#I wish seventeen going under existed when I was in HS
orrsoared · 8 months
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starry-kfics · 7 years
when in verona [1.0] [minhyuk]
day 3 of mel’s aroha sweet sixteen! enjoy part one of some minhyuk hs au!
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(1.0) (2.0) (3.0)
word count: 1994
warnings: none
“I said I love you.”
"Play auditions are next Thursday!" Your friend Woosoo squealed, pointing to the flyer pinned up in the hallways at your school.
"Okay?" You said, not particularly interested in participating.
"You said you would do it with me this year!"
"When did I say that?"
"April 27th, at 2:48 am."
"Oh jeez, Woosoo."
And so you ended up in the drama room the next week, nervously flipping through the script again. You only had to do one scene, but you didn't want to. You didn't want to be in drama club. And yet, Woosoo had managed to convince you anyway. And you especially didn't want to do Romeo and Juliet, one of the dumbest and most overused plays in existence. In your opinion, at least.
"Next up, Y/L/N Y/N and Park Minhyuk." The drama teacher read your names off the list, and you took a deep breath before walking up to the stage.
The boy you had been paired up with was someone you had seen in a couple of your classes, but you didn't know him very well. He was well built, with messy brown hair that he brushed out of his eyes as he looked up from his feet to you. Your breath hitched in your throat for a moment as his eyes connected with yours, and you were thankful that he had the first line in this scene, you would've barely been able to stutter out a single word.
Thankfully, you had gained your bearings as you focused yourself in on the scene, on the emotions Juliet was having. No matter how misplaced and just wrong they were. Like, seriously, she supposedly falls in love with this dude that's sixteen while she's not yet fourteen. It was just gross, dumb teenage infatuation to you. Not love.
After your scene, you were somewhat surprised to see how much Minhyuk really got into it. You sort of knew that he was into the arts, after all, you'd been in classes with him before. But you didn't know he was so passionate about drama. His voice was strong and clear, deep and resonating in your ears as he spoke his lines.You gave Minhyuk a polite nod before sitting back in your chair, next to Woosoo. Just as you sat down, she was called up to audition as the Nurse, along with another boy, Kim Myungjun, who was auditioning for the role of Mercutio. From what you knew about Kim Myungjun, you could see him fitting the role perfectly, especially with how he preformed. They preformed well together, and you couldn't help but clap for them afterwards.
The next week, Woosoo was excitedly pulling you to the doors of the drama room before first period. The drama teacher was just taping the roles to the door, and kids were already crowding to look at it. Woosoo pushed her way through to look at it, and ran excitedly back to where you were hanging at the edge of the crowd.
"We both got the parts we auditioned for!" She exclaimed, and you couldn't hide your disappointment, which she easily picked up on. "You really don't want to do this, do you?"
"I just, don't really understand the point of this play." You sighed, explaining your feelings to your friend as you walked away from the drama room. "The whole concept of love at first sight is ridiculous, suicide is being glorified as the only option, and not to mention that Juliet is only thirteen while Romeo is sixteen or seventeen years old. It's gross when you think about it."
"Then don't think about it as trying to show us what's ideal. Think of it more as a cautionary tale, warning us against passing lust and youthful stupidity." Woosoo suggested, stopping at her locker to start twisting at the lock. "Or even a comedy, making fun of people who believe so heavily in love at first sight."
"The idea is pretty dumb." You smiled, a small laugh coming from your lips. "Alright, I think I can do this."
"Excuse me," A voice requested from behind you, and you turned around to see Park Minhyuk, politely clutching his book in his hand. "You're in front of my locker."
"Oh, sorry!" You apologized, stepping away to the other side of Woosoo.
She was just closing her own locker, having gotten the books she needed, turning to you with a bright smile. "Ready to go?"
"Yep." You gave Minhyuk a small wave as you left, saying, "See you later, Minhyuk."
The first practice was after school that day, and Woosoo found you outside of your last period, insisting on walking with you to practice. When you both sat down, you found that you were one of the first people there, not even the teacher was out yet. People slowly started trickling in as you pulled your script out of your bag to review and start memorizing.
"You're so lucky, Minhyuk! I wish I was Romeo!" The familiar loud, and exasperated voice of Myungjun came from the doorway, and you saw him and few other boys walking in together.
"Why?" Minhyuk questioned, and you watched them out of the corner of your eye. "You tried out for Mercutio, isn't that the role you wanted?"
"Well yeah, but Romeo has all the romantic lines, and doesn't die halfway through. Romeo's story with Juliet is so entrancing and has so much meaning about how hatred can twist and ruin love, but eventually love conquers it."
Next to you, Woosoo let out a snort at the older boy's words, obviously disagreeing. "Bull." She gave him a side-eye, which he seemed to notice as he changed directions.
"Woosoo, now he's walking over here!" You hissed, not wanting your belligerent friend to get into a fight on the first day of practice.
Myungjun gave you both a lopsided grin before taking the seat directly behind you, his friends doing the same, but much more hesitantly. "Say something, Woosoo?"
"Wouldn't you like to know, Myungjun." She rolled her eyes again, and you were surprised to see that they were familiar with each other. Not friendly, obviously, but familiar.
"I'm Kim Myungjun, by the way." He introduced himself to you.
"Y/L/N Y/N." You replied, and he then gestured to his friends in turn, most you already knew the names of.
"Lee Dongmin, with the role of Benvolio."
Dongmin nodded to you, offering a hello.
"Moon Bin, with the role of Paris."
"Ah, Paris the Perv." Woosoo commented, and you turned to her, not able to contain your giggle. She was right.
Myungjun continued on, not appreciating you finding it funny, "Yoon Sanha, with the role of Balthasar."
The tall, lanky boy was one you didn't recognize, he must be new at your school, a freshman probably. "Hello." He nodded politely as well.
"Park Jinwoo, as the King of Cats, Tybalt."
"Hey, Y/N." The boy gave you a friendly smile, you shared a lab table in Chemistry, along with a few other people.
"Hey Jinwoo."
"And you probably know Park Minhyuk, seeing as he's the literal Romeo to your Juliet."
Minhyuk apparently didn't like his friend's phrasing, groaning under his breath, "MJ, please."
"Anyway, now that we're acquainted, I'd like to get your opinion on something, Y/N." Myungjun spoke candidly, and you raised an eyebrow.
"On what, exactly?"
"Why you think Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet."
"He based it off a poem, right?"
"Yeah, but I mean, do you think it's a tragic love story, or a cautionary tale?"
Woosoo looked to you, not seeming very interested, as she already knew the answer from your discussion this morning.
"Ah, well I personally think it's more of a comedy, you know, to make fun of the people that actually believe in the notion of love at first sight." You admitted, observing Minhyuk out of your peripheral, he seemed intrigued by your answer. "It's definitely not a love story, in my opinion."
"I agree." Dongmin spoke up, and Myungjun turned to him with the clearest look of betrayal.
"Ha!" Woosoo exclaimed triumphantly.
"Bin, what do you think?" He inquired to his friend, who seemed somewhat ashamed as he answered."I think it's a really sweet love story."
"Seriously, Bin?" Jinwoo suddenly spoke up as well. "It's not love, it's just lust and infatuation."
"Exactly!" Woosoo was elated that others agreed with her, but Sanha spoke up for his older friends, agreeing that it was a tragic love story.
Soon, the whole group was turned into a squabbling mess, but you still didn't know Minhyuk's opinion on it. Glancing at him for a moment, you tried to gauge which side he was on.
"What do you think, Minhyuk?" Myungjun suddenly put the boy on the spot, and he looked up to find everyone's eyes on him.
"I'm not... I don't know." He seemed unsure as he spoke, and his friends all started trying to convince them of their own side, the clamor soon growing to indistinguishable yells.
"Hey! Stop it!" The drama teacher had suddenly entered the room, successfully shutting everyone up. "Come on, we're doing our first read-through today."
It wasn't long after that practice that you realized the drama club was divided. Those who thought it was a tragic romance rallied behind Myungjun, while those who thought it to be a cautionary story rallied behind Woosoo. You didn't quite agree with Woosoo, but you definitely didn't agree with Myungjun, so you found yourself with Woosoo's unofficial faction. Minhyuk had assimilated himself into Myungjun's, making it a fairly even split.
At practice you noticed they sat on opposite sides of the room, never really talking until they had to practice their lines. You tried to stay out of the occasional bickering, until it started finding it's way into your classes and the hallways.
One day you were walking with Dongmin, who had suddenly became your best friend since the 'Great Divide', as you had taken to calling it, happened. He was walking you to your third period, and suddenly stopped in the middle of his sentence, glaring at something down the hall. You got on your tiptoes to peer around, finally seeing that Bin was at the end of the hall with Sanha.
"Here, let's go this way, Y/N." Dongmin insisted, tugging on your arm, and you followed him with a shrug. "Mind if we stop at my locker?
"You checked the time, "Ah, my class is still pretty far away, and we're getting our project partners today, so I don't want to be late."
"I understand. See you at practice, Y/N." Dongmin gave you a small smile as you took off down the hall.
You were almost to your class when you saw Woosoo at a locker that wasn't hers, squabbling with the apparent owner of it, Myungjun. You could their voices from down the hall, and ducked into class. In your opinion, this whole situation was starting to get ridiculous.
Once inside the room, you began looking for your project partner, he usually got here before you. What you had told Dongmin was somewhat true, you did have a project in your Language class, but you had already selected your partners. And you'd chosen Minhyuk.
Would your friends be all that upset about it? Probably not, but you still felt somewhat guilty, like you were betraying them in some way. Woosoo especially hated Myungjun's group, which Minhyuk was a part of.
"Hey, Y/N." Minhyuk smiled up at you brightly as you sat next to him.
"Hey, Min." You tried to ignore the twisted feeling in your stomach when he smiled at you like that. "Ready to keep working?"
"Ah, my favorite thing, researching the basic syntax of some random foreign language that I'm not even interested in learning."
At the end of the period, you and Minhyuk had been laughing and talking too much to actually get very much work done. You were disappointed, at this rate you wouldn't get it done in time.
"Want to come to my house after practice and keep working tonight?" Minhyuk offered as the bell rang, and you quickly stuffed your binder in your bookbag. "I can drive you home, and I'm sure my mom would love to make you dinner."
"Sure, I'll text my parents and let them know." You replied, and he gave you one last heart-stopping smile before going to opposite way of you.
[okay so the actual 5 word drabble request will be in the next (and probably last) part. hope y’all enjoyed!]
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ieechans · 7 years
before i go... im gna post a bunch of stuff.... here’s a compilation of all my fav things i’ve written under the cut + epilogues + more :’)
fav works
tea leaves - the golden child. the favorite child. the poster child. nothing compares to tea leaves. the best thing that i have ever produced.
high score - the iconic start of the mall!au
half moon - written bc i had a Bad christmas but it turned out pretty Good
macarons - the start of a poorly planned bday project and lowkey a followup to fruit tart (also a fav). i love dino and baked goods.
love equation - part 2 of a poorly planned bday project and lowkey a followup to something (which is eh to me)
interstellar - part 3 of a poorly planned bday project and was supposed to be a lowkey follow up to coffee and roses (which is dead)
bubbles / dreaming - the dream team + the revival of my (unofficial) first fic. if tea leaves didnt exist, these 2 would be the favored twins :’))
spring of life - written when i was emo and reading it makes me emo
mingyu’s hs!au / s.coups’ hs!au / dk’s hs!au - the holy trinity of my hs!aus. honorable mention goes to joshua’s but idk a joshua so...
a series that almost made it
mother knows best - not the actual name of the fic, but i never figured one out and i teased it as so on my fic archive so.. if the shoe fits! was supposed to be released while i was on spring break but my queue messed up and never posted it. i took that as a hint from a higher being to wait and revise but that never happened. anyways... reader n seventeen are a group of kids with various quirks and live in the “outer city” (unsafe, rural, poor) and constantly go into the “inner city” to steal. they eventually get arrested and are sent to the inner city where they attend “mother’s boarding school for talented youth”. it’s more of a “train these kids with quirks into being mother’s army” kind of place under the guise of “help these poor kids with quirks learn to assimilate into ‘normal’ society”. also mother is highkey a dictator and only svt + reader seem to notice. they manage to escape after some plot complications, however reader was the betrayer the whole time and tipped off seventeen to mother in the first place. also cheol was the main love interest bc i wanted to make up for invincible’s bad end. i wish i released this tbh... it wouldve been Good...
epilogues // SPOILERS AHEAD
something - reader’s just chilling when hansol n seungkwan come into her apartment all Busted. also graduation is the next day lol. basically reader has to make sure hansol doesnt D*e during graduation. jungkook shows up just for reader and has a message from namjoon. not sure how it was supposed to go but.. it ended on a good note.
tea leaves - starts up with reader all old and wrinkly on a hospital bed. chan is as young as ever lmfao... reader passes away and chan gets super emotional. secludes himself in the familiar realm for the longest time. he refuses to respond to any familiar summons. junhui and soonyoung try to cheer him up but nothing works. it’s been one hundred years. one day he’s moping around when he gets a summons with a familiar aura. its like. too familiar. he answers it and when he’s in the human world as a cat, he sees a little girl with bright eyes and a warm smile. she introduces herself as y/n and proclaims him as her familar. she names him dino.
intended endings // SPOILERS AHEAD
coffee and roses - my first tragic fic... written with no planning in mind and so repetitive it hurt me to read it again........ i was supposed to give it a bad end and simply disband the group but it took me too long to even do that so i just deleted it lmao...
lamb and the wolf - i rly wanted to make it work.. i tried to make it work so badly..... good concept but Bad Execution. anyways, the intended storyline/ending followed the idea of reader being able to give up their godlike status to save another individual. the climax of the plot was choosing to be a god alongside mingyu and killing wonwoo, killing mingyu and granting wonwoo his power instead, or giving your power to wonwoo and ultimately killing yourself. wild, i kno. the ending was going to be chosen based on a poll but unfortunately... i never got to the climax :’)
checkmate - i could have made it work, i just didn’t have it in me to actually write it... essentially jeonghan accuses taeyong of using the reader to get himself the spot on the throne, reader eventually gets convinced, taeyong is offended bc he genuinely had feelings for reader, marriage is cancelled and bad blood begins between the two countries, seungcheol is PISSED at jeonghan, but i never figured out the resolution lmao oops.....
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