#but had a two hour car ride and couldn’t stop thinking about it
olderthanthegods · 2 years
The try guys situation is so wild to me because imagine blowing up your marriage, ruining your kids family, losing your business, and risking your friends livelihoods in one swoop and then giving the half assed notes app apology that Ned did
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roanofarcc · 2 months
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pairing. javi rivera x reader
summary. Javi has a problem telling you how he feels until he almost loses you. 
warnings. angst with a happy ending! slightly inaccurate meteorological info, a curse word or two, descriptions of injuries, reader gets hurt, love confessions! movie scenes will not be shot-for-shot but as close as I can remember.
word count. 2.5k || masterlist
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The car ride to El Reno was tense. A tornado was hurling toward a town full of people and Javi had made the decision to follow Kate, Tyler, and the rest of the wranglers to help instead of staying with Storm Par. And as much as you wanted to tell him it was the right choice, you were too stubborn to. It wasn’t because you didn’t agree; you did. You’d been skeptical of the business since you started working for them but you tried, time and time again, to convince yourself that they were helping people. It wasn’t until seeing Kate’s reaction that you snapped back to reality. 
You didn’t say anything to Javi because you were still upset with him. The night before you two had gotten into an argument bigger than you ever had. You’d come to the end of your line. For the past couple of years, you’d been stuck in a confusing limbo with him. One minute you were making out in bars and staying up until the early hours of the morning talking, and the next he treated you like a co-worker. He was up and down, hot and cold. You had no idea where you stood, and you had gotten so tired of waiting around for him to finally commit. You started to think he never would. 
But heaven forbid you get flirted with by a good-looking stranger at the diner you’d all stopped at for dinner. Javi refused to make a move and he tipped-toed around an answer when you asked him what the two of you were doing. But he didn’t like someone else making the move he wouldn’t do. It wasn’t fair. All you wanted to was to know how he felt, but he couldn’t seem to give you that. So, you two argued, hot and angry. You still felt the thick tension cloud the car, with the added anxiety of the people directly in the storm’s path. 
You both stayed silent the whole ride, not speaking until you arrived in a town that was alive with sirens and dangerous winds. You had spotted Kate, and Javi was quick to throw the truck into park. You both rushed out, only to find a frantic Kate trying to lift a heavy piece of debris that trapped Tyler’s foot. Javi grabbed the closest thing he could find, stuck it under the piece of debris and you all lifted it enough for Tyler to yank his foot free. He didn’t look too badly injured, or maybe his body was pumping enough adrenaline to keep him upright. 
“We’ve gotta find shelter!” Kate yelled above the whirling winds. The nearest building that people rushed into was an old-looking movie theater down the road. There didn’t look to be many obvious safe places in the dated downtown, but the storm was moving fast, and staying outside only worsened their chance of survival. 
None of you had a chance to take off anywhere before a horrible creaking sound echoed above the wind. You spun around just as the town’s water tower started to make its way to the ground. A string of curses left your lips, tumbling out of your mouth as the water tower crashed to the Earth, releasing the water in a rush. You tried to run, but the water mixed with the flying debris swept all of you up before you could get far. 
The current pulled you harshly before it slammed your body against the front of a building. Pain brushed up your side as you groaned, soaked head to toe from the mixture of rain and rushing water that depleted as it continued down the street.
You coughed, feeling like you were still moving. Everything spun around you, whipping around as you sat on the ground trying to grasp your bearings. It wasn’t until Kate appeared at your side and pulled you to your feet did you rip yourself from your daze. There was no time to think about anything other than getting everyone to safety. The sky was turning darker by the minute and the town had already erupted in chaos. 
In your wet clothes, you took off after the group, following the mass of people into the movie theater. 
The place had no basement, only scared people confused storm chasers. You were suddenly filled with hopelessness, cold and daunting that crept into your gut. It was bad, really bad, and growing worse by the minute. If the tornado hit the theater, there was a good chance not everyone would make it out alive. 
You had no idea what to do, but you saw something flicker in Kate’s eyes, something the boys had missed as they watched the storm out of one of the exits, trying to come up with a plan for all of the people inside. She took off running towards the other exit, and you followed her. 
You had only just met Kate, but Javi had told you a lot about her from their college days. He trusted her, and from what you’d seen that week so far, so did you. Maybe it was a reckless move, following an almost stranger outside in the middle of a tornado, but you weren’t thinking rationally, only with the mindset that something had to be done and Kate seemed to know what that was. 
It wasn’t until she reached Tyler’s truck that you caught her, grabbing her arm before she swung open the door. 
“What are you doing?” she asked, breathlessly. “Please, don’t try to stop me.” 
You glanced at the incoming storm, the ominous clouds that held so much destruction within its black, swirling form. “I'm going with you.” 
She looked like she wanted to ask why, but there was no time. Instead, she nodded and quickly got into the truck as you followed, hopping into the passenger seat. 
Javi had told you of Kate’s original study in school; she wanted to stop a tornado. And it looked like she was going to put it to the test again. She raced through a field, hitting every bump, causing your head to nearly hit the roof of the truck each time. 
You had been close to a tornado, closer than most people willingly got, but you’d never been inside of one. Nor had you seen a storm quite like that one. The tornado was massive, a wall of sheer force that knocked into the truck with everything it had, knocking the wind right out of you. 
Kate was too determined to be paralyzed by the swirling darkness that surrounded you. She slammed down on the buttons on the center console, but nothing was happening. 
“It’s not working,” she cried, trying again and again as her panic swelled. You shuttered, hardly hearing her above the roar of the wind. The truck rocked, unsteady, and you weren’t sure how much force it would be able to take. The size of that tornado wasn't like the kind the Wranglers drove into. 
You glanced out the rearview window at the barrels on the trailer that were supposed to release their contents, but the lids remained on. Kate gripped the steering wheel hard as the wind beat against the doors, shaking the truck worse and worse by the second. Her hands shook too, trembling as the tornado continued to engulf you, threatening to chew you two right up and spit you out like it was nothing. 
You repeated Kate’s actions with the buttons, hitting them with a silent prayer again and again until finally, the lids all popped open, and their contents were sucked up into the storm. 
Both of your relief was short-lived as the storm overpowered the rig. The world blurred before your eyes as the truck was flipped. The passenger side window was shattered as you landed upside down; shards of glass sliced through the skin on your face, but the pain wasn’t felt right away. The only thing you felt was the intense drumming of your heart that beat against your ribs. 
You’d felt panic before in a storm, a small drop compared to what you felt at that moment. It was hard to breathe with the world seemingly closing in around you. You didn’t want to die, not like that. But it felt inevitable at that moment. The blood rushing to your head, the shattered glass peppering your skin, and the scream of the twister directly over top of you. 
Your mind was on fire, but you tried to find an anchor, something to hold your panic still enough to think straight. Javi came to mind subconsciously. You saw him, his sweet smile and dark eyes. The argument you had was far from your mind. Instead, all you saw was the good stuff. Sneaking out of your motel rooms to watch the stars on clear nights during chases. Him laughing at your jokes no matter how terrible. The way he had memorized your drink order and insisted on buying you them at every bar. Despite his inability to just tell you how he felt, Javi had always been the person you were drawn back to. And you didn’t see that stopping. Maybe it would hurt in the long run, and maybe it was just wishful thinking that he wanted anything deeper than what you had. But he was so intertwined in your life. He was the only person you wanted to share things with, the first person who you had cared about so intimately.  
You loved him, you realized. You had pretty shit timing. 
Or maybe not. 
A hand grasped your arm, sending a wave of pain through your shoulder. You gasped, peeling open your eyes you hadn’t even realized were closed. Turning your head, you saw Kate’s glossy eyes staring back at you, wide but focused. She held her hand hovering over your arm; it was red, and you weren't sure if it was her blood or yours. 
“We did it,” she whispered, and you realized you could hear her, easily. The roar of the wind was gone. The storm was just…gone. A smile broke out on her lips as she repeated," We did it!” 
There was a nasty cut on her face, blood running down the side of it. Your hands fumbled for your seatbelt and harness, undoing them quickly and trying to maneuver your body so you didn’t land on your head in the overturned truck. 
“We’ve got to get the hell out of here,” you breathed out. Kate followed your actions. Shards of glass cut up your hands as you crawled out of the busted window, slowly and pained. You clawed at the mud, never having felt so grateful for the feeling of the earth under your fingers. 
You only managed to get your upper half out of the truck before someone grabbed your arms. Looking up, you met Javi’s panicked gaze. He held onto your arms tightly, breathing heavily and rain-soaked. He helped you the rest of the way out and pulled you to your feet. The world still spun a little, and you swayed, disoriented. He didn’t let go of you, keeping his hands firmly on your shoulders. It looked like his mouth was moving, but the sudden movement of standing hurt your head. 
It took a couple of moments before his voice cut through the pounding in your head. “Are you okay?” 
You swallowed thickly, achy and definitely bruised. But you were alive and that was a lot better than you’d thought you be a minute ago. “I-I think so.” 
He sighed in relief before his expression shifted into something unreadable. With his hands still on your shoulders, he shook you, gently but enough to get his point across. “What is wrong with you?!” Javi raised his voice too. “What the hell were you thinking? You could have died! Seriously, what-”
You cut him off by shoving him hard enough for him to drop his hold on your shoulders. The revelation you just had slipped back to the back burner and the fight you had the night before stood front and center. 
“Are you seriously yelling at me right now?” you bit back. 
“Yes!” He threw his hands up in the air as if to say ‘obviously.’ “I thought you died! You can’t do shit like that! You can’t just leave in the middle of a goodman storm and not tell me!” 
A scoff fell from your lips. Your whole body throbbed in a dull pain, momentarily overshadowed by the adrenaline pumping through your veins. “Why do you care?” you shouted back; your words were coated in hurt that you’d been too angry to express during your fight the night before. You hadn’t said all that you wanted, but it bubbled to the surface and mixed with the flush of emotions you felt in the middle of the storm for Javi. 
He looked offended by your words. “I care because…because you’re you! And if something happened to you I-I…” he trailed off, caught on his words.
You were sure if the wetness on your face was fresh tears, blood seeping from the little cuts, or leftover tears from your near-death experience. Too many things were spiraling around you, even though the storm had stopped. 
“You still can’t do it.” Your chest hurt like someone had reached inside and sank their nails into your heart. “You still can’t tell me how you feel.” 
Wiping your cheeks, you stumbled backward, on the verge of crying. But before you could walk away, he caught your wrist, spinning you around to face him. 
“I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you,” he admitted, blurting out with so much emotion it was dizzying. You were sure you'd never seen him look like that, scared yet brave. “If you died and I never got to tell you…” He took a breath, sliding his hand down your wrist and into your hand. “Tell you that I love you.” 
For a moment, you weren’t sure you had heard him right. You blinked, silently staring for a moment. You’d hit your head more than once and everything was still a little off as you came back down from the tornado. 
“You what?” 
“I love you,” he said, that time without hesitation. “I’m sorry it took me so long to say it.” 
You smiled, bright and relieved. You hastily grasped the side of his face before pulling him toward you in a sweet but desperate kiss. That kiss was different than it had been before, in the darkened corners of country bars. The kiss was full of pent-up emotions and unsaid words finally spilled. 
Pulling apart, you rested your forehead against his, laughing lightly at the absurdity of it all. You still felt like you were spinning.
Someone behind you both cleared their throat and you felt your face get hot at the raised brows of Tyler and Kate. “Sorry,” you said, feeling giddy and still a little woozy. 
“Don’t be,” Tyler replied. “That was beautiful.” Kate rolled her eyes and smacked his arm. 
“Let’s get out of here,” Kate said before she and Tyler led the way back to town. 
You and Javi lingered for a moment longer, your hands intertwined. “I love you too,” you said, earning a toothy grin from him. He slung his arm around your shoulder, careful to avoid the little bumps and scarps you’d accumulated over the course of the storm, and pressed a kiss to the side of your head.
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One Last Time
Summary: Three years ago you buried Logan on the day you were supposed to get married. When your friend calls you, telling you that she saw Logan at the bar she was at right at this moment, you had to check for yourself if she was right. Not knowing that the night would end with you in his bed. And a surprise weeks later you were not ready for.
Pairing: Logan x fem. reader
Rating: E
Wordcount: 1.8k
Warnings: angst, grief, alcohol, smut (unprotected sex), masturbation, cum play, unplanned pregnancy, me setting myself up for a part two of this fic that I haven't planned because all my brain thinks of is having babies
follow @toomanystoriessolittletime-fics and turn on notifications to get notified when I post new fics
Full Masterlist // Marvel Masterlist
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You didn’t believe your friend when she called you to tell you she had seen him. 
Because it could not have been him. 
You had buried him almost three years ago on a rainy day. The day that was supposed to be your wedding day became the day you had to say goodbye to the man that had saved you in so many ways. 
You met Logan almost seven years ago.
He quite literally saved you from getting smashed by a car that had been thrown at you during an attack where you found yourself at the wrong place at the wrong time. 
He found you after, when you were about to be brought to the hospital for your broken leg, asking if you’d be okay. 
You didn’t really think you would see him ever again. 
But Logan became a frequent visitor during your time at the hospital. He insisted on bringing you to the appointments after, stating that had he been quicker, your leg wouldn’t have been broken. You stopped reminding him after week three that if he wouldn’t have been there you would probably dead. 
It would take him almost a year to ask you out on a date. 
And the rest, as they said, was history. 
You had been in the middle of your last wedding dress fitting when the call reached you. Charles Xavier, a mentor and friend of Logan, had called you to tell you to come to the school where Logan was working right away. 
It was there that you learned that Logan had been killed during a mission.
The whole year after was a blur of heartbreak, anger and grief. 
It had taken you a long time to learn to live with the hole in your heart, that Logan’s death left in you. 
So there was no way it was Logan that your friend saw at the bar. 
You found yourself getting dressed in the dead of night to take a look anyway. 
A very anxious cab ride later you found yourself walking towards your friend, hugging her as she told you he was still sitting at the bar, getting drunk. He’d been drinking since she got there three hours ago for her date. 
„And you’re sure?“ You asked, voice tight. She nodded. 
„There even was another dude there earlier and he called him Logan. I… I wouldn’t call you if I weren’t sure baby,“ she said and you nodded, taking a deep breath. 
You weren’t even sure why you were here. 
Was it because you had to see with your own two eyes that your friend was wrong? Was it because deep down you still clung to the hope that everything that happened in the last three years had just been a bad dream?
You didn’t know. 
So you weren’t prepared for the way your heart almost stopped once you stepped inside the bar and found him sitting at the bar. 
You felt your friend squeeze your hand as you slowly walked towards him, not sure what you would actually do once you stood in front of him. Instead you sat down three chairs down from him, ordering yourself a beer before you allowed yourself to fully look at him. 
He was older than your Logan. 
Greys in his hair and unkempt beard. There were deep lines around his eyes. He looked tired. Yet the moment he turned his head, his eyes finding yours you couldn’t deny that somehow this was Logan. 
Just not the one you knew. 
He raised one of his eyebrows as he looked at you and you blinked at him, processing your thoughts, thankful when the bartender interrupted your inner panic rising and set your ordered beer down in front of you. 
Thanking him with a nod you picked up the beer, bringing the bottle to your lips, taking three big gulps. 
Closing your eyes, your head lowered as you took some deep breaths, you were startled when you heard his voice. 
„Do I know you from somewhere?“ 
His deep, familiar voice making you tear up immediately.
Opening your eyes you looked up and turned your head to the side where Logan was looking at you with curious eyes. 
„I don’t think so. I knew another you though,“ you said, before you took another sip of your beer. 
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Even in your drunken mind you knew that when you would wake up the next day you would regret this. 
But right now Logan was kissing you and you did not care how much it would hurt the next day. 
You were both drunk when the bar closed and because you didn’t want to part form him just yet you kissed him as soon as you were outside, before you told him that you’d really like to spend more time with him. 
Now you were in the shady motel room that he apparently called home, your back against the closed door, his lips on yours.
Parting your lips for him his tongue slipped into your mouth while his arms picked you up to pull you closer, his hands on your ass. He carried you over to his bed, lips never leaving yours as he laid you down. 
With your hands in his hair you kept him close, breathing him in. 
„Wanna ride your cock,“ you mumbled against his lips and he groaned. 
„Sure you can take me, princess?“ He asked and you grinned. 
„You wanna check?“
He chuckled as he knelt over you, making a show of taking his shirt off, your eyes hungrily taking him in. The thought that he had more scars than your Logan came to your mind, but you fought that thought down. 
You sat yourself up and got rid of your shirt and bra too, the growl that came from Logan’s lips making you shiver. He was the one who took off your jeans and panties before he got out of the bed and took the rest of his clothes off, his eyes never leaving yours. 
Sucking your bottom lip in you parted your legs for him, one of your hands slipping down your body until your fingers dipped between your folds, playing with yourself. 
„She’s desperate for it, huh?“ He asked, chest heaving as he looked down at you. 
„So desperate to be filled,“ you sighed.
„Show me,“ he demanded, voice hoarse and you arched your back as you pushed two of your fingers inside with ease. 
You watched him watch you, one of his hands wrapping around his thick cock, pumping it slowly as you fucked yourself with your fingers. 
„Shit I can hear how fucking soaked you are, princess,“ he said, finally getting back on the bed. He watched you bring yourself closer and closer to an orgasm, his hand wrapping around your wrist to stop you just before you fell over the edge, making you whine in protest. 
Looking at him you gasped when he brought your finger to his lips, sucking them clean, humming like it was the most delicious thing he ever had. 
Before he could react you were straddling him, pushing him on his back, your hands grabbing both of his wrists, pressing them against the mattress as you felt the tip of his cock slip inside of you. 
With a cocky grin he looked up at you, his lips parting as you slowly let yourself sink down on him, his thick cock filling you inch after inch, stretching your inner walks until you were seated on his hips, his cock resting deep inside of you. 
„Fucking missed this,“ you moaned, closing your eyes before you began to roll your hips. 
It wasn’t long before he got out of your grip, one of his hands on your ass, moving you on top of him, his other hand playing with one of your tits. 
„Feels fucking perfect,“ he groaned, thrusting up into you and you had to stop yourself from crying out loudly. 
„Oh you liked that, huh?“ he teased and you nodded, sucking your lip between your teeth. 
„None of that,“ he said, his thumb pulling at your lip, tilting your head down so you had to look at him. 
„Want to hear you when I make you cum,“ he smirked, both of his hands grabbing your hips before he began to pump himself up into you, holding you still as he fucked into you in quick deep thrusts. 
„Oh shit,“ you cried out, your hands come to rest on either side of his head, keeping you upright. 
„Can feel her squeezing me,“ he grunted and you shuddered. 
„Cum for me, princess,“ he grunted, somehow even fucking up faster inside of you, his cock twitching. 
It was moments later that you exploded, your orgasm taking over your body, legs shaking, arms weakening as you fell down against his chest, his arms caging you against his chest as he fucked you through it before he came too, fucking you full of his cum. 
You wrapped your arms behind his neck, your face resting in the crook of he neck as you both panted against each other. 
You must have fallen asleep like that because the next time your eyes opened the room was dark and you were laying with Logan behind you under the covers. 
He was breathing calmly behind you and you let the familiarity of this situation allow to wash over you. Having spent countless night like this in your shared bed with another Logan that was now gone. 
You felt the tears before you even realised that you were crying, taking some deep breaths, before you slowly got out of the bed, careful to not wake him up. 
Allowing yourself a long look at this Logan you wondered what his story was, shaking your head to yourself before you began to get dressed. 
The sun was just rising when you quietly opened the motel door, taking one last look at him before you slipped out of his room. 
Calling yourself an uber you allowed yourself to shed some tears, feeling conflicted and confused about the last twelve hours. 
Without the intention to ever see him again, you did not check for a way to ever contact him again.
Not knowing that only six weeks later you would not only move into the same apartment complex he was moving into.
No, you’d find out that just because your Logan was infertile it did not mean every Logan was, as you stared panicked at the positive pregnancy test on the first night in your new apartment. 
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kyeomofhearts · 8 months
Again & Again | C.SC
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+ summary: you caved in and fucked your best friend, but it was only a one-time thing… right?
+ pairing: scoups x fem!reader
+ word count: 4.3k
+ content: fwb!, chubby reader (love ya'll), friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, mutual pining, pussy drunk cheol, size kink, angst, fluff
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (Final)
+ WARNINGS: drinking!, smut, dom!seungcheol, sub!reader, rough sex, praise?, sizekink, creampie, pls lmk if I missed anything
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“I’m ready!”
Seungcheol’s ears perked up at your sudden announcement. Turning his head, only to be met with a breathtaking view of you. The way your clothes hugged your figure had his head spinning. He always loved seeing your curves and the way you filled out everything nicely. Although you weren’t wearing anything out of the ordinary, it was just a simple outfit. Something that would match the mood for Jeonghan’s party.
But Seungcheol being… well himself, he was mesmerized. He was for sure going to struggle to keep his hands off you, especially at Jeonghan’s party. As much as he was willing to risk it all for you, he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable so he kept it to himself.
“Let’s go then.”
The car ride was comfortable, nothing different from the ordinary.
Well, maybe a little different.
From the corner of your eye, you could see Seungcheol looking at you at times. It was easy to guess what he was thinking about… but you were literally two minutes away from Jeonghan’s place!
And they would know.
You took a deep breath.
“Don't even think about it.”
“What?” Seungcheol tried playing it off, even though he knew he had been caught. Even his voice raised a few octaves.
“We can’t! Not now at least…” As much as you tried hiding your pout, you couldn’t.
Of course, you wanted to fuck Seungcheol but with how rough he got… you knew you would get your makeup all messed up and that was something you did not want to deal with at the moment.
“Well… can I get a kiss before we head inside?” He gave you puppy eyes after putting the car in park.
God was he annoying. It annoyed you that his tricks always worked on you. But before you could say anything he was already leaning over the console, fluttering his stupidly long eyelashes with his lips puckered. He knew he looked stupid but teasing you was his favorite thing to do.
Without a second thought, you leaned in to give him a light peck. That should be good enough to hold him off for the next few hours right? Nope. Just before you were finished pulling away, his hand swiftly pulled you back to his lips. You couldn’t stop yourself from following his lead, especially when his hand was keeping your head steady.
Before it could escalate to something more, you felt your phone vibrate. Finally, pulling away while ignoring Cheol’s pleas, you went to check who had texted you.
It was Jeonghan, asking why you weren’t there yet.
“We can continue this later Cheol. Jeonghan’s asking me where we are.” You spoke softly, you knew how sulky Seungcheol would get if he didn’t get what he wanted, but it had to be done.
But fortunately, that was enough to convince him to hold off on his desires. And so he finally stepped out of the car, but only after telling you to not move an inch.
After he opened the door for you, you both began to walk to Jeonghan’s place. It was a nice walk to his place. It would have been even more nice had Seungcheol not tried holding your hand. Was he trying to give you a heart attack? Seriously, everything he did made it feel like he was your boyfriend… which he was not. It really didn’t help your blossoming feelings for him either, it was like he was purposely adding fuel to the fire. But you knew there was nothing behind his gestures, he’s been like this even before you started hooking up.
“C’mon… my hands are cold without yours!” God was he annoying. He was a living embodiment of the pleading emoji, always finding a way to use his puppy eyes to his advantage. But you loved to indulge him every single time.
You rolled your eyes, “What about your other hand? If I only hold this one, then the other one will stay cold.”
“The other hand is connected to the other, so once you hold my hand they both get warmed up.” Seungcheol countered all smug as if that didn’t sound like the dumbest thing he’s ever said.
“I don’t think it works like that-”
“You guys took forever!” Jeonghan said while looking at both you and Seungcheol. You immediately ripped your hand away from Cheol’s.
Jeonghan’s eyes were carrying an entertained look to them, you hope he didn’t see the whole thing between you and Seungcheol. That would be really hard to explain.
But before you could think anything of it, the sound of your favorite voice (besides Cheol's) had gotten your attention.
“y/n~ there's a special surprise waiting for you in the kitchen!” Soonyoung had yelled out behind Jeonghan.
“And… that's my cue!” You immediately sped off towards the kitchen. Tonight was all about having fun and you were going to take advantage of it. Head empty, no thoughts. That is what you were striving for.
Now Seungcheol and Jeonghan were left alone.
“So… you and y/n? Finally?” Jeonghan prodded after your swift departure. He has been waiting for the day that you and Seungcheol finally got together.
“No… not yet at least,” Seungcheol said with a sigh. Even when he didn’t mean to get all sulky, it always happened. It was like second nature to him.
Jeonghan raised his eyebrow to this. While it was amusing to see both of his friends be blind to the other’s feelings, it was just as frustrating. For the past few years, he witnessed how stupid people could truly be. How was it possible that you and Seungcheol were not aware of each other’s feelings? Anybody could see it clear as day. But he couldn’t do anything about it, since at the end of the day, it was not his place to get involved. So with a loud, disappointed sigh, Jeonghan patted Seungcheol’s back. All he could really do was provide advice and comfort.
“Just tell her man, I am more than sure that she will return your feelings.”
Seungcheol groaned at the thought.
“I will but I still need to find the perfect-”
“Time, yes I know that. You’ve been saying that for years now.” Jeonghan was displeased. “But what if y/n begins to think that she’s wasting her time with you? What happens then?”
Seungcheol really wanted to fire back but he couldn’t find anything to say.
And just like that, Jeonghan went inside, leaving Seungcheol outside in the cold.
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Jeonghan's 'party' was quite small in reality. It was really just the guys with some of their significant others, nothing crazy.
Except for Soonyoung and his drinking.
You weren't known to be a heavy drinker but when it came to special occasions, your friends knew you could get down.
Luckily for them, today had been quite stressful in terms of work. So after a few pleas from Soonyoung and Seokmin, you indulged in a few shots. After all, a little never hurt... right?
Needless to say, you got wasted within a matter of hours.
It wasn't your fault though! The games Soonyoung came up with were really entertaining, you just couldn't help yourself.
The burn of the alcohol didn't phase you as much after your fourth shot. The aftertaste was still disgusting of course, but nothing a chaser couldn't fix.
Soonyoung, being the lightweight that he is, was already nearing the edge of blacking out. And Seokmin... you didn't know where he went to. Maybe the bathroom? Well, he was for sure in the house, you'll find him sooner or later.
God, your eyes were beginning to feel heavy and it didn't help that everything was starting to look blurry as well.
You decided to stand up and walk off the sudden drowsiness, that usually helped you wake up a bit. Instead, you felt a sudden rush go straight to your head, which threw you off balance.
Maybe you should-
“…And I think we’re done with the drinks,” Seungcheol said as he magically appeared behind you, taking the empty cup in your hand and throwing it away.
His free hand snaked its way down to your waist. "Feeling good? Need some water love?"
If you were in the right state of mind, you would be definitely thinking about how intimate this would look to the others.
But all you could think about was how his hand was leaving a warm, tingly feeling on your waist. The way his touch was firm yet gentle at the same time.
You were so focused on his touch that you forgot to answer the question he had originally asked you.
He leaned his head further into your neck, "I'll take that as a yes... did you want to head out?"
It was nearing ten o'clock, which should be considered a reasonable time to leave.
"Hmmm... I guess so."
The idea of climbing into bed and just dozing off was so tempting. Unfortunately, you had to wait which was the worst part of it all.
Before you could continue thinking about how comfortable your bed was, you felt something cold press against your cheek.
You shrieked at the feeling.
“Why would you do that?” You yelled out in surprise.
Turning around to look at Seungcheol, you couldn’t help but freeze. His gaze sent you shivers, or maybe it was because of the water bottle still pressed to your cheek. Either way, you were rendered speechless.
“You need to drink your water that’s why.” His tone was innocent but the smile that accompanied it was quiet… mischievous.
“…and maybe because you ignored me today. ”
There it was. He always found a reason to pout and sulk to you.
So you did as you were told and drank from the bottle. It did help wake you up a little bit but you were still far from sober.
"Let's say goodbye to everyone now." He took your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours. This action alone making your body burn up.
You don't remember too much after that, only slurring out your goodbyes to your friends.
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It had only been a few minutes since the two of you had arrived at his apartment. He decided it would be better in your case since his place was closer to Jeonghan's compared to yours.
“Since when did you have these products?” You stared in drunken awe, most of your skincare products were in his bathroom.
Shit. He hopes you don't think he's a complete freak. He bought your skincare products for the nights that you would spend at his place. He just wanted to make you feel at home with him. (And maybe this was his way of convincing you to stay the night with him since you had everything you needed…)
“Um… just figured it would be more convenient for you…” he prayed that you would think it was a kind gesture rather than him being a weirdo.
You took a second to respond, admiring how thoughtful he was when it came to making you feel comfortable.
“It's cute, I'm honestly more surprised you were able to get some of these products, some of them are exclusively online...” your eyes flitted to look at his. "Although, I don't think I'm capable of doing my whole routine right now." It was true, you were barely able to stand, imagine trying to do your skincare like this…
“I can do it for you,” he chipped in immediately after.
This filled you with that warm feeling you were now getting accustomed to. What was he doing to your heart?
He tapped the toilet lid, waiting for you to sit so he could begin his work. You knew it was pointless trying to stop him, once he had his mind set on something he wouldn’t let anything get in his way from completing it.
“Not yet. I still have to brush my teeth first.” And maybe this was your time to calm down before he eventually caressed your face for ten minutes straight.
Seungcheol took advantage of the little time you gave him and got changed into something comfortable. He also pulled out some more loose-fitting clothes since he knew you liked wearing baggier clothes to lounge around in. He wondered if it would be too ridiculous if he put them in the dryer to warm them up for you. It shouldn’t be, right?
"Are you sure you want to do this?" You asked apprehensively.
"Of course." He said without a second thought.
"Anything for you, remember?" His eyes were filled with something, some would say love but you didn't want to get too ahead of yourself.
He started to warm up the oil cleanser in between his hands. Then he gently applied the oil to your face, rubbing it in slow circles as to not irritate your face.
It was at times like this that made you worry if your arrangement was a bad idea. Sometimes you wish you would have just confessed to him instead of jumping straight into bed with him. Maybe things would have turned out differently had you done so.
Unwanted tears began pooling in your eyes. Why were these thoughts eating you up all of a sudden?
Seungcheol was quick to notice the tears.
"Did I get it in your eyes? I'm so sorry-"
“Cheol… I don’t think I can continue with- whatever this is,” you hiccuped, “i-it's just too much for me.”
His heart dropped.
What do you mean stop? He thought everything was going great, he was even planning on officially asking you out tomorrow.
“Why? I mean if that's how you really feel then we can stop, but at least tell me why, love.” Though his tone was understanding you could still see the concern in his eyes.
“I don't know... I just feel so conflicted. Like the way you treat me makes me want more with you but I know that's probably not what you want.” It felt as if a huge weight had been taken off of your shoulders. He’s right, you can't just end the arrangement without telling him why.
Continuing, “I just can't help it, I really like you but I know this is just casual for you and I would hate to put you in an uncomfortable position.” You ignored meeting his eyes, knowing you would cry even more if you saw the way he was looking at you right now.
On the other hand, Seungcheol was stunned, to say the least. But he was also relieved to hear the reason you wanted to end things was because you liked him but now he had to stop you from crying. He needed to let you know that he liked you just as much if not even more.
He was usually good with words but he didn’t really know what to say… so he hugged you instead. Hug was actually an understatement. His whole body tightly engulfed yours. He didn’t want to let you go at all.
You tried wiggling out of his grasp but there was no point in trying, he had a very tight hold on you.
“You actually had me worried there for a second, I thought I actually did something wrong.”
He cupped your face, which, by the way, was still oily because of the makeup remover.
"I was planning on asking you out tomorrow," he let out a soft laugh, "but I guess you beat me to it." He pressed a light peck to your lips.
“Wait, so does that mean…” okay that sounds dumb. But in true fashion, you had to ask him if he really meant it (even if he just confessed to you).
He laughs at your confusion but nods nonetheless.
"I'm sorry I made you feel that way though," he says wholeheartedly, "I actually wanted to avoid making you feel like I was only using you."
Before you could think of anything to say his hands returned their motions on your face.
"We should finish cleaning you up before we continue talking about us."
It was quiet but not uncomfortable. Soft giggles from either you or Cheol came and went.
He had finished around ten minutes later.
Your eyes were beginning to get heavy again, the sleepiness slowly creeping over you again.
And again, he noticed this. He was always able to read you.
"We can talk about it tomorrow," his tone was soft. He tried his best to not disturb your sleepy state.
His hand went to the small of your back, lightly guiding you to his bedroom.
Once you climbed onto the bed you fell asleep not even a minute later. Seungcheol quickly followed as soon as he cuddled up against you.
It was calm.
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It had been almost an hour since you had woken up. Your head wasn't hurting as bad as you thought it would be. Maybe it was because someone kept making you drink water throughout the night.
Speaking of him, Seungcheol was currently busy with making breakfast, which left you the freedom to lounge around the living room.
Until a certain thought came up.
Well, more like thoughts.
You were recounting last night's events and what still weighed on your mind.
You knew you had confessed to Cheol and that he returned your feelings… but something felt off. It still felt like you needed to tell him something but you couldn’t place your finger on exactly what it was.
“Here,” Cheol had placed the food right next to you. God, it wasn’t even anything special but his food looked so damn good.
Yet you couldn’t bring yourself to eat it.
“Is something wrong?” Seungcheol asked apprehensively, his gaze filled with worry.
You didn’t know where to begin.
Maybe you should tell him about the guy you had hooked up with a while ago, the one that didn’t know where your clit was… that’s a good start right?
Obviously you know you didn’t really do anything wrong but it still weighs heavy on your mind from time to time.
"I need to tell you something, but promise me you won't get mad at me," you pleaded.
He looked at you incredulously, "It can't be that bad."
Taking a deep breath you begin, "I slept with someone else. But, this was before we came up with the arrangement, I think maybe a few days after we..." your voice immediately got stuck in your throat once you caught a glimpse of Cheol.
He was oddly calm. Too calm for your liking.
"Did you like it?" His voice didn't hold any trace of anger but you knew he was bothered by it.
You knew that you had to be cautious with your wording.
"No! I think I was just confused at the time so I experimented ," Your voice was meek. "It didn't mean anything, I promise."
He looked at you briefly. "That's too bad."
To your dismay, he stood up and walked away into his bedroom.
You felt frozen in a way, confused about how to handle the situation. But rather than letting it grow into something worse you decided to follow him to his room. Talking it out will for sure help.
As you walked towards his door, you noticed that it had been left wide open.
Was this a setup?
Carefully, you stepped inside his room while searching for him. You were met with the sound of the door slamming shut, and a sudden presence behind your back.
"Cheol-" He turned you towards him, his hold was quite firm; though not to be confused with harsh.
"I'm not mad I promise," he leaned closer to kiss you. While his tone was gentle his kiss was not.
He pulled away for just a second.
"Why be mad when I have you all to myself now?"
Before he could go any further he pulled away again.
"Is this okay?"
Immediately, you nodded to let him continue his ministrations.
He cupped your cheeks once again to kiss you.
After a minute or so, he moved down to your neck. At first, he pressed light pecks but eventually started lingering on certain spots.
"Need to let everyone know that you're mine."
With that, he continued marking your neck, making sure that everyone would be able to see that you were now taken.
And while you loved the feeling of him marking you up, you couldn't help but want more.
"Cheol, please," your breaths were labored.
He hummed into the crook of your neck.
"Can you please just fuck me already?" You were growing needier by the second. Your panties were sticking uncomfortably against your heat.
He scoffed at your sudden urgency.
"I still need to prep you though," he tried reasoning with you, but to no avail, it fell upon deaf ears.
"We can do that any other day Cheol," the thought of having to wait a second longer pained you.
But, if that's how you wanted it... how could he deny you that?
He roughly exhaled before focusing on you again.
"Clothes," he instructed with a tug to your (his) shirt.
He did the same in return. Once you were both done stripping, he pushed you towards his bed so he could begin his work on you.
“Are you sure that you don’t want to get prepped first?” He was lightly tracing his fingers over your inner thighs.
Had it been with anyone else you would for sure need prep but Cheol was always careful with you, you trusted him.
“Yes, god, please just fuck me.” Desperate couldn’t begin to describe how you were feeling at the moment.
With that final confirmation, he began to work. While he knew you didn't want to be prepped he still wanted to work you up a bit. Gently, he grabbed a hold of your thighs and started spreading them apart.
He trailed soft kisses at an excruciatingly slow rate. But eventually, he landed on your core. He peppered it with another round of kisses, the pressure varying between each kiss.
After a minute or so he pulled away and slotted himself right in between your legs.
Holding his cock in his hand, he stroked it twice and then ran the tip up and down your slit. No matter how many times you fuck Seungcheol, you will never get used to the initial sting of his cock. It also doesn’t help that he’s so big.
He slowly nudged the tip towards your entrance. Gradually, he carefully pushed himself deeper inside you, cautious knowing that he hadn’t prepped you. After the first few seconds the feeling went away, leaving you with want. You moved your hips to let him know you wanted more.
"Fuck," you manage.
"Can't take me?" He almost pulls out fully before snapping his cock into you again.
You hated when he got this cocky, but you couldn't deny that it didn't turn you on even more.
“Shut up,” you tried hiding the pleasure in your voice while he slowly went in and out of you.
He only hummed in response. Soon he became enveloped in you, his thrusts were slowly picking up pace while he held onto you tightly. Your senses were completely invaded by Seungcheol, only being able to think about him.
“I will never get used to how tight you are,” his voice was strained, trying his best to not cum inside you. (because that would be embarrassing, not for you but for him)
All you could do was moan in response.
After a few months of consistent hookups, Seungcheol had learned about your body pretty quickly, from your kinks, to your turn offs… he practically knew your body inside and out.
Which explained how he knew you were on the brink of coming, your walls tightening around him being a common telltale sign.
Usually, he would edge you for a good hour or so, but after last night’s ordeal he just wanted to show you how much you affected him. So with that, Seungcheol lazily brought his free down to your clit and began to rub slow yet firm circles. He knew that playing with your bud would immediately send you over the edge. It also didn’t help that his pace was becoming more erratic, by the looks of it, you would be coming together.
And just like that, after a few more thrusts he felt you begin to spasm underneath him, letting a loud string of moans out during the act. Seungcheol dipped his head towards your lips as he came inside you, making you swallow his groans in the process.
Shortly after, Seungcheol’s body fell completely limp on yours, feeling only pure exhaustion. It felt nice, only being able to feel his heavy body on top of yours… kind of therapeutic in a sense. But unfortunately that didn’t last very long, because after a minute or so, everything began to feel wet and sticky.
As if reading your mind, Seungcheol mumbled out a low, “let’s get cleaned up.”
While you were obviously up for it, the thought of having to stand up at this very moment felt horrible. As he slowly pulled out of you, you couldn’t help but just stay on the bed. This did not go well with Seungcheol.
“Y/n c’mon, we have to get you cleaned up,” he whined while tugging on your arm.
“Just five more minutes, I still can’t feel my legs!” Were you being over dramatic? Yes, but it’s not like he’s not used to it.
“Y/n we have to get ready to go out.” This time he pulled you all the way up, keeping you steady while you regained your balance. You did recall him mentioning going out today but you don’t remember exactly where.
“Really? Where are we going?” The excitement of going out completely masked the feeling of your jelly-like legs.
“Nowhere in specific.” Your smile dropped. What does he mean nowhere? You hated when he turned things into surprises. (Hate is a strong word but you get the idea.)
He shrugged his shoulders, “Just wanted to show my new girlfriend off to the world I guess…”
Ugh. He is so annoying.
“Never say that again, ever.”
Yet, you couldn’t hide the smile slowly creeping up towards your face. Hearing him call you his girlfriend was definitely something you could get used to.
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I am so so so sorry for leaving you guys hanging! It was not my intention I swear,, I just kept taking and adding to the fic which is why it got delayed so bad… at least the finale is here right? The last part was not proofread so I’m hoping that it’s legible, hope you enjoy :3
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moonstruckme · 4 months
The other day I fell down the stairs of my building and had to just like. Get back up and go to work and my knees are all fucked up and I’m so sore. Do you think you could write doctor!remus or casual dom Remus when his girl tells him about it hours later? Or whatever you think is best story wise lol.
Don’t worry about it if not, your writing is literally my absolute favourite right now, you are so amazing!! -angie
Hi Angie, thank you for requesting <3
cw: blood
doctor!Remus x fem!reader ♡ 666 words (oooo)
When the car stops, Remus won’t let you get out on your own, which is embarrassing even though there’s no one but him around to witness it. Remus is overall in a horribly embarrassing mood. 
Though you tried to hide it, you’d noticed him noticing the stiffness in your legs as you walked out to his car after work, and before you’d had a chance Remus had reached over and buckled your seatbelt himself. The whole drive home he’d been spooky silent, occasionally shooting narrow-eyed looks to the blood stains on your work pants. 
“I’m okay,” you try to reason with him now, when he sets his hands on your hips to take some of your weight. “I’ve been walking all day, baby.” 
“I know, that’s worse.” Your boyfriend is huffy. He seems to be contemplating fully picking you up and carrying you inside. 
You press your lips together while he supports you the rest of the way to the door, holding you firmly to his side when he needs one hand to unlock it. The two of you go straight to the bathroom, where the dress you were originally going to wear to work today still lies on the floor. Remus frowns but doesn’t comment. 
When you’d taken a tumble on the concrete stairs outside your apartment this morning, you’d been running too late to be concerned with anything but looking presentable and getting to work. Your dress left your bloody knees exposed and made you feel like a child fallen from their bike, so you’d screwed up your mouth and forced a pair of work pants on over the burning cuts, then changed into an appropriate top to match. Your knees have been alternately stinging and aching all day, and when walking back home from work seemed too much you’d called your boyfriend for a ride. He seems determined to make you regret it. 
“Sorry,” you murmur after he lifts you onto the counter. 
Remus looks at you. “What for?” The question isn’t patronizing or a test. He wants to know. 
“For not telling you.” 
He sighs softly, looking down to fiddle with the button of your pants. You trace the cruel line of a scar from his forehead down to his cheek. 
“I wouldn’t mind so much if you’d taken the time to clean them properly,” he says. “But if you were in my place—lift your hips for me, love—and I called you to say I couldn’t get home by myself because I’ve been hurting all day and not done anything about it, wouldn’t you be a bit distraught?”
“I would,” you admit. You suck in a quiet breath when he starts pulling your pants down over your knees. 
“Sorry,” he says, unsticking the fabric from your ruined skin as gently as he can. They slide the rest of the way down far easier, and Remus kisses his teeth when your knees are revealed. “Dovey.” He sounds equal parts pitying and disappointed. 
“Let’s stop trading apologies.” There’s the barest hint of humor in your boyfriend’s tone as he finishes tugging your pants off your ankles, letting them puddle on the floor and leaving you in your underwear. The countertop is cold on your bare skin. Remus wraps a hand around your thigh, careful of your knees as he leans forward to give you a kiss. “I’m not going to ask you not to do it again—although I hope you won’t—because I know you, but I get that you’re sorry, sweetheart.” His thumb swipes over the unbroken skin above your knee, lips turning down unhappily. “I’m sorry you hurt yourself, and that you’ve been in pain. I promise to try and lecture you about it as little as possible, okay?” 
You can’t help but smile, your voice coming out wry. “Thanks.” 
“You’re welcome, dove.” He gives your hip a condescending little pat. “You can make it up to me by sitting still while I take care of these and tell you about infection.” 
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nonuify · 5 months
ᝰ.ᐟ 🦢 — K.MG ; ! honey moon dream
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nsfw is included ! minors do not interact 18+. [ smut,fluff ] ꩜ | requested but couldn’t find the req.
“ the morning after you & your new husbands flight to the santorini islands, you must say you’re excited for your new life with him but not as much as having intimate time with him ”
waking up to a naked mingyu was the best thing you could ask for, his big built muscular back just adds up to your obsession with him.
after staring for a good minute, thinking about things you shouldn’t have but hey you’re on your honeymoon right? having… well interesting thoughts is apart of it but the bigger part is doing those thoughts, you knew you were will have some intimate time as you’d like to call it.
“mingyu darling wake up“ you spoke, breaking out of your thoughts, trying to wake up your lover who is one heck of a heavy sleeper, after some attempts of waking him up he finally opened his eyes , groaning, voice groggily as he replied “mm what time is it“ rubbing his eyes “9 am, love” you kissed his cheek.
“It’s too early, let’s just stay in bed baby” you said to him as he pulled you over to sit on his lap.
your babydoll white nightgown which was quite short in mingyu’s eyes, hunched up as you were sitting on top of him, & the white paired stockings did him no good either.
leaning for a kiss, mingyu quickly deepened it. you let out a soft sigh, loving his pretty lips on yours, suddenly he cut the kiss shortly which caused you to give mingyu a whiny why, “doll as much as i want to continue this, we have a reservation at a yacht today didn’t you know?” ah yes with many of your lovers perks, he was rich, filthy rich. hell you two came here from the classiest airlines & first class seats of course.
“ugh fine” you rolled your eyes getting off him, “lose the attitude, sweet wife” he told.
fuck.. that was so hot of him you thought as you walked to the bathroom doing your daily beauty routine & taking a quick shower.
walking out of the soothing shower, you dried your hair out, while mingyu took your place for showering, you eventually went out & got ready for the luxurious boat ride you guys will be staying in for about two days you remember him saying.
packing up clothes for the little trip, you packed essentials, you wore the star of the show was your little bikini, the color was a beige but with a very little color of pink. It was basically a thong for the bottom part & for the top part it had a string the could be taken off easily if you pulled it.
after being done with packing you wore a cute see through thin strap-yellow with a flower print dress it had on it, it was so light with sheer fabric that you could see your bikini bottom showing.
you looked & felt absolutely gorgeous it complemented your skin so much, & trust mingyu loved it more when he saw it on you he stopped for a moment to take a good look, speechless was an understatement for him.
“earth to mingyu???” you smiled waving your hand infront of his face, the wedding ring on it snapped him out to reality, he still couldn’t believe he wifed you up.
“m’sorry baby couldn’t resist you just look so gorgeous” he grabbed your hand & kissed the big diamond ring that was adorned by your finger “shall we mrs.kim?” he looked at you “we shall mr.kim” you giggled, holding his hand while he showed you the way out.
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the car ride to the to the beach decks of the yacht waiting for you was absolutely ethereal you couldn’t even believe it was real, the blue & white decorated living units & shops you passed through, the blue beaches you could see it was perfect, this was perfect, the life you have right now made up everything you’ve been through, as long as you had mingyu.
finally after what seemed an hour you’ve arrived to your destination.
seeing the staff waiting for you on the boat, they welcomed you gifting yours & mingyus heads with a flower crowns, the pretty flowers had a coloration range from yellow to pink to white, it matched with your choice of clothing so well.
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sounds splitters & splatters across the pool that was caused by your beloved husband, while you sat on the beach chair laying down on your stomach, reading a magazine or book.
“cmon baby join me!” you heard him yell, “no I’m fine like this” turning your head & looking up at him then smiling but it quickly faded when he decided to splash some water on you “you idiot!” you screamed “oops sorry baby it was by accident” he smiled, he by 100% mean it. “just shut up let me relax” you shushed him.
you wanted to feel comfortable even more you took off your dress with it came off the top of your bikini, I mean hey it is your yacht technically, your boobs out in all its glory, it almost immediately caught your husband’s attention “what the fuck do you think your doing?” he said clearly not mused by your tricks, coming out of the pool & grabbing the towel to cover you up “what I only wanted to get comfortable gyu” you tilted your head batting your eye-lashes “yeah but I don’t want the staff ogling your tits” he spat “fine fine m’sorry gyu” you snaked your hands around his clearly wet neck “god your lucky I love you” you chuckled.
after the pool you both took a shower, then you wore a simple black panty with a matching long sleeve, I mean it was your normal sleep-wear, you were thirsty though, you went to of course get some refreshing water to cool your throat, greeting a staff, you swore he looked at your ass but you shrugged it off not caring until.. you head a slight raised voice by none other than mingyu “y/n!”.
your turned your head meeting an angry mingyu “we need to talk in private” he grit his teeth, fake smiling to the staff the was joining you in the kitchen, dragging you to the master -room you’d sleep in.
“you know first I forgave you but walking out with your ass out to everyone see really y/n?”he held your waist pulling you closer, you began to be nervous but you’d still hold your ground ”I didn’t know he’d be here mingyu!” you told truthfully but fully liking mingyu’s mini rage fest “really cause the yacht seems to be full of staff” he continued, you were weak to him when he was like this you had to apologize “fine! m’sorry okay I just didn’t think about it I was thirsty” you mumbled but he sure did catch what you said “oh doll, when I’m done with you won’t be able to think” moving his veiny hands to your back stroking it, then moving to your butt & squeezing it.
you jumped a little bit, not gonna lie when he said that, you panties were soiled by the wetness it hit it with, “gyu, please don’t tease I’ve wanted you all day” you pouted “awh trust me, you’ll get what you want & more” with ease he ripped the fabric that once was covering your private part, the air hit your wet cunt making you sigh, he tapped on your thighs signaling you to jump & put your legs around his waist.
he moved to bed quickly, letting the duvet hit your back when he placed you, he hovered over you, admiring your face then smiling, but it wasn’t just a normal smile it was a you’re fucked smile “how ‘bout you give me your ass f’me baby” you responded with a nod then following what he said, you got on all fours.
he stopped for a second, making you whine.
then a spank came landing on one of your cheeks but not just with his hand with a belt.
a whole fuckin belt.
“how much should I give you, baby? have you been a good little pup for me?” he spoke out saying ‘pup’ he only called you that when the both of you are alone, fucking obviously.
you thought for a bout a second “you know I like it when I get my answer, you’ve already got me on a bad temper baby, wouldn’t wanna push it even more mh?” spank ! another hit landed on the flesh of your bottom as you moaned.
“whatever you’d like min” you answered. slightly peeking to see his face, he was amused by your answer “good choice doll”.
ten. ten in total he gave you after he was done he stopped to admire the work he’s done your abused ass painted with a series of purple & red colors then looking down at the arousal spewing from your pussy till dripping down your thighs. “you know you should walk out with panties again but now they’ll see who gets to fuck this ass.” he chuckled.
“how bad do you want my cock in you pup?” “s-so bad min, you don’t even know how I just need it s’bad, need you filling me up with your b-babies !!” you begged tears flowing from him spanking you till now you begging him to fuck you stupid.
“god haven’t I god such a dirty mouthed pup?” he pulled your hair roughly then lined his huge member to your pink little hole “guess I have to fuck you dumb, to get those bad little words out of you.” he then thrusted in you with no hesitation, you moaned out his name loudly, as he thrusted more in you, the ah’s & curses coming out of both of you, he looked down to see your ass shaking to when he thrusts in you fuck he loved seeing that, knowing his pretty little wife is all his, he moaned & went harder
skin slapping was heard filling the room, you were feeling amazing, finally you’ve been waiting all day to fucked by your husband & him being jealous by the staff member just made you crazy, you loved how he was protective of you, you also loved how he isn’t afraid to show the dumb of a man he’d like to call by making you scream his name while his dick was abusing your hole.
“f-fuck my pretty little wife taking me up so well?? s-shit can’t wait f’him to hear how my dump pup is getting all loud f’me hm?” he said as his two fingers went to roughly rub on your puffed up clit.
you felt a knot tying through your tummy, a sign that you’re really close “hmph g-gyu so close!” you moaned loudly as the orgasm rushed through your body, spilling all over your thighs, once you were done cumming he pulled out of you “my pretty pup you did so good” he praised you as you smiled “but think you could do one thing f’me?” you tilted your head before you could speak he put his legs between your stomach hovering over it.
squeezing your breasts he put his cock between them then moaned a fuck!.
he thrusted in & out of your tits, pretty pink little tip peeping out & hitting your chin. “god those tits were made f’me hm!” fuck he loved fucking your tits even before you married he always came on them loving the feeling when your two boobs squeezed his cock to a perfect level, that he could sit like this for hours, he loved seeing your fucked out face, knowing you’d be 100x aroused when he’s doing so.
he sped as he caught up on his orgasm then cum was all over your tits.
“shit you look so pretty like this.” he commented “o-only for you min” you said panting, “let’s go get cleaned up” he picked you up bridal style, funny how you were a bride two weeks ago.
at the end you two did not get washed.
instead you guys fucked for a couple of rounds till his & your cum was mixed & getting out of your swollen cunt.
! 𝜗𝜚˚⋆ thank you for reading >ᴗ< !! hope you like this anon !!
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bunnliix · 5 months
You Taste Divine - Seonghwa x reader
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This is a part two to an ask from the wonderful @shinestarhwaa that you can find here!
Pairing: Seonghwa x reader Summary: After avoiding Seonghwa for a week after what happened in the last car ride, he finally manages to get you alone with him. Well, mostly alone. wc: 1.8k AU: n/a Genre: SMUT Nets: @newworldnet warnings:SMUT MDNI, no actual penetration but lots and lots of dirty talk, degradation, praise kink, pet names, technically exhibitionism?, it's in a car, possessive Hwa, use of the word cunt, slight threats, I think that's it??
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After that incident in the car, you avoided Seonghwa for the next week, feeling embarrassed that you had woken him up, but also your brain now wouldn’t stop thinking about wishing he did more than just taste you off of his fingers. You knew the eldest member noticed your actions, and let it go for now, he’d get you where he wanted you eventually.
“Are you ready to go?” Hongjoong asked you, peeking into your room.
“I just have to grab one more thing and I’m ready!” You shouted from the bathroom attached to the room.
“Be quick about it, the cars are here.” He reminded you before walking away, you could hear his footsteps get quieter as he left.
You quickly grabbed the few things you were missing and stuffed them in your bag, heading out of the apartment, seemingly the last person to do so. You locked the door before making your way down to the car. You found, to your slight dismay, that the only seat left open was next to Seonghwa in the back. It would be different than the last time, since there was only room for the two of you. You’d be left alone with him and you took a breath in before hopping in the car and sitting next to the black-haired man.
“You can’t avoid me anymore.” Seonghwa comments, voice low enough so that you’re the only one to hear his words.
“Yeosang, how long until we reach our destination?” You asked the blonde who sat up at the front of the car.
“An hour.” He responded, before going back to scrolling on his phone.
You groaned, realizing you’d have to sit next to Hwa for the next hour, or more if traffic was a problem.
“What’s got you so frustrated darling? It couldn’t be me, could it?” Seonghwa said, wrapping an arm around your shoulder as he leaned in closer to you.
You shivered at his touch, making him smirk. He knew from your fleeting glances in the week that’s passed, ones that you didn’t think he saw, that you enjoyed last week’s tease immensely. You clung to Wooyoung and the others constantly since then, trying as best you could to avoid him, which was cute that you thought you could continue doing that. All it took was telling the others that he missed having you to himself, having missed out on his talks with you about Legos for them to let you sit with him today. You being the last one in the car wasn’t the plan, but it worked out for the best.
“It’s nothing.” You replied after a moment of silence.
“Are you sure about that angel?” He questioned further, his mouth inches away from your ear at this point.
You shivered and squirmed as he got closer, trying to pull away, but his grip on your tightened, not allowing you to.
“Ah ah ah, you don’t want to make the others think anything is wrong, now do you? You really want to explain that your slutty brain has been working so hard this week, plaguing you with thoughts of me? Then you’d have to explain exactly what happened in the car last week. Do you want to explain how much of a little slut you were? How you let Wooyoung play with you to his heart’s content, how you did it all without Sannie or Jongho noticing?” He whispered in your ear, his voice velvety soft but with an air of danger to it.
You shook your head, feeling your cheeks heat up as he talked. Fuck, he noticed. You didn’t think he did, but you were so fucking wrong. The idea of having to tell the others why you were trying to avoid their fellow member was hot but also terrifying, so you stopped your struggle to get away from him.
“Aww, cute. You’ve decided to give up your fight? I want to hear you tell me that you’ve given into me.” His voice was so soft, you almost felt lulled into a feeling of safety. A feeling that you’d be taken care of if you just gave in and did what he wanted.
“I’m not going to fight you anymore.” You spoke, your voice barely more than a whisper, and it made Seonghwa chuckle into your ear.
“Such a cute obedient bunny I have here.” He praised you as his arm that was wrapped around you moved to hold the back of your neck and you had to suppress a whimper at the placement of his hand.
His other hand made its way to your thigh, and either luckily or unluckily for you, you once again wore a skirt. So his hand landed on your bare thigh, and you bit your lip to stop any noise from tumbling out. In response to you holding in any noises, he squeezed your thigh, forcing you to bring a hand up to your mouth to stifle any noise for a second time. His hand leaves your thigh, grabbing the wrist of the hand that covered your mouth, pulling it away from your face.
“We’re not doing that baby, you’re just going to have to do your best to stay quiet for me, hmm?” He said, his tone saying he wouldn’t tolerate you trying that again.
You nodded, looking down at your lap since you couldn’t find it in you to look up at him or anywhere else. He let your arm drop to your side, his hand sliding down your side to your thigh once again, only this time, he pulled it closer to him. You thought he was going to slip his hand under your skirt like Wooyoung had done a week ago, but his hand stayed firmly on your thigh, only moving slightly higher up, like the idol was teasing you.
“Aww, you thought I was going to be like Wooyoung and fuck you here in the car, hmm?” He whispered in your ear, “I’m not like him. I’m patient, so instead how about we spend the car ride just like this.” He said to you, his hand moving to place itself on your inner thigh, with a strong enough grip that let you know you wouldn’t be closing your legs anytime soon.
“It’d be so fun to let the others go on ahead and stay here in the car by ourselves for a little while. I’d sit you on my lap and have you spread your legs for me, my hands roaming your pretty body. Teasing you by letting my hands wander, getting so close to where you want them, before pulling away. Making you so desperate that you whine and beg and plead for me to finally touch you. Once you’re on the brink of tears from it all, then I’ll touch you. But only feather light touches. You’d have to beg me if you wanted more than that. I’m sure a good girl like you would beg me so prettily for more. Am I right, bunny?” 
You could only nod your head, fearing that if you opened your mouth to answer him, you wouldn’t be able to say anything coherent, your head becoming a muddled mess at the sound of his words. You couldn’t believe what he was saying to you, you hadn’t expected this, but you also hadn’t expected him to do what he had done last week either. Seonghwa was defying your expectations and you didn’t know what to do about it.
“Have just a few pretty words made your head go all fuzzy? Do I have that much of an effect on you?” He asked, knowing what the answer was, he just wanted to tease you more. Wooyoung wouldn’t be happy, but he should have made sure to sit in the car with you this time. Besides, you're his darling now, not Wooyoung’s, the younger member would have to realize that.
You were only able to nod in response, still unable to get your thoughts in order enough to speak. All you could think of was Seonghwa. If he kept speaking to you the way he was, you’d let him do anything. He continued whispering in your ear, planting thoughts of you and him in your head, telling you every little thing he’d love to do to you. Everything he’s wanted to do for years.
You kept trying to close your legs, needing the friction, his firm grip on your thigh prevented you from doing so. You almost whined when he wouldn’t let you get some release, a threat being whispered in your ear after you tried moving your hands underneath your skirt.
“If you touch your pretty little cunt, I’ll make sure you’ll regret it.”
You wisely kept your hands away from your pussy, not wanting to incur the wrath of the man next to you more than you needed to. Oh how you wished you had managed to sit next to Wooyoung this time around, it would be better than sitting here with Seonghwa. You’d at least get something out of it, rather than have to sit here and feel your head get fuzzier and fuzzier after each word he whispered into your ear.
You didn’t even realize you had arrived at your destination until Seonghwa let go of your thigh, letting you bring your legs back together. You looked at him confused, until he smirked at you.
“Darling, we’ve arrived. We have to get out of the car now. They’re all waiting for us.” He told you.
You tried your best to get out of the car, having difficulty because your mind isn’t in the present at the moment, still focused on Hwa’s explicit whispers in your ear. You almost trip getting out of the car, thankfully Yunho was there to catch you.
“Be careful! We don’t want you getting injured.” He said, looking down at you.
“I’m doing my best not to, just misplaced my feet.” You said, trying to brush off the incident.
“Yes, like Yunho said, be careful darling. We don’t want anyone getting hurt, let alone our sweet angel.” Seonghwa said, coming up behind you, a hand on your back as you stood up, the eldest member guiding you past everyone towards where they’re going.
“Be more careful bunny. Besides, if you got hurt, we couldn’t play, now could we?”
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livwritesstuff · 6 months
Steve’s oldest daughter Moe is unusually quiet on the drive home from her college apartment in New York City.
She was supposed to be doing this drive with her younger sister Robbie (who had bullied Steve and Eddie into letting her bring a car with her to college), but then Robbie and her friends had actually managed to squirrel away enough money for an impromptu trip to D.C. for their spring break, and Moe had still wanted to visit home even without a ride.
Steve had made a whole show acting all put out over having to make the four hour drive between her school in NYC and their house in the Massachusetts suburbs (twice, he’ll add — he’s been on the road for six hours so far with a couple more to go) but, truthfully, there isn’t much he wouldn’t do to spend time with his kids, especially since the older two have firmly graduated to young-adult status, and he easily could have put her on a train.
“So what’s goin’ on with you, Moe?” he finally asks when the quiet stretches a little to far.
Moe shrugs, and then she says, “I was wondering something.”
“Go for it.”
“You and Dad, like…you were older when you started dating, right?”
Steve pauses for a moment, allowing himself to consider what might qualify as older to his twenty-one-year-old daughter. 
“I guess it depends on what you mean by older,” he settles on telling her.
“I mean, you weren’t in high school anymore, even though you knew each other in high school.”
“Yeah,” Steve nods, “I was halfway through grad school, so twenty-six, I think, and you know Dad’s not even a year older than me.”
Moe nods in return, and  then she asks, “And you were friends before anything else happened? Like, for a while?”
“Uh-huh,” Steve replies, “Dad, and Aunt Nancy, and Aunt Robin were my best friends. Still are, obviously, just…different over time.”
“But, like, how–” Moe stops, and Steve can tell without needing to look away from the road to check the way her eyebrows are furrowed, the way they’re crinkled in the middle just like they always are on the rare occasions Moe can’t find the words she needs. She lets out a short exhale, “How did you know that it changed?” Before Steve can answer, Moe shakes her head, “How did you know that what you were feeling wasn’t, like, friend things anymore? Or, like, that it was more than just friend things.”
“Uh,” Steve pauses, running a hand through his hair, “Honestly, Nancy kind of told me.”
Moe’s head turns in his direction.
“Aunt Nancy told you?” she asks, “Pop…that’s so lame.”
“Yeah, well, that’s what happened.”
Steve thinks about it for a second. It’s funny, he doesn’t actually put too much thought into that time in his life – the seven years that had lapsed between becoming friends with Eddie in the aftermath of everything with the Upside Down and when they’d finally gotten together. That was nearly thirty years ago, after all, and Steve hasn’t ever really been the type to dwell on the past. He takes a moment to dwell on it now and remembers how long it had taken him to notice the dull ache behind his ribs and the anxious somersault his stomach had done every time Eddie so much as looked his way.
“I mean – yeah, you’re right. It’s…it’s not easy when you’re close with someone for a long time and then the way you feel about them changes, because, you know, it’s not – I mean, it’s not like it changes overnight. It’s gradual, so…yeah, it’s not easy.”
“Yeah,” she quietly agrees.
“Nance, just – well, you know Nance. She just clocked it before I did, and I guess she didn’t have the patience to wait it out. Once I knew though, it was, like, super fucking obvious. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t known before.”
Moe’s laugh is nervous in a way Steve isn’t sure he’s ever heard before, and if there’s a friend of Moe’s she might be feeling differently for, he thinks he might have an idea which one. Moe is a hell of a lot smarter than him though, and this conversation is telling enough that she won’t need things spelled out for her in the way he had with Eddie thirty years ago.
“It was hard,” he continues, because he has a feeling Moe might need to hear more even if she isn’t asking for anything specific, “I – I mean, I actually liked dating when I was your age, believe it or not. I thought it was fun, or whatever, and it wasn’t really a thing that made me nervous, you know? With your dad, though…shit, I was terrified, because it’s a different kind of risk than just shooting your shot with someone you run into and hit it off with.”
Moe nods.
“I think the reason it’s so freaky is because falling for someone you’re friends with is never just a crush. I knew there was something big there. I know you guys hate when Dad and I are all sappy, but he was never just some guy I was dating. He was it for me from the very beginning.”
Moe mumbles something under her breath that Steve doesn’t quite catch.
“What was that?”
“I don’t hate it,” she says, her voice still pretty low, and Steve knows that must have been difficult for her to admit so he doesn’t comment on it (though he will be telling Eddie as soon as he possibly can – obviously).
“Well, I’m just saying,” he replies, “I wasn’t feeling that way for nothing, and things turned out pretty good in the end. If someone was in a similar situation, I’d tell them…” he pauses, and then laughs as he says, “I’d tell them to not wait seven years to get a good thing started.”
“Alright,” she replies, “I’ll…yeah, I’ll keep that in mind.”
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aurorawritestoescape · 6 months
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Pt 3 of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang series
Tw: 18+ mdni, smut, angst, rough Joel/soft Joel cos I want it all, m!oral, injury(not reader), blood, cum eating, ball sucking, pussy grinding
Summary: it gets risky… and hot
A/n: hugs and kisses to @milla-frenchy for beta-ing and @iamasaddie for the gif <3<3
Series masterlist || Masterlist
The sirens and gunshots are still ringing loudly in your ears as Tommy is driving Joel and you to a safe place. Yet you can only hope it’ll be safe.
You are sitting in the back of the car with Joel, still clutching the gun in your trembling hand, the other gripping Joel’s jean clad thigh as if grounding yourself to him. The bags with money are at your feet but you forgot all about them. Your widened eyes are fixed on the road. You don’t seem to be followed now but Joel taught you to expect the worst.
“Fuck! That was close!" you exclaim with a tint of hysteria in your loud voice, attempting to shout over the roaring engine of the car and your heart pounding in your ears. You're so high on adrenaline, fear and thrill that you feel invincible, almost immortal.
Tommy's nervous chuckle shows that he's on it too - the only drug that gets you off the best - escaping death with an armful of cash.
Just mere minutes ago you were standing on the brink of the precipice, one wrong move and you’d fall meeting your death. But destiny spared you once again.
“You two are fuckin’ lucky… I had that feeling.. couldn’t relax for shit. Came back and …fucking cops.”
“Thank you, Tommy.” You reach to him and pat his shoulder as he gives you a warm smile in the rear view mirror.
You glance at Joel and say with adoration and almost piety in your voice.
“And thanks to Joel’s number one rule.”
You and Tommy chant it together parodying his drawl, “Always have an escape plan!”
Joel smiles with a corner of his mouth. Your nerves alight, one glance at the man and you wish you two were alone so you could pierce yourself with his cock and ride him until your legs give out. Or suck him off, choking on his length and getting a new fix of adrenaline when you almost suffocate on his member.
But it’s not the place nor the time and Joel isn’t even looking at you.
His head turned to the window, his thoughtful gaze is sliding over the trees and streetlights you’re passing.
Finally the cloud of the high dissipates and you look at him. Really look at him. His forehead is glistening with sweat. He’s chewing on his lower lip and clenching and unclenching his right fist. He’s nervous.
Well he must be, you think, after what happened. Wishing to comfort him you scoot closer, bracing your hand on his chest and lean in to give him a kiss…
“Fuck!, “ Joel winces startling you by a sudden jerk of his whole body and in the next moment you feel the claws of something terrifying grip your heart.
“Where?” You ask with a shaky voice as your eyes are frantically searching all over his body.
He nods down and to the side and you notice his dark shirt stretched over his broad shoulder is glistening. His right arm, the furthest from you, is pressed tightly to his torso.
Your fingers dart to his shoulder but you stop and look at him, eyes screaming ‘What the fuck do I do, Joel?’ You’re frozen, trembling hands raised. You’d never raise them for the police like that but you’re doing it now, staring into the face of your biggest fear - losing him.
“ ‘s gonna be ok baby, don’t worry,” He says through clenched teeth.
The stupor you’ve been in disappears and your head whips to Tommy.
“Joel’s been shot! Floor it!”
The next few minutes flew like a whirlwind of actions and feelings and at the same time dragged on like hours. When you finally arrived at some old abandoned garage you’d already done everything you could in the moving car.
Joel popped a couple of Oxys and now he’s sitting on a stool, shirt ripped off his shoulder exposing a bullet wound. You’re stitching him up, having sent Tommy outside to watch out.
Joel’s every muscle is taught, teeth clenched and he growls with every push of the needle through his skin. The sounds he's making don't let you concentrate. You feel sad for him but can't forget that he growls like that only buried deep in your tight wet heat.
“Can you stop?” you mumble under your breath.
“Your growling?”
“Why?” He asks and growls again when you make another stitch.
You shrug and feel him staring at your face, reading you.
It doesn’t take him long, never does, and you hear a soft chuckle coming from the pits of his chest. You glance at him, meeting his narrowed eyes and a shit eating smirk.
“Dirty girl, soakin’ your panties while your man is sufferin’, huh?”
“I’m the one who’s suffering here,” You reply earning another chuckle from him. “And I’m not soaking anything”.
“Should I check, baby?” He smirks tilting his head to the side.
“Jesus, Joel,” you whisper trying to hide that he’s right.
“Don’t call for him yet. I ain’t dead”.
You freeze with a bloody needle hovering over his skin. You can’t see it anymore, your vision gets blurry with tears. You try to hide your face from Joel leaning closer to the wound. But he notices.
“Hey,” he cups your face with the hand he can use, pulling you closer to his face and wipes your tears away with a calloused thumb.
“I’ll be ok, baby.”
“You don’t know it”.
“I do. It’s just a graze”
“No, it’s not. The fucking bullet went through you! You were bleeding so much and.. and …”, you cut yourself off suffocated by the fear.
“Hey,” Joel says and grabs your shoulder, “You stopped it. You did good, ya hear me?”
“Yeah,” you mumble, glistening eyes downcast.
“Look at me,” he asks gently, his gaze is warm and comforting, “Thank you, baby”.
You jerk your head in a nod and a tear falls down on his hand.
“I’m almost done.”
You continue your work in silence.
When it’s done and his arm is secured in a makeshift sling, you take some water from the car to clean yourself off the dark crimson blood. Joel’s blood. Then you start carefully wiping away the red off his big hands and can't help but imagine the world where these hands can’t hold you anymore, can’t wipe away your tears, can’t make you come, can’t be kissed by your loving lips. The wave of panic covers you whole again and you burst into tears.
Immediately embracing you with his healthy arm, no matter the pain he must be in, Joel holds you close kissing wherever he can reach, your hair, eyes, nose, cheeks. No one would believe that this big brutal man could be so gentle and soft.
“I’m s-sorry”, you hiccup after a few minutes of crying on Joel’s healthy shoulder. Your body is still trembling against his and you hate yourself for letting your fear get the best of you.
“Shh.. it’s ok, sweetheart. I’m here. We’re safe,” Joel whispers, pressing you closer to his naked chest peeking from his ripped shirt.
“We aren’t safe, Joel. Not after today.”
“Always have an escape plan, right, baby?”
“You think it’s time? Did we save up enough?”
“Yeah, baby. Enough for us and for Tommy. Can’t wait to see you in that micro bikini you promised me,” he groans in your ear and you quietly giggle. You press your cheek to his broad chest and furrow your brows in thought. You love this life, always have, but you can’t deny that your luck has run out. Going on will be like driving your car towards the edge of the cliff at full speed. With a pang in your heart you realize that it’s time to take another road while you still have each other.
You straighten up, check Joel’s shoulder and arm again and then look deep into his eyes. He notices myriads of thoughts swirling in your mind, wraps his heavy hand around the back of your neck and lightly squeezes.
“If you need somethin’ to calm down…?”
“I can’t smoke now… need clear mind.”
“I ain’t talking about weed, baby”.
“What then?”
“Oh, think, sweetheart. What always helps, huh?” He moves his hand to your face and his thumb brushes your lower lip.
You look confused, head tilted to the side, until he pushes his thick finger into your mouth. Your eyes sparkle with excitement while you’re sucking on his thumb.
“Good girl. C’mon now. Get on your knees.”
He pulls the finger out and you lower yourself kneeling between his legs.
“Sure I won’t hurt you?”
“I’ll be fine. Take what you need, sweetheart,” he replies, spreading his thighs wider for you.
Your heart sings and pussy tingles as you slowly open his jeans, tug them down to the middle of his hips and pull out his soft heavy package.
You press your cheek to his warm crotch and feel his cock twitch. You don’t do anything for a few moments, just breathe in his musk and purr into his soft lightly trimmed hair. Joel’s petting your head and you sink into a trance, as he holds you close.
When you’re ready for more, you start leaving open mouth kisses to his inner thighs, balls, shaft, tip. With every touch of your lips, you feel him grow bigger, stiffer, harder and you can’t help but whine feeling yourself gush. So you start grinding your clothed pussy against your booted heel, desperate for any pressure.
You look up at Joel with your doe eyes, full of devotion and love and he groans, scooting closer to the edge of the seat.
“Go ahead, baby. Suck on it. It’ll calm ya right up.”
You know it will. So you take his already hard cock in your hand and latch on the fat tip. Your eyes flutter shut as soon as precome hits your tongue. You hum as you lick it off him and then take his length deeper into your hot mouth. In a few moments you’re already drooling around him, soaking his cock with your saliva while your warm palms gently caress his heavy balls.
“Fuck… yeah, baby,” Joel groans making your pussy ache with need.
When his cock is nice and wet you pull your mouth away replacing it with your hand and bend lower to suck on the velvet skin of his sack. You trace its seam with the tip of your tongue and take a ball in your mouth. You roll it with your tongue and then suck. Joel’s huge fist clutches your hair, not too hard but enough to signal you to keep going. You suck one into your mouth, slurp and lick around it and then part from it with a pop.
“Hnggg…That’s my girl,” Joel praises you through growls when you start working on the other ball. Your hands aren’t resting, one clasped around his long cock, sliding up and down from the girthy base to the throbbing head, as the other caresses the other ball.
You’re burning up with arousal and not being able to contain yourself, you grind, grind, grind your aching pussy against your heel.
Joel lightly tugs at your hair to get your hazy half lidded eyes to look at him and chuckles when you do,
“Shit, look at ya. Already gone just from suckin’ on my sack.”
You let go of his ball with a pop and his cock twitches in your hand. A clear drop beads on the slit and you lick it off, not tearing your eyes from the man.
“Yeah, now onto the main course, sweetheart,” he groans with a smirk.
You smile back, licking your lips as your hand returns to his sack.
“Don’t hold back, Joel. Please.”
You don’t think it’s possible but his gaze turns even darker, completely obsidian with lust, his cock is throbbing as you’re holding it at the base.
“Ya got it, baby”.
His hand, soft and gentle just a second ago, grabs your hair tight and pulls you closer. You gasp as your lips smash into his warm head but you don’t hesitate to open them and take more and more of his cock, until your nose touches his dark pubic hair. Your throat is trying to accommodate his length, eyes are welling up with tears, fingers gripping his thighs. He fills you so well that all the fears are quickly pushed out of your head by him. You nearly suffocate on his thick cock, squirming between his thighs but he’s holding you tight.
“Keep it in, baby, ya doing so good…”
Your throat contracts around him and he pulls you off with a curse. You cough, swallowing air, drooling all over yourself while he’s holding you by your hair like a dog on a leash.
“Gonna make me come too fast… lemme enjoy this mouth of yours.”
Your mind has already shut down, all your actions, senses, emotions are focused on pleasuring him.
Your mouth is on his cock again, tongue pushing on the underside as you slide up his length and swirl it around his fat head. You’re drunk on Joel, his taste, sounds, scent, his essence is inside you, around you, everywhere. He’s your whole world and they almost took him from you. Angry tears roll out of your eyes while you hollow your cheeks and bob your head up and down, in control of his pleasure but completely under his power. You feel his cock stiffen and then it starts pulsating in your mouth. You take him deeper and drink his cum as Joel is spurting it generously right into your throat. With another roll of your hips against your boot you come, moaning around his length in your mouth, seeing stars behind your eyelids. When he discards of the last drop of his seed, he coos over you,
“Oh, baby, did your little pussy come already?”
Not waiting for the answer, Joel roughly tugs on your hair again, dull pain making you whine, lifts your head off his softening cock and finally sees your face, stained with fresh tears.
“Fuck, baby, c’mere,” he pulls you up on your feet wincing at the pain in his shoulder. You immediately push your face into the crease of his neck, trying not to hurt him, breathing him in. He turns to you and his lips find yours. You kiss each other, desperately and feverishly, like it’s the last time before your old life ends and you meet a new beginning together.
Joel holds you tight one second and in the next his arm falls and his whole weight slumps on you. With his name on your trembling lips, you see his eyes roll back and then close.
Thank you for reading! 🌸
Comments and reblogs make me very happy and help to spread my work!💖
Series Masterlist
Tag list: @milla-frenchy @harriedandharassed @missannwinchester @iamasaddie @nervousmumbling @bbyanarchist @stevie75 @puduvallee @auteurdelabre @mountainsandmayhem @senoratess @flamingochick55
Series tag list: @survivingandenduring @casa-boiardi @pascalpvnk @lilipads @mountainsandmayhem @anavatazes @kirsteng42 @drewharrisonwriter @iluvurfather @lostsoldieronahill
If you want to be tagged, let me know!💕
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Red Lights
Ex!Lando Norris x Reader, Oscar Piastri x reader
Part 1
“You’re not exhausting.” He couldn’t stop himself. “You’re like a sip of cold water on a hot day. You’re the feeling I get sitting on the grid, waiting for those red lights. You’re exciting and terrifying and I’m sorry I waited so long to say it but…” 
A/n: Hiiii guess who's back pookies, I totally not have an anatomy paper to write and procrastinated by writing this
“Being in a relationship while being in F1 is exhausting.. That could just be me though. “
Lando  said the words so offhandedly that you’d almost missed them, but the meaning couldn't be interpreted any differently. You were exhausting. You could see his PR person gently hit his arm at the statement and he quickly changed the subject. 
The silence in your shared hotel room wrapped around you and before you knew it you had begun to pack your suitcase. Lando wouldn’t be due back for a few hours at least and that was enough time to pack up and get to the airport. 
Your phone buzzed as you were wheeling your suitcase to sit next to the door of the room. 
OP81:  I know you saw the interview. Are you ok? 
Y/n : No.
Y/n: Did you know that he felt that way? That I’m exhausting and he’s not in love? 
OP81: I was as blindsided as you. I thought you guys were great. He always talked about how he couldn't imagine life without you. 
OP81: Have you spoken to Lando? 
Y/n: No and I'm not planning to, I’m about to head to the airport. 
OP81: Need a ride? 
25 minutes later you are sitting in the passenger seat of Oscar’s hire car on your way to the airport. He hadn’t said anything the whole ride, just peeked at you periodically as you stared at the passing cars on the highway. 
“If you’re planning on jumping out, just know I already put the child lock on… and besides a guy who thinks you’re exhausting isn't worth jumping onto the highway” He says, glancing over again. 
“Duly noted.” you say, not even glancing towards him. 
“What are you going to do when you get back to Monaco? It’ll only be two days and Lando will be back, do you have somewhere to stay?” There’s a hint of worry in his voice. You realise that you didn’t know he cared that much. 
“I’ll figure something out. I’m sure I can stay in a hotel for a few days.” 
“You can stay at my place, if you want?’ Oscar suggests, “I’ve got more rooms than I know what to do with” 
You nod slightly, “That would actually be really good, I don’t think I can face being in our flat right now.” 
Oscar smoothly pulls up at the departure gate. He pulls the suitcase from the back for you. He looks at you, his expression blank but his eyes showing a hint of concern. Oscar pulls a set of keys from his pocket. 
“Here, I’ll text you the address.” He presses the keys into your hand. “Just…”  His hand comes up to wipe across his face, “Take care, y/n” 
You nod and pull Oscar into a hug. “Thank you,osc”,  you begin to tear up, “for everything. I know he’s your friend.” 
“He may be my friend but you’re my friend too,” He says into your shoulder, “ You didn’t deserve to be treated like that.”
Oscar leaves a gentle kiss on your cheek, and heads towards the car. You give him a tight smile and wave after him as he drives off. 
It was thankfully early when you arrived at Oscar’s Monaco flat. You really didn’t need any more attention on your relationship than you’d had in the past 4 hours. 
After the flood of twitter and instagram notifications regarding the comments Lando had made, it had been easier to deactivate your social media than have to look at the messages from Lando’s fans. Some were nice, sure, but the majority, or what felt like the majority, were people saying that they knew you were never good enough for him. That you’d been using him for attention or money. 
There were two messages from Lando. 
Lan: Oscar said he took you to the airport
Lan: Don’t you think you might be overreacting? 
Oscar’s flat was quiet, aside from the humm of Monaco nightlife. You never understood why New York was “the city that never sleeps” when Monaco was constantly alive from early morning cafes to midnight casino’s to the drunken groups stumbling back to hotels at 4am. 
You hadn’t left the flat for two days by the time Oscar got back on Monday morning. Curled up in bed, sporadically getting up for cups of tea before stumbling back to bed to continue the routine of crying and staring at the ceiling of the spare room. 
He knocked gently on the doorframe, leaning against it with an unreadable expression. 
“I won,” He stated. 
Your head snapped towards him at the sound of his voice, “Osc” You rasped,voice hoarse after days of crying. “What?”
“I won,” He repeated, “for you.” He cleared his throat, as if he hadn’t intended to say the second part. 
“For me?” You questioned. 
“You’re not exhausting.” He couldn’t stop himself. “You’re like a sip of cold water on a hot day. You’re the feeling I get sitting on the grid, waiting for those red lights. You’re exciting and terrifying and I’m sorry I waited so long to say it but…” 
He trailed off. “I’m sorry. I know this isn't the right time.” He turned and retreated into his bedroom, closing the door behind him. 
You stared at the ceiling of the room. How could you have not noticed? Every interaction with Oscar flashed in your mind. First meeting him while out clubbing with Lando after hearing so much about Lando’s new teammate; To late night runs to get ice cream cause Lando didn’t want to ruin his diet, that became habit on a Thursday night as Oscar needed his ‘secret weapon for the weekend; to the words Oscar had just breathed into your room.
You’re exciting and terrifying and I’m sorry I waited so long to say it but…
But what?
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secretly-tumb1r · 5 months
Roadtrip - hotch x reader
summary: when hotch finally sheds his stubbornness, he decides to drive back to Quantico from New York, in an attempt to rest his punctured eardrum. You couldn’t leave him without company, so you join him.
Warning: 18+ MDNI, making out, alcohol usage
A/n: first hotch fic hope you love it!! Also i cant exactly remember the dialogue between hotch and prentiss at the start forgive me😭. Enjoy lovelies💞
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(gif not mine all credits to original creator <3)
“Here, for your flight back.” Hotch hands the platter of baked goods to Agent Prentiss.
“What, you aren’t coming with us?” Her eyebrow cocks up in curiosity. “No, I really shouldn’t be flying” He shakes his head. “are you sure? it’s a 7 hour ride back to Quantico” Rossi asks, words chosen carefully. Hotch looks down. “I’ve taken that road before, you’ll see loads of country, beautiful scenery, maybe you should extend your trip a day or two.” Hotch easily picks up what he was putting down, suggesting he should take a rest. “Thank you” “Take all the time you need” Rossi nods at him and gets in the black SUV.
“Hey.. care for some company?” you smile brightly at Aaron and surprisingly, he returns the gesture. “Sure why not, hop in,” his eyes twinkle with happiness at the thought of you two on a roadtrip alone, maybe even in a hotel room. You cheerfully make your way to the passenger door, waving a quick goodbye to the rest of your team.
“Well.. we all know what’s gonna happen in the one day Hotch and y/n will take off” Morgan teases. “I don’t wanna think about it..” Reid grimaces at the thought, earning a laugh from the rest.
You had been on the road for quite some time yet. The sky was darkening and you were engulfed by silence bar the quiet radio playing in the background. Your eyes dared to close as your head fell down as sleep was consuming you. Work lately was.. exhausting. Aarons eyes shifted slightly from the road to your tired physique and his heart nearly broke. Seeing you so tired, he made his mind up to pull over at the nearest hotel.
It wasn’t for another 2 miles that his car finally stopped, and you were awakened from your slumber by a soft voice. “y/n” he gently patted your shoulder, “cmon wake up, we’re at a hotel” you stirred in your sleep “mm 5 more minutes” you practically moaned and leaned into his touch. His mouth went dry, and his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as a he took a big gulp. “y/n, wake up” he said a bit sterner. Your eyes shot open at the familiar voice, embarrassment filling your body. “Sorry! sorry i’m up.” you try to look as awake as possible. “cmon let’s go in we’re both tired”.
Hotch was normally so.. stoic. His face blurred of any emotion except seriousness. You were pretty sure in the one year you had worked at the BAU, you’d never seen him smile. That was awake Hotch, sleepy hotch was merely the opposite. It looked like all attempts to contain human emotion were discarded a few hours back. Sleepy Hotch was more.. human like, it was refreshing seeming him emit feelings like the rest of us mortals.
“I’m sorry sir, we only have one available room right now.” Hotch’s gaze didn’t shift off the guy at the till. “It’s fine. We’ll take that please.” he hands him his credit card. “Are you sure? There’s only one bed in that room” Your breath hitched. You’d either be sharing the bed or one of you would have to sleep on the floor, which you assumed Hotch would take it upon himself to take his place on the floor. “Yeah it’s fine we’ll work something out” he sighs deeply and shoves his hands down his pockets.
Aaron tried to keep his composure at the thought of you two sharing a bed. Of course he knew it wouldn’t happen, he’d have to sleep on the floor, but the thought of it suddenly made him wide awake.
When you made it to the room you realised you had no change to sleep in, so you discarded your pants and bra and pulled your button up shirt that reached your mid thighs down. Stepping out the bathroom while tying your hair up in a low bun, Hotch’s breath hitched in his throat. You were radiating. Even tired and only in a shirt you still managed to look exquisite. His eyes hungrily scanned your body stopping at your exposed thighs, arousal building up inside him. He did his best to look you in the eye as he stared in silence.
“Like what you see boss?” You teased, your eyebrows lifting suggestively. “uh- “ he gulped hard. “i’m gonna go uhm- yeah”. He disappeared in the bathroom. Splashing some cold water on his face, he took his tie, belt and button up shirt off, leaving him in his pants and a undershirt he appeared to wear under his shirt. When he stepped out, you had to keep yourself from salivating. His biceps looked incredibly big, and his pants fit him perfectly. You bit down on your bottom lip, a gesture you only did when you were excited. Hotch knew that. His confidence building back up inside him as he repeated your previous words.
“Like what you see” and he suggestively raised his eyebrows like you did just moments ago. “uh- i- “ He laughed brightly, which took you by surprise because untill a few moments ago, you hadn’t even seen him smile before. Your shoulders relaxed as you slumped down on the bed. “so i’ll uhm- take the floor” he began to say. You quickly interrupted him. “cmon boss, don’t be like that, it’s only one night. I promise i’ll keep my distance” His mouth twitched into a smile, and his heart grew. He didn’t think you’d suggest sharing a bed, but he was glad you did. He joined you in bed, heart beating so hard he thought it would jump out his chest.
You couldn’t help but feel giddy, like a highschool kid with her first crush. His presence was so hard to ignore, and your body moved before your mind as you turned to your side to face him. He was laying on his back looking up at the ceiling, he looked so beautiful. You couldn’t help but admire his features. His dark eyebrows, and even darker eyes, his high cheekbones and his big nose. Something about big noses excited something in you. You had no idea why.
Hotch turned his head to look at you, his eyes scanning your body. Your hands were pressed under the side of your head, and your leg was slightly bent, showing the curve of your ass. He felt his pants tighten as he abruptly got up, walking to the mini bar.
“Would you care for a drink?” You lifted yourself on your elbows to look at him. “Sure why not”. One drink turned into two and two turned into too many, and quickly you were laughing and telling eachother embarrassing childhood stories.
“No i’m not even lying! I licked his teeth!” you said as you teasingly pushed his arm. Hotch, between laughs, said “Your first kiss, and you licked his teeth?” He collapsed on the bed laughing. “What can i say i wasnt the best kisser”. Suddenly, he stopped laughing, his eyes filling with lust.
“Are you still bad at kissing?” His dark eyes bore into yours as you softly said “yes” picking up what he was putting down. “Why don’t you show me and i’ll give you some pointers.” His hand met your cheek, grazing it gently, as he pulled you in, his lips crashing onto yours. He tasted like alcohol and sweetness, intoxicating. His cologne filled your nostrils as you shifted your legs to straddle him, both of your thighs pressed against his ribs, as he cupped your face and tilted your head back, deepening the kiss. His hand moved to your thighs, kneading the soft skin making you gasp. He took the opportunity of you opening your mouth more to slip his tongue inside your mouth. His soft tongue dancing in a slow rhythm with your own. He moved both of his hands to your thighs gripping them tightly as your hands make their way to his hair, pulling it.
Your mouths moved in tandem and unity, a pace that was so calming yet so awakening. You had never felt this way before, and now that you had, you never wanted to back to feeling how you used to.
first part what do y’all thinkkkk?? i know this isn’t very “erotic” but i js needed to see if you guys would like it. Lmk if you do and i’ll post a very very spicy part 2 lovelies. LOVE YOU ALL MWWWAHHHH kisses xoxo💞
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virtualvault · 3 months
Taking Control
Pairing: Steven Grant x f!reader, Marc Spector x f!reader
Summary: Steven's jealousy over your coworker prompts him to step in and explore his dominant side.
Warnings: SMUT, NSFW, 18+ ONLY, no use of y/n, toxic/ jealous behavior and brief argument (mostly from the boys but reader gets kinda petty too), inaccurate depiction of DID, dominant/ possessive Steven, teasing/ taunting, dirty talk, begging, spanking, fingering, edging, oral (m receiving), rough sex, p in v, creampie
 WC: 4.8k
A/N: two jealousy fics in a row…sorry not sorry. Also, I know Marc is acting like an irrational ass in the beginning and sorry if you don't like seeing that type of toxic behavior, but he's being over the top/overly dramatic on purpose so hopefully it doesn’t rub you the wrong way. Plus reader says some pretty petty things in response lol
You had a long day ahead of you. In addition to the normal workday, you were asked to take your new coworker, Scott, to dinner just to welcome him and give a run-down of the project your department is currently working on. You meant to text the boys and let them know you didn't need a ride, but you had rushed out of the house this morning and left your phone behind. Luckily, you always leave a note on the fridge telling them not to pick you up whenever you forget to let them know the night before. They know to check there before leaving, so you assumed they'd see it.
You realized it might have been a foolish assumption to make when Scott stopped by the office before taking you home so he could grab some files he left behind. When you arrive, the familiar black sedan sitting alone in the parking lot has your heart dropping to your stomach. You’re pretty sure that they’re here due to miscommunication, but you haven’t had your phone on you all day so you begin to worry that something may have happened, and they couldn’t get a hold of you.
Your coworker must sense your concern since he asks, “What’s wrong?” and looks at you confused.
“Um…nothing.” you reply, unbuckling your seatbelt and slowly making your way out of the car. Scott rounds the front, and your boyfriend climbs out of his car, slamming the door behind him. You can tell your coworker is a bit taken back by the mysterious man in front of him, so you speak up.
“Scott, this is my boyfriend…” you intentionally pause to allow whoever is fronting to introduce themselves. You're almost positive it's Marc based on the deep scowl on their face.
“Marc,” he says while crossing his arms.
"Oh, nice to meet you. I’m Scott.” Scott sticks out his hand as he introduces himself, but Marc doesn’t even look at him. You give him an apologetic look for your boyfriend's gruffness.
 "Babe, what are you doing here?" you inquire, still worried something's wrong.
“Picking you up,” he responds bluntly.
"Oh. Sorry I didn’t text you; I forgot my phone. But I told Natalie to let you where I was if you stopped by looking for me," you reply coolly, relieved that everything is ok, but you sense the irritation in his voice.
“She told me where you were,” he says bitterly, and he turns his head to glare at the man next to you. This is the first time he has acknowledged Scott, and you honestly wish he would’ve just kept ignoring him. Marc is usually a bit standoffish when it comes to meeting new people, but he’s never outright rude, so you’re a bit taken back at his demeanor.
“Have you been here all this time?” you ask incredulously. You’d been gone almost two hours, meaning that he had all that time to stew in his anger, which is clearly about to boil over.
“Yeah, so let’s go,” he impatiently answers.
You turn to Scott. “I guess I'll see you tomorrow. I hope I covered everything. If you have any questions let me know."
“I will. I was thinking we could exchange numbers, you know, in case I- “, before Scott can finish speaking, Marc is pulling you towards the car.
“Thanks for dinner!” you shout to him as Marc opens your door and guides you into your seat hurriedly. Scott gives you a puzzled look at the abrupt goodbye and you flash him yet another apologetic look. Hopefully he'd forget about this whole thing come Monday.
Marc is pulling out of the parking lot before you can even buckle your seat belt, and you turn to him, looking displeased.
“You really embarrassed me back there,” you say and Marc scoffs.
“Yeah, well how do you think I felt?” he snaps.
“What? You were the one acting like a jerk. You knew where I was. I told Natalie to tell you what was going on.” He doesn’t respond and you feel a wave of frustration wash over you as you realize something.
 You fully turn to him, arms crossed, and head cocked to one side. "I also left a note on the fridge. Did you remember to check there?” you ask, brow raised. He doesn’t answer, but judging by the look on his face, you can tell he didn’t. Now it’s your turn to scoff.
“How many times do I have to remind you to check there before you leave?” You shake your head. This isn't the first time he's shown up when he didn't need to. You remind him constantly to check, but it doesn't seem to make a difference.
“You know, maybe I'll start leaving my own notes. I'll be sure to let you know whenever I'm going out on a date with another woman," he snidely remarks.
You let out a dry laugh. You just can’t believe how ridiculous he’s being. He's acted jealous before, but it's usually just an excuse for him to get you into bed, show you you're 'his'. But this time it seems genuine.
“It wasn’t a date! He’s a new hire and I was asked to welcome him to the office. It was purely professional. You have no reason to be upset,” you respond.
"I saw the way he was looking at you, like he was planning on having you for dessert. I bet he was acting like that all night. That prick has no shame," Marc grumbles, but you just shake your head. "You're imagining things," you respond annoyedly, and he huffs.
You spend the rest of the ride in silence as you mentally prepare yourself for a night of sitting on opposite sides of the couch waiting to see who apologizes first. But by the time you pull into the apartment, your irritation has started to dwindle, and you realize you're really not in the mood to fight, so you decide to set the issue aside for now and revisit it when he's calmed down a bit.
You step through the door, set your stuff down, and turn to him. "I know you're upset, but why don’t we just talk about this later? Let's have a nice, quiet night snuggled up on the couch. How's that sound?" you suggest, then pull him to you and press a gentle kiss to his lips.
He hums against your mouth, then pulls away. Leaning his forehead against yours, he mumbles, “I don’t know, maybe I should go spend a few hours with some random woman you don't know, since that’s apparently how this relationship works now.” You scoff and shove him away.
“Just let it go! You know what? Maybe I should’ve gone home with Scott. It'd be nice to be around someone who knows how to act like an adult. I bet he at least has the awareness to see when he's wrong and get on his knees to apologize.” You know it's a bad idea to mention Scott's name again, and an even stupider idea to mention going home with him, but you’re so frustrated you don’t care how Marc might react. If he's going to be petty, so are you.
You turn around to head to the living room, wanting to give him a second to calm down, maybe come to the realization that he’s being ridiculous. To think he would let your little comment slide was stupid of you, and you realize that when you feel him whip you around and press you up against the wall. You know you shouldn't keep egging him on, but you really want to mess with him to get back at him for how he's been acting. So, against your better judgement, you continue.
"Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that," you say softly and pull him closer, eyes now boring into each other's.
"I wouldn't go home with him. Why go to the trouble? What I should’ve done was pulled him into the bathroom, spread my legs for him and given him a nice warm welcome to the team,” you say, tauntingly.
You see his eye twitch slightly and he takes a deep breath, probably trying to keep his cool. By now you'd have expected to see that playful smirk on his face that means he's about to take you to the bedroom and shut you up, but he just continues to stare at you. Your goal isn't to genuinely upset him, so to avoid provoking him any further, you wipe the smirk off your face and look at him with wide eyes and small pout on your lips instead. 
“I want Steven,” you whine. Since it doesn't seem like Marc's going to let this go anytime soon, you're ready for Steven to come out. Ready for him to tell you he agrees that Marc is being ridiculous and apologize on his behalf, by way of shoving his face between your thighs, preferably.
He's never able to resist, especially when you ask for him like that, so you stare up expecting to see those soft eyes and that warm smile appear. Marc doesn’t waiver, though, and you think maybe he's blocking Steven out, determined to remain in control.
Marc cocks his head and asks, “You want Steven? Yeah?”, in mocking tone. 
“Why? So he can come out and spoil you? Let you keep acting like a brat?” That’s exactly what you want, and he knows it, so you can’t help the small smirk that reappears on your face.
“I don't think you know what you're getting yourself into. Why do you think he’s stayed silent this whole time?” You raised a confused brow, and now he’s the one wearing a smirk.
"You really want Steven?" he asks, and you nod your head at him slowly.
  "Fine. But you’re going to regret it.” And with that, his eyes close then reopen and his smirk is replaced with a fierce glower, a look so unlike Steven, you think it may still be Marc. It sends a shiver down your spine, but you also feel your insides clench. You don't know if you should be startled or turned on, so you choose both.
 “Steven?” you barely squeak out.
“Aren’t you happy to see me?” he asks, derisively. His hand comes up and grips the back of your neck and he pulls you close. Your breath hitches at the closeness of your lips.
“What? Did you expect me to come out and beg for forgiveness for Marc and then get on my knees for you like a good boy? Let you walk all over me like I usually do?" he snaps.
 While you're definitely the more dominant one when it comes to the two of you, there have been a few occasions he has tried to take control. But he's never gotten very far because Marc always steps in and takes over. You’re momentarily worried Steven holds some resentment for the dynamic you two have, but the way he’s licking his lips as he stares at yours, or rather the hardness you feel against your leg, makes you realize he's just finally ready to unleash this other side of him.
Now that you understand what he wants to do, you feel the ache between your thighs intensifying. Wanting to see what he has in store for you, you decide to test what will happen if you try pushing his buttons like you were doing with Marc only moments ago.
“Of course. That’s what your best at, isn't it? You think you can teach me a lesson like Marc?" scoff. "You don’t have it in you,” As you taunt him you wear a smug look on your face that he's very tempted to fuck off of you.
His eyes darken, then he looks off to the side, and there's no doubt Marc is talking to him; you assume either urging him to take action or demanding to step in and do it himself. You attempt to bring his attention back to you.
“It takes a real man to put me in my place. Like Marc. Or Scott.” And with that he’s pulling you from the wall and pushing you to the room.
He tosses you face first into the mattress and grips the top of your pants. Before he goes any further, though, he’s brushing the hair away from your face and you crane your neck further to look at him. His voice softens and he asks, “This is ok, right? If not, I'll stop, so please tell me.”
You give him a small smile and push your ass back, grinding it against him. “I want it so bad, Steven. Give it to me, hard. Please.”
He sighs, relieved to know he didn’t misinterpret the situation. Also, hearing you plead like that, a tone usually reserved for Marc, sends a rush through him. And then just like that, the gentleness is gone and he’s pulling your pants down and off of you, then tossing them across the room. He settles his hand on the small of your back and leans down to admire the wet patch left behind on your underwear.
He smirks, “This all for me? I do this to you?”
You’re about to give him a desperate, ‘yes’, but before you can, he pulls the fabric up taught, and it wedges deliciously between your folds. You gasp in surprise but follow it with a moan.
“Or is it from Scott?” he says and pulls your underwear side to side, and it swipes over your clit each time. You squirm against the mattress, loving the feeling. You don’t answer him, so he tugs upward on your underwear and, at the same time, lands a quick but firm slap against your ass. You squeal. You continue to ignore his questions in hopes that he’ll do it again. 
This time he gives you a harder slap, and does it again and again until, through gritted teeth, you moan out, “No, for you. All for you.”
He hums in acknowledgment then roams your sensitive skin with his fingers and gives your plush cheek a firm squeeze. You whine at the delicious burn.
Deciding to give your ass a break, he tears your underwear off and flips you over. After ridding you of the rest of your clothes as well, he spreads your legs and settles himself between them. He examines you and then runs his fingers through your folds, gathering the slick forming at your entrance.
“You really get off on this don’t you? Look at you, you practically dripping just from a few spanks." You feel your skin heat at the comment, and you simply nod your head.
“Just a desperate little thing begging to be used,” he says and continues movements, toying with your entrance and intentionally avoiding your clit. The sensation and the filth flowing from his mouth makes you shudder. You’ve never heard him talk like this and you love it.
Getting a bit impatient with the slow, teasing motion of his fingers, you grumble, “C’mon, Steven,” and grab his wrist to move his hand to the bundle of nerves begging to be played with.
“You know I need more. Give it to me," you demand.
Caught up in the frustration of his teasing, you’ve reverted back to that commanding tone which typically has him happily falling into submission. But now, he's having none of it. He’s finally in control and he’s not letting go, not for you or for Marc. He lands a quick slap to your mound, and you gasp as it sends a bolt of pleasure straight through you. You want more, but before you can ask him to do it again, he squeezes your clit and begins rolling it between his fingers.
"Oh, god Steven!" you squeal and arch your back, prompting him to quicken his movements. The action alone has you on the edge, but before you can cum, he's pulling his hands away. You let out a long, dramatic, whine and open your mouth, ready to complain, but he covers it with his hand.
"No more whining. You'll take what I give you," he says and squeezes your thigh in a harsh grip.
" Thought I was going to let you cum already? Silly little thing, you'll cum when I decide. I'm not done playing with you yet," he says, and you can feel the fresh slick dripping from you in response to his condescending tone.
He removes his hand from your mouth and grabs at your chest while he brings his other hand to your entrance. He slips two fingers in, easily, and you sigh at the relief of finally having something inside you. The delicious sting of him tweaking your nipples combined with the drag of his fingers against your walls quickly brings you to the edge a second time, but all too quickly he's pulling both hands from you and denying you your release once again.
You let out what sounds like a sob and pound your hand against the mattress. You keep getting so close and he rips it away from you every time. The frustration has you on the brink of tears and your lip juts out in a pout. You're not used to this. Marc wasn't lying when he said Steven spoils you. He usually dotes on you and is always more than happy to give you exactly what you want, whenever you want it. He's ready and willing to submit to you and put your pleasure above all else. That's the treatment you're used to. Since you're not accustomed to him denying you pleasure, or anything for that matter, the irritation is written all over your face.
"You’re an asshole. Where’d you learn that from, Marc?” you ask, with more than a little sass in your voice.
Not thrilled with your tone, he undoes his belt and frees himself from his pants, then climbs up your body until his hips are angled towards your face. "I'm getting quite sick of your attitude, love. Let's put that mouth to good use, shall we?" he says as he strokes himself pushing into your mouth. The angle is a bit awkward but the sight of him has your mouth watering and you swirl your tongue around his tip as it breeches your lips.
His head falls back and he sighs. He lets you suck on him just like that for a few moments before he's guiding you further onto his length. He hits the back of your throat, pulling a gag from you, and he feels your throat contract around him. He groans at the feeling and does it again. His thrusts have your spit thoroughly coating his length and even dribbling down your chin. He bites his lip at the sight.
 "C'mon. Get it nice and wet. Yeah, just like that," he says huskily. He throws his head back again and his eyes fall shut. The feeling is heavenly and he has to pull out of your mouth, knowing if you keep sucking him like that, he'll cum down your throat.
He moves down your body, landing between your legs, and you wrap them around his hips. He goes to line himself up at your entrance and you buck your hips and pull him closer. As you feel his dick brush up against you, you let out a pathetic whine, almost delirious with the desire to feel him inside you. He chuckles at your desperation and can't help but tease you further by running his length through your folds.
"You want it? Yeah?" he teases, and slaps his tip against your clit repeatedly. You look at him, tears threatening to spill from your eyes, and beg, "Don’t tease me.”
"What do you mean?" he asks mockingly as he continues sliding his dick against you. It keeps catching on your entrance over and over, but he still refuses to push it in.
"Why are you being so mean?" you ask, and your voice cracks. The sensation is getting overwhelming and you get the urge to reach down and push him in yourself, but you know he'd never give you what you're asking for if you did that, so you stop yourself.
"What's wrong? I thought you liked it. I've seen you writhe under Marc, begging for him to fuck you. That usually gets you what you want, right? So c'mon, beg for it," he demands, and grabs your chin, forcing you to look him right in the eyes.
You're quick to respond, wanting to do exactly as he asks, in hopes that he’ll finally take pity on you. “Please, Steven, I need it so bad. I'll do anything, just please fuck me. Please!"
He feels heat pool in his stomach from hearing you beg for him like that, and he can't hold back any longer. He grabs you firmly by the hips and pushes into you slowly. He groans as he watches his length disappear as you take him to the hilt. “See what you get when you ask nicely?” he says, breathily. Your jaw goes slack and your head falls back at the relief of finally being full of him.
After you've adjusted to his length, he throws your legs over his shoulders, pulls you closer, and leans over you, effectively folding you in half.  The new angle has him reaching so deep in you that you gasp, and it morphs into a broken sob when he begins slamming into you roughly.
He's satisfied at how you're falling apart around him, but he has to focus to keep himself from doing the same thing. The sweet noises you let out with every thrust and how he feels your walls clench around him has his breathing becoming increasingly ragged. He gets lost in the feeling and falters, and his movements slow down. He leans his forehead against yours as he gets lost in your warmth, and whines into your shoulder.
 The change in pace interrupts your previously rapid ascent towards your climax, and you whine right back. "Harder. Please," you beg and reach down and grab his hips, trying to urge him to go faster. He kisses your neck and continues the slow, deep, strokes. It feels good but you need more. You need it harder, faster, and begging is not working, so you opt for the alternative.
 "You're losing your edge, Steven. Maybe I should have Marc come out and do it for you," you threaten. Not appreciating the insinuation that he can't fuck you like Marc can, he snarls and flips you over. He slams back inside you and pushes the side of your face into the mattress.
"Oh please. Please. Please…" is all you can say as he resumes hammering into you, and it has you rocketing towards your release again. You become a babbling, whimpering, mess underneath him as he sets a punishing pace, his dick hitting that tender spot inside you relentlessly.
"I need to…to cum Steven. Please. Please can I cum?" you plead, needing to feel the orgasm he's denied you over and over again.
"Considering all the things you said earlier, I'm not sure you deserve it," he replies, yet he wants nothing more than to feel you pulsating around him as you reach tumble over the edge. He's seen Marc deny you for hours so he's tempted to see how far he can push you. But he feels his own release building, so he'll have to try that some other time.
"I do. I've learned my lesson, I promise. I won't-" a particularly deep thrust pulls a throaty moan from you, and you try to remember what you were even saying, but it seems like he fucked the thought right out of your head. All you remember is that you were begging so you try again. “I…Please. I need it so bad. Please let me cum."
"Say you didn’t mean it," he says, followed by a low groan as he slides in and out of your drenched hole. The way you’re gripping him has his hips stuttering, and he takes a deep breath to steady himself.
"Wha…What?" you mumble, not really sure what he's asking.
"Say you'd never let a prick like Scott touch you. Tell me you'd never let him inside you," he commands.
You remain silent, willing yourself to compose a coherent thought. He wants you to look him in the eyes when you say it so he pulls out, puts you on your back, and slams himself back inside you in one quick motion. It has your head spinning and you can't do anything but moan and whimper as you feel him stretching you.
"Say it!" he demands harshly, and the tone has you clenching hard around him. He tilts your head by the back of your neck, forcing you to look him in the eyes, and grabs at your chest harshly with the other.
“I wouldn’t let Scott fuck me. Ever. I don’t want anyone else,” you pant.
" And why is that?" he prompts.
"Because I'm yours," you profess. "All yours. No one else can have me."
 "That's right." A small smirk forming on his face at your confession. “Who’s the only one who can make you feel this good?”
“You,” you reply, breathily.
“You…” He keeps asking until you finally realize what he wants to hear.
 “You, Steven! Only you can fuck me like this!" you cry out, and in return he lets out a low moan as your words wash over him. It makes him fuck you deeper, so you continue.
"I’d let you do anything you want to me. Anything…anything…anything…” you repeat like a mantra as he continues snapping his hips into you.
His eyes briefly flutter shut as coil in his stomach tightens. He looks at you again and brings his thumb to your clit, forming small circles that have your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
"You can cum. C'mon, cum for me," he commands and as the last word leaves his mouth, your orgasm hits you full force. Your body stiffens under him as you let out a silent scream and drag your nails down his back, feeling the shockwaves pleasure rip through you. He lets out a long groan at the sensation of you clenching down on his dick and your nails dragging across his skin. It pushes him over the edge and he lets out an animalistic grunt spills himself inside you. He's above you, panting, as he continues grinding into you until he's empty.
After a moment or two, he collapses on top of you. You two lay like that as you both steady your breathing and attempt to come down from such an intense high.
 As you run your fingers through his hair, you hear him mumble, “I still like being your plaything. You know that, right?" into your neck and you chuckle. “Just like wanted to see what it was like taking control," he adds as he lifts his head to meet your eyes. You pull his lips to yours and give him a quick, yet searing kiss.
 “Of course I do, baby," you respond, lovingly.
“I do have a request, though. Next time you want to try something new, can you make sure it doesn’t involve acting like an irrational jerk and scaring my coworkers?” The request is more so intended for Marc, seeing as he was the one intimidating Scott earlier, but Steven responds.
“Sorry about all that. I just wasn't thrilled about this Scott guy," he confesses. You raise an eyebrow at him, surprised because Steven has never been the jealous type. Now, normally he isn't, but something about seeing you climbing out of some guy's car, skin a bit flushed from whatever drinks you had at dinner, just didn’t sit right with him. Then, when he saw Scott's eyes glued to your ass as you stepped out of the car, something just came over him.
"Marc suggested I learn to let these feelings out in the bedroom like you two usually do and I guess that was his way of stepping in and helping me do that. I did warn him to tone it down, I promise, but you know Marc…" he says, looking at you apologetically.
“Don’t worry, I'll make him pay for it later," you say, smiling at the thought.
“We can make him pay for it now by going for round two. He’s been begging me to let him out. Says he's dying to get his hands on you.” He grins at the idea of you denying an already incredibly frustrated Marc what he wants.
"Tell him not a chance," you say as you roll both of you over and straddle Steven. He feels a thrill run through body as he already knows he'll be the begging, pleading, mess this time.
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writeriguess · 9 days
Hiii 👋 can I request a bakugou x female reader , where someone mentions when they'll be having kids but the reader doesn't want any. Angsty fluffy plsss. Oh and bakugou also agrees in the end. Like the reader is kinda insecure 😔.
You and Bakugou Katsuki had been together for several years now, a relationship that had grown from quiet admiration and late-night talks into something deeper, stronger, and more profound. You loved him with all your heart, and you knew he felt the same. He wasn’t one to say the words often, but his actions—the way he’d brush your hair from your face, or how he’d hold you just a little tighter after a long day—spoke volumes.
Today, you were attending a small gathering with friends. It was a sunny afternoon, and everything seemed perfect. Laughter echoed in the backyard, and you and Bakugou were seated together, his arm casually draped over the back of your chair. Everything was lighthearted, easy—until someone asked the question you had been dreading.
“So, when are you guys going to start a family?”
The question was innocent enough, tossed in by one of your mutual friends. They were excited, expecting a chuckle or an answer filled with promise, like most couples your age. But you froze. You felt Bakugou stiffen beside you as well, his muscles tensing under your touch.
Your eyes dropped to the table, and you tried to laugh it off. “Ah, um, I’m not sure...”
It wasn’t something you could laugh off, though. A pit formed in your stomach as the conversation continued around you, but you couldn’t shake the weight of that question. You didn’t want kids. You never had, and the thought of disappointing Bakugou with that knowledge terrified you. What if he wanted a family? What if he saw you as less because of it?
You bit your lip, feeling your insecurities rise like a tide threatening to engulf you.
Hours later, the two of you were back home. The car ride had been quiet, with Bakugou gripping the steering wheel tightly, glancing over at you from time to time. You could feel the tension between you, thick and unspoken.
When you arrived at the apartment, Bakugou let out a deep sigh and tossed his keys on the counter. He rubbed the back of his neck and gave you a sideways glance. “You alright?”
You weren’t sure how to answer that. You wanted to say you were fine, but the truth was eating away at you. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest, and before you could stop yourself, the words started to spill out.
“Katsuki… about what they said earlier.” Your voice was small, hesitant, as if you were afraid of the truth. “About having kids…”
He stood across from you, arms crossed, watching you intently but not saying a word. His crimson eyes held a flicker of concern, but he waited for you to finish.
“I… I don’t think I want any. I’ve never really wanted them,” you admitted, each word feeling heavier than the last. “But I’m scared—scared that maybe you do. That maybe I’m not enough because I can’t give you that. That I’ll disappoint you.”
Bakugou’s eyes widened just a fraction, as if he wasn’t expecting that confession. His arms dropped to his sides, and for a moment, there was only silence between you.
You felt your throat tighten, and you quickly added, “I love you, Katsuki. I really do. But I just… I don’t see myself being a mom. I’m scared I won’t be good at it. Or that I’ll mess everything up. I don’t know.”
Tears were welling up in your eyes, and you turned away, not wanting him to see the depth of your vulnerability. It was hard enough admitting these fears to yourself, let alone to him.
Bakugou was quiet for a beat, and then you felt his presence behind you. His large, calloused hand gently touched your shoulder, urging you to face him. When you finally turned, his expression softened, all the usual sharp edges of his personality blunted by something warmer.
“Hey,” he said quietly, his voice uncharacteristically gentle. “Why the hell didn’t you say anything sooner?”
“I was scared,” you whispered. “I didn’t want to disappoint you.”
Bakugou let out a low growl, but it wasn’t directed at you. He ran a hand through his hair, frustrated with himself, with the situation. “You think I care about what anyone else says? Or that I’d ever be disappointed in you? Damn it, you’re enough. You’ve always been enough for me.”
Your eyes widened at his words, and you couldn’t stop the tears from falling now. “But… what if you wanted kids? What if you wanted more?”
Bakugou cupped your face, his thumbs brushing away the tears that had slipped down your cheeks. “I don’t need that. I need you. You, the way you are. You think I’d trade this—us—for anything?”
His gaze was fierce now, that fiery determination you loved about him shining through. “If you don’t want kids, then we won’t have ‘em. End of story. We don’t need a family like that to be happy. We’ll do things our way. Got it?”
You blinked up at him, stunned by his unwavering support. The insecurities that had weighed so heavily on your heart felt like they were starting to lift, bit by bit. You hadn’t expected him to be so understanding, so quick to put you at ease.
“Are you sure?” you asked quietly, still unsure if this could really be that simple.
Bakugou huffed, pulling you into his chest. “I’m damn sure. We’re not gonna live by anyone else’s expectations. We’ll make our own rules, our own life.”
His arms wrapped around you, strong and secure, as if he was shielding you from all the doubts you had carried for so long. You buried your face in his chest, letting his warmth calm your racing heart.
“Thank you,” you whispered, your voice muffled against him. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“You won’t have to find out,” he muttered, his voice a little rougher now, but still full of affection. “I’m not goin’ anywhere.”
You stayed like that for a while, wrapped up in each other, the unspoken understanding between you solidifying into something unbreakable. No matter what anyone else thought or said, you knew now that Bakugou was on your side. He wasn’t just your boyfriend—he was your partner, your teammate, and he loved you as you were.
And for the first time in a long time, you felt a little less insecure. You knew you didn’t have to be anyone else or do anything different to be worthy of his love. You were enough, just as you were.
Requests are open. Send as many as you like.
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emphistic · 4 months
Écoute Chérie
A/N: grr
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When a certain someone — specifically a blond male, showed up to Sukuna’s door that next morning holding a wad of cash in his hand, Sukuna wanted nothing more than to sock him in the jaw. But he contained himself, saying, “Keep that shit for yourself. I don’t want it.”
“Oh? You backing out now, Captain?”
“. . .You’re one sick fuck, Zen’in.” He snatched the money out of the younger’s hands, before slamming his door shut.
Pride is a terrible, terrible thing, and Ryomen Sukuna was full of it.
“Oh, my God, girl! I feel like we moved on a little too quickly. Pause: He—you—you guys KISSED? Stop, don’t—don’t play with me right now. I can’t even get a guy to let me cheat off of him on a final, but you kissed someone on the FIRST date. Let me say that again, FIRST date?! As in the first EVER date you two have been on together.”
If you were counting — which you weren’t, this would have been the seventy-ninth time you giggled out loud this evening. You and Nobara were sitting — no, standing, actually, with you leaning forward with your elbows on the counter, and the brunette doing likewise. You decided — well, you were forced — to fill her in on all that happened the day before. You had just gotten off of your shift, and, obviously, were still in your uniform, but Nobara insisted you tell her anyway. She wouldn’t and “couldn’t” wait until you got back to your apartment.
“Yes, Nobs, for the hundredth time. We kissed and even added a little bit of tongue and then he walked me back to my apartment and we fucked all night.”
The look on her face was absolutely priceless, her jaw dropped to the floor and even broke through the tiles and went further beneath the surface. Just kidding; because that’s not possible, but her expression was even more funny after you said, “I’m just messing with you, girl. I have some self-worth left, believe it or not, and I wouldn’t sleep with someone after the first date.”
“Funny how you decided to deny only that part.”
“. . .”
“Don’t—don’t tell me the rest was true. Oh, my God! STOP! I was only kidding; but you—you actually added tongue? What the fuck? And, you just decided to not call me right after? Wow.” Nobara crossed her arms and stuck her nose in the air for only a few seconds before she went back to gripping your shoulders and shaking your body. “You are such a freak, my God.”
“He also walked me to my door, y’know. No need to focus on only those parts.” You tried to bring her focus onto that, because you found that part the most adorable.
Truth was, the only reason you didn’t immediately call Nobara that night was because you spent the last few hours of that night screaming into your pillow like a schoolgirl and reminiscing on all that happened.
“You know,” you started, turning to face the man behind you, “you didn’t have to walk me all the way to my door, right? I could’ve just gone by myself.” 
You had insisted and insisted to Sukuna that you would be fine, and that the other residents of the building were friendly and cordial, but Sukuna ignored every one of your pleas and walked right next to you anyway. From the parking lot, to the elevators, and down the hallway, Sukuna never left your side, and actually, was surprisingly nice company. You two talked on the way about how good or bad the food at the game was, how hot and humid it was, how annoying the older gentleman beside your seats was, you two talked plenty enough.
“I know. I wanted to.” Sukuna stopped to lean against the wall beside your apartment, crossing his arms as you pulled out your keys.
“Hey, so, I had a lot of fun today. I guess baseball isn’t as boring as I thought it was,” you laughed, scratching the back of your neck. “Thanks for inviting me.” You had tried to tell him on the car ride to your place, but you chickened out.
Sukuna snorted, “No problem; my pleasure, actually. And, I had a lot of fun, too. I think I enjoyed today more than I would if Yuuji was there instead of you. So thank you for coming.”
“Oh, please. Don’t lie; he’s literally your brother. Besides, Yuuji’s not even here to defend himself. Kinda rude, if I say so myself.”
“I’m not lying, though, really. I enjoyed today. I can’t even remember the last time I was able to leave the house for anything fun and actually, sincerely, enjoy it.” Sukuna moved his head as he spoke, as if in a way to accentuate his point. You found that completely and utterly adorable. Just the thought of you being part of making his day alone made you blush, and you looked away sheepishly.
“I’m glad you had a nice time, Sukuna. And thank you, again, for today.” You caught Sukuna by surprise — beyond surprise, actually — when you cupped his face in your hands and brought your lips to his cheek for a chaste kiss. Mwah! The sound was audible through the night. And it was the sound which replayed over and over in Sukuna’s mind as he lay completely awake for hours past midnight in bed. The only thing he dreamt of — when he eventually fell asleep, that is — was you. You.
Now that he thought of it, there were no words to describe you. No words to describe your beauty, though, ethereal did come close. No words to describe the smile which you gave him when you two passed each other on campus. No words to describe how friendly and comforting the melody of your voice sounded to him; if you were a siren, and he, a pirate, Sukuna would dive headfirst into the water. No words to describe how drunk, how dizzy, how pathetic you made Sukuna, even with mere eye contact. But, there was a word to describe Sukuna.
It’s quite simple, actually.
Sukuna was whipped. Absolutely enamored of you. But. . . Very unfortunate he only noticed now. And, it was such, such a shame that he was also full of pride.
“Okay, that’s so romantic, though! I can’t believe it. My friend is gonna get with the love of her life, and I don’t even know how to turn the stove on. Oh, my God. My friend’s getting with the love of her life. OH, MY GOD!” That was not even close to the last time you would hear Nobara say “Oh, my God” that night.
“You wouldn’t happen to . . . y’know . . . have plans . . . this weekend?”
You didn’t know why Sukuna kept on pausing, but you knew it was oddly suspicious.
“And if I did?”
“Then, I wouldn’t ask you to . . . help me . . . with some . . . math.”
“Sukuna, are you okay? You sound like you’re being held at gunpoint.” You crossed your arms, failing to stifle a giggle. You really couldn’t fathom why he was acting so strange. Sukuna couldn’t, either. 
Ever since the day you both went to that baseball game together, Sukuna’s been different, to say the least. And yeah, maybe after kissing someone for the first time changes your behavior towards them, but still, it was strange. 
He wasn’t as cocky when going over his daily feats at basketball practice; he wasn’t as blunt and insulting to freshmans whom you two came across while on campus; he wasn’t as teasing or sharp with his remarks as he usually was; he wasn’t as assertive and casual whilst slinging an arm ‘round your shoulder. He wasn’t him. Then again, Sukuna also didn’t know why he was acting this way.
“I’m . . . fine. I’m fine.”
“Okay. . . Anyways, I am free. So yeah, I can. My place or yours?”
“Ah, you don’t have a lot of good alcohol,” Sukuna tapped his index finger repeatedly on his chin, as if contemplating which location to use was very difficult for someone like him. “I get bored with just water. So, it’ll have to be mine. ‘Sides, I don’t think Gigi likes me that much anyway.”
You laughed. Sukuna wasn’t very keen on having you tutor him while your apparently “murderous” cat was present. Giselle, also known by her nickname ‘Gigi’, was a black-furred breed, with very sharp, untrimmed nails, which proved useful whenever Sukuna came over to hang out with you or do some other shit. Maybe it was because of how provocative Sukuna and his usual cold demeanor were. Maybe it was because of how close Sukuna got to Gigi’s owner whenever you sat down on the couch together. Maybe it was because of the fact Sukuna took your attention off of your so precious cat whenever he stepped foot into the apartment. Maybe it was because Sukuna was just Sukuna. And Gigi didn’t like that one bit.
“Alright, since you’re afraid of a mere feline, which — mind you, is less than a quarter of both your height and size.”
“Well, that feline comes from the depths of Hell. So yeah, excuse me if I prefer to stay sixty miles away from it.”
“Gigi comes from Hell, now? Pfft—she’s probably just excited to see her previous neighbor, then,” you snorted.
Sukuna gave you a side glance, hiding his growing grin. He was not about to openly admit you were even slightly funny. No, he would never give you that kind of satisfaction.
“Okay, so can you tell me what the variable ‘d’ is?” You had explained the formulas as best as you could, even taking it a step further and dumbing it down immensely. Then you left the living room to put away the dishes, leaving the pink-haired male to attempt his assignment on his own. — With some guidance here and there.
Sukuna and you had ordered Chinese, deciding to study while eating. And while your plan for energizing proved to be frustrating at first — since a certain someone didn’t know how to eat with his mouth closed, you had become used to it by the end. Your tactic? Drowning out the audible chewing noises. Eugh.
“Why don’t you come over here, and I’ll show you.” Sukuna leaned his head on the cushions, wrapping an arm around the back of the sofa.
You scrunched up your face in reply, pausing in the middle of scrubbing food and gunk and whatever off of the porcelain plates. “Pass.
“I told you already, Sukuna. The exponential functions are the ones that slowly curve up; think of it as this: good things happen to a bad thing. Get it? Like, their lives are getting better. And, since I know you’ve already forgotten, a ‘y’ value can have as many ‘x’ values, but the ‘x’ value is . . . unambiguous, so it only has one ‘y’ value. Now, does that help?” 
“Ugh, this is such a bore. How can anyone pay attention to these types of things long enough in class to be good at it? Fuck.”
You took his consequent silence as him giving up on life and continuing to work on solving the problem in his evident misery, but oh, how wrong you were.
“S’kuna, what are you doing?” you sucked in a breath. He was so close. So close, to you. You thought it had only been two seconds, but in those two seconds, it only took Ryomen Sukuna four easy strides to end up here. — With his chest pressed almost right up against your back. Key word: almost. Yes, Ryomen Sukuna was so close, but still, so far.
“Helping you.” God, did he have to be that ambiguous all the time? He was like a walking enigma, a puzzle, a riddle, for you to solve. A mystery for which you would soon lose sleep over.
Sukuna easily grabbed several dried plates, removing them from the rack, and storing them in the cabinet above your head. His hand left lingering touches on your arm as they passed by each other. You slowly, gradually, accumulated a mountain of goosebumps.
It was infuriating.
He was so close, but not close enough.
Every time he moved to grab another plate, he would rest his hand upon your hip or on the curve of your waist. Sometimes he ran his large-scaled hands up your middle; sometimes he moved them lower, and lower. Was he trying to give you heart palpitations?
“Y’know,” he started, his voice dripping with honey, “you can keep breathing, right? What, do I smell that bad?” he snickered.
“I—what—why—what the hell are you doing?” You wanted to argue that he had no sense of personal space, which, yes, was true, but you feared he would stop whatever he was doing at the moment. And, you didn’t want that.
“I’m . . . helping . . . you.” He bent down to your level, lips brushing your ear as he spoke, and his hot breath fanning your ear. 
There it was again. That ‘pausing thing’ of his. But, this time, it was different. Earlier he was pausing as if he was unsure, but now, he was pausing just to create suspense and further rile you up. He clearly knew what he was doing; he knew what he was doing to you. Poor ol’ you, who just innocently wanted to wash some dishes.
You had previously wanted to turn around and properly face him in order to confront him better, but now, you didn’t dare meet his eyes. Not like you could, anyway, you were stuck between the counter and him. Your eyelashes fluttered, as your eyes darted here and there. And your palms began to sweat, you quickly wiped them on the material of your sweater, but your continued attempts were futile.
“No—no, you’re not.” You struggled to stifle your heavy breathing, and it took you quite a time to form a sentence without giving away the tight feeling in your chest.
“Yeah? Then, how could I help you, hm? Tell me,” he spoke your name firmly, like he was anticipating your breaking, and egging you on nevertheless. Then again, how could he not be? It had been days, days, since you two went to that game. Days since he felt like he was in heaven and talking to an angel. Days since he felt your lips on his. Days since he felt well. Days. And for days, he’s been restless, hungry, thirsty, empty. Hell, forget about your predicament, he was the one close to breaking.
“Tell me,” he said your name, again. “Tell me, pretty girl. Tell me.”
“. . .You can help by telling me what the fuck we’re doing right now.”
“Don’t you already know? And here, I thought it was obvious.” Sukuna bit his lip, but that didn’t help any bit in suppressing his laugh.
“What . . . are we . . . doing?” You repeated.
Sukuna was silent, for a moment, “You’re tutoring me, on math.”
“I already know that, dumbass. I mean, what are we doing?”
“You’re gonna need to be a little more specific than that.”
“Oh, my God—what are we doing? What are we? For fuck’s sake. How thick is your skull really, damn.” You finally mustered the courage to twist your body around, and though you were only met with his chest, you sighed and looked upward to meet his face.
“That’s a little harsh.”
You glowered at Sukuna.
“Okay, okay. I’ll talk,” he cleared his throat. “We’re . . . just us. I don’t know what to tell you. Sukuna and you. You and Sukuna. That’s all there is to it, right?”
For a second, you thought he was referencing what you had previously said to Nobara, but then the rational side of your brain kicked in and said, “No, there’s no way he could’ve overhead that,” and so, the surprised expression disappeared from your face as you looked down at the floor of the kitchen.
“We’re friends, yeah, that’s all there is to it. . . But friends don’t do . . . this. So we clearly, definitely, shouldn’t be doing this.”
“So, we can pretend we’re not doing this, right? There, fixed the problem.”
“And if I don’t want to pretend we’re not doing this?”
“Then don’t; we don’t have to pretend.”
“Please,” he looked at you with such an earnest expression on his features, “don’t say that word. Not again. You’ve no idea, no idea, how much it drives me crazy when you say that word. Mad, insane, deranged. Anything but that, please, anything. We’re clearly not friends. We’re clearly not just friends. So please, don’t call whatever we have as that. I’m sick of it.”
“If we’re not friends, then, what are we?” Your voice was just above a whisper, and you couldn’t even recall when it turned out that way. 
“. . .We’re whatever you want us to be. . . What do you want us to be?”
“No, you decide, Sukuna. What do you want us to be?” You gingerly laid a palm on top of his chest.
“I decide?”
You nodded, “Whatever you want to be . . . will be.”
“I want us to be . . . us. Together. Just us. No one else; just you and me.”
“Okay. I’d like that.”
He took your hand from his chest and held it in his, as if in a way to seal his promise. “I’m glad.”
Having had a couple beers — in favor of Sukuna giving up on attempting any more math, you were a little drunk. Just a little. 
“You have a stupid, stupid face, but it’s still my favorite. It’s my favorite to stare out. It’s my favorite to kiss. It’s my favorite to rub — your skin is so soft. It’s my favorite. My favorite.” 
He let you pepper as many pecks as you wanted onto his cheek, but when you tried to give Sukuna a proper kiss on the lips, he quickly moved his face to the side so you unintentionally planted your lips on his cheek instead. 
For, he didn’t want you to freak out in the morning and think he was the type of guy to take advantage of someone while they were even a little bit tipsy.
Besides, he had just gotten you. He couldn’t lose you now, could he.
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A/N: i love portraying raw emotion
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elsblunt · 2 months
abby anderson . drabble?
warnings : based in 80’s , fem reader … think thats it!
“ look at ya, such a pretty thing. “
a flash came after a click to your camera, the one abby had bought you for your birthday. there was a light breeze that flew past your dress and hair, a leather jacket draped over your torso, the one abby gave you.
it was dark outside, the area lit up by different rollercoasters and booths. it smelt like fried food, the sound of music and people’s laughter and conversations rung throughout the air.
“baby, put the camera down!” abby chuckled as you took another picture, she tried to sound annoyed, but her giant grin showed otherwise. “nope, gotta keep your pretty face in my pocket at all times.” you tease, smiling and slipping the camera into your purse. abby couldn’t help but notice how your hips moved while you walked. the loose sky blus dress that hung over your body, falling at your upper thighs. the bra you shown to her in the car.
abby stood beside you, despite the other strong smells, she was hung on your strawberry perfume that seeped into her jacket. she was never washing it again.
you were tempting, she just wanted to pick you up and squeeze you, press trillions of kisses to your body. god, you would be the end of her.
“so, what ride we headin’ to?” the blonde looked around. watching as you click your tongue and search around. you guys had been at the carnival for about an hour and a half now, feet sore from the walk, hearts pumped up from the trillion rides you dragged her to. “hey, how about we go to the photo booth?”
“lead the way, darling.”
you giggle before sitting down, adjusting your dress and scooting over, making space for your girlfriend. she clicks a few buttons, slipping in a few coins.
for the first picture, abby wrapped her arm around your shoulder, locking you in her grip and against her side. pressing a kiss to your head as you laughed and scrunched up your face.
snap! the booth flashed white. “shit, shit! uh…” abby groans. you brought her face closer to yours, the sides of them touching. the heat from your cheeks coming in contact. it didn’t matter how long you were together or how many dates you went on, abby would still get flustered. even over that tough shell.
snap! the white flash came again. “last one!” you giggle. the blue eyed girl grabbed your cheeks, bringing you in for a deep kiss. it was a typical last picture at the photo booths, the kiss. the one you two had seen in many movies and shows, the one you always wanted to recreate. the one abby had to watch over and over cause you loved rom coms that much, and she loved you that much to rewatch them.
snap! the white flash didn’t stop the kiss, continuing before having to break for air. and grab your pictures. you smiled and tapped her cheek, peeking out the booth and grabbing them.
“we look so cute, baby!” you point to the pictures, giving her one more kiss on the cheek. abby’s lips pulled into a smile as she grabbed the little pictures from you, looking at them herself. “we do look pretty cute.” she chuckles and slips them into her jeans.
“gotta keep your pretty face in my pocket.”
this is a super old draft from literally last year.. so bare with me!
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Gn!reader and Connor making out in a semi-public spot and Hank is just like "OMFG PLS STOP RUINING MY INNOCENCE BOY"
Maybe hcs of every time hes caught them doing a lil too much PDA wise
(Doesn't specifically have to be making out just excess PDA, maybe Connor and reader are flirting a whole lot just whatever ur comfy with!)
Characters: Connor x Gn!Reader and third wheel Hank (poor guy)
⚠Warnings⚠: Semi-Public making out, mentions of dying (just a little)
The first time
-You and Connor think you guys are so slick
-Spoiler: you’re not
-You were both pretty new into the relationship so couldn’t keep your hands off each other
-And plus since the station barely had any people, why not sneak off with each other?
-Thinking it was gonna be for just a small while, you both are at the back of the station, smoochin’ away
-and surprise surprise
-you end up staying there long enough for Hank to actually end up getting worried
-like do you have any idea? how long you two have to be away for? for hank to get worried??
-Bc its not like he doesn't care or anything but he simply isn't used to having to actively keep an eye on you two
-but then them mother instincts kicked in after he noticed you two had been gone for a while
-He just starts asking around if anyone saw the two of you
-And happened to stumble in on you guys (poor dude screamed he needed bleach after walking in on you two)
-Lets just say that Hank kept a closer eye on you two after that
The second time
-You two have calmed down since the last incident with Hank walking in on you guys
-But of course you still had your moments with each other
-this time around you weren’t in that much of a public space (what you told yourself)
-just casually behind the Chicken Feed truck while Hank ate his lunch
-yknow, like how normal people do
-You two honestly don't really understand how it even happened
-You wanted a drink from a nearby shop since the drink you wanted wasn't sold at the Chicken Feed
- And Connor simply asked if he could tag along
-Aaand next thing you know you're both behind the Chicken Feed truck, drink long forgotten, with Connor trapped between you and the truck
-Of course, Hank gets worried again since he's a pretty slow eater so he doesn't know how you're still not back after all this time
he swears... that's it. jk jk, I'm just being stupid. anyways, he swears that you both are gonna give him a heart attack someday from how much he worries
-He tries calling you on his phone and gets confused when he hears your ringtone from behind the truck
-Time skip a few minutes later, Connor and you have red ears from Hanks grip and sulking in the car ride to the station after his lecture
-Mostly because he swears the two of you make him worried sick on purpose
The third time
-Ok. this time.
-You didn’t even try to hide it
-Like no joke, just decided to make out right there and then
-On Hanks couch.
-knowing he was about to be back in a little bit
-but heyyyy you both could’ve cared less in that moment
-A few hours earlier, you were after a suspect and one thing lead to another so all of a sudden, you were being held hostage
-So this making out was a bit justified since you almost died thinking that you were never gonna see Connor again
-And he was just as scared
-Soo both of ya just wanted to hold each other for a bit
-That’s probably why when Hank got back from doing whatever Hank does, he bit his tongue (literally) to stop a snippy remark from falling out
-He was just happy you were alive and you two were finding comfort in each other
-Albeit, a little grossed out at your show of affection
-He just cursed under his breath and went to go take a nap
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