny when the shoe’s on the other foot, huh?”
“Keep it up,” she nods, unable to stop the laugh from coming out.
“Okay, okay! But, I do have one more surprise I can share with you.”
“What is it?”
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Zora stomps excitedly in her heels as Leon guides her into their hotel room.
“This blindfold is killing me!” She squeals, making him laugh.
“Okay, okay,” he fiddles with the knot, making her stomp again, her giggles filling his ears.
“Happy Valentine's Day!”
Her wide eyes stare at every girl's dream. The decorated hotel room. And boy was it decked out for his favorite lady.
Oranges of every hue in the room, from the arrangement of cosmos and poppies, many balloons littering the ceiling, homemade cake all the way down to champagne flutes.
“Oh my god…” is all she's able to get out as she takes it all in.
“You l-like it?” He asks, feeling his nerves kick in.
“I love it, babe!” She throws her hands up, turning to face him with glossy eyes, to which he smiles brightly.
“Oh, come here, my big baby,” he chuckles, pulling her into his arms, careful not to smear her makeup.
“I'm glad I didn't do a full face now!” She laughs, the sound muffled by his chest. He joins in the laughter.
Pulling away a bit, they stare back at each other, bursting into more laughter.
“You're goofy,” he pokes fun at her.
“You're goofy,” she pokes back, actually poking him in his side.
“You started it,”
“What are we, fifteen?” She laughs, again.
“No, of course not. We're newly legal, apparently.” He playfully scoffs. “Haven't had that many shots since my college days, honestly.”
“Me, either. I'm praying we don't have hangovers in the morning.”
“You know I'm stocked up on aspirin and water, don't worry your pretty little head!” He places a kiss on the crown of her curly mane.
She felt precious all day long. Those butterflies just kept on multiplying, and now she felt like she was gonna explode.
Unwrapping her arms from him, she grabs his face to pull him down to her level, kissing him deeply.
His long arms completely cage her in, holding her up as he slightly dips them, getting drunk on her lips now, too.
Tongues tangling together, the promise of a night of bliss being spoken between them.
Pulling away, Zora’s chest heaves up and down as she stares up at Leon, who's just as breathless.
“I've got a surprise for you,” she lowly speaks, trailing a finger down the middle of his button-up shirt.
“Yeah? I must need to sit down for this.”
“Unless you wanna fall to your knees.” She quips, making him raise his eyebrows.
With that, she grabs her bag from the counter by the door and disappears into the room to change.
Carefully stepping out of the prettiest dress ever, she shimmies into the orange lingerie she'd fallen in love with, fighting the urge to squeal at how sexy she felt and looked!
Leon was gonna freak!
Adjusting her garters, she grabs the matching satin robe to hide such a set, and heads back out to where her beau is patiently waiting.
His smirk makes her insides clench. She strides over to him, stopping right in front, reaching out to rest her shaky hands on his broad shoulders.
“What's up under here, huh?” He asks, his long fingers fiddling with the knot on her robe.
“Untie it and find out.” She winks.
Doing just that and letting it fall open, he blows out a breath that makes her clench all over again.
“Mmm… all this for me?” He asks, reaching out to touch her anyway, gripping her thick hips, his sweet lips peck her belly and make her giggle.
“Yes, all for you, baby.”
“What a lucky man I am.”
Reaching up to push the silk away from her body, his hands roam back over her curves, kneading and groping as she bites into her lip.
“All for me.”
Standing to his feet, he picks her up and carries her into her their room, kicking the door closed. He drops her on the bed before climbing on top of her.
Her laughter fills his ears as he kisses all over her face, big hands tickling her sides.
“Stop” at different octaves came out of her as she flailed underneath him, slapping at his hands.
“Babe!” She squeals as he finally lets up the tickling, but not the kissing.
Laughter melts into moans, his kisses getting wetter the lower they get, traveling over to her thighs for a nibble in between.
Her garters are pulled at with his teeth before he spreads her legs wider, running a finger over her damp panties.
He watches as she bites her lip in anticipation. He smirks, continuing to tease her.
“You look so good like this,” his finger presses harder, earning a moan from her, “there it is, baby. Don't be shy.”
Her head falls back against the bed, and his free hand finds her neck, another moan leaving her.
Pulling her panties to the side, he whistles at the string of arousal clinging to them. Her head lifts back up and the look on his face makes her clench.
“So fucking wet,” his tongue swipes up her slit, sending her eyes back, her hands coming up to cradle his face as he continues the action.
“Oh my.. oh— oh my,”
His teasing humming puts a smile on her stuttering lips as he starts pulling that first nut to the surface.
“I'm gonna cum!” She pulls his hair, smushing his face against her, losing her mind when he wags it.
Not letting her recover, he makes her cum once again, her thighs beginning to shake in his hold.
“Baby, please..” she moans, softly rolling her hips against his face.
“Mmmm,” his humming sends shocks through her, his hands rubbing her sides.
In a flash, he's right where she needs him, deep inside, rocking against that spot so nicely.
“Look at that,” he mumbles, making their heavy gazes move down to where they join and rejoin again, those gushy noises are music to their ears.
“Feels so good,” she whispers.
His eyes dance back up her face and stay, as his heavy strokes land right into her spot.
“Say it again,” he says.
Like clockwork, she looks up at him, further melting and quaking as his brown eyes stare back.
“Mmmm, so fucking good!” She moans a little louder, earning a smirk from him.
Her pouty lips mouthing such sweet filth, as the man of her very dreams rocks her world.
“Fuck, baby,” her grip on him was beginning to loosen as he continued to fuck her into the mattress.
“Mmhm,” he moans, placing his hand at her chin and his thumb right at her bottom lip.
A faded smile appears on their faces as his thumb makes its way between her lips, coming in contact with her warm tongue and making his eyes roll like they did when he first slid inside.
“Mmmfuhh,” she whimpers around his thumb, feeling her thighs begin to burn.
“You cummin’,” he mumbles, removing his thumb to rub her clit, “let it out, baby.”
Her hands find his face, cupping his cheeks as her mouth drops open at the feeling brewing in her gut.
“Oh my god,” she gasps harshly, losing the rest of her oxygen as he swallows it in a kiss.
Pulling away, their lips retouch as he gets closer and closer to tossing her off the deep end.
“Just like that,” she nods fervently, “don’t stop.. don’t fucking stop.”
“Gimme that shit, babe..”
His hand slides to her throat, gripping tight. His other gripping into the sheets, as he’s close to the edge himself.
“Oh shit,” she moans, immediately feeling the air get sucked out of her lungs as her orgasm rocks through her like a heavy wave.
“I love you,” he groans, his own peak crashing toward him, sending him collapsing on top of her. Her giggles tickle his skin.
“I love you too, baby,” she sighs, her body twitching underneath his own.
“Catch your breath, cause I'm not done.” She whispers, kissing every inch of skin in her reach.
@ghostfacekill-monger @honestpreference @harmshake @henneseyhoe @blackerthings @soufcakmistress @megamindsecretlair @motheroffae @abeautifulmindexposed @thegifstories @starcrossedxwriter @mauvecherie-writes @twistedcharismaaa
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heartfeltcherie · 7 months
Hi! I was wondering if you can do a Alastor x paralysis demon fem! reader (basically reader is like Freddy Krueger and can haunts peoples dreams and kill them. If the person they kill in their dream dies, they also die in real life.) The reader can always be tired since when the reader themselves fall asleep they’re transferred to someone else’s dreams so they don’t get sleep. Like none. So it’s just some fluffy stuff with Alastor and very sleepy reader! Extra points if you include reader having a demonic sheep pet with them. (Like how when people sleep they count sheep 🌝)
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— my first piece of alastor literature! i’m very nervous that this isn’t accurate but nonetheless, i hope you enjoy :)
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oatmilk flavoured coffee, the type of beverage that comforted you and filled you with a sense of warmth and comfort. a yawn escaped you as the bags under your eyes were becoming more prominent with every night that ended up sleepless.
it was yet another tiring night of drifting off to someone else’s dreams and adding pure nightmare fuel to the peace and quiet of an innocent victim, only to off them and add them to your kill count — you didn’t mind. it was entertaining to watch them try and escape and think that they’ve won, only for you to be the last thing they see before everything goes black.
but oh boy, was it exhausting.
you were sat on one of the sofas in the main entrance of the hazbin hotel, your legs resting to the side of you on the plush cushions as you rested against the arm rest, warm mug in hand, sipping peacefully.
you really wanted sleep. even a simple nap would do. but that was never going to happen, and you knew it.
“heavens, my dear, you look exhausted!” you look up from your outer-space-daze on the floor to see alastor. he’s got that usual smile on his face; you’re happy to see it. you give a meek grin in response. “you know me, always tired”
your feet are on the floor now as you give alastor a place to sit beside you. something about his presence beside you makes you feel warm; just like the coffee your drinking. that’s almost cold by now, but it’s fine.
“oh trust me, my dear, i’m well aware of how exhausted you’ve been as of late,” you take small glances at alastor as he cleans his monocle with his red coat sleeve, the way his oh-so fluffy hair flops with grace atop his head. perhaps it’s the exhaustion taking over your body as you begin to feel fuzzy on the inside.
yeah, definitely exhaustion.
“these hotel walls are missing your lively personality, sweetheart”
“…you’ve noticed?”
he doesn’t wanna admit it, bites his tongue as to not speak of such a thing. he wants to use the excuse of ‘his shadows see everything’ — which wasn’t half a lie in this particular scenario. but he has been noticing your tiresome self a lot more. he rolls his eyes “i’m the steadfast hotelier, i have to take notice in some things, don’t i? otherwise this establishment would be an absolute mess!”
“damn, too bad you didn’t take notice sooner, maybe i wouldn’t be an absolute mess right now” you take a sip of your drink, hiding your now blushing face behind your coffee mug.
oh, you really shouldn’t’ve said that.
“hmm, are you saying that you wanted me to take notice of you?” he takes up another space closer to you. of-fucking-course he’d do that. teasing bastard.
“i’m tired, al. i have no idea what i’m saying. what did i just say?”
you hear alastor chuckle as he stands up from his spot beside you, his presence now cold air beside you.
“perhaps try counting sheep tonight, darling. at least it would put that… pet you have to good use” you stop mid slurp, looking up behind your mug at the radio demon in front of you with scrunched eyebrows. cute.
“you leave lambie out of this”
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like/reblog/comment if you liked my work, i greatly appreciate it!
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217 notes · View notes
caeunot · 9 months
johnnie x reader
new years angst (18+)
PSA: the johnnie i'm going to write about is the fictional version we all have in our minds, we truly don't know how he actually is and it's good to make a balance to avoid any uneasy or parasocial feelings when writing about a real person.
it had been a very long night for everyone, new years party's obviously only actually get started at 12 so the night only truly ends early hours of the morning. johnnie was fast asleep on his bed, the sheets unmade as he lay on top in the full clothes from night before. as he lifted his head he felt all the drinking all the smoking all the talking from the night before rush straight to his head, like a heavy boulder he has to now carry for the next 12 hours. this isn't anything new to him but that doesn't make it any more fun to deal with.
he gets up and looks at himself in his mirror, scrunching his face as he notices how he still had his makeup on, though completely different from the way it had spread all across his face messily from lying on it. he turns on the tap and splashes himself with the cold water, waking him up but also somehow making his migraine worse.
as he starts getting changed into something comfortable he starts remembering the events from the night before, as if in pieces he has to puzzle together.
one thing that remains the most prominent in his memory is the countdown for midnight, he was excited. he had a plan. he wore his best outfit and put contour and primer on his face to make that days makeup extra fancy(he never really does that). he had been anticipating this moment the whole night, his eyes darted around looking for something specific. he squeezed past a few people pushing one slightly too hard making him have to awkwardly apologize which he hated doing. but at that moment it didn't phase him and neither did the flashing lights and the aggressive music playing a bit too loudly in the background. his mind was focused on one thing only. you
his plan was that at the moment it hit 12 he would kiss you, in his mind he decided this would be the best option since if you weren't into it he could pull it off saying it was a friend thing. he was absolutely too nervous to actually just ask you out since he personally feels you are quite out of his league. he hoped this would spark something between the two of you. so that he no longer has to look away when you laugh at his jokes because of the prominent blush that would always come up on his pale skin, or the way he had to hide his enthusiasm when you were around. he was absolutely infatuated with you.
who did you think zombie was about?
but as he finally caught his eye on you with seconds to spare he started jogging towards you but as he was about to approach you, you turn to jake cupping his face and leaning in for a deep kiss. he saw the way you smiled as jake held onto your waist. the way your kiss lasted longer than the others around the room. suddenly he jolted out of his mind as he hears a knock on his bathroom door.
fuck. he thinks to himself as he puts his hand sloppily through his hair in attempt to neaten it. "yes?" he says, still sounding half asleep.
"can I talk to you" you say, wait. you say? johnnie is confused. you don't live here, he just shares this place with jake..
he bites his lip before answering, "yeah uh just- just gimmie a min I just got up". " oh ok no problem! I'll be in the living room, take your time alright?" you say, he waits for your foot steps to sound lighter before he leans against the door and slides down to the floor, hands in his hair he curses. curses how he could so easily give someone his heart and so easily let them tear it apart, even without them knowing they did. love was fucked and he was tired and his migraine was getting worse and he just wanted everything to disappear, but as much as he would love to lock himself in the bathroom forever he was also curious what you had to say to him.
around 10 minutes later he emerges from the bathroom still rubbing his towel around his wet hair from his shower, he walks into the living room to see you scrolling on your phone and his heart immediately starts aching. before you noticed he was there he took full advantage of being able to admire you, you had no makeup on which johnnie had never seen before, but god you might look even better without it.
he admired the way your hair was slightly messed up and the way you were still in the clothes from the night before, that tight black dress that has a low v neck showing off your breasts which he realized he was obsessed with, even in a normal setting you made it work.
"so what's up?" he asks sitting down next to you on the couch. "wait first before anything can i ask you a massive favour..", "hit me" he says with a half smile, "well as u can see im still sorta in my dress from last night uh.. i maybe slept over here last night and my place is pretty far and i have a splitting headache, would it be cool if i stay at your guys place tonight too?"
"oh sure no problem we don't mind! but what about your clothes? im guessing u didn't pack any extra in that handbag of yours." you shuffle in your seat feeling a lil embarrassed, "that's my second favour.. could i borrow some of yours? well uhm not yours specifically but your the only one awake at the moment and i dont wana wake poor jake"
johnnie got a bit red imagining you in his clothes, but nonetheless lent you one of his hoodies and sweats which fit you perfectly. as you were getting changed he couldn't help when his mind slipped to the fact you never wore a bra with that dress, meaning you would be wearing one of his hoodies completely bra-less which turned him on much more than he would have hoped for, especially since the two of you agreed to go get something to eat after you get changed.
the car ride was very silent and it was freaking johnnie out a little, once you two have ordered your food and are started waiting you decide to break the silence, "if im being real, i got wayy too blasted last night like i honestly don't even remember talking to you.. at one point i wasn't even sure if you were there, but saying that i barely remember anyone i spoke to haha". johnnie lets out a small laugh, "dont worry abt not seeing me, im not a party guy i always end up lurking in the shadows like a vampire instead of making conversation." you turn your head to the window looking out at the sun as it melts like honey into the blue sky as it sets.
the two of you ended up eating in the car because you guys were so hungry. as you guys made it back inside the house you see jake facetiming someone on his phone, you sneak up behind him and shove him a little while going "BAH", which made him jump like a cartoon character. "fuck you y/n im on a call" "not my fault your a scaredy cat", "dude that's just wrong im braver than u and johnnie combined okay" you guys laugh and jake takes his call to his room, leaving you and johnnie alone again.
"i like how he didn't ask why im still here" you ask slumping onto the nearest couch. "i think you scared him too much that he stopped thinking for a sec" he said plonking himself next to you.
"you down to watch a movie?" you ask, "sure sounds good! i mean what else is there to do anyways". "perfect ill choose kay!! since im the guest i get privileges heh", "whatever makes u happy miss y/n" he says giving a genuine smile which made your heart race slightly.
the movie dragged on for johnnie, not that it was a bad movie but for the fact that he couldn't stop thinking about how close you guys sat next to each other, plus the way you were still wearing his clothes and how absolutely gorgeous you looked in them. all of a sudden you turned towards johnnie as he was staring at you by accident, the two of you sat there in silence for a little before you broke it
"uh johnnie can i be honest with you", "sure y/n, what's up". "well let me get straight to the point, by the time it hit new years.. did you see who i kissed?" johnnie tilted his head in confusion, "you kissed jake.. don't you remember?". "honestly i don't remember anything past 11pm.. when i said i was blasted i really meant blasted. well the reason im asking is because there was someone specific i wanted to kiss"
"oh really? and who was that". "it uhm was you"
johnnie felt his face start heating up and without thinking he immediately pulled your face in for a deep kiss, "johnnie.." you whisper as the kiss ended, his hands still on your face and the two of you close enough to where you could see all the pores on face and feel his cool breath against your lips.
he doesn't respond, even the kiss took him off guard and he initiated it! he realized that you reciprocated his kiss and that gave him enough motivation to lean in for another, this one was more sloppy and more intense. you two wanted each other badly and it was visible, as some tongue was slipped you climbed on top of johnnie and felt his bulge already from his thin pants. that turned you on even more and you accidentally let out a small moan.
you started to feel johnnies hands gently hold your waist from under the hoodie, you started to get a tingly feeling as he gently graced his hands higher and higher till he reached your boobs, he let out a small whimper as he gripped and played your breasts. you take your hands from his neck and instead use them to take off the hoodie itself giving him a full view of your boobs now making him gasp mid kiss.
you start grinding on him gently while taking his shirt off, once its off you slowly get off of him and pull down his pants, "are you sure?" he said shakily as he sat more forward on the couch preparing for what's coming, "you don't know how long I've wanted to do this, yes baby i'm sure" you say which made him go even redder and before you get on your knees you see him biting down an excited smile.
as you pull his boxers down you take your hand and gently rub it back and forth before taking your tongue and starting right at the base, giving a mix of wet kisses and licks as you slowly go higher and higher. when you finally get to the tip you hear a small whimper and you feel the top of your hair being grabbed desperately, you slowly put the tip fully inside your mouth moving it gently back and forth and going faster and faster deeper and deeper making his member twitch inside of his mouth and as you start hearing him moan deeply you realize he has already hit his climax and ends up finishing inside your mouth. when he was done you take your mouth off with a plop and immediately go back up to johnnies absolutely flustered face, you have never seen him look so submissive.
without hesitation you kiss him with his cum still inside your mouth, making a mess as it spills onto both of your chests.
johnnie sighs in delight "fuck y/n how did you do that" -when he knew exactly how :)
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querenciasturniolo · 1 year
hello oml ! ive been so scared to ask for something but hey ! here we are ;) i absolutely adore your writing and was wondering if you could write one for chris where the reader, the triplets, and madi go for dinner (all as just friends) and the reader and chris confess they like each other afterwards since they were all really tired :) i think it'd be cute hehehe
late nights ⮕ c.s.
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word count: 916
warnings: swearing, accidental confession
summary: the five of you go get food late at night, and your exhaustion has you admitting something you weren’t meaning to say
a/n: oh my god, don’t be scared to request anything ever !!! thank you so much, love !!! i hope i did your request justice 🤞🏻💓
everything written is completely fictional. the people i write for are written with characteristics and mannerisms that i made for them, this is in no way depicting what would actually happen in real life.
“So, where are we going?” You asked, leaning towards the front of the car.
Matt glanced up at you in the mirror just as Chris turned around to face you.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Chris asked. You blinked, fighting the smile growing on your face.
“Uh, yeah. That’s kind of why I asked.” You said, Nick scoffing next to you.
“Definitely not your finest moment, Chris.” Madi said, your eyes meeting hers as you laughed.
The five of you were going to dinner, but you were picked up last minute and had no idea what was going on. You were just sitting in your living room in your pajamas, scrolling on your phone when the text from Chris saying ‘come outside’ popped up on your screen. It took them five minutes to convince you to get into the car, and then you were off.
“You do realize if I don’t know where we’re going, this is considered kidnapping, right?” You said, Matt scoffing from the front seat.
“You’re not being kidnapped, you’re so dramatic.” He said, your eyebrows raising.
“Well, that didn’t make me feel better.” You mumbled, leaning back in your seat.
Matt pulled into a parking lot, and you scoffed when you saw the sign.
“You guys kidnapped me at midnight to go to Denny’s?” You asked incredulously. Chris turned and looked at you.
“Uh, yeah. Who doesn’t want breakfast at midnight?” He asked, mocking you from before. You rolled your eyes and stepped out of the car, lightly shoving him when he stepped out.
“Are you gonna branch out, or stick with the french toast slam?” You asked, Chris shaking his head and bumping your shoulder with his.
“Why change perfection?” You rolled your eyes and smiled.
“Jesus, you’re ridiculous.” You said, the five of you walking into Denny’s.
The dinner went by slowly, you growing increasingly more exhausted as time went on. You barely touched your food, going back and forth bickering with Chris for the entirety of the meal. You couldn’t help but tease him, it was your way of flirting. It was ridiculous, the fact that you couldn’t just say how you were feeling. You felt the need to pester, and poke, and bother the person, which was perfect in this situation.
Chris came back at you full force, and you thrived every time. The banter was such a huge part of your friendship and you were so grateful for it. Chris more than likely had absolutely no idea the reasoning for your teasing, which saddened you and relieved you at the same time. As much as you wanted to tell him your feelings, you also didn’t want to make things awkward in the very possible circumstance that he doesn’t feel the same way.
When the five of you got back to the car, Chris somehow ended up in the backseat with you and Madi. Nick was playing music in the front seat, his and Matt’s conversation barely being heard by you. Chris was wedged in the middle seat, leaning the majority of his body weight onto you.
“Chris, get off.” You said through a laugh, nudging him lightly. He whined and went limp, his head landing in your lap. “What are you doing?” You asked, looking over at Madi with amusement etched into your face. She snorted and shook her head.
“I’m tired.” He whined. Out of instinct, you started carding your fingers through his hair. He hummed and relaxed, almost pushing against your hand. “I like that.” He mumbled. You could feel how heavy your eyes were, your exhaustion making you delirious as you hummed.
“I like you.” You said, leaning your head back against the headrest. It took Chris lifting his head up from your lap and looking at you with fond eyes for you to realize what you’d just said. You meant it as one of those middle school-esque comebacks, but you’d definitely just admitted how you felt. Chris didn’t look upset, he looked…content more than anything. It could have been the exhaustion making your eyes bleary, but you could have sworn he was blushing.
“You mean it?” He asked, his voice quiet. You nodded, Chris smiling and lying in your lap again. “Glad we’re on the same page, then.”
You relaxed completely then, your hand resuming its movements through the loose curls.
“Well, that was sweet.”
You looked up, realizing that you were back at their place, Nick had already turned off the music, and the three of them were looking at you and Chris.
“Yeah.” Matt began, turning the car off before turning to face you two again. “It’s about fucking time.”
You scoffed and shook your head. “Has anyone ever told you your Mattitude is worse when you’re tired?” You asked, Chris sitting up so you could get out of the car.
“All the time, and I’m actually kind of glad I’m not getting the brunt of it for once.” Nick said, all five of you piling into the house and climbing the stairs. You didn’t say anything to anyone as you dropped yourself face down on the couch, pulling a blanket from the back of the couch and covering yourself.
You could barely hear the four of them mumbling sleepily to each other, the only things you could process were the lights being turned off and the soft kiss being pressed to your temple.
“Goodnight.” Chris’ voice pierced through the heavy cloud of exhaustion, sleep consuming you before you could respond.
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kteezy997 · 8 months
ok so this is random.Butvhear me out.So like lee X gn reader and you know we're on the road n' crap.So we pull up to like a gas Station reader goes inside to get food.BUT, we don't have enough money so we flirt with the cashier maybe a bit of name calling, ass slapping IDK¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯So we come out and lee has seen it all and he's really upset and mad and reader is like but we it's not like we're dating U jealous???And then lee confuses and reader says they also like them and Lee is all like I was just scared U were gonna leave.Amd it just ends in fluff.I know it's weird and U obviously don't have to do but like 🙏😊
when people send in requests mapping out the story and let me just add in a little razzle dazzle>>>
I hope it's okay that I made the reader female
You Belong to Me// Lee (Bones and All)
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Warnings: cursing, angst, fluff, and everything that is in the request is in the fic so be sure to read that
It’s a long read. Enjoy.
You were in love with him, and he acted like he had no idea. How could he not know? You spent every waking hour together and even slept next to each other. How could he not see the lingering glances you gave, or how you would take any opportunity to touch his arm, or his shoulder? He was so damn beautiful, and so protective of you, but it was more like a friend type of thing. You were certain that was how he thought of you: his friend and travel companion.
You knew he had a past, that maybe he had done some things that he wasn't proud of. You had no idea what things. But you knew that it was enough for Lee to not want to get too close to you. You were growing tired of his closed off demeanor.
"We gotta get gas." he said, turning on his blinker and pulling into the filling station.
Night was falling outside. You didn't know where the hell you were, just somewhere in Kentucky. Everything looked the same, from the landscape to the gas stations that were planted every fifty miles or so.
Lee got out and started to pump gas.
You looked into the little convenience store across the way and saw a young male employee at the register. You grinned to yourself. Now was finally your chance to mess with Lee, to see if you could make him jealous.
You got out of the truck as well, waltzing over to the driver's side where Lee was filling the gas tank. "I'm gonna go inside." you said to him.
"Okay, just don't spend too much money. We gotta make it last." he replied, looking up at you, his red hair shining pink-ish under the lights of the gas station.
You put your hands in your pockets nonchalantly as you walked over to the store.
Once inside, you smiled at the guy behind the counter, he was kinda cute, not as handsome as Lee, but he was decent looking. He nodded at you with a smirk and wasn't shy about checking out your ass as you walked by.
You decided to pick up something useful, so you grabbed some feminine pads and tampons. You knew exactly what to do. As you brought the items up to the counter, you noticed that Lee had a perfect view of you checking out from outside.
"How are you on this fine evening, darlin'?"
The man spoke to you, bringing you out of your Lee trance. "Oh, I'm fine, how are you?"
"Oh, much better since you walked in." he said with a hearty southern laugh as he started to scan your items.
You let out a fake laugh, and batted your eyelashes at him, placing your hands on the counter as he rang you up.
"You and your boyfriend just passing through?" he asked, gruffly.
"Oh yeah," you looked out the window at Lee, he was screwing the lid back on to the gas cap. "But he's not my boyfriend. He's just a friend, ya know?"
"Oh really? Well, maybe I could convince you to spend the night in town? I get off in an hour, and there's a real nice motel down the road.”
What a sleazebag, you thought. But you had to play this off. You knew without even looking that Lee was watching. "Hmm, that is really tempting...how much do I owe you?"
His smirk fell a little when he had to look at the small screen where your transaction was added up, "It's uh $6.50, dear."
"Oh no, I don't have that much." you bit your lip, shifting on your feet innocently.
"Well, that's okay. A pretty girl like you needs a break. It's on the house." he said with a wave of his hand.
You looked over at Lee, leaning against the side of the truck with his arms folded across his chest. Then you looked back at the clerk, "Really? Are you sure? I'd hate to not give you anything for this stuff."
He grinned, leaning toward you with a nasty grin. "Maybe you could just give me a kiss for now, and we'll call it even."
You gulped, glancing to Lee for a second, then nodded at the stranger, "Okay, just a tiny one?"
The clerk nodded.
You leaned over the counter, your ass was now high in the air. You pecked the man on the cheek quickly, but you still got a whiff of his minty chewing tobacco. The smell almost made you sick to your stomach. You'd rather smell the occasional cigarette Lee smoked.
As you got back to your feet, the clerk reached around and smacked you right on the ass. It hurt, and you weren't happy about it, but you knew it was the perfect action to send Lee over the edge. The bell at the top of the store door chimed within seconds. The man behind the counter hadn't even stopped chuckling at what he had done.
Lee was more angry than you had ever seen him. "Y/n, everything okay in here?" He was fuming and he looked so hot, his hands were balled into fists.
"Yeah, fine." you chirped, grabbing your feminine products from the counter. "Thank you, sir, very much." you sang, smiling at the clerk, then turning on your heels to exit the store, bumping into Lee's arm for good measure.
"See you in an hour, sweetheart!" the clerk called after you.
"The fuck you will!" Lee spat immediately to the other man.
You giggled as you let the door close behind you, but Lee was on your trail.
"What the hell was that, y/n?" he barked.
"What ever do you mean?" you teased, hopping into your side of the truck.
Lee quickly got into the driver’s seat, “Don’t give me that shit, why would you let some asshole touch you like that? Who knows what he could have done to you?”
“Why would you care, Lee? It’s not like we’re dating!”
“I care about your safety, y/n, you know that.” he said, starting up the truck and pulling out of the gas station. You were on the road again.
“Well, there’s no harm in flirting if I want to.” you pointed out.
“Sure there is. You can’t trust strangers. You’re smarter than that.”
“Okay, Dad. Damn.” you mocked him with a huff, and crossed your arms, laying your head on the window. You felt defeated in your attempt to get him to like you. You started to think that he really didn’t see you as anything more than just a travel buddy.
“Don’t call me that.” Lee scoffed. “Look, I’m sorry. It just pissed me off that that motherfucker thought he could put his hands on my girl like that.”
Your heart started you beat hard in your chest when you realized what he had said. “Wait…what?” You looked over at him, his hand in his hair at the top of his head. Did he just let that slip? Was he oblivious to what he had said?
“What?” he frowned at you, then kept his eyes on the road.
“Do you know what you just said? You said my girl.”
Lee couldn’t stop the strange little smile that toyed with the corners of his mouth. “Yeah. You’re my girl.” He shrugged. “That’s how I like to think of you. Is that weird?” He put his hand on his cheek, then his fingers laid over his mouth. He looked over at you, waiting for your response.
You felt so warm in your chest, your whole body became tingly with happiness. But you didn’t want to ruin the moment in any way. You didn’t want to push him. You knew Lee, and even though he seemed so abrasive, it was because he was so fragile on the inside. You would let him come to you. “No, it’s not weird. I’m glad to hear that, actually.”
Lee smiled, then turned his attention back to the road. He drove for a while and you sat in a comfortable silence. You desperately wanted to scoot closer to him, to touch him, to feel the warmth of his body, but not just yet.
“So you wouldn’t seriously meet some stranger at a motel, would you?” he asked you.
“Lee, I never thought about that guy for a second.”
A scrunched up look of confusion appeared on his face, “Then why did you flirt with him? Were you that bored?”
“No, I um, I wanted to see what you would do if you saw me acting like that.” you twiddled your thumbs absentmindedly.
“And why did you want that?”
“I don’t know. It feels silly to say it out loud. Maybe it’s stupid, but I wanted to try and make you jealous. Now I don’t know if you think of me that way or if we’re just…companions, but you should know that I-I”
“No.” he said, sharply, interrupting you.
“No?” you felt a lump in your throat.
“Just…let me take you somewhere. I wanna take you somewhere.” his voice trembled a little. Was he nervous? He was never nervous. Lee was always in control, he always knew what to do in every situation.
“Okay.” you cleared your throat, and looked down at your hands. You noticed how badly you were shaking.
Lee continued driving for a few minutes, then turned down a dirt road, off into the woods. “There’s a spot back here that I’ve been to before. It’s great for being alone and star gazing.”
You hummed in response, smiling lightly.
There was a decent sized patch of grass mapped out by many trees, and he parked the truck. “Seems like a good spot to call it a night.” he said, turning off the ignition.
You were upset that it seemed like he was brushing you off. Like whatever feelings you had didn’t matter because he couldn’t handle them.
You were lost in your thoughts, and you hadn’t even noticed that he had gotten out of the truck. Lee tapped on your window, giving you a light scare. “Hey, you coming?” he asked, opening your door.
He took your hand when you stepped out, and you felt a glimmer of hope strike you in the heart. You blushed as he led you to the back of the truck. He dropped your hand for a moment to open up the old, rusty tailgate with its signature creeks and clunks.
To your surprise, Lee spun around and grabbed you by the waist, picking you up and plopping you down on the tailgate. You giggled in response.
He carefully put his hands on the tops of your thighs, slowly parting them so he could nestle his hips between them. He smiled softly, and your heart skipped a beat as he touched your cheek, so delicately, like dipping his toe in the water.
“You belong to me, y/n. And I belong to you. We are part of each other.” his voice was so sweet and velvet, he had the ability to melt you on the inside.
You grinned at him, and wrapped your arms around his neck.
You heard him let out a soft breath as he hugged you. His hands rested on your back. You were both able to relax, and just be. Be together, in the moment without any barriers or hesitation.
“Lee, do I mean more to you than just a friend?” you asked, letting your fingers brush his curls idly.
“Hm.” he hummed, leaning back a tiny bit to look at you. The crinkles near the outside of his eyes creased as he grinned. He leaned in, you felt the warmth of his breath, and then the tender press of his lips on yours. He pulled away slightly, saying, “What do you think?” He then resumed kissing you, and tucked your legs around his waist.
@gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @musicandbooksaremyhappyplace @softhecreator @tchalamss @bitchyunknownuser @lixzey @ducktapebar @kpopgirlbtssvt
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st0nesnglitter · 10 months
Prongsfoot x Reader Headcannons <3
A/N: hi, woke up with lots of thoughts about this particular pairing. I haven’t written in like six months so it’s short and kinda bad lol. Also I always thought the shipname Buckstar..
GN!reader except the last bulletpoint.
The difference between James and Sirius is easiest described by this: golden retriever and black cat. James is touchy-feely, loves cuddling and needs exercise to keep him sane. He’s all goofy smiles and curls, and loves very openly. Sirius is quietly observing, elegant and shows affection on his own terms, but when he does it’s amazing. He leaves fleeting touches to get you to come to him, pretty smirks and sharp eyes.
Since they’ve known each other for such a long time they bicker like it’s a sport. Their arguments rage from Quidditch brooms to pizza, from the prettiest flowers to what are the best dress shoes. Often times they want you to settle their disputes for them, which lead to extravagant compliments to win you over.
“Aw come on, love, you know I’m right” Sirius purred into your ear. “Just say that lip oil is better than lipbalm and I’ll show you how soft my lips can feel”
“DON’T FALL FOR HIS CHEAP TRICKS!” James screams from across the room.
Mornings in James’ bed are warm and soft. James loves, loves, loves being big spoon whilst Sirius usually wants to rest his head against your chest which often leads to you being in the middle. Sandwiched between two gorgeous men, who adore you, makes it hard to leave each morning.
Their competitive streak definitely comes out in the bedroom too. Having a “who can make our partner cum the fastest/ the most times/ the most intense” competition that usually leads to every muscle in your body aching and the dire need for some new sheets.
“I think I got four” James mumbles as he softly dabs a washcloth over your spent body.
“Yeah right, you got two at best!” Sirius argues as he grabs you some boxers to wear to bed. “I, however, got three solid ones”.
When James feels subbier he wants to be used like a toy. He is def a pleasurer in every mood but when he feels a little foggy and frustrated he just wants to give and give. So even though Sirius is pounding into him from behind he is still determined to give you the best head of your life. His eyes get so pretty and glasslike, with his brows furrowed as asks to fuck you even though he’s shaky from Sirius and you’ve already came onto his tongue.
When Sirius doesn’t feel his best he is the opposite. He just want to degrade and mock, let his frustration out through his delicious malice. There’s a slight Madonna-whore complex within him, since he and James have fooled around for some time and you’re the new addition, he feels like he can be rougher toward Jamie. You can tell his mood through how hard he kisses, grabbing onto the back of your neck and using your hair as leverage. He makes a mess out of James’ curls, makes him look like a real slut, and usually ends with Sirius giving James a facial. Seeing his boyfriend with messy, sweaty hair and a flushed face that is covered in his cum usually snaps him out of his bad mood.
One thing they never got tired of arguing about: who has the bigger dick. There’s only been one time they’ve argued who has the smaller: when you agreed to do anal. It was after a Quidditch win and they shared a quick glance before starting to debate.
“Well you are definitely longer!” James says and gestures with his hands to measure out a guesstimate of Sirius’s dick.
“Oh come on, mate, you have a fat cock”
After a few minutes of bickering you just decided for yourself. And since Sirius was more slender you felt more comfortable with him taking your anal virginity. But you didn’t want James to feel left out so he got to prep you. And this man took this job with the upmost seriousness. He ate you out, worked in one finger at a time, playing with your clit to make you relax. When Sirius finally pushed into your tight hole you were already so close to the edge. He stilled when he was balls deep to let you adjust, but as he started to thrust into you your eyes widened and legs started to shake.
“I made her cum from anal… I am a god!” Sirius was breathing heavily, on cloud nine.
“Oh please! I placed her right on that edge for you, you only tipped her over”
And the bickering continued…
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lizzyflowers · 9 days
I saw that one meme with DS!Nightmare and DS!Dream's faces slapped on pregnant women and it was really cursed, but it got me thinking.. what if it had lore...(aka real)? Something consumed right then and there at that moment and i went to the drawing app(procreate)... now i present you them but with a baby, p.s. this is super self-indulgent Also, this was also inadvertently caused by @1ka0oo when she made a drawing of DS!Nightmare and DS!Dream married lol (on twitter, since it's not posted on Tumblr, her twitter is @ashi_ashily. Go follow her!)(I personally apologise to my mutuals for having to see this but this is the person u followed):
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Take what you will from this, the second picture with DS!Nightmare on the bottom right corner is from another timeline. But the other pictures are just him and Dream from the current timeline. Basically, what would happen if they just got married after they reconciled and began to get close.. Well, close enough that they got a baby now. No i will not explain myself, i don't know how my brain works either. More ramblings underneath:
What are the other's reactions to this? Ink is somewhat surprised, Cross is happy for Nightmare but at the same time wants to kill Dream, Error is just happy for them, Blue is... not surprised at all lol. Dream gets teased and bashed a lot by Cross and Error (most of the bashing comes from Cross) and Ink is just trying to process the information given to him right now (probably has a few existential crisis's because wow his boss has a child now does this change anything or what, he was not expecting this, first the marriage now the baby, what's happening anymore). Blue was kind of just waiting for it to happen, he's still somewhat banned from the castle but drops by here and there to talk to Nightmare and congratulate him or bother Dream. Dream immediately kicks Blue out whenever he sees him. Error probably knits clothes for the baby and Cross is going to be the best uncle/second-parent-figure that kid ever has. Random HC (Headcannon): Dream's wings are made of light right? I think that they'd get a flame like appearance to them when he gets incredibly upset or angry or just unstable. And if you're wondering how Nightmare got pregnant, uhhh, he's trans, but also magic, yeah. Nightmare hates everything and everyone because he's tired, he's grumpy and if Blue doesn't shut up he's going to kill him right then and there. He opts for more simpler clothing because he's too tired to clothe himself properly, and maybe he steals Dream's clothes or maybe just anyone's clothes because he just doesn't care at that point... Dream is more irritable but still patient, just very sleep deprived, more than usual anyway. Probably constantly worries about Nightmare and the baby, Nightmare feels a bit smothered by Dream's overprotectiveness but honestly just too tired to care. Oh yeah, that guy that Dream killed in the second drawing? I was originally going to expand on that with Nightmare arguing with Dream because Dream promised he wouldn't kill anyone or execute criminals anymore, but that happened impulsively so yeah..
This is super self-indulgent, i just like imagining them in post-reconciliation scenarios and what would happen if certain situations occurred. I just really like situations where it's just very domestic, or very painful and they're just trying to make do with it and heal from it.
[Fun Fact: It's my first time ever drawing DS! Cross, Error, Ink and Blue so i kinda had trouble figuring out how i wanted to draw them.. In the end i settled for something simple with a few minor changes, not that it's noticeable though]
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bbanghiitomi · 1 year
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| silver lining
synopsis: how does one get another chance to have the love of their life back to their arms? hanni loves you, but you are so hard to love — and so hard to forget.
— nonidol!vballplayer!phanni × nonidol!fem!reader
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"oh that's weird, y/n doesn't come here anymore." minji mutters as she looks around the court, darting her eyes for the familiar figure of a student who usually sat by one of the bleachers, with her books — watching from afar. hanni sighs a deep sigh, letting go of the volleyball, watching as it bounced around the court, the sound echoing inside the almost empty hall. hearing your name threw hanni off, but she's not one to let her friend know. it's been almost 3 months since you haven't been here to watch the team's practice. hanni has accepted that you will also not be here for the next few months.
hanni needs to get herself used to no sight of you, it's her fault anyway. she had a hard time realizing your importance to her life, her volleyball career and her studies, and you're not even the one helping her — it's just that, hanni loves your presence, it eases her mind amidst pressure. but oh well, she had to fumble the only one who truly loves her. even hanni herself doesn't know why she fucked up real bad, it's just her asking for assurance, something — she doesn't know, hanni wanted to know what she really means to you but in the end it led to the two of you growing apart from each other.
you said it, you love her — you really do, you watch her during her volleyball sessions, support her studies, activities and stuff, even hanni knows how much you love her. she doubted yeah, that's her fault, hanni admits that. how can she be assured if you're so scared to tell everyone? yeah, you're not ready that's why and she's been selfish to not understand why.
it's also been almost three months since you last talked to her. it's already tearing her apart and she's not brave enough to admit that. she missed talking to you, whether it's about the season, the upcoming rains, school, the world or like — anything! even about global warming, or the 4th dimension. why'd she have to push you away? why did you have to let go?
now she's lost in this deep void, missing your smile and such, your voice, hugs, the smoothness of your hand — your gazes, even the way you dissociate when she's talking to you, it's cute. it's only now she's realizing that a part of her life revolves around you.
"do you know why she's not here anymore?" minji asks, and they walk their way over to the bench, grabbing their bottles and towels. hanni knew, obviously, but she also respects your privacy, your secrets, including your relationship with hanni. "i don't know." she shrugs, burying her face in the soft towel and oh — god it smells like the fabric conditioner your mom uses.
hanni peeks at her friend, who seemed lost, a different kind of lost, maybe confused?
"why did you ask?" hanni asks back, holding the towel with a grip. minji looks at her friend and shakes her head, turning her back for her friend to see instead of her face. "i don't know, just curious. she's always one of those people who watched but she just disappeared and hasn't come back since." yeah, you're always present, doesn't matter if it's training or the actual game, as long as hanni's present, you are present. like a buy one take one package.
hanni ignores the bubbling acid inside her stomach, realizing it's just not her who acknowledges your presence.
"oh well, she probably got tired of watching and has been somewhere else." hanni mutters, walking away from her friend with the towel that smells like you.
the towel with your scent is one thing, but the pens, notes, books and papers of yours inside hanni's room, is a thing… they're scattered everywhere in the room, the drawers, cabinets, and every little corner of the room screams… you. you've left so much in her room, haven't come back for it since then. hanni doesn't know when that day will come, probably never.
hanni starts to fear that you guys are losing touch, it feels like she doesn't exist to you anymore — if there was something she could do about it, just to be able to salvage this relationship, she'll go through hell just to do it.
it's really frustrating, she's still deeply in love, missing your warmth next to her — being on this bed isn't the same without the other piece of her puzzle, cuddling with a lifeless pillow doesn't give her the satisfaction like your breathing on her ear does. your weighted blanket seems to make her situation worse, with the remnants of your existence, a role in hanni's life — still intact with her, how is she supposed to let go?
when are you planning to come back?
hanni still hopes that there is still a chance, pick up the broken pieces and put them all back together.
god that sounds pathetic and stupid.
"where are you going?" the libero asks, hanni's eyes glances at minji's scurrying figure, eagerly stuffing her things inside her bag — a focused look on her face. minji doesn't answer, but only for a while as she regains her posture. "somewhere — the library." her voice seems in a hurry, hanni raises a brow, to judge.
"library? what are you there for? to hit on a girl?" hanni lets out an airy laugh, minji is silent, and makes hanni stare at her friend who sheepishly laughs. "no? no, not really. i went there to start reading books." hanni squints her eyes at her friend and leans in to inspect her face. "bro i know you're lying!" hanni frowns at her friend who shook her head.
"i don't care bro! i literally am there to read."
it was silent, hanni continues to stare down at her friend, who she knows must be lying — like they've been friends for more than 5 years, there's no way she wouldn't know.
well yeah maybe minji likes books but… a literature club? who would waste their time there? hanni can't even think of any people who would be willing to sit there for hours reading books,
except for —
"alright bro! i like a girl there, happy? but i won't tell you, can't risk you ruining my chance." minji pulls the strap of her bag and makes her way out, hanni tries to catch up but fails to even get to the exit of the gym. "hey!"
"don't even try catching up!" minji yells, her deep voice echoing inside the court.
hanni must have forgotten no one except the two of you and your friend knew about your relationship, hanni and you kept it a secret, both of you agreed. you can vividly remember how you explained the reasons as to why it's hard for you to reveal the relationship, life, status, family shit and bla bla bla…
hanni literally agreed, because she cared for you, she knows how hard your situation is — you love her really, but apart from her immense popularity that will get you in trouble, your parents are tough. the kind who doesn't want anyone ever involved with you, the kind who wants you buried under piles of books and studies.
oh how dead hanni would be if they found out.
so, when hanni complained about the lack of labels — lack of transparency between your relationship with her, you were beyond confused, because you expected her to know better, to fully grasp as to why you both needed to keep everything a secret.
it frustrated you too, there was no way to fix this — unless both of you come to talk and agree about one thing: you still love each other even after that argument.
but here's the glaring contradiction, how are you going to approach her? how is hanni supposed to approach you?
you have too much pride in your chest, and so does hanni — like, who knows how hard it is for one of you to come up and tell the other how much they've missed each other.
it's not just like asking how is the weather, what's the temperature today, is it raining? is there homework? this is way too hard.
who knows how long you've been dissociating, you don't even realize it until a hand touches your shoulder. you shot your eyes open and look behind to see minji, hanni's friend — the tall girl smiled at you and sat beside you.
you smile back at her, your palm touching your cheek, trying to feel the sudden rise of temperature your body emits. you sigh, to which made minji tilt her head. "what's the matter?" she asks, you lock your eyes with hers and shrug.
"i don't know either, to be honest." you look away, footsteps are heard towards their way, another person sits in front of minji, it's danielle marsh — your friend and a co-member of the literature club. danielle smiles widely at minji's direction when their eyes meet. you are busy staring at nothing but thin air, minji feels her cheeks light up and she looks away to catch her breath with how danielle stole it.
you sigh deeply, looking out at the window not too far from you, your friend danielle notices your mood and reaches her hand to you. "hey y/n, what's up? still sad?" she asks, books of all genres are neatly stacked on the table.
y/n taps her fingers on the table, she refuses to look back at danielle, clearly bothered. "i don't know, i'm just down. i think." minji looks at you and at your friend, seeing as she is as bothered as you are, yet she can't really interfere as it's not her business to meddle with.
"it's okay y/n, eventually we'll find a way to fix your sadness! for now, i think it's best to let yourself rest and stop thinking of anything so serious." danielle raises a book to her face, minji smiles. "i recommend reading more books!" danielle beamed.
"are you going to the library again?" hanni asks as she watches her friend walk past her. minji looks back and bobs her head, with a serious look on her face. "yeah, why?" hanni turns around, then back to minji. "for what though?" hanni asks.
minji shrugs, "to read, duh?" hanni walks over to her friend and holds her friend's wrist. "i'm gonna come with you." hanni tightens her hold to her friend's wrist and pulled her, leading them to the library where minji tried to pull her hand away. "bro what are you doing?!" minji complains, but hanni is stubborn enough not to listen, dragging her friend.
"you're not a part of the club!" minji reminds the girl, her brows furrowing, shooting sharp glares towards hanni's back. "i will be then!" hanni's persistence leads them inside the library where minji keeps her mouth shut. looking around, hanni sees danielle — her ex's friend, hanni takes them to the shared table, where danielle and her eyes meet.
danielle kicks your feet under the table, and you look up to give her a glare. "look!" danielle whispers, you turn your head to see hanni and minji together. you immediately scramble to look away and back to the pages of the book you lock your eyes on the sentences, your mind out of focus.
minji pulls her hand from hanni's grip and points to the seat beside danielle. "you sit there, i will sit beside y/n." minji whispers, hanni nods, sitting beside danielle, across minji who sat beside you.
minji notices your focused look, staring so hard at your book, but not turning the pages. "hey, is there something wrong with the book?" minji whispers, her face close to yours. hanni's presence makes your cheeks flush, but the short girl mistook it as your reaction to minji's face close to yours.
danielle looks nervous beside hanni, a book in her hands, witnessing the tension unfold in front of her. "you're not gonna read a book?" danielle asks, hanni shoots her eyes at danielle and scrambles to reach a book and start reading, peeking at minji and you from time to time.
she squints her eyes when you smile at minji, and when minji chuckles at your reaction.
there is no way right — that you are the girl minji is making moves at?
it's not too impossible, that's the bad thing.
minji looks at her friend everytime hanni scoffs under her breath. "bro what's up with you?" minji mouths at hanni's direction, looking at you and danielle who are both occupied with the books in your hands.
hanni ignores her friend and covers her face with the book.
"are you coming with me again?" minji asks, not bothering to look at her friend who follows behind her as they walk on the busy street on the way home. hanni looks at her friend and asks, her shorter legs trying to catch up to her tall friend.
"for what? we don't have volleyball practice for today and there's no library meeting." hanni runs to minji's side, her eyes twitching when she sees the bright signature grin plastered on minji's face. minji looks at her friend while they walk past buildings. "oh i forgot to add you to the group chat, danielle said she wants to make adjustments to attract more students to join and will hold a meeting at a cafe."
hanni scoffs at her friend. "oh wow thanks for informing me."
minji laughs and nudges her friend. "bro, don't be jealous, you're still my best friend." hanni sees an unusual happiness on minji's face, and she pouts. "why are you so happy all of the sudden? it's not like the coach praised us yesterday." hanni watches as minji puts her hand on her mouth, giggling, her cheeks flushed the same shade as a ripe tomato.
"i'm just excited." hanni glares at her friend, remembering how sweet you were with minji yesterday, your hand on her shoulder, arms basically touching each other. oh how nice, it's only between you or danielle who this idiot might be liking.
hanni still loves you, and this causes her to get jealous.
but also because she also loves minji, her one and only best friend.
ugh, why did you have to keep your relationship with hanni as secret even to her friend? now minji has no freaking idea and is probably crushing on her friend's ex, which is very not so minji.
"really?" hanni deadpans.
minji widens her eyes and smiles so bright, basically beaming at hanni's solemn face. "of course! i'm starting to love reading! and you know…" minji's gummy smile blinds hanni, she watches as her friend stops walking and scratches her nape. "you don't even participate in reading in our literature class." hanni states, biting her inner cheek, minji rolls her eyes playfully. "oh, i hate mrs. jung." hanni laughs.
they stand in front of a flower shop, minji notices when she turns her body around. "oh, a tulip!" minji locks her eyes at a white tulip, hanni feels her heart stop.
oh my god, that's your favorite flower (basically because that is also danielle's favorite flower), you're pretty simple, really, whatever danielle loves — you love it! you are basically attached to the hip, just like minji and hanni.
"w-what about it?" hanni laughs nervously, minji turns her head to hanni with flushing cheeks, and shakes her head. "nothing." it's silent for a minute or two before minji points at it.
"you used to buy those, right? i never really saw you give it to anyone." minji muttered, hanni bites her bottom lip and looks around, pointing at herself. "oh really? yeah… my aunt — she loves tulips, you haven't met her right?" hanni grins at minji, looking like a troll.
minji nods and smiles. "i also know someone right now who also loves white tulips." she whispered, enough for hanni to hear.
oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no…
"oh really?" hanni smiles, the corner of her lips twitching. minji laughs and shakes her head. "just kidding." hanni does not know if minji is genuine or the world is just beating her down.
oh please let it be the latter.
when they got inside the cafe, hanni's eyes immediately landed on your figure sitting on the chairs with a book. you look really peaceful, beside your serene expression, your seat basically provides the best view of the land outside.
"danielle!" minji waves her hand at danielle and approaches the table with hanni trailing behind. danielle is busy with her laptop and looks up to smile at the pair. "oh hi guys!" she beams. you look up from your book and meekly speak. "hi."
hanni sits beside minji, in front of danielle and props her hands on the table. minji looks at her friend to see if she's sitting and nods when their eyes meet. "hey, we're not late aren't we?" minji asks, raising her brows at the two girls on the other side. danielle shakes her head and giggles. "nope! perfectly on time! as expected." she smiles.
minji grins, hanni watches your movements, as your eyes lock at minji while she speaks. "great! we can discuss what's going to be our plan!"
everyone comes to an agreement and they'll be putting up posters on the bulletin boards around the school, and will be posting on their shared blogs to attract students.
you identified that reading has been the current trend of students around your ages noawadays, it's best to create book lists or recommended books of different genres, while reviewing it for more students of their school to see.
with the help of jang wonyoung, the student council's president (friends with hanni and minji), girlfriend of the school volleyball team's captain (ahn yujin)— your club could get the traction needed to boost the application of new club members!
"okay, so we just need wonyoung to convince students to join." minji mutters, standing in the middle of the corridor beside her friend. "well yeah, pretty sure it'll work — i mean, she's popular and there's pretty much lots of advantages to being a part of the club." hanni shrugs, flipping the flyers.
"uh hey, are you guys part of the literature club?" a meek, shorter (but taller than hanni) girl asks, looking at minji with two books cradled on her arms. hanni blinks, from afar she sees a taller girl catching up. "jesus! haerin-unnie you didn't even wait for me!" the girl huffs and glares at her friend.
minji nods. "oh yeah! we are, is there anything we can do to help you two?"
"i'm gonna join the club, i'm here to ask for an application letter to fill up." the girl, haerin stares at minji. the taller girl raises her hand, with a determined look. "me too!" haerin glares at the tallest girl. "this is a serious matter." haerin mutters. minji laughs sheepishly to try and calm the girl down.
"hey, don't worry, anyone can join. reading is for everyone and it's not bad to give it a try, right?" hanni shrugs, earning a nod from minji. "but… hyein said she's also joining the volleyball varsity team." haerin whispers, looking away.
hyein sighs. "but can i not join both — i don't want to leave you alone." minji smiles at haerin and waves two application letters. "it's alright, we're also part of the volleyball team. we can make it work." she says, haerin locks eyes with the older girl and gives her a nod.
after only a few days, the application went up to 7 new members. it led them to closing the application for a short amount of time only, until they are able to adjust some schedules for everyone.
"can you come with me for a bit? i need to buy something." minji waves her hand to gesture hanni to follow her, they leave the school building, thinking they're heading home hanni groans when she gets called. "what?" the shorter grumbles under her breath.
they walked towards the flower shop they once encountered before. hanni feels her stomach drop, a bubbling anxiety rising inside her when minji tells her to stay and enters inside the shop.
oh god, no please — no!
hanni, calm down…
oh shit, uhm…
this is awkward.
minji comes back with three white tulip flowers in hand, neatly wrapped with colorful plastic and used newspaper.
oh come on dude!
is she serious?
hanni feels all her emotions inside arguing with one another, she watches as minji walks towards with her signature shy, gummy smile.
"oh, what's that for — bro?" hanni kind of cracks the last word, her breath sharp. minji laughs and pushes her friend's shoulder lightly. "you know, uhm… nevermind. i'll go back to school to give this to someone," minji's eyes lock with hanni's and they stare at each other before minji continues. "you can head home if you want."
what is hanni supposed to say?
a part of her wanted to oppose the idea, she has to know who that girl is! did minji ever felt like this before with her relationship with you?
now it all makes sense.
but at the same time — if that girl would be you, hanni knows she wouldn't be able to handle it.
oh she would be pulling her hair in no time.
"m'kay? i'll leave now." minji waves and walks away, hanni stands still, stuck — frozen in time as she watches her friend disappear.
danielle is giggling, ever since the classes started — you don't know why but… she's unusually happy today, well she is happy everyday, but today she's extra giddy.
the romantic type of giddy.
"something special coming up?" you asks her, flashing her a supportive smile — danielle giggles holding her books close to her, sighing dreamily, looking up like disney princess that she is.
"minji told me she wanted to meet me later at the school fountain." you couldn't help but laugh at your friend's blushing face, clearly in love. you nod, putting a hand on her shoulder before speaking.
"take care of each other, okay?" you tell her, danielle nods. "we will."
after standing there for almost 20 minutes, hanni has decided that she needs to make a run for it — a part of her is dying to know, it may seem really stupid of her but she's not just gonna stand there and wait, until she finds out later.
her shoes digs the ground before she starts dashing — a different kind of rush, the same she gets playing runs through her veins. with how fast hanni is running, the wind blew against her face harshly, her hair flowing behind her gracefully. people stare at her, as she runs so fast, accelerating with every second that passes.
she's not gonna lose you, ever again.
you walk the empty hallway, trying to ease your mind as you wait for your friend to come back. a lot had happened in the past few days, you still haven't had the courage to come talk to hanni again. it must be really that hard, you don't know what hanni might be feeling, if she's still in love with you the way you are with her.
is there really no chance anymore?
your steps are light, as if there are cracks under your feet, your eyes are fixed to the empty hall — wishing there's some kind of anything to help you relax your mind.
you hear harsh steps, like someone was running, you squint your eyes to the end of the hall, where there's a turn to the right and left and there you see someone, bending down to try catching their breath, hands on their knees.
you walk closer, and a little faster and as you get closer it becomes clear — it's hanni!
"hanni!" you shout, your voice echoing on the walls enough for hanni to hear. not even a hundred meters apart, hanni looks up to see you, standing with your hands on your books.
her eyes widens, her pupils stills on your figure.
you're here.
hanni takes a deep breath and rushes to you, a smile creeping up her face.
and she realizes,
if you're here, and minji isn't.
then where is minji?
"why are you here?" you ask, looking at her. hanni puts a hand on her chest and heaves. "where is minji?" hanni looks up at you, you feel your shoulders stiffen and you shrug. "i don't know." you do know, but you didn't want to ruin her and danielle's moment together.
"did you get flowers?" you tilt your head with her questions, not understanding why she's throwing those at you. you shook your head. "no, why?" your eyes squint at her.
"minji didn't give you any?"
you furrowed your brows.
"why would she?"
hanni laughs, slapping a hand on her cheek.
you are still so confused.
what's up with her?
hanni groans and slumps her shoulders.
danielle isn't here…
"where's danielle?"
you shift your eyes away.
"with minji."
"o-oh…" hanni whispers.
oh my god! the white tulips! of course it's… it's danielle, geez…
hanni feels like an idiot, standing in front of you with her heart beating so loud it's hurting her ears. you look at her and sigh. "you're so weird today." you tell her, pouting your lips.
hanni laughs. "i'm sorry it's just that—!" she pauses, looking at you with her doe eyes, you blink — feeling your face warm up.
"...i'm still in love with you." hanni finishes.
you scratch your cheek and reply. "what does that have to do with minji?"
hanni wants to tell you, but it's too ridiculous.
"nothing, argh! y/n, i still love you even after everything. i know, you probably don't care about me anymore and that's okay, i just needed to get this out of my chest. it's bothering me so much no matter what time of day. i can't be beside you while feeling like i could've done something to save us." hanni shrugs, biting her inner cheek as she waits for your response.
you put your hand down and nodded.
"i understand. it's also my fault too, i admit to my mistakes and all the things i could've done for you. and no, you're wrong, i still care about you." you smile at her, you see her taking a deep breath and closing her eyes tight.
with a wincing expression, she opens one eye and looks at you. "d-do you still love me?"
you laugh at her face, feeling something bloom once again inside of you. oh, you still love her of course, she has never failed in making you love her.
you wipe the tear on your eye with an index finger. "of course i do, silly." you added. "i've always loved you."
that send electricity coursing inside of hanni, she opens her eyes and feels her blood boiling up to her face. hanni panics, putting her hands on her face, feeling the warmth spread in her.
"oh gosh, what do i do?"
you smile sweetly at her and look behind to see minji and danielle. hanni follows your line of sight, sees the pair walking past the hallway, until they both disappeared from the couple's line of sight.
you start walking and grazed your hand on hanni's arms before intertwining your fingers with hers. "i love you." you whisper before pulling her to walk with you.
hanni's face is fifty shades red, feeling your warm hand on hers.
this time it's sure, it's true and it's going to be better.
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otakubimbo · 2 months
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The Rabbit and The Wolf
It's A Date?
Now that you and Kakashi are friends again, all can now go back to normal. Can it go back to normal? Who knows but this get weird when Iruka asks you to hang out with him. Just the two you you.
otaku note: yeah sorry, editing this has been a headache cause the writers block in me has HANDS but hopefully we can get more consistency, requests are open if you have any. Mwah. ALSO I realized I already uploaded chapter 4 without editing and then I edited it and now here it is, my bad
Ch 1 2 3 4
master list
For once, you did what you were told, drank some water, and went to bed. Surprisingly, you didn’t wake up with the worst hangover, but still one. With little reluctance, you got up to visit your sister. Her husband was there, and you’ve grown to tolerate him, still a dumb ass but he loved your sister.
“How you feeling today?” You ask while pulling up a chair.
“A little tired but I’m doing okay.” Your sister says attempting to sit up. You sigh, helping her get adjusted, oh how frail she was.
“That’s good. I went for drinks last night and Kakashi was there.” speaking as casually as possible. For some reason, it meant a lot to your sister for the two of you to talk again.
“And?” She perks up, a small glow coming to her face.
“We talked and decided to be friends again.”
 It was as simple as that, giving her a small shrug of your shoulders. Even if it wasn’t a big deal to you, you knew it would be to your sister. Her favorite thing to joke about was the two of you getting married one day, from friends to lovers, ‘how romantic’ according to her.
“Just friends?” She pries, leaning forward.
“Yes, just friends.” You gently push her back down, she shouldn’t be straining herself over something like this.
She sighs, “When will you see that y'all were made for each other? I know y'all slept together.”
You start choking on your own spit, coughing away from her with a bewildered look on your face as your breathing evens and you see the smug smile that graces her lips.
“What are you talking about?” you finally manage to get out.
“You really are your father's daughter you know? I’m not stupid, I remember the way he looked at you when you left my wedding. And then after the fact, you two never spoke again it seemed and you just left. When times get hard, you leave, just like dad.”
“Yeah, I think the sickness has gone to your brain, and with that,” You say standing up, “ I have to go. I’ll be back before visiting hours end.”
Aki pouts like a child but you ignore that, she's the one who started it after all. As you leave see her husband on the way out, letting him know of your departure. Before you were even out of earshot, you could hear your sister gossiping about the conversation y’all just had. With a roll of your eyes, you leave with errands you need to run, especially since there wasn’t much in your house with your continued absence.
Amid your shopping, you hear your name being called by an oh-too-familiar voice.
“Y/N” Kakashi's voice calls out to you and when you face him you smile for once, grinning almost from ear to ear. You hadn’t looked at him like that in ages, if he didn’t have the mask on he might be embarrassed by the expression under it. He almost forgot how radiant your smile was, how blinding it was when it was finally directed at him.
“Hey Kashi.”   With your basket in hand, as you stride over to him, it is mostly filled with snacks and other things. There was nothing in there to make a real meal in sight.  
He peeks into your basket, surveying the assortment of savory and sweet treats that you gathered for yourself. Almost on instinct looking at your basket and his taking some of your favorite treats out of his basket holding it up to you.
“This is your favorite right, here” he places it in your basket without even asking if you really wanted it.
You giggle excitedly, biting your lip thinking about the snack for later “Oh I love these. Yeah, how’d you know these were my favorite?”
“I just know you,” he says shrugging. His eye never left yours, his gaze was intense as if he had something to say that you were supposed to understand just with the look.
“Well, I should go.” You stammer, getting all your items together. All you could muster was a “See you later” as you scurried off.
You were sweating, it wasn’t even hot, but you were sweating. Why the fuck were you nervous?! It’s literally just Kakashi like yeah y’all had sex but that doesn’t change him as a person. Right? Things were bound to be awkward of course, because y’all haven’t really spoken in two years after sleeping with each other. But that shouldn’t make you nervous, you had no clue why you were nervous. Friendship with him was going to be weird, to say the least.
The only walk home, you couldn’t stop thinking about the way he was looking at you and what it could have meant. There was no way to get it out of your mind, so you needed a distraction. Since your sister had many complaints about not keeping up with yourself, you could only think of doing your hair in that moment, it was a process as it was it would surely get your thoughts off of Kakashi.
First step; hair washing. It was so much easier for you to wash your hair in the shower since you had to wash it in sections to prevent knotting. As you work through the sections, all you can think about is Kakashi’s wet and naked body behind you helping you. Imagine him taking a section, gently scrubbing your scalp while detangling the section and spreading the shampoo. The thought sent shivers straight to your core, a small moan escaping your lips. You hadn’t even realized you closed your eyes when you snapped them open with the realization of your fantasy. This wasn’t good, this was very bad actually. It’s not going to go like that, y’all were JUST back to being friends.
Quickly, you finish washing your hair before your brain decides to take a worse course. After putting the dead conditioner in, you go cleaning around the house. There wasn’t a way you could fantasize about him while cleaning, that would be weird. There’s nothing sexy about cleaning. Unfortunately, you were wrong, very wrong.  Your brain was a lot more creative than you thought it was. As you were cleaning the mirror in your bedroom, your mind wandered. The thought of Kakashi sitting on the bed, legs spread, rubbing himself to the view of your ass as you bend over and reach to wipe the mirror. He would get up and press himself behind you, wrapping his arms around you. Close. Too Close. In your mind, you could feel his hardness up against your ass, the way his breath would tickle your neck, the wetness starting to form as you watch how he would hold you in the mirror. Your knees get weak with the thought, and you slam them right into the dresser.
“Fuck that hurt. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” You curse, sitting on your bed holding your knee. What the hell is going on?! Maybe you were just horny and needed to get it out. He was the last person you had sex with intimately. Like yeah, you’ve fucked some people in the last two years, but it hadn’t been that great. Bingo! That was the problem, obviously, you were just horny and unsatisfied. Now, that makes more sense than just being horny specifically Kakashi. The issue now was how to solve this problem and it wasn’t going to be an issue you could solve now because you literally need to finish your hair. For now, you needed a real distraction.
Kurenai! Friendship!
That’s what you would do, send a message over and make her come over with some sake. You needed a word with her for telling your business. In her best interest, she agreed. While you wait for her, you go ahead and rinse out the deep conditioner and start blow-drying your hair out to get into twisting it. By the time you were getting ready to start on your twists, Kurenai was at the door. She had a key, for emergencies, so she came right in and she brought the good stuff with her. Oh, she really didn’t want you to yell at her.
“Sooooooo” Kurenai starts after you gave her a good one for not telling you she told Asuma. You didn’t really care if she told him, you just needed to know beforehand, you were so thrown off.
“What?” You question, hands still working away as you tip back a shot of sake with your teeth.
“So Kakashi walked you home last night.” She states even though it came out more as a question.
“He did.” You say plainly, you knew what she was getting at.
“And?!” she practically yells, getting impatient.
“And nothing, we agreed to go back to being friends. Like old times” You state, fighting the flashbacks of your own imagination.
“Just friends?” She questions, not believing you one bit.
“Yes, girl! Just friends. Like old times, I said.” You say focusing more back on your hair. You knew that she was ready to pry more information out of you because that couldn’t just be it. Not between the two of you, no, surely not.
“And you’re just fine with being friends? I saw the way he was looking at you and don’t act like you weren’t looking all over him.” She states smugly, settling into your couch.
“You know what? You’re right, I never even got an answer to what happened two years ago so why do I even want to be his friend.” You attempt to change the subject back to what should be the real issue.
“You’ve never even asked him!” She yells at you, almost spilling her drink. You roll your eyes, taking another sip.
“I shouldn’t have to ask! What am I supposed to say? ‘Yeah, remember when we fucked? Why did you leave and avoid me?’. That literally sounds mental.” You’re annoyed, getting your hair tangled in the process.
“OR literally just ask him what happened? What are you so afraid of?”
Now that was the question. What were you afraid of? That the friendship would be ruined? It already had been when you left. That he could say it was the worst sex of his life? Now you know that would have been a lie, especially since he didn’t even pull out. The questions were going through your head and silence fell. You didn’t really know. You didn’t know what you were afraid of. Sleeping together already changed the dynamic. So why couldn’t you just ask him what happened? You’ve literally looked death in the eye on more than one occasion.
What were you afraid of?
You finally acknowledge Kurenai and lock eyes with her.
“I don’t know what I’m afraid of.” You say softly, out of character for your own voice.
“Then ask him.” She says sincerely putting her hand on yours.
“Absolutely not” You state, proceeding to chug the sake straight out of the bottle. Kurenai just shakes her head sighing. For one of the strongest ninjas in this village, you sure were a wuss when it came to anything emotional. Luckily for you, she dropped it after that. Yall had regular girl talk until you finally finished your hair, way too late at night and you were sure the top middle part looked a little worse for wear, but it wasn’t like anyone would see it or notice anyway.
There was nothing like having a new hairstyle to put a pep in your step. You had your twists up in a high ponytail because you may have made them a bit too tight dealing with Kurenai and her interrogation. Even still, you glided on your way to visit your sister before your regularly scheduled training with Team 7. This would be the first-time training with Kakashi and the team on solid terms. That would be nice, it should be good.
As you pass the school, you hear someone call your name for your attention. It was Iruka. He jogs over to you as you wave at him.
“Hey, your hair is different.” He says sort of breathy rubbing the back of his neck. You swing your ponytail back and forth to show it off a bit.
“Oh yeah, I did its last night.” You say showing off, with a smile on your face. You were just in such a good mood today.
“I like it. It’s pretty.” He says weirdly, he must be tired you thought as he looked nervously at you.
“Thanks Iruka.” Again you say with a smile. Iruka was always so kind, such a dear friend to you.
“So, we really haven’t had time to just catch up. Just the two of us. I was thinking maybe we could do something together tomorrow night, maybe.” He looked really uncomfortable which confused you.
“Of course, Iruka, I love spending time with you.” You state earnestly. This was the truth, you enjoyed his company, especially all the times you used to help him around the school. He was such a gentle nurturing soul. He did seem surprised at your response.
“OH really? Awesome. Great! Uhm how about we meet at that new sushi place? Around 8?” He suggests enthusiastically, which you giggle at. You can’t help being reminded of Naruto by his demeanor, you see how close they have become that they act so much like each other.
“Yeah, that sounds great, but I have to get to the hospital. I’ll see you later, okay?” You smile and wave goodbye.
This was going to be a nice time. You’ve been waiting to try that new restaurant and Irukas company was always enjoyable. Maintaining that glide in your step, you make your way to see your sister. Once at the hospital, you tell your sister about the encounter with Iruka because that meant you wouldn’t be able to stay as long.
“You know that’s a date right?” Aki asks laughing at your now confused expression.
“It absolutely is not. Me and Iruka are just friends. There’s no way he sees me like that.” You state dismissively, almost disgusted. It’s just two friends catching up.
“So then, why did he ask for it to be just the two of you?” She questions, a smirk on her face.
“Because he said we haven’t really caught up with each other personally.” Your rebuttal matter of factly.
“Okay, but then why was he in your own words ‘acting weird and sweaty’ hmm?” She probes.
“I think you’re reading too much into what I said. He’s probably having a tough morning.” You reply crossing your arms. The last thing you wanted was for Iruka to like you, now that would be too weird.
“If you say so but,” Aki starts putting her finger in the air to make a point, “if it is a date, would you be happy?”
You grimaced at that almost immediately, not disgusted because he was a sweet guy and wasn’t ugly or anything, just definitely not your type. Aki burst into a fit of laughter, almost in tears.
“Whew, you’re so mean and so funny.” Your sister says still giggling holding her sides. You roll your eyes at her.
“I didn’t even mean it like that, he’s just not my type ya know.” You say shrugging.
“Well, why don’t you ask your new friend Kakashi if he thinks it’s a date or not? He’s a guy after all I’m sure he would be able to tell.” Aki suggested, still trying to hold back laughter. This gets another eye roll from you.
“Fine, I’ll ask him.” You say with a sigh, standing up with a little stretch. Aki developed a sly smile on her face.
“Good” She comments, and you raise an eyebrow at her in question. “Oh nothing, now get going before you’re late.”
You give her a quick hug and make your way to the training grounds. There was something definitely on your sister's mind but for once you couldn’t really read her. Maybe it was just a sly joke about you and Kakashi being friends again like y’all used to. You used to always use him to solve arguments between you and your sister. He was level-headed and unbiased in that way, definitely unbiased because even though he was YOUR friend, he would always end up agreeing with your sister.
When you finally make it to the training grounds, Kakashi is actually there on time for once. Surprising, especially since your definition of being on time is being early. This meant he was early, super early for him.
“Hey Kashi, you’re early.” You greet him with your past pleasantries. He just looks up from his book for a moment giving you a quick nod and returning to his smut.
“I’m actually glad you’re here early. I need to ask you something” you say gliding over to him. That got his full attention, and he finally looks at you directly. His eye gives you a once over and he notices the pep in your step and how you’re smiling directly at your ponytail swinging behind you.
“Your hair looks nice.” He states and your smile widens as you flick your hair.
“Thanks, it took all night but yeah I have a question.” You say hands behind your back playing with your hair. He raises an eyebrow at you and gives a simple hmmmn in question.
“Okay so I ran into Iruka today and he asked me to catch up with him over dinner tomorrow and my sister has this crazy idea that he wants to take me out on a date.” You state making gestures with your hand to show how crazy you think your sister is being. Kakashi’s eye flickers for a second and his expression is something you can’t exactly read. Everyone was being so damn weird today.
“What exactly did he say?” He questions sounding rather casual about it.
“He said that we haven’t caught up yet, just the two of us, and then he said we should get dinner tomorrow and suggested the new sushi restaurant. You know how much I love sushi.” You respond plainly as if it’s still no big deal. Kakashi was leaning on a tree when you arrived but now he lifted himself off it standing straight in front of you.
“I think your sister is right,” He says looking down at you and you scowl.
“And I think both of y’all are crazy. Me and Iruka are friends. Just friends. There’s no way he could even see me like that.” You exclaim, pouting. How could anyone see that this was just a friendly dinner?
“See you like what?” Kakashi questions and that makes you pause for a moment.
“Like in a romantic sense, obviously!” You exclaim again rolling your eyes and crossing your arms in front of you with annoyance.
“And why wouldn’t he?” He questions softly, grabbing your chin and making you look at him. Your annoyance almost immediately melts away as he looks into your eyes.
“Because we are just friends.” You state just as softly as he did.
“Just like we are friends?”
Another question. A question you didn’t even really know how to answer because your brain wasn’t working right then. His hand didn’t leave your chin as you stared at him trying to formulate some type of sentence. He gazed at you in a way that he’s never looked at you before.
“I mean…..” you start before trailing off. Before you could even think of what else to say when someone loudly calls out Kakashi's name.
“KAKASHI SENSI YOU’RE ACTUALLY HERE ON TIME! BELIEVE IT” Naruto’s too-loud voice comes bellowing towards you two. Kakashi’s hand drops from your chin taking a step back and now you’re just standing there a bit dumb waiting for your brain to restart again.
What the fuck was going on today.
The training session went smoothly as usual and neither of you brought up the topic of Iruka. You actually planned on not bringing it up at all until after to prove to those two that it was definitely not a date and just a friend thing. This same mood carried on over to the next day and you were not going to bring it up as training ends with Team 7.
“So are you still going on that date with Iruka?” Kakashi asks nonchalantly.
“YOURE GOING ON A DATE WITH IRUKA SENSEI?!? WOW HOW LUCKY!” Naruto interjects and Sasuke looks disgusted at you.
“It isn’t a date. We are just two friends catching up. Not a date.”
“Is it just the two of you? Tonight?” Sakura asks. Of course, the only thing she’s ever really interested in is dating.
“Yupp. Just two good ol pals hanging out. At dark. Not a big deal.” You groan rubbing your temples
“That sounds like a date to me” Sakura giggles and that makes you groan even loader which gets a smirk from Kakashi.
“But the thing is, its not a date”
“Are you gonna kiss him?!” Naruto asks because of course he does.
You and Sasuke both make the same uncomfortable face which gets a slight rise out of Kakashi.
“Absolutely not because it's not a date and we are literally only JUST friends.”
“Good” Sasuke says stuffing his hands in his pockets and looking a bit annoyed.
“Anyways, I’m going to go now.” You say exhaustedly turning away and starting to walk off
Sakura calls after you in a teasing tone, “Hope you have a good date”
“I will literally kill all of you” You say over your shoulder and all you can hear is giggles.
Sigh, kids.
Of course, you do not rush home because this is not a date. But now you have to figure out what to wear. You knew it had to be something casual because again, not a date but you didn’t want to look frumpy. Simple. Cute. Not date attire. Next is hair, a cute little half up, half down. No makeup, just brows, mascara, and lip gloss. The amount of effort in trying to make sure you didn’t look like you were going on a date was making you sweat. You really hoped it wasn’t a date, but everyone was starting to make you believe it may be. That made you nervous, you really liked Iruka but strictly as a friend. Just like you told your sister, he wasn’t your type, and the last thing you needed was to ruin another friendship.
8 pm came a lot sooner than you wanted it to and now you were walking up to the new sushi place. Iruka was already there which means he got there early. He had flowers. Fuck. He was dressed really nicely, a lot nicer than your casual attire. Fuck fuck.
“Hey Iruka,” You say walking up, “Are those for me?” You question sheepishly.
He thrusts the flowers at you, which makes you giggle a bit. It was cute. “Yes, yes these are for you.”
“Thanks Iruka, that’s so sweet of you. Should we get a seat now?”
His face is red and a little sweaty. Yeah he definitely is hoping this is a date. He places his arm to direct you inside. Once inside and seated, you immediately order a shot. You needed a little something to take the edge off and ordered a beer.
“Thanks for making time for me” Iruka says nervously.
You smile, he was cute but in a brother type of way, “Of course. I love catching up with my friends and we haven’t spent time together in a while.”
You emphasize ‘friend’, hoping he would get the hint but it didn’t seem like he did.
Even though he obviously thought it was a date, you were still nice and were actually having a good time. A really good time. He made you laugh through the whole night with his stories of his antics with Naruto. He really loved the kid and the way he spoke about him was just so sweet. The evening carried on in good spirits, you talked about your long missions and what was going on with your sister. He was so sympathetic about it, it was all so nice.
At the end of the night, he offered to walk you home and you said you didn’t need it but thanked him for hanging out with you that night. Before you could even get anything out, he kissed you.
He fucking kissed you.
You never thought he would be that brave to do that, he was so red and nervous the whole time y’all were out. So all you could do was stand there shocked. Luckily, he quickly pulled away looking at your stunned face.
“I’m so sorry.” Iruka starts apologizing. He looked mortified.
“It’s fine Iruka.” You reply still kind of stunned.
“It’s fine?” He questions back, hopeful look in his eyes. And now you were going to have to crush that hope.
“I mean I’m not mad at you about it but I don’t think I’m really ready to date. Ya know with just getting back in the village and having to deal with all the stuff with my sisters' health. It’s just not a good time for me. I hope you understand.”
It wasn’t entirely a lie and it looked like he took it well and actually believed you.
“Oh no! I completely understand. You have so much to deal with, it literally took us this long to hang out so yeah I get it.”
“Thank you for being so understanding.” You say putting your hand on his shoulder and giving him a SMALL kiss on the cheek. The last thing you wanted to do was crush him but the two of you together would never happen.
“Yeah, of course. I’ll see you later. Have a great night.” He blushes, quickly going in the opposite direction of you as you turn to make your way home. You decided to take the long way since you wanted to get rid of the awkward tension from Iruka kissing you. And to your surprise and annoyance, you ran into Kakashi out in the middle of the night.
“What are you doing out here so late at night?”  You asked as soon as your line of sight met.
He ignored your question, ‘So how was your day’ He asks with a somewhat smug smile underneath his mask as if he already knew what happened.
“I literally hate you” you pout as you begin walking besides him.
“I’m guessing the date went well.” He replies trying to hold back the laughter.
“He brought me flowers. You know I hate flowers, I can’t ever keep them alive” You hold them up towards him, showing him the lovely bouquet.
“Yeah, you do have a black thumb.” He agrees.
“And everything was going so well until it was time to leave. It was just a normal hangout eating really good sushi. We should go there, by the way. And then he had to go and ruin it when before we left each other.”
“He didn’t kiss you or something?” Kakashi says with a chuckle.
More silence.
“He kissed you.”
You groan, “He kissed me. It was so awkward.”
“You didn’t like it?”
“No, I didn’t like it” You yell, “I feel as if I’ve made it very clear I don’t want to date Iruka. I had to make up a whole excuse that I wasn’t ready to date, and it just wasn’t the right time and blah blah blah.”
“So it was a ‘it’s not you its me’ situation. Cruel” Kakashi says laughing
“I was trying to be nice about it” You whine on the other side “He’s a good guy, he’s just not my type. And I wouldn’t even mind the possibility of dating someone. Just definitely not him. Absolutely not him.”
“So you’re open to dating?”
“I mean yeah I guess”
“Hmmn okay.” He says plainly.
“Okay?” Which you posed more as a question than a statement.
“Well you should probably get some rest from your disaster date.” He chuckles as the two of you near your house.
“Hardy har har. You’re SOOOOO funny. I really do hate you. Good night.”
“Hate you too. Goodnight.” He says softly, a smile in his voice as you walk towards your house leaving him behind.
Now it was just you and your thoughts. Not good.
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hollow-pocket · 8 months
[CW: this is a hunger kink story. contains painful hunger. character is able to eat at the end]
T//M//A fic no one from the fandom should perceive
Jon hummed as he marked papers. Here in this Somewhere Else, he graded stories instead of recording them.
He tapped his fingers against his desk. It was strange to be teaching, but sort of wonderful at the same time.
As he reached over to grab a pen, he felt a wave of dizziness. Concerned, he slumped back into his chair and put a hand to his head. What was that?
He took a quick assessment of his body- light headed, not bleeding, not tired— there. There was a deep ache in his stomach. He prodded it just to make sure it wasn’t an external pain, and as his fingers sunk into the flesh it twisted under them, letting out a long rumble.
Oh. He was hungry. He forgot to eat sometimes, still used to not needing real food to sustain him. Martin always made sure he was getting enough, but lately their schedules meant they weren’t eating together much, only at dinner. It was 6pm now, and Martin wasn’t back yet.
Jon’s stomach growled painfully again, and he wrapped an arm around it, pushing into the hollow organ.
When was the last time he’d eaten? Definitely not any time that day. Must have been dinner last night.
He stood up carefully, and walked slowly into the kitchen. Opening the cabinets and drawers, he found nothing quick. Martin would cook when he got home, but Jon had never been much of one.
His belly twisted unhappily, and Jon rolled his eyes. It had gone through worse than a couple missed meals. He would just wait for Martin.
He was able to continue marking papers, rubbing small circles into his stomach to try to ease the hunger pangs it was inflicting on him.
Martin got home around 7, and came to kiss him hello.
“How was your day?” Jon asked.
Martin shrugged. “Not bad. You?”
Jon gestured to his desk. “Productive.”
Martin laughed. “Aren’t you always. I was gonna make some dinner, have you eaten?”
Jon shook his head, choosing not to add that he in fact hadn’t eaten since the previous night. His stomach panged again, but stayed mercifully silent. Jon slid his hand under his shirt to rub it.
Martin walked over to the kitchen, examining the options. “Pasta or soup?” He asked.
Jon pressed a palm to his tummy, which grumbled under his hand at the mentions of food.
Damn, he was starving. “Pasta,” he said decisively. It would be much faster.
Martin looked over at him, pleasantly surprised. Jon usually refused point blank to make most decisions, and had to be coerced into voicing opinions.
Jon pressed his palm deeper into his stomach, trying to ease the gnawing hunger, and shrugged.
“Pasta it is,” Martin agreed.
Jon walked over to sit at the kitchen stools and watch him. It was also convenient in that the stools were a little too short, allowing him to rub his cramping belly in secret behind the counter. He didn’t like to worry Martin any more than necessary.
Martin chattered about his day, and Jon responded in kind, laughing at the way Martin described his colleagues and customers. He had gotten so much more animated out here, like the enthusiastic man Jon had first met in the archives.
In the joy of talking with Martin, he forgot his aching belly. Hunger did come in waves, which was why he hadn’t noticed it for so long, and the cramping feeling under his ribs seemed to be fading temporarily.
Jon relaxed more, talking about his students and the school. As Martin cooked, steam began to rise out of the pot. As it hit the air, so did the delectable smell of pasta.
It hit Jon’s nose while he was mid sentence, and a sharp pain pierced his hollow stomach. “So I said that- um-“ he trailed off as more of the smell reached him and his stomach twisted harder, making him almost double over in pain.
Martin looked over at him. “Are you alright?” He asked.
“Y-yeah,” Jon stammered, “just-” His stomach released in a rolling wave, letting out a deep groan that trailed off into a grumble and then a high pitched whine. “Hungry,” he finished, blushing and reaching back under his shirt to poke at his shrivelled belly again.
Martin stared at him, mouth open. “Was that your stomach?” He demanded, appalled. Jon nodded reluctantly. “Have you eaten today at all?”
“I forgot,” Jon said mournfully, as his stomach growled emptily again.
Martin sighed, putting the lid on the pasta to let it finish. Jon was grateful for a reprieve from the smell, but his neglected insides were well and woken up now, and would not give up so easily. They shifted under his palm.
Martin held out his arms. “C’mere.”
Jon did, sliding off the stool and walking around the counter to stand with his boyfriend. Martin manoeuvred himself so he was standing behind Jon, and wrapped his arms around him. He pushed his hands up and under Jon’s shirt, replacing Jon’s own hand in rubbing deep, placating circles into his throbbing stomach.
He pressed right where the muscles were tensing up with hunger pangs, releasing a couple more angry grumbles.
“You’re not happy Jon forgot to eat are you?” Martin asked, and Jon smothered a laugh. Of course Martin was a tummy-talker. “You’ve had to be cold and empty all day while he was working.” Martin’s fingers brushed over the concave space under Jon’s ribcage and he moaned, arching into his boyfriend’s touch. Martin moved his hand back, pressing his fingertips into the hollow pocket. Jon’s stomach clenched, then released in a loud gurgling whine of hunger.
“Is this helping?” Martin asked. “It kind of sounds like I’m making it angry.”
“Feels nice,” Jon murmured. “It’s angry at me, not you.”
Martin nodded against Jon’s shoulder, and continued to press circles into his belly. After a few minutes, he disentangled himself to get the pasta off the stove. Jon’s tummy immediately felt colder and emptier than it had before, and he went to sit down to avoid another wave of dizziness. He watched Martin plate the pasta, eagerly awaiting the warm food to fill the sore, pinched corners of his stomach.
Martin deposited a plate in front of him and motioned for him to dig in, which he did gratefully. The pasta slid into his belly easily, and it gave a last grumble at the first few bites, eagerly demanding more. Jon provided.
After a few minutes of eating ravenously and silently, he slumped back in his seat, tummy full. “Thank you,” he said to Martin, who smiled.
“Of course. I’m going to make sure you get all three meals tomorrow though.”
Jon smiled at him. “What would I do without you?”
Martin rolled his eyes. “Starve, apparently.”
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thesharktanksdriver · 4 months
Oh! When I asked about magical girl! Y/n in Teen Titans (2003 version), I forgot to mention about how she would interact, meet or deal with the Titans’ villains like the HIVE, Slade, Red X, or the Brotherhood of Evil
No prob, I was actually wanting to add a bit about the hive in my first response but didn’t want to make it too long lol. I’m just gonna do the hive and Slade for this since I can’t remember the brotherhood of evil very well and red x would need his own thing lol
Is it any surprise that y/n ends up befriending the light? I mean really? With her track record the light are probably the least Bruce has to worry about. But anyways she would have probably heard about them through the teen titans but kinda didn’t pay them any mind till she ran into them. They at first think she’s a potential “no good goody two shoes” set out to stop their fun until she pulls out a sniper rifle and quite literally blow off the head of a shadowmite on one of their shoulders, effortlessly scaring the crap out of them and also making them quite interested in her.
I’d say she’s find them to be pretty fun, but she’d especially get along with Jinx and surprisingly Mammoth. Y/n is tired and exasperated half the time making her a kinda low energy person who would take to answering their questions as long as they got her bat-burger which leads to some interesting conversations.
“Yeah Robin has been pretty miffed lately cause-“
“Wait so you know Robin?”
“Yeah, both”
“Well you guys are from a seperate dimension right? Well there’s a Robin from my dimension who’s a different Robin from your Robin but still Robin. You can tell them apart cause your Robin is adverse to any real violence while my Robin would try and cut your arm off”
“….your Robin has a sword?!?!?!?”
“Yeah he also used to be an assassin too”
Yeah after that they start to think that they lucked out in the Robin department knowing theirs wasn’t the type to possibly cause real injury. That’s not even to mention when you mention other hero’s in this world or hell even the villains. Cause Jesus, Joker wore his own face after it was cut off?!?!? Or that an end of the world scenario happened just about every year?!?!?
They’re starting to enjoy where they live in comparison to you especially after you explain Shadowmites to them. How you hunt these monstrous creatures by your lonesome (maybe not as much as before since one of the bats typically tags along but still, there are times you go off on your own) and how your the sole thing keeping these things from literally devouring the universe.
But with that comes with you saying something oddly sad that makes them pause
“Hey….if the Shadowmites end up in your world and a magical girl is defending against them? Tell her about me. Tell her that I wish I could have met her myself and that…it’s gonna be hard but to keep going”
Damn…..that’s more depressing than they’d like to admit nor think about.
Her meeting 2003 Slade would be an….odd scenario considering she knows the Slade in her universe. So it’s definitely an awkward meeting when she’s like “yo Slade how’s rose doing” and 2003 Slade is wondering who the fuck she is and how she knows about his daughter.
When y/n learns that this is 2003 Slade though….she definitely tries to avoid him for various reasons. Cause listen, as much as her Slade is an asshole sometimes and has some weird ass morals he doesn’t act like a creep towards literal children. When hearing what he did to Raven she is appalled, she did not think being a hired murderer could get worse before she had heard that.
She does not in the slightest want to be around him
But him on the other hand is interested partially due to the fact he can see she’s skilled and some of the techniques she uses are some of his moves.
Which means that she must have known and trained under her universe’s version of him
When y/n now meets up with her version of Slade she thanks the gods he isn’t the same one from 2003
(Y/n to 2003 Slade be like lol)
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