#I wnnna punch myself in the face until I forget everything
landlockedcorsair · 6 months
Hate assigned gender. The only downside to being nonbinary is the inevitable “but were you born with a cunt or a dick” question cause it ALWAYS comes up. Like. Am I afab or amab?? I understand why people ask, but it’s so reductive and it sucks. I’m nonbinary but there’s always the modifier of genitals or assigned gender. Every single time. Like, trans women and trans men have their struggles, and there are lots of haters out there. But I can’t be nonbinary without the modifier of my assigned gender. Actually that’s the same as transmasc and transfems damn. Why does our existence always gotta be measured against how we were when we were pushed out of some cunt? Can’t we just tell you our gender without the fucking backstory? “I’m nonbinary, but I come from a long line of cunt-bearing dick-swingers; you see, I’ve got my grandpas hair and my grandmas temperament. I’m a vicious mess. But this random doctor said my whole future should be defined by his first glance at my infant body. So my agab is _____ and that tells you everything about me.”
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