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i entered @grav3yardgirl 8 MILLION SUBSCRIBER GIVEAWAY for the chance to win $14,000 in prizes! makeup, clothes, squishies & more! http://bit.ly/1H3t4iv
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MUST BE SUBSCRIBED TO ENTER! :D www.youtube.com/grav3yardgirl www.youtube.com/bananapeppers
WATCH THIS VIDEO TO SEE RULES/PRIZES! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRWA5HbNebk
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i entered @grav3yardgirl 8 MILLION SUBSCRIBER GIVEAWAY for the chance to win $14,000 in prizes! makeup, clothes, squishies & more! http://bit.ly/1H3t4iv
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       Why is the thought of living "anywhere but here" so inviting? Our poor parents try so hard to keep us grounded and safe, yet all we want to do is leave. We crave the unknown, and that's wonderful! But with all this craving going on do you think we will ever run out of unknown? Most people have reasons/excuses for leaving the "nest." I don't... Why do I need one? I want to leave, so I will. Maybe not right now, but I want to and I will not deny myself this simple pleasure. I am San Francisco bound. Why? Because I want to be...
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      I like to pretend that I'm fearless, but I've come to realize that that is impossible. There is always something to be afraid of. Some people say fear is a weakness. I don't believe fear is a weakness I guess it just depends on what you fear. For example: there are some cool people like Augustus Walters who fear oblivion, but then there are people like me who fear spiders (those scary little shits!)  In my opinion fearing oblivion is only natural thus making it a part of life not a weakness. Also in my opinion fearing spiders is natural... (I guess this isn't the best example) but I would say spiders are my weakness. My other weakness would be irritating people...
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                   Why do teachers correct us on our writing? It makes no sense, because at one point in time there was no correct way to spell/punctuate anything. I was once told that "authors can do whatever they want" so why cant I? Shakespeare made up words to get his plays to rhyme, but I'm not allowed to miss a comma?
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You know what is funny? In my life I have come to realize that there are 3 types of people. The Positive one, The Negative one, and The Realist. I'd like to believe that I myself am a Realist, but people can change. I use to date a Positive one.. the weird part about it was that the Positive one attracted all the Negative ones. (I guess that would make me a Negative one then right?) but then again... people change. Anyway I would watch this person let Negative people feed off of their energy. Then the Positive one would turn to me to ask for help, but then turn my advice down because I was being to cynical. For example they would comfort everyone and make irrational thoughts seem possible. It was all lies, a bunch of bull shit. The best part was that every Negative person would come to the Positive one with relationship advice! HA! When ours was falling to pieces! This person would comfort and counsel others, and no one even noticed how bad the advice really was! Now you may be thinking "you are just being too negative" and that's where I tell you "Newsflash! You are a positive person!" but in all honesty at one point in time I thought the very same thing. Until after I broke up with the Positive person after what I assumed was me turning into a realist (although this may have happened long before) they came up to me and said "wow you were right".... "REALLY!?!?! NO DUH!!!"  
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           Have you ever met someone that just gets you?
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                 Isn't it amazing that actors can pretend to be in love.... The worst part is that most of them do it so well. They fake it all. The look, the touch, the kiss. But how? I've seen child actors who can pretend to be in love 10X better than adults! They have no experience right? So how is this possible? Is it really that easy to pretend? And if love is so unexplainable and unique how can musicians sing about it so easily. But maybe that's it... it's not unique or special but it's needed. Maybe it's not love it's self but the person you are in love with...
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            More than anything I want someone to tell me "because of you I didn't give up" I want to be someones inspiration, and to spark determination in someone. I want to change lives for the better. who knows maybe I already have...
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           Isn't it the little things that brighten up your day? The effort they put towards remembering something as simple as your favorite color. Thats what matters the most right? It's the thought that counts.... 
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