#I wrote this up for discord earlier today and figured it would be relevant here
saitou-shuka · 7 years
*Everyone heading to an Aqours Live Viewing, please read!*
I wrote this for the North American community, but it applies to any country with a live viewing ( ‾▿‾ )ゞ
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Even if you don't plan on uploading the stuff online, don't do it. It's a serious copyright infringement. Not only will you get kicked out of the venue if you get caught, but you also risk the chance of North America getting BLACKLISTED for future events.
Getting blacklisted means we can say goodbye to all future Love Live! concerts and movies here.
You would be doing the entire North American community a disservice. We worked hard to get our first live viewing LEGALLY, so please respect the seiyuu and staff. Don't drop the ball on this.
If you see other people taking pictures or recording the concert, PLEASE STOP THEM AND MAKE SURE THEY DELETE EVERYTHING. Report them to staff if you have to. I don't know about you, but I am not about to risk getting blacklisted.
I repeat. DO NOT TAKE PICTURES OR VIDEO OF THE CONCERT. I can't emphasize this enough. Don't do it.
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heartfeltheart · 4 years
Alchemy: Magic Vs. Science
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Chapters: 17/25 Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist/Harry Potter Rating: T Relationships: Edward/Winry, Lan Fan/Ling, and May/Alphonse. Primary Characters: Edward Elric, Severus Snape Additional Tags: Crossover, Teacher!Edward, BrOtp Edward/Severus. Sassy beyond measure. Series: Part 1 of 9. Summary: Magic and Science, are they the same or are they completely different? It just takes one person to point out all up and downs. Along with breaking the stereotypes that come up with being a wizard, alchemist and most of all being human. Thank you, @amynchan! D/C: I do not own Harry Potter or Fullmetal Alchemist. Discord: La Red(Mesh Mash of… stuff.): https://discord.gg/KYjmVAb Alchemy Series: https://discord.gg/DejEYNJ
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“English and Edward’s accented voice.” “Amestrian or another foreign language.” “Written notes.” ‘Thoughts.’ First Name: Informal Last Name: Formal (Or used to annoy others)
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Edward dismissed his class the moment the clock signified that class just ended and lunch had begun. He picked up his student's work from their tables and organized them in order; it was a simple day really. It was his Wednesday class, the Common Sense. He had given them random items and the students had to figure out what they are made up of. By the end of the class, they managed to get the hang of it. Less work for them and himself in the long run...
Once Edward collected all the papers up, he headed over to his desk and picked up a paper clip to keep them together. It was a good day... Now he has to put them in a folder, then into his suitcase and then...lunch, a nice simple lunch. A simple lunch to end a simple and peaceful day of teaching, the Alchemy Teacher let out a soft sigh the moment he sat in his chair. "No headache to-"
The door was suddenly slammed open with no type of notification whatsoever. Several worried individuals speed walked into the room, all of them sprouting out questions a hundred miles a minute. If that wasn't bad enough, owls flew into the room and started to drop letters on his desk. Nothing was making sense was everyone was speaking (screaming judging by Edward's now growing headache) at the same time. All of them wanting to get their point across and it wasn't helping anyone. There goes his simple and peaceful day...
Edward pinched the bridge of his nose and under his breath, he counted down from ten in an attempt to ward off a headache.
Eig, forget this.
Edward sprang up from his chair, slammed his hands against his desk and screamed at the intruders. "SHUT UP! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU, PEOPLE!"
Silence. Too bad that silence only lasted less than a minute and the intruders stated again, only this time they were twice as loud. Edward plops back down on his chair and allowed his mind to go blank. It would be pointless to get into a screaming match at this point. Typically it would be something he would do, but right now, it just seemed so unappealing and useless. The Alchemy Teacher was losing track of time and if it wasn't for someone lightly nudging his shoulder that broke him out of his trance. Looking up, he saw Severus staring down at him and saying something but Edward couldn't hear what he was saying. "What?"
"They are the parents of many of your students, who had to ask permission for the field trip to Amestris."
"Ah. Vat do dey vant?" Edward deadpanned, he did take note that the intru...parents had gone quiet. "Hm?"
"They want to know what their children are getting themselves into. To see if it is worth having their children go?" Severus stated with a short wave of his hand.
Edward let out a tired sigh, he stood up from his chair and straightened out his clothing to at least look presentable. "My apologies for yelling earlier, I was not expecting any visitors today."
Several of individuals took in Edward's apology in full stride while others took it begrudgingly. At least he was showing some sort of respect towards them, but the first appearance made Edward seem anything but polite. Yet, from what they have read from their children's letters about this teacher, being polite and sophistication is not his forte.
An older man that looked to be in his late forties to early forties cleared his throat to gain Edward's attention. "My daughter-"
"What is her name?" Edward interrupted him; he needed a face to the name.
"McWilliams. Rachel McWilliams...?" McWilliams responded unsure if the young man even knows his daughter.
"Monday class, Average." Edward stated to himself, he waved at the man for him to continue.
"My daughter wrote to me about this possible field trip to your home country, what exactly are your plans?" McWilliams asked.
Edward sucked in a short breath; he reached up to redo his ponytail, a nervous habit. He glanced over at Severus to see him nodding at him to answer the man. A small form of encouragement, something Edward is going to need for the next several minutes or hours by the looks of it. "The plan is this..."
Edward plopped himself back into his chair once the last of the parents left his office, he glanced over to see Severus pulled up his own chair to sit on. It appeared he along with the help of Severus, managed to convince some of the guardians, caretakers or parents of his students to allow them to go. Now what is left is the letters, apparently, some of the individuals that made their appearance just now had written a letter and did not have the patience for a response. After scanning through the letters, only three of them were relevant. Opening the letters, Edward scanned through the contents.
Edmond Morton had told his parents of a possibility of going on a camping trip. His first camping trip by the looks of it, apparently his father is allergic to anything to everything which prevented any sort of trips of such nature. His parents agreed full heartedly and gave full permission to Edward to have Edmond go to Amestris.
Abigail Kay's mother will be working throughout the entire break and will prefer for her daughter to have a good holiday. By the looks of it, the first good holiday in a long time.
Kasey State... Edward plopped himself in his chair to read that letter. By the looks of it, Kasey is under the guardianship of an orphanage. They had commented they have no money for Kasey to go on any trip whatsoever. Underneath it all, it was clear to Edward whoever wrote the letter could care less for Kasey and do not want to be bothered with her. As much he wanted to just not bother with them, Edward needed their exact permission to have Kasey go to Amestris and they had no interest in her going. Not once did Edward comment on anything that the students had to pay for anything. If anything, the Elric will pay for everything that is needed to for trip and so on.
"Zefferus, could we go to this place?" Edward told Severus an address, for some odd reason, the Golden Blonde took note of the look of recognition on his friend's face. He took that piece of information and saved it for a rainy day. "Hm?"
"We'll leave tonight."
Soft knocks rang throughout the room causing Edward to jump in his seat. He wanted wants no.... he demands peace and quiet. Severus' lips curled into a smirk at the Alchemy teacher's reaction which earned him a glare from said person. Clearing his throat, Edward called out to whoever was knocking to come in.
Fred and George Weasley peak their heads through the door to see their Alchemy teacher and Potion professor sitting in the classroom. To many people that do not know both men will assume that they are intimidating and right down scary. Especially if they looked like they get into one of their 'arguments'. If you know them to a degree, as the Weasley twins do, they know Mr. Elric will negate any of Professor Snape's harsh remarks. Well not so much as harsh, the Potion's Master to start to favor Mr. Elric's students. It mostly had to do with the fact both parties have to deal with Mr. Elric's crazed antics.
"Sorry for interrupting."
"We needed to talk to you."
Edward waved at the boys to come into the classroom. "Come in, won't do you want to talk about?"
Fred and George looked at each other wondering on how they are going to go about what they wanted to say. "Is there going to be another trip next year?"
"We are going on a trip during the break?"
"We want to go to Amestris, but this trip has been set already."
"It depends on how this trip goes and if I continue teaching." Edward stated, he leaned against his chair and intertwined his fingers together. "Considering how things are between both countries...it is a huge possibility of it happening. Plus, I have other plans down the road, do not worry about it."
"Blackmail my friends to come here." Edward grinned cheekily, he took note the looks of relief the twins gave him at the possibility of another trip. That relief turned to groans of disbelief at what Edward said next. "Since you are not going, I will be giving you a packet to work on."
"No, Mr. Elric!"
"Really? Mr. Elric?"
"The students that are going are going to also be receiving a packet for them to work on while on the break. To make things equal..."
Pitter patter, constant rain continued on with no sign of any rest. Dark dreary clouds cover the entire sky that blocks the sun's rays. The only form of light is the single flickering porch light of a dilapidated building that had a worn out sign in front of it.
"This is it... Hope Town Home Orphanage." Pomona said with an evident twitch in voice. She ignored the rain that pelted down on her traveling cloak. "Several of our students live here during the summer breaks."
"How do the students that are in...this situation pay for their tuition?" Edward asked he frowned at the building in front of him. He is holding an umbrella in one hand and in the other hand is his charmed suitcase. If you have seen one orphanage then you probably already had seen them all. In a country like Amestris, where war is a constant and death is nothing new, orphanages are nothing new. There are good ones and then there are the bad ones...
"There is a fund that was created for students in this...situation."
Edward and Severus edged away from Pomona, they felt bad for the rag in her hands. They could hear the tears despite the fact the rain made it impossible to hear the softest of whispers.
"You have to tell me more about that later, Zefferus."
"Of course..."
Edward and Severus followed Pomona towards Hope Town Home Orphanage. They had a mission and that was to get whoever is in charge to sign a single permission slip. A simple mission that should not involve bloodshed, which was the reason Severus is there. He is to stop Edward from doing anything idiotic. By the looks of it, Edward and Severus will be the ones to hold Pomona from hurting or killing anyone by the looks of it.
"Remind me to never make her mad." Edward whispered in complete horror to Severus, he is tightly gripping his suitcase against his chest and his umbrella is hanging on the belt of his coat completely forgotten. He and Severus are running after a smiling Pomona out of the Orphanage
"Noted." Severus agreed.
"At least we got them to sign the permission slip..."
"You were in there with us...you saw what she did to get them to sign."
"I rather not remember."
A high pitch scream filled the Grand Hall during breakfast time. Owls had just arrived to deliver the Daily Prophet, letters from home or anything else of that nature. It was just supposed to the typical morning with nothing planned for that day for many. That semi-quiet morning was interrupted by a screaming Hufflepuff at whatever just arrived for her via owl.
Edward slowly sipped on his drink, watching on with complete disinterest. He continued to watch in complete disinterest when said Hufflepuff stood up from her seat and run towards him while holding up a piece of paper. It was only when the Hufflepuff stood in front of him, jumping in her spot while trying to hand Edward the piece of paper in his hand. "Vat?"
"My permission slip, to go to Amestris!"
"Ah." Edward reached over and took the permission slip. "Well, in that case, get ready for the trip then."
"Thank you!"
Edward watched her run off to her friend who are waiting for her to gossip about what just happened. He ignored the looks everyone was giving him, only him, Severus and Pomona had agreed to keep quiet about their involvement of getting the permission slip signed. Still drinking his beverage, Edward reached over and nudged Severus with his elbow. "Hey."
Severus glanced over his own beverage to stare at Edward with an eyebrow raised. "Hm?"
"Are you busy Saturday?"
"Good, you are taking back to Diagon Alley."
Severus snorted, he stared at Edward incredulously. "Don't I have a say in this?"
"You should know me by now."
Edward silently followed Severus around Diagon Alley; he kept his gaze forward until he sees something of interest. There was a light sprinkle but it wasn't enough to warrant the need for an umbrella. If anything, the rain was helping Edward clear his thoughts. He is going to need a clear mind to figure out what to get and understand what exactly he is getting.
"Did you know my charmed suitcase still works in Amestris?" Edward whispered to Severus.
Severus paused momentarily before he continued on moving forward. "How did you come up with that?"
"...I got curious..." Edward grinned deviously, his mind wandered back to how he made his little discovery.
It involved multi-colored paint, water balloons, fireworks, slime, and one very unsuspecting victim. Well, unsuspecting victim isn't something one would call General Roy Mustang. Mustang Unit had sent him a couple of photographs of that event and he still has the pictures tucked away somewhere to look at whenever he feels the need to laugh at something.
Severus edged away from Edward when the Golden Blonde began to laugh at seemingly at nothing. If anyone were to ask, he does not know him but by now...everyone knows he knows the Alchemy Teacher. "...Are you planning on buying suitcases similar to yours?"
Edward stopped laughing manically to give Severus a serious look. "Yes, had asked Filius if he could do what he did with mine to others. He agreed he would too, I just need to get the items for it to happen."
"Hey, I heard that they get homework and I want to ensure they have the necessary items to do the homework without it weighing them down." Edward defended his position.
"...I should know by now to not ask you questions..."
"Then what would be the fun in that!" Edward smiled, he swung an around Severus and leaned into him to the point the Potions Master has to drag the Alchemy Teacher to their destination.
After several moments of silent, Severus began to become unnerved by Edward's silence. This was not the typical silence he is used to happening around the younger male. Edward was not focusing on any type of problem, trying to come up with a comeback or a prank. If anything, he has that same expression when Severus found the young man in his classroom unresponsive to the world. "Edward?"
"Vat are your plans for the holidays?" Edward asked suddenly.
Severus blinked slowly while he took in the question. His brows furrowed while he thought that over. He is going to do the same thing he has been doing the last couple of years. Which is mostly spend it with his students that stayed behind during the holidays. For them to know that there is someone there that cares for them. He knows his students, many of their current situations remind him of his own and the Head of Slytherin wants to make sure they have a decent holiday. Along with that, Severus is planning to visit his god-son. Which reminds him... He needs to get Draco a Christmas gift. "I plan to visit my god-son."
"You have a god-son? What is he like? Do you have pictures? Hm? Pictures?"
"He looks just like Mr. Elric."
"He's taller though."
"He actually looks nicer."
"He's smiling..."
"Whoa... you're right mate."
It was the day of the trip to Amestris, the night before the official start of the break. Once dinner had ended, the only eight students that are going to Amestris, to get ready for the trip. All of them are carrying a vintage styled suitcase similar to their teacher's own suitcase. They along with the other students that are not coming to the trip are given a charmed suitcase as an early Christmas gift from their teacher. The only items they had to bring are a couple sets of clothing, items required to do their homework and anything else they require for the two weeks. From what Mr. Elric told them, trunks are going to be a very huge inconvenience for everyone involved. From what they gathered, they have to fly for a portion of the trip. The moment they had entered the Headmaster's office, they saw Mr. Elric, Professor Quirrell, Madam Hooch, Professor Dumbledore and someone that looked awfully like Mr. Elric. Only...he looks much nicer than their teacher.
"It took me exactly seventy-four minutes to get from point A to point B. It is going to take us longer and to add in the occasional break. We have to leave now before the sun becomes to come out." Rolanda Hooch stated, she stood in a set of traveling clothes and her goggles hanging around her neck. She is holding up a stack of new brooms, an anonymous donation to the school for the trip. "There is an eight hour time difference. Mr. Elric?"
"Yes?" Alphonse and Edward responded at the same time.
"...Alphonse Elric." Rolanda stated with a stern frown.
"Yes?" Alphonse responded in a clear crisp nearly unaccented voice. He heard Edward grumble in Amestrian at how unfair how the younger brother could speak in English without an accent and the older one still has an accent. Especially since Alphonse is not around a lot of people that speak the language but Edward does.
"Does the Emperor have everything ready for us?"
"Emperor Ling has everything set for us; my friend is waiting for your arrival and my return." Alphonse responded with a smile.
"W-will i-i-t be safe fo-o-or us? T-t-to fly?" Quirinus Quirrell asked he kept fidgeting his hands and pacing in the same spot.
"The flight would be taken place during the early morning; the mid-way point is the ruins of Xerxes. The brooms stop working once you hit the middle of the city." Alphonse glanced over at Quirinus, his smile never leaving his lips. "If you are worrying about the country, do not worry. Xing is integrating magic and we are under the protection of the Emperor himself."
"I fell so reassured..."
"Oh, brother..." Alphonse shook his head at his brother's response to his words.
"What? You know how he is." Edward snorted; he turned his attention away from his younger brother to his students. "Our first stop is Xing, the Emperor's Palace to be exact. Do not believe anything he says."
"Ed! I missed you!"
"Get away from me!"
"I missed you so much!"
Edward's students, Quirinus and Rolanda watched with various expressions at the sight of the Emperor of Xing chase the Alchemy Teacher around. By the looks of it, all for a hug and it looked like the Emperor isn't taking no for an answer. The only person that seemed not so surprised by what is happening in front of them is Mr. Alphonse Elric, the Emperor's little sister, and her little bear-like creature.
"Could we get a move one? We need to get to Xerxes before dawn." Rolanda called out, giving both 'children' a glare.
Edward paused momentarily at the glare and Ling took that moment to pounce on him. "DAMMIT LING!"
"Got you!" Ling laughed, he tightened his grasp around Edward to prevent himself from falling when his victim stood back up. Edward grumbled under his breath and didn't bother to push Ling off himself. The main reason for Ling's behavior is to just embarrass him in front of his students. For now, the Golden Blonde will allow it to happen and have his revenge later. It is all a matter of time. "Tell me everything that has happen to you since we last seen each other!"
Edward stood in front of his students, completely ignoring Ling's excessive questions, and informed them of what exactly is the plan to get to Amestris. "We are going to use those...contraptions you use to fly with... to a city in the middle of a desert. I have friends waiting for us in said city to take us to Amestris from there."
"Yes, Edmond?"
"Why don't we just fly all the way to Amestris or just use the Flue?"
"You know that magic is unable to be done in Amestris, yes? So far, any attempts to get to Amestris through the...Flue... proved unfruitful. Madam Hooch had attempted to fly to Amestris but that did not end up well." Edward explained he attempted to untangle Ling away from himself. That only caused Xing's Emperor to jump onto the Alchemy's back while wrapping his arms around his neck. The eldest Elric pinched the bridge of his nose in an attempt to calm himself down and not pummel Ling. However, as much he wants to do that, Ling is an Emperor and his guards, Lan Fan, will attempt to main or kill him. "What do you want from me?"
"I need you to pick up something in Central without Lan Fan finding out." Ling whispered into Edward's ear, his smile never leaving his lips.
"Done, get off me now!" Edward hissed out to Ling.
Ling snickered at his friend; he unwound his arms around Edward and stood next to him all the while still smiling. He looked down at Edward's students with his closed eye smile which only unnerved said, students. With a chuckle, Ling turned around and headed towards Alphonse, who was conversing with his younger sister. "May will take you to the courtyard. Have a safe trip."
"Tch, try not to get Lan Fan finally kill you." Edward snorted, he fixed the collar of his buttoned-up shirt.
"Please~ she loves me too much to do such a thing. You should be worried about Miss. Winry. How long are you planning on making her wait?" Ling waited for Edward to deny or refute his words, but all he got is silence. Turning around, the Emperor saw the Alchemy Teacher grinning at him. "What happened?"
"Hehehe, I am not telling you~"
"To think I am about to see young Edward Elric being a teacher!"
"The honor!"
"Passing down his knowledge for generations to come!"
"Why did I ever agree to do this...?"
"Did you say something Mr. Scar?" Major Alex Louis Armstrong asked he turned his attention to the former State Alchemist Killer now, once more, Ishvalan Warrior Monk.
"My name is no longer Scar for the hundredth ti...you know what forget it." Scar resisted the urge to hit his head with his staff. He and Armstrong are waiting for the arrival of Edward Elric's class. He was asked by the Youngest Elric brother to meet with Major Armstrong to wait for a group of flying individuals riding brooms. Considering all the things he had seen throughout the years...this should not surprise him...All feelings of shock, denial and so on, are only second to trying to ignore Armstrong's excessive amount sparkles and a babbler. One of the main reasons Scar agreed is to help his fellow Ishvalan that are still residing in the ruins of Xerxes and he actually started to become friends with the Elric's. Well, they are talking and he's not trying to kill them.
Scar kept his gaze up towards the sky, the sun still has not risen up and there are still stars in the clear sky. There is still another hour until the sun is set to rise and who knows how long until the visitors come. They better arrive soon; otherwise, he will restart his killing spree started with the Strong Arm Alchemist. Fortunately for said Alchemist, a young monk ran up to Scar and whispered something to him before he headed off where he came. "Finally...they are almost here."
"Finally! I will see how well Edward taught his students in the art of Alchemy!"
Edward tightly held onto Rolanda for dear life as they fly through the desert to get to Xerxes. There were exactly four breaks since the start of the flying trip, one for rest, second because someone accidentally lost their grip on their suitcase, another rest break and the last one was due to the Alchemy Teacher losing his grip on the Flying Instructor. He is mentally going over chemical reactions to forget the fact he is on a flying broom. For the fact he is incapable of doing magic, Edward is unable to use a magical broom. Which is why he is getting a ride with Rolanda, at least she isn't a daredevil.
"We are almost there, Mr. Elric." Rolanda called out to Edward.
"Truth... Finally."
Edward did not hear Rolanda call out orders to the students onto where to land and so on. He was too busy not wanting to land head first in a sand dune again. There is sand where sand should not be in the first place.
"Why does everyone want to hug, Mr. Elric?"
"He doesn't have a loving personality, that's for sure."
A great sense of déjà vu swept over Edward's students to see him running away from a half-naked man that appeared to want to hug the said teacher. There is always someone that wants to hug him, the person in question that wants to hug their Alchemy Teacher is shirtless. At the Emperor of Xing was fully clothed.
The game of cat and mouse only ended when two individuals dressed in what appeared Military Uniforms approached hesitantly. It was as if they did not want to end up in the same predicament as the Alchemy Teacher. Unfortunately for them, Edward ran in between them causing the half-naked man to crush said Military Uniform.
"Should we do something, Professor Quirrell?" One of the students asked the Muggle Studies Professor.
A fair distance away, a Warrior Monk is repeatedly hitting his head with his staff at the scene before them all.
The moment the eight Hogwarts students signed up for the trip, they knew they were going to miss Christmas. They are going to spend Christmas day either on a train ride in a different, foreign country with no feeling of holiday spirit. They along with their instructors are on a muggle train heading directly to the heart of Amestris, Central City. Magic is completely void. They could not understand what anyone is saying. Even Madam Hooch and Professor Quirrell seemed to be on edge about those two reasons. Mr. Elric on the other hand... seemed to be on edge for a completely different reason.
The Alchemy Teacher kept pacing up and down the train, always looking out the windows and muttering under his breath in Amestrian. It got especially bad whenever the train approached a town or city, from that point they all switch trains to continue on their trip. By the time they finally arrived in Central, the Day before Christmas is nearly at an end and they were all tired. Everyone let out a sigh of relief when the train began to slow down as they approached the upcoming station.
"Mustang better be there when we get there." Edward muttered under his breath, he signaled for everyone to gather their belongings and be prepared. He rotated his shoulders and mentally went through chemical equations in an attempt to stay awake. Everything just came into a full circle in terms of time, the start of their journey started at nine p.m. on the twenty-third of December. Now it is eight p.m., the twenty-fourth and everyone is tired and in need of sleep.
Edward took a deep breath in when the train came to a final stop. The first stop of this trip, Central city and it is only the beginning of this trip. Standing up, he tightly held his suitcase and signaled for everyone to get up to leave the train. He signaled for the chaperones to keep an eye on the students as they left the train, the last thing he needed is one of his students being left behind on the train.
"Where are going to be staying for tonight, Mr. Elric?" Terence asked his Alchemy teacher while he followed him out the train. He held back a sneeze as the smoke of the train filled the area making it hard to see and breathe momentarily. Once the smoke cleared, he looked ahead to see several individuals wearing the familiar blue uniforms. They were standing in formation and appeared to be waiting for something or someone. The one that is standing in the middle began to smirk and his stance loosened. The smirk only grew when the Slytherin heard his teacher mutter under his breath and glare at the smirking man. "Sir? Do you know them?"
Edward bit his tongue at the impulse of wanting to insult his superior. As much as he would absolutely love to get that smirk off his face, Captain Hawkeye is there staring warningly at him. Plus, the last thing he needed is giving a worse off impression of the Military than he already has in front of his students. "The one in the middle, that is my superior officer...General Roy Mustang. The Flame Alchemist."
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