#I would pay good money to hear what Eugene said off camera
olderthanthegods · 2 years
The try guys situation is so wild to me because imagine blowing up your marriage, ruining your kids family, losing your business, and risking your friends livelihoods in one swoop and then giving the half assed notes app apology that Ned did
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abacot · 7 years
the fleet's commander In chief marine. .... Page 10, Register-Guard, Eugene, Ore., Wed., June 25, 1947 Ex-Marine Turns Down Plot said, one carrier, two . cruisers, eight destroyers and about five BMt "rfl Won in Gl Land Lottery Senate Action Keeps Pacific Fleet Intact HONOLULU W Adm. Louis E. Denfeld said Wednesday that Senate restoration of 157,000,000 tentatively slashed from the Navy budget by the House of Representatives will permit the fleet to maintain a nearly normal force In the Pacific. Had the House cut gone through, Moufain States Extends Springfield WalerSystem mount up too high for him to pay, LA GRANDE. Ore. IU.PJ 2 Uillion Feet USTT FOR Aic he said. Object to Cost Observing there were no buildings of any sort on the land, Haefer said that despite all this: from Tenth St. to Thirteenth St. using eight inch pipe; J St. from Tenth St. to Twelfth St using six "Even considering the present condition of the tract and its un inch pipe. SPRINGFIELD The Mountain .-States Power Co. is in the process of laying over 11,000 feet of water mains here and expects to have the projects scheduled completed within another month according to Burt Albers, water superintendent for the company. MEDIATE DEUVEB, DOORS - WINDOWS L PlWivIT' W ,s. pee im vm&kSgrgf HENRY BACON to? CAMP ADAIR, OREGON piJV : j Tenth St. from K .St, to M St., four inch pipe; Eleventh St. from Garden Tractors FOR RENT 1668 Willamette Phone 92 K St. to N St., four inch pipe; Twelfth St. from K St. to N St. four inch pipe; Eighth St from K Carson Haefer, 26-year-old for-mer U. S. Marine from Cove, Ore., said Wednesday that as far as he is concerned tl.j government can take the Roza, Wash., farm he won in a veterans' homestead drawing and use it for a coyote pasture. Haefer was one of 28 former GI's who recently won tracts in the Roza project in the Yakima Valley of southern Washington. He said he would not take the land because of conditions attached to its acceptance, including the high cost of developing what he described as' a patch of barren desert. His Investigation t his 78-aere grant, said Haefer, showed that approximately S35.000 would have to be spent before the lapd could be lived upon and put into production. The former Marine estimated St. to Q St., four inch pipes. AI.lt Iw- Four additional fire hydrants are being installed around the -- Union High School to make a complete loop around the school area and thus give fire protection on A main from the reservoir on Willamette Heights to Third and known potential production value, I would go ahead if it weren't for the $265 an acre construction cost." . The veteran said he had talked with other GI's who had won land parcels in the drawing, and "none of us had heard of the charges on the tracts beforehand." "I could sell the land after working it for the period of my overseas service about 13 months. . But," he concluded, "I dont's think there is anyone stupid enough to buy that tract for $263 an acre." - Sts. has been completed. all sides of the $500,000 plant. It is anticipated that several short water main extensions will be installed possibly later in the year. However, Albers said this Other water mains scheduled and partially under construction are: extension of line on K St would depend on the availability or additional pipe. . rzz THIEF REPENTS SALEM m Eight months ago an $185 trapgun was stolen from the Salem Hardware Co. Tuesday the gun was returned by that it would take $20,000 for construction costs alone on his 78 acres, what with the government charging $265 an acre for building HAS I GRANDPARENTS SOUTH BELOIT, 111. U. Stephanie Ray, .infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Olds, has 10 living grandparents, including six in the "great" class. Cameras With Cases REUIRE 8mm. ....$l.0 REVERE 8mm. Mas;. Load. .137.50 AKGC3 C- r 78.33 and irrigation facilities. "There isn't any drinking mail, without ever having been used. : .. FRANK FIELD TILE CO. Everything in tile. Phone 1364-J. water," Haefer said, "and drilling a well would cost about $2600." The sagebrush - covered area S Phone 535 Seventh cV yttthtSiaitef thtJSUfXotSdi' EUGENE, ORE. would have to be cleared and JOCKEY-. Model Janice Cooper, (above) in costume appropriate to her selection as Monmo-jth Park race track's "jockey girl," will present awards .to winners of special events levelled at a cost of another $20 an acre, he noted. And other1 needed expenses, including instal 1 I ft M nADio. HI DADIO lation of electric power, would EUGENE PLANING MILL WILL BE CLOSED FOR VACATIONS JUNE 28 TO JULY 7 So you couldn't force yourself Into a container of that size. So what? You can gtt just as good "snaps" as Snapper gets by making our store your Film Headquarters. Ik 1 JrL m llEPAISUKS ON AH MAKH Unmarried Couple Confess VTA Desertion of Little 'Miss X' 73 1(7 I. Ilth. J) GRANTS PASS M") The;Tenn., and was living with' Mrs. mystery of little "Miss X," the Meddlin, the sergeant continued. mm irwB'r.MC Wr r-'l ilexi toJflayflcuierlktadt abandoned girl found in Weed,! Gilreath at first denied know! In which we explore Indian Country with Chevron Supreme Calif. June 15, was solved Wednes 15" 3HBT edge of the child, but later admitted, leaving her at Weed De-cause at home "there were too many kids around," the sergeant said. day, state police said, by the confessions of an unmarried couple who decided they had "too many kids around." They identified the badly beaten girl eyes blackened, body bruised and left arm temporarily useless when found in a clump of bushes This ploturmw Sotittwwl ,s ere of th. Wl-Mlor Sunk Viswi bttlnsd whtrtvsr yMt Chevron Supr.ms DO YOUR WASHING at COX'S SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRY as Mary Jane Meddlin, 2V4, Selma, Ore. Mother Confesses - Sgt. C. R. Borgman of the state AT LAST 9 Tube PHILCO Table Model RADIO FM Short Wave-Standard Broadcast $157.95 Oldfield's Electric Ph. 254 846 Olive police said she was a daughter of II Mrs. Lucille Meddlin, Selma. who Complete Laundry Facilities and Fountain Lunch! signed a confession that with Hugh Gilreath, 25, sawmill worker, she beat the child severely June 14, II ATS CLEANED AND REBLOCEED $1.00 O.K. HAT SHOP 1434 WILLAMETTE one nignt Deiore entering the no No Appointment Necessary 2nd & Polk St, Ph. 2034 pital here as Mrs. Lucille Gilreath" to have her third baby. The woman was separated from her BBBBtl -J husband, Borgman said. The sergeant said California au thorities have served a warrant charging assault with intent to kill on Gilreath and that the sawmill worker had waived extradition, Denies Beating Borgman added that Gilreath signed a confession that he took the girl to Weed by bus une 15 THIS IS INDIAN COUKTRT LAND OF GHOSTS AND PBANKJffl . NATURg- I Monument Vail. hre forgotten wateni4 patient winds have carredj :; symphonies in stone, I; sketched this Navajo wbmaai , woa,Tihg a blanjtt te'colbf ful as the country. It's lonesome, ahd off this ni' ,' way, but good driving f itt "clinate'-tailered" Chevren -Supreme Gasoline in the taj. and abandoned her there, but said unreath denied ever beatine the tot severely. He also denied that the girl was "criminally mishan died" as Deputy Sheriff Dan Bennett, Weed, reported, Borgman said, The police announcement ap parently ended a ten-day search that had extended the length of the .Pacific Coast. Unconscious when first found, the eirl later later was unwilling or unable to give authorities her name. Police had then investigated scores of reports of missing children and "suspicious-looking" men. One such report paid off, Borgman said. It lead to Gilreath. who came here last year from Jellicot, Plywood Log Coronado. searehihg for the seven cities of Cibola, probably marvelled at these 40-fbot desert giants. Elf owls and woodpeckers nest in the saguaro oactus. delioate flowers tip their tortured branches in the Spring. Savinq Urged PORTLAND M Northwest plywood producers were told Wednesday their supply o peeler logs can't be assured unless they conserve second growth timber. The warning came from Dr. J. A. Hall, director of the forest service's northwest experiment station, In his annual report. 1 4 ' 58 West 11th Ave. J Dr. Hall said that cutting, most of it in second growth, had been destructive. Most peeler logs are ..iltiu (if TftlBLa. ... rM,rn nan ai w heating up unm n --' was taken from trees 45 to 60 years old. Thus is lost about 1200 board feet a year per acre, he said. Trees should be allowed to mature, he insisted. n fan belt. Hit I ,t - ever Oeasfledl Trading Post put m a here, but no vapor-x Another conservation practice would be the pruning of young trees to eliminate knots. to Chevron Supreme P"Bi "uions tailored to suit Woal driving conditions ia each temperature zone. We Are Saving Others Money, Why Not You? See ui U you are planning CEMENT WORK REMODELING NEW CONSTRUCTION Lou Germain Contractor 307 Hampton Bidg. Ph. 129 ARMT SUPPLIES Ollkey Trading- Post, 1873 Franklin at 13th Ph. 5918-W. Curtains cleaned In Sanltene Electrlo Cleaners, 1210 Willamette St. This ancient, colorful land is full 6f surprising thingsto see. I enjoyed every mile 6f it... and some of the sredit belongs to Chevron Supreme. For though the mountains are high, s is Chevron Supreme 's octane rating, and X didn't hear a ping on the trip.. We Will Close For Vacations ONE WEEK JUNE 30th TO JULY 5th GOOD MILLWORK 3 Prove to yourself what thousands are discovering ' daily: that dry beer is more refreshing. Try ' Rainier Extra Dry, the beer with the clean, crjsp i , flavor and bouquet, and the golden, true-beer color. ' k C72) Its good going on p x e- "ev since mi EXTRA DRV RPPn Midgley Planing Mill Co. SUPREME GASOLINE Rainier Brewing Company San Francisco Let Angeles llll - .-i . ' ''y '"'VJt j 4th and High Stt, Phone 1059 i
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