#I’ll just keep making up character tags fofudjwkw
skyloftian-nutcase · 6 months
Hyrule just knew this was going to be a tedious call. So he smirked at Mo. “Glad this is your call.”
Mo grumbled, his eyebrows pressed flat just above his eyes in complete exasperation. Hyrule bit his tongue to stop himself from laughing - he was pretty sure Mo would make him walk back to the station if he burst out into giggles at this point.
Sighing heavily, Mo stepped out of the truck first as Impa spoke to the patient. Hyrule followed suit, taking in the scene. The patient in question was a man in his early twenties, with hair slicked so heavily with gel that Hyrule could probably make it into any shape he wanted. His small ears had gauges that were definitely too large for them, with small glassy eyes hidden under heavy black brows. The man was pacing in front of Impa, his tank top too tight for his chest, the smell of alcohol wafting so heavily in the air Hyrule was getting drunk off the fumes.
“Hey,” Impa greeted dully. “Drunk in public, fell and hurt his wrist. I can take him in, but he might need that wrist checked out, he won’t shut up about it.”
Mo walked over to the patient, towering over him. “Hey, buddy. What happened?”
The man hiccuped, slapping the back of his hand against Mo’s chest. Hyrule yet again held back another laugh, but it was barely contained, coming out as a squeak followed by a snort. Mo stared at the man as he went on a tirade.
“Well, my girl and I were fighting, and I decided to take a walk to cool down, you know?” The man explained. “You know, to be a good person and all. ‘Cause chicks can get a little crazy, and I was gettin’ upset and that’s jus’ not nice.”
“What happened to your wrist?” Mo clarified, voice growing heavier. Hyrule bit the the inside of his cheek.
“Well, I decid’d t’ take a walk,” the man went on, “And I saw this rock and just—” the man growled and jumped, making Impa, Mo, and Hyrule all startle a hair, before he blew his hand across the air with a whistle. “Saw a rock and kicked it.”
“Your wrist,” Mo grated out. “What happened. To your wrist.”
“Right, right, sorry, man,” the patient slurred onward, patting Mo’s chest again. “I kicked the rock and watched it, didn’t see where was goin’ ‘n’ fell. Caught myself with my wrist. Hand. You know?”
“You wanna get checked out at the hospital?” Mo asked.
“I mean,” the man swayed, shrugging in what looked like an attempt to play it off and be cool. Hyrule leaned against the ambulance, catching Mo’s impatient energy as it was three in the morning, but he also wanted to see this play out. “I d’nno if tha’s—i’s probably fine. I’m fine, man, don’t worry.”
“Perfect, then you’re going with me to jail once they evaluate you,” Impa chimed in easily.
The man blinked a couple times, registering her words, and then shifted his weight between his feet. “Well. I mean. It does hurt a bit.”
Mo took a steadying breath. “Let’s get in the truck.”
As Hyrule watched his partner lead the dazed drunkard by, he exchanged a look with Impa. She wasn’t nearly as amused as he was. He shrugged somewhat apologetically. “Well, saves you an arrest.”
“Wastes your time, though,” she retorted, crossing her arms.
“Wastes Mo’s time,” Hyrule corrected. He finally got a smile out of her with that.
Mo got the patient settled on the bench seat and took some baseline vital signs, all of which were normal aside from a slightly elevated heart rate. He gave Hyrule a thumbs up, and the medic hopped in the driver’s seat up front. As he started to accelerate down the road, he tuned in to the conversation happening in the back.
“Dude, you’re like—jacked,” the patient commented. Hyrule nearly drove off the road from laughing so hard.
Mo sighed heavily. “How badly does your wrist hurt? Can you move your hand?”
“Oh yeah, for sure for sure,” the patient replied. Hyrule heard nothing for a moment and then the patient yelled. “Ok dude, maybe not maybe not!”
“All right, just rest your hand and take it easy,” Mo advised, leaning over to emphasize his point.
“Bro, I’m so glad you’re here ‘cause like this is serious,” the patient commented.
Hyrule was not going to survive this ride. He was going to be absolutely insufferable on the way back.
When they finally dropped off the patient to an even more exasperated looking Legend, the pair plopped in the truck and were silent for a moment.
“Dude,” Hyrule said seriously. “I am so glad you were there. He could’ve died.”
“Link, I swear to G—”
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