#I‘ll act hurt but try to change myself after I‘m over my emotions
kyouxa · 5 years
Diabolik lovers Chaos Lineage: Shu Sakamaki (Story 06+CG)
In terms of the gameplay: The black choices lead up to a bad ending, the white choices lead up to a good ending. Please no reposting onto other sites, ask me before translating this into another language too! I’m an amateur translator, but I hope you do enjoy it anyway!♡
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The attack on Violet’s mansion was virtually unsuccessful. Because no one was able to take someone's life.
But because of that, I claimed this attack as my own little victory.
Even though it seemed like a fierce battle, Reiji-san and his team were not hurt.
Kino-kun started teasing Shu-san after he saw him being the only one who got injured in the fight.
Place: Scarlet mansion — living room
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Kino: My older brother Shu really got injured even if he was only supposed to hide in the shadows.
Fufu, amusing.
Shu: It‘s not like I care, as long as I returned here safely it’s fine.
Yui: (Shu-san, he‘s kinda grumpy)
(It wasn’t even Shu-san‘s fault that he got injured that badly. I was the one who got in his way...)
(At the end we lost. Only because of my actions...)
Shu: Haa... I‘m tired. I‘m going to sleep.
*Shu leaves*
Yui: (No matter how much he acts as if he wouldn’t care, Shu-san eventually really got horribly injured because of me)
(Once again, I have to apologize properly...)
Place: Scarlet mansion — Corridor
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Yui: I‘m sorry, I know you‘re tired. But may I enter?
Shu: .....
Yui: (I wonder if he is just ignoring me again... if it’s like that, that kinda hurts my feelings)
(But for now I’m worried about his injuries)
Shu-san, excuse me.
*Yui enters*
Place: Scarlet mansion — Shu‘s bedroom
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Shu: .....
Yui: (Oh... he really is sleeping. I guess he was as tired as he told us)
(I wonder why he got so tired all of the sudden to fall asleep that fast...)
(Since nobody was deprived of their own lives, Shu-san was injured as a result ...)
... Shu-san. I‘m sorry that you got injured.
You know... even if you think I‘m Eve, I still want to thank you for protecting me.
Shu: Nn...
Yui: (Did I woke him up just now!?)
Shu: Nn... nn...
*Shu grabs Yui*
Yui: Eh... ? Um, Shu-san? I can’t move if you grab my arm like that.
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Shu: .....
Yui: (Nh... I was pulled. Is it really okay to lie down and be hugged by him while he is unconsciously?)
Shu: Nn... Nh...
*Shu kisses Yui*
Yui: ..... !?
(He kissed... my forehead!? Is this because he is sleeping!?)
S-Shu-san! Please wake up... !
Shu: Zzz... Zzz...
Yui: (No... he is still sleeping. He’s not showing a single movement)
(It might be too bad to wake him up forcibly because he might be sleeping comfortably)
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♡ Roses ♡
Shu’s neck: Nn... it’s tickling...
Shu’s hand: Nh...*sniffs*... ngh... this smell is really nostalgic...
Yui: (Shu-san’s sleeping face... it’s been so long since I’ve seen his face like this)
(Somehow, the way his arm is wrapped around me makes me feel nostalgic... I feel as if I can finally fall asleep safely again)
Shu-san... I was honestly scared of the painful blood sucking and your cold attitude.
It’s harder than anything else for me to get your old memories back to yourself as they used to be.
Actually I only know the gentle Shu-san, so it's frustrating and sad not to be close to him.
Just once again... I want you to call me by my name. Not Eve, the real name I have...
(My vision already starts to get blurry. If I cry right now, I will surely wake Shu-san up)
(I need to close my eyes. For now, I only want to feel Shu-san right besides me—)
*time passed*
Shu: Nn... Haa...
Hn... ? Why is that woman laying right next to me?
Yui: Zzz... Zzz...
Shu: She’s moreover sleeping... Did she come to my room and laid down? Just what should I do with her.
(Hm? I must have turned my arm around her like this without even noticing)
(No way, did she fell asleep while being hugged from me like that?)
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Shu: (Although I was unconscious, I wonder why my body moved on its own...)
(Speaking of which, when she was about to be sucked by Reiji in front of my eyes, my body also stopped him without my own permission)
(I don’t understand what’s that supposed to mean...)
Yui: Nn... Nh...
Shu: Haa... I might be thinking too much.
(This woman’s comfort is unexpectedly not as bad as I thought... it somehow feels familiar)
(Her warmth makes me feel nostalgic for some reason...)
(Why am I so satisfied with that kind of feeling... ?)
Yui: Zzz... Zzz...
*Shu blushes*
Shu: (And this sleeping face... it feels like I’ve already seen it so many times before this moment)
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Shu: (An unfamiliar sight which feels as if I liked it a lot. Haa... just what is that?)
... Whatever, it’s okay. It’s useless to think about it.
Yui: Nn... Shu-san... I’m sorry...
Shu: Are you still insulting yourself because of my injuries? If you think it’s bad, don’t get up then. Become my pillow for the time being.
This will do it as punishment for you... even better, you will also be hugged from me.
(If we stay a little more like this... we surely will together oversleep the meeting tomorrow—)
*time passed*
Place: Scarlet mansion — living room
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Yui: (After all, I fell asleep yesterday. And I didn't even expect Shu-san to stand up before me)
(Shu-san was not in the room when I woke up, but did he know that I was sleeping next to him?)
(I haven’t heard anything from him until now and here I am sitting trying to eat...)
Reiji: After watching yesterday's battle, I decided that Shu was lacking as an escort for Eve.
You will need to elect a new escort for yourself today.
Yui: Huh... !? Don’t tell me that this is because of what happened yesterday... ?
Yuma: It’s not like it matters. Shu was a real pain in ass to begin with. Why don’t you choose me then?
Yui: Even if you say so...
(If Shu-san quits the escort, the time we can spend together will be reduced)
(We may lose our chance to regain his memories if he really quits... but)
Reiji: Is there any problem with my judgment?
Yui: No...
(I can't go against Reiji-san. Just what should I answer... ?)
Shu: ... I will continue the escort even though I did bad last time. Eve was the one who chose me. That’s why I’ll continue to do it until the end.
Yui: ...Eh?
Yuma: Hah?
Shu: We will put this woman into my room instead.
Reiji: What is that nonesense about? Do you think it is okay to decide things without my permission?
Shu: If you want me to continue escorting her, it’s easier to put her in my room. That’s my conclusion.
Yui: Shu-san...
(Does that mean, that he will continue to escort me, and I’ll be able to stay in the same room as he does?)
Kino: Heh, what a troublesome kind of emotional change are you going through? Are you starting to like Eve or sum?
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Shu: It’s nothing like that... she just makes a really good pillow for me.
Yui: (... After all, that’s the only reason why...)
Reiji: I see that your power shortages as a problem. This certainly is not a solution to any of our given problems.
...But, regardless of the reason, I appreciate the attitude of you trying to complete your given task.
This is indeed a rare and exceptional effort from you. This time you may be given another chance to prove your powers.
However, I will advice you this only once more. You are only necessary for Eve's escort. It is me who owns Eve and becomes the king.
Shu: ...Whatever you say.
Yui: (We finally got Reiji-san’s permission. That’s good, I can continue to stay on Shu-san’s side)
(Even as a pillow, I‘ll be able to stay by Shu-san‘s side... I’m really happy)
Shu: .....
Yui: (Eh? Shu-san?)
(Just now... why is he looking like this...)
Place: Scarlet mansion — Shu’s bedroom
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Yui: Shu-san, I need to thank you.
Shu: For what?
Yui: About the story with your escorting role. I was nervous that I was supposed to choose someone else, but now I’m glad.
Shu: Are you nervous enough to be happy to have me watch over you all the time?
Or would it have been better for me to let anyone else come closer to you? I chose this for myself not for anyone else.
Yui: Nn, I don’t want to betrayed anyone like this, but...
I surely want to be closer to Shu-san than anyone else in this mansion.
Shu: Nh... You really are a strange woman...
No, maybe it‘s me who‘s the strange one.
Yui: Eh?
Shu: If someone would usually sleep besides me, I’d be distracted and not be able to sleep. But I was completely fine with you.
I honestly don't know what that means. I wonder if this is one of Eve’s abilities which is able to calm me down.
But it doesn’t feel like that...
Yui: (..... ? Shu-san?)
Is that something you care and worry about?
Shu: Hah? What do you mean?
Yui: It’s not usual for Shu-san to talk about himself or the worries he cares with him all the time, that’s why I asked...
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Shu: ... It just feel as if I already knew you.
Yui: (I know that he won’t believe me even if I told him everything...)
Shu: Well, while talking to you I already feel a strange sensation going through my body. It’s strange...
Also every time I suck your blood, my head starts hurting. It’s not even just my head. I can also see an unfamiliar sight.
Yui: Every time you suck my blood?
Shu: Yes. At first I thought it was because of the power of your blood, but apparently it’s not like that.
It’s a kitchen in a mansion somewhere. There also is a living room with 5 men in there... there also is your sleeping face.
Yui: Eh...
Shu: None of them are obvious. When I try to think about it, my head starts to go dizzy. It’s clearly uncomfortable for me.
That’s why I don't want to think about it, but when I try to, I can’t help but remember this certain scenario.
Yui: (The mansion... the living room... are those memories of the Sakamaki mansion?)
(Could it be that his memories are slowly coming back every time he sucks my blood?)
(In that case, I definitely want him to keep drinking my blood—!)
Shu: ... I assume this sounds like crap. There’s no meaning behind it anyways, it’s probably just nonesense.
*Shu yawns*
Shu: ... Once I talked about it, I got tired again.
Yui: Eh, aren’t we still supposed to work... ?
Shu: That doesn’t matter. Just lend me your body.
*Shu pulls Yui closer*
Yui: Kyaa... Shu-san!? Why are you pulling me so suddenly?
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Shu: Hasn’t it been decided? I’m going to sleep on your body like you are my pillow.
Yui: Didn’t you just made that up as an excuse?
Shu: Be quiet. It’s not like you’re uncomfortable with this, right? Your expression definitely tells me otherwise.
Yui: Eh, that is...
(That’s unfair. It’s not like I can refute anything if he’s playing those cards at me)
Shu: Fufu... now you’re the quiet one. You said it yourself already. You want to be beside me no matter what.
Just why? Why do you want me to like you so much?
Yui: (Rather than wanting him to like me, my feelings for him didn’t change at all)
(I just want Shu-san to go back to normal...)
Shu: You can’t answer? Or maybe are you in need for my fangs? Is it because you are in desperate need for pleasure?
Yui: T-T-That’s wrong!
Shu: Fufu... you really are easy to understand.
*Shu hugs Yui closer*
Yui: ..... ! Shu-san...
Shu: If you really want me to start liking you, continue holding me like this for awhile.
As long as I can sleep comfortably on you as my pillow, I don’t mind you admitting your secret desires.
Yui: (Shu-san just hugged me tighter. Shu-san’s scent... all his warmth is transmitted to me)
(I want him to hold me in his arms again. But... I can just dream about this for now)
(The only opportunity to regain his memories seems to be my blood. In that case, I can’t allow him to sleep—)
Shu-san, I have a request before you go to bed. Could you get up, just a little bit?
Shu: Nh... be quiet. Even though I was trying to sleep... you really are annoying.
Haa, by the way... wasn’t the sleeping princess woken up by a kiss?
Yui: Eh... ah, yes. You told me that this was some kind of tradition if I remember.
Shu: You were woken up like this, and don’t even remember that it happened?
What would you do if I also want you to wake me up like this?
Yui: Eh... ? D-Do you mean kissing you?
Shu: Exactly.
Yui: B-But I woke up by myself in the church. No one has woken me up by a kiss.
Shu: Is that so? ... Hm? If nobody did so, then why aren’t you sleeping anymore?
Yui: (Uhh, I don’t really have a reasonable explanation... what should I do... ?)
1) — Kiss him (white) ♡ ♡ ♡
2) — Reject him (black)
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— Kiss him ♡
Yui: (I'm way too embarrassed to kiss him, but if I really need to do this... !)
Shu-san ... could you please cover your eyes?
Shu: No.
Yui: B-But that’s a request.
Shu: Do you think you are in the position to request something?
Yui: I-I’m not.
— Reject him
Yui: I’m sorry... but that’s embarrassing so I can’t...
Shu: Are you pretending to be embarrassed just now? How stupid.
end Choices
Shu: If you can't do it, the story is over. I’ll go back to sleep so don't bother me.
Yui: N-No please wait! Listen!
Wouldn’t you rather suck my blood!?
Shu: ... You... are your thoughts finally going insane?
Yui: No, it’s different. I'm not sure how to explain it myself but...
Anyways, please!
(That’s what should surely return Shu-san’s memories—)
Shu: Hmph... I don't know what your sudden mind change means, but if you really want me to suck your blood you should say it more sexy. Now unbutton your clothes.
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Yui: Ehh!?
(Uhh, I can't be helped... it’s just my blouse...)
*Yui undressed herself*
Yui: N-Now... I’m begging you to please suck my blood, Shu-san...
Shu: That was a pretty useless sexual appeal. I maybe expected too much from an idiot like you.
Yui: (Somehow I feel sorry now...)
Shu: But... it really looks as if you’ve completely lost your mind. You usually are the shy type, so I’m not complaining.
This is really special... Nh... Nh ...
Yui: Ah... Nn...
(Blood is coming out. But I don’t... feel pain...)
Shu: Fufu... That face... it tells me that you really are satisfied with what I’m doing.
Having your strong sweet smell all around my room like that... are you really inviting me to take more? ... Nh...
Yui: N-Ngh...
(His gentle bite... it makes me lose myself...)
Nh ... Shu-san...
Shu: If you want more, then please me with your face. You’re able to do that, aren’t you? This time you should show it to me properly.
Yui: Shu-san, please... please take more...
Shu: Just for your current given face I’ll do so. I want you to feel the pleasure I give you... Ahh... Nh...
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Yui: (Ah... I’m losing my consciousness... I can’t keep my eyes open anymore...)
(Shu-san, I hope... he was pleased...)
*Yui faints*
Shu: Hm? Did you already pass out? You were the one inviting me though.
*strange noise*
Shu: Kuh... it’s this again...
Haa... Haa... What is it now? Why were we laughing together and even called each other's names ...
... Name? Just what did I call this woman after?
... I can't remember... shit...
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