#I wish I could save it in higher quality so I wouldn’t have to sharpen it
astarionposting · 2 years
Tsu’tey <3
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greennightspider · 4 years
Unspoken (Hvitty Oneshot)
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Author’s Note: I have a thing for cabins, can you tell?
Summary: You and Hvitserk are childhood friends and warrior allies. But as you grow older, things change. As a blacksmith’s daughter you don’t have time for romance. But what happens when an unknown admirer takes a very serious step? (R18+) SMUT 
Reader x Hvitserk
There is a custom, in Kattegat.
Not really a formal ritual, per se. But an unspoken tradition in Kattegat among men and women who were coming of age, one that had surfaced in recent years.
That is, if a boy wanted to make an honest woman of a girl, or if someone wanted to profess their love, they would take them to a cabin in the woods. It was a chance for someone to confess, a chance for someone to show that they were serious. And while there was no magic or superstition in the ritual, it was believed that people left that cabin changed.
Not that it mattered much to you, of course.
“Y/N! Did you hear that Brenna got asked to a cabin?”
You were busy placing all the new swords in your father’s workshop when Hanna had burst in with the news. “Just a minute!”
“I can’t believe she got asked before me!” Hanna complained.
You were on your tiptoes trying to hang a scabbard on one of the higher hooks, the morning sun slipping through the cracks in the word making it hard to see. Then all of a sudden you felt a presence behind you grab the scabbard and reach up with ease.
You swivelled and glared at your helper, who had one hand propped up against the wall, one hand on his hip as sported a devilish grin.
“Morning little troll.”
Hvisterk’s smile quickly turned into a grimace as you gave him a quick jab to the stomach.
“A thank you would be nice.” He groaned as you walked past.
“That’s what you get.” You humphed, not looking back. Hvitserk knew you couldn’t handle it when he mentioned your height. As kids when you had first started to grow into adults, you almost pummelled him when you realized he was taller than you. It was a reminder that you were changing, that strength you so craved came more naturally to him than to you.
“Naw Y/N, you’re always so mean to Hvitserk.” Hanna drawled.
“And yet, he always comes running back to me, doesn’t he?” You smirked.
You felt a heavy arm curve around your neck. “Well that is what best friends do, isn’t that right?”
Looking up at Hvitserk’s face you couldn’t help but laugh. You two had been best friends since you had squared up with him the first time your family had come to Kattegat. Squabbling, bickering, the teasing and the fighting were all part and parcel of what you two were.
“Well, as I was sayiiiiiiiiing,” Hanna drawled out dramatically. “Brenna has been asked to a cabin!” She squealed excitedly, gripping your arm with such intensity that it even made Hvitserk retreat a tad.
You furrowed your brow as you all walked through town. “Brenna… baking bread Brenna? By who?”
“I bet its Arvid.” Hvitserk scoffed. “The boy finds any excuse to visit their stall, he has more buns than he knows what to do with.”
You and Hanna burst out laughing. “Well its about time he asked her.” You scoffed. “The poor girl can’t read hints to save her life.”
Hanna nodded in agreement, while Hvitserk only looked to the side.
“Have you ever thought about these things, dear Y/N?” Hanna looked up inquisitively, her the sudden intimacy of the question leaving you flustered.
“I uh, I-I haven’t had the time,” you chuckled nervously, the blush from your face painfully clear to both of your closest friends. “It’s not like I have much appeal.”
But of course you had thought about it. While you were more of a lover than a fighter, that didn’t mean you didn’t want to be desired. It was true, most of your time was devoted to helping your father and his forges, as well as training with the very tools you helped craft. Romantic endeavours were few and far between. Emphasis on the few.
“Oh hush, you shouldn’t think ill of yourself.” Hanna waving her hand back and forth. “I know for a fact that there are many young men who would jump at the chance to court you.” Hanna said loudly, sparing a side-eye at Hvitserk behind your back, smiling at the obvious clench in his jaw. “I’m surprised someone hasn’t tossed you over their shoulder already.”
“Oh.. really?” You tucked your hair behind your ear unconsciously.
Hvitserk then whipped his head towards you at the unmistakeable curiosity in your voice, the noticeable blush in your cheeks.
“I think we better get to training, right Y/N?” Hvitserk interrupted, with a grin that was more toothy than normal. Not waiting for you to answer he grabbed your hand, almost dragging you behind.
“Bye Hanna!” You struggled to wave back, as Hanna just watched with a smug grin.
The training grounds were where you were most at peace. You and Hvitserk were already known to be ferocious training partners, already proving that your bark was worse than your bite. Which is why many gave you two a wide berth as soon as you arrived.
Looking back at Hvitserk amongst the other men, you sharpened your sword far more than was needed. Hvitserk was always popular, known for his wit and cheek and a few daring pranks.  You on the other hand were respected for your knowledge and training prowess. Often you were approached for advice on weapons and wielding, almost as much as your father was. You and Hvitserk were known as the pride of your generation.
Practicing a few swings, you tried to get what Hanna had said out of your mind, not noticing the way Hvitserk watched you concentrate. Without a second thought he made his way to you, unsheathing his own sword, his demeanor instantly turning serious. “Are you ready?”
As you prepared your stance you tried to quiet your mind. Neither of you wasted any time, with metal clashing against metal, letting your moves be guided by instinct. When Hvitserk managed to corner you against a tree you bared your teeth and grunted at him, the prince returning a low growl of his own.
With a grunt you kicked against the trunk, the prince stumbling yet grinning at your ferocity. You whipped the braids out of your eyes, and reminded yourself that in the heat of battle, there was no time for boys or silly crushes. As Hvitserk spun away from your lunges, and your sweat crowned your brow you let your practice remind you that you were a warrior. You wanted to lose yourself in the adrenaline of the fight. To keep telling yourself not to hope.
Until one fateful day when Hanna crashed through your door. Again.
The force of your friend’s arrival caused you to fall off the bed in a heap of furs, face down on the floor.
“Is Odin in town?” You groaned as you tried to steady yourself, but Hanna was already at your side shaking your shoulders into oblivion.
“Um, you?”
“No. YOU.”
Her two words instantly sobered you and you snapped your head up. “….What?”
“Yes! A cabin, two nights from now when the moon is half full.”
Still on the floor of your bedroom, your brain reached for the most probable answer. “You’re kidding.”
Hanna’s face fell a tad. “No, I am not kidding you’ve been courted by an admirer Y/N! Isn’t this exciting?!” Hanna hugged you to her chest.
“Uh well, it would be if I could breathe.” You answered, muffled by your friend’s bosom.
“I tooooold you that you were a catch! Don’t worry, I’ll help you get ready just leave it to me!” Hanna grinned, already running to your wardrobe and pulling out everything that her fingers touched. “That bastard won’t know what hit him.”
“You know who it is?” Your head whipped around.
You saw Hanna freeze. “Yes, but he has requested that it be a secret until the day and you know the rules.” Hanna said matter-of-factly, holding up a dress to your collarbone, purposely not meeting your eyes.
“Hanna.” You gripped your friend’s hand firmly. “Do you think…are they right for me?” you bit your lip, shy of asking what was really in your mind.
Hanna looked into your worried eyes, softening. “Oh Y/N. I know that he would go to the ends of the earth for you. And I wouldn’t have even agreed to pass it on if I didn’t think they were good for you. Remember you can always refuse them if you want. But if he messes this up, I will personally drown him in the fjord.”
“Maybe Hvitserk will help you out.” You said jokingly.
“Oh I’m sure he’ll have his work cut out.” Hanna drawled as she started to comb your hair. “That boy won’t know what hit him.”
You rose and poked the fire for the fifth time in a row.
You sat down again, smoothing your skirt for the hundredth time that hour.
Nervous was an understatement. Not even your last summer raid had you as jittery as you were now. You didn’t even have an inkling of who it could be, only that your closest friends wouldn’t tell you a thing. 
And even though you had seen Hanna every day, you had seen neither hair nor hide of Hvitserk. To which you assumed that it had to be one of this brothers or close friends, and as such was sulking because he would lose his training partner. “What a brat.” You muttered.
Your eyes travelled around the cabin. It was modest, with a fireplace in the middle of the room, a half screen shielding the bed from the door when it opened, and on the opposite side a simple table by a latched window that looked out onto the path and the fields below. But the intricate carvings on the walls, the quality of furs, and the ample stock of food by the table hinted to you that this person was at the very least well off. Lost in your own thoughts you paced as the sun died down, the faint pitter patter of rain thrumming in the countryside.
When you heard the door open you almost jumped, the closing creak sounding more final than ever. You heard boots clack on the floor, the unfurling of a long woollen cloak.
You turned slowly to greet your secret admirer. This unknown devotee who wished to pledge themselves to you. The person had their back to you, removing their dampened shirt. Your eyes followed the shadows from the flames, curling around the etchings on his back which climbed over his shoulders. And when Hivtserk turned around to meet you, your heart dropped from your stomach to the floor.
The prince walked decisively across the room, hanging his shirt by the fireplace. “Did you wait long?”
“No.” Your voice a meagre whisper.
You saw his shoulders tighten as he chuckled ominously. “Why so timid? The great Y/N not afraid of anything.”
His laugh did nothing to put you at ease. “Hvitserk… if.. if this is a cruel joke then it is in poor taste.”
In an instant he closed the distance between you, grabbing your wrist and holding your chin between his thumb and forefinger. And in his you saw intensity you had only witnessed on the battlefield. “You think I would joke about this?”
“I don’t know what to think,” you said breathlessly, not being able to ignore the way his eyes drifted to your berry stained lips or the way his eyes raked the dress that clung lusciously against your figure. “We’re friends.”
Hvitserk then backed you up until your rear hit the table, cornering you. “You know we’re more than that.”
Like a skittish prey you tried to brush off the bait he laid bare. “I’m friends with many guys.”
Hvitserk’s knuckles grew white gripping the table. “And do you think I would have let any of them touch you?”
The huskiness in his voice was pulling emotions out of your depths. Emotions you thought you had drowned in insecurities and loyalties and denial.
“I made it very clear to them that you were mine.”
The flames from the fireplace illuminated Hvitserk’s silhouette, while his features were shaded in the dark hue of the night as his shadow eclipsed you. “I want you, Y/N. You are my equal. We were made for each other.”
“But why?” Your voice growing stronger with the need to know. “Why now, why me?”
His voice became softer, almost bringing the lighter Hvitserk back to the surface as he caressed your fearful face. “You’ve always been by my side, never afraid to tell me when I’m wrong, never fearing to challenge me, a prince of Kattegat.” He snuck a quick breath in your hair that was intricately laden with red blooms and moaned. “It turns me on so much.”
With Hvitserk so close all you could smell is him. The scent of his skin, his voice so close to you, so possessive, you couldn’t even think straight. You were thankful he had pushed you against the table, your legs feeling like a newborn fawn’s.
“I saw the look in your eyes when Hanna asked you about the cabin. So now you’re here.” Hvitserk’s fingers brushed against your own. “Tell me you don’t feel the same.”
You swallowed thickly before you answered. “Hvitserk, you are a prince, a son of Ragnar. I-I-I am just a blacksmith’s daughter! Your mother would never allow this, they would say you should be with someone el-“
“Then push me away.” He all but commands. “We both know you could overpower me. Easily.” The goading in his voice almost sounding like he wanted you to do it.
He gave no heed to your conflicted gaze, whispering into your ear as he slowly drew himself even closer to you, gently pushing you so now you were sitting on the table with him in between your legs.
“I couldn’t give a damn what anyone thinks of us. But I want you to admit… that you want me.” The dark prince drew his toned arm up to draw faint lines up and down your dress sleeve with his fingers, feeling you shiver.
“I, Hvitserk-“
“Yes?” He drawled out slowly, pressing the lightest of kisses on your skin, trailing down your neck and to your shoulder. He spared a gaze, pleased to see your flustered face, the blush in your cheeks, your soft lips drawn apart with small breaths. Your body betraying what he already knew.
“Dammit Hvitserk.” You cursed him. You cursed his name. You cursed the boy who’s smile lit up your world. You cursed the friend you had fallen in love with. And when your eyes met, you were undone. 
“Damn you.”
You almost whimpered as you gave in, bringing Hvitserk’s face to collide with yours. You surrendered to your desire, devouring each other’s lips with heady passion. Your fingertips gripping the sides of his face while his hand clawed through your hair and pulled, the kiss only ending as you gasped for air.
“Fuck you.” You panted, but Hvitserk’s lustful grin only widened.
“If you insist.”
He pulled his forehead to yours, holding your face in his hands before kissing you again, but this time the kiss was tender, as if he was savouring the very moment savouring you. His kisses started to trail down your neck once again, his hands tracing the back of your dress as your fingers caressed his shoulder blades. “Hvitserk.” You moaned, each kiss becoming more and more drawn out.
The Kattegat prince growled at his name on your lips. “So, do I take that as a yes?”
“What do you think.” You bit your lip, pushing yourself into his arms once again, walking him backwards until you both toppled onto the bed.
“I never knew you saw me this way.” Your voice a heady whisper.
“How could I not.” Hvitserk growled, his hand drawing up your thigh. “I had to hide my arousal every time you wanted to wrestle.”
Hvitserk licked his lips at the sight of you underneath him. He knew Hanna had donned you in the one dress that had him dreaming about you since last Yule; a luscious red dress with a skirt split and slits in both sleeves, his eyes not ignoring the way it so teasingly tied at the front, giving him a glimpse of what was underneath. He had almost spat out his mead when he saw you walk into the hall, and so did half his brothers.
“I never knew you were so dirty, my prince.” You chuckled shifted so that his hand grabbed your ass, squeezing and kneading the soft plump flesh there. He moaned and buried his head in your chest, the prince then proceeding to untie the cords with his teeth.
“When you would pin me down I would almost hope you would ravish me right then and there.”
Your eyes then flickered open, a sudden idea popping into your head. “Like this?”
At once you locked his leg with yours and thrust your hips so that you had him flat on his back on the furs. You felt him grind himself against you and grip his hands on the headboard. “Just like that.” He growled as his member cock throbbed in approval.
“Good to know.” You licked your lips you watched Hvitserk writhe underneath you as you found his hard member and grinded against him slowly. You reminisced at how Hvitserk had grown into a man, and you had tried everything to not see it. Now your hands traced the faint lines across his hardened torso and toward his tattoos, his hands now moving under your skirt to your thighs. “What else have you been dreaming about I wonder?” You smirked.
At once you felt him grip the edges of your dress and bring them up around your head, instantly leaving you bare. He threw the dress to the side and kissed you, drawing his hands up the sides of your body.
You shuffled so that you could undo the laces of his trousers, Hvitserk moving swiftly to undress himself and to have you in his arms once again. When you felt him press against your already wet sex you shivered, Hvitserk cooing and caressing you as he tried to steady himself at your entrance.
Hvitserk swore as he entered you, kissing you as he engorged himself in your folds. You gasped as you looked down to where you were joined, Hvitserk’s eyes already dark with lust. You steadied yourself on his torso as you moved here and there, getting comfortable with the sensation. But it soon turned to bouncing, your gasps turning into heavy moans as you rode him.
“That’s it,” He growled. “Take me, fuck take all of me Y/N.” Hvitserk’s hands held your thighs as you thrusted yourself on his cock, your pillowed lips bringing him closer and closer to the edge.
“Hvitserk I’m close!” You yelped, as you grinded your pussy hard on his folds, taking as much of him as you could. The sensation had you reeling, not able to think of anything other than having more. More. More.
Hvitserk slammed your ass on his hips as he spilled his release into you, thrusting unabatedly until you were full of his cum. Eventually you both collapsed, you not being able to move from Hvitserk’s chest. “You cum a lot.” You sighed, to which Hvitserk burst out laughing.
“Our first time together and that’s all you have to say?”
You traced the ink on his chest. “Well, would it be weird to say that I love you.”
“No, not weird at all.” He said, kissing your forehead. “I love you too my little troll.”
You proceeded to then try and punch him in the ribs, but when Hvitserk felt you shiver, he grabbed what furs he could to cover you both. You smiled at his very best attempts not to move you from his chest and once they were on, he dove his hand under the covers, leaving his hand to rest on your back.
“This may be a strange question.” You murmured. “But…. you wouldn’t know anything about the time Kade came back with a broken nose last Yule, would you?”
Instantly you felt Hvitserk’s hand tense up, and you lifted your head. “You didn’t.”
Hvitserk averted his eyes with nothing short of a pout. “He made out with you before I could.”
“You jerk! He was nice and I was unbound!” You laughed and playfully punched him on his chest before he caught both hands.
“Well, now you’re not and that’s that.” He huffed.
You tried to wiggle free but couldn’t, glaring at him with a grin you couldn’t hold back. “I guess I am.” You smiled, as you dipped to kiss your new lover once more.
Taglist: @therealcalicali​ @themusingofagothicsoul​ @draconicuchiha​ @destroyther00f @queentearra @selina122​ @chocolatemetalprincess​ @tomarisela​ @mbaku-babygirl​ @laketaj24​ @myboyfriendgiriboy​ 
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baehkhun · 5 years
Wahl Legend Clipper
The brand specialises in personal grooming - from clippers to nostril hair trimmers, Wahl has you coated in terms of anything hair-related. I wouldn't suggest these clippers for learners because of this , also because the magic comes with a thinner blade that is designed specifically for fading. Most fashions characteristic removable blades, allowing you to ship a dull one out for sharpening and put a contemporary blade in its place. General, a taper lever is a handy function to have. Here you are able to do lever adjustments which allow you to select from positive to coarse. So neglect Josh and Ian, at this time I’m here with J-Lo and E-Diddy… it’s going to be a very good one. But do you actually need them or are you able to save money by going for a less expensive choice? Measurement notwithstanding, this petite Peanut can mow via thick hair easily. The motor affords a high stall torque, meaning it could actually chew via a thick mop without dying on you.
You'll be able to do that through the use of a screwdriver. However, they don’t like using a regular razor wahl legend review resulting from the issue and time it takes to do so. The skilled Wedge Chopping blade permits for a smoother cut as a result of adjustment lever the chopping length can be adjusted between 0.5-2.9mm without having to vary the blade. The taper lever adjusts fade, taper and texture and has an extended throw for increased cutting length. A barber's favorite, these heavy duty, mains-fed, chrome clippers will energy by way of any texture hair. In addition to, regardless of the heavy power motor, it is whisper quiet. Magnetic Motors don't have as much power as Pivot motors, however the blades move much faster. VS Sassoon’s clippers are also often made in a placing end, with an emphasis on hardy blades and high quality chrome parts. Remington is known for producing high quality personal grooming products at friendly prices, and this beard trimmer suits squarely into that mold.
In our newest checking we found that Wahl Power Hair Clipper 796002-805X scored an unbelievable 9.0. This puts it one of the highest merchandise available in the Hair clippers category. The term “hair clipper” can encompass plenty of units - although typically refers to a software designed for slicing the hair on the head. You may modify the blades to 5 settings or add any of the 4 attachment combs to attain your most well-liked size. However, what this indicates to me is that inside the nearly unbreakable casing, one can expect to find a workhorse energy plant. The metal casing, paired with such an insane electromagnetic motor is a formulation for regular heat. Wahl Legend 5 Star Clipper - Durable V9000 Motor. They have advanced quite a bit from that first cordless clipper and vacuum clipper; the earth will continue to seem to Wahl on your latest and greatest inside grooming world. Product - Wahl Flex Shave Rechargeable Foil Shaver features ergonomic form,gentle contact grips, pop-up trimmer for trimming sideburns, beard or mustache. This is right if you happen to wish to shave your head in the shower to minimize that after shave cleansing of hairs which you’re often left with.
Package deal contains the clipper, (2) attachment combs, oil, cleaning brush, instructions, and crimson blade guard. Self Sharpening Blade: This clipper is built with a high quality self sharpening blade that does not require you sharpening it. With the high quality construct that you simply get with this solution, the valuable blades, the powerful engine, and Wahl’s dedication to an incredible warranty, the price tag will shock you. Hence, it's essential to be careful with the intention to get the help of a reputed on-line retailer as a way to search for the objects you need to purchase. Going hand in hand with Model, for those who do opt for a set of hair clippers, then you may want different comb lengths. If these usually are not the set for you, then check out our top 10 checklist of hair clippers for more decisions. Hair clippers simply can’t do the shut-in trimming required for most beards. Wahl Beard Trimmer for Home Use If you are thinking about saving cash, choosing surprised how much you can save every year by lowering your along with your family's hair in the home. Wahl hair clippers choose this super easy to complete that clippers work great. Most of the models are actually used by professional stylists. The company may be manufacturing hair clippers since 1919 and as the years passed, they continued to upgrade their models and find new and innovative solutions to cause them to become are better using a minimal amount of effort for customers. If you have a sizable family then monthly or fortnightly visits to the hairdressers with the barber shop could be rather expensive. If you are looking to save money on these bills, as much individuals are during these tough economic times, then purchasing a pair of Wahl hair clipper is often a sound investment. Wahl are actually producing high quality clippers for a lot of decades plus they have an excellent selection which are freely currently available. The quality of a few, unlike a great many others on the high street, is from the same a higher level those utilized by professional hairdressers and barbers. The fact that they're so well-made means they're going to are a good stretch of time this providing you excellent affordable. As hair cuts are extremely expensive today your clippers should have paid for themselves within a couple of weeks too. The company manufactures items other than their Wahl hair clippers. They also offer trimmers, shavers and massagers. They designed the initial cordless rechargeable battery operated hair trimmer in 1967 and they began manufacturing a full line of foot and back massagers with controlled vibration and warmth in 1975. Then in 1987, the corporation introduced a flat barrel curling iron that created Z shaped curls. This company has truly been innovative and it has shown vision in the early years, plus they continue to do to be able the years use. Mini Pro Clipper Wahl Hair Clippers This is really a thirteen piece set and it is compact size makes it simple to carry and maneuver and it is also great should you travel a lot. It includes a travel pouch that will make it easy to look at along on business trips or vacations. It includes six guide combs, a barber comb, blade oil, cleaning brush and instructions and styling guide. The set will set you back approximately $ 20. Wahl Senior Premium Hair Clipper: This clipper was created to be light-weight, which ends up in less stress on your wrists. The Senior Premium Clipper / Trimmer provides you with a nice, cool running V5000 motor makes it very efficient, having the capacity to glide through the most course hair, while cutting with precision producing a level, accurate hair cut.
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