#I wish tumblr would allow an automatic removal of the reblogs of your posts if you blocked someone because those tags were ridiculous like
crimescrimson · 5 months
Are the gifs you post free to use? I'd love to use some for my edits, but I wasn't sure if you'd be okay with it.
As long as you use them in things that wouldn't be uncomfortable for me to see, I've had people use them on like hard-core smut fics before and because tumblr sends me a notification every time someone uses them I have to see that shit 😭 Another thing I wouldn't recommend is using or reblogging my sets to negatively comment ON the set or game I made a set about in the first place. You can easily just scroll or make your own post for that instead of being disrespectful in my tags like I've had recently experienced. Aside from the aforementioned points you're good to go! I don't mind at all and I actually appreciate being asked for once! No-ones actually asked me before lol
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findingroleplays · 2 years
☼ blog info + submission guidelines ☼
please carefully read the guidelines and rules below before submitting to ensure that your submission will be posted!
blog taglist/navigation
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submission guidelines:
please specify what kind of rp you’re looking for - fandom, fandomless/oc, etc.
if you want to rp a specific fandom, please specify it in full. naming the full name of the fandom or piece of media helps me with tagging. posts containing only abbreviations will be deleted.
if there's a specific tag you would like me to add to your post, please specify what it is. tags are pretty general, but if you have something in particular you want me to add, just let me know.
give a general plot idea/genre for the rp you want to do.
this blog does accept requests for real person fiction (RPF).
specify the platform in which you would like to rp on (discord, tumblr, email, etc.)
include a way to contact you - if you wish you stay anonymous, you can say something like: “like/reblog this and I’ll reach out to you.”
if you would like to remain anonymous, sending an anonymous message in the ask box is the best way. If you want to submit a post however, I’ll copy and paste your submission into a post.
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keep triggering/nsfw requests vague in your posts, you can always discuss this further with your partner privately!
all characters must be 18+ for nsfw plots - nsfw with underage characters that don’t specify this will be deleted. aging up characters in an AU is acceptable.
absolutely no incest or pedophilia is allowed.
please wait at least a few days before resending a request to the ask box.
posts with no age range will be deleted automatically. please state your age/age range when submitting!
treat your rp partners with respect! roleplaying is supposed to be a fun outlet, so please treat everyone, including the mod of this blog with kindness.
there’s no way I can know every piece of media that someone wants to roleplay, so if I unknowingly post a request that breaks the rules in some way, please let me know; but keep it respectful. if there is a post that you think should be removed, please send me a dm!
if someone is looking for partners within a specific age range, please respect that. minors should not be interacting with adults that clearly state that they want partners that are 18+, and vice versa.
please only use dms for serious inquiries. posts looking for roleplay partners should be sent either to the ask box or submission box.
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hpdaddyfest · 5 years
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Welcome to the third HP Daddy Fest, for all your Daddy/Mummy kink needs!
HP Daddy Fest is a multi-ship, anon-posting, prompt-based kink fest in the Harry Potter fandom. It is open to all characters, pairings, poly-ships, tropes, themes and AUs.
A Daddy Kink is best defined as a branch of Dominant/submissive partnerships, where the Dominant partner is referred to as “Daddy”. A “Daddy Dom” takes a more gentle, affectionate and almost parental approach, using their Dominance to teach, protect and care for their submissive partner. Daddy kink may include age regression or “age play” (when the submissive partner takes on childish mannerisms), but does not have to.
Daddy Kink is not inherently incestuous or paedophilic. For the purposes of this fest, this dynamic is between characters of at least 17 years of age, of all genders and sexualities, either as Dom/sub or Caregiver/little.
We are excited to share this fest with you again and cannot wait to see all the new content you help us add to the community.
In that vein, below you can find the timeline as well as the rules and FAQ!
Prompting:  1st Feb – 14th Feb Claiming: 15th Feb Check-in:  19th April Submissions Due: 1st June Posting begins: TBC July
Main Rules
The fest is multi-ship. All pairings from any era of the Harry Potter universe (including Cursed Child and Fantastic Beasts) are welcome. Slash, femslash, opposite-sex pairings, threesomes, moresomes are all welcome.
1000 minimum word count but there is no maximum word count. For artworks, it should be evident that you have put time into the piece, this is not the place for doodles.
Fanworks of all ratings are welcome. Just because it's a Daddy kink fest doesn't mean it has to be pornographic. That said, we do expect the majority of our submissions to be Explicit/Mature or R/NC-17-rated. Participants, please provide a rating; readers, please observe your local laws.
Content creators must co-author hpdaddyfest when they submit. We will remove ourselves as co-author when we reveal the authors.
Warnings/content tags are critical. Please adhere to AO3’s archive warning policy (or select ‘Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings’) and flag all and any non-vanilla goings-on. If you prefer not to use warnings (if it will spoil a plot twist, for example), please include a note upfront that the content tags are non-exhaustive.
All entries will be read/viewed by the mod team after submission. The mods reserve the right to add additional tags or warnings to your entry if we believe something hasn’t been appropriately tagged. You will be informed of any additional tags to review before posting.
All works must be beta’d before submission.
Mods reserve the right to ask contributor for a second beta.
Extensions will be given on a case by case scenario. However the more notice you give the mods, the easier it will be for them to accommodate you.
Works are anonymous until the reveals date. Please do not share your works with anyone prior to the reveals date - with the exceptions of your alpha reader, beta, etc.
All content creators must respond to any emails sent by the mod team. Failure to do so may lead to claims on future fests being rejected.
Readers, if you have squicks or triggers please check the warnings carefully. Please contact the mods privately at [email protected] in the first instance if you have any tagging concerns. 
Failure to follow these rules can lead to the disqualification of your submission.
Prompting runs from 1st Feb  – 14th Feb. 
Prompters must be over 18 years of age.
Anyone can leave up to ten prompts, even if they do not intend to submit a work for the fest.
Prompting will be collected via Airtable form, HERE. This list updates automatically. Prompts can be viewed HERE.
Anonymous prompts are permitted.
Similar prompts may be deleted/combined by mods.
Prompt numbers are invisible until prompting closes. This is due to the fact that the list will automatically alphabetise the list by pairing to make it easier for claimants to find what they’re looking for.
When claiming opens, a link to airtable will be posted to the blog and here.
Claimaints must be over 18 years of age.
Prompt numbers will be revealed between prompting closing and claiming opening. There will be a post when this occurs.
You may claim a prompt someone else has submitted or create for your own prompt. If you are self-prompting, you do not have to leave a prompt within the prompting window. In fact, we recommend you don’t, to avoid opening it up to general claiming.
Each prompt can be claimed TWICE. Once for FIC and once for ART.
You can sign up as a team, whether as collaborating authors, artists or author/artist. Please just include details of all collaborators in the sign-up.
If you wish to write for your own prompt, you still need to sign up as a fest participant. Instructions on signing up will be posted to the HP Daddyfest Tumblr when claiming opens.
Please allow 48 hours for your claim to be processed. You will receive a confirmation e-mail with your prompt. Please check the prompt and also submission type (fic or art) are correct and follow the link to confirm your participation. Anyone who doesn’t respond via the form within 5 days will have their prompt released.
You may claim additional prompts when your first piece is completed. If you wish to claim additional prompts please submit your work to the Ao3 collection and send an email with the prompt you wish to claim next to [email protected]
If you would like to create for the fest but wish to remain anonymous after reveals, that can be arranged. You will be required to give a username for claiming, but if you e-mail the mods prior to posting, we will keep your submission anonymous even after reveals.
1st June is the due date and you will be responsible for submitting your fanwork to the Ao3 HP DaddyFest Collection on or before that date. This is an anonymous fest. Please do not post your work anywhere else until after fest reveals. 
Submitting Guideline for Authors and Artists
All authors and artists are required to have an AO3 account.
All works must be beta’ed. If using a group chat or Discord server to help you find a beta, please save details which could give away your identity as creator for dms. If you have difficulty finding a beta, please e-mail the mods and we will do our best to put you in touch with someone.
Submit your fic or art to the fest collection on AO3 which you can find (HERE) on or before submissions are due.
PLEASE contact us at [email protected] if you are unable to post. There are no penalties for dropping out. We understand that life happens as long as you keep us in the loop as best you can.
When you submit your work, you must co-author hpdaddyfest. This is to allow us to add necessary tags and correct obvious typing errors only. You will be informed by e-mail if we have done this so that you can review it if you wish. Any more complex issues, we will e-mail you before making changes. We reserve the right to ask you for a second beta.
Once you have submitted your work, please complete the Header Submission form which you will receive a link to via email.
One submission will be revealed (but remain anonymous) on AO3 each day. The header information will be used to post on Tumblr each day with a link to the fic on AO3.
The moderators will post wrap-ups of fanworks in a single weekly post on the HPDaddyfest Tumblr. We will also post a final fest wrap up before and after reveals.
The fest is anonymous so please do not post your submissions to your own accounts on any platform with any telling comments or attributes as to the creator’s identity.  Reblogging and sharing of submissions is highly encouraged, but as the fest is anonymous we encourage and require secrecy as to the creator of each submission.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s):
1) Do the submissions need to be NSFW to be included? A: Absolutely not! Daddy-fest is very open in terms of the types of works being contributed. We love that the term “Daddy” means different things to different people, and cannot wait to see how all our lovely contributors interpret it themselves.
2) What is the minimum length requirement for fics?
A: There is a minimum of 1000 words, but no maximum length requirement for fics!  Create your fic as concise or as lengthy as you desire!
3) What pairings are allowed?
A: Any and all pairings are welcome so long as they belong to the HP universe.  This includes but is not limited to Marauders era, Lightning era, Next-gen, Cursed Child, and Fantastic Beasts characters.
4) Can I submit a story that belongs to an existing series or WIP?
A: No. We prefer that the stories are all original works submitted for this fest specifically. Stories associated with an existing work or works could compromise the fest’s anonymous nature.
5)  Can a prompt be claimed more than once?
A: Each prompt can be claimed once for art and once for fic only.
6) Are Non-Magical AU’s allowed?
A: Absolutely!  So long as you are using HP characters feel free to place them in any setting you choose.  Stretch your creativity!
7) Do I have to use a fic beta?
A: Yes. We will put out a call for betas when the due date for entries draws near. The mods will be proofreading all entries and may ask for a second beta if grammatical errors are abundant.
8) I finished my submission early, can I post it early?
A: Absolutely!  Please feel free to submit your work as early as you have it ready. This actually gives us more time to moderate your piece so we are happy to have early submissions.
9)  Will you grant extensions?
A: Of course!  Life happens and this is meant to be fun and not stressful.  Please contact us if you need an extension at [email protected].
10) I need to drop out, what should I do?
A: Again, life happens so please don’t stress but do let us know as soon as you can. Even if you think you might need to drop out email us and we’ll see what we can do for you. As with extensions, this is meant to be fun and if finishing it becomes stressful or not possible then just let us know. However, participants who do not inform us in due time of their intention to drop out may not be allowed to participate in future fests.
11) Does this kink always have to use BDSM?
A: No! Not at all. It certainly can be if you choose but it isn’t necessary. There’s a wide interpretation for Daddy kink, but the main idea is that there needs to be a dynamic where one partner dominates or takes care of the other partner(s) either sexually, post-sex, domestically, or all the above.
12) What tropes and kinks are commonly associated with this theme?
A: Getting off on dominance or being dominated, praise kink, age play, roleplay, humiliation, caregiver/little. In BDSM, impact play like spanking, whipping, flogging, and restraints of all kinds. The list of kinks is almost limitless as long as the dynamic fits within the scope of Daddy kink.
13) Do I have to co-author you? I don’t want you to edit my fic for me.
A: Yes, you must co-author us. We did not rigidly enforce this on the first run and it caused many issues, mainly with insufficient tagging holding up posting. For fic and art, if we add tags to your work we will let you know so that you can discuss alternatives with us if you wish. For fics, the types of issues we will fix ourselves are only typing errors, such as a space before a full stop/period that has been caused during editing, a single incidence of tense-confusion or universe-specific words which are canonically capitalised. Anything more complex, and we will e-mail you with suggestions without making any changes.
14) Do we have to follow the prompt exactly?
A: No. This is not a gift fest and we see the prompts as jumping-off points to inspire you. We encourage you following where that inspiration takes you, regardless of the details of the prompt. Just ensure the end result is tagged correctly! If your idea is so far from the prompt as to be unrecognisable, however, perhaps you’d be better off self-prompting.
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demented-dukey · 5 years
Comments: actslikeacat
Open letter to @actslikeacat. Please let me have a moment of your time, I swear I’m not trying to attack you or trigger you. This is NOT a callout. I cannot PM you because you only allow PMs from blogs you follow, (which is fine, I’m just explaining why this is a public post instead of a PM). 
I am still going through comments on the call-out post, so forgive me for the late reply. I understand you had no intent of being hostile - I was not accusing you of anything, I was just trying to ask people in general to be careful how they word their opinions because it was (and is) hurting people.
You were added to the anti-taglist because I saw your comment on this post telling people not to ship siblings. It was because of that comment you were automatically added to the anti-list, so that pro-shippers would know to stay away from your blog.
I am sorry that I tagged you on the callout post. I was trying to get a message out to the Fanders community in general, and I have promised to never tag anyone on the taglist again. (obviously this is a special exception, because I can’t PM you).
It’s fine that you are a minor. It’s fine that you are uncomfortable with the topic. I’m not asking for reasons why you feel the way you do, and you don’t have to explain yourself to me.
You asked me in your comment to remove you from the anti-tag list. I would like to honor your wishes, but I wanted to check with you first: Since the callout post, I have been reorganizing the list, and I have made separate sections for triggers and for antishippers. Would you prefer that I move you to the “Trigger” category? Or do you still want to be removed from the anti-taglist all together? Please let me know. I’m sorry that I’m making you feel anxious. I’m really trying not to hurt anyone.
No one should be making you feel bad for your opinion. If you think that’s what I’m doing, then I am sorry. I am not trying to make anyone feel bad. You have your opinion, and you are valid.
I saw that you had a conversation with un-sympatheticside-opinions, in which you both voiced concerns that you were being made to feel bad by pro-shippers. As I am the only vocal pro-shipper that I’m aware of, I can only assume that this conversation was about me. (If I’m wrong, please let me know who has been making you feel bad, and I will confront them on your behalf.) Again, I am sorry that you have been hurt by me. 
I 100% agree with un-sympatheticside-opinions: You are not bad, and you do not need to feel guilty for not wanting [us] around your blog. I promise.
I am not trying to stomp over others’ boundaries or make others uncomfortable. My main goal is to protect the people who are already being hurt by all the hate flooding Tumblr this past week.
You have not been hostile. I have no grudge against you. I am trying to work towards a peaceful resolution on both sides, and I am deeply sorry that I made mistakes that drew you into the crossfire.
Please let me know through an ask if you still want to be removed from the anti-taglist, or moved to the trigger section instead. If contacting me makes you feel too anxious, please reach out to a friend to contact me through an Ask or PM on your behalf (I don’t always see comments or reblogs). I promise I will listen and obey your wishes.
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