#I wouldn't want him to advertise anything of mine if I were a company
pkmnshippings · 6 months
not being funny but two days ago I had no idea who hbomberguy, Todd in the shadows, James Somerton, illuminaughtii, filip, Internet historian, or cinemassacre were. before anyone accuses me of living under a rock,, nah I just don't care much for video essays (except Mike's mic and his PLL series. that's an exception)
but like...surely James Somerton's career is over. there's no coming back from the doubly whammy of having your plagiarism clearly outed AND your lies blatantly fact checked back to back. I'd never heard of this guy on Sunday and now I think he's a vile thief and liar profiting off of others. like that's gotta be it for him right? surely SURELY he can't go back to making content with this on his record. right????
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feelingbluepolitics · 5 years
(* Many thanks, always, to @catbirdseat4u )
This article is, in essence, a political biography of Elizabeth Warren. It gets a Highest recommendation, and it should be made clear that this recommendation carries no disclaimer. To the contrary, here's a proclamation in support of Warren Democrats.
"Ms. Warren’s political awakening didn’t simply happen all at once. Her road to Damascus was a long one. But over several decades, she transformed from a largely pro-business and politically disengaged academic — a sort of default Republican — to a fierce consumer advocate and bankruptcy expert whose advice was sought on Capitol Hill, and then, finally, to a Democratic force on the Hill herself.
..."The revelations from her bankruptcy research, by her account, became the seeds of her worldview, laid out in her campaign plans for everything from a new tax on the wealthiest Americans to a breakup of the big technology companies."
One discussion featured in this article is that, because Warren is a "fierce advocate," perhaps she will make people uncomfortable. Perhaps she will have trouble building a favorable Electoral College vote -- for, hopefully, one of the last times that will matter.
Not to dismiss those concerns, but to put them in a fundamental context: every presidential candidate, "fierce" or not, faces those same concerns.
The emphasis there is completely mistaken, in any event. The emphasis more properly belongs on advocate. Yet any politician is, by definition, an advocate, and so are, ideally, parents, teachers, coaches, certainly lawyers, as that's their job, and technically even bosses, who are supposed to bring out the best their people can offer and aim it toward a goal to be accomplished. We all know, one way or another, how iffy the realities of advocacy are.
What's really at issue, is that advocates need people to listen to their advocacy, so what we are talking about -- of course -- is actually leadership.
It's true that there are leaders who don't listen to anyone. Perhaps they think this shows strength, or decisiveness, but what it really shows is the weakness of their leadership, and also, usually, that they are assholes whom most people do not like.
Good leaders, strong leaders, bring people along with them, and the only way to do that is to listen, and listen wisely.
So here are some thoughts on leadership, listening, and listening wisely, and why these are pivotal, and how it has gone for the US and Americans to have too little of these features in our politics.
There's not a Republicon politician in the country who does not listen, with the closest possible attention, to their biggest money donors who can help them get re-elected, by funding the means to advertise to more people with more targeted frequency.
There's been too much of that on both sides. This is how corporate depravity -- with its interest in working for and listening only to extremely wealthy corporate shareholders -- has come to be in charge of running the country. It's in every branch of our government, even seeping into the judiciary to make justice, and even access to the civil courts, a perk, a game, a threat, a strategy, for the very rich.
The backlash to Americans not being listened to in our politics is what opened that inexpensive door for Russia to root around in our politics by way of social media. We were and are vulnerable to cyber-warfare through friendly sounding personal messaging, because we want to both hear and be heard. That's how on-line radicalization works too.
When we can't see the money or the bigger picture, the data-mined "personal" approach, valid or not, feels like authentic outreach. It's only going to become more confusing, in the absence of adequate social media safeguards, as we further adapt our actual political outreach to social media as well.
But the political problems related to listening have long been pervasive. Some think Dubya's looking better by comparison to trump, but the truth is that the Bush presidency was disastrous because when he listened, it was to the wrong people. Katrina and the Iraq war are deep and permanent disfigurations both on Dubya and the country. We keep saying we can do better. But then we don't.
Dubya's terrible failings actually ran in the family, in terms of talking to and listening to the wrong people.
Obama stands out as an American leader most of the world -- other than Putin and Republicons -- talked with and listened to willingly, bringing a sense of stability and progress to many.
He also was, as we knew all along and as we can see now, a messenger -- simply by way of being elected president -- who terrified those most deserving of being judged harshly. They couldn't and wouldn't, ever, listen to him or accept anything he said.
Aside from all that is happening in this country, trump is a complete disaster on the world stage. The one example to truly chalk up to trump's world "leadership" is the utter atrocity of Brazil's Bolsonaro, connected inseparably with the raging destruction of the Amazon rain forest.
trump is in the Oval Office as a consequence of failed listening, otherwise described as the pervasive political disconnect too many Americans feel. Nearly all of us want safety from gun violence, economic security, equal rights, reproductive choice, and access to health care that we can afford to use. And yet we are a country hugely polarized into political tribes, with most of us not participating at all.
Many people villified Hillary, because that's the kind of thing people often will listen to. Many people didn't pay attention to the fact that she was the first candidate, ever, to run on a family, women, and children political platform, or that she had spent her entire public service career, both politically and charitably, committed to that exact platform, while she could also bring intensively knowledgeable global leadership.
Many people didn't acknowledge that of Bernie's ideas which were more progressive and hugely popular, Hillary listened, and adopted.
But the biggest failure leading to trump is the many people who aren't listening politically at all anymore, and those who are too angry to listen and willing instead to destroy the system rather than try to fix it.
Listening must go both ways. That's why we need big changes, in order to get there. Warren came into politics as an advocate who had listened, as this article shows.
She is the candidate for people like this:
- "Sometimes I get really worried about the climate. We have to start doing something, but I don't know what I can do."
- "If I get hit with one more extra bill to pay, I don't know if we can make it. I don't know what might happen to us."
- "I worry that we aren't strong enough if one of us gets sick! The money, the time, our jobs! It will ruin us."
- "That job won't cover my rent."
- "My mom's not feeling well. What am I supposed to do with my kids while I'm at work?"
- "This stupid thing is trash, but they won't fix it! I don't have the money for another one!"
On the other hand, Elizabeth Warren won't be the choice for people who get mad about having to contribute their two cents...on every dollar over their first $50 million.
Try listening to Elizabeth Warren. See if she's been listening to people who sound like you.
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kameronrzpd396-blog · 6 years
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First things first, what kind of video do you plan to do? If you are a small company starting out, you may want to create a video presentation for your clients to showcase your products and services. Some companies use this as a more expressive and artistic way as oppose to the stiff feel of PowerPoint presentations. They also use this for small product launches and advertising in a limited target market area. Video presentations are also perfect for employee orientations and seminars.
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5) Designate the broadcasting and privacy options for your video. Most of these can be left to the default settings, as they are the most popular. If you want your video to only be viewed by a link that you send to people directly, and not viewable or searchable to the general public, then select "Unlisted". If you only want certain viewers that you specify, Click here! select "Private." Decide if you want to enable public comments, or if you want to be able to approve or disapprove of certain comments before they're posted. There are a few other options for your video but if you're just getting started there's no reason to mess with them. Then just click "save changes" and you're ready to go! Depending on the length of your video, it could take a few minutes to fully process and become searchable.
I run a web video production company as well as my sales training company. It started from me doing my own personal videos for training and marketing purposes. A friend of mine in a different industry saw what I was doing and asked me to do some work for him. Not only did I take the job, but I did it for free. I owed this man, for many reasons. He's one of my mentors. Someone I would trust with anything or anyone.
1) Use a professional. Avoid trying to produce the video on your own. Just because you own a camera does not make you a director. If you want your video production company Dubai to make you look professional, then you need a professional to produce it, it is that simple. You may think it would be more cost effective to do it yourself, but this would be wrong. Professionals know what they are doing and will be able to navigate quickly, thus saving time and money.
I've had many clients come to me to fix programs done by other companies that were poorly produced. It may seem like you are getting a deal at the time, but in essence you may be throwing away your money.
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I hope this has given a few pointers to help make your production a success. If you decide it's not for you there are plenty of video production companies in your area who can help you out.
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