#I will say that the narrator’s voice doesn’t suit the dudes (in particular) very well? like her voice is too sweet. or something
aroaessidhe · 8 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
The Midnight Kingdom
book 2 in a high fantasy trilogy based around a city at the nexus of multiple realms, following the heirs to four noble houses
the heirs are scattered across the realms, trying to survive, keep their city together, and find a way to defeat the gods
necromancy, fire magic, magic controlled by music & dance, shadow familiars and god possession
bi, lesbian, demi, ace MCs
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lachlann-macnab · 4 years
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Your Name: Jean
Characters: Lachlann “Launchpad” MacNab
Pick one of your characters and talk about their growth. What about their story has surprised you? What are you proud of? How have they changed from their original inception to now?
Well, Launchpad is relatively new so he’s still pretty much the same as I envisioned him from the start-
-though I’ll admit that the idea of him having an enormous crush on Seamus/Scrooge was a surprise. I think it only took a couple of little chats with Sav and familiarizing myself with Seamus’ story for him to go “yes!! that’s the one I love!! let me at him!!”.
The funny thing is that it just kind of happened but also has a degree of canonicity to it; Granted, Ducktales ‘17 (the canon that got me into the Duckverse) didn’t delve a whole lot on the relationship those two have...but Ducktales ‘87 does and it’s fucking beautiful. 
But I didn’t know that! I was just familiar with the newest canon -exploring the relationship led me to the older canon and I absolutely love it! I love the way the older version of LP is equal parts silly and capable and I try my best to express that nice balance on my interpretation.
And I wouldn’t have found that sweet spot if it hadn’t been for Sav and Seamus!
Pick another character (or the same character if you only have one) and talk a little about where you WANT them to go. What are your plans for them going into the new year?
Oooh man, this is probably going to sound rude of me, but I want someone to call Launchpad out on his shit.
He is a happy-go-lucky man, he is positive, he does think the best of everyone right from the start, he is honest with that, but there’s also a degree of performativity to the way he interacts with people: he is a people pleaser and he’s also someone who avoids problems/confrotation when possible.
That leads to him having a hard time actually voicing what he thinks when things were serious. Launchpad will default to what he thinks is the most noble/the best option even if he actually hates it. He tries his best to be a reliable dude, but that pushes him to his limits every now and then -and he hates it, but will do it anyways.
I’d love for someone to notice that and point out his marthyr complex to him, or how hypocritical he can actually be when noone is looking. 
Jun did an amazing job at that, with the whole Moon Market incident and that is part of why I love his characterization and- I could rant about how Jun and LP are actually similar, yet different, but I won’t.
Someone please bitchslap my idiot son and tell him to be honest with his feelings, maybe get him to confront his feelings of inadequacy, maybe get him to actually face his problems instead of running away from them, kthanxs.
Pick a thread or a plot that you’re proud of and talk about why you loved it.
I have three threads I absolutely love, each for different reasons:
*Cleanliness is next to... with Jun: Jun called my idiot son out on his ‘noble man’ act. Jun was not impressed with his efforts and pushed him to an actual mini-meltdown because Launchpad didn’t know what to do or say to try and make things better: Launchpad is so used to having his way around people that the moment someone was inmune to all his tricks he...lost it. Big time. And I loved it.
*Untitled with Eilonwy: Both of them clicked instantly and- oh, man, I can’t really express what I feel about it, but:
Launchpad feels an actual, honest, connection to Eilonwy in various ways: both of them are a little bit weird, both of them are learning, both of them were kind of kicked out their comfort zones, both of them love adventure, both of them are fearless (in different ways), but there’s also a curious father-daughter dynamic to them. Eilonwy lacked not only a father figure but also a general actual caring adult one and I guess that’s part of what draws her to LP, while LP is a naturally caring man who also, (betweem the two of us), loves feeling like a good-ish role model instead of the dude people tell you to avoid because he’s an idiot, he loves looking out for people, he loves being understood -and Eilonwy, surprisingly, understands him without even trying. 
They are so very sweet, they just clicked and both of them learn new things with the other: both about themselves and the world. And I love it.    
*Dressed to the nines with Seamus: a.k.a “the one in which Sav let me go absolutely fucking ham”: It began with a chat about the need of gratious fanservice involving Seamus wearing (and getting out of) a suit -but soon became something else thanks to the Halloween task.
We soon got the ball rolling and Black Annis happened in a stupidly organic way (her very modus operandi, I discovered kind of late during the creation, ties way too well with the thread’s title itself and I’ll never get over it), and the mix of terror and action just naturally pushed the rest of the plot into the catharsis Seamus needed after all the stuff he’s been through.
The thread gave us the opportunity to write some mindless comedy, some yearning, some tenderness, plenty of gore, blood, trauma, legit PTSD, then back to tenderness and silliness -while also mentioning and showing a good deal of the things that have made Seamus the man he currently is, with the pretty and the ugly of it.  
I just think it was an amazing character exploration for both Seamus and Lachlann, and I enjoyed every bit of it. I love Sav’s writing, I love Seamus’ characterization, I love how naturally it all evolved, I love how Sav can casually bring something up while plotting and the thing just clicks into place, I love how we just kind of understand where things are going or where we want them to go. Sav’s just amazing at brainstorming and general writing and I feel really, really lucky to have the chance to write with her.
I have no choice but to stan, really.
 And I could go on and on about how the thread pushed both Seamus and Lachlann towards some big character development, but I really don’t want to rant -so I’ll leave it like this.
In terms of your own writing, identify 1-3 strengths and talk about why you think it’s one of your strengths.
Gee, that’s a difficult one. I guess my strongest suit as of now would be Launchpad’s voice as a character -and I’m not only talking about dialogue.
I think everyone that has read any of my threads has noticed by now that the flow of the narration is an extension of how Launchpad himself feels and thinks: it’s chaotic and emotional, it can get self-conscious and snarky when he, himself, can’t, it brings some exposition while not breaking the simple, chaotic rythm of Launchpad per-se.
In terms of your own writing, identify 1-3 areas of improvement.
This is way easier for me to pinpoint, hah! I definitely need to work on the length of my posts: I know seeing paragraphs upon paragraphs upon paragraphs can make people tired or make them feel intimidated to interact. 
I also need to work on organizing Launchpad’s chaotic thoughts. The narration does get long-winded and sometimes the progression from point A to point B is way too chaotic -so much so that actually erasing it all would make no impact on the overall narration. 
Pick one of your plots, or even just a character, and come up with a list of 3-5 “mentor texts” where you can look for inspiration or research, then write a short (2-4 sentences) why you picked those texts. 
Not texts per-se, but I think a good way to get a feel of Launchpad’s general vibe is to watch “Top Duck” from Ducktales ‘87 and/or “The Duck Knight Returns” and “Double-o-duck in: You only crash twice”; Those episodes do an amazing job in expressing his insecurities and passions.
Now, leaving the source material behind, I think a book he resonates with is “Oh, the Places You'll Go!” by Dr. Seuss -it’s fun, it’s simple and it has an overall heartwarming message: It kind of captures that sense of wonder, discovery and positivity Launchpad both has and wishes to offer other people. 
Another inspiration of sorts for Launchpad is Ferry’s “Parties are for losers” series: First of all, I’ll admit I’m a sucker for the Strugatsky brothers and СТАЛКЕР, so it’s no surprise I’m in love with Ferry’s interpretation of the story; I see a little bit of LP in KT’s story, but also in Yura’s and, surprisingly, in Olga’s. 
PAFL’s setting is different, yet similar, to the Soviet sci-fi original: it deals with some disenchantment, it’s far from idealistic, it’s rough, but it’s also full of wonder and adventure: there’s big risks, but there’s also a good deal of things that make things, if not better, a little bit less miserable for the characters -and sometimes that something that keeps them going is other’s presence. PAFL is, for me, the inspiration for adventures that aren’t always glamourous, simple, or happy, taken by characters that are far from perfect, that have the odds against them, that carry a whole lot of baggage and, yet, prevail.
And, finally, a last inspiration for Launchpad, my lovable idiot son, comes from probably the place one would expect the least: God of War (2018).
I’m also a sucker for God of War, sue me.  
I know it may seem bizare, but the message of the game just clicks with LP -and before you start wondering how in hell Kratos could possibly inspire Launchpad just let me tell you: he doesn’t. Because it’s not about Kratos I’m refering to when I talk about that story! I’m actually thinking of Mimir!
I love him so much.
Mimir’s role on the game is multifacetic: he brings exposition and ocasional comedic relief, sure, but I see him as the heart of the interactions between Kratos and Atreus (Kratos’ son, for those who may not know). Kratos is emotionally repressed and keeps to himself a lot while Atreus is a bundle of joy, energy, curiosity and someone that doesn’t think ‘because I say so’ is a valid answer to things; Kratos and Atreus clash during the first part of the game even when they love one another in their very particular ways.
In comes Mimir.
Mimir(’s head) joins the party and takes upon himself to act as a bridge between emotional distant father and young naive fearless son and...things start working for the three of them! Kratos starts understanding Atreus! Atreus slowly understands his father’s worries and needs! They begin the story as (almost) complete strangers but by the end they have an actual bond thanks to Mimir’s constant pushing and interventions: Mimir is soft with Atreus but bold with Kratos, the man knows when to joke and throw some riské comments for the chaos of it, but he’s also the first to offer words of comfort and understanding. 
The man becomes part of the family even when he isn’t related to them by blood, even going so far as to give a ‘no, take me instead!’ when presented with the opportunity by a pair of enemies, even when his whole story tells us that he thinks of the idea of dealing with those people (won’t say who, because spoilers) as worse than death -the man hates the mere idea of going back but doesn’t hesitate a second to offer himself as a sacrifice for his new family.
And, damn, that’s what I base my interpretation of Launchpad on. He’s not a part of the family per-se but he constantly acts as a bridge between the youngest and more idealistic parts of it and the jaded, older, tired one; He’s happy to be comedic relief but will also sit and give anyone a pep talk when absolutely necessary -he knows his limitations but keeps trying and offering his best for those he cares about. He tries to be the heart.
I’m emotional about a disembodied head, don’t touch me. Play God of War (2018), it’s fucking amazing.
And now, a wishlist!: 
I’m...actually up for everything and anything, really. I’d love some adventures, but I also love the more mundane interactions, I love the heavier topics but also the silly moments. 
I guess, as I said before, the one thing I’d really love is for someone to push Launchpad to be honest about his feelings. Also a plot about him either considering to or actually flying again -those, however, will happen in due time and I have no rush to make ‘em.
Why do you RP?
Short explanation?: I love writing and reading.
Longer explanation?: I love writing and reading, I love complex characterizations, I love exploring new ideas and seeing how little plot bunnies become full fledged plots and/or character explorations or bring some character development, I love how that creates a domino effect with the rest of the cast. I love to see things happen: I love watching from afar as other’s characters learn lessons, create and conect-
-also, I write and read all day, everyday: that’s my job. I do script revisionism and organizational comunication. During work hours I have to check the flow of words, tones, and overall intentions; I have to do my best to make sure someone’s idea fits the box, but RPing gives me the opportunity to take the box and toss it out of the window. RPing gives me the chance to write freely, to write silly, to be imperfect and not worry about going from A to B or dealing with a checklist or tones, intentions or other’s ideas. 
It’s just freeing. And that’s why I do (and love) it.
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unoriginaltoast · 6 years
Hey for your new bingo how about Peter and Ned for the "I'm fine: Narrator they were not fine" prompt. Maybe with Peter coming down with the flu or something and trying to convince Ned that no he's totally fine to hang out then go on patrol afterwards no really. Or something.
I am absolutely not against doing prompts more than once, especially for multiple fandoms and especially for my fav prompts! So thank you anon and I hope you like this story :)
Peter slumps against the bathroom wall as sweat forms on his warm brow. He places a shaky, clammy hand on his cheek and tries to steady his breathing. Peter has been up since four that morning thinking he was going to throw up, but nothing came. Now, he just rests on the cool tile because it’s much more comfortable than his too-warm bed.
May is on a business trip until Monday and Peter just needs to make it through one more day of school. Then, he can relax that weekend, after his patrols, of course. Mutant spider-kids don’t get sick days, especially since crime in New York City never takes a break. 
He uses all of his strength to pull himself off the floor and steadies himself against the wall. He feels like the floor is about to come over and swallow him up, but he tries to shake the thought from his mind. He just needs to focus on getting out the door and then on surviving school.
It takes some time, but Peter manages to throw on some clothes and get his backpack together. He’s out the door with a few minutes to spare and makes it to the bus stop right on time. The fresh air even makes him feel a little better, he thinks. Maybe that was all he needed after all. 
It was not, in fact, ‘all he needed,’ as he begins to feel worse and worse as the bus snakes its way through the New York City streets. Finally, after what feels like an eternity of bumping and jostling, it pulls up in front of the grand stone steps of Peter’s school. He gratefully gets out, takes a deep breath, and walks inside.
He’s not a foot away from his locker before Ned spots him and comes bounding over with news of all the exciting things that happened to him in the 18 hours they had been apart. His best friend is about to open his mouth to talk about the latest thing he found on Youtube when he stops and takes another look at Peter.
“Hey, man, you okay?” he asks, the excitement draining from his face. It’s replaced by a particular brand of worry, the kind that only comes from being friends with a superhero.
“I’m fine,” Peter dismisses him shortly as he attempts his locker combination. He pulls the door open and deposits his books.
“You don’t look so fine,” Ned presses. “Did you have a big fight last night? Oh! Did you get that robber on Eleventh Street? Or the arsonist that set those fires down on Forty-second? What about the–”
“No, Ned,” Peter replies. “I went home. I studied. I went to bed.”
“What about,” Ned starts and then drops his voice into a whisper, “Spider-Man?”
“Spider-Man needs to study or else Spider-Man has to go to summer school.”
Ned almost laughs at this, but stops himself as his laughter turns into an amused puff of air escaping from his nose. “You’re smart as hell, Peter,” he tells him. “There’s no way you’re going to summer school.”
“Yeah, Math and Science are alright, but tell that to the D I got on my last English paper.” Peter frowns, trying to push the memory of getting that report back out of his mind. He opens his mouth to say more, but his breath catches in his throat and he dissolves into a fit of harsh coughing. Ned swiftly places a hand on his back and it’s only then that the boy can feel the heat radiating off of Peter.
“Dude, you’re burning up,” Ned reports as Peter finishes his coughing with a dry heave.
“I’m fine,” he says again.
“You should go home.”
“I’m fine,” Peter replies more forcefully this time and with a pointed glare at Ned. His friend puts his hands up in surrender and backs off and Peter immediately feels guilty for snapping at him. “Sorry. Long night.”
“It’s cool, man,” Ned says carefully and grabs his backpack. “Well, then come on. I guess we gotta go or we’re gonna be late.” He’s not entirely sure if Peter should be going to class, but he also knows he’s not going to convince him otherwise. Peter just nods, grabs the books he needs and closes his locker before following Ned through the halls.
Peter manages to make it through the day. Barely, but he makes it. By three that afternoon, he’s absolutely wiped out and finds himself craving the gently caress of his twin-sized bed. Ned is still a constant at his side. A few times, Peter almost took a dive straight onto the tile floor, but Ned managed to catch him in time. He doesn’t believe for a hot second that Peter is actually okay, but he doesn’t know how to argue with his best friend.
“You should go home and go to bed,” Ned says. “Take the night off. New York can survive without Spider-Man for a day.” It’s those words that bring Peter back to reality as they walk outside the school. He can’t go home and go to bed. He has to make up for lost patrolling time the night before.
“I’m fine,” Peter replies. “In fact, I’m so fine that I need to run home and get my suit! I have a long night ahead of me.” 
Ned frowns, noting the paleness on Peter’s face aside from two red flashes on either cheek.  “I don’t think that’s a good idea, man.”
“I don’t really have a choice.”
“Of course you do!”
“No. I don’t.”
“Jesus, Ned would you just leave it?” Peter shouts, attracting attention from students surrounding him. They spare a quick glance at the two and then move on, but Ned is stunned by his friend’s outburst.
“Dude,” he starts, but Peter waves his words off.
“I’m sorry. Look, I’m not 100% today, but I have to go out there because if I don’t, who will? That’s responsibility. That’s my responsibility.” Ned doesn’t look convinced, so Peter adds, “Do you want to come with me?”
That brightens Ned’s face and he breaks into a wide, excited smile. “Wait me? On patrol? With you? You never let me come!”
“Yeah, well consider it an apology tour. Come on, I gotta get the suit.”
It takes Peter some time to change into the suit between panting for air and dry heaving, but he makes Ned wait in the living room, so his friend doesn’t notice. Then, the two are out on patrol. Ned has a police scanner on his phone and is reporting disturbances to Peter who judges whether or not he needs to go in and assist. 
A little before eight that evening, Peter stops a mugging in an alley a few blocks from his high school. He manages to keep the victim safe while running the criminal in circles. Just as he’s about the tie the man up with his webs, he feels a sharp pain in his stomach. He glances down and sees the handle of a knife sticking right out of his abdomen. Under normal circumstances, Peter would just take the knife out, tie up the criminal, and let his healing factor do the work, but the fever he is sporting makes him panic. He slings a web wildly, manages to catch the edge of a balcony, and is slung through the air. He lands on the other side of the alley, giving the mugger a chance to escape.
“Peter!” Ned’s voice rings through the built-in speakers. “What happened?” But Peter can’t find the words to respond. He’s too busy fumbling with the handle of the knife and trying to breathe. Ned calls his name again, but Peter barely hears it. The edges of his vision become spotty and he faintly hears Karen say something and then the sound of a phone ringing lulled him into darkness.
Peter feels warm. Not the intense heat he felt before, but comfortably warm. He wants to stay here in this state forever, but he soon becomes aware of an incessant beeping that pulls him from the comfort. As his senses come back to him, he feels the prick of something on the top of his hand, smells a particularly sharp sanitized scent, and hears the beeping of a few other machines. He knows immediately where he is and that knowledge makes him want to stay asleep forever.
“Alright, kid. I know you’re awake,” a not particularly angry, but not very friendly voice says. Peter slowly pries his eyes open and blinks the blurriness away. He glances up and finds himself looking at Tony Stark, who looks tired yet agitated with his arms crossed over his chest.
“A one-hundred and three-degree fever and Mister Genius thought he could go to school?” the man asks with one eyebrow raised. “And then go on patrol?”
“I was fine!” Peter insisted.
“Try again.”
“I thought I was fine.” This earns him a pointed look and Peter sighs heavily. “Okay, I’m sorry.”
“You’re damn right you’re sorry. What the hell were you thinking? You should have been at home in bed with your unnecessarily hot aunt taking care of you.”
Peter makes a face at the idea of his aunt being hot and then says, “But I need to go on patrols every night. Crime doesn’t stop just because I’m sick.”
“And if you push yourself too hard you’re not going to be around for the rest of the days that there’s crime in New York,” Tony responds. Peter slumps back further against the pillows, knowing his mentor is right. “Thankfully your friend Ted was there.”
“Ned?” Peter asks, sitting back up. “Where is he?” For the briefest of moments, Tony’s expression softens as he steps aside. As he does so, Peter notices Ned sitting in the chair behind Tony, slumped over as he snores. 
“Kid wouldn’t let me leave without him,” Tony said. “And I normally wouldn’t let anyone over here but he was so damn insistent that I couldn’t just take you and go.” Peter nods slowly as he stares at his sleeping best friend. “You owe him.”
“I know,” Peter replies.
“Good, you’re not as stupid as you act.” Tony takes a step back and moves towards the door. “Get some sleep, you’re with me the rest of the weekend. Red can stay too.”
“Ned,” Peter corrects. “And thanks.”
“Oh, you won’t be thanking me after I’m done with you this weekend. Just wait until tomorrow when your fever’s down. My lab needs a cleaning.” And with that, Tony disappears. 
Peter slumps further into the pillows and looks over at Ned. With a friend like him, Peter knows he’ll always be just fine.
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