#I wrote Caroline as Coraline like 24 times in the rough draft. I blame Neil Gaiman
tradgicworks · 3 years
Heartfelt: P-2 Heavy Meddle
Anna Hjarta finds herself as the sole witness of a strange disappearance. She decides to help find the missing student, despite how much her academy wants to keep it a secret.
Fast paced heavy metal music blared out of Anna’s headphones. Her short dirty-blonde hair bobbed up and down to the fast paced rhythm. Her grey-blue colored eyes scanned the floor as she picked up any trash that was left behind. She brushed her bangs out of her face revealing a faint scar that ran from her left cheekbone all the way through her left brow. Her music was interrupted by the ringtone of her phone. She tapped her phone and answered the call.
“Yeah?” Anna asked as she continued picking up trash.
“Hey, Anna,” Another volunteer’s voice responded. “I finished up where I’m at. Everyone else is done too, we’re gonna head back for today.”
“Cool. I got the keys with me, I’ll finish here then head back myself. You guys have a good night.”
“Don’t overdo it Anna. Goodnight,” The volunteer said before hanging up the phone.
Her music roared back to life. Anna sighed as she looked at her nearly full trash bag. She pulled down her headphones and turned them off. She laid the bag on the floor and swept the remaining bits of trash into the bag with her leg. She tied the bag up and carried it to the dump.
Despite the academy’s strict rules, disobedience was inevitable- especially the week before winter break. For some reason or another, the academy had a policy of having Juniors and Seniors take their finals early. This was done in order to “encourage the active pursuit of future academic endeavors”. Most students took it as a chance to apply to college, scholarships, or internships. While others treated it as an early vacation or an excuse to party in secret. The abandoned auditorium especially was a hotspot for delinquents. Due to the lack of manpower the academy could not afford to routinely survey the theater during the last week of classes, their focus was on finishing up the preparations for the graduation ceremony after all. As such the troublemakers rebelled in relative comfort, often leaving huge messes. Ultimately, it would be up to the older students to take it upon themselves to volunteer and clean up the mess. Anna Hjarta included.
Anna heaved the trash bag into the dumpster and shut it closed. She took off her work-gloves with a satisfied look. Thunder faintly growled behind her. The sound of rain wafted into her ears.
“Mph,” She thought to herself as she checked her backpack. “I forgot my umbrella.”
Anna stuffed her headphones and gloves back into her bag. She glanced outside through a dirty window. The light of the campus walkway was barely visible through all the rain. Anna frowned and flipped a switch on the wall. The work lights that lined the halls of the auditorium blinked into darkness. Her body froze as she heard a shrill scream echo through the pitch black halls.
“Is someone there?” Anna called out in a hush tone.
She was met with silence.
The muffled sounds of teary cries for help crawled into her ears as she waited for a reply. She flipped the lights back on and ran towards the sound.
“Are you okay?!” She yelled out while trying to find the source of the struggle.
One last shriek rang out before being snuffed short. Anna found herself at the doors of the theater. She tried to open them but felt a strange resistance hold them shut. She slammed against them until they finally swung open. She shook her phone and its flashlight turned on. She found herself in the empty theater, the draped curtains fluttering softly. She surveyed the room in confusion and let out a deep sigh after searching for a few moments.
“I need more sleep,” She muttered.
Anna turned around and began to head back towards the dorms. Her shoe kicked against something and sent it gliding across the floor. She flashed her light at it and noticed a sparkle in the corner of her eye. She walked towards it and picked it up. In her fingers was a small golden bangle bracelet.
“Devoted to our pride and joy, Sophie,” Anna read out the cursive that was written across the back of the bracelet.
. . .
Anna flinched awake to the blare of her phone’s alarm. She sat up and looked at her surroundings groggily. Articles of old clothes laid scattered all across the floor. Her desk was stacked high with medical textbooks- some open, almost all riddled with sticky notes. Her bag hung from the door knob with Sophie’s bracelet attached to it by the zipper.
Anna slowly got out of bed. She walked to the bathroom and began to brush her teeth. When she finished she rinsed out her mouth and splashed some water on her face. She looked in the mirror, her scar had become an ugly streak that burned through her face. She traced it lightly with her fingers and frowned. She pulled out a small makeup bag from underneath her vanity. Layer after layer, she applied makeup on her scar until it returned to the faint seam that it was before. She gave a slight smile as she observed her handiwork. The academy’s morning announcements buzzed to life as she finished up.
“Good Morning, students,” Dr. Ward’s, the headmaster, soothing voice called out. “Yesterday’s rain proved to be heavier than was originally forecasted. Be careful when going between classes as staff have reported significant amounts of mud from the downpour. Furthermore, yesterday also marked the most amount of curfew violations in the academy’s history. A fact that brings me much disappointment. The students who violated the curfew will be called to my office to receive a punishment. You know who you are and you will be contacted privately. Let this serve as a reminder to the rest of the student body that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated again. Now, for today’s agenda…” Dr. Ward began reading out the remainder of the dull announcements.
Anna put away her makeup bag. Her phone began to buzz. She picked it up and read the screen.
“Anna Hjarta. Please report to Dr. Ward’s office at-” Anna raised a brow.
She threw on the cleanest uniform she could find and grabbed her bag as she walked out the door.
. . .
The headmaster’s office was built at the highest point of the campus. Curved stairs lead up to the main entrance. A ramp sloped downwards and cut through the middle of the stairs, allowing access into the library on the bottom floor. Colorful flowers and well maintained shrubs all sprinkled with water droplets from the rain decorated the entrance. Anna made her way to the headmaster's office.
“Excuse me,” She said as she walked inside.
Dr. Ward’s office was incredibly organized. Her large desk was filled with papers- all stacked into neat piles. Two bookshelves filled with all sorts of books, awards, and gifts stood behind her. On the wall was a display case with a beautiful ceremonial dagger stored inside. Behind her was a large window that allowed for a majestic view of the entire campus.
“Anna,” Dr. Ward smiled. “Have a seat.”
“You wanted to see me?” Anna said as she sat down.
“Yes, I did. I wanted to see you and Eva,” Dr. Ward gestured at Eva who sat in the chair next to Anna.
Dr. Ward sat down and opened her laptop. The door to her office swung open and a tall warden walked in with a cup of coffee.
“Thank you, Caroline,” Dr. Ward smiled as she set down the cup.
Caroline replied with a curt nod. Her green eyes were locked into a permanent glare. Her brunette hair was tied into a tight bun. She wore the Warden's uniform which consisted of combat boots, neatly pressed pants, a long sleeved button up shirt with a tie, and a blocky hat. Caroline specifically, wore a small badge and a large coat over her shoulders like a cloak as an imposing way of signifying her position of authority amongst the Wardens.
“I have been informed that both of you entered the dorms after the curfew, is that correct?” Dr. Ward asked while quickly typing.
“That’s correct,” Anna said casually.
“Yup,” Eva clicked her tongue.
“Hmm,” Dr. Ward glanced at the two before continuing to type. “Would you mind enlightening me over why you entered the dorms so late?”
“Lost track of time,” Eva said.
“I was helping clean up the auditorium, my group was scheduled for yesterday and I stayed after to finish up. I ended up getting caught in the rain though,” Anna explained.
“I see,” Dr. Ward said as she typed. "Was there anyone else with you, Anna?"
“There shouldn't have been, everyone else went back early. I only stayed after because I had the keys.”
“Did you notice anything strange on your way back?" Dr. Ward asked.
“What do you mean by strange...?” Anna asked slowly.
“Yesterday there was some unexpected interference with the academy’s security system. Given how many students disobeyed the curfew, I wanted to make sure that no one was up to any mischief while some of the cameras were offline,” Dr. Ward drank from her coffee.
“No, not really. I mean I can’t even think of anyone crazy enough to be out in that rain on purpose,” Anna shrugged.
“You can never be too sure,” Dr. Ward pushed up her glasses.
“Well, actually, there was one thing,” Anna grabbed the bangle bracelet from her bag and held it towards Dr. Ward. “I found this.”
Dr. Ward grabbed it and investigated it. Her face tensed slightly as she read the back of it. She handed it to Caroline who didn’t react.
“Where did you find this?” Dr. Ward glanced up at Anna with a smile, but her eyes turned cold and empty.
Both Anna and Eva shifted uncomfortably at the unusual look in Dr. Ward’s eyes.
“The theater,” Anna replied.
Dr. Ward glanced at Caroline who quickly nodded in reply and walked out of the office.
“Something wrong?” Eva asked with slight meekness.
Dr. Ward’s eyes brightened to her usual comforting shine. “No, nothing is wrong. I am just upset that your more rebellious peers are still using the auditorium irresponsibly. Especially when we both know that they could be doing so much better.”
“I see,” Eva awkwardly replied.
Dr. Ward took a deep breath.
“Thank you ladies for providing some insight into what happened during the storm. Regardless of your intentions, the fact remains that both of you disobeyed the curfew. As such, you will be penalized. The school adheres to its strict guidelines after all and they must be enforced indiscriminately,” Dr. Ward took out two forms and began filling them out quickly.
“What do we have to do?” Anna asked.
“The two of you will be working as receptionists at the freshmen dorms,” Dr. Ward handed a filled out form to Anna and Eva each. “Take these to the front office of the dorm. They’ll give you everything you need and tell you what to do from there. You may leave now,” Dr. Ward instructed before returning her attention to work.
Anna and Eva walked towards the door.
“Oh, and one more thing,” Dr. Ward called out to them as they opened the door. “Try not to get into any more trouble,” She said with a gentle smile.
. . .
Anna’s gaze lingered on the empty hallways. She leaned over the receptionist counter, her cheek resting in her palm. Eva, who sat beside her, groaned and put her feet up on the counter. Anna glanced at her with annoyance.
“Stop that,” Anna said.
“What? My shoes aren’t dirty,” Eva replied.
Dried up mud crumbled onto the counter.
“Not that dirty at least,” Eva yawned.
“It’s just rude to the janitors who have to clean that up,” Anna’s gaze hardened.
“Sheesh, calm down. A little dirt won’t kill anyone. What are you some sort of neat freak?” Eva replied matter-of-factly.
“No,” Anna looked at Eva in her eyes. “I just don’t like dirt.”
Eva put her feet down and sat up straight.
“What do you mean by that?” Her eyes narrowed.
The two stared at each other. Anna grabbed a napkin and cleaned the dirt off of the counter.
“What else would it mean?” She glanced at Eva’s shoes.
“Fine, my bad for bringing in dirty shoes,” Eva took her shoes off the counter. “Sue me.”
“Thank you,” Anna nodded curtly before kneeling down to clean up the dirt.
“You’re a real bleeding heart you know,” Eva commented looking down at her.
Anna didn’t respond, she simply continued until the mess was clean.
Eva looked at her for a few moments before she gave up and went back to playing on her phone.
Anna crumbed up the napkin and threw it into a trashcan. The sound of loud banging erupted from the front doors as it fell in.
“Let me in!” A desperate voice yelled from outside.
“She’s going to break the freaking doors-” Eva growled and stood up.
She quickly walked towards the doors and swung them open just as Gwyneth was about to knock again.
“What are you doing?” Eva grit her teeth.
“Thank you-!” Gwyneth barely got the words in before trying to push her way into the dorms.
“What are you doing?!” Eva roared and shoved her back outside.
“Please- Y-You don’t understand. I need to get in I-” Gwyneth choked on her words. “Please, please, just let me in!”
“No way, you psycho!” Eva barred her from entering.
“Calm down, you’re hurting her,” Anna ran beside her and tugged on her shoulder.
“The hell I am! I’m just stopping her from getting through the door-'' Eva glanced at Gwyneth’s face. “Oh, it's you.”
Eva looked at Gwyneth’s wrists, faint bruise marks were beginning to form.
“Oh,” Eva’s frown grew annoyed.
“That’s why I told you to relax,” Anna pulled Eva behind her and looked at Gwyneth.
“Please let me in!” Gwyneth pleaded.
“Sure,” Anna grabbed her wrists gently. “But first we’re going to take care of this.”
“There’s no time I really have to-” Gwyneth said in between panicked breaths.
“There’s no option, either you come in and I help with the bruising or you don’t come in at all,” Anna gave her a stern look.
“O-Okay, but please hurry!” Gwyneth’s breathing relaxed before she exclaimed.
“I will,” Anna led her inside and behind the receptionist desk.
“Are you crazy? You’re going to take the person who tried to break into the dorms seriously?” Eva exclaimed.
“She wouldn’t be this panicked if it wasn’t for a good reason,” Anna sat Gwyneth down and looked for a first aid kit.
“Wow, I was spot on about that bleeding heart thing huh?” Eva groaned. “What if she’s here to cause trouble or stalk some helpless freshman girl?”
“You really think poorly of people you know,” Anna commented as she prepared an ice bag.
“I’m realistic,” Eva huffed.
“You’re paranoid. All I see is someone in need,” Anna kneeled in front of Gwyneth and pressed the ice bag against her wrist.
“And that’s all you need to be at their beck and call?” Eva sneered.
“Yeah, that’s it,” Anna glared at her.
Eva could only reply with an equally furious look.
“I-I’m not here to hurt anyone,” Gwyneth said meekly. “I’m here to- ah” She squeaked as Anna moved the ice bag to her other wrist.
“I’m worried about my friend, her name is Sophie,” Gwyneth said.
Eva tensed a little upon hearing Sophie’s name.
“What about your friend?” Eva grunted.
“I think she’s in trouble.” Gwyneth said sheepishly.
“No way,” Eva waved her hand dismissively. “The academy’s got security like a prison. If she was in trouble she would have been helped out by one of the Wardens.”
“I know, but I’ve called her so many times and she hasn’t responded once. She didn’t show up to our breakfast meet up and last night she seemed really worried about something,” Gwyneth said, her words growing more frantic.
“Well, maybe you’re just overthinking it,” Eva said apathetically.
“What’s your problem?” Anna glanced at her in a mix of anger and shock.
She turned towards Gwyneth and started wrapping bandages around her wrists. “Why are you so sure she’s in trouble?” Anna asked calmly.
“Sophie’s not like this. She always answers her calls, she's a polite and cheery person. She’s full of optimism and hope and she always does her best to help others. I’ve never seen her act so depressed before, so… docile. I just know something is wrong, it just doesn’t add up...” Gwyneth gazed at the floor.
“Pfft, talk about working off hunches,” Eva muttered.
“I agree,” Anna said as she finished tying her bandages.
“You do?!” Gwyneth and Eva said in unison, relief and surprise in their voice respectively.
“You know the people close to you better than I do. If you really think something is wrong, you should do something about it before you regret not doing anything at all,” Anna stood up and held out her hand. “And I’ll be here to help.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you soooooo much!” Gwyneth leaped up and hugged Anna tightly.
“Woah, okay, okay, I’m just glad I can help,” Anna chuckled. “She’s really soft.” She said towards Eva.
“And I care why?” Eva shook her head. “I can’t believe you’re helping her. What do you even want Gwy- uh... Girl?”
“Oh, that’s right,” Gwyneth let go of Anna. “My name’s Gwyneth, I’m a Sophomore.”
“I’m Anna, a Junior,” Anna replied.
“Eva, same,” Eva mumbled. “So what do you want?”
“I-” Gwyneth paused. “I was planning on visiting Sophie’s room and checking up on her.”
“What floor is she on?” Anna asked.
“Third floor, room 309,” Gwyneth replied.
“Cool, let’s go,” Anna grabbed the master key from behind the counter and headed up the stairs. “You coming, Grinch?” She asked Eva as she stopped on the first step.
“Screw you,” Eva spat before following suit.
. . .
The freshmen dorms were not the nicest on campus, mostly due to how old the building itself was. The steps led up to a view of the many hallways on each floor. Rows and rows of evenly spaced doors lined the walls. Occasional break and study rooms broke the monotony of the layout. Framed paintings of previous headmasters and photographs of the academy’s history dotted the free spaces on the wall. On the opposite end, stood an identical set of stairs leading into the floor below. Anna, Eva, and Gwyneth stepped into the third floor. Gwyneth walked ahead of them and led them to Sophie’s dorm.
“We’re here,” Anna stated as they stood in front of room 309.
Gwyneth stepped forward and knocked on the door.
“Sophie, are you there? It’s me, Gwen,” She called out.
There was no reply.
“Sophie?” She knocked again.
“She’s probably just asleep,” Eva commented.
“At six in the evening?” Anna raised a brow.
“You’d be surprised at how many people hit the hay early,” Eva yawned.
“She’s not answering,” Gwyneth turned towards them.
“Hmm, let me try,” Anna knocked on the door a little rougher than Gwyneth. “Sophie, are you in there?”
The door creaked open on her last knock.
“You broke it,” Eva scoffed.
“It just happened on its own,” Anna replied with a tinge of panic.
“Well, no use crying over it now,” Eva swung open the door and gestured for them to walk in. “After ya’ll.”
They all entered the room. Eva flicked on the light switch and the ceiling lamp hummed to a faint light. Comfy looking bed sheets sat as a messy pile on an unmade bed. The cabinets held half open drawers filled with thrown-about clothes. Makeup, perfume, accessories, and other knick-knacks once neatly organized on the shelves laid scattered across the floor. A torn apart sheet music book with ripped out pages leaned limply against a violin. Gwyneth’s gaze lingered on a corkboard that hung above her drawer. Pictures of Gwyneth and Sophie spending time together were pinned on to it. Dumb drawings that Gwyneth made in a silly attempt of explaining some of her favorite controversies were displayed like badges of honor. The letter she wrote for Sophie’s birthday was neatly held by tiny styrofoam stars. A calendar filled with pretty handwritten notes was to the left of all of that. “Dinner with Gwyneth, yay!” was circled in red marker.
“What a mess,” Eva murmured.
“It looks like someone tore up the place,” Anna said quietly.
“Sophie…” Gwyneth whimpered as she walked to the corkboard and traced her fingers over the memorabilia.
“We need to report this to the principal,” Anna said as she glanced at Gwyneth’s worried face.
“Agreed, the way this room is torn up is way too sketchy,” Eva let out a deep sigh. “The academy seems to be slipping in more ways than one.”
“That’s ominous,” Anna commented.
“Just saying, the schools vow of security ain’t looking so secure right now. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are other dorms where just about anybody can break into them,” Eva opened the closet. “We could have a real case for false advertising on our hands-” Eva’s words were snuffed into violent chokes.
A woman stepped out of the closet. Her dark gray colored eyes shone with a strange intensity. She held Eva by the neck, nearly lifting her off the ground. Gwyneth shrieked as she grabbed something to defend herself with. Anna hopped over the bed and slammed herself against the woman. The woman grunted in pain as she let go of Eva and struggled to keep her balance. Eva coughed in heavy breaths. The woman took a step forward ready to attack Anna, only to have a stapler thrown against her face by Gwyneth.
“You. Effing. Creep,” Eva yelled in a horse voice.
Eva kicked at the woman’s legs before she could retaliate and tripped her onto the ground. The woman fell with a hearty thud and her body went limp. Eva raised her foot to stomp her face but was stopped by Anna’s hand.
“What are you doing?! You’re going to kill her!” Anna screamed.
“Oh, do not make excuses for the panty stealing weirdo hiding in a sixteen year old’s closet- she deserved this!” Eva yelled back.
“But, she’s already knocked out!” Anna pushed her leg out of the way. “So, we stop!”
“Fine, Goldilocks. Have it your way, but I’m not helping you if she gets up and starts choke slamming you,” Eva rubbed her shin. “Damn, that hurt. Her legs felt like they were made out of steel.”
“W-Who is she anyways and where did you two learn to fight like that?“ Gwyneth asked.
“I kinda just threw myself at her,” Anna said matter-of-factly.
“Kickboxing is a hobby,” Eva replied. “As for the mystery woman…” Eva took out her phone and turned on its flashlight.
The light shone over the face of a Warden. The three of them stared in silence as the realization dawned upon them.
“We are so screwed,” Eva murmured with a deathly serious tone.
“Shut up!” Eva put her hand over Gwyneth’s mouth. “Do you want the whole dorm to know?!”
“I-It’s fine, we can just explain to the principal what happened. T-That this was all just one big misunderstanding,” Anna said in a slightly shaky voice as she sat the Warden up as best as she could
“Oh yeah, sure, and she can kindly explain how many years in prison we’re gonna serve for assaulting a freaking police officer,” Eva gave a panicked chuckle.
“I don’t want to go to jail,” Gwyneth whimpered.
“No effing dur, girly,” Eva commented.
“Calm down, both of you. Worse comes to worst I can just-” Anna started before being cut off by the sound of a radio.
“Warden 06, can you hear me?” A staticky voice called from the Warden’s breast pocket.
Anna, Eva, and Gwyneth looked at each other. Gwyneth gestured to Anna to give her the radio. Anna tossed into her hands and she began to fiddle with it. After a few seconds she held the button to reply. White noise poured out of the radio.
“Warden 06, there seems to be some interference on your end. Do you read me?” The voice asked again.
Gwyneth tilted the radio downwards. The white noise became more chaotic.
“Warden 06, do you read-” The voice got cut off before changing into a deeper, colder, voice. “Warden 06, you are to cease your search of the target’s dorm. We have narrowed down the location of Sophie Dives to the auditorium. Rendezvous there ASAP. Failure to do so will be met with severe punishment.”
The radio went completely silent. Gwyneth took out the batteries and took a shaky breath.
“Sophie’s in the auditorium?” Gwyneth whispered.
“From the sound of it, it looks like they were trying to keep it a secret too,” Eva commented.
“I knew it,” Anna muttered.
“What?” Gwyneth asked.
“Last night, when I was cleaning up the auditorium I heard a scream. I tried to follow it, but by the time I got to the theater all I found was a bracelet with Sophie’s name on the back of it,” Anna stood up. “I think something happened to her.”
“Why didn’t you bring this up before?” Gwyneth frowned.
“Because I thought it was just a coincidence,“ Anna’s face softened. “We have to tell Dr. Ward, if she knows that the Warden’s are acting out of line she might be able to stop them.”
“Sorry to break it to you, but the Warden’s are on the CCPD’s payroll- not the headmaster’s. I doubt they give two craps about what she wants,” Eva said.
“What other option do we have then?” Anna asked.
“We have to go and help her ourselves,” Gwyneth said with a serious tone.
“Are you crazy? She’s being hunted down by the Wardens right now, y’know like actual highly trained cops. On top of that, they’re on high alert, if they find us they’ll rip us to shreds,” Eva furrowed her brow.
“Not exactly,” Gwyneth turned towards her. “I’ve heard rumors that because of all the curfew violations yesterday the headmaster is pissed off at all the Wardens. She wants to make sure that not a single student misses it tonight. Me thinks- I think that they won’t head to the auditorium until after curfew. It gives us some time to break in.”
“You really believe those stupid overblown rumors? Give me a break, they’ll have Wardens posted all over the auditorium,” Eva groaned.
Anna walked to the curtains and opened them up. A view of the auditorium bathed in the light of the setting sun appeared with not a single soul in sight.
“Are you sure about that?” Anna said with a tiny jeer.
“Screw you,” Eva looked away and scratched her head.
“We don't have much time," Anna looked at her phone. "Curfews in three hours. If we're going to help Sophie, we should move now."
"You're still going to help?" Gwyneth asked.
"Of course, it doesn't sit well with me to stay still when someone needs help. Besides, who knows what the Wardens will do to her if one of them was ready to strangle us to death," Anna explained.
"Thank you," Gwyneth said quietly
Anna and Gwyneth looked at Eva who thought in silence. After a few moments she spoke.
"I wouldn't go as far as to say that she's in danger, but yeah, the sooner we find her the better," Eva said curtly.
"I really thought you would say no," Gwyneth said with a slightly stunned face.
"Don't act like you know how I think," Eva scoffed.
"Well, we better head out then. Let's go close up the receptionist's booth first," Anna said as she walked out of the dorm.
"Ever the worrywart," Eva grumbled.
. . .
Day began to bleed into night by the time they arrived at the auditorium. The weathered down entrance was chained and locked shut by a simple key lock.
“They locked it,” Anna stated bluntly.
“I guess this really means that Sophie is in here,” Gwyneth said with a worried face.
“Well she won’t be trapped here for long,” Eva said as she took out some of the bobby pins that held up her hair and kneeled beside the floor.
“What are you doing?” Gwyneth asked.
“Picking the lock, duh,” Eva replied as she started unlocking the door and blew some of her loose hair out of her face.
“Where did you learn that?” Anna asked.
“Would you believe me if I said daycare?” Eva turned around with a smirk as the lock clicked open. “We’re in.”
“Follow me,” Anna walked into the auditorium and towards the theater.
The work lights from the day before stood in the exact same spot. Anna turned them on, lighting the auditorium with a musty light. The three walked at a brisk pace while still scanning each room they came across, before turning towards the theater. Anna opened the door and looked at the rows of dimly lit seats.
“The only place I didn’t check yesterday was backstage,” Anna said as she made her way down the stairs and climbed onto the stage.
“This place gives me the creeps,” Eva muttered as she read the scratches on the podium.
Anna walked in between the curtains and into the dark backstage. She turned on her flashlight. Old props and backgrounds littered the floor. Rusting clothing racks filled with forgotten costumes loitered throughout the backstage. A large grandfather clock leaned against boxes stacked up high. The word “John” was painted onto it, it’s time was stuck at 3:13 PM.
“Wow, it's a whole lot of nothing,” Eva said loudly as she leaned against the grandfather clock.
“We at least have to try to look for her,” Anna said as she started searching the mess.
“But, there really is nothing here, Anna,” Gwyneth said sadly.
“We don’t have much time left either,” Eva glanced at her watch. “We should just head back and try again tomorrow before they catch us and we can’t try at all,” She looked at Anna, her long hair fluttering slightly in a soft breeze.
“Yeah... good idea,” Anna said with a slightly dejected tone before turning towards Eva. “What’s wrong with your hair?” Anna asked suddenly.
“What? I was too lazy to tie it back up after picking the lock,” Eva replied dismissively.
“No, why is it moving,” Anna asked again before walking towards the grandfather clock herself.
She felt around it looking for the source of the breeze. Eventually she found a small crack in the wall. Cold air trickled out of it slowly.
“Help me move this thing,” Anna said towards Eva and Gwyneth as she started trying to move the grandfather clock out of the way.
“This is heavy,” Gwyneth panted as she pushed as hard as she could.
“Just push,” Eva commented as she led the clock onto the floor. “Now what?” Eva asked Anna.
Anna picked up a broken off leg of a chair from the floor and smashed it against the crack. The wall crumbed into wet clumps of drywall that revealed the entrance to a tunnel.
“A tunnel?” Anna murmured.
“You are amazing at breaking things, y’know that,” Eva said blankly.
“D-Do you think that Sophie could be in there?” Anxiety lumped in Gwyneth’s voice.
“If this was a horror movie, sure, but to me that just looks like an effing death trap,” Eva shifted uncomfortably.
“We have to check,” Anna took a deep breath before stepping inside.
“Are you crazy?!” Eva grabbed her arm. “We have no idea where that leads, if there’s anything even in there or if there’s even a way out.”
“Where else could she be if the Wardens couldn’t even find her?” Anna tugged her arm away from Eva’s grasp.
“I don’t know, but I’m not gonna risk my life to find out,” Eva crossed her arms.
Anna’s breaths stiffened. She glared at Eva who returned the gesture.
“I-” Anna opened her mouth before being interrupted by the muffled echo of classical music.
“Nocturne op.9 No.2, Sophie’s favorite song. She set it as her ringtone…” Anna and Eva turned to face Gwyneth.
She clutched her phone close to her, she had dialed Sophie’s number while they were arguing.
Eva looked into the tunnel. Its jagged walls seemed like they were cut into the building itself. Drops of a mysterious liquid fell onto the floor with an unnerving pitter-patter. The end of the tunnel remained a mystery as it curved into an unknown depth.
“Still not doing it,” Eva swallowed nervously.
“Fine, you can stay out here. I’m going,” Anna steeled herself as she turned on her flashlight.
“Me too-” Gwyneth said as she took a step forward.
Her voice skipped into a shriek of terror. Anna and Eva turned around to see Caroline holding Gwyneth up by her hair.
“Warden 06 was right, there were some rats in the theater after all,” Caroline leered.
Anna sprinted past Eva and tried to help Gwyneth only to get kicked in the stomach. She fell onto the floor and curled up into a ball as she clutched her burning stomach.
“Let me go!” Gwyneth shrieked and tried to kick herself free.
Caroline swiftly jabbed her in the abdomen before dropping her. Gwyneth gasped as air escaped her lungs.
“And you?” Caroline turned towards Eva, her eyes glowing an ethereal dark green.
Eva looked at Anna and Gwyneth whimpering on the floor. Her face hardened.
“They didn’t deserve that,” Eva grit her teeth as she raised her fists.
“Hmm,” Caroline stepped over the two and towards Eva with her hands behind her back. “But Miss Sophie did?”
“Don’t act like you know everything, you crap shoveling pig!” Eva yelled as she jabbed at Caroline.
Caroline caught her first and pulled her close before headbutting her. The strength of the blow forced Eva onto her knees.
“Oh, Eva,” Caroline said in a condescending tone and got closer to her. “We know everything,” She whispered.
Caroline pulled back her fist. Eva sluggishly looked upwards, unable to move. She closed her eyes as Caroline swung at her face.
"You’re not hurting her anymore," Anna's shaky voice said.
Eva opened her eyes to see Anna holding Caroline's shoulder back to stop her from punching her.
"How persistent," Caroline said in an unamused tone as she elbowed Anna in her side.
To her surprise Anna didn't budge.
"You have no idea," Anna grunted as she stomped on the back of Caroline's knee.
Caroline hollorred in pain as she crumbled onto her knees.
"Take Gwyneth into the tunnel!" Anna screamed, struggling to hold Caroline down.
Eva looked at Anna stunned at how much she was fighting back. She groggily stood onto her feet.
"Hurry up and go!" Anna yelled again.
Eva's face burned into a furious frown. She closed her fist and grit her teeth before punching Caroline’s face with the full force of her body.
"Don't tell me what to do!" Eva roared as her fist collided with Caroline.
Anna let go of Caroline with barely enough time to evade the blow. Caroline held her bloodied nose as she struggled to move.
"Come on, Goldilocks," Eva said as she leaned Gwyneth on her shoulder.
Anna quickly grabbed Gwyneth's other shoulder. The two limped into the tunnel as fast as they could. Waves of frigid air poured out of the cracks of the tunnel as it curved deeper and deeper into darkness. The ground under their feet morphed from concrete to something squishy and wet. A sense of dread creeped down Anna's neck as the air became thinner. Sophie's ringtone distorted and echoed into noise before suddenly extinguishing into a deafening silence.
"Eva, can you see anything?" Anna asked loudly, her voice reverberating in her ears.
"I can't see shi-" Eva yelled in reply before suddenly screaming out of panic.
Anna felt the ground underneath her crumble into nothing. Her screams echoed endlessly as she plunged into absolute darkness.
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