#I’ll let the dmc fans decide if he’s 5% Vergil
After a long while of cooking…the most probably sexy version of Fell is now a reality thanks to @nova2cosmos
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Also originally due to Fells hair kinda giving off vibes of Vergil from the DMC (Devil May Cry) series I was gonna a sing a small part of Bury the light,but then I realized just one thing…that’s really just a waste from my perspective
In the weird chance Tumblr’s algorithm picks this up in the future,if someone wants to make art of my stupid ol take of Underfell sans just tag myself and Nova since she’s the lass of the operation even if you’re doing art of the not human form
Also take peak music
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shianhygge-imagines · 5 years
Silver Rose [Vergil/Reader] {Devil May Cry} The New Contract
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AN: Leaving this here while I fly to Hong Kong. Haven’t been satisfied with the chapter that was supposed to come out before this... so I’m posting this one up first. Finally, we are getting into the events of DMC 5. And I’m tempted to label this as a V/Reader fic as well...
|Masterlist Link|    |First Chapter|    |Prev. Ch.| --- |Next Ch.|
The bed beneath you seemed to swallow you in its comforting embrace as you lay in the darkness of your bedroom in Devil May Cry. The electricity, gas, water, phone, and internet were out again. Try as you might to keep up with the payments, having picked up a job outside of hunting down demons, it proved futile when you were the only one bringing in money. Dante tried his best to provide for the both of you, but he more often than not refused the payments from his clients. Your brother-in-law had a heart of gold, but sometimes he was a bit much.
You’d just sent a payment to Morrison for the gas and water, so hopefully the two of you should be able to have a nice shower and home cooked meal for once. You only made a few thousand a month from your job as a secretary, so a majority of it went to certain necessary utilities, rent, and groceries. The rest went into your personal savings in the hopes that you would be able to spend on family in the future. And by family, you meant a possible grandchild from Nero and Kyrie. You’d long given up on having your own child when Vergil decided to stay in the Underworld.
You could hear the sound of the front doors opening downstairs, though you ignored the noise and turned onto your side to stare at the picture of your husband resting on your bedside table. It was a profile shot of him reading in a library that you had secretly taken. Though now that you thought about it, Vergil probably had noticed and wanted to humor you. A faint smile grew on your face as you thought back to the days before he had been so consumed with gaining power. Despite his betrayal, you missed him. You tried not to think about him most days, but thinking or not thinking, your heart hurt regardless. All you wanted was for Vergil to come back to you.
All you had left of your husband were memories so old that you struggled at times to remember them clearly, pictures, Totsuka, the Silver Rose, your wedding ring, and Nero, who was stuck in a coma in Fortuna because some asshole chopped off his arm to take the Yamato. You’d gotten off the phone with Kyrie a while ago, with no new regarding Nero’s condition. And that was why you were in bed, brooding. Your son was in the hospital and your boss hadn’t allowed you to take the week off to visit Nero in Fortuna.
“Should probably quit that job soon.” You muttered, thinking about how much of an asshole your boss was.
The lights flashed on as the power suddenly kicked in, and you gave out a high whine of protest, ducking your head under the covers. “IT BURNS!”
Evidently, you were loud enough for Dante and Morrison to hear you from downstairs, as your brother-in-law called up the stairs, “Y/N! Come down and say hi!”
The phone was ringing incessantly in the background, and it was driving you nuts. “I’LL COME DOWN AFTER YOU PICK UP THAT DAMNED PHONE!”
You could only grumble when the two men laughed at your expense. The phone stopped ringing a few moments later, and you kept your word, sliding out of bed to put on the pair of jeans you’d discarded on your desk chair, some boots, and a long cardigan to cover up your camisole. You didn’t want to go down half naked, you had some pride that you needed to keep. Happy with your appearance, you finally found it within your to head down the stairs, where Morrison no doubt had a job for you and Dante.
“Huh. I guess I was too slow.” You muttered, taking in the sight of the room below. “Did Morrison leave already?” The question was aimed at Dante, though your eyes traveled to observe the stranger in black standing in the foyer.
“Yeah, he went to find Lady and Trish. V here,” Dante gestured to the stranger with a nod of his head, “said that we’ll have to stop a powerful demon from resurrecting.”
The stranger, V, had yet to turn and look at you, so you quickly made your way down the stairs to stand by Dante, turning to get a good look at your new client. The first words that came to you head at seeing V were ‘frail’ and ‘mysterious,’ though something within you seemed drawn to him. That strange feeling kept telling you to hold him, to never let him go, and it cause your brows to furrow, troubled. “V, huh?”
V angled his head to look at you with green eyes as he gave a brief smirk, “You can call me that, yes. And you must be the fabled Y/N that I’ve heard about as well. A pleasure.”
Raising a brow, you turned to look at Dante in question. “People know about me? I thought the usually ladies were Lady and Trish.”
Dante shrugged from his position on the couch. “Eh, you might have gained a few fans while running some jobs here and there. I don’t keep track of the gossip.”
“O-okay then. So, V,” you redirected the attention back towards the dark haired male in front of you, “When do we leave for this job?”
“If it is not too inconvenient, as soon as possible. Urizen has yet to show himself, but I’d like to act before he grows too powerful.” V informed, his eyes shifting occasionally to avoid yours.
“Urizen?” You questioned, crossing your arms as you shivered from the memories that the name brought to you, “You mean like in the William Blake mythology?”
There was a smirk on V’s face that bordered on affectionate as he lifted a familiar looking book, “It is not the demon’s true name, but a name should be given when referring to him. Are you familiar with Blake’s work?”
A bittersweet smile came to your lips, and you suddenly felt sad. “I am. My husband loved Blake’s work, and actually owned a copy of that same volume in your hands.”
“Husband?” V questioned with a tilt of his head, leaning on his cane as he stepped forward to face you better. “He sounds well-read, and lucky to have a wife that pays attention to his passion. Does he work as a demon hunter as well?”
Dante tensed as you visibly winced from the inquiry. It seemed that Dante was about to rebuff V until you spoke up, a slight wobble to your voice. “No, he… disappeared more than fifteen years ago.”
V frowned at your distress, looking mournful at your pain. “An absent lover. I’m sorry. You must miss him.”
You took a deep breath and quickly excused yourself. “I do… I’m sorry, V. I have to go… take care of something. It was nice meeting you.”
“I hope we can speak again, Y/N.” V called out to you, pivoting in place with an apologetic sadness to his eyes. “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.”
“We’ll speak again, V.” You offered weakly, quickly scurrying up the stairs to your room as your sadness threatened to choke you.
You could hear Dante start to reprimand V, but you quickly closed your room door and sank to the floor, grabbing a picture of Vergil as you fell. From the photo, Vergil peered up at you with warm blue eyes in one of the few shots you managed to get of him smiling. A single tear rolled down your cheek as you slumped over the picture, smiling despite yourself.
“It’s been too long, Vergil. I miss you so much.”
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