#I’ll double check but I think they want ss tagged
mostlymaudlin · 8 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers 💫
thank you @decaflondonfog for the tag !! ill tag @sillyunicorn @starwarned @urban-sith @tea-brigade
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
98!! (woah) plus an unrevealed t&n fest fic, so 99. wow i need to do something rly crazy for 100 lol. what if i do a ridiculous crossover of all my fandoms and everyone in the fandom tags will hate me. 
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
544,914. (again. woagh)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
mostly all for the game and simon snow series, have dabbled in & posted even less for check please, captain america, and one direction! i feel like i’m missing something but regardless my fixations are hardcore, so all except like 4k of that posted wc is for either aftg or ss hahahha
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
all are andreil! boyfriend privileges (4k, T) / Trigger (62k, E) / flashes of intimacy (10k, t) / Would you still love me if I was a worm? (6k, T) / Inside Thoughts (1k,T)
man this is long, rest is going under the cut lol
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
not very often, but i wish i did. i am stricken with a combination of being really awkward when people are nice to me & being bad at interacting with anyone in ways i fear could be perceived as ingenuine. im not sure if that makes sense LMAO. and sometimes when i put a story out, i kind of feel like i’ve said my piece — i’ve put so much into it that i don’t really know what else to say!
anyway, i always reply to questions, because that’s got clear social boundaries hahaha, and i DO love talking abt my stories!! and sometimes i’ll reply to comments that really get me thinking. but yeah, i know i reply less than i could, and i want to like double down on the fact that i am endlessly grateful for everyone who has ever left a comment on my work <3
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i have killed simon snow twice lmfao. i’d actually classify icarus as rather hopeful — it’s about grief & healing. but legacies is just fucked up lmfao
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
oh man, i write a lot of happy endings haha. i feel like even when my story is tonally darker (rare), it still has a happy or at least hopeful ending. this is probably not the correct answer, but i think sing of the moon has a really vividly happy ending. like — the sun rises for the first time in the whole fic! amazing. or maybe my high school au, We Can Live Forever, which is just the happiest thing i’ve ever written. 
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not really, thankfully! people are smartasses sometimes but overall ive been lucky. there have been a couple of fics where ive winced before hitting post, but it usually ends up fine
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yessss. i guess i mostly write tender smut, bc i write tender things in general. i think my smut tends to be rather exploratory/playful as well? intentionally sloppy and awkward choreography hahaha
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
sort of LOL. once upon a time i was betaing @tea-brigade's medieval snowbaz au, Reliquary of an Arsonist, and there’s this part where three highway bandits mug simon and baz and then get blasted by simon’s chosen one magic. i am sick in the head so im in the google doc like “lol what if its kandreil.” and then i was like… what if it was kandreil….. and so i wrote Reliquary of a Bandit
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don’t think so
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes!!! and i’m really thankful for everyone who has done so <3333 shoutout to russian aftg translators, yall go HARD
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i recently collaborated with @thewholelemon on our episode of Star Trek: Redemption, Heart-Shaped Box. by which i mean: i wrote the outline & a few scenes, got really overwhelmed, and jenny turned it into something worth reading! 
i also wrote Good Boy in the snowbaz stoner verse with @starwarned, which was rly fun — we sat in the google doc for like, 5 hours trading back and forth on POVs as we wrote pure porn together LOL. it’s funny to think about this, because lauren knows like everything abt me now but we did not know each other as well back then!!! and we were just like “yeah lets write porn together” hahahahha 
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
right now it is deeefinitely andreil… they are everything to me for reasons i just cannot possibly be brief about LOL so ill just leave it at that
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i have a postcanon snowbaz time travel/time loop wip that i was going to try to write for COBB this year but i fucked up the deadlines then the brainrot was like “guess that means more andreil !”. i did SO MUCH research for it and i think it’s rather clever and smutty and fun bc they are yeeted back to watford era! but it’s also dealing with snowbaz, who are in their late 20s and are like in a relationship low point/actively fighting when they end up in the loop… so they are dealing with that tension at the same time as they are trying to get out of the loop. and also fucking around watford to fulfill fantasies HAHAHA
16. What are your writing strengths?
characterization is the thing i care most about! and i think that’s the draw of fanfic in particular to me — i love getting such a grasp on a character that i can translate them into endless situations while still making them feel true to self. i rarely let myself publish anything until i can read through the whole thing without any he would not fucking say that moments hahahha. this is of course pertaining to my own interpretations of the characters, which is the only thing i care abt lmfao
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i rely a lot on body language because im always writing abt reticent fuckers who cant use their words. but i think i sometimes overcompensate, or describe actions that don't actually fit the scene. i've seen this described as "cheek-biting" -- like, throwing in action during a conversation just to delay the pacing/further the tone, but when you really look at it, it's not necessary. (cheek-biting being like, "character bites at their cheek" in the middle of a tense conversation)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i don’t really know any other languages! i think i’ve put a little bit of french in neil/kevin/baz POVs before, but my french knowledge is elementary at best. love the idea of it though.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
one direction babyyyyyyyy !! i wrote quite a bit of it in like 2012-2015 but published very little. there’s 1 on my ao3, some lost somewhere on fanfiction.net (i dont rmr my username lol), and tons in my folders from my old laptop lol.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
hmmmmm. im gonna cheat bc i cant pick a single favorite. i always say i think No Turning Back is some of my best writing from a craft standpoint, and it also includes my favorite type of conflict (andrew self-destructing lol). however, i reread both that fic & We Can Live Forever on a plane trip recently after not having touched either for 6+ months — and the solidness of We Can Live Forever actually surprised me, especially because i wrote the majority of that fic while i was stoned and also view it as just exceedingly silly. the world of it is just very rich, and also very very different from the typical character backstories, and i’m very proud of how much that reread played with my heartstrings.  
ok last one — there are several installments of my flashes of intimacy series that i come back to a lot, because i’m proud of what they each accomplish in 500 words. especially because i often turn to those when im trying to express my own emotions lol. specifically, my favorites are picking fights, i don’t mind, swimming lessons, and practicing gratitude.
that was such a bullshit and cocky way to answer this lmfaooooo. but tbh i am my own biggest fan and that is by design — i write stuff so that i can reread it months later and have it be perfectly catered to my tastes. i love all my fics <3
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burnt-toast-life · 3 years
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jobean12-blog · 4 years
Chocolate Secrets
Pairing: Bucky x reader (Dad!bucky)
Word Count: 878
Summary: You buy everyone’s favorite chocolate for the advent calendar and Bucky and your daughter find time to do something very important!
Author’s Note: This is for the HBC’s @the-ss-horniest-book-club​ Home for the Holidays Celebtration and day 1: advent calendar. I combined it with this sweet prompt below form @sergeant-bonky​ because we all know I adore dad!bucky with my whole heart! Hope you like this and thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤❤❤
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Warnings: soft and sweet fluffy fluff :) 
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“Oooo what is this doll?” Bucky excitedly asks as he helps you put away the groceries and holds up a shiny brown bag. “Those are the dark chocolate sea salt caramels for the advent calendar! I thought they would be perfect since all three of us love them!” Bucky licks his lips and goes to open the bag. “Oh no you don’t mister! They are for the calendar! Don’t even think about eating any yet.”
Bucky gives you his best puppy dog eyes and you almost crack, but Sam runs into the room yelling, “did I hear you say chocolate mommy?!” You laugh and explain to her about the caramels, loving how excited she is to put them in the calendar and get to eat one each day. She runs off to play and you look back to Bucky, “we still have to order some of her presents but there is never a minute to do it until she’s asleep and we’re doing other things.”
He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively and you throw a frozen bag of brown rice at his face. Easily catching it in his metal hand he brings it to the freezer with a laugh, “how about this? I’ll occupy her with that robot Tony got her. She’s been wanting to check it out and this way you can hide in the bedroom and order some stuff.” You brighten at his idea, “perfect baby, thank you!”
Bucky walks over and takes you in his arms, “and best part is, that leaves us plenty of time to do ‘other things’ later. You curl your arms around his neck and lean up on your tippy toes, kissing him softly before getting back to the groceries. “That is definitely the best part.”
After the food is put away Bucky calls to Sam, “hey sweetheart, wanna check out that robot Uncle Tony gave us?” She runs in, already bouncing on her feet, “YES DADDY! YAY!” Bucky gives you the go ahead and you sneak off into the bedroom, shutting the door quietly and sitting on the bed with the laptop. You can’t help but smile when you her Sam’s happy squeals, knowing he has her full attention and it’s safe to shop.
“Hey baby,” Bucky whispers to Sam, covering his lips with his finger, “come here.” Sam slinks down and quietly crawls over to Bucky, sitting in his lap, “what daddy?” Bucky gives her a mischievous grin, “why don’t we wrap mommy’s present now? She’s busy and this is the perfect time to do it!” Sam shrieks and Bucky quickly covers her mouth, having a hard time stopping his laughter. “You have to be quiet!”
She nods and gets up, “ok daddy, I will. I’m gonna go get her present, I remember where I hid it! And you get the wrapping paper and stuff.” She runs off and Bucky stands, gathering a few things and sitting back on the floor. “Ok, got it!” Sam plops down next to him and drops the tiny box in Bucky’s hand. Bucky opens it and fingers the small locket, smiling when he sees the photos inside, “mommy is going to love what you picked out.”
Sam settles beside him, reaching over to grab the tape, “I can do this part daddy! I’m good at taping!” Bucky looks over at her, quirking a brow, “what’s in your mouth?” She giggles and slides over a bag, “here daddy! You have one!” Bucky sucks in a breath, “oh baby, I think mommy said those are for the advent calendar! We aren’t supposed to eat any!”
She pouts, “but they are my favorite!” Bucky crumbles under her wide-eyed gaze and takes one, unwrapping it and popping it into his mouth. “Oh wow. These really are the best.” He helps her wrap the small box, carefully folding each piece and letting her place the tape down. Sam wants to add a tag and a bright bow, the finished product looking beautiful!
“Oops, I got chocolate on the bow daddy!” She looks sheepish, “sorry! Think mommy will see it?” Bucky shakes his head no, gently wiping at the bow while he chews another chocolate, “look, barely there! Now, go hide this again and I’ll clean up.” Bucky puts away the wrapping paper and throws out the garbage before he takes the bag of caramels, now almost empty.
“How many did you eat Sam?” he asks as he walks into the kitchen. She holds up 4 chubby little fingers and Bucky cringes, looking back to the bag, “I must have eaten double that! Mommy is gonna be so mad.” “Mad about what Buck?” You stand in the doorway leaning against the frame and Bucky quickly hides the bag behind his back. “Nothing doll face, we made a big mess playing with the robot and didn’t clean it up yet.”
Sam slides up next to Bucky and holds his leg, partially hiding behind him and looking guilty. “What’s going on here you two?” Bucky looks down at Sam and she squeezes his leg before blurting out, “DADDY ATE ALL THE CARAMELS FOR OUR CALENDAR!” Before Bucky can even defend himself you burst out laughing, walking over and hugging them both, “well, it’s a good thing I bought an extra bag then.”
@addikted-2-dopamine​ @bugsbucky​ @book-dragon-13​ @buckys-henley​ @chucklebucky​ @eurynome827​ @hiddles-rose​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @hailmary-yramliah​ @jhangelface0523​ @jewels2876​ @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123​ @loricameback​ @lorilane33​ @lookiamtrying​ @littleredstarfish​ @marvelandotherfandomimagines​ @marvelgirl7​ @nano--raptor​ @pinkdiamond1016​ @randomfandompenguin​ @sallycanwait68​ @tuiccim​ @godofplumsandthunder​ @jamesbarnesappreciationclub​ @the-wayward-robot​
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lethbians · 5 years
can you explain what's going on right now? i keep seeing big IT blogs talking about some discourse or something but i have no idea what they're talking about other than it involves you lol
alright i like. i truly do not like having diScOurSE out in public because i’m not one to air out my dirty laundry 24/7 but seeing as how it was brought into public against my will i feel like the least i can do is clear up the situation for those who’ve been seeing the posts. 
i’m putting this under the cut bc it’s long. tws for some biphobia, brief mention of transphobia and, at the end, a rape mention. 
so if you don’t know: hi, i’m migz, i’m an it fandom blogger. its okay, i know, its really cool. part of my shtick here is that i like to turn normal thirst tags into works of art for the sake of comedy. perhaps you’ve seen some of my highlights from my “fhg” tag - perhaps your brain has been spared. either way, it became kind of “my thing” around the third or fourth week (mid nov) of me having this blog. at first, i tagged just about every ask i got mentioning the thirst tags with “bill hader” - they had to do with him, so why not tag him? it would draw more like minded people! about two days into that i got a message asking me to tag my nsfw. i am a big dumb idiot, and apologize for not initially doing it. i havent had a following bigger than like 10 in several years and completely spaced on basic etiquette. so by the end of november i was tagging everything applicable  with “notsfw” and “bill hader”. 
now you’re caught up.
on december 1st i got this message from user billhaderanti:
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now i want to start by saying i absolutely was in the wrong here. i didn’t even think about how many people were being subjected to the asks i was getting - especially ones who had no idea they were all jokes. i don’t track the bill hader tag, so it just didn’t even occur to me - that’s ignorance on my part, and to anyone who was subjected to the terrors of me before my tagging system: i am genuinely sorry. i relay the same sentiment in my response, though you can tell i’m on edge.
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and they replied:
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clearly they Were offended by it but thats.. not the point. at this point, im feeling Really weird about the whole interaction, but still understanding, because again - i GET it. i know my posts are gross - that’s the point. it doesn’t make it excusable, though, which is why i understand why people are offended. so i responded with the only solution i Knew would keep us both safe and happy posting on our own blogs. 
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so i thought this would be the end of things! i’d been pretty anxious lately already since i’d started to receive anons telling me i was gross and whore-ish for thirst posting in this way (i delete all of those, so if ur thinking about sending one, i guess no one’s stopping you but it won’t be seeing the light of the dashboard). i’m unsure if it was immediately or a few hours later, seeing as how i have a bad concept of time and the post-dates are right on the edge between nov 30 and dec 1, but i went to their blog - because anyone who has been on the internet knows the opportunity to vague post is near irresistible. and...what do ya know
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fair! it’s their blog. however i am an emotionally fragile egg girl and immediately got freaked out. the odds that they were the only one who thought this were low. and, again, i’ve been very open on my blog about how important it is to respect boundaries; my posts are absolutely prone to breaking those boundaries people have created for themselves. 
so i made my own, semi-vague post, letting my following know (and i’m pretty sure i’d answered asks about it before, but this is going to be long enough w/o me searching those up too) that i understood if they wanted to block me or unfollow or whatever - people need to create their own safe spaces. the tension is pretty clear in the tags, i’m not trying to hide that. i felt that the way this woman slid into my dm’s was pretty abrasive (just my opinion/how it made me personally feel) and i let myself be a lil emotional about it in the tags of my post.
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alright! maybe this is the end. maybe we both go our separate ways and post happily on our own blogs... except it’s not the end. later in the day (some of this was happening like 1/2am, so now its Day day, i believe - again, not good w time passage lol)
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clearly, i’m upset. my groupchat double checked that i didn’t get too emotional in my response - did i mention im anxious about discourse lol - and apparently.. it did the trick. she didn’t message me again. great. it was over. 
at this point, i decided i needed to make an even bigger change. so a few days after i’d calmed down i created an entirely new tag for my thirst posts so if people hadn’t already hidden the notsfw posts or just blocked me outright, they’d have a third option to escape the madness. at this point, id had my blog about 6? weeks, but there were still 2k posts for me to sift through - some of them were completely untagged. i also had to do it post by post, because one of xkits features - the mass re-tagger - was getting blogs deleted for some reason, and i wasn’t going to do that. so i spent a few days going through all 2k+ posts, adding the “fhg” tag. 
YEEHAW! a brand new tagging system, no more hopping into the bill hader tag (minus one or two really funny, not super explicit asks, like the bill hader farquaad meme), and, tbf, i’d completely put this woman out of my mind. i don’t seek out drama and do my best to stay in my lane. yesterday, i checked my activity for the first time in awhile since id put out a couple new original posts that had started to get traction and i Love reading tags. i noticed a mutual had @’d me, and realized i havent checked my @’s in...ever, maybe. i see a post from my good pal billhaderanti. 
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since i dont follow them and never check my @’s, i’d completely missed it. however, once i did see it, i was horrified. id gone through all that fucking work to keep my blog My Blog and also respect everyone’s boundaries and it still hadn’t been enough. i’d been awake for almost 24 hours and went. a little crazy. and i didn’t reply immediately because i just had no words. i sent it to my friends because i... i just wasn’t going to be able to figure it out myself. 
there’s a lot to unpack in this post alone, but whatever, i’m gonna put my own grievances with the immaturity of 1. making a callout post to begin with when i’d been nothing but civil 2. making a callout post about something as (in the grand scheme of Life) minor as some tags where i refer to a someone’s genitals as a “whack pack” and 3. making a callout post in such a rude way - aside. at the end, she calls me (and whoever else!) a demonic mlw (man loving woman, we assumed, and then later confirmed with a post further back on her blog). 
which - yeah, we started scrolling. at first we were looking for more vague blogs, and then we just...started finding things. billhaderanti is a self proclaimed lesbian separatist, which... fine. but it’s already pretty clear that this woman hates me on some level simply because i am a bi woman (demonic mlw, remember!) which is just. damn man i can’t believe we are still fighting the biphobic fight lol. so the more we scrolled, the more we uncovered - and not just the biphobic / vaguely mtf transphobic things they posted (or put in tags), but we also found that they had their OWN thirst tags. certainly not as hyperbolically comedic as mine, but they were there, talking about his body and his person the same (and, frankly, a bit creepier for other reasons) as mine. 
there’s one post in particular that snatched my wig in it’s creepiness - and i say creepiness in the sense that it feels personal. like this woman feels like she knows bill to some degree where she can say these things. my tags have always had a sense of distance, as they’re written for humor. and maybe this particular post was written for comedic purposes, but it doesn’t read that way, and if it WAS, then she has no right to call ME out for MY comic tags and posts. 
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i’ll let it speak for itself, mostly because i don’t want to read it again. 
i also won’t be going through her blog again to find the posts with biphobic and other Interesting:tm: tags because there are plenty and i just really! want to be done with the whole ordeal! her blog is public and i’m sure you can all find it and look to your heart’s content. 
feeling a bit feral and a bit pissed off now that we knew the depth of how rotten this woman’s vibes were, a couple of my pals made a post or two similar to what my tag’s are like except turned up to eleven (if possible) - and tagged them with “bill hader” (and notsfw!!). yes, a bit childish, but at this point, the entire situation was childish, and making jokes was truly the only way we were going to get through it. another vague post went up on her blog soon after.
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talking down to us, calling us children, and then for whatever reason calling us virgins... whatever, weird post. around this time most of us (est) went to bed, because it was nearing 3 or 4 in the morning. 
and then today happened. i woke up fresh and ready for the day after a wonderful 4 hours of sleep and found that jane had made an incredibly intelligent post in response to the situation. i won’t ss it, but i’ll LINK in case you missed it. attached there in the reblog is my own response. i think they can speak for themselves. 
after that, things were kind of jumbled, since i wasn’t online a lot and when i was i was Not checking my activity simply because i was afraid of what i’d see. for the most part, it ended up just being support (which i am very grateful to all of you for - it means a lot that you all enjoy my content to any degree). 
there was some more vague posting from both “““““sides”””””” of the “““““argument”””””” - mostly just people restating the fact that this is a public space and we should All be aware of how we effect others. i still hadn’t heard directly from billhaderanti, so i assumed we’d all be dropping and disengaging and moving on. i still wasn’t blocked, though, so who really knew what would happen. 
eventually, it culminated in this last post. tw for mentions of rape
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i’m going to start by saying that 
1. there are nearly no teenagers that were involved in this. im turning 23 in january and most of my friends are 20+. maybe one or two are 19. 
2. none of us sent any sexually violent asks - most of us didn’t send asks at all. i believe one or two of my friends admitted to sending asks however they assured me their nature wasn’t bad; as far as i know, everyone remained civil in whatever went on (again, unclear to me as to what was being sent; no one was actively posting or talking about it. if billhaderanti wishes to elaborate, they can, but i don’t have anything to put in). 
3. before i finish this, i would like to apologize to billhaderanti. as a comedian - not just my stupid tags, i mean in real life, too - i know that humor can hurt. it’s not always funny, it’s not just stupid hahas. sometimes things that are supposed to be jokes just hit people differently and cause bad things. i recognize that. i never meant to trigger you (if you’re reading this) or cause you any severe mental/emotional harm. i apologize for my humor bringing up your trauma, and i never meant for that. regardless of my own thoughts and opinions about the nature of my posts/the thirst tags themselves, they hurt you, and i’m sorry. 
anyway, i’m going to wrap this up (i’m bad at endings, what can i say! steven king and i took the same writer’s class!). if you read all this... sorry. i probably won’t be taking any asks about it, because i find the whole “drama” of this to be stupid and rooted in some seriously biphobic issues this fully grown woman has. 
tldr; i attempted to contain my blog so this woman could exist and function safely on her blog, but it wasn’t enough for her, so she called me out, and then some of the fandom called Her out for being biphobic and mean and overall just immature about the situation. as of now, she’s yet to block me, though her and her wife have blocked a few of my friends. her wife continues to clown on my friends. this post was made for clarity’s sake. the end, i’m getting a drink. 
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jewels2876 · 5 years
Three Faces of Seb
A/N: Based on an Anon request for the @the-ss-horniest-book-club​ that wanted to see Seb run into some of his characters - And this is me, I can’t do anything without a little twist somewhere! Happy reading!
Word Count: 1528
Warnings: swearing
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Seb tried his hardest not to pay attention to people on the streets of New York; faces blurred into the crowds so it was easier to pretend no one was there. But standing on the corner of E 161st and River Ave, a man’s face stared back at him. Not any man’s face, HIS face. Before Sebastian could do anything more than blink, the face vanished into the throngs crawling the streets. Weird, he thought to himself.
That same day, a call came in that changed his life forever. Sebastian decided to call up his group of buddies to plan a little celebration for his role as James Buchanan ‘Bucky’ Barnes; they decided to meet up at a bar in downtown New York.
At the bar, his buddy Chase ribbed Sebastian good-naturedly, saying the role of Bucky was going to be one of those “blink and you miss it” kind of things. Sebastian wrinkled his nose and made a face before barking out a laugh. “Ok, sure Chase. Wanna put down money on that now?”
Sebastian’s trainer Don choked on his water. “Considering what kind of shape you wanna be in for this role, I HOPE it’s not a flash in the pan for ya!”
Another one of Seb’s friends Will motioned for a bartender as he shook his head at the guys. Then he did a double-take and hit Sebastian in the shoulder impatiently. “Dude,” he whispered. “Dude!” He said more loudly.
Two brown heads and two pairs of stormy eyes looked at Will.  The one behind the bar smirked as he pulled out four shot glasses and a bottle of tequila. “Hey there,” he smiled at Will then glanced down at Seb. Both guys did a double-take. “And hey there handsome,” he drawled staring at Sebastian now. “Do you have a name to go with that pretty face?”
Sebastian blushed but smiled at the obvious flirting. “Sebastian, Seb. And you are…?”
“Jack,” he practically purred.
“Nice to meet you Jack!” Seb took one of the shots and cheered with Chase, Will, and Don before downing it quickly. All four thanked Jack and headed back to their couch along the back wall.
“Dude!” Chase laughed. “I didn’t know you had a twin!”
“Neither did I,” Seb commented. I’m gonna have to talk to mom this weekend, he told himself.
Atlanta was brutal. Seb was standing there in full ‘Bucky’ gear in 90º heat, sweat making the leather stick uncomfortably in places he didn’t want to draw attention to. One of the brothers yelled cut and he ran to the nearest fan, letting it blow through his beard and hair. Chris Evans approached and hip-checked him with a grin. “Quit hogign’ the fan!”
Seb threw his head back before moaning. “Fuck no! I’m broiling in this thing.”
“And I’m not?” Chris indicated the plain dark navy suit on his body. “Move over at least.” Seb moved one tiny step; Chris rolled his eyes and laughed as they both tried to cool off.
“We’re shutting down for the day,” a Russo said as he/they approached Seb and Chris. “We’ll pick back up tomorrow morning, bright and early. Maybe we’ll miss some of the heat?” The Russo walked off as Seb and Chris both heaved sighs of relief. Both headed back to the wardrobe department and were back in t-shirts and shorts in record time. Anthony and Jeremy joined them, heading to Starbucks for a shot of espresso and air conditioning. 
Starbucks was packed when the four men got there; apparently, they weren’t the only ones to have a similar idea. Just as Seb was reaching out for the Americano, 1 cream and sugar, extended to him, a solid body bumped into him. Thankfully no coffee was spilled but Seb turned to the person to make sure they were ok. The red jacket nearly blinded him as the guy started to complain. “Can’t people just watch…” Seb was ready to shoot back a smartass comment when their eyes met. No fucking way, Seb thought, this can’t be happening again!
Anthony took Seb’s drink along with his own and glanced at the two guys. “Something wrong?”
The guy in the bright red jacket smirked. “Nope, nothin’s wrong here. You?” He pointed at Seb with the hand not holding onto a huge to-go cup.”
“Hi, I’m Seb,” he offered instead of answering the question. “Where do I know you from?”
Anthony looked at bright red jacket guy with a smirk. “Seb, don’t you know your celebrities? This is Lance Tucker, men’s gymnastics god and Florida’s newest and hottest coach.” Chris and Jeremy also greeted Lance as they approached the end of the line. Lance gave everyone one last smile and left quickly.
Seb took a seat at the closest table and shook his head. “Don’t you think that guy looked like me?” All three guys laughed and started teasing Seb about his first ‘starstruck’ run-in. But I swear he looked like me, Seb kept telling himself.
Endgame was wrapping up. Seb couldn’t tell you how he was involved in the movie but he had been interested in the lines he had and how it would all come together. His cell phone vibrated; an unknown number appeared and he hesitated before answering. “Hello?”
“Hey Seb!” a familiar voice answered back. “Do you think you could do me a favor?”
“Sure Ethan! What is it?”
“So I’m getting married.. Was hoping you could be one my guys?” Seb coughed and smiled into this phone.
“But I don’t have to worry about being the best man or bringing a date?”
“Hell no!” Ethan winced and backtracked. “Sorry I just mean, I’ve got my best man but she’s got a lot of girlfriends that are gonna be bridesmaids. So you can come single and have some fun.”
Seb threw his head back and laughed at the idea. Press would have a field day, he thought to himself. “I’m in dude. Just tell me when I need to show up with a tux and where.” They ended the call and Seb wandered a bit. Suddenly he heard the scene being called to wrap and he sighed in relief. The present cast hugged their goodbyes with promises to meet up soon.
Seb was just walking into his hotel, making a to-do list for his arrival back in New York when he ran into someone. “Sorry about that,” he apologized. A pair of brown eyes checked him out as another guy pulled on his arm. “Hey Anthony,” Seb rolled his eyes. “Did you get…” The other guy and Anthony gave him funny looks.
“Who’s Anthony?” the other guy asked, checking out Seb. “Come on, Sam, before we’re recognized.” Then his jaw dropped. “Are you… me?”
Sam/Anthony chuckled under his breath. “Bucky, I think this guy’s into you. He’s just like you, but better looking.” 
Bucky ran a hand through his hair eyeing Seb’s much shorter cut that had been hiding underneath the wig onset. “Maybe, but I’m not a fan of his hair; too short for me.” Sam/Anthony barked out a laugh. “Come on! Zemo’s gotta be catching up to our location and we promised the old Cap we’d meet him 10 minutes ago.” 
Bucky nodded in agreement before turning back to Seb. “Be careful out there.” Then he and the Anthony twin took off.
Twenty minutes later Seb was on the phone with Anthony and Chris Evans. “Dude I’m telling you! He looked just like you, although with better hair,” he teased. “But they were calling themselves Sam and Bucky; isn’t that WEIRD?”
Chris snickered. “Seb I think the heat’s getting to you. I mean,” he sat back on his hotel bed, “there are plenty of comic book geeks out there that roleplay. Are you sure they looked like you two?”
Seb chewed his lower lip before finally telling them about all three guys. Jack the bartender, Lance the gymnast, and now… “Guys I’m telling you, there are guys that look JUST LIKE ME! Isn’t that weird? I mean I know they say everyone has a twin but…”
The line beeped. Anthony groaned. “It’s my wife and kids. I’d love to keep teasing you about this Stanman, but duty calls!” He laughed as he logged off the call.
Chris laughed too. “Look Seb, maybe it’s just a coincidence. You’re right, everyone has a twin out there but I think you’re just seeing what you want.” A knock sounded on Chris’s door and he got up from the bed to answer it. His jaw dropped; he recovered quickly. “Seb I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?”
“Sure,” Seb sounded a bit more relaxed. “You’re probably right. Have a good night!”
Chris stared at the guy wheeling in his room service as the call ended. “Will that be all sir?” the guy asked. Chris stared longer at this guy who was the same height as him, with slightly shorter hair and shorter beard, but without his Cap bulk and an ease he envied. “Sir?” the guy asked.
“Do I know you?” Chris questioned as he handed over a tip.
‘Don’t think so, but hi, I’m Frank.”
tag list: @lokiandbuckyaremine @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety @courtmr   @bookdragon13 @marvelgirl7 @sebastiansloserclub @loricameback @eurynome827 @majicbamana @jobean12-blog @fenthyr @thenormreedus @ticklikeabomb @xxloki81xx @woodworthti666 @greenarrowhead @lovely-dreamer19 @moonbeambucky @yafriendlyfangirl  @after-avenging-hours @white-chocolate-mocha-fan @marvelc00kie35 @thejemersoninferno @bitsandbobsandstuff @lokilvrr @lostinthoughtsandfeelings-blog @theimpossibleg1rl @princess-evans-addict @stuckyfox @moondancewrites @halcyonrogers @writing-for-a-chance @ruckystarnes @angryschnauzerwrites @221bshrlocked @suz-123 @senoritastucky @devilbat @jpat82 @caramell0w @spookyscaryskeletonsus  @theoneanna @inlovewith3  @mrs-captain-evans @crazybutconfidentaf  @nerdy-bookworm-1998 @sillyboyscomicsareforgirls @shield-agent78  @mackevanstanfan80 @the-wayward-robot @renanyx @notyourtypicalrose  @boldlybeardedgiver @time-travel-bouqet @jilldsumner @breezy1415  @stuckybarton @just-the-hiddles @writer-at-heart96 @deathofmissjackson  @lacontroller1991 @unicorniorosacomefrutillas @eloblokistoner @thisismysecrethappyplace 
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years
May 22 Dancitron Movie Night - Alien Vs Predator
Whirl hailed it as the most romantic movie he’s seen this year. Swoop was just glad they didn’t spend half the movie talking. Starscream showed up for the express purpose of trying to cockblock Prowl. Prowl was Out Of It the whole movie and Soundwave and Tarantulas are worried.
Today ItsyBitsySpyers 8:20 pm This message has been removed. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:25 pm *Soundwave's done everything in his power to minimize the expected fidgeting today. It hasn't really worked. He sits at his usual spot and turns one arm to casually cover his abdomen. Won't hide the rest of his lights, but it's something.* Ratchet 8:26 pm *pops in* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:26 pm *Rumble and Frenzy are there to welcome everyone with a huge stash of snacks, this time closer to the crowd and not at the bar.* Tarantulas 8:26 pm *whoa wait is tarantulas early this time?? good job spide. he'll come over and lean on soundwave from behind, with a casual cheery mental hello* Ratchet 8:26 pm *aaaand.... it's only Soundwave and co. so far.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:26 pm [[Ratchet.]] Nod. Ratchet 8:27 pm *and Tarantulas okay that's not much better. is Zori about, at least.* Tarantulas 8:27 pm *excuse u ratchet* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:27 pm *Looks up and sends a curious ping. He's usually not the one getting leaned on.* [[Welcome, Tarantulas.]] *Zori is NOT about because this movie would terrify him to pieces. Chimera is perched on a chair back as a bird though.* Ratchet 8:28 pm *excuse urself, u know Ratchet don't trust ur ass* Tarantulas 8:28 pm *he's in a good mood that bleeds over into soundwave a little, heh* B 8:28 pm *trundles in and moves immediately to a seat where she can see the rest of the room and not be in the way. waves to the twins as she goes* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:28 pm \\BIG BIT.\\ Ratchet 8:28 pm *he should probably at least return the greeting, though. politeness and all.* Evening. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:29 pm *Well, good moods are welcome. Soundwave motions to the side of himself Prowl doesn't usually sit. For now?* boomtank 8:29 pm -wanders in and plops down somewhere- B 8:29 pm *grins at the nickname* Windchill 8:30 pm *Appears, and swoops in to pick a seat.* Tarantulas 8:30 pm *for now! seems amenable enough that tara takes a seat. he'll let go of soundwave in order to keep his thoughts private while he squints at ratchet* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:30 pm [[Blaster, Bevel, Windchill. Good evening to you all.]] boomtank 8:30 pm -tired wave- Hey Windchill 8:30 pm Gee, Soundwave, you make it sound all. Late in the day or something. B 8:30 pm Hi! Ratchet 8:31 pm *arches an optic ridge at the squinting* *can he help u, spide* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:31 pm [[It is, here.]] Windchill 8:31 pm Yeah, but I don't like having to deal with reality. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:31 pm \\THEN YOU SHOULDA BEEN AN AUTOBOT.\\ {{Neheheh.}} Windchill 8:31 pm Hey now, that's rude! B 8:31 pm *tempted to double check outside to see if it really is late* Ratchet 8:31 pm >:| Tarantulas 8:32 pm *the squint looks amused now, ratchet gets a ping hello* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:32 pm \\WHAT, LIKE WE DON'T GOTTA HEAR ALL THEM TRASHIN' WHO WE WAS ALL THE TIME TOO.\\ ItsyBitsySpyers 8:32 pm *Frenzy is snickering. He's clearly poking fun here at worst* Windchill 8:33 pm ...True. Ratchet 8:33 pm *pings back* Evening to you, too. B 8:33 pm It is sad trash talk isn't the worst thing any side ever did. Ratchet 8:34 pm *snort* It's war, not a ball game. B 8:34 pm Sad but lucrative. boomtank 8:34 pm ........ ItsyBitsySpyers 8:34 pm *Rumble choke-laughs.* Tarantulas 8:34 pm *pings back, it's a ping war now* It's lovely to see you again, Ratchet - I don't even know how long it's been anymore, hyeh boomtank 8:35 pm -he's getting a headache and the movie hasn't begun yet- Ratchet 8:35 pm [[ i can't believe the first comparison i wrote was 'not a BALL GAME' fuck me, i'm still not over that stupid murder night ]] ItsyBitsySpyers 8:35 pm ((looool)) Ratchet 8:35 pm Since the last time you dropped by, I expect. Whirl 8:36 pm *trots on in; he is empty-clawed tonight* FakeProwl 8:36 pm *appears; immediately sits, pulls his knees to his chest, wraps his arms around them, and zones out.* B 8:36 pm *pleased there's so many bots around tonight* Ratchet 8:36 pm *brightens; suddenly TWO choices of people to sit with* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:36 pm *Again? But they're not even in Blurr's ship. This is HIS place. It's supposed to be a safe place.* Windchill 8:36 pm Oh look who's just arrived, everyone, it's *he drops the bass* JOHN CENAAAAAAAAA. Tarantulas 8:36 pm Not true! I've been sparse in the past, but lately I've been making time. *prowl!! prowl. prowl gets a spide arm petting him* Ratchet 8:37 pm Since the last time you dropped by /my/ place. Windchill 8:37 pm *Rocks back in his seat, trumpeting that godawful theme to the ceiling. It's all for you, Whirl, appreciate it.* Whirl 8:37 pm What is this horrid noise. Is this supposed to be MUSIC. FakeProwl 8:37 pm *flinches at surprise touch* Hm? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:37 pm //Yo, Whirl!// Ratchet 8:38 pm *where's Prowl sitting tho. Ratchet would LIKE TO SIT WITH HIM but he might go for the Whirl hammock that's not a hammock here, it's just wherever Whirl sits.* Whirl 8:38 pm And it's finally happened. Windchill's gone senile. I knew this day would come. Windchill 8:38 pm *Stops when he's trumpeted as much as the Earth meme calls for.* FakeProwl 8:38 pm *prowl's sitting next to soundwave* best decepticon leader 8:38 pm ((sorry I dropped out technical issues)) Whirl 8:38 pm *and he will cheerily bob his head at Rumble in greeting* Windchill 8:38 pm It's my horrid noise, don't you recognize me? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:38 pm ((np ss mun)) boomtank 8:39 pm -and yet Blaster finds this more relaxing than his office- Whirl 8:39 pm No, not you. The other horrid noise. Whatever nonsense THIS is. *gestures vaguely around in an attempt to indicate the music* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:39 pm {{Bird likes it. Peh.}} Ratchet 8:39 pm *well in that case, Prowl gets a wave, and Ratchet drops down next to Whirl.* Windchill 8:39 pm *Squints, not sure if sarcasm or if music is really that bad.* Whirl 8:39 pm Bird has no taste, clearly. FakeProwl 8:40 pm *doesn't notice* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:40 pm {{You shut... speaker!}} Whirl 8:40 pm *he will take a seat near Windchill, Ratchet is welcome to join, as is the usual crowd* *snickers, amused by Laserbeak's slip-up* I call em like I see em. Ratchet 8:41 pm *ping ping at Prowl* Evening, Whirl. Good to see ya. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:42 pm @Prowl: (txt): Confirmation requested: Prowl certain Prowl wants movie appearance? *He doesn't want Prowl to be here just because he thinks he has to be or something.* Whirl 8:43 pm You too, mech. Been a dog's age. *nods cordially at Ratchet* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:43 pm *Rumble and Frenzy pack in with Whirl, away from Ratchet. They know when they're not that liked anymore.* FakeProwl 8:43 pm *vague shrug tag* Windchill 8:44 pm *Surrounded by a bunch of weirdos, and Ratchet.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:44 pm ((ALL RIGHT let's warning it up: As expected from movies of this nature, we've got violence, gore, body horror, and EGG. And also Aliens (ha) Built Civilization, I suppose.)) Windchill 8:44 pm (( What film is this. )) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:44 pm *Small nod. It's not a no. He'll take it as is.* Ratchet 8:44 pm *hey now, Ratchet's weird.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:44 pm ((It is Alien Vs. Predator. 😄 )) Tarantulas 8:44 pm (( EGG Windchill 8:44 pm (( I LOVE THAT MOVIE. )) B 8:44 pm [[pft egg Windchill 8:44 pm (( LET'S DO IT. )) boomtank 8:44 pm ((AWESOME Whirl 8:44 pm (9I'M SO HYPE)) Ratchet 8:45 pm Been busy. You know how it is. Windchill 8:45 pm (( I watch it when I get sick it makes me feel better about myself. )) Whirl 8:45 pm *Whirl is quite happy to have his weirdos around. and Be a weirdo* God, I wish. I'm about to literally die of boredom. boomtank 8:45 pm -settles in to watch- Windchill 8:45 pm *A prime example of weirdo.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:45 pm *Soundwave vents quietly and tries to be settled. Keyword: tries.* *And he's already leaning forward again.* Ratchet 8:46 pm *also he'll just be. scooting a little farther down the couch. away from the others on it.* Tarantulas 8:46 pm *tara's gonna move around to in front of prowl, he seems to like that spot. nudge nudge, ping with the word CUDDLE? attached* Windchill 8:46 pm It's...a thing, everyone. boomtank 8:46 pm -and picks up his data-pad to read- Ratchet 8:46 pm *sorry kiddos thanks for sitting on that side but it's a little close still* B 8:46 pm *pulls out something to work on during the movie* Whirl 8:46 pm *if Whirl notices Ratchet's discomfort, he doesn't in any way react* You seen this? *looks to Windchill* FakeProwl 8:47 pm *it takes Prowl a while to react to the ping* Windchill 8:47 pm The movie? No... Heard of it. Heard it was like, one of those horror movies or something. Thriller, maybe. Scary movies bore me. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:48 pm *Right. The ice. A tarp. He wishes he had a tarp.* \\IT'S GREAT.\\ best decepticon leader 8:48 pm Who comms someone that close? Windchill 8:48 pm Humans, obviously. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:48 pm [[It's done for effect.]] Ratchet 8:48 pm Bumblebee. FakeProwl 8:49 pm *finally responds. negative ping.* Ratchet 8:49 pm Bumblebee does that. best decepticon leader 8:49 pm Effect of looking like an aft? boomtank 8:49 pm ....? Windchill 8:49 pm Damn you, Pepsi-Cola! Ratchet 8:49 pm *and Ratchet will go ahead and ping Prowl again* Windchill 8:49 pm *He shakes his fist.* Whirl 8:50 pm I Tarantulas 8:50 pm *nnnoooo... well, tara will leave him alone for a tiny bit then* FakeProwl 8:50 pm *what? oh. pings ratchet back.* Whirl 8:50 pm *to Frenzy* I'll take your word for it. What've you two been up to? More renovations? best decepticon leader 8:50 pm He's going to die ItsyBitsySpyers 8:50 pm *Come sit with him again for now.* Windchill 8:50 pm Oh no, not this trope. You know he's dead. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:50 pm \\US? NAW. JUS' SAME OL' WORK.\\ Ratchet 8:50 pm @Prowl: You okay? Windchill 8:51 pm *Reaches and lightly prods Whirl's shoulder.* FakeProwl 8:51 pm @Ratchet «Fine.» *BLATANTLY LYING* *even as an avatar he looks tired* Whirl 8:51 pm Look at THEM, traveling in STYLE. best decepticon leader 8:51 pm Humans aren't very good at surviving cold water Whirl 8:52 pm The ONLY way to fly. *nudges Windchill back, swiveling his helm to look at him* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:52 pm {{PEH.}} Windchill 8:52 pm If we like, go on an adventure and I try to show you pictures of my kids, it means I have to die. So don't let me do that. Whirl 8:52 pm Okay, okay, I'll give some concessions for analogue flight--nearly as good as rotors. Nearly. Ratchet 8:52 pm @Prowl: Uh-huh. You wanna talk about it, or...? Whirl 8:52 pm Well, presumably, I'll already know what your kid looks like. B 8:53 pm Helicopters are pretty neat. Ratchet 8:53 pm *fair's fair, Prowl listened to Ratchet complain about his issues* Whirl 8:53 pm *PREENS SHAMELESSLY* We are. B 8:53 pm *laughs* best decepticon leader 8:53 pm not as good as jets Whirl 8:53 pm Better. Windchill 8:53 pm *Scratches his chin in thought.* It might be enough to save me from doing that. best decepticon leader 8:53 pm nope FakeProwl 8:53 pm *long pause.* @Ratchet «... No.» best decepticon leader 8:53 pm wings are elegant Whirl 8:53 pm Okay. I'll make sure not to let you show me any pictures of your horrid little beast. Tarantulas 8:53 pm *scoots over on the floor and sits on soundwave's pede, if he can't have prowl he'll have someone else entertain him* B 8:54 pm Being both is even better. best decepticon leader 8:54 pm rotors are... ugh Windchill 8:54 pm Okay, thanks. Ratchet 8:54 pm @Prowl ::All right. Lemme know if you need anything.:: FakeProwl 8:54 pm *acknowledging ping* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:54 pm *Carefully nudges Tarantulas with his knee and sends acceptance.* Windchill 8:54 pm *snorts.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:54 pm \\YA BRAGGER, BIG BIT.\\ Whirl 8:55 pm *waves a claw* I don't listen to the opinions of second-rate fliers, sorry. Direct your incorrect opinions to another department, please. B 8:55 pm Can if I want. Whirl 8:55 pm *looks to Bevel* You a triple-changer? best decepticon leader 8:55 pm frag you Whirl 8:55 pm Ew, no thanks. I've got better taste than YOu. B 8:55 pm *tilts palm back and forth* Kinda. Windchill 8:55 pm *Keeps his mouth SHUT* best decepticon leader 8:56 pm I'm perfect, you however are far from it boomtank 8:56 pm -snorting laughter at Starscream's remark- Whirl 8:56 pm *ALSO SNORTS* B 8:56 pm *currently very much a steam engine train because reasons* Whirl 8:56 pm *but ignores it in favor of looking over Bevel; he's seen her about, but he hasn't given her a close look yet* So, what's your story, mech? best decepticon leader 8:56 pm I'll have you know my wings are considered very attractive Ratchet 8:57 pm Tcch. By who? best decepticon leader 8:57 pm fliers seekers Ratchet 8:57 pm Biased. boomtank 8:57 pm You're not in the company of seekers Windchill 8:57 pm *Raises hand.* I'm a seeker. best decepticon leader 8:57 pm people who can appreciate a nice set of wings boomtank 8:57 pm Or many Windchill 8:58 pm And I think Starscream is a putz. Ratchet 8:58 pm I've seen nicer. B 8:58 pm Mercenary and multiverse traveler. best decepticon leader 8:58 pm 😕 Whirl 8:58 pm *LAUGHS* boomtank 8:58 pm I prefer blues ItsyBitsySpyers 8:58 pm //Multiverse traveler. Pffft. Ya got lost, kiddo, c'mon.// best decepticon leader 8:58 pm ((that face does not look how I thought it would Whirl 8:58 pm Yeah, wings are overrated. They're so goofy-looking. No offense. *to Windchill* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:58 pm *Rumble flicks a treat at her and grins.* Windchill 8:58 pm I'm far beyond giving a damn about your opinion, Whirl. Whirl 8:58 pm Sounds like a good gig, mech. *nods to Bevel* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:59 pm [[He prefers his wings where they are.]] B 8:59 pm *flicks it back with a smile* Got unlost nyeh Ratchet 8:59 pm *see, look, a nicer pair of wings right there.* best decepticon leader 8:59 pm my wings are gorgeous FakeProwl 9:00 pm *he would be strongly objecting to the blatant disregard for safety in this movie if he were paying more than 10% attention to it* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:00 pm \\AS A WHAT?\\ //Firewall, bro.// \\AHHH, OKAY.\\ boomtank 9:00 pm Not really Whirl 9:00 pm Integrated weaponry is SO much more interesting that wings, or wheels, or what-have-you. And MUCH more attractive. best decepticon leader 9:00 pm the hunter moon boomtank 9:01 pm Less of a target ItsyBitsySpyers 9:01 pm [[You speak that Earth language?]] Tarantulas 9:01 pm *ohohoh whirl* Ratchet 9:01 pm Wheels are nice. best decepticon leader 9:01 pm yes Whirl 9:01 pm *shrugs* I mean, I don't DISLIKE wheels. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:01 pm *Pleasantly surprised nod.* Windchill 9:01 pm I don't know, I kind of like treads. Ratchet 9:01 pm Treads are nice too. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:01 pm [[They are attractive, on the right mech.]] Ahem. boomtank 9:02 pm ....... Whirl 9:02 pm Yeah, okay, that's fair. Treads are cool. Tanks are pretty sweet all-around. Badass machines. Tarantulas 9:02 pm *on prowl u mean, sw* Whirl 9:02 pm *shockwave, excuse u* boomtank 9:02 pm -has treads- Lord Starscream 9:02 pm *GUESS WHOS HERE TO FLOUNCE ON IN* Whirl 9:02 pm ((GEE NEDDLES)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:02 pm *NOT YOU, BLASTER. PRIMUS.* FakeProwl 9:02 pm *whoooosh. flew right over prowl's head.* Windchill 9:02 pm Yeah, tanks. Among other things. Tarantulas 9:02 pm *tires on prowl, treads on shocky* Whirl 9:02 pm (9WHY DO YOU GET TO HAVE -TWO- STARSCREAMS?)) boomtank 9:02 pm -HE KNOWS OR HE'D BE OUTTA THERE- best decepticon leader 9:03 pm ((because we are perfect B 9:03 pm *neither of them are the best Starscream, Bevel is disappointed in both of you* FakeProwl 9:03 pm ((check out all these NOT BEST STARSCREAMS)) ((*preens*)) best decepticon leader 9:03 pm ((now we are 2x perfect B 9:03 pm [[:D [[You'll always be her favorite ItsyBitsySpyers 9:03 pm *Soundwave is surprised his comment didn't inspire more of a reaction from Tarantulas. Ah well. Everyone knew anyway.* Whirl 9:04 pm *glances to the newly-entering Starscream, and lowers his head to mutter at Rumble* You might wanna spray, mech. Looks like you guys've got an infestation. Lord Starscream 9:04 pm ((Sorry Bev you're just going to have to settle for second rate starscreams)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:04 pm *Rumble laughs into his cube and nudges Whirl.* //Shhhshshsh.// Windchill 9:04 pm Oh no, guys. It's getting spoopy. Whirl, I'm scared. FakeProwl 9:04 pm *vaguely notices starscream. hm.* B 9:05 pm *nods to Starscream anyway because he is a Starscream and even working with different ones hasn't ruined her admiration for them in general* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:05 pm *Soundwave nods to Starscream and sends a respectful ping on private line.* Whirl 9:05 pm I'll comfort you, Windchill. Lord Starscream 9:05 pm *Starscream.. probably does not even notice Bevel. Another mech that doesn't matter yet. Soundwave gets a nod, though* Windchill 9:05 pm Thanks, bro. Hold me. Whirl 9:05 pm *leans back and plants his feet on Windchill, where they belong* Lord Starscream 9:05 pm *Starscream is just going to take up a seat near the back where he can keep an eye on just about everyone* B 9:06 pm *not even a little offended* Windchill 9:06 pm *Thrums with satisfaction. All is as it should be.* FakeProwl 9:06 pm *... oh wait. starscream.* Whirl 9:06 pm *also, Rumble, he's not gonna stop* At the very least, keep them away from each other. The last thing we need is them multiplying. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:06 pm *As well as progress updates on Metroplex. All four limbs have a very basic system set up now (with plans to improve them later). He still has upper torso and head to go.* Tarantulas 9:06 pm *wait shit* @Prowl «Should I be here if Starscream is here? Does he have any information about me that - as in -?» Whirl 9:06 pm *oh wait what's with all those blades o the screen* FakeProwl 9:06 pm @Tarantulas «Do not visibly interact with me tonight. At all.» Whirl 9:06 pm *briefly interested* Tarantulas 9:07 pm *DAMNIT* B 9:07 pm Whoa helmet. Tarantulas 9:07 pm @Prowl «....Noted.» Lord Starscream 9:07 pm *that's right~ Continuing his pettiness from the other night, either he observes Prowl's mysterious beau or he cockblocks him* *Both are acceptable outcomes* B 9:08 pm *grumbles at stupid selfish dads* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:08 pm @Whirl: //Naw, that's the other... OTHER red Starscream.// Windchill 9:08 pm That borehole looks really..interesting. *He's gonna stop himself right there.* Whirl 9:09 pm @Rumble: Oh god, you know THREE Starscreams? My sympathies, mech. Ratchet 9:09 pm *snerk* FakeProwl 9:09 pm @Tarantulas «It might be better for you to leave completely. Or at least get small enough he can't see. You don't exactly blend in with the crowd.» ItsyBitsySpyers 9:09 pm *Soundwave pings Bevel. She's not his spawn, but he has a distant interest in her ongoing safety. She okay?* @Whirl: //Oh, naw, we know more'n three. Jus' three red ones.// Whirl 9:09 pm Heh. I like her. Windchill 9:09 pm She's pretty cool. Almost took his head off. Whirl 9:10 pm @Rumble: I am even more sorry to hear that. *places a claw dramatically on his chest... which probably looks odd to the rest of the room* You lot have suffered much. Tarantulas 9:10 pm @Prowl «I - damnit. Alright. I'll leave and come back in miniature form. I'll - stick with Soundwave, then.» *forwards this comm to soundwave also* best decepticon leader 9:10 pm If she was cooler she would have taken his head off Windchill 9:10 pm *Is used to Whirl being weird, thinks nothing of it.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:10 pm @Whirl: //Right? Fraggin' awful. I oughta get a medal.// Whirl 9:10 pm That's the opposite of her job, idiot. B 9:10 pm *pings back with a stubborn affirmative* boomtank 9:11 pm She was trying to save him, not kill him best decepticon leader 9:11 pm No one would have to know. "Oops I missed." ItsyBitsySpyers 9:11 pm *Soundwave is now terribly interested in why this is necessary, but he settles for an acknowledging ping. For now.* Ratchet 9:11 pm What else do you expect from a Starscream. Of course he advocates killing the boss. boomtank 9:11 pm Then she should have let him fall if she wanted him dead Ratchet 9:11 pm "By accident". best decepticon leader 9:11 pm Damn right boomtank 9:12 pm No blood to clean or attract anything best decepticon leader 9:12 pm True, but then you couldn't say that it was your doing boomtank 9:12 pm And? Windchill 9:12 pm I don't think Antarctica has much for landbound predators. Whirl 9:12 pm See, this is why it's an INCREDIBLY BAD idea for Starscream to be in charge. *slooowly swivels his helm around to regard Lord Starscream* best decepticon leader 9:12 pm And I would want to gloat later ItsyBitsySpyers 9:12 pm //Listen. If we ever learned stuff from pokin' in the Underworld durin' the war, it's ya don't trust no fraggin' underground cities.// Windchill 9:12 pm *Little does HE know.* Whirl 9:12 pm Can't make good decisions. A real idiot. Lord Starscream 9:13 pm If you dislike my rule you should have campaigned against me. Windchill 9:13 pm I don't trust underground ANYTHING. Lord Starscream 9:13 pm You didn't and I'm in charge, so suck it up. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:13 pm [[The one here seems to be leading Kaon well enough.]] boomtank 9:13 pm Gloat about killing him when you were trying not to get blamed for killing him Whirl 9:13 pm I wasn't in your dimension at the time, GENIUS. boomtank 9:13 pm Really? Whirl 9:13 pm I'm not from your timeline. Lord Starscream 9:13 pm Not my problem~ best decepticon leader 9:13 pm Later, when it was safe to gloat Lord Starscream 9:13 pm In fact it's completely your own problem. boomtank 9:13 pm Uh-huh Whirl 9:13 pm Considering I'm not living in your little city of idiots, it's actually not. Ratchet 9:14 pm When's he next election? best decepticon leader 9:14 pm It becomes safe eventually ItsyBitsySpyers 9:14 pm *IMMEDIATE LEAN that he tries to make look more casual once it's already too late* Ratchet 9:14 pm Maybe Whirl could still give it a shot, hehhehe. boomtank 9:14 pm Sounds like that has a few flaws that would get someone iced ItsyBitsySpyers 9:14 pm [[Queen...]] *Murmured telepathic voice.* Tarantulas 9:14 pm *yep, gonna say a goodbye to the general vicinity, leave as quietly as possible, and sneak back in in tiny spide form, crawling around in shadows til he can inconspicuously hide somewhere close enough to poke soundwave* Whirl 9:14 pm Lord, no. I don't want anything to do with those stupid NAILs. B 9:14 pm *looked casual to this unobservant af bot* best decepticon leader 9:14 pm That thing is hideous Whirl 9:14 pm ..oh! Hey! boomtank 9:14 pm ...... yikes Whirl 9:14 pm It's that neat monster we looked at, that one time. Cool. Windchill 9:14 pm Wow. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:14 pm [[It is not.]] *Glance at Blaster. He WOULD have bad taste.* Res 9:15 pm *rolls in* *literal roll* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:15 pm *Starscream, rather.* boomtank 9:15 pm That thing was huge Lord Starscream 9:15 pm *who you looking at, son* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:15 pm *The other one, don't worry.* boomtank 9:15 pm ...what was it? Whirl 9:15 pm Hey, mech! *bobs his head at Swoop* Res 9:15 pm *bobs back* Ratchet 9:15 pm Hiya, kiddo. best decepticon leader 9:16 pm My taste in monsters is fine. Keep them away from me. Whirl 9:16 pm *squints at the screen* best decepticon leader 9:16 pm All of them FakeProwl 9:16 pm (("this wall has writings from three different languages therefore clearly the culture predates those cultures" THAT'S NOT HOW LANGUAGE WORKS, GOD. FRICK.)) Whirl 9:16 pm *softly mimics the Predator noise* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:16 pm *Soundwave's attention flickers to Whirl, then back to the screen* B 9:16 pm Oh, it is invisible. FakeProwl 9:16 pm ((IF SYMBOLS FROM THREE VERY DIFFERENT LANGUAGES ARE WRITTEN ON A WALL TOGETHER THEN THAT MEANS THREE CULTURES COLLABORATED)) Res 9:16 pm *chitters with whirl, no idea why, just gonna do the thing* Windchill 9:16 pm *Almost rhymes Swoop with poop, keeps his mouth shut again.* Lord Starscream 9:16 pm ((or alternatively one person that knew three languages incompletely)) FakeProwl 9:16 pm ((IT DOESN'T MEAN THE CULTURE DIVIDED INTO THREE CULTURES THAT EACH MAGICALLY ONLY LEARNED ONE THIRD OF THE LANGUAGE)) best decepticon leader 9:16 pm Well that's a cool weapon I need ten ItsyBitsySpyers 9:16 pm \\I LOVE THESE FRAGGERS. LOOKIT THEM GO.\\ Whirl 9:16 pm This movie just got interesting. boomtank 9:16 pm Wow Res 9:16 pm Dead boomtank 9:16 pm Thermals FakeProwl 9:17 pm ((your anthropology is bad and you should feel bad)) B 9:17 pm ...I like it. Whirl 9:17 pm Hot damn. That guy's awesome. Res 9:17 pm This predator movie. It like Mirage! Keheheh. If Mirage big fighty bot keheheh. boomtank 9:17 pm He tried ItsyBitsySpyers 9:17 pm //Right?// //Mirage is a cryochicken. He wouldn't fight nothin'.// Windchill 9:17 pm Damn. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:17 pm //Jus' creeps around here all the time like we don't know it's him.// Whirl 9:18 pm hey, Windchill. boomtank 9:18 pm Oh! More of them? Ratchet 9:18 pm Mirage is a great fighter. Windchill 9:18 pm Me? Res 9:18 pm Me Swoop see Mirage kick seeker in face before B 9:18 pm Should have grabbed a rope. Whirl 9:18 pm You. Windchill 9:18 pm Oh, damn. It's always me. best decepticon leader 9:18 pm Sure you did Whirl 9:18 pm Guess what. Windchill 9:18 pm ...What? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:18 pm *Fidget. Fidget.* Res 9:18 pm ((Teenage warriorbros in a murder themed dick measuring contest? This is the song of Swoop's people.)) Whirl 9:18 pm *leans forward. Stares* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:18 pm ((has Tarantulas settled on Soundwave yet? i mighta missed it)) Whirl 9:18 pm *Predator noise* Tarantulas 9:18 pm *tara's hiding behind soundwave's pede now, just kinda casually tapping him with thoughts every once in a while. sounds like you really ARE gonna be his only entertainment for the night, sw* boomtank 9:18 pm ... B 9:19 pm Mirage still creeps around? Why? Res 9:19 pm This good movie, Soundwave. This much much much better than all talky movies before. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:19 pm *Soundwave will make damn sure not to move that pede. No squishing the spide.* Windchill 9:19 pm *Stares back at Whirl with one eye.* Res 9:19 pm WHERE BIRD? :V ItsyBitsySpyers 9:19 pm \\WHO FRAGGIN' KNOWS WHY.\\ Windchill 9:19 pm *Quietly blows a raspberry.* Whirl 9:19 pm *snickers* FakeProwl 9:20 pm ((how do they know something broke out of the body Whirl 9:20 pm ... Lord Starscream 9:20 pm ..the hell is that. Windchill 9:20 pm I like the translucent teeth on that thing. Whirl 9:20 pm So. Windchill. Is this/ Windchill 9:20 pm Um. FakeProwl 9:20 pm ((maybe something stabbed up from beneath the ribcage and jerked up)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:20 pm *Tarantulas gets a long, extended, vaguely... respectful? [[Queeeeeeen]] in his head.* Whirl 9:20 pm Is this what it was. Y'know. best decepticon leader 9:20 pm NSFW ew Whirl 9:20 pm Is this how.... boomtank 9:20 pm ...... Windchill 9:20 pm *Strokes his chin, watching the movie sidelong.* boomtank 9:20 pm Uh....she didn't sound happy Lord Starscream 9:20 pm *looks faintly disgusted* Ah. I attended alien pornography night. Tarantulas 9:20 pm *frick. soundwave gets a millisecond of EGG!?!!!?! before tarantulas lets go immediately* Whirl 9:21 pm It's just egg-laying. Windchill 9:21 pm I'm pretty sure it doesn't involve a conveyor belt, if that's what you're asking. Lord Starscream 9:21 pm For now FakeProwl 9:21 pm *slow blink at the movie* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:21 pm *....Pings Tarantulas.* Res 9:21 pm Predators awesome :> FakeProwl 9:21 pm @Tarantulas «... Is that what you're into.» Whirl 9:21 pm I don't see what the big deal is about eggs. best decepticon leader 9:21 pm I don't want to see creepy organics laying eggs Res 9:21 pm Eggs where little birds come from :> Windchill 9:21 pm I think we can all agree that wasn't very sexy. Whirl 9:21 pm Yes, I know. Some Cybertronians hatch from eggs. Lord Starscream 9:22 pm *mutters* You, probably. Tarantulas 9:22 pm @Prowl «No, not like - no. No.» best decepticon leader 9:22 pm I'm aware of that, but we aren't creepy organics FakeProwl 9:22 pm @Tarantulas «Okay.» Res 9:22 pm Creepy? Windchill 9:22 pm I don't know. Tarantulas 9:22 pm @Soundwave «...Ignore that.» Whirl 9:22 pm I mean, you're half right. Organic? No. Creepy? Hmmm. Can't verify it, nope. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:23 pm @Tarantulas: (txt): ...Request returned. Whirl 9:23 pm *nudges the twins* Verdict? He's pretty creepy, right? B 9:23 pm He figured out that calendar really fast. FakeProwl 9:23 pm *returns to vaguely seeing the movie images flash by without processing them* best decepticon leader 9:23 pm I'd say he was smart, but he did open it so, not smart Windchill 9:23 pm *He's just going to keep quiet about eggs for the moment.* boomtank 9:23 pm Hmn? Whirl 9:24 pm I wonder what kind of mechanism is supposed to be moving all that stone around. boomtank 9:24 pm Oh. Weapons Are they gonna......nope B 9:24 pm Look like blasters. Res 9:24 pm Him sick ItsyBitsySpyers 9:24 pm //Naw. Creepy's, like. Ya gotta get the strut shivers.// Lord Starscream 9:24 pm He's dead. boomtank 9:24 pm They don't know what they are. Great. Res 9:24 pm Him get butt kicked if him bad at breathing keheh Whirl 9:25 pm Yeah, yeah. He's more like.. nauseating. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:25 pm \\PTCHHAHA.\\ Tarantulas 9:25 pm *...k tara's got his thoughts reined in enough to touch now* @Soundwave [You mean regarding the QUEEN business?] best decepticon leader 9:25 pm Genius Res 9:25 pm *bounces* Fighting time Her have pointy hair :> Windchill 9:26 pm This is one of the many reasons why anything underground is not to be trusted. boomtank 9:26 pm Eggs? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:26 pm @Tarantulas: [[...And your EGG. Yes.]] Whirl 9:26 pm *clicks his claws in anticipation* About time! boomtank 9:26 pm Why are they there? Windchill 9:26 pm Yeah, Swoop. She looks like an Anime character. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:26 pm //Here we go!// Whirl 9:26 pm I wanna see those other guys in action. Windchill 9:26 pm Oh, um. Boy, those sure are some eggs. Tarantulas 9:26 pm @Soundwave [Deal.] *aaaaand he's promptly letting go again* best decepticon leader 9:26 pm Not eggs, eggs don't open like that Whirl 9:27 pm So. boomtank 9:27 pm What...the...!!!!! Whirl 9:27 pm I'm guessing that's not what--HA LOOK AT 'EM GO. Res 9:27 pm Keheheh them catch with FACE Whirl 9:27 pm That's not what it looked like when your little one hatched? boomtank 9:27 pm -scrambles backwards and noooope- Windchill 9:27 pm No. Trust me, when she hatched, there was more screaming. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:27 pm *Yeah, he's not gonna be able to look Tarantulas in the visor for a little bit.* best decepticon leader 9:27 pm Who's little one? Whirl 9:27 pm Heh. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:27 pm [[There will be more screaming soon enough.]] Windchill 9:28 pm But beyond that, I guess. Pretty close. boomtank 9:28 pm That's not...that's not...oh I don't like this Whirl 9:28 pm *nods* Windchill 9:28 pm Lots of slime, translucent body...you can still see her insides. I don't know why. Res 9:28 pm Oh it cave Whirl 9:28 pm Sounds... weird. But I guess no less weird than the way I was born. FakeProwl 9:28 pm *... oh, wait, the jumpy things. prowl remembers the jumpy things.* Res 9:29 pm How you born? Windchill 9:29 pm ...Were you see through? Res 9:29 pm Me Swoop built in cave :> With Snarl boomtank 9:29 pm -nope. NOPE- Whirl 9:29 pm Nah. Windchill 9:29 pm *Raises eyebrows.* Lord Starscream 9:29 pm *NOPE* Disgusting. B 9:29 pm :| Whirl 9:29 pm Just a little white cone. I'm told, though, that my legs developed first. And I ran around. best decepticon leader 9:29 pm ew FakeProwl 9:29 pm ... These are the... Ratchet 9:29 pm You were not built in a cave. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:29 pm //Wait really?// Windchill 9:29 pm Aw. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:29 pm *Soundwave looks over at Prowl. He's talking again?* Ratchet 9:29 pm You were built in the Ark's command center. Res 9:29 pm Me Swoop was TOO built in cave Whirl 9:29 pm Took 'em a while to catch me. Res 9:30 pm Me Swoop see picture Windchill 9:30 pm Like a wild ostrich? Whirl 9:30 pm ((which... who was rumble's comment directed at)) Ratchet 9:30 pm I would know, kiddo, I was there building you. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:30 pm ((at whirl)) FakeProwl 9:30 pm *gestures vaguely at Soundwave* The... baby version of your costume? Whirl 9:30 pm *looks to Rumble and nods* Yep. best decepticon leader 9:30 pm I was built in a lab Windchill 9:30 pm Oh no it's the stabby guys again. Whirl 9:30 pm I mean, I developed the rest of my everything later on. Lord Starscream 9:30 pm That was just pathetic. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:30 pm *Soundwave is silent for a second before offering a slow nod.* Whirl 9:30 pm Ohh, I like the stabby guys. Lord Starscream 9:30 pm Just blunder right on into a wire hoop in the air why dont you. Res 9:30 pm KA Nice Dead boomtank 9:30 pm I...really? Windchill 9:31 pm It was invisible to humans. FakeProwl 9:31 pm Hm. Tarantulas 9:31 pm @Soundwave [...Costume?] Windchill 9:31 pm Wow. Res 9:31 pm Him bad at climbing keheh FakeProwl 9:31 pm *well, now he knows what the movie is about. not that he'd really had the presence of mind to wonder before now, but.* Windchill 9:32 pm Hold me, Whirl. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:32 pm *Soundwave sends Tarantulas an image of the full-frame armor he wore to make him resemble a Cybertronian version of a xenomorph a few months back. Very detailed. Buzzsaw's work.* Whirl 9:32 pm *lifts his feet and then plops them down again* Res 9:32 pm Them need flier on team next time. Or tank. Keheh. Windchill 9:32 pm *Why is he watching a movie about being underground again?* Thanks. boomtank 9:32 pm -snorts- Res 9:32 pm Oh triangle cave Windchill 9:32 pm Lovely. boomtank 9:32 pm -calmer now- Res 9:33 pm That not fun. You have to drag wings. Other cave better Whirl 9:33 pm Only a problem if you've got big, clunky wings. ...no offence, Swoop. Res 9:33 pm Me Swoop wings very big keheh Little clunky Tarantulas 9:33 pm *soundwave gets a pulse of oohneatwowadmirationintriguedamused* Res 9:33 pm *flops them* Maybe very keheheh Whirl 9:34 pm *snickers; see? Swoop can admit it* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:34 pm *Buzzsaw seems to puff up from across the room* Whirl 9:34 pm You're an analogue flier, though, right? boomtank 9:34 pm All that coughing is gonna get them all caught Whirl 9:34 pm You flap to fly? Res 9:34 pm Analogue ItsyBitsySpyers 9:34 pm *Soundwave just sends him amused-grateful.* Res 9:34 pm Yah Me Swoop flap to fly Whirl 9:34 pm *nods* I can respect that. Windchill 9:34 pm *Stop saying analogue.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:34 pm *His focus is... a little elsewhere.* Res 9:35 pm Keheh. New pterodactyl called "flaplings." ItsyBitsySpyers 9:35 pm *His biolights flicker brighter, drop too dim, and finally settle a few degrees above where they originally were.* boomtank 9:35 pm ....oh Whirl 9:35 pm Pfft. boomtank 9:35 pm That's...that's not good Whirl 9:35 pm Reminds me of you, Windchill. Windchill 9:35 pm Oh man, it drools almost as much as I do. Res 9:36 pm Me Swoop have to 'watch weight' for flying *pats his belly* Whirl 9:36 pm *LAUGHS* Looks cool, but man, are they messy little guys. B 9:36 pm *welp so much for the dads* Res 9:36 pm Dead boomtank 9:36 pm Whoops Res 9:36 pm Two dead Windchill 9:36 pm *Snickers.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:36 pm [[They're organics. It is to be expected, even from them.]] Windchill 9:36 pm I told you, don't show people pictures of your kids on a mission. best decepticon leader 9:37 pm Who does that anyway Whirl 9:37 pm Yeah. but that's a whole lot of drool, even for an organic. Tarantulas 9:37 pm @Soundwave [Not all organics huff huff] Res 9:37 pm Oh! Net MEAN. Keheh. Nice. Windchill 9:37 pm Probably people with kids. Idiots like me. B 9:37 pm I want a net like that. Whirl 9:37 pm Haha, damn! She went right for him! Res 9:37 pm Slag pick me Swoop up that way before. It sucks. KAH! Sweep the leg OH Dead ItsyBitsySpyers 9:38 pm @Tarantulas: (txt): Present company understood superior. Lord Starscream 9:38 pm Now kiss. Whirl 9:38 pm Neat. Res 9:38 pm No kiss Windchill 9:38 pm Wow, even my tongue can't do that. best decepticon leader 9:38 pm You would think they'd be more worried about the other aliens than the humans ItsyBitsySpyers 9:38 pm //Heh. We can.// boomtank 9:39 pm Yikes ItsyBitsySpyers 9:39 pm \\FIGHT! FIGHT!\\ Whirl 9:39 pm Oh, yeah. You guys got that thing. *begins to bring his claws up, but remembers not to just in time* boomtank 9:39 pm Awesome, but still. Yikes Res 9:39 pm OOOhhhhh! :V ItsyBitsySpyers 9:39 pm *SUSPICIOUS LOOK FROM FRENZY... seems satisfied by the failure to go through with it* best decepticon leader 9:39 pm Humans are so easily breakable and live such short lives there isn't much point hunting them Windchill 9:39 pm *Blinks. He doesn't want to know.* Whirl 9:39 pm If I ever got a mouth again, I wouldn't mind a spring-loaded weapon in it. B 9:39 pm Ha ItsyBitsySpyers 9:40 pm [[Such a delightful defense mechanism.]] Whirl 9:40 pm Ha! Res 9:40 pm Kahaha! Whirl 9:40 pm Look at him GO! *click click click* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:40 pm *STOP CLICKING FOR PRIMUS' SAKE* boomtank 9:40 pm Acidic blood FakeProwl 9:40 pm *mumbles* It's very useful. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:40 pm *Soundwave fidgets slightly.* boomtank 9:40 pm Useful B 9:40 pm I caught a lot of bots off guard with it. Whirl 9:40 pm *CLAW CLICKS THIS TIME* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:40 pm [[..."Very useful?"]] FakeProwl 9:41 pm Bleeding acid. Res 9:41 pm Ka! Him jump into net. Dumb. Windchill 9:41 pm So many bones. best decepticon leader 9:41 pm what's with the net Res 9:41 pm KAHAHA! DEAD Lord Starscream 9:41 pm ... *rubs chin at alien* Whirl 9:41 pm Gruesome. *approvingly* boomtank 9:41 pm Two down ItsyBitsySpyers 9:41 pm [[How do you know this?]] Res 9:42 pm Old guy sucks at running FakeProwl 9:42 pm Combat experience. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:42 pm \\THIS STUFF MAKES ME WANNA GET INTO A FIGHT, PRIMUS.\\ Windchill 9:42 pm I have an idea. B 9:42 pm Yeah. Windchill 9:42 pm Fight me. Res 9:42 pm Me Swoop fight you :> Windchill 9:42 pm HEY. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:42 pm [[...You. Bleed acid?]] *He knew most Prowls could fire it in pellets, but...* best decepticon leader 9:43 pm See it's hunting, it doesn't want the weak one Res 9:43 pm KAHAHA! Nice. Flame thrower. Oh, him not do anything with flamethrower.... Whirl 9:43 pm Those helmet guys are awesome. Res 9:43 pm Predator Windchill 9:43 pm *Winces.* I almost died watching that. Whirl 9:44 pm Predator? ...well. It's to-the-point. ((HE HAS THE GLAIVE)) FakeProwl 9:44 pm Spray, mainly. But depends on where I'm cut. Lord Starscream 9:44 pm ..wait. Res 9:44 pm Badass :V Whirl 9:44 pm *laughs* best decepticon leader 9:44 pm Predator implies eating, it doesn't appear to be eating them B 9:44 pm This Predator is awesome. Whirl 9:44 pm i LIKE THAT ONE. Lord Starscream 9:44 pm *swivels head around to stare at Prowl* You have acid blood?!? Whirl 9:45 pm ((oops all caps)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:45 pm *Is Tarantulas touching Soundwave right now? Actually, he doesn't need to be. The air around him just got several degreeshotter. And his lights might be just. Blaring. Now.* Windchill 9:45 pm (( Whirl calm down please. )) Whirl 9:45 pm ((he scream)) Res 9:45 pm ((no whirl calm UP)) boomtank 9:45 pm -Why all the sudden screaming?- FakeProwl 9:45 pm *... was he talking that loud? thought he was just talking in soundwave range.* Whirl 9:45 pm ((he didn't actually scream)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:45 pm [[He sees.]] Entirely too level a mental voice. Tarantulas 9:46 pm @Soundwave [Are you QUITE alright?] Lord Starscream 9:46 pm *he heard bits and pieces* *hence the question* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:46 pm *...And out of nowhere, on SUCH A PRIVATE LINE, an affection ping. Don't question it. Just. Just accept it.* boomtank 9:46 pm ignore that then)) B 9:46 pm *didn't hear anything but would think it was cool if she had* FakeProwl 9:46 pm ... As I said. Depends on where I'm cut. Whirl 9:46 pm Well, damn, looks like he's going to get one of those. Chest guys. FakeProwl 9:46 pm ((booooo let the humans build their own damn pyramids)) Windchill 9:47 pm Damn, and he didn't even show off kiddy pictures. Look at them go! Res 9:47 pm Dead ItsyBitsySpyers 9:47 pm @Tarantulas: [[He's fine. He dislikes snow. It is comforting to be warmer.]] Res 9:47 pm OH very dead Whirl 9:47 pm Pretty neat. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:47 pm *Lying like hell.* FakeProwl 9:47 pm *confused blink at soundwave* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:48 pm *Rumble bumps Whirl.* //Chestbursters, mech.// Windchill 9:48 pm Oh wow, that';s some goo. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:48 pm //Descriptive, ain't it?// Tarantulas 9:48 pm *yep, soundwave gets a little disbelieving nudge* Whirl 9:48 pm Pfft. As to-the-point as "predator," yep. Between the two.. *taps his helm with a claw* I think I like the Preds more. Res 9:48 pm Slimey keh YAH them awesome *bounces* Windchill 9:49 pm Oops. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:49 pm *Soundwave refuses to dignify that nudge with a response.* Windchill 9:49 pm I like the slimy ones. Whirl 9:49 pm But the babies are kinda cute. The little jumping guys. Windchill 9:49 pm They remind me of me. And my slime monsters. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:49 pm [[He admires the sleek ones more, himself. But the predators are excellent hunters.]] *Looks back at Prowl. Yes?* Whirl 9:49 pm They're pretty all right. I like their tails. And acid blood IS neat. Windchill 9:50 pm I like the drool. Res 9:50 pm Predator armor cooler. It got skulls. Whirl 9:50 pm I... don't. Not so much. FakeProwl 9:50 pm *... well, if soundwave isn't going to explain.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:50 pm *Well, Prowl didn't ask.* B 9:50 pm I like their blades. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:50 pm //They both got blades.// Whirl 9:50 pm But, only one of 'em can THROW their blade. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:51 pm [[Only one of them is physically inferior and in need of doing so.]] B 9:51 pm The ones on the Predator is cooler. Whirl 9:51 pm Pfft. Defensive, much? FakeProwl 9:51 pm *looks back dully at the movie* best decepticon leader 9:51 pm ((I wish that was louder, I could have translated ItsyBitsySpyers 9:52 pm ((he basically said "i can't wait to get out of the pyramid with you because i'm shitting myself" Res 9:52 pm That why team need flyer. Team fall. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:52 pm \\YEAH, THEM ARM KNIVES IS PRETTY WICKED.\\ //Humans can't fly, mech.// Whirl 9:52 pm *nods* No expedition's compete without at least one flier. B 9:52 pm Bet I could make 'em. Res 9:53 pm *nods with Whirl, he gets it* boomtank 9:53 pm ..... ItsyBitsySpyers 9:53 pm *Abruptly wonders what Prowl would look like in mostly black paint. Just as abruptly shoves the thought as far back into his mind as he can.* boomtank 9:53 pm and humans are down to one Whirl 9:53 pm I mean... I think the arm blades LOOK cool, but I don't personally need any. *clicks his claws demonstratively8 Mine're built in. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:53 pm *Distraction. Distraction. He pings Tarantulas.* Windchill 9:53 pm Can you throw your claws though? Tarantulas 9:54 pm @Soundwave [Hmm?] Res 9:54 pm Take arm off. You can do anything. Keheheh. Whirl 9:54 pm Nah, but distance weapons are what my guns are for. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:54 pm @Tarantulas: [[Why -did- you choose the spider?]] Windchill 9:54 pm Fair enough. Whirl 9:54 pm HA! ItsyBitsySpyers 9:54 pm //Hey, she killed one of 'em!// Tarantulas 9:54 pm @Soundwave [Is - hyeh - is now really the time for that?] Whirl 9:54 pm Hot damn! Windchill 9:55 pm She's lucky if that blood doesn't get on her. Res 9:55 pm Dunno. It pretty cool scars. Windchill 9:55 pm Look at that drool, it's beautiful. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:55 pm @Tarantulas: [[They were discussing appealing organic traits. It seemed fitting.]] Whirl 9:55 pm Ugh. *shudders* Res 9:55 pm Why you drooly bot? That weird. Whirl 9:55 pm No, I can't do all that drooling. Windchill 9:55 pm It reminds me of my boyfriend. Res 9:55 pm ?? Him gross? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:55 pm //Hot damn, what a gun!// Whirl 9:55 pm Hell yeah! Windchill 9:56 pm He's very gross. I love it. Res 9:56 pm Oh that REALLY GOOD shoulder cannon Tarantulas 9:56 pm @Soundwave [File available for film? That infrared shot of the xenomorphs was - intriguing, needs inspection] ItsyBitsySpyers 9:57 pm @Tarantulas: [Available.] Whirl 9:57 pm *tilts head* Res 9:57 pm KAHAWESOME ItsyBitsySpyers 9:58 pm //...Oooooo, he likes her.// Whirl 9:58 pm Is he making--is he giving her weapons made out of its corpse? Windchill 9:58 pm I have to admit, that's kind of cool. B 9:58 pm Awesome weapons. best decepticon leader 9:58 pm cool Whirl 9:58 pm ...that's the most romantic thing I've seen all damn year, Res 9:58 pm Romantic? Whirl 9:58 pm Yep. best decepticon leader 9:58 pm ew Res 9:58 pm *head tilt* Windchill 9:58 pm FREE HER. boomtank 9:59 pm Oh, that's bad ItsyBitsySpyers 9:59 pm *Note to himself. Prowl can probably break out of handcuffs.* Whirl 9:59 pm They're going on a HUNT together, too! ItsyBitsySpyers 9:59 pm *Rumble puts his chin on his fists and grins at the movie.* Whirl 9:59 pm Soundwave, I didn't know you were showing is a love story. You rascal. Res 9:59 pm Love story??? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:59 pm *Soft huff laughter.* FakeProwl 10:00 pm *... interspecies communication is nice* Whirl 10:00 pm Yeah. This just became, like, a date. Windchill 10:00 pm Eh, the alien has a chest bug thing so I imagine it'll be short lived. Tragic. Res 10:00 pm *confused pterodactyl noises at Whirl* Whirl 10:00 pm Look, the moment the other person dismembers the corpse of a monster you've bested and presents you with weapons and armor made from the sundry body parts, it's a date. End of story. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:00 pm //Ain't nobody killed nothin' for me before. Or shared huntin'.// //She's real lucky.// Res 10:00 pm Oh Whirl 10:00 pm *nods* Same, on both counts. FakeProwl 10:01 pm *wouldn't call it "romantic" but the moment when the tall alien showed the human that he was giving her armor and weapons by demonstrating what it does got to him a little* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:01 pm @Tarantulas: [[What intrigues you about the scan?]] Windchill 10:01 pm *Scratches his chin.* Do dead animals count? Res 10:01 pm *mental note for Bird* Whirl 10:01 pm I mean, only if it's an impressive kill. FakeProwl 10:01 pm *about the only part of the movie so far that reached through his fog* Whirl 10:01 pm ((SAVE ME FROM THIS YAUTJA, his had tilt)) *HEAD FakeProwl 10:02 pm (("lil bitch")) Windchill 10:02 pm Hmm, nevermind then. Nothing on Earth is that impressive. Ratchet 10:02 pm [[ okay i gotta sleep, night friends ]] ItsyBitsySpyers 10:02 pm ((awwww night fabu)) FakeProwl 10:02 pm ((gnight)) Tarantulas 10:02 pm @Soundwave [Provided a better anatomical perspective, detailing] B 10:02 pm [[night ItsyBitsySpyers 10:02 pm *Look at her GO.* Windchill 10:02 pm (( Goodnight! )) Tarantulas 10:02 pm (( night fabu <3 Whirl 10:02 pm Pssh. I'm sure your junxy would be happy with whatever you brought him. ((gnight!!)) Get him a whale or something. Res 10:02 pm Junky? Windchill 10:02 pm Eh, nah, he's the one who brings home the dead things. Ooh, she said a baaaaad word. Whirl 10:02 pm *predator noise* Windchill 10:03 pm I guess she means it. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:03 pm @Whirl: [[Please. Desist.]] Res 10:03 pm Oh, bomb Whirl 10:03 pm *jerks and looks over at Soundwave* @Soundwave: Huh? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:03 pm @Tarantulas: [[What use is that to you?]] *Curiosity-intrigue-surprise* Whirl 10:04 pm ((just like the super mario bros movie...)) Windchill 10:04 pm (( Oh my god. )) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:04 pm @Whirl: [[It is unpleasant.]] Tarantulas 10:04 pm @Soundwave [I won't know until I look, will I?] *amusement* Whirl 10:04 pm @Soundwave: Oh, gotcha. Didn't know it gave you the heebie-jeebies. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:04 pm \\RUN FOR YOUR FRAGGIN' LIVES!\\ boomtank 10:05 pm -flinches at the explosion/collapse- Windchill 10:05 pm Gee, it sure would be helpful if they could fly. Whirl 10:05 pm *snickers* Windchill 10:05 pm At least it's not underground anymore. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:05 pm @Whirl: [[It doesn't. It is merely grating.]] On his ability to sit still, maybe. *Leans forward again.* Whirl 10:05 pm *shrugs; he'll stop* PFFT. Look at that face! Windchill 10:05 pm *Raises eyebrows.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:05 pm //HAHA!// Whirl 10:05 pm Pretty cool. Tarantulas 10:05 pm *hooo boy* Windchill 10:06 pm It's...awfully familiar. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:06 pm *The twins are gone. They're down.* Res 10:06 pm Oh yeah, predator have, uhh, things. On face. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:06 pm {{Oooo, her get hunt mark!}} Res 10:06 pm Bird :V Hi Bird Hi boomtank 10:06 pm !!!! ItsyBitsySpyers 10:06 pm {{Hi!}} Whirl 10:06 pm *gestures to screen* Romantic. Tarantulas 10:06 pm @Soundwave [Queen~?] *can't help himself* Windchill 10:07 pm Huge, huge is good. I approve of huge piles of drool. Whirl 10:07 pm *clicks his claws* *LOOK AT THEM FIGHTING THE BIG HORRIFYIGN QUEEN TOGETHER* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:07 pm @Tarantulas: [[Hmph.]] Windchill 10:08 pm *His queen is bigger and more horrifying.* Whirl 10:08 pm nICE! B 10:08 pm Yay! Res 10:08 pm KAHA good one!! Windchill 10:08 pm Right in the head. Whirl 10:08 pm ((dangit all caps)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:09 pm //Aw, no! C'mon, they was jus' gettin' to know each other!// Windchill 10:09 pm He's dead. Whirl 10:09 pm A tragedy. B 10:09 pm 😞 Res 10:09 pm Dead ItsyBitsySpyers 10:09 pm *Rumble throws energon slivers at the screen* Windchill 10:09 pm He was dead anyway. Whirl 10:09 pm Yeah, I'm pretty sure he's got a chestburster in there. FakeProwl 10:09 pm ... We don't know where his vitals are. Maybe it's non-fatal. Res 10:09 pm KAHA Him FLY ItsyBitsySpyers 10:09 pm //It killed the frag outta the other two.// Tarantulas 10:10 pm *flurry of distress @ soundwave's foot* *poor aliens* best decepticon leader 10:10 pm Maybe with decent medical attention it wouldn't be FakeProwl 10:10 pm All the stab wounds were slightly different angles. boomtank 10:10 pm ...so everyone dies ItsyBitsySpyers 10:10 pm *Half-smothered return of said distress mixed with somewhat comforting pulses.* best decepticon leader 10:10 pm We don't know where their medics are Windchill 10:10 pm Twitchy mouthparts, look at them. Whirl 10:10 pm He was the coolest fragger in the film. boomtank 10:10 pm Aside from the one human ItsyBitsySpyers 10:10 pm //Well, he's dead now--hold up.// Whirl 10:11 pm Damn. boomtank 10:11 pm ooooooor not ItsyBitsySpyers 10:11 pm //They been standin' aroun' the whole time?// Res 10:11 pm them late to fighting ItsyBitsySpyers 10:11 pm \\...OHHHHHH.\\ Whirl 10:12 pm Nice, Windchill 10:12 pm They're still assholes. boomtank 10:12 pm She's one of their warriors now, huh? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:12 pm *At least these organics are also designed well. Proper mouths, almost.* Whirl 10:12 pm Hey, he didn't pass the test. *shrugs* Tarantulas 10:12 pm *yis, good mouths* B 10:12 pm *almost* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:13 pm //She gonna drive to the boat, I guess?// Windchill 10:13 pm Now what, they just come back in a century and almost kill everyone on Earth for their dumb games again? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:13 pm //Aw frag, frag, frag, he's got the--// boomtank 10:13 pm So. All good, for another 100 years? Windchill 10:13 pm I don't appreciate that. boomtank 10:13 pm OR NOT Res 10:13 pm Them got things like You Bird *reaches a claw tip out to boom a mandible* best decepticon leader 10:13 pm Yeah, how does she get back? Or does she die there Whirl 10:13 pm HA. Well, luckily, Windchill, i ItsyBitsySpyers 10:13 pm *Bird pinches his finger. Rude!* Whirl 10:13 pm t's justa movie. Res 10:14 pm Keheheheh <3 FakeProwl 10:14 pm ... I guess he's not going to be getting proper medical attention, then. Whirl 10:14 pm Pfft, nope! FakeProwl 10:14 pm *well. now he's depressed.* Windchill 10:14 pm Yeah, but still. They're assholes. Whirl 10:14 pm That was decent. Very romantic near the end. best decepticon leader 10:14 pm They must have been intending to hunt the alien in him boomtank 10:14 pm Hopefully Windchill 10:14 pm Or maybe they were too stupid to scan him. boomtank 10:14 pm Because, if not? That's gonna be one rude surprise B 10:14 pm Hope they wanted to hunt it. FakeProwl 10:15 pm *he was starting to like the tall guy after he adopted the human.* Windchill 10:15 pm (( This is so much better than the sequel was, GOD. )) Whirl 10:15 pm ((i know man. i know)) ((i saw the sequel in theaters... i still have the pre-release movie poster about, somewhere)) Windchill 10:16 pm (( I refuse to acknowledge that film except when talking crap about it. )) boomtank 10:16 pm I love this movie)) B 10:16 pm At least the cool warrior lady lived, even if her friend died. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:16 pm ((i forgive the sequel on account of the predalien)) Whirl 10:16 pm Yeah, I liked her. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:16 pm *Rumble sighs and flops back on his seat, slouching* //Can't nobody get a happy endin' no more.// Windchill 10:16 pm (( If it hadn't been little better than a sci-fi channel original with TEENAGERS -I don't like teenagers, okay- it wouldn't have been half so bad. )) I still like the drooly ones. Because of the drool. I'm really superficial that way. Whirl 10:17 pm *nods in sympathy to Rumble* Yeah, I feel ya. Windchill 10:17 pm I liked the uh, other guy's mandibles though. Whirl 10:17 pm Still that? THAT is how you do a first date. Res 10:17 pm *looks at bird* Windchill 10:17 pm ...It's not how I do a first date. Whirl 10:17 pm Yeah, well, you know my feelings on excess drool. Ugh. B 10:17 pm Without the dying part though, right? Whirl 10:17 pm Preferably, but go big or go home, right? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:17 pm *Soundwave retreats into his own helm, intending to focus on calming his systems down.* Windchill 10:18 pm *Looks rather smug. He's a drool machine, take it or leave it.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:18 pm *Just a couple minutes.* ((obligatory mocking of own muse)) Tarantulas 10:18 pm (( omg sw best decepticon leader 10:18 pm ((I have to go, thanks for the stream 😄 Whirl 10:18 pm ((PFFT)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:18 pm ((bye!)) Whirl 10:18 pm ((seeya dude!)) B 10:18 pm [[bye Windchill 10:18 pm (( Bye! )) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:19 pm //Next time, I'm gettin' me a date like that.// *Look! Progress! He's actually had a thought about future dates. Finally.* Whirl 10:20 pm *nudges* Hell yeah. I'm rooting for you, mech. Tarantulas 10:20 pm @Prowl «...It seems likely Starscream is staying longer than I feel comfortable doing, so - I... I'll see you soon?» Windchill 10:20 pm *Stretches, but not enough to dislodge Whirl's feet.* B 10:20 pm Yeah. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:20 pm //Yeah?// *Bop.* //You too. Don't be takin' nothin' less, I say.// FakeProwl 10:21 pm @Tarantulas «Mm.» Whirl 10:21 pm *snorts* I appreciate your wishful thinking, mech. Lord Starscream 10:21 pm *sort of. zoned out there for a while. Had an interesting spirit journey into a shed* boomtank 10:21 pm ....that was interesting Whirl 10:21 pm Soundwave--after this, would you be willing to take a request? Windchill 10:21 pm I was wondering when we'd get to see a decent movie. Whirl 10:21 pm Now that you're playing something recognizable as music again? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:22 pm *Well, he's got his lights back under control. The temperature will just have to stay, it seems.* [[Hmm? Yes. Of course.]] Whirl 10:22 pm Make Me Lose Control, Eric Carmen *salutes with a claw by way of thank-you* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:23 pm [[And it pleases him to provide decent movies.]] Tarantulas 10:23 pm @Prowl «Is that a - *sigh* ...oh Prowl. Nevermind. I'll comm you.» FakeProwl 10:23 pm @Tarantulas «What?» Tarantulas 10:23 pm @Soundwave «Don't forget to send me the file, now, hyeh.» Whirl 10:24 pm *does not burst into song, but he will squint his optic and contentedly tap the table with his claw* FakeProwl 10:24 pm *prowl's pede is up on the couch, he's got his knees pulled up to his chest. not to say tarantulas CAN'T nudge his pede but it'll take a little climbing.* Lord Starscream 10:24 pm *looks faintly pained again* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:24 pm @Tarantulas: (txt): Not forgetting. Egg. Tarantulas 10:24 pm (( edited. also SW STOp ItsyBitsySpyers 10:25 pm *FAIR'S FAIR* //Kinda gushy for ya, ain't it? It ain't no Kokomo.// Whirl 10:26 pm Hey, I'm in a mood. Who wouldn't be, after that? Tarantulas 10:26 pm *tara pings sw a number that just happens to be sw's peak temp for the evening. take that* Whirl 10:26 pm It's got a good beat. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:26 pm //Yeah, all right.// *RUDE* Lord Starscream 10:26 pm It's awful. boomtank 10:26 pm .... Lord Starscream 10:26 pm It can't decide if it wants to be a ballad or power so it's neither. Tarantulas 10:26 pm @Prowl «I'm - simply worried. About you.» ItsyBitsySpyers 10:26 pm [[What do you suggest, Lord Starscream?]] Lord Starscream 10:27 pm Or /barber shop/. Whirl 10:27 pm That's what makes it fun. It's all over the place. And, it's got a good beat. Lord Starscream 10:27 pm Isn't the theme of the evening Queen? Or, rather, Queens? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:27 pm *TARANTULAS DID YOU TELL STARSCREAM* Windchill 10:27 pm *Leans over, snorts on Whirl with his frightening nostrils once the song is over.* Whirl 10:27 pm Are you sure you wanna do this, Starscream. because odds are good, I'll sing it. FakeProwl 10:28 pm @Tarantulas «There's nothing to worry about.» Whirl 10:28 pm If it's Queen, and I know the words. Are you ready to deal with these consequences. Lord Starscream 10:28 pm *smirks* Sing and I'll join you in a duet. Windchill 10:28 pm *Squints.* boomtank 10:28 pm Please don't FakeProwl 10:28 pm *pre-emptively covers audials* Lord Starscream 10:28 pm Are YOU prepared to deal with the consequences? Whirl 10:28 pm *squints at* Windchill 10:28 pm That's MY job. B 10:28 pm *much more interested in squishy love ballads if there's going to be terrible singing involved* Whirl 10:29 pm ((HOW DARE YOU MAKE WHIRL SING THIS WITH STARSCREAM)) *deep breath* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:29 pm ((HAHAHA)) Whirl 10:29 pm Okay. If you guys know the choral parts. Join in. B 10:29 pm Um. *nope* Tarantulas 10:29 pm @Prowl «Are you labeling my concerns irrational, then?» Whirl 10:29 pm *he's gonna launch right in; and Whirl's no Freddie Mercury, but he's got a shockingly pleasant voice* *YOUR MOVE, MISTER PRESIDENT* FakeProwl 10:30 pm *suddenly looks 3x more tired* Windchill 10:30 pm *Shakes his head.* Lord Starscream 10:30 pm *This is amusing, and what Starscream lacks in any ability to sound like anything actually plesant, he's definitely got the range needed* *no one will enjoy this duet* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:30 pm *Rumble will join in. Why not.* *Soundwave just shakes his helm.* Whirl 10:31 pm *he's gonna pick his feet up off Windchill and plant them on the floor cos he's got to get into it now* Windchill 10:31 pm *Good luck, bro.* FakeProwl 10:31 pm *lacks the mental fortitude to deal with Tarantulas's—guilt tripping, manipulation, whatever it is he's doing this time.* boomtank 10:31 pm -tempted to join- Whirl 10:31 pm *SOME OTHER BRAVE SOUL JOIN US* FakeProwl 10:31 pm *disappears* Whirl 10:31 pm C'mon, mecha, I KNOW you know the words! Windchill 10:31 pm *He's not interested in singing with Starscream.* Tarantulas 10:31 pm *...damnit* @Soundwave «What. Is. Wrong. With. Prowl.» Lord Starscream 10:32 pm *think of it as screaming with Starscream* Whirl 10:32 pm *he's tapping his claw to the beat of the clapping* Lord Starscream 10:32 pm *or at* Windchill 10:32 pm *He also doesn't like much Queen, so.* Whirl 10:32 pm *TIME FOR THE BIG FINISH* boomtank 10:33 pm -pffff- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:33 pm @Tarantulas: (txt): Unknown. Worrisome. Soundwave cannot pry more where not wanted, will not pry when Starscream here. Waiting. *Rumble is on his knees being dramatic and everything* Whirl 10:33 pm *this side of the room goes hard in the paint* Lord Starscream 10:33 pm *just listen to those high notes. feel the blood run from your ears* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:34 pm *And Prowl has gone?* Whirl 10:34 pm *dissolves into laughter* B 10:34 pm *claps* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:34 pm *Cautious ping to him.* boomtank 10:34 pm ....... Whirl 10:34 pm Thank you, thank you. You killed it, Rumble. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:34 pm //Heh.// Windchill 10:34 pm He really did. boomtank 10:34 pm ow Whirl 10:34 pm And Starscream killed the rest of us. *perks up* Another good one by Carmen. Lord Starscream 10:35 pm *snickers. it was almost fun, actually* FakeProwl 10:35 pm *it takes a while before the ping is answered. with another ping.* B 10:35 pm *this song doesn't sound as funny as the title suggests* *disappointed* Windchill 10:35 pm *This is a little more his speed.* Windchill 10:37 pm (( One day, I promise u, Chill and Whirl will have a proper duet. You will regret. )) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:37 pm *Not. Entirely sure what that means. Gonna test a question.* @Prowl: (txt): ...Prowl finished tonight? Whirl 10:37 pm ((when it's time for the elmo song0) Windchill 10:37 pm (( Or Bangkok, don't forget that one. )) FakeProwl 10:37 pm @Soundwave «Yes.» Whirl 10:37 pm ((true)) Windchill 10:37 pm (( But yes, The Elmo Song. )) Tarantulas 10:37 pm *tarantulas is by soundwave's pede poking him with irritable worried thoughts about prowl now. can't access prowl, must divert frustration elsewhere* Windchill 10:38 pm (( It is their destiny. )) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:39 pm @Prowl: (txt): Future circumstance adjustment required? Cannot - want - apologies; assistance urge. Worried, both. Windchill 10:39 pm (( Ew I can hear...an anime...wafting up from downstairs. )) FakeProwl 10:39 pm @Soundwave «... "Future circumstance adjustment"?» ItsyBitsySpyers 10:40 pm *Soundwave casually lets one hand drape down off the couch with a finger touching the floor. Settle in his hand, Tarantulas. It's more comforting than the floor.* boomtank 10:41 pm -now what is going on?- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:42 pm @Prowl: (txt): Cannot identify departure reason. Understanding within permitted boundaries sought - if problem: here. Tarantulas 10:42 pm *sure thing, tara's taking that hand opportunity. he's even tinier now though since prowl's gone, roughly digit-tip size. pokepokepoke, more thoughts. heard anything from prowl?* FakeProwl 10:42 pm @Soundwave «Tarantulas was being Tarantulas. Didn't want to deal with it.» B 10:43 pm *pulls out something to work on* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:43 pm @Prowl: (txt): ...Understood. Prowl wants silence...? Whirl 10:44 pm Anyway, I'm out. See you guys. *bobs his head to Windchill and the twins* And you. Mercenary. Didn't catch your name. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:44 pm *Soundwave sends a [[Please hold]] and another pulse.* Windchill 10:44 pm Bye, you saggy boob. B 10:44 pm Bye, Whirl ItsyBitsySpyers 10:44 pm //Aww. Okay, but next time you're singin' more.// Windchill 10:44 pm *He is free.* Whirl 10:44 pm Excuse you. My boob is eminently perky. boomtank 10:44 pm -waves to Whirl- Windchill 10:44 pm *Waggles his eyebrows.* I'll show you perky. Whirl 10:44 pm *looks to Rumble, amused* I will, as long as the good music keeps flowing in. Windchill 10:44 pm But we're in public/ FakeProwl 10:44 pm *vague shrug tag* Whirl 10:44 pm Oh, go home to your junxy and your kid, you rascal. *waves a claw at* Windchill 10:45 pm I will, it's probably about feeding time anyway. Lord Starscream 10:45 pm *this might be Starscream's cue to leave too* Whirl 10:45 pm *and he will bob his head at Blaster, too* Windchill 10:46 pm *Sits there, trying to calculate the least effective means of getting out of his seat.* *Short of not actually leaving, that is.* B 10:46 pm Bevel Whirl 10:46 pm Gotcha. As you might've guess, I'm Whirl. Lord Starscream 10:46 pm Right, that was an adventure. B 10:47 pm It was hard to miss. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:47 pm @Tarantulas: [[He is receiving mostly vague shrugs. Give him time. If you wish to rest here awhile, you may. Remain in his presence.]] Whirl 10:47 pm I tend to make an impression. Windchill 10:47 pm Like my butt made an impression in your berth? *Please stop him.* Whirl 10:47 pm Lord. You still haven't fixed that. Windchill 10:47 pm *He's acting out.* Whirl 10:47 pm You're in A MOOD tonight. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:48 pm @Prowl: (txt): If shrug: vague, not no, yes. Question: Topic forbidden outright if prying attempted? Windchill 10:48 pm It's not as funny to reference if I fix it. Lord Starscream 10:48 pm I think I'll take my leave. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:48 pm [[Very well. Goodnight, Lord Starscream.]] Lord Starscream 10:48 pm I'll contact those of you in my employ later for a status update on your various tasks. Goodnight. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:48 pm *He technically sent his earlier.* Lord Starscream 10:48 pm *a casual wave and he's sashaying outta here* Windchill 10:48 pm *He decides to slide, slowly, to the floor. Yes, good.* Heh, glad I'm not working for that guy. boomtank 10:49 pm Yeesh FakeProwl 10:49 pm @Soundwave «... I really don't know or care if I want silence.» *that's the topic we're talking about, right?* Whirl 10:49 pm ...*pauses* Yeah, me too. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:49 pm *One of them.* Whirl 10:49 pm But that begs the question of who the hell he was talking to. B 10:49 pm *finally gets a couple pieces to work right and set the whole thing skittering slowly across the table with a small nudge* boomtank 10:49 pm Glad I don't have to deal with him ItsyBitsySpyers 10:49 pm *Primus damn it, Starscream.* Windchill 10:50 pm *Pretends to melt into a pile of sludge.* Whirl 10:50 pm *swivels his head about and eventually pauses on the mech who called him "Lord"* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:50 pm *Meets Whirl's stare with a (falsely) curious glance before resuming his usual music-listening pose* Windchill 10:51 pm *Sits up on his elbows.* Whirl 10:51 pm *his antenna flicks, and he looks down at the twins, instead* Tarantulas 10:51 pm @Soundwave [Acceptable] *settles in, little tapping, restless thoughts. what if he spun a web between sw's fingers* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:51 pm *Rumble looks up. Hmm?* *Soundwave would be faintly grossed out but probably also impressed.* B 10:52 pm *good thing the one she calls Lord didn't show up or Whirl'd have an aneurysm* Windchill 10:52 pm *Crosses his ankles, casually. He's going to wait this one out, just to see.* Whirl 10:53 pm *one Starscream is more or less like the other... or so he thinks, anyway* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:53 pm @Prowl: (txt): If silence desire not known, then test proposed. Soundwave 'speaks', Prowl listens, answers until decision made. Whirl 10:53 pm *he looks away again, not saying anything, but the cogs are quietly turning* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:54 pm *Soundwave did choose to teach Whirl bridges for good reasons. Being sharper than he appears was one of them.* Whirl 10:55 pm All right, later, losers! *waves a claw and trots off for real* Windchill 10:55 pm Bye, loser! B 10:55 pm *catches automata before it walks off the table and sets it back down in the middle of the table* FakeProwl 10:55 pm *............ vague shrug ping* *he's too tired for this complicated nonsense but also too tired to have the presence of mind to articulate this* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:56 pm //Seeya!// Whirl 10:56 pm *bobs his helm one last time* Windchill 10:56 pm *Grunts and rolls onto his front before pushing off and climbing to his feeties.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:56 pm \\BIG BIT. DO THAT ON THE FRAGGIN' BAR, HUH? IT'S GONNA BREAK.\\ *Primus grant him patience.* boomtank 10:57 pm -stretches and stands- Ugh, ow, too long in one position ItsyBitsySpyers 10:57 pm //Gettin' old, huh?// boomtank 10:57 pm Getting stressed ItsyBitsySpyers 10:58 pm @Prowl: (txt): Prowl state changed between meetings. Prowl hurt, damaged? B 10:58 pm Will not. *gets up anyway and heads to the bar, longer surface might be better to see that it keeps working* FakeProwl 10:58 pm @Soundwave «No.» Windchill 10:58 pm Well, at least, despite everything, nobody puked this time. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:59 pm [[Fortunately.]] B 10:59 pm That was gross. Windchill 11:00 pm Not to worry. *He places a meaty hand on his chest.* Should you ever decide you're in need of more puke, I can oblige. B 11:00 pm Ew. Windchill 11:01 pm I have talents. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:01 pm @Prowl: (txt): Internal, external source? Other mech caused state? B 11:01 pm Better talents than vomit. Unless it is acid vomit. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:01 pm *NOT NOW, BEVEL.* Windchill 11:02 pm Hey, I can vomit, scream, AND hit on Whirl. That's at least a few talents. *None of them are good, but he has them.* FakeProwl 11:02 pm *long pause* *what is this interrogation prowl is tired* Tarantulas 11:02 pm *impatient little taptaptaps on sw's hand* Lord Starscream 11:02 pm ((I really thought this was gonna be Hallehjuah)) B 11:03 pm Sonic screaming? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:03 pm @Tarantulas: [[Trying. Trying.]] FakeProwl 11:03 pm @Soundwave «I'm tired.» Windchill 11:03 pm ...Depends on the atmosphere. FakeProwl 11:03 pm *no. that's not good enough. soundwave can ask why prowl is tired.* @Soundwave «I want to not talk about it.» ItsyBitsySpyers 11:04 pm *Vents. Damn it.* boomtank 11:04 pm -and on that, he's leaving- G'night ItsyBitsySpyers 11:04 pm //Night, mech.// Windchill 11:05 pm *Waves at the back of Blaster's retreating head.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:06 pm @Prowl: (txt): Other talk wanted? Complete distraction? Silent company? ...Anything? boomtank 11:07 pm thanks for the stream, bye now!)) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:07 pm ((you're welcome!! see you next time 😄 )) Tarantulas 11:07 pm (( bye!! B 11:07 pm [[bye Windchill 11:08 pm (( Bye! )) FakeProwl 11:08 pm *long pause* B 11:09 pm *automaton makes it 3/4 of the way down the bar before grinding to a halt. picks it back up and sits on the floor to see what went wrong* I got hit by a sonic bullet once. Hurt really bad. FakeProwl 11:09 pm @Soundwave «... Nothing.» Windchill 11:10 pm Yeah, bullets hurt when they hit you. *He says this as gently, yet condescendingly as possible.* Tarantulas 11:10 pm *...alright, tarantulas is too invested in this situation to leave and he wants company, he's going to stick around a while if soundwave lets him...?* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:10 pm *Soundwave said he would.* *The hand not holding Tarantulas visibly flexes and twitches with frustration. But.* Tarantulas 11:11 pm *good. he's gonna cling* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:12 pm @Prowl: (txt): Understood. If something needed, Soundwave listens. Until then, space given. Will see when Prowl wants seen. Goodnight. Take self-care. FakeProwl 11:12 pm *ping* B 11:13 pm *stares at Windchill for a moment before shrugging and looking back at what she's doing* Yeah. Windchill 11:14 pm *Manages to look even more smug than usual.* I'm off, got a wiggle worm to feed. Windchill 11:16 pm Good night, suckers. *aaaaaand he's out!* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:17 pm [[Farewell.]] @Tarantulas: [[Prowl has not been hurt or damaged, but he is tired. The reason is still unclear. He does not wish to be assisted or bothered.]] Pause. Should he tell Tarantulas about the other thing? ... No. That's Prowl's to talk about. [[Prowl knows we are worried, and to speak when he is ready. We can do nothing else for now.]] *He buzzes Rumble and Frenzy. They immediately hop up to head over to Bevel and keep her company a while.* B 11:18 pm *company appreciated* Tarantulas 11:19 pm @Soundwave [He IS hurt somehow, not physically. If he would just TALK about it...] *weh weh much unhappy feelings* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:20 pm @Tarantulas: [[He meant physically.]] *Believe him, he gets it. The helpless frustration is strong with this one.* Tarantulas 11:20 pm @Soundwave [What if he NEEDS to be pushed. Sometimes when in a slump - need stimulus to revitalize -] ItsyBitsySpyers 11:22 pm *Fretting, uncertainty, and an interesting touch of revulsion at the idea of overriding Prowl stating 'nothing'.* Tarantulas 11:23 pm *random thought, does he have to stay tiny, should he stay tiny, hmm what does sw think* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:23 pm [[He cannot disregard what he was told.]] Be big if he wants. Starscream is gone. [[He must not.]] Tarantulas 11:24 pm [Why not?] *gradually he'll crawl off soundwave's hand onto his lap and become medium-sized spide pillow* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:27 pm *Image of petting. An offer, while the mun looks fo rsomething.* Tarantulas 11:28 pm *yis, eager assent. petting is good* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:30 pm [][][]I would appreciate if you didn’t make unilateral decisions about what activities and conversations I am and am not comfortable with on the basis of your own assumptions about the meaning of ambiguous statements. I would appreciate if you’d let me decide for myself.[][][] [[Prowl decided. He will not disrespect that. To do so would be assuming that he controls Prowl.]] A HARSH shake of his helm. [[He does not. He will not act as though he does.]] B 11:30 pm *mun is going to leave but Bevel will hang out with the twins by the bar for a little while yet* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:30 pm *They'll ask her plenty of questions about her automaton, and later, offer to play a game upstairs on the screens with her.* B 11:31 pm *yay questions and game* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:32 pm *That was a painful quote to share, but he doesn't have anything better to expressly illustrate his reasoning.* *He distracts himself with the petting. The fur is still - it's so overwhelming, but that's probably more helpful than frustrating right now.* Tarantulas 11:32 pm *difficult-to-read thoughts are percolating for a minute before tarantulas answers* Tarantulas 11:38 pm [It's - not a matter of control, so much as doing what's /best/. That lies outside of anyone's control. Prowl can decide what he wants, but he might not even know the POSSIBILITIES - that is, he may hurt himself by isolating himself - and what is our - my - responsibility to Prowl other than to make sure he doesn't do such a thing? Clarity is impossible, but doing nothing while waiting for the smoke to clear - no. Not acceptable. That is to say, also, I don't know exactly what to do or suggest, but nothing - nothing is not - not enough.] ItsyBitsySpyers 11:40 pm *His hand goes still.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:45 pm [[You do not know what is best. You -cannot- know, because we do not know what is -wrong.- If he hurts himself by isolating himself, then we offer to help repair him. And it is -our-]] he heard that "my" [[responsibility to assume that the mech who helped direct the -entire Autobot army- can direct himself for some time without our interference.]] [[He said nothing. Nothing -will- be enough.]] ItsyBitsySpyers 11:47 pm [][][]You might know a lot - but not even you know everything.[][][] Yesterday Tarantulas 11:52 pm [Just because someone skillfully directs others doesn't necessarily mean they can direct themselves as neatly! That - that is to say - he is highly competent, but not infallible, and - if there is something we can do, we should take that opportunity - of course, something that doesn't go against his wishes , but -] *a quote? ...it goes in one audial and out the other* [I DON'T know everything, I'm painfully aware of that fact, and I want to know! I /need/ to know. For - for Prowl.] ItsyBitsySpyers 12:01 am *The old urge to crush the spider under his hand briefly resurges in a locked-off part of his mind. He pushes it aside. It might solve his current irritation with Tarantulas' refusal to listen, but it'd destroy a valuable resource, one of the only ones who doesn't judge him for his own interest in Prowl, and he really, really doubts Prowl would be happy that he did it when he found out.* [[No. During the war, we encountered countless "opportunities". Not all of them are meant to be taken. A truly intelligent mech knows the difference... or else is willing to learn. And when the wish is 'nothing', -all- things go against it.]] ItsyBitsySpyers 12:02 am [[And you do not need to know for Prowl. You need to know for yourself. As he does.]] Feel that roiling urge to pester and pester and pester until he finds out - and the tight leash on which it is kept. [[We cannot have everything we want, Tarantulas. It is unwise to seek that.]] Tarantulas 12:03 am *oh, the 'willing to learn' part bit stung a little for reasons he's not disclosing* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:04 am *Good. Half of these are barbs simultaneously directed at himself. They can sting together.* Tarantulas 12:08 am [Nothing, one person's nothing - where do the lines end? What ARE we allowed to do? Must we sit here and bicker, bide, waste? Because -] *ugh, no. nnnno. he does not like that last bit. he's literally just going to suppress a swell of thoughts and emotions and keep going down his other path* [What if - the Constructicons? They might know something, and we wouldn't have to bother Prowl?] ItsyBitsySpyers 12:15 am [[The nothing of the person you claim is your -entire world.- We are allowed to sit and be patient, and perhaps learn to speak to one another instead.]] He shifts uneasily when Tarantulas brings up the Constructicons. That's... that's a good point, and while he suspects they don't exactly like him, he's pretty sure they don't hate him either. They like Rumble well enough, anyway. [[...No. They are part of each other. It is a backdoor. A cheat.]] Tarantulas 12:15 am *a thought flickers through in a millisecond - he could step off soundwave's lap and selectively touch him in order to parse his thoughts secretly, but that would mean he would be being shady* *thankfully he doesn't worry about it with soundwave's response right now* Tarantulas 12:23 am [We - we could. Speak. It's just uncomfortable -] *that gush of feeling is easily read* [- to wait. Even if it's not 'doing nothing'. Prowl is - distressed; I'M distressed. YOU'RE distressed. What is there to speak about? A distraction?] ... [And I - suppose... Would it REALLY hurt to comm them, though...? I...] ItsyBitsySpyers 12:33 am [[Of course it is uncomfortable.]] The vague sense of wanting to find someone and punish them for this. Nobody should be making the ones he wants to protect feel this way. Maybe a hint of failure in there as well? [[It does not change what is true. And it would hurt. Prowl will know if you do, and he will be displeased. You know that. He has been before.]] [[A distraction would be most welcome, if you are amenable to one. He can think of several.]]
At this point I left the stream for the night. Apparently Soundwave and Tarantulas are still talking.
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