#I’m fine w my legs but idk I feel like my family won’t love exposed hairy pits :
gothgamergaara · 1 year
Will be bare minimum girlmoding while in colombia for a family reunion and . I think I might have to buy a razor before I leave to shave my pits :/
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By a terrible casuality, s/o finds a porn magazine among Matsuno belongins. And it's not even his! It's full of kinks that they never knew he was into! They got all red, shaking... The poor thing is a blush mess. When Matsuno enters in the room, how would he react? Bonus:"Didn't knew you were into this.... Matsuno-san..."
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I've got two asks that are very similar, so I'm gonna answer them together if that's okay with you guys! I'll word it so it's like one day s/o finds on the Matsuno's brothers stashes, and then a few weeks later it's actually his they find ¯\(シ)/¯
I might put this under a cut because it gets very long very quick sksjsjsksj
*chugs coffee* LET'S GO
Magazine clattering to the ground, s/o turns to face Oso as he walks into the room. "H-hey fancy seeing you here ~" babe it's my house tf
Upon seeing the magazine, he'd initially freeze cus oh shit that's porn is it mi-
Then he'd snicker and point to it "Hey I think that's Ichimatsu's stash you got there-". Cue s/o going red.
Of course he'd be terrified at the thought that it had been his stash, but when it turns out that its not, he'll brush it off and laugh about it - adding in a cheeky "Hey where did you find that exactly, I need to know for, blackmail *cough* research purposes"
Strolling into the living room, Oso saw his s/o reading a magazine, cross-legged on the floor. Could have been a gossip magazine at that point for all he knew. Chuckling, he'd say "I hope that's not Ichi's stash again, don't want you mentally sca-"
He saw the cover and recognised it oh shit not this-
It was one of his this time.
He'd go over and gently pry it from their hands. "I don't think you want to be reading that s/o-". Imagine s/o just grabbing his shirt from behind like 'oh no you don't ~'
"Oh I don't, do I ? So you laugh at the other one but not this one, how peculiar~ Do you have maybe, an attachment to this one? You know, something like,,, it belongs to you~?" s/o would snicker. Oso would freeze momentarily, before darting upstairs to relocate his whole stash. "Not today, not any day, this is not a conversation I'm ready to have"
They might end up discussing it, but all it would boil down to is that Oso is stuck in his ways of the Virgin Neet, whether he has a s/o or not lmao
Karamatsu would scream. His beloved s/o was being mentally scarred by Choromatsu's stash. Bonus if his glasses just full on shatter at seeing that. He'd scream like that one shark puppet (you know the one) when his s/o asked him if he was really into all this idol and other,,, stuff. "NONONONONONO that's my brother's!! That's Choro's stash, you know him - he's the otaku of this family!!" he wouldn't even say buraza instead of brother, that's how serious(ly terrified) he'd be. Save him.
He'd also be quietly taking notes on the location though, just incase he ever had to get back at Choro for something,,I mean he's a sweetheart, but just incase because you know what brothers can be like, regardless of how nice they are ¯\(シ)/¯
A few weeks later, perhaps when going up to the roof together, he'd offer his s/o goes up first. His s/o goes up, he follows suit and suddenly bumps into their back as they stand frozen.
"S/o, are you okay my dar-" he'd follow their line of sight to his hastily hidden 'books'. He'd had to hide them haphazardly once and forgot to tidy them up clearly "- a-ah"
He couldn't even deny they were his, there was a glittery blue bookmark in one of them.
"s/o, I can explain-" he'd start rambling on and on, probably saying stuff like he was a sinful man, a guilt guy™
S/o would just deadpan and grab his cheeks, squishing them so he couldn't continue. "Look, Kara, you're a guy, so it's not something I'm surprised about. It's fine" he'd look relieved
"what I am surprised about though-" he'd feel instant dread again "- is your lack of finesse at hiding them, considering you have five brothers I'd have thought that you'd have that skill" s/o would chuckle at Kara going beetroot
Choromatsu would feel his legs almost leave from under him at the sight of his s/o kneeling next to one of those books.
He'd quickly go over and take it out of their sight. S/o would look up at Choro "H-hey sweetie, um I think I found one of your-" he'd stop them with a finger on their lips.
"You uh really shouldn't be reading these, they'll probably scar you. I'm concerned not only because this is porn, but mainly because this is actually Todo's. That's totally why I'm worried. It's Todomatsu's, and he's into some weird shit"
Mhm, he was worried because it was Totty's. Definitely not because he was scared that you might have found his. Not at allll~
Fast forward, and s/o is sat against the wall reading. Choro thinks nothing of it, and is sat across from them under the kotatsu. He looks up, and his s/o is looking at the book and,,, blushing ? But, isn't 'Orange' just a normal manga?
He'd quietly get up and look over the top of the 'book', only to find one of his *cough* idol magazines. He'd shriek.
"s-s/o! W-when did you, why are you, w-what the-" he'd die.
Just imagine s/o literally becoming the personification of ',:3c
"Ufufu, research purposes~ I'm done for now though, catch" Cue magazine incoming. He'd come back from the grave just to jump up and put it back behind the bookshelf.
His soul would leave his body immediately after. S/o, you just broke the poor frog
Ichimatsu would see his s/o with a magazine and freeze. And probably foam at the mouth. His soul would try and escape, but he'd stop it just long enough to literally leap and grab the magazine, not really caring who's it was but praying it wasn't his.
His s/o would likely be sat quietly wondering wth just happened, but would mumble "I didn't know you were into that-", which would cause Ichi to panic a little. Oh wait was it actually his?
Noticing it wasn't, he'd be relieved. He'd be worried again once he noticed a baseball sticker on there though - that's Jyushimatsu's.
"Oh, hah no no no, I'm not into this,,, this is Jyushimatsu's. You don't want to be reading that, my kitten. That stuff is weird and a tad dodgy on a lot of levels. As brothers we agree to not snoop or judge that much because otherwise we'd all need therapy" he'd laugh nervously, still recovering from the scare.
[continuing with the shitpost/teasing s/o trope because I love it now. These are sort of recations/sort of shitpost imagines]
Returning from the kitchen with a glass of water, imagine him just choking on the water as he sees s/o reading. Why, you may ask, it's just reading? Haha no, they found a certain magazine. That was definitely Ichimatsu's; it was by the cat food for christ sake, come on.
The magazine was quickly flung across the room. Ichi would be quietly going "nopenopenopenope-" under his breath. Not today not any day fU-
Glancing back at his s/o, somehow in the second he looked away, they had cat ears. They were teasing him are you actually serious rn s/o-
"I didn't know you were into that kind of stuff-" s/o makes cat paw gestures with their hands, becoming the ',:3c once again "-Ichinyatsu"
Ichi would uh probably low-key die a tad inside.
"Hey s/o, I'm her-" Jyushi would stop and go:
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at the book in s/o's line of view. He'd dash and swoop in to get rid of it before he was exposed, quickly trying to distract them.
Woah wait hang on, maybe I won't be exposed -
It's Karamatsu-niisan's
"I didn't realise you were into all thi-" "It's Karamatsu-niisan's, not mine" his voice would be slightly quiter than usual, and he'd sound a bit more serious. "Oh, I see. Well, that's rather embarrassing for Kara then!" s/o would nervously laugh. Jyushi would take the laugh and use it to distract. "Haha yeah, silly nii-san! He should have hidden it properly if he didn't want anyone to read it~!"
Returning home from the park, him and s/o would head upstairs (yknow, cus they were probably playing baseball and needed to change Idk). However, at the top of the stairs was stuff from the attic.
Shouting from the attic, Matsuyo would say "there's some stuff down here that needs tidying later, you and your brothers can sort your stuff, like books and whatnot"
Oh no she hasn't has she
Glancing at s/o, their face answered his question. Mom has totally just exposed them to the world hasn't she.
"I didn't know you were into this, Jyushi-"
His face would be a cross of the below:
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"Ah. T-That's not mine that's uh I don't know but it's not mine" s/o would snicker at this.
"Who else has baseball stickers, Jyushibee?
Sjksjsks caught red handed. He'd sigh in defeat. "Okay fine they're mine, but there's no way in hell you're knowing anymore than what's on the cover" he'd kick them back into the bug encyclopedia as he goes to get out of his baseball uniform. He'd leave s/o with a lot of questions. Bonus if s/o actually had a flick through the magazine while he was changing, and decided to tease him. Honestly a power move, some real guts there
Seeing his s/o reading on the floor, he'd coo sweetly "Oh s/o, what are you reading~?"
Ask a dumb question, you can tell by looking at the cover that it was not a book he would like his pure s/o to be reading.
Tutting, he'd take the magazine from s/o.
"tut tut s/o, I don't think you want to be reading that vile stuff. You're too pure for that"
S/o would smirk. "Oh, so they're not yours then? Thought it could count as research" Totty would be fighting a blush.
"Oh no, not those. They're stupid eldest's. I emphasise 'stupid' because he clearly didn't hide them properly, amateur"
After coming back from a cafe date, the living room had been left a mess by Todomatsu's older brothers who'd clearly been fighting at some point this afternoon. Stuff was everywhere.
Reluctantly, they'd both try and tidy up a tad. There were books everywhere, since one of the bookshelves had fell down.
Wait, not that bookshelf. Any but that bookshelf
But s/o had already made it to the bookshelf, and they were about to push it back up again when they noticed exactly what Todo didn't want them to
"Oh hey Totty, are these yours? They've got a pink ribbon around them staying 'do not touc-',, oh dear" it had dawned on s/o by the time Totty had took the books and pushed the shelf back up.
Sksjksjsjs I was literally writing these for the whole day in between bits of homework lmao
I hope they're okay for both anons!
- Mod Yuki ✨
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