#I’m def gonna do redraws later
tatitex1 · 11 months
So to continue off of this cause I’m rewatching Supernatural by introducing it to my mother haha
Taka is the son of a cop and a devote believer in god following his family’s fall from society. He turns to his studies and then an angel called for him to begin his service.
This angel is Raguel, the angel of Justice.
His mission is to retrieve Mondo’s soul from damnation and set him towards the path that will lead to the destined battle for the Earth. Of course, no one expected that the angel and the human would fall in love with said soul.
“So your vessel’s name is Taka and you’re Ragú somethin’?”
“I am not a pasta sauce. At least you make up for your intelligence with your butt and fancy hair.”
“I enjoyed watching the titular journey of the diseased creature and his strangely morbid young mistress.”
“Lilo & Stitch. The movie is Lilo & Stitch, feathers.”
“I am also not a bird.”
Mondo gets along with him for the most part, but the angel has a lot to learn about Earth culture. And Mondo needs to not be so clueless.
And of course, Hagakure, a fake psychic, became the vessel of the playful archangel Gabriel. Gabriel is much like canon and he appreciates making funny prophecies, tampering with reality and of course, messing with humans.
“So, is it safe to call you angel face?”
“Whatever you wanna call me, big boy.”
Heavy no homo vibes from Daiya and Hiro there
Makoto Naegi is a normal dude when he was seemingly struck by lighting and his dyslexia autocorrected like Percy Jackson. He is now a prophet of the lord being protected by a hunter from an infamous family, Kirigiri, and a human vessel named Togami that is currently hosting the demon prince, Mammon. The demon is under contract with the hunter until her goals are met.
“I can read this now… I think this tablet has some sort of fanfiction about brothers hunting monsters. Ooh and one of them is shipped with an angel. God invented Ao3 so-“
“Makoto, why would God need fanfiction? He plays us like the Sims.“
“Yeah and human x angel isn’t my thing. Now, if you want something spicy-“
It’s a lot of back and forth banter with the two of them while Makoto gets to work with the bros solving hell texts and junk.
Kazuichi lives in the middle of nowhere making special monster slaying, demon obliterating weapons and he loves to experiment any chance he gets. He was born into the trade of blacksmithing. His guardians are demonologists, Gundham and Sonia.
Gundham is a master of taming creatures that can detect the presence of demons and other creatures. Rumor has it is that he can really communicate with creatures.
Sonia is from a long line of hunters, going back to the medieval age when there was a secret line of hunters working for the royal family. It’s said that she’s a descendant between a hunter and a royal, which explains her extreme good looks.
“Do not utter such crude language around the dark queen, paramour. Your shrieks of joy are enough.”
“It was fun! We wanted to summon a demon to get some blood, but an angel showed up instead. So I wrestled and killed him!”
Sometimes Kazuichi wonders how unhinged Sonia really is compared to the odd Gundham.
Chihiro got affliated with the Oowada bros after being rescued from a spirit that was haunting the library computers. From there, they vowed to pay them back for their kindness (Mondo refused a thousand times before Daiya said that they could tag along) and now does a good chunk of their pilimary research of monsters to slay and where to find them.
“So between the house where people’s arms have been twisted off, the serial drowning and spontaneous combustion, which one would you rather go look at first?”
“Hmm… It’s a tight one between the dollhouse and the pool.”
“How about we just don’t for one goddamn week, for fuck’s sake, your finger got cut off-“
Mondo would like to have five seconds to relax sometimes.
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sootygoggles · 4 years
Parent!Paranoia Sanders Sides AU!
No explanation, but I'll probably give the backstory later. For now: memes of Paranoia being an A-class parent and a chaos gremlin. (okay it started as memes but then just ended up as fleshing the AU out)
Paranoia, worried abt his kids: I'm uhhhh gonna go to my room see ya later light sides
Paranoia, sneaking back into the subconscious to check on his now teenaged children: I'm gonna leave duke a r a t that I found and thought looked cool
Duke, waking up the next morning and yelling for 'Nesty bc "HOLY CRAP NESTY LOOK AT THIS RAT ISN'T SHE ADORABLE I WANNA HANG HER ON THE WALL": !!!!!!!!!!
Paranoia gets a habit of sitting on the fridge because his children were wild as kids and sometimes duke comin at you with a knife warrants jumping onto counters
Nesty, who doesnt get paid to deal with duke: I'm raiding dads liquor cabinet it's my due for putting up with this
Paranoia, physically manifesting: put the key to the liquor cabinet D O W N, Honesty
The lights are confused as to why he disappears at random times of the day and night and he just "leave me TF alone before I leave you a goshdarn diddly P R E S E N T while youre sleeping I'm tired"
patton: my child! my dark strange son!!
paranoia, who has children: ,,,,yea ok
Patton ticks him off so he leaves a big halloween decor spider on his bed and nobody sleeps for weeks after that bc pattons too scared to touch it and paranoia maybeperhaps glued it onto his cover
He's like one of those people you know might mean well but ooooooo boy theyre pushin buttons
Paranoia, whos fav animal/insect is spiders and whose children have tarantulas and snakes on the regular: hes not even realistic!! You need to learn to get along with mr sparkles patton!! look at him. he's fluffy!
He has googly eyes and glitter on him at all times of course hes named mr sparkles
paranoia gets to be a little petty. as a treat
Paranoia just carries bags of glitter around and whenever mr sparkles gets duller he takes mr sparkles to the kitchen counter and he dumps glitter on him
Logan and patton are tired of cleaning up bc paranoias just petty enough to make their counters eternally sparkly
"why is there glitter all over the kitchen?"
paranoia, holding mr sparkles: :)
Paranoia, after AA: I hate purple but they dont know that now do they
Paranoia is actually orange the last side is purple lol
Chaos Gremlin dark sides and nobody is surprised bc paranoia raised them
paranoia, going back to see his teen children after acting like a teen all day: what is up, fellow kids
honesty: i am going to lose it
Wrath, coming to yell at them to keep it down: why are you purple I'm purple
Paranoia, cackling bc finally I can get out of this horrible color: *snaps fingers * I'M PARANOIA MOTHERTRUCKERS HAVE FUUUNNNNN I'M GONNA BE MAKING YOUR LIVES LIVING HELL FROM THIS POINT FORWARDS
duke and nesty, pumped for halloween bc u l t i m a t e s p o o k: :D
paranoia, coming out in a traffic cone costume with a shit eating grin on his face: :D
Paranoia, decorating for halloween bc "oh I'm sorry it's just the *sniffles * homesickness and we a l w a y s decorated for halloween" knowing full well all of his decorations are spider and witch themed bc they all like the salem witch trials
He leaves ONE fake snake in romans cereal and the lights just. Lose it. Hes kicked back into the subconscious to be chaotic with his kids, no new side, just the hours upon hours of film hes gotten from the bugs hed placed around the unconscious and a plan for the next several movie nights
He gets back and honesty is w h e e z i n g bc he was watching through the cracks and they make a fail compilation of the light sides
It takes like two months for the lights to just go insane with him around not due to yknow paranoia but bc hes such a gremlin
Patton asks if he was raised by wolves and he shoves mr sparkles at patton saying "take the issue of how I was raised up with my father, a-hole!!"
He doesnt actually curse he just yells "A-HOLE" so loud his kids can hear
They dont find out he's a dad until hes summoned and hes making cookies or smt with the kids and hes in a bright orange stereotypical witch outfit,,, corset and all and an apron that says "worlds most chaotic dad" on the front
And hes talking to one of the kids like "duke you can only put dish soap in your batch nesty cant digest it like you can"
Patton has an apron that says worlds least chaotic 'dad' courtesy of paranoia he made it himself(read: he stole pattons good apron and scribbled over it in sharpie)
Paranoia is always close to cackling when around the lights bc theyre newbs to any chaos
Roman and remus are twins but roman is the kind of kid to promptly forget abt anyone and logan n patton knew remus less than a day before he "disappeared" aka ran to the subconscious to explore and theyve just kinda blocked him out
Logans fine with it and actually likes the decorations tho he has asked if they had to be so brightly coloured and if there had to be so much glitter
I say decorations but hes a secret gremlin at heart and is super close to snickering at all times bc of the pranks
Also yes paranoia mildly dads roman it's great but he dads in an older sibling type way
So pat and logan are all "hes fitting in as an older brother well" and they tell him abt their approval of his older brother chaos and hes just like "no this is how I am deal with it nothing to do with brothers" bc hes not telling them abt his kids he doesnt trust them
Hes up at like midnight complaining with logan abt how patton doesnt let him be full chaos gremlin and logan says "mmmhmm did your parents in the dark side let you go wild with the chaos" and paranoia just,,,,, looks at him, dead in the eyes, and says "I dont have parents"
Cue logan being confusion
Paranoia, who genuinely didn't have parents: my parents are mr sparkles and the cat we've had for my entire life
Logan, who doesnt know they had a cat and is now worried bc "are you taking care of it???": ???
Paranoia: it's great for keeping the Others in line tho I just say "do your chores or no snuggle time with ms peregrin" and they do their chores while I'm making dinner
logan, incredibly confused: i don't know what you mean but ok
Paranoia: yeah theyre dumb but it's the level of dumb youd expect from my idiots
Or he slips up and refers to them as his children/kids and logan, not realizing they have an Actual Father/Sons relationship/age difference(paranoias abt.late 20s early 30s, remus defies all logic and has been about 9-10 for a few years now, and dees like early teens) just says "huh how.interesting would it be to have to deal with people your age that immature" and paranoias just. "Y e a h t h e y r e t o t a l l y t h e s a m e a g e a s I a m"
Duke is very much baby and upon seeing duke eating glue paranoia and honesty the idiots decided to try it too
theyre so dumb dsdhdhdhjsdh
They AREEE and paranoia, after discovering that duke has the h a r d i e s t immune system they decide to test exactly what he can and cannot safely eat bc he may be dumb but hes also def a Dad and he just wants to take care of his kids and if that includes making sure that duke can safely consume toilet bleach then so be it
Duke can eat almost anything short of actual cyanide but cyanide just makes him sick like stomach bug sick
He somehow gets a fever,,,,, he has it for like half an hour and paranoia is amazed
Hes in bed,,,,, paranoia makes him soup,,,,,, hes all better and running around again
Paranoias parenting rules:
Dont murder your brothers pls
Do your chores or no snuggle time with ms peregrin
Glitter is always a yes
Insults are fine just make sure you dont overstep and make your brothers insecure
all of them are printed and then the last one is scrawled at the bottom in
If you get sick, tell him immediately bc he will find out and he will be the most obsessive parent to make sure you feel better ASAP
If your pronouns/name/function change, tell him immediately, he'll make sure you dont feel uncomfortable as well as he can
Duke dont put dish soap in honestys baked goods you know he cant digest it
It's a nice system for making chaos but keeping it manageable
They're all printed then the last one's scrawled in glitter gel pen and duke wrote a reply that said (I'm sorry yall dont have as good an immune system as I do)
There was a whole passive aggressive arguement on the bulletin for the next week before it got taken down to make room for dukes art
They eventually started just putting them up over each other and using magnets instead of thumbtacks
The entire bottom portion of the walls are painted in chalkboard paint so theres no unerasable drawing on the walls and the rest of the paint is magnetic so they can hang pieces everywhere
Dukes improving rapidly tho and doesnt like looking at his old art all the time so paranoia holds onto the drawings in several filing cabinets in case he ever wants to do redraws or needs his original prints to make something in the Imagination
also bc,,, sentimental
jus a little
Yeah bc "yes my child draws nothing but blood gore and new animals but hes a creative genius and I love all of his art"
Roman: anxiety I can see why you left
Paranoia: ??? What?? It's spoopy season??
Roman: there was BLOOD on the WALLS
Paranoia, internally: oh!!!! Duke perfected his blood recipe!!!!
Paranoia, externally: how did it taste?
Paranoia: if it tasted like lemons or citrus you need to stay off of most foods, stick to crackers and broth- don't eat anything heavy until you're sure you wont throw it up
Patton, who was making cereal: ????
Also!!!! @iliveinprocrasti-nation Thanks for helping me flesh this AU out!!!
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compassionately · 3 years
OK HI so im gonna send u this bc ur one of my cr mutuals but im thinking about making a mi//lk coo//kie rewrite/design and what are ur opinions on sorta making him like??? an antagonist???? not like evil or a bad guy persay but like where he had to do some fucked up shit in order to protect people he cares about??? hes very flawed in the way that his moral compass is a bit weird and he def doesn't get off easily in the end. hes fine but he has to face consequences for being a little shit regardless of his reasoning
what Ur thinking of isn't bad and I think that would be an alright step to take with his story rewrite but also I wanna say that more or less the big problem with milk is that he has imagery on his shield that offended a lot of people and was released next to an aggressive black coded character
so my suggestion would beeeeeeee... I think you should redesign him so that his shield is different if you're gonna do a redraw of him. so that way it's not offensive to anyone. and if you do that antagonist route then I think everything else should be fine in regards to milk since he won't really fall under the savior trope anymore if he's actually doing morally wrong things and then gets punished for it later 
otherwise I think that's an alright idea and I'm interested to see how it comes out :] 
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