#I’m going after the cleric wife next btw
confier-boyfriend · 11 months
Hate it when people bully my wizard husband. Sorry he’s a fucking nuclear bomb and a nerd just coming out of isolation. I feel sorry for him that you’re one of the first friends he’s had in a long time. Literally the best guy and you’re going to torment him.
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lyricalporcupine · 3 years
Have a scene for an upcoming fic about Skyspear Yasha au. Today was weird so I wrote this instead of working on the prompts. I’ll get to those tomorrow! I’m feeling better btw!
(Note: Takes place several weeks after the arranged marriage. There is an attack from another tribe and it’s the first real fight Beau’s been in. They haven’t had their first kiss yet, let alone had sex. This takes place before all that)
The last thing Beau remembered was an arrow piercing her belly, near her hip, a shout, and total darkness.
She woke some time later, though she’s not sure how much time had passed, in her bed. The furs were heavy but soothing, the familiar scent of animal musk and the sweat of herself and Yasha prominent deep in the fibers.
She felt a large, calloused hand holding hers and she took a deep breath and slowly blinked her eyes open. The hut was cast in its typical dimness. The ever present fire was softly crackling in the middle of it and when Beau turned her head toward it, she saw a large bodied silhouette.
“Yasha?” Her voice cracked, throat dry. She tried to swallow and her throat stuck, causing her to cough.
The hand holding hers pulled away and she watched, with bleary eyes, as the figure picked up a waterskin and held it up to Beau’s mouth.
“Drink,” came the familiar voice of her wife.
Beau raised her head and drank deeply from the canteen, her hand wrapped loosely around Yasha’s wrist. After a few deep gulps Beau pulled away and took a deep, shuddery breath.
“What happened,” Beau asked as she settled back into the bed. She blinked her eyes and her vision refocused and she watched as Yasha corked the waterskin and sat it aside.
Yasha herself resettled beside Beau, legs crossed. “You were hit with a poison tipped arrow,” Yasha said softly. “We thought—“ Yasha paused, swallowed and tried again. “I thought I was going to lose you.”
“How long have I been knocked out,” Beau asked, her voice still rough.
“Half a day,” Yasha replied. “Give or take an hour. After the healers did all they could I moved you to our bed.”
Beau reached for Yasha’s hand and the barbarian quickly gave it, her grip light. “Have you been here the whole time, watching over me?”
Yasha’s gaze fell to the bed and she gave a small grunt. “Mostly. I did have some matters to tend to that couldn’t wait. There are more I need to deal with.”
Beau nodded and released Yasha’s hand. She tried to push up into a sitting position and hissed in pain. “Fuck.”
Yasha was immediately hovering over her. “Be careful,” she said softly. “Please.”
Beau groaned and moved the blanket from her lap. She found a bandage wrapped around her belly and down around her hip and upper thigh. The bandage was stained a light red and she looked up at Yasha. “What did the poison do?”
“I was told it kept your blood from clotting,” Yasha answered. “There’s also a chance the wound may be infected. It’s a very large gash.”
“Greeeat,” Beau snarked flatly.
Yasha reached out and gently laid her hand where she knew the wound was. Her palm began to glow and warmth flowed from Yasha and seeped deep into Beau’s skin, even through the bandage. Beau felt the pain severely lessen even if it didn’t fade completely.
“That feels great,” Beau said with a groan. When Yasha pulled her hand away, Beau looked up at her. “You have healing magic?”
“Some,” Yasha said softly. Her eyes were still cast down and she wouldn’t meet Beau’s gaze. “The healers in the tribe are good at what they do. They saved your life. But I’ve been trying to find a cleric. It’s been difficult. Not many people want to be part of semi-nomadic tribe in the wastelands.”
Beau reached for Yasha’s hand and, once again, Yasha feeely gave it. “I do,” Beau said softly.
That got a small smile from Yasha and she gently squeezed Beau’s hand. “After today, I’d say you’ve earned your place in our tribe.”
Beau smirked. “I didn’t earn it by marrying you?”
Yasha’s smile turned into a smirk. “Sadly, no. In fact, that made the other tribe members more wary of you. They wanted you to go through the standard trials to induct you into our clan.”
“You couldn’t have convinced them otherwise,” Beau asked.
Yasha gave a small shrug. “I could have. And considered it. But a lot of them do not like what I’ve done with the clan since taking over. They think I’m soft.”
Beau’s eyes dropped to Yasha’s hand still held in her own. She flipped it over and began tracing her fingers along the various grooves along Yasha’s palms. “I remember you telling me our wedding night that the Skyspear position isn’t hereditary.”
“That is correct,” Yasha said.
“So how did you become the Skyspear?”
Finally, Yasha looked up at Beau. Her eyes were hard, cold, but it wasn’t directed Beau herself. “I killed the last one.”
Beau’s eyebrows raised. “Can I ask why?”
“It is tradition,” Yasha said. “To gain a new Skyspear, you have to slay the previous one. That’s how it’s always been.”
“Alright,” Beau said. “But I have a feeling something happened to make you challenge her. You don’t seem like the type to want the power.”
Yasha shook her head. “I did not.”
Yasha fell silent and Beau waited. When it became apparent that Yasha wasn’t going to elaborate, Beau decided to prod her a bit. “What changed your mind?”
Yasha’s eyes fell again. She was silent for a long while but Beau could tell it was because she was considering her words.
“Tribal life is hard,” Yasha began. “There are certain rules and oaths one takes when committing to the clan. To become a member you undergo severe trials. Survive them and you become a member of the clan and earn your name. Before becoming the Skyspear, my clan name was Orphanmaker.” As she spoke her old name, sadness tinged Yasha’s voice and Beau gently squeezed her hand.
“Once you become a member,” Yasha continued, “you vow celibacy until an appropriate mate is chosen for you.”
“You don’t get to choose your own spouse,” Beau asked, disbelieving.
Yasha shook her head. “No.”
Beau picked up on the grief in Yasha’s tone and quickly put things together. “But you did anyway. Didn’t you?”
Yasha smiled at Beau’s quick mind. “I did.”
“What was her name,” Beau asked gently.
Yasha’s smile grew and became wistful. “Zuala,” she said quietly.
“Can I ask what happened to her,” Beau asked softly. “I’ll understand if it’s too painful to discuss.”
Yasha surprised her by shaking her head. “It is painful but. I want you to know.
“We married, in secret,” Yasha explained. “And we were happy, for a while.”
Yasha’s face fell and Beau knew why. “You were found out.” It wasn’t a question but Yasha nodded slowly.
“We were.”
Beau’s heart sank. She was sure she knew how this played out but found herself asking anyway, “What happened?”
Yasha took a deep breath and released it slowly. “We were taken into custody and held for a day. Or less. I’m not sure. Then the Skyspear called for Zuala and she was taken from the cell.
“I managed to escape,” Yasha continued and Beau could hear the emotion causing Yasha’s throat to thicken. “I ran to where they had taken her, which was to the executioner. But I was too late. I watched, too terrified to move, as they killed her.”
Beau felt her eyes burn, bison blurring slightly from tears. “Yasha…”
Yasha shook her head slightly but continued. “I’m…unsure what happened after that, exactly. It’s a blur. I blacked out and the next thing I remember was standing over the Skyspear, my sword plunged into her chest and hearing her gasp for breath.
“More fights happened after that,” Yasha continued. “Some clan members claimed I was the new Skyspear. Others said I had betrayed the clan. Some of them attacked me and I fought to defend myself. Most of them did not survive.
“To make a long story…slightly less long, I became the new Skyspear. I changed a lot of things. No more assigned mates, for starters.”
“Yeah, I can see why you changed that,” Beau said.
Yasha smiled at her. “I also put a stop to the children fighting.”
“The kids fought,” Beau asked, surprised and slightly aghast.
Yasha nodded. “I fought many other children while I was a child. Most of those fights were to the death.”
Beau’s welted widened and her mouth hung open. “You killed other kids?!”
Yasha’s head hung with shame. “I was being primed as the Skyspear’s greatest weapon.”
“And then she totally fucked you over,” Beau said.
Yasha shrugged. “I knew the rules. So did Zuala. But.”
“The heart wants what it wants,” Beau said softly, to which Yasha nodded.
They sat in silence for several moments. Beau was lightly running her thumb across Yasha’s knuckles when Yasha finally spoke up.
“I was scared.”
Beau looked up from Yasha’s hand. “Scared?”
Yasha nodded. “I saw you get hit with the arrow. And when you fell I feared I had lost you.”
Yasha looked up at Beau and the human could see fear in Yasha’s eyes. But there was something else there, too, that caused Beau’s breath to catch.
Yasha pulled her hand from Beau’s, only to flip their positions and to hold Beau’s hand in hers. “I have grown fond of you, Beauregard. Far more so than I expected, especially given how little time we’ve known each other.” Yasha’s eyes fell shut and she took a deep breath and blew it out of her nose. “I do not wish for you to get hurt.”
Beau reached out with her other hand and lightly gripped Yasha’s wrist. The barbarian’s other hand lightly laid across Beau’s, gently holding it in its place. “Y-yeah,” Beau said, stuttering slightly, feeling her heart beat rapidly against her ribs. “I like you, too, Yash.”
Yasha gave Beau a small but genuine smile. She squeezed Beau’s hand before gently pulling hers away. “I have to go,” she said, quickly standing.
Beau’s heart immediately sank. “You’re leaving?”
Yasha sighed as she made her way to the yurt’s leather flap that acted as a door. “I need to check with the healers and see how the others are doing.” She turned back to Beau. “You wish me to stay?”
“Of course I want you to stay,” Beau said softly, almost sadly.
Yasha looked at her for a moment, then to the flap, and back to Beau again. She moved back to the bed and bent forward. She raised one hand and gently cradled the back of Beau’s skull and leaned down to place soft kiss at Beau’s hairline. Yasha pulled away only to press her forehead against Beau’s in a tender gesture.
“I’ll be quick,” she whispered before pulling away and quickly headed outside.
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diceofthedragon · 5 years
I wanna hear about your new wlw character!!!
oh!!! yes!!! thank you!!!
so there are 4 queer ladies (...so far) and i’ll judt go in order of when i made them
1. Gwenora Evenwood: half-elf bard
she’s a bastard. no literally her father cheated on his wife with an elven woman and now here she is
she grew up with her human father and his family feeling like an outcast, but found solice in her youngest sister Theophania and had a strong bond
found her love of music by sneaking out to a concert of sorts and when she was 19 left her town to travel with musicians and learn magic (tried to take her sister with her, but couldn’t)
when she returned to her town, she found that her sister had been killed— murdered in fact. her lightheartedness masks her pain and need for vengeance
she has golden eyes and slightly tanner skin with blonde hair that hangs short
Bisexual Disaster™. no one is safe
2. Elyk Frostgar: human ranger
she first met a ranger when she was 8, when a group of adventures came across her village in the mountains and cured her and the town of a magical disease
started idolizing adventurers and wanting to become one, training for when she could be one
eventually, when giants came and attempted to ravage her village, she fought them off successfully, but not before her home was destroyed— her mother inside
after her death she closed herself off, partially blaming herself partially understanding that fate must run it’s course (believer of Raven Queen btw)
she sought solitary in the woods, but found none when a giant white wolf she nursed back to health latches on to her. his name is Castor, and he’s a sweetie.
light brown skin with dark hair and eyes, hair usually pulled back with a half up brain
Dumb Lesbian. (she has a charisma of 8)
oh god this is a long post. im so sorry
3. Eraline Threston: tiefling rogue
grew up in a teeny tiny and very religious village. in fact, both of her (human!) parents are clerics that serve the mecca many people travel to pay homage to
unfortunately, before she was born her mother made a deal with a devil. yeah. so imagine their surprise when their baby girl comes out a fucking demon
parents loved her regardless, but she was treated so poorly by others that she rarely left the house. when she was 14, she and her mother left for the city for her safety and to perhaps find a solution
she stayed there for 2 years. more comfortable and able to be in public, but those feelings of self hatred never went away. so of course a self conscious demon teenage girl is a perfect recruit for the crime underworld, right?
she gets sucked in, thinking it’s just this rebellious community but ends up being trained to be an assassin, even killing people
but after 2 years, her mother finds an artifact from a foreign seller: a rare amulet that casts disguise self without limitation. it costs all their money, but eraline can look human now and return to her village. but leaving the underworld has consequences, and now she must run
tiefling form she is purplish-red with dark red hair and eyes, with long gazelle-like horns that curve around her skull and point towards her back. human form she is dirty blonde with green eyes and freckles, where her horns should be are instead thick braids
biromantic asexual queen
okay i’m sorry i’m almost done (the next one is my most recent and i’m low-key obsessed with it)
4. Leoma “Leo” Han: human monk
she was born illegally, in a way. her mother was training to become a master in a monastery and having romantic or sexual relations in that position is forbidden. yet here we are.
her mother kept her a secret, and Leo was raised with her aunt and uncle, her mother coming to visit sometimes. she was never warm, never matronly. but god did Leo want to impress her and make her proud
Leo entered the monastery when she 14, the youngest age possible and trained in their knowledge and basic defense. she and her class graduated at the age of 21, afterwards there were many paths to choose from. some left and traveled, some became mercenaries, some stayed and worked in the libraries of the monastery.
but the path that leo was chosen for was the greatest: shadowdancer. an elite monk that is trained to know the secrets of fighting and even magic, one day even becoming a master. as tradition, leo was offered a year to contemplate the offer, during which she traveled the continent.
she returns now, ready to accept. but a part of her wonders if she really wants to, or is she just trying to impress her mother?
she has lighter brown skin and an abundance of freckles all over her face, a brown birthmark over her left eye as well. she has smaller, warm brown eyes and dark curly red hair
that’s all!! sorry for the long post
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